Department of Medicine, Landspitali - The National University Hospital of Iceland and University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland; 2Department of Cardiology, Cliniques du Sud-
Luxembourg, Arlon, Belgium; 3Division of Cardiology, Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Policlinico di Modena,
Modena, Italy; 4Department of Arrhythmia Services, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore, MD, USA; 5Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Groote Schuur
Hospital and University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa; 6Department of Cardiology, University of Warwick, Warwickshire, UK; 7Department of Rhythmology, Hôpital
Universitaire La Timone, Marseille, France; 8Department of Cardiology, The Heart Centre, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark; 9Department
of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; 10Antwerp University Hospital, University of Antwerp, Edegem,
Belgium; 11Clı́nica RedSalud Vitacura and Hospital el Carmen de Maipú, Santiago, Chile; 12Department of Cardiology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia;
Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia; 14Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science, University of Liverpool and Liverpool Heart &
Chest Hospital, Liverpool, UK; 15Aalborg Thrombosis Research Unit, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark; 16Department Cardiology (Electrophysiology), Mediclinic Midstream
Hospital, Centurion, South Africa; 17Cardiology, University Hospital Rangueil, Toulouse, France; 18Cardiology Clinic, Clinical Center of Serbia, School of Medicine, University of
Belgrade, Serbia; 19Service de Cardiologie, Institut Lyric, CHU de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France; 20Centre for Heart Rhythm Disorders, South Australian Health and Medical
Research Institute, University of Adelaide and Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia; 21Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, USA; 22Service de Cardiologie et Laboratoire d’Electrophysiologie Cardiaque, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Trousseau et Université François Rabelais, Tours,
France; 23Department of Cardiology, Center for Cardiological Innovation and Institute for Surgical Research, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; 24Institute of Clinical
Received 18 February 2019; editorial decision 20 February 2019; accepted 24 February 2019
Asymptomatic arrhythmias are frequently encountered in clinical practice. Although studies specifically dedicated to these asymptomatic
arrhythmias are lacking, many arrhythmias still require proper diagnostic and prognostic evaluation and treatment to avoid severe conse-
quences, such as stroke or systemic emboli, heart failure, or sudden cardiac death. The present document reviews the evidence, where
available, and attempts to reach a consensus, where evidence is insufficient or conflicting.
Keywords Arrhythmias • Asymptomatic • Asystole • Atrial fibrillation • Atrial tachyarrhythmias • Bradycardia •
Extrasystoles • Heart failure • Stroke • Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy • Ventricular tachycardia •
Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome
Recently, there has been a rapid increase in the number of medi- one randomized trial, or is supported by strong observational evi-
cal devices and accessories that are available directly to consumers dence that it is beneficial and effective. A yellow heart indicates
and can aid in evaluating heart rate or even record a rhythm strip. general agreement and/or scientific evidence favouring a ‘may do
These devices have the potential to increase the diagnostic yield of this’ statement or the usefulness/efficacy of a treatment or proce-
heart rhythm disturbances and increase the prevalence of asymp- dure. A ‘yellow heart’ symbol may be supported by randomized
tomatic arrhythmias, perhaps even substantially, in the coming trials based on a small number of patients or results which are per-
years. haps not widely applicable. Treatment strategies for which there is
and nocebo effects of therapeutic interventions are not controlled The pathophysiologic basis for this significant variation in threshold
for in most studies on symptoms. for symptoms is not known. It is also unknown if genetic influences
There are many possible contributing factors in determining play a role in whether arrhythmias cause symptoms or not.
whether arrhythmias might cause symptoms or not. The type and or- However, cultural variations between populations, ethnicity, or edu-
igin of the arrhythmia likely plays a part in determining whether it is cational level certainly all play a role in the perception and expression
symptomatic or not. The presence of various cardiovascular disor- of medical symptoms. There is growing evidence suggesting an asso-
ders leading to systolic or diastolic dysfunction may also play an im- ciation between psychosocial factors and the risk of cardiac arrhyth-
In the same cohort from the Copenhagen study but with a longer
median follow-up of 14.4 years, Larsen et al.22 found that excessive
atrial ectopic activity was associated with a two-fold increase in the Consensus statement Symbol References
adjusted risk of stroke. Interestingly, less than 15% of patients with a
Patients with a high PAC burden (>500/24 , Expert
high number of PACs and stroke had a clinical diagnosis of AF prior
h) on Holter monitor should be consid- consensus
to their stroke. Furthermore, the annual stroke risk in patients with
ered at increased risk for developing of
excessive atrial ectopic activity in combination with a CHA2DS2-
An initial evaluation of the patient with asymptomatic pre- Discussions on this subject have so far failed to reach a clear con-
excitation could include an exercise stress test and/or a 24-h Holter sensus. It is of importance to this discussion to understand that abla-
monitor looking for an accessory pathway block with increasing heart tion can be performed with exceedingly low risk in the modern era
rate and intermittent accessory pathway conduction over the 24 h. and as an example there was only one major complication reported
Both are indicative of a long effective refractory period (ERP) of the in the above registry in 2169 patients.44 In a systematic review on risk
pathway. The individual with intermittent pre-excitation during sinus stratification for arrhythmic events in patients with asymptomatic
rhythm is generally considered to be at very low risk for SCD. pre-excitation for the 2015 ACC/AHA/HRS guidelines on SVT, it
Atrial fibrillation and flutter Although the presence of AF symptoms may not be driven only by
concomitant cardiac and non-cardiac conditions but also by patient-
Asymptomatic AF usually refers to AF that is incidentally discovered related psychological and somatic factors,63,64 available data suggest
during routine clinical examination or detected by screening and that asymptomatic AF could portend a less favourable prognosis,
recorded for > _30 s via surface ECG method(s)5,6,47 (Table 3). These with greater morbidity and mortality than symptomatic AF (Table 4),
patients with asymptomatic AF detected by surface ECG are usually possibly due to a later referral for thrombo-embolic risk stratification
thought to have a higher arrhythmia burden, sufficient to be detected and therapeutic intervention.
Table 3 Detection of asymptomatic AF: clinical setting, screening methods, and screening tools
Detection of asymptomatic AF
Clinically detected Screen-detected
....................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................
Clinical setting • Clinical visit for other reasons Screening • Pulse check Screening • Clinical (patient history, risk
(e.g. acute illness, cardiovas- methods • Opportunistic screening tools scores, pulse checking, and
cular risk factor management, • Screening of a pre-defined BP measurement)
and regular follow-up visit) population at increased risk • Single-lead ECG (electrical
• Preparation for surgery or an of AF (e.g. the elderly, post- stick, monitor, monitoring
invasive intervention stroke patients) patch, and watch-like
• Self-detected by home BP • Community screening of all recorder)
measurement or pulse subjects living in a specific • Multi-lead ECG (Holter mon-
checking area itoring, and multielectrode
• Systematic screening of the belt)
population • Loop recoder
Detection of subclinical AF and AHREs
Clinical setting • Patients implanted with a Screening • Opportunistic screening in Screening • Pacemaker
CIED (e.g. anti-bradycardia methods patients implanted with a tools • ICD
PM, and ICD) for other CIED for other reasons • Implantable loop monitor
reasons • Targeted screening for AF in • Telemetry of an ICM
• Patients implanted with a car- patients at increased risk of
diac monitoring device due to AF (e.g. post an embolic
symptoms suggestive of an stroke—ESUS)
arrhythmia, post-syncope,
Asymptomatic AF refers to AF diagnosed by conventional means while subclinical AF is used to denote AF diagnosed by implantable devises only.
AF, atrial fibrillation; AHRE, atrial high-rate episodes; BP, blood pressure; CIED, cardiac implantable electronic device; ECG, electrocardiography; ESUS, embolic stroke of unde-
termined aetiology; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; ICM, implantable cardiac monitor; PM, pacemaker.
Table 4 Baseline characteristics and outcomes in asymptomatic AF patients: post hoc analyses of RCTs and observational studies
Study/post hoc analysis AFFIRM RACE Olmsted Belgrade UK-CPRDa EORP-AF Pilot ORBIT-AF Olmsted County Fushimi AF
(publication date) (2005)53 (2014)56 County (2011)60 AF (2013)55 (2014)65 (2015)58 (2016)57 (2016)2 Registry (2017)59
Study type RCT, RCT, Retrospective Single-centre, Administrative International International Retrospective Community-
post hoc post hoc first-onset AF dataset registry registry based survey
Cohort size (n) 4060 522 4618 1100 30 260 3119 10 087 476 3749
Asymptomatic AF (%) 12 30 25 13.3 18.4a 39.7 38.2 33.8 52.6
Follow-up (mean) (years) 3.5 2.3 ± 0.6 9.9±6.1 <_3 1 Median 1.8 Median 6.0 3.0
Baseline characteristics of patients with asymptomatic AF
Male predominance
Older age
Non-paroxysmal AF
Slower heart rate
More comorbidity
Higher stroke risk
Treatment differences
Rate control
Rhythm control
Outcomes (asymptomatic AF vs. comparatorb)
AF progression 1.6 (1.1-2.2)
Stroke 6% vs. 7% 2.1 (1.2–3.9) 19.4 vs. 8.4a 23.8% vs. 29.7% 1.13 (0.87–1.46) 2.6 (1.1–6.1) 1.28 (0.82–2.01)
Mortality 1.07 (0.79–1.46) 5% vs. 8% 0.8 (0.4–1.9) 40.1 vs. 20.9a 9.4% vs. 4.2% 1.00 (0.86–1.16) 4.0 (2.3–6.9) 1.71 (1.31–2.29)
MI 9.0 vs. 6.5a 1.05 (0.72–1.53)
Heart failure 0% vs. 6% 0.7 (0.4–1.1) 0.96 (0.65–1.44)
Major bleeding 4% vs. 4% 7.7 vs. 4.0a 1.21 (1.02–1.45) 1.18 (0.74–1.90)
Asymptomatic AF
Figure 1 The Atrial fibrillation Better Care (ABC) pathway depicting some key components of AF management. aTo aid the choice between VKAs
and NOACs, the SAMeTT2R2 score, assigning 1 point each to female sex, age of <60 years, history of two or more co-morbidities (i.e. hypertension,
diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease/myocardial infarction, peripheral arterial disease, congestive heart failure, previous stroke, pulmonary dis-
ease, and hepatic or renal disease) and treatment with drugs interacting with VKAs (e.g. amiodarone) and 2 points each for current or recent tobacco
use and non-Caucasian ethnicity, can be used. A score of >2 is predictive of poor TTR, all-cause mortality and composite endpoint of thromboembo-
lism, major bleeding, and mortality.69 bSeveral ongoing randomized studies are investigating the effects of rhythm control using AF ablation on AF-re-
lated outcomes: The CABANA (Catheter Ablation versus Anti-arrhythmic Drug Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation) trial is testing the hypothesis that AF
ablation is superior to rate or rhythm control drug therapy for reducing the incidence of the composite endpoint of all-cause mortality, disabling
stroke, serious bleeding or cardiac arrest (NCT009911508); The EAST (Early Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation for Stroke Prevention) trial is comparing
an early, structured rhythm control strategy based on antiarrhythmic drugs and catheter ablation versus usual care for the prevention of AF-related
complications (NCT1288352); in the OAT (Oral Anticoagulation Therapy) Study, AF patients with a CHADS2 score of > _2 or a CHA2DS2-VASc of
_3 are randomized to OAC or no OAC at 3 months after successful AF ablation (NCT01959425). AF, atrial fibrillation; DC, direct current; NOAC,
non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants; OAC, oral anticoagulant therapy; TTR, time in therapeutic range; VKA, vitamin K antagonist.
Oral anticoagulant therapy (OAC) using either vitamin K antago- Whether OAC can be stopped after an AF ablation procedure is
nists (VKAs) or the non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants uncertain, especially since AF recurrences are common, and may be
(NOACs), dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban, or edoxaban effectively asymptomatic. Hence current guidelines recommend continuation of
reduces stroke, systemic embolism, and mortality in AF patients at in- OAC in the presence of stroke risk factors, irrespective of the appar-
creased risk of stroke.71,72 Compared to VKAs, NOACs exert ent success of rhythm-control interventions.77 The OCEAN trial is
broadly similar efficacy, but are safer with less intracranial bleeding, an ongoing multicentre randomized controlled trial evaluating two
and more convenient for long-term use.72,73 The decision to use antithrombotic treatment strategies (rivaroxaban vs. aspirin) for
OAC for thromboprophylaxis in AF patients depends on the pres- patients with risk factors for stroke after apparently successful AF
ence of CHA2DS2-VASc stroke risk factors, but not on arrhythmia- ablation.78
related symptoms.47,68,70 In observational studies of asymptomatic With the greater availability of screening tools, asymptomatic indi-
AF, OAC use vs. no therapy has been associated with a significant re- viduals will be increasingly diagnosed with paroxysmal AF that would
duction in stroke and mortality,65 and residual stroke risk was similar be missed by a routine ECG/Holter recording.5,6,76 The incremental
among anticoagulated AF patients and matched non-AF controls.74 burden of AF, reflected by the clinical types of AF (from paroxysmal,
Good long-term adherence to OACs75 may be particularly challeng- to persistent and to permanent AF), has been associated with
ing in asymptomatic patients but in a study of screening detected AF, increasing risk of stroke in post hoc analyses of randomized clinical
the 5-year adherence to OAC was 88% and stroke rates significantly trials,79–87 AF registries,88–91 and a meta-analysis of 12 studies.92
declined.76 Although generally lower in paroxysmal AF compared to non-
10 D.O. Arnar et al.
paroxysmal AF (Figure 2A and B), the annual stroke rates among non- The decision to perform an AF ablation in asymptomatic patients
anticoagulated patients with paroxysmal AF and > _1 CHA2DS2-VASc should be a shared informed process that considers not only poten-
stroke risk score79–81 (Figure 2A) is sufficiently high to merit OAC tial benefits (pending further evidence from randomized studies), but
use.47,68 Of note, major bleeding rates among anticoagulated AF also the risk of serious procedure-related complications (<_4%) and
patients were broadly similar across AF types82–85,92 (Figure 2C). patient’s values and preferences for treatment and outcomes63
Incremental AF burden has been also associated with increased risk (Figure 1). Notwithstanding that the exact AF duration before diagno-
of TICMP,93,94 heart failure (HF),55,95–98 cognitive impairment/de- sis is difficult to establish in asymptomatic patients, AF ablation in
of composite of death, disabling stroke, serious bleeding, or cardiac to patients with asymptomatic AF
arrest, although symptoms were improved in the ablation arm. The with fast AV conduction in order to
results of the CABANA trial, although presented, have yet to be attempt to decrease risk of tachycar-
published. dia-induced cardiomyopathy.
Whether (and how) asymptomatic AF patients could benefit from Ablation might be proposed to selected 77
, Expert
AF ablation still needs to be established. Incidental diagnosis of AF patients with asymptomatic AF, based opinion
may trigger symptoms in susceptible patients as they become aware on patient’s preferences, after de-
of a heart condition,137 and even failed AF ablation may have a pla- tailed informed consent.
cebo effect in such patients.138 A challenge with rhythm control (e.g.
using electrical cardioversion) could identify apparently asymptom- AF, atrial fibrillation; AV, atrioventricular.
A 4.5%
3.5% 3.3%
a a
Paroxysmal AF Persistent AF Permanent AF
B 4.5%
2.0% 1.83%
1.73% 1.73%
1.52% 1.49% 1.55% 1.49%
1.5% 1.30%
0.98% 0.93%
1.0% 0.90%
a a
Paroxysmal AF Persistent AF Permanent AF
C 4.0%
3.6% 3.6%
3.5% 3.3% 3.3%
a a
Paroxysmal AF Persistent AF Permanent AF
Figure 2 Annual stroke rates across the clinical AF types in non-anticoagulated (A) and anticoagulated (B) patients with AF and major bleeding rates
per AF clinical type in patients taking OAC (C). (A) Stroke rates per AF clinical type in non-anticoagulated patients. (B) Stroke rates per AF clinical type in
anticoagulated patients. (C) Bleeding rates per AF clinical type in anticoagulated patients. aEvent rates are reported jointly for persistent and permanent
AF (also shown as gradient bar). Dotted line shows the threshold for (N)OAC use. Active-A/W, Atrial Fibrillation Clopidogrel trial With irbesartan for
Prevention of Vascular Events Aspirin/Warfarin; AVERROES, Apixaban Versus Acetylsalicylic Acid to Prevent Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation Patients Who
Have Failed or Are Unsuitable for Vitamin K Antagonist Treatment; SPAF, Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation; ARISTOTLE, Apixaban for Reduction
in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Events in Atrial Fibrillation; ROCKET-AF, Rivaroxaban Once Daily Oral Direct Factor Xa Inhibition Compared
With Vitamin K Antagonism for Prevention of Stroke and Embolism Trial in Atrial Fibrillation; ENGAGE AF, Effective Anticoagulation With Factor Xa
Next Generation in Atrial Fibrillation; RE-LY, Randomized Evaluation of Long-Term Anticoagulation Therapy; AMADEUS, Evaluating the Use of
SR34006 Compared to Warfarin or Acenocoumarol in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation; SPORTIF, Stroke Prevention using Oral Thrombin Inhibitor in
Atrial Fibrillation.
12 D.O. Arnar et al.
from study to study.6,47,141 In the ASSERT study, AHREs were de- NOACs in CIED patients with 6 min to 24 h of AHRE and with addi-
fined as episodes of at least 5 min of atrial rate >180 b.p.m., detected tional risk factors, but without documented AF.148,149 The results of
by the continuous monitoring by cardiac implantable electronic devi- these studies are expected in 2021. No studies to date have sug-
ces (CIEDs),6 while AF was defined by an episode lasting at least 30 s gested any benefit of any rhythm-control strategy, including any anti-
on an ECG with irregular RR intervals with no discernible, distinct P arrhythmic drug or ablation, in these asymptomatic patients.
waves.47 This can be either in the presence (overt AF) or absence
(asymptomatic AF) of symptoms typically associated with AF (i.e. pal-
patients had a high PVC burden (>20%), 105 had a moderate bur-
den (5–20%), and 88 patients had a low PVC burden (1–5%).
in LVEF by at least 6%) at follow-up. Patients with a high PVC bur-
den >20% were more likely to develop LV dysfunction but this
16% (sensitivity 100%, specificity 87%)
24% (sensitivity 79%, specificity 78%)
29.3 ± 14.6%
31 ± 11%
26 ± 12%
22 ± 10%
17 ± 12%
8.1 ± 7.4
52 (LVEF <50%)
the bar at > _500 PVCs to trigger an extensive workup for underlying
disease, given the findings in athletes with a 2000 PVCs/24 h cut-
No. of
Park et al.170
Ban et al.167
Lie et al.169
Ventricular tachycardia
Consensus statements Symbol References The definition of NSVT constitutes three or more consecutive ven-
................................................................................................. tricular beats at a rate of greater than 100 b.p.m. with a duration of
Asymptomatic patients with frequent less than 30 s. The prevalence of asymptomatic NSVT varies from
PVCs (>500 per 24 h) should be re- 0.7% (healthy army population) to 10% (in a geriatric population) in
ferred to a specialist for further evalu- patients without known heart disease.175–177 On the other hand, it is
PVC ≥500/24h
yes no
Figure 3 Evaluation of patients with >500 premature ventricular contractions per 24 h. There is no defined set of ‘minimal investigations’, but con-
ceptually three axes of evaluation need to be explored (imaging, electrical, and genetic) and investigations considered on an a case to case basis. CV,
cardiovascular; ECG, electrocardiography; EP, electrophysiology; LV, left ventricular; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging PVC, premature ventricular
16 D.O. Arnar et al.
CPVT, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia; ms, milliseconds; NSVT, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia; PVC, premature ventricular contractions; VT, ven-
tricular tachycardia.
The goal of the evaluation is to try to identify an electrical cardiac channelopathy.190 However, when asymptomatic, some patients
disorder and rule out underlying heart disease, primarily coronary ar- with very frequent or incessant NSVT may develop TICMP over
tery stenosis. Suggested first- and second-line evaluations are pre- time.191 Pending symptoms or alteration in ventricular function, ob-
sented in Table 8. First-line investigations include clinical evaluation servation with no specific therapy is perfectly acceptable, although
associated with a 12 lead ECG, rhythm monitoring (e.g. Holter moni- follow-up is mandatory.
tor), echocardiogram, laboratory testing with or without an exercise Polymorphic NSVT in the absence of heart disease or channelop-
stress test depending on the situation. Second-line investigations may athy is unusual but requires detailed evaluation and in most cases
include coronary artery angiography or cardiac MRI/CT scan to rule treatment. Malignant polymorphic VT is extremely rare in asymp-
out subtle heart disease such as focal cardiomyopathy. tomatic patients, with premature beats triggering polymorphic VT
Pharmacological testing may be considered in the absence of struc- usually arising from the RVOT or the Purkinje network192 with, but
tural heart disease to evaluate for an inherited arrhythmic disorder. not always, short coupling intervals.193,194 In those patients who are
This may include ajmaline and if not available flecainide testing to un- asymptomatic, the possibility of quinidine, ablation, and/or ICD
cover Brugada syndrome.179 Other types of pharmacological testing should be discussed with expert electrophysiologists after elimination
such as epinephrine for diagnosing LQTS180 and isoproterenol for of reversible causes.
the diagnosis of arrhythmias in ARVC have been described.181 In patients with structural heart disease, the presence of asymp-
However, due to an associated risk of inducing life-threatening ven- tomatic arrhythmias usually is a more ominous sign. No antiarrhyth-
tricular arrhythmias these pharmacologic tests should only be done mic drugs, except beta-blockers, have been shown to decrease
by experts under optimal circumstances. Genetic testing may also be mortality in patients with asymptomatic ventricular arrhythmia and
proposed but should be performed on careful clinical indications and structural heart disease. Optimal medical therapy including beta-
in dedicated centres with the experience to interpret results and blocker, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors ± mineralo-
with the ability to provide genetic counselling. The use of signal- corticoid receptor antagonist is the first step in individuals with im-
averaged ECG has decreased but might be considered in special cir- paired LV systolic function. After ruling out acute coronary artery
cumstances, such as to search for concealed underlying structural stenosis, an ICD is indicated for sustained VT without a reversible
heart disease (e.g. ARVC). cause in those with LVEF <35%. However, in case of mild structural
Management of asymptomatic ventricular arrhythmias largely heart disease with LVEF >40% and well-tolerated VT, VT ablation
depends on whether structural heart disease is present or not. In alone has sometimes been proposed in ischaemic cardiomyopathy195
individuals without structural heart disease, non-sustained and some- and ARVC.196 This, however, needs to be determined on a case-by-
times repetitive idiopathic VT are usually adenosine-sensitive, based case basis.
on cAMP mediated triggered activity, often aggravated by exercise or Table 9 summarizes the treatment for asymptomatic patients with
emotional stress. They mainly originate from the right or LVOT, al- NSVT depending on the underlying substrate. Non-sustained ventric-
though there are exceptions.182–184 Rarely, verapamil-sensitive fascic- ular tachycardia in an asymptomatic patient with a LVEF > _ 40% does
ular VT presents as non-sustained salvos.185–188 usually not require specific antiarrhythmic therapy, but optimization
Prognosis is usually considered benign in those that have no clear of the treatment of the underlying heart disease.202 However, the
heart disease,176,189 although some cases of sudden death have been prognostic value of an EP study in patients with ischaemic cardiomy-
described, possibly reflecting an undetected cardiomyopathy or opathy and a LVEF >40% is currently being investigated.210 Despite
EHRA position paper: management of asymptomatic arrhythmias 17
ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; ECG, electrocardiography; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LV, left ventricular;
NSVT, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia; SCD, sudden cardiac death; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
the high rate of sudden death after MI among patients with a low ejec- management of such patients should, if possible, be discussed with an
tion fraction, ICDs are generally not indicated until 40–90 days after electrophysiologist, who is an expert in Brugada syndrome.
MI. Somewhat surprisingly, the results of the recent VEST trial Currently, it is unknown if the few asymptomatic patients with
showed that among patients with a recent MI and an ejection fraction multifocal ectopic Purkinje-related PVCs with preserved LV func-
of 35% or less, the wearable cardioverter-defibrillator did not lead to tion may benefit from quinidine,215 with SCD only being described
a significantly lower rate of the primary outcome of arrhythmic death in patients with altered LVEF. Patients with Andersen–Tawil syn-
than control.211 drome are often asymptomatic despite presenting with frequent
In patients with LV assist devices, VT is common212 and may be salvos of VT, often bidirectional, and may be incessant.216 The rate
well-tolerated because of the preserved cardiac output from the de- of malignant events seem to be low on beta-blockers even if they
vice. However, VT episodes seem linked to higher mortality212 and are not directly effective in decreasing the VT burden. Flecainide
may alter right ventricular function. Therefore, ablation may be con- seems effective against VT, especially when combined with beta-
sidered in case of frequent VT episodes under these circumstances.213 blockers. Catheter ablation does not seem to be an option in these
Detailed management of asymptomatic patients with channelopa- patients.216
thies is a topic that exceeds the purpose of this article and can be The occurrence of VT in athletes, even when asymptomatic,
found in dedicated consensus documents.7,214 A brief summary is should lead to a thorough evaluation to eliminate the possibility of
found in Table 10 but a few points warrant mention. When the QTc structural heart disease or the use of illegal and/or performance en-
interval is prolonged, an assessment of why this has occurred is nec- hancing substances. An echocardiogram, cardiac MRI, and exercise
essary. Medications are relatively frequent causes of QT prolonga- test should all be considered. Once these possibilities have elimi-
tion. If drug induced QT prolongation and electrolyte disturbances nated, it is well recognized that intense physical activity may not only
such as hypokalaemia have been ruled out, consideration should be induce VT217 but also exercise-induced arrhythmogenic RV remodel-
given to genetic testing for further diagnosis. ling.218 Sports-induced PVCs and VTs were not associated with ad-
Asymptomatic non-sustained polymorphic VT in patients with verse events in athletes without structural heart disease.217
Brugada syndrome or early repolarization should be considered a po- Interruption of physical activity lead to long-term resolution of
tentially malignant event and be managed accordingly.179 However exercise-induced VT, but athletes with persistent VT may be consid-
monomorphic NSVT (particularly originating from the RVOT) may ered candidates for ablation to permit return to competitive
sometimes be recorded and may not convey an increased risk. The sports.217
18 D.O. Arnar et al.
Table 9 Treatment of asymptomatic patients with NSVT depending on underlying structural heart disease
• No ICD indication for pri-
mary prevention at present
ACE, angiotensin converting enzyme; Acute STEMI, acute ST elevation myocardial infarction; ARVC, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; b.p.m., beats per minute;
CMP, cardiomyopathy; EPS, electrophysiology study; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; ICD, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction;
MI, myocardial infarction; NSVT, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia; RV, right ventricle; TTE, Transthoracic echocardiography.
However, a word of caution is warranted in this situation as individ- known to die suddenly during exercise. This underscores the impor-
uals with CPVT, who usually have structurally normal hearts, may pre- tance of a careful evaluation in these individuals. Ventricular tachycardia
sent with exercise-induced VT which could be the first sign of high risk associated with an isolated sub-epicardial RVOT scar can be found in
for sudden death. Similarly, patients with asymptomatic myocarditis high-level endurance athletes without any evidence of ARVC, and this
would not always qualify for structural heart disease and they are can be successfully treated by ablation with excellent outcomes.218
EHRA position paper: management of asymptomatic arrhythmias 19
of TICMP (Figure 4), although the understanding of this entity remains There are no firm diagnostic criteria for TICMP. In patients pre-
in many aspects unclear. Overlap of the mechanisms leading to senting with new-onset LV dysfunction and a chronic or recurrent
TICMP may vary in the different types of arrhythmias and their pre- tachycardia with a heart rate >100 b.p.m., the diagnosis of TICMP
sentations. In patients with AF, the restoration of sinus rhythm results may be suggested by the elements listed in Table 12.231 Due to the
in significant improvements in ventricular function, particularly in the retrospective nature of the diagnosis, it is often difficult to confirm a
absence of ventricular fibrosis on cardiac MRI.230 diagnosis of TICMP which can also be made by default after exclusion
of other causes of worsening ventricular dysfunction. The dilemma in
Normal TICMP
Structural changes
- Left ventricle:
- Dilatation
- Lack of hypertrophy
- Right ventricle:
- Hypertrophy
Functional changes
Figure 4 Possible pathophysiological mechanisms leading to tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy (TICMP). ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide.
EHRA position paper: management of asymptomatic arrhythmias 21
Table 12 Elements for the diagnosis of TICMP Table 13 Possible predictors or elements associated
with development of TICMP
(1) No other cause of cardiomyopathy (myocardial infarction, valve
disease, hypertension, alcohol or drug use, stress etc.) TICMP induced by supraventricular tachycardia, including AF
(2) Absence of left ventricular hypertrophy • Younger age
(3) No major increase in LV dimensions (LV end-diastolic dimension • Male sex
<6.5 cm) • Slower tachycardia (with less symptoms before heart failure is
Treatment of TICMP
Figure 5 Potential management strategy for patients with tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy (TICMP). AF, atrial fibrillation; AV, atrioventricular;
CRT, cardiac resynchronization therapy.
A radical form of rate control strategy is AV nodal ablation with 90% have been reported.256,257 Early improvement in LVEF after ab-
implantation of a permanent pacemaker programmed to VVIR lation may help to predict complete recovery of LV systolic func-
mode.47 This procedure may be associated with a better prognosis tion.257 Although these strategies with antiarrhythmic drugs or
and seems more relevant for older patients with significant co-mor- ablation differ in their ability to suppress PVCs and in LV dysfunction
bidities.246 Since continuous right ventricular pacing may be deleteri- improvement, their effect has not translated into improvement in
ous for LV systolic function due to LV dyssynchrony, CRT should be survival so far. There is no clear data to support safe withdrawal of
considered as de novo pacing in those already with LV dysfunction. standard HF treatment after improvement of LV function.
His bundle pacing holds promise as an attractive mode to achieve
more physiological pacing.247 Atrioventricular nodal ablation is asso-
ciated with a substantial reduction in all-cause mortality, cardiovascu-
lar mortality, and rates of hospitalization for HF, with improvements Consensus statements Symbol References
in New York Heart Association functional class when compared with .................................................................................................
medical therapy in AF patients receiving CRT in observational and Other causes of cardiomyopathy (myo-
randomized studies,248,249 and this may apply to patients with AF- cardial infarction, valve disease, hy-
related TICMP. Atrioventricular nodal ablation might be a feasible pertension, alcohol or drug use,
early strategy in individuals with TICMP and a pre-existing pacemaker stress, etc.) should be eliminated be-
or CRT device. fore considering a diagnosis of tachy-
Premature ventricular contractions leading to TICMP can either cardia-induced cardiomyopathy
be suppressed by use of antiarrhythmic agents or eliminated by use (TICMP).
of radiofrequency ablation (Figure 4) as discussed in Atrial fibrillation Management of TICMP should involve
and flutter section. A therapeutic trial with drugs for at least 3 months drug treatment for heart failure, rate
or catheter ablation may be considered for patients with presumed control in the case of atrial fibrillation
PVC-induced TICMP. Beta-blockers, amiodarone, and dofetilide (in (AF) when rhythm control is not fea-
sible and rhythm control for the spe-
some countries) can all suppress PVCs and can be safely used in
cific arrhythmia (including AF) causing
patients with LV dysfunction.250–252 Flecainide is not recommended
in this setting. Catheter ablation is a very efficient and recognized op- 231,232
Ablation may be preferred for rhythm
tion for these patients as the safety and efficacy profiles of the proce-
control of persistent or repetitive
dure have improved. Several studies have documented an
atrial or ventricular arrhythmia, even
improvement in LVEF following PVC ablation in nearly all patients
when asymptomatic, in suspected
along with significant reductions in LV end-diastolic dimensions, mi-
TICMP cases.
tral regurgitation, and New York Heart Association functional
class.253–255 Short-term ablation success rates of between 70% and
EHRA position paper: management of asymptomatic arrhythmias 23
In the case of AV block, it is crucial to distinguish nodal from infra- hospital for a serious arrhythmia-related event, such as stroke (in
nodal localizations, the latter usually requiring pacemaker implanta- AF), cardiac arrest (e.g. ventricular arrhythmias), or TICMP.
tion. Key for this distinction are the type of AV block, the presence Even in the absence of symptoms, once an arrhythmia has been di-
or absence of wide QRS complexes and the heart rate changes at the agnosed, patients may still experience significant distress and worries
time of AV block. Progressive PR prolongation prior to the non-con- about the arrhythmia. This may extend to the therapeutic options
ducted P wave is typical for Type I second-degree AV block. True with their possible side effects (e.g. bleeding with oral anticoagulant
Type II second-degree AV block, with no PR prolongation prior to therapy, side effects of AADs and other medications, ICD implanta-
heart rate alert features. Smartwatch and fitness band wearable con-
sumer electronics can passively measure pulse rate from the wrist us-
Consensus statements Symbol References ing photoplethysmography.
................................................................................................. Identification of pulse irregularity or heart rhythm variability from
Education is an essential component of these data has the potential to identify AF. The rapidly expanding use
the management of cardiac arrhyth- of these devices will allow for detection of undiagnosed AF in a novel
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