GR Juris
GR Juris
GR Juris
i\.epubltt -of tbe ~bilippinef
&upreme Court
Please take notice that the Court, Third Division, issued a Resolution
dated January 28, 2015, which reads as follows:
Penned by Associate Justice Nina G. Antonio-Valenzuela, with the concurrence of Associate
Justices Pampio A. Abarintos and Myra V. Garcia-Fernandez. -
Sec. 2. Definition of Terms. - As used in this Act, the following terms shall mean:
g) Collector or Agent ("Cobo", "Cobrador", "·coriador" or variants thereof). - Any
,,II person who collects, solicits or produces bets in behalf of his/her principal for any illegal
numbers game who is usually in possession of gambling paraphernalia.
Sec. 3. Punishable Acts. - Any person who participates in any illegal numbers game shall suffer
the following penalties:
c) The penalty of imprisonment from eight (8) years and one (I) day to ten (I 0) years, if
such person acts as a collector or agent;
An Act Increasing the Penalties for Illegal Numbers Games, amending certain provisions of
Presidential Decree No. 1602, and for Other Purposes.
Sec. 2. Definition of Terms. - As used in this Act, the following terms shall mean:
e) Bettor ("Mananaya", "Tayador" or variants thereof) .. - Any person who places bets
for himself/herself or in behalf of another person, or any person, other than the personnel
or staff of any illegal numbers game operation.
Sec. 3. Punishable Acts. - Any person who participates in any illegal numbers game shall suffer
the following penalties:
a) The penalty of imprisonment from thirty (30) days to ninety (90) days, if such person
acts as a bettor.
• ....
Resolution -2- G.R. No. 213708
January 28, 2015
In its Sentence dated March 26, 2008, the Regional Trial Court
(RTC), Branch 65 in San Miguel, Jordan, Guimaras convicted petitioner of
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,t . ::."Violating Section 2( e) in relation to Section 3(a) of RA 9287, and sentenced
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. : .~{: h_i~ii}o:suffer the penalty of six (6) years and thirty (30) days imprisonment.
. Whil~.petitioner pleaded guilty to "betting," which carries with it the penalty
. ,. " .. ,. ...... ?f~~irfy (30) da~s to ninety (90) days impr~sonm.ent, Section 7 o~RA 9287
~..... · .., ' ·-~ -. .. : ·.:spee¥fi~!illy provides that the penalty next higher m degree as provided under
· ·se-Ctfon 3 shall be imposed upon a recidivist who commits any of the
offenses thereunder. Thus, in imposing the said penalty against petitioner,
the RTC appreciated the aggravating circumstance of recidivism.
A plea of guilty admits the truth of all the material facts alleged in the
information, including all the aggravating circumstances mentioned therein. 8
In pleading guilty to the lesser offense of "betting," petitioner likewise
admitted all the attendant circumstances in the Information as charged,
including the charge of recidivism.
Sec. 7. Recidivism. - The penalty next higher in degree as provided for under Section 3 hereof
shall be imposed upon a recidivist who commits any ofthe offenses punishable in this Act.
People v. Pohong, No. L-32332, August 15, 1973, 52 SCRA 287.
Sec. 3. Punishable Acts. - Any person who participates in any illegal numbers game shall suffer
the following penalties:
xx xx
b) The penalty of imprisonment from six (6) years and one (1) day to eight (8) years, if
such person acts as a personnel or staff of an illegal numbers game operation. ~"'-
213708 - over-
Divisbn Clerk ofCour:~·
213708 (2)