The client declaration form requires the client to sign that they have read and understood the full text of the declarations, agreements, and acknowledgements in the application forms before signing. It also notes that the client declaration form will become part of the insurance contract once the policy is issued. The client must sign and provide their name, and if over age 18, the policy owner must also provide their name and signature, along with the date and location where the form was signed.
The client declaration form requires the client to sign that they have read and understood the full text of the declarations, agreements, and acknowledgements in the application forms before signing. It also notes that the client declaration form will become part of the insurance contract once the policy is issued. The client must sign and provide their name, and if over age 18, the policy owner must also provide their name and signature, along with the date and location where the form was signed.
The client declaration form requires the client to sign that they have read and understood the full text of the declarations, agreements, and acknowledgements in the application forms before signing. It also notes that the client declaration form will become part of the insurance contract once the policy is issued. The client must sign and provide their name, and if over age 18, the policy owner must also provide their name and signature, along with the date and location where the form was signed.
The client declaration form requires the client to sign that they have read and understood the full text of the declarations, agreements, and acknowledgements in the application forms before signing. It also notes that the client declaration form will become part of the insurance contract once the policy is issued. The client must sign and provide their name, and if over age 18, the policy owner must also provide their name and signature, along with the date and location where the form was signed.