Tarkhiguzdao 00 Hamduoft

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(Translations of the three Inscriptions

on the Cover.)

/. Arabic.
These are our works which prove
what we have done;
Look, therefore, at our" works
when we are gone."

2. Turkish.
"His genius cast its shadow o'er the world,
And in brief time he much achieved and
wrought :

The Age's Sun was he, and ageing suns

Cast lengthy shadows, though their time be

(Kemdl Pdshd-zdde.)

3. Persian.
**When we are dead, seek for our
Not In the earth, but In the
hearts of men."
(Jaldlu 'd-Dm Rumi.)

VOL. XIV, 2.

(All communications respecting this volume should be addressed to

Professor E. G. Browne, Pembroke College, Cambridge, who is the

Trustee specially responsible for its production.)





COMPILED IN A.H. 730 (A.D. 1330) AND NOW

A.H; 857 (A.D. 1453)1

BY / V







LEYDEN: E. J. BRILL, Imprimerie Orientale.

LONDON: LUZAC & CO., 46, Great Russell Street st. w.c.


1. The Babar-nama, reproduced in facsimile from a MS. belonging to

the late Sir SdldrJang of Haydardbdd, and edited with Preface
and Indexes, by Mrs. Beveridge, igo^. (Out ofprint.)
2. An abridged translation of Ibn Isfandiydr's History of Tabaristan,
by Edward G. Browne, igo^. Price 8s.
3. Al-Khazraji's History of the Rasuli Dynasty of Yaman, with intro-
duction by the late Sir J. Redhouse, now edited by E. G. Browne,
R. A. Nicholson, and A. Rogers. Vols. I, II (Tratislatioti), igo6, oy.
Price ys. each. Vol. Ill (Annotations), igo8. Price js. Vol. IV
(first half of Text), 1913. Price 8s. Vol. V
(second half of
Text), in the Press. Text edited by Shaykh Muhanunad ^Asal.
4. Umayyads and ''Abbasids: being the Fourth Part ofJurji Zayddn' s
History of Islamic Civilisation, translated by Professor D. S.
Margoliouth, D. Litt., igoy. Price ^s.
5. The Travels of VovL]\xh2,yr, the late Dr. William Wrighf s edition of
the Arabic text, revised by Professor M.J. de Goeje, iQoy. Price 6s.
6. Ydqiifs Dictionary of Lcar?ied Men, entitled Irshad al-arib ila
ma'rifat al-adib edited by Professor D. S. Margoliouth, D. Litt.

Vols. I, II, igoy, og. Price 8s. each. Vol. Ill, fart i, igio.
Price ^s. Vol. V, igii, lOs. (Vol. VI in preparation.)
The Tajaribu '1-Umam of Ibn Miskawayh: reproduced i?i facsimile

from MSS. 3116 31 21 of Ayd Sofia, with Prefaces and Summaries
by ilPrhicipc di
Teano. Vol. I, to a.il 3y, igog ; Vol. V, a.h.
284 —326, igi3. Price ys each. (Further volumes in preparation.)
8. The Marzuban-nama of Sa^dii' d-Din-i- Wardwini, edited by Mirzd
Muhammad of Qazwifi, igog. Price 8s.
9. Textes persans relatifs a la secte des Houroufis publics, traduits,
et annotes par Clement Huart, suivis dhme etude sur la religion des
par Feylcsouf Rizd", igog. Price 8s.
10. The Mu'jam fi Ma'ayiri Ash'^ari'l-'^Ajam of Shams-i-Qays edited ,

from the British Museum MS. (Or. 2814) by Edward G. Browne

and Mirzd Muhammad of Qazzuin, igog. Price 8s.
11. The Chahar Maqala of Nidhdmi-i-^Arudi-i-Samarqandi, edited, ivith
notes in Persian, byMirzd Muhatnmad of Qazzvin, igio. Price 8s.
12. Introduction a I'Histoire des Mongols de Fadl Allah Rashid ed-
Din, par E. Blochet, igio. Price 8s.
13. The Diwan of Hassdn b. Thdbit, (d. a.h. ^4), edited by Hartwig
Hirschfeld, Ph. D., igio. Price ^s.
14. The Ta'riyi-i-Guzida of Hamdiilldh Mustawfi of Qazwin. Part
I, containing the Reproduction in facsifnile of an old MS., with
Introduction by Edward G. Browne, igio. Price i^s. Part II,
containing abridged translation a?id Indices, igi3. Price lOs.
15. The Earliest History of the Bab is, composed before 18^2 by Hdjji
Mirzd Jdni of Kdshdn, edited from the Paris MSS. by Edward
G. Broivne, igii. Price 8s.
16. The Ta'rikh-i-Jahan-gusha of 'AhVu\i-Din ""Atd Malik-i-Juwayni,
edited from seven MSS. by Mirzd Muhammad of Qazzvin. Vol. I,

igi2. Price 8s. (Vols. II and III in preparation).

i-j.An abridged translation of the Kashfu'l-Mahjub^/'^///^. *'£///////««
al-Julldbi al-Hujwiri^ the oldest Persian manual of Sufiistn^ by
R. A. Nicholson^ igu. Price 8s.
1 8. Tarikh-i-moubarek-i-Ghazani histoire des Mongols de la Djami el-

Tevarikh de Fadl Allah Rashid ed-Din, iditee par E. Blochet.

Vol. Ily contenant f histoire des successeurs de Tchinkkiz Khaghan,

igii. Prix I2S. (Vol. Ill, contenant V histoire des Mongols de


Perse, sous presse ; pour paraitre ensuite, Vol. /, contenant r his-

Tchinkkiz Khaghan.)
toire des tribus turkes et de

19. The Governors and Judges of Egypt, of Kitab el 'Umard' (el

Wulah) wa Kitab el Qudah of El Kindi', with an Appendix
derived mostly from] Raf el Isr by Idn Hajar, edited by Rhuvon
Guest, igi2. Price 12s.
20. The Kitab al-Ansdb of as-Sam^dni, reproduced in facsimile from
the British Museum MS. (Add. 2j,jjj), with an Introduction by
Professor D. S. Margoliouth, D. litt., igi2. Price £1.
21. The Dfwans of 'Abid ibn al-Abras and 'Jmir ibn at-Tufayl, edited,
with a translation and notes, by Sir Charles Lyall, igij. Price 12s.


An abridged translation of the Ihya'u'l-Muluk, a Persian History of

Sistdn by Shah Husayn, from the British Museum MS. (Or.
^779)y h
A' G- Ellis.
The geographical part of the Nuzhatu'l-Quliib of Hamdu' lldh Mustawfi
of Qazwin, with a translation, by G. le Strange. (In the Press.)
The Futuhu Misr wa'1-Maghrib wa'1-Andalus of Ibn '^AbdVl-IIakam
2^7), edited and translated by Professor C. C. Torrcy.
The Qibiis-ndma, edited in the original Persian, with a translation,
by E. Edwards.
The Dfwdns of at-Tufayl b. ''Awf and at-Tirimmdh b. Hakim,
edited and translated by F. J^renkow. (In the Press).
A monograph on the Southern Dialects of Kurdish, by E. B. Soane.
The Kitdbu'1-Luma* fi 't-Tasawwuf ^/^(5« Nasr
as-Sarrdj, editedfrom
two MSS.
with Introduction, critical notes and Abstract of Con-
tents, by R. A. Nicholson. (In the Press).
The Persian text of the Pars Namah of Ibnu '1-Balkhi, edited from
the British Museum MS. (Or. Sg8j), by G. le Strange.
Extracts relating to Southern Arabia, past and present, from the
Dictionary entitlea Shamsu 'l-'Uliim, of Nashwdn al-Himyari,
with critical notes, by ^Azimu 'd-Din Ahmad, Ph. D.
Contributions to the History and Geography of Mesopotamia,
portions of the Ta'rikh Mayydfdrikfn of Ibn al-Azrak al-Fdriki,
B.M.MS. Or. 5803, and of K\-K^\k\ 2\-Y.h2.\\xd. of ''Izz ad-Din
Ibn Shadddd al-IIalabi, Bodleian MS. Marsh 333, edited by W.
Sarasin, Ph. D.
The Rdhatu's-Sudur wa Ayatu's-Suriir, a history of the Seljuqs, by
Najmu'd-Din Abu Bakr Muhammad ar-Rdwandi, edited from the
unique Paris MS. (Suppl. persan, 1114) by Edward G. Browne.
This Volume is one
of a Series
published by the Trustees of the

The Funds of this Memorial are derived from the Interest accruing
from a Sum of money given by the late MRS. GIBB of Glasgow, to

perpetuate the Memory of her beloved son


and to promote those researches into the History, Literature, Philo-
sophy and Religion of the Turks, Persians, and Arabs to which, from
his Youth upwards, untjl his premature and deeply lamented Death
in his forty-fifth year, o?i December J, igoi, his life was devoted.

'•'•The worker pays his debt to Death;

His work lives 07i, nay, quickeneth.^^

The following memorial verse is contributed by '^Abdti'l-Haqq Hdmid

Bey of the Imperial Ottoman Embassy i?i London, one of the Founders
of the New School of Turkish Literature, and for many years an
intimate friend of the deceased.

Jaj JV,1 -c-JuS^

^J£=>J^^'. 4_L-.V9j

aO _;v^M.A t5-^' A^Mi«>i«\ iji.«\.iu \S^jy^ **•'



[JANE GIBB, died November 26, 1904],


IDA W. E. OGILVY GREGORY (formerly GIBB), ap-
pointed igo^.


ij", Sidney Street.^



In the Preface to the companion volume of the present

work, which contains the facsimile of a MS. of the Tarikh

-i-Guzida brought from Persia in the summer of 1907 by

my friend Mirza '^Abdu '1-Husayn Khan Wahidu 'l-Mulk, I

announced my intention (p. XVl) of discussing in this volume

with greater fulness the various questions connected with
this history and its author. Now, however that this volume,
which contains an abridged translation of the text, together
with the Indices necessary for the convenient use of the
latter, is ready for publication, I find that I am not in a

position add anything of importance on these questions


to what has been already published or referred to in the

previous volume; and all that now appears

necessary is that
I should briefly explain its structure and production.
This volume consists of two parts, the English Abstract
of Contents or Abridged Translation of the text, occupying

237 pages; and the Persian Indices to the text, which were
omitted from the previous volume, to which they properly

belong, in order to avoid increasing its already considerable

bulk (854 -J- 20 pages).
The Indices are entirely the work of my friend and col-

league Dr. R. A. Nicholson, who undertook the laborious

task of constructing them with his usual kindness, and has
carried it out with his customary thoroughness. They are
four in number, viz.-.^

(i) Index of persons mentioned in the text, both men and

women (pp. 5
— 182).

(2) Index of nisbas (pp. 183

— 224).

(3) Index of place names and tribal names (pp. 225 277). —
(4) Index of books cited or referred to in the text (pp..
Dr. Nicholson has been kind enough to write a short note

explaining the principles which have guided him in the con-

struction of these Indices, rendered the more difficult by

the scribe's errors which mar the text reproduced in the

facsimile, and this note is added at the end of the Preface.

For the Abridged Translation, or Abstract of Contents, I
must assume entire responsibility, though I have received
the most valuable help from my learned friend Mirza
Muhammad of Qazwi'n, to whom each proof was submitted
and by him returned with many important corrections, ob-
servations andannotations, which have been for the most

part incorporated in the text or in foot-notes. In making

such an Abstract it is very difficult to avoid being swayed

by personal predilections and idiosyncrasies, and I am con-

scious that I may have unduly compressed such portions
of the work as appeared to me less interesting, and, on the
other hand, unduly expanded other portions which seemed
to me of greater interest. The thick numbers in brackets

occurring throughout the Translation indicate the pages of

first volume, and it is these
the facsimile contained in the
which must he regarded when the Persian Indices are em-
ployed in connection with the English Abstract.

My attention has been called to an unfortunate error in

the facsimile, between pp. 226 and 231, which,
owing, probably, to the adhesion of two leaves of the ori-
ginal MS., has resulted in the complete omission of pp. 227
and 228, and the insertion twice over of pp. 229 and 230.
The text of the omitted pages is as follows:

^))U\ J ij^\ 4ic J_^j J^^ ^\> jj 4^=. :>J^ .L^l^j (p. 227)

^^\^\ j\ j,]^ ^ij jcj^ '<-U 4^= ^\o:^f jS, ^^ ^ :>^^\

S*M i.
^_^\.«j\ ^ y .j*^ ^^»\ oJ>
i^J^ C^-^. <-^"^ >A>«.)i aAc ^v-»V

J_^ ^^ ^; iaalw J jy. j^^f- ^; ^\^~< C
J>^ «_-i3 AixL-
\j^ -L.
o^_j.« _5\ (jj
J.'.\i W\ _^ 4,dcp- ol/^V J^
'^^-^^ A^Vl


L$jS ^_j> j\ ^\j ^_J..

:>\.:i\ *Uj j ^^^^. -^j^^ ^L*\i\ JW Jt«\

Jj Vj^ Jfe^ ^jr^ O^ J^ \;j^ Jj^ J^ J^ -^^^ ^^ ''••-i'^f


A;\ c^-.\
t5 J.jC _j ^y^^ ^_^VjVLj _5 ^_^V^ ^\$\ ^y5\ j\,/Uj ^J
y/^» J 4:;j, J AJ.-. jrji\
^ -icS- a\.M
^^ji*^ ^Jc t>c.*y>* ^*^ -^^"^
-^ — 'y-^

Q, jUVa _j [aJ] ij^j (j^ -^^^

,3— J S^ *^'
U^-J ^>-*^

^^ J^ f^^ J r'r' r^-^ a* y-^'^ ^- ^*^-

a- '^^ j •^^'. J''^ j t?

^>L N J (p. 229)

^\ ^i (?>i ^ ^^.j::,^.

In conclusion, the aim of this volume is to serve as a

guide for the English student of Oriental history to one of the

more ancient and reputable historical manuals which are so
popular in Persia, and if it fulfils in this respect somewhat
the same function as Major David Price's old but still useful

Retrospect, I shall be well satisfied.

Edward G. Browne.
Cambridge, August 10, 191 3.

It may be helpful to those using the Indices if I state the

method of arrangement which I have adopted. Since no

difficulties are likely to arise in connection with the names
of places, tribes, or books, my remarks on this point will

refer almost exclusively to the First Index, which contains

the names of persons.
(i) The definite article ,
\\ and the words .,\ '".\ .,,\ ^v^-,

^ are ignored. Thus, aIW.

is placed under c. , and

Jcli; under .
y\ .

(2) Names consisting of a proper noun followed by a nisda

^- S-> (S'y^ jViac , are placed under the initial letter of

the noun.

(3) Names consisting of a kunya followed by a nisba e.g.,

"U^-.?- y\ ,
are usually placed under the initial
letter of the secund word in the kwiya.
(4) Names consisting of a kunya followed by a proper
noun, e.
g., ^^ j,*-\ AW ^.s-
y\ ,
are usually placed

under the initial letter of the noun, whether a nisba

follows or not; but sometimes they are placed under
the ktinya, for special reasons thus
: V,
^ a».< SC^
^ \

J, V^'^
will be found under »_j ,
because he is commonly
known as
J,V6 jC J\. Many names of this kind occur
in the Index twice, viz., under the kunya and also
under the proper noun.

As a rule, the names are printed in the Indices just as

they stand in the facsimile. A large number of them are

corrupt, and many are written so defectively that it was

not easy — in some instances I found it impossible — to

decipher them. Some obvious mistakes have been corrected

and the true reading has frequently been determined by
reference to Ibn Hisham, Tabarf, Ibn al-Athir and other au-

thorities, but no ^attempt has been made to control and

verify the names systematically. This must be left for the
first Editor of the Tarikh-i-Guzida, and I do not envy
him the task.

Reynold A. Nicholson.

Pajjc I'agc

(1) Short biography . . . . 128 of text 43 of translation.

(II) Orthodox Caliphs. ... 165 „ „ 46 „ .,

(III) The Imams 203 „ „ 48 „ „

(IV) The chief "Companions" . 208 „ „ 51 „ „

(V) The Umayyad "Kings". .

255 „ „ 52 „

(VI) The 'Abbdsid Caliphs . .

290 „ „ 57 „ „


Muhammadan Dynasties of Persia 372 „ „ 72 „ „

(I) Saffariyan 373 » » 72 „ „

(II) Sdmaniyan 379 » » 73 » ».

(III) Ghaznawiyan 393 » » 78 „

(IV) Ghuriydn 406 „ „ 83 „ „

(V) Daylamiyan, or Al-i-Buwayh 413 „ „ 85 „ „

(VI) Saljiiqiyan (Seljuqs) ... 433 „ „ 93 „

(a) of Persian 'Iraq 434 » » 93 »

(d) of Kirman 479 » » ^°7 » »

(c) of Asia Minor 480 „ „ 108 „ „

(VII) Khwarazmshahiyan . . .
486 „ „ no „ „

(VIII) Atabakan 503 » » "8 „ „

(a) of Syria and Diyar Bakr. .

503 „ „ 118 „ „

of Fars 5^5 » » ^20 „

(IX) Isma'ilfs ....... 509 „ „ 122 „ „

(a) of Egypt and North Africa

(the Fatimid Caliphs) . . .
509 „ „ 122 ,. „

(d) of Persia (the Assassins) . .

517 „ „ 127 „ „

(X) Qara-Khita'iyan of Kirman 527 „ „ 131 „ „

(XI) Atabakan of Luristan . .

535 „ „ 134 „ „

{a) of Lur-i-Buzurg 537 » >. ^34 „

(^) of Lur-i-Kuchak . .... 547 „ „ 137 „

(XII) The Mongols (Ilkhans) of

Persia 557 >, '» i39 »

the House of Muzaffar ... 613 ,, „ 151 „ „
FIFfH CHAPTER, containing
biographies of learned men . .
755 „ „ 208 „ „

Page Page
Imams and Mujtahids . . .
755 of text 208 of translation.

(II) "Readers" of the Qur'an . .

759 „ „ 209 „ „

(III) Traditionists 760 „ „ 210 „ „

(IV) Shay khs, Saints and Holy Men 760 „ „ 210 „ „

(V) Doctors and Divines . . .

797 „ „ 218 „ „

(VI) Poets of (a) Arabia .... 812 „ „ 222 „ „

Persia .... 813 „„ 222 „ „

SIXTH CHAPTER, on the city of

Qazwin, the Author's birthplace 829 „ „ 227 „ „

(I) Its name and the etymology

thereof 830 „ „ 227 „ „

(II) Its principal buildings. . .

830 „ „ 227 „ „

(III) Its subjugation and conver-

sion by the Arabs. . . .
832 „ „ 228 „ „

(IV) Its aqueducts, rivers, mos-

ques, tombs and suburbs .

832 „ „ 228 „ „

(V) Notable men of different

classes who have resided in
it or visited it
835 „ „ 229 „

(VI) Governors of Qazwin . . .

838 „ „ 231 „ „

(VII) Tribes and families of Qazwin 842 ,, „ 233 „ „


Praise of God (l
— 2) and of the Prophet and his family (3).
The Author, Hamdu'llah Ahmad b. Abi Bakr b. Nasr, the

Mustawfi (State accountant) of Qazwin, describes how he

imbibed a taste for historical studies from the late minister

Rashidu'd-EWn Fadlu'llah, in whose service he had been, and

who was constantly surrounded by men of learning (3 — 4),
until at length, notwithstanding his lack of early training in
literature and historical science, he began to compose a great

historical poem [the Zafar-ndma, a supplement to the Shdh-

ndma of Firdawsi] '), giving
an account of the history of the
world from the advent of the Prophet Muhammad down to
his own times. Of poem, designed to contain 75,000

verses, he had already composed more than 50,000 verses

— 5),
and it was his intention to dedicate it, when com-
pleted, to Ghiyathu'd-Di'n Muhammad, the worthy son and
successor of his late patron the deceased minister Rashi'du'd-
Din Fadlu'llah (5
— 6). Having recited the titles and praised
the virtues of his patron, and apologized for the unworthi-
ness of his offering (7),
he proceeds to enumerate the prin-
cipal sources of information used for the compilation of this

present manual of history, which are as follows (8) :

(i) The SiratiCn-Nabi [Ibn Hisham's Biography of the

Prophet is
presumably intended].
(2) The Qisasii l-Anbiy d. [Ath-Tha'^alibi's work is probably
(3) Ar-Risdlatu' l-Qushayriyya.

(4) The Tadhkiratiil-Awliyd [?

of Faridu'd-Din *^Attar].

I) For description of the unique MS. of this work, see Rieu's Persian

Supplement^ pp. 172

— 4.

(5) The Tadwin of the Imam Rafi^f [or-Yafi'f, by which

is probably meant the Rawdur-Riydhin\
(6) The Tajdribul-Umam of Abu ^AH Miskawayhi.
Mashdribii't-Tajdrib^. oi K\iM'\-\{d.^2.n 'Alf Zayd

(8) The Diwdnu'n-Nasab.
The great chronicle of Muhammad b. Jari'r at-Tabarf.

(10) The history of Hamza of Isfahan.

(11) The great chronicle of Ibnu'l-Athfr \i.e. at-TaWikhul-
(12) The Zubdatu t-Tawdrikh of JamaluM-Dfn Abu'l-Qasim
of Kashan.

(13) The Nizdmu' t-Tawdrikh of the Qadi Nasiru'd-Dfn

Abu Sa^id at-Baydawf.

(14) The ^Uyiinu' t-Tawdrikh of Abu Talib 'AH b. al-Khayr

al-Khazin al-Baghdadi.

{15) The Kitdbii-'' l-Ma^drif o{ Ihn Qutayba ad-Dfnawarf.

{16) The TaWikh-i Jahdn-gushdy of 'Ala'u'd-Din 'Ata
(17) The Persian translation, by Abu'sh-Sharaf al-Jarba-
dhaqani, of al-'UtbCs TaWikh-i-Ya^nini.
(18) The SiyaruH-Muliik [more
correctly entitled the Siydsat-
ndma] of the Nizamu'1-Mulk.

(19) The Shdh-ndma of Firdawsi.

(20) The Saljiiq-ndma of Zahfri of Nfshapur.

(21) The Majma% Arbdbil-Maslak [or-Mulk] of the Qadf
Ruknu'd-Dfn of Khuy.
(22)The Istizhdrul-akhbdr of the Qadf Ahmad of Damghan.
(23) The ydmi'ti t-Tawdrikh of the Author's late martyred
master and patron, the minister Rashidu'd-Din Fadlu'llah.
This compendium is entitled TaWikh-i-Guzida ("the Select

History"), and was completed in the year A. H. 730 (8). The

preface concludes with a prayer that it may be honoured

by the perusal of Ghiyathu'd-Din, and that the faults of omis-

sion and commission which mar its pages may be overlooked.

Of the different eras used by historians, e.g. (i) from the

Fall of Adam ; (2) from *the Deluge (3) from the casting of

Abraham into the fire; (4) from the Call of Moses; (5) from

the destruction from the building of the

of Pharaoh; (6)

Ka'^ba; (7) from the accession of Alexander the Great; (8)

from the invasion of Yaman by the Abyssinians; (9) from
the reign of Nebuchadnezzar; (10) from the "Year of the
Elephant", etc. Of these eras, the Israelites employed Nos.
4 and 5 the Ishmaelites (or Arabs) No. &\ the Greeks and

Romans No, 7; the Yamanites No. 8; the Copts No. 9, and

the Arabs of Quraysh No, 10. From this diversity of eras
arose much confusion (10), which the Prophets have not
endeavoured to remove, while the philosophers either deny
that the world had a beginning, or, as in the case of the

sages of India, Cathay, Chinese Tartary, China and Europe,

assign to the first man a remote antiquity, or assert the
existence of several successive "Adams". The Muhammadans
of Persia reckon 6000 years, more or less, from x^dam to
Muhammad. The astronomers estimate that from the Deluge
until the present time, A. Y. 698, 4433 years have elapsed.
This book is divided into an Introduction [Fdtiha), six

Chapters, and a Conclusion {Khdtima) as follows:

Introduction. On the Creation.
Chapter I. On the Prophets, in two Discourses, viz. :

First Discourse (ll) On

Great Prophets described
as Mursal and Ulul-^Azm.

Second Discourse. On
Minor Prophets and others
who furthered the cause of religion and morality
until the time of Muhammad, in two Sections, viz. :

§ I. Minor Prophets.
§ 2. Philosophers and moral teachers.

Chapter II. On the Pre-Islamic Kings of Persia, in four

sections, viz.

§ I. Pishdddiydn, ii Kings who reigned 2450 years.

§ 2. Kaydniydn, 10 „ „ „ 734 »

§ 3. Mulukut-Tawd''if, 22 „ „ „ 35° »

§4. Sdsdniydn, 3^ » » » 52/ »

Chapter III. On the Prophet Muhammad and his Com-

panions and Successors, in an introduction and six

sections, viz.
Introduction. The Prophet's genealogy and kin.

§ I. His life, wars, wives, amanuenses, relatives, clients

and heirs.

§ 2. The five [al-Hasan b. *^Ali is included] orthodox

Caliphs, whose dominion endured exactly 30 lunar
years (12) from 13 Rabi"^ I, A. H. 11 until 13
Rabf' I, A. H: 41 [= 6 June A. D. 632—15 July,
A.D. 661].
§ 3. The remaining ten of the twelve Imams [excluding
'^Ali and al-Hasan who are included in the last

section],from 4 Safar, A. H. 49 until Ramadan,

A. H. 264 [= 14 March, A. D. 669— May, 877],
a period of 215 lunar years and 7 months.

§ 4. Account of some of the Prophet's chief Com-

panions and Followers.
§ 5. The fourteen Umayyad "Kings" (not Caliphs),
from 13 Rabf I, A. H. 41 until 13 Rabi" I, A. H.
132 [= IS July, A.D. 661—30 Oct., A.D. 749],
a period of 91 lunar years.

§ 6. The thirty-seven 'Abbasid Caliphs, from i3Rabf I,

A. H. 132, until 6 Safar, A. H. 656 [=30 Oct.,

A. D. 749 — 12 Feb., A. D. 1258], a period of
523 lunar years, 2 months and 23 days.
Chapter IV. Muhammadan dynasties of Persia and some

adjacent countries in twelve sections, viz.


§ I. Three Safifaris, who reigned 35 lunar years, from

A. H. 253 A. H. 287 [A. D. 867—900], over

a great part of Persia. Their descendants were

still governors of Sistan at the time this history-

was written.
§ 2. Nine Samanis (13), who reigned for i02'/2 years,
from the middle of Rabi" II A. H. 287 until 5
Dhu'l-Hijja, A. H. 389 [= March 20, A. D. 900
— 17 Nov., A. H. 999.]
§ 3. Five [sic] Ghaznawis, who reigned for 155 lunar
years, viz. A. H. —
390 545 [= A. D. 1000 — 1150],
during the first 30 years of which period a large
part of Persia, as well as Ghazna, was under
their sway.

§ 4. Five Ghuris, who reigned for 64 lunar years, from

A. H. 545 until A.H. 609 [= A. D. 11 50 1212]. —
§ 5. Seventeen Daylamis (or Buwayhis), who reigned
for 127 lunar years, from Dhu'1-QaMa, A. H. 321
until A. H. 448 [=A. D. 933—1056].
§ 6. Saljuqs, divided into:

(a) Fourteen great Saljuqs, who ruled over Persia

for 161 lunar years, from A. H. 429 until

Rabf I, A. H. 590 [=A. D. 1037 — 1194.]

(d) Eleven Saljuqs of Kirman, who ruled there
for 150 years, from A. H. 433 until 583
[=A. D. 1041 — 1

(c) Fourteen Saljuqs of Asia Minor, who reigned

for 220 years, from A. H. 480 until A. H. 700

[A. D. 1087— 1300].

§ 7. Nine Khwarazmshahs (14),
who reigned for 137
lunar years, from A. H. 491 until Shawwal, A. H.
628 [= A. D. 1098 August, 1231]. —
§ 8. Atabaks, divided into.

(a) Nine Atabaks of Syria and Diyar Bakr, who


reigned for 120 years, from A. H. 481 until

A. H. 601 [=A.D. 1088— 1204].

[b) Eleven Atabaks of Fars (Salgharfs), who

reigned for 120 lunar years, from A. H. 543
until A. H. 663 [A. D. 1 148— 1265.]

§ 9. Isma'flfs, divided into.

{a) Fourteen Fatimid Caliphs (or Anti-Caliphs)

of Egypt and the West, who reigned for
260 years {sic) from A. H. 299 until A. H.
556 [= A. D. 911


{b) Eight Grand Masters of the Persian Assassins

of Alamiit, who reigned 171 years, from
A. H. 483 until Shawwal, A. H. 654 [= A. D.
— Nov., 1256].

§ 10. T^n Qara-Khita'fs, who ruled over Kirman from

A. H. 621 until 706 [= A. D. 1224 — 1306], a

period of 86 lunar years.

§ II. Atabaks of Luristan, divided into.
[a) Seven Atabaks of Lur-i-Buzurg, who reigned

180 lunar years, from A. H. 550 until 730

[=A.D. 1155— 1330].

{b) Eleven Atabaks of Lur-i-Kiichak, who reigned
150 lunar years, from A. H. 580 until A. H.
730 [=A.D. 1184— 1330], (15).

§ 12. Thirteen Mongol il-Khans of who, from

A. H. 599 {= A. D. 1203] until the time of
writing, A. H. 730 [= A. D. 1329 1330], have

reigned 131 years,, "and let who will hereafter

write the conclusion of their history."

Chapter V. Account of learned and pious men nn 6 sec-

tions, viz,

§ I. Doctors of theology [Imams and Mujtahids).

§ 2. Readers of the Quran [Qurrd).
§ 3. Traditionists {Muhaddithiin).

§ 4. Shaykhs [MashcCikh).
§ 5. Learned men i^ulamd).
§ 6. Poets, Arabic and Persian.
Chapter VI. Account of the Author's native city, Qazwin,
in 8 ')

§ I. Traditions concerning it.

§ 2. Derivation of its name.

§ '3.
Its buildings.

§ 4. Its conquest and conversion by the Muslims.

§ 5. Itsaqueducts, rivers, mosques, tombs and suburbs.
§ 6. Some of the Companions and Followers of the
Prophet, Imams, Caliphs, Shaykhs, men of

learning, kings, ministers and amirs who have

visited it.

§ 7. Its governors and rulers.

§ 8. The tribes and notable men who have arisen thence.
Conclusion (16). Genealogies of the Prophets, Kings and
philosophers, arranged in the form of a tree, summing
up in a brief space the information on this subject
contained in this history.


God, by the word Kun ("Be!") created the two worlds,

the unseen "World of Command" l^dlam-i-amr), and the
visible"World of Creation" ^dlam-i-khalq). The Universal
Reason, the World-Soul, Matter, the Four Elements, the
Nine Spheres, the Seven Planets, the Twelve Signs
Stars, the
of the Zodiac. (17)

Revolution of the Spheres. Cause —
of night and day and of the seasons. The "Seven Sires", —
"the Four Mothers", and the "Threefold Offspring". Origin

i) So in other MSS. In this MS. §§ 3
—4 are amalgamated in one, and the
number of sections is only 7.

of the sea, storms and mountains. — Appearance of minerals,

vegetables and animals.
— Creation of Man.


According to a tradition reported by Abu Dharr al-Ghif-

farfthere were 124,000 Prophets (100,000 in this MS.), of
whom 3 3 were Miirsal '). Of these 4 were Syrians, viz.

Adam, Seth, Enoch (who is Idris, the first who wrote) and
Noah; while 4 were Arabs, viz. Hud (19), Salih, Shu*^ayb
e. Jethro) and Muhammad. Of the Hebrew Prophets the
first was Moses and the last Jesus. The Revelations made to

these Prophets comprised 100 tablets [Sakifa) and 4 books,

viz. 50 tablets to Seth, 30 to Enoch, 10 to Abraham [and
10 to Moses before the Pentateuch ^)],
and the Pentateuch, the
Gospel, Psalms and the Qur'an.
the Six of the greatest —
of the Prophets held the rank of Ulul-'^azm, viz. Adam,

Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. The Author —

has only succeeded in finding mention of 73 Major Prophets

{Mtirsal) and 45 Minor Prophets. — The former number,

he considers, accords well with the allegorical sense of these
two traditions: —
"The doctors of my Church are as the
Prophets of the Children of Israel", and. "My Church shall
become divided in to 73 sects, whereof one, that which I

and my Companions follow, shall be saved." — Definition

of the terms nabi (20), imirsal, and iiliil-^azm.

First Discourse. The Prophets, major and minor.

Thirty Prophets (21), besides Muhammad, are mentioned

in the Qur'an, to wit: — (i) Adam, (2) Seth, (3) Idris =
Enoch, (4) Noah, (5) Hud, (6) Salih, (7) Abraham, (8) Lot,
(9) Ishmael, (10) Isaac, (11) Jacob, (12) Joseph, (13) Khidr,

i) Tabarf, i, 152.
2) These ten are also ascribed to Adam.

(14) Job, (15) Shu'ayb = Jethro, (16) Moses, (17) Aaron, (18)

Joshua, (19) Elias, (20) EHsha, (21) Samuel, (22) David, (23)
Solomon, (24) Ezra, (25) Daniel, (26) Dhu'1-Kifl, (27) Jonah,
(28) Zechariah, (29) John the Baptist and (30) Jesus Christ.
The names of the following forty-two are found in various
histories and commentaries, but not in the Qur'dn-. (i) Shem,
(2) Ham, and (3) Japhet, the three sons of Noah; (4) Judah,
(5) Levi, (6) Reuben, (7) Simeon, (8) Issachar, (9) Zebulon,
(10) Dan, (11) Gad, (12) Naphtali, (13) Asher, and (14) Ben-
jamin, these eleven, with Joseph, being the ancestors of the
twelve tribes [asbdt] of Israel; (15) Handhala, (16) Gideon,

(17) 7-Ui;, (18) Caleb, (19) Ezechiel, (20) ^W , (21) ^\;U>

(22) V,:^\AC (23) ^_jh, (24) LW, (25) L^jJ^c, (26) ^^, (27)

Isaiah, (28) Amos, (29) Hosea, (30) L j , (31) Sadiq, (32) Sadiiq,

^^, (34) ^W, (35) ^1. (36) Nahum, (37) ^yiU (38)

Habakkuk, (39) Zephaniah, (40) l^j\, (41) J.*\^., (42) Haggai,

(43) Jt^U^j ' (44) >^A.

Adam, called Abu'l-Bashar and SafiyyuHldh.

The part played by Gabriel, Michael and "^Azra'il (22) in

the creation of Adam from clay. —

After 40 days, God
breathes into him His Spirit, and teaches him the Names
of all things.
— He is worshipped by the Angels, except
Iblis. — The creation of Eve. — Adam and Eve are for-
bidden to eat wheat; or wheat, grapes and figs.
— Iblis

enters Paradise by the help of the Serpent, and persuades

Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. They are —
expelled from Paradise. — Adam is banished to Sarandib

(Ceylon) and Eve to Jeddah.

— (23) After 100 years, on
the day of ^Ashiird Adam's repentance is accepted.
— Other
important events which happened on this day (Muharram
— Adam and Eve meet again at Mecca, at "^Arafat,

and return to Ceylon. — Cause of the enmity between Cain

{Qdbil) and Abel [Hdbil).
— Cain's sacrifice is rejected, and
he murders Abel (24) and buries his body. — Ibli's persuades
Cain to worship Fire. —
Birth of Seth. — Adam dies at

the age of 1000 years, and Eve dies a year (or three days)
later. —
They were buried by Seth near Mecca in the mountain
of Bu Qubays, but dis-interred and re-interred by Noah. —
Adam had 21 sons and 22 daughters.


Seth succeeded Adam, received revelations from God, and

denounced the Fire-worship practised by the children of
Cain. — He built the Ka'^ba, died at the age of 912 years,
and was succeeded by his son Enos [Anush), who lived
965 years and first cultivated the date. He was succeeded
by his son Cainan, who lived 920 years, and began to build
Babel. He was succeeded by his son Mahalaleel [Mahalail),

who (25) 895 years, and was succeeded by his son


Jared, who lived 962 years. All these were born during
Adam's life-time.

Idris, soti of Jared, called Enoch [Akhnukh).

Enoch, or Idris, was at once King, prophet and sage, was
versed in Astronomy, and invented writing, spinning, weaving
and sewing. He built the Pyramids and foretold the Deluge.
— His friendship with the Angel of Death, and the device

whereby he entered Paradise when he had lived 865 years.

Noah, called Najiyyulldh.

Noah, the great-grandson of Idris, received revelations

from God, and preached to his people for 950 years (26),

during which period 80 believed. He makes the Ark, —

which is described. — The Flood begins in an oven at Kufa,
submerges the "habitable quarter" of the earth and all the
mountains, and continues for six. months. The Ark rests —

on Mount Judf near Mawsil, and Noah and his companions

leave it on Muharram lo (the ^Ashw'd). — They build a

village there called [Siiq] Thamdnin, "the [Market of the]

Eighty" ').
— Noah died at the age of 1600 years, or 1300

— Since most of the inhabitants of the earth are
descended from Noah, he is sometimes entitled "the second
Adam". He had four sons, Shem, Ham and Japhet, who
believed and ware saved in the Ark, and Canaan (27), who
disbelieved and was drowned.
Shem is held by some to have been a prophet, and most
of the prophets and all the Persians are descended from
him. He had six sons, of whom the eldest was Arfakhshad,
from whon Qahtan and Faligh were descended in the fourth
generation. The latter was the ancestor of the Persians,
while most of the Arabs are descended from the former,
whose son, spoke Arabic. From Qahtan sprang
YaVub, first

the Himyarites, the Lakhmites, and Saba (Sheba), who wds

the father of Quda'^a, Ash^ari, Azd and Tayyi'. Shem's second

son, "^Alim,begot Khurasan and Haytal. The former begot

'^Iraq, and the latter Kirman and Mukran. Shem's third son
was Aswad, who begot Ahwaz and Pahlu, of whom the
latter begot Pars. Shem's fourth son was Nudhar, who begot

Adharbad and Arran, Arman and Mughan. Shem's fifth son

was Iram, from whom were descended the tribes of "^Ad
and Thamud. Shem's sixth son was Yafan, who begot Sam
and Rum.
Ham is the ancestor of all the blacks. The story of Noah's
drunkenness and Ham's irreverence (28), and how it was
punished. Ham had also six sons, Zangi, Kus, Hind, Barbar,

Qibt, Habash. The last was the father of Nuba.

Japhet had eight sons, Turk, Khazar, Saqlab, Rus, Bishak,
Mughul, Gog and Magog. Chin and Machin are the sons of

l) Tabari, i, 197.

Khutan, and the Bulghars, Birtasis and Bashghirdis are also

his descendants, as well as the Greeks, Franks and some

of the Romans.' After the death of Noah, all these dwelt

together in Babel for one night their

many years, until

common language was taken from them and each awoke

speaking a different tongue, whereupon they separated, and
the land where each settled became known by his name.


Hiid, the fifth great prophet, is variously accounted a son

of 'Abir or "Ad, to which latter tribe he was sent. He
preached to them with little success for fifty years. He then
cursed them, and God withheld rain from them for three

years. They sent the sage Luqman to Mecca to ask for rain

— A black, a red and a white cloud appear, and the
men of 'Ad are told to choose. They choose the black cloud,
and are all destroyed by a violent tempest, in the month
of Shawwal, during the bardiil-^ajuz, or "Old Woman's Cold".
Hud survived this event for fifty years, died at the age of

150 years, and is buried at Hadramawt.


Salih was sent to the tribe of Thamud. His miracle con-

sists in bringing a female camel and its young one out of
the rock. Thamud refuse to believe and kill the camel. God
causes their faces to turn yellow and then black, and finally

destroys them by a loud noise from heaven. Salih lived to

be 258 (or 180) years of age. He was buried at Mecca.


Handhala b. Safwan was descended from Fihr

Qahtan, b.

and was sent to the Ahlur-Rass, or people of Rass, who

was a king of the people of Nimrod (30) in the West. This
king had apostasised, and claimed to be God, and his people

practised various unnatural crimes, of some of which the

perpetrators are still called Rass and Sd^tari. God finally

destroyed them all by thirst, and by the arrows which they

would have shot at Handhala.

Abraham, called Khalilulldh (31).

Genealogy of Abraham, His father Azar was Nimrod's

wazir. The astrologers foretell the birth in Nimrod's time
of a prophet who will cause his destruction, and Nimrod
consequently orders a massacre of all male children born at
that period. Abraham was hidden by his mother in the

place now called Birs [Nimrud] near Kufa, which the author
visited. At the age of seven he emerged from the cave

where he was hidden, and, after worshipping the heavenly

bodies, he is guided to the worship of God. He preaches to
Nimrod and denounces idol-worship. At the suggestion of
Iblis, Nimrod casts Abraham by means of a great catapult

into the fire. He refuses help from the angel Gabriel, and
the turned into a rose-garden, whence he emerged safe
fire is

and sound, being at that time 60 years of age. Nimrod,

desiring to make war on God, constructs an aeriel car drawn
by vultures, and from it
(32) discharges an arrow towards
heaven, which returns to him stained with blood. Nimrod
(whom some identify with the Persian Ka'us) increases in

arrogance and claims to be God. Abraham with his wife

Sara (who is also his cousin, and the most beautiful of

women) and his family and retainers retires from Babel to

Egypt. The king of Egypt, Sinan b. "^Ulwan desires Sara
for himself, and takes her from Abraham, but is divinely

prevented from touching her. He restores her to Abraham,

and presents Hagar to her. They retire from Egypt to

Palestine. A bag of sand miraculously turned to flour.

(33) Why Abraham is entitled Khalihi lldh ("the Friend of

God"). Nimrod, renewing his rebellion against God, is des-


troyed by a gnat which enters his brain. Sara gives Hagar

to Abraham, and she bears him a son, Ishmael, Abraham

being then 86 years old.

Circumcision is instituted. Sara's

jealousy drives out Hagar and Ishmael to Mecca. The spring

of Zamzam appears. Ishmael is brought up by the Banii
Jurhum. Abraham prepares to offer up Ishmael. A ram is

accepted as his substitute {34). A year later Isaac is born

to Abraham by Sara, she being then seventy years old. —
Ishmael divorces his Jurhumite wife to please Abraham. At
God's command they repair the Ka'^ba, set up the Black
Stone and institute the Pilgrimage to Mecca. Sara dies at
the age of 130 years. Abraham marries again and survives
Sara fifty years. He dies at the age of 200 and is buried
at Hebron in Syria, at the place now called Khalilu'llah.
Ten tablets {sahifa) were revealed to him. Various practices,

chiefly in respect to personal cleanliness, which he instituted.

Lot (35).

The seven Cities of the Plain, San*^a, Saw'^a, ''Amra (= Go-

morrah), Rijya and Sodom, said to have been situated between
Kirman and Sfstan '). —
Wickedness of their inhabitants. —
The three angels, Gabriel, Michael and Israfil, entertained
by Lot. Destruction of the Cities of the Plain and flight of
Lot and his family, except his wife (36), who is destroyed
by a stone from heaven. Lot survived her 7 years and died
on a Wednesday in the month of Rabf I.

Ishmael was sent as a prophet to the Amalekites of Yaman
and Hadramawt, to whom he preached the religion of Abra-
ham for fifty years. He died at the age of 130 and was
buried at Mecca beside his mother

l) This idea probably arose from the fact that the desert east of KirmAn
is called Dasht-i-Lut^ and that this was misinterpreted as "the Plain of Lot".


Isaac was sent to the people of Syria. The story of Esau

and Jacob and of Isaac's blessing, by virtue of which all the

sqcceeding prophets except four, viz. Khidr, Job, Shu'^ayb

[-=: Jethro) and Muhammad, were of the posterity of Isaac.

Isaac died at the age of 180, and was buried beside Abra-
ham in the year wherein Joseph became ruler ^aziz) of Egypt.

Jacob (37).

Jacob, fearing the wrath of his brother Esau, fled by night

into Canaan; wherefore he was called Israel. He marries
his cousin. Of his two wives the elder bore him six sons,

Judah, Reuben, Simeon, Issachar and Zebulon; the


younger two, Joseph and Benjamin; and each of his two

concubines two, the one Dan and Naphtali, the other Gad
and Asher. Joseph was born when Jacob was 89 years old,
was lost to him when he was 90 years old, was separated

from him for 40 years, and recovered by him when he was

130 yea^s old. Jacob died in Egypt at the age of 147 and
was buried at Khalilu'llah.


Joseph's incomparable beauty. His vanity and its punish-

ment. His dream. He is cast into the pit by his brethren
and sold to a trader for 20 dirhams. His brethren tell Jacob
that a wolf has destroyed Joseph (38). Joseph is sold for five

times his weight of musk, which in Egypt exceeds gold in value,

to the '^Aziz-i-Misr, who was treasurer to the King of Egypt.
Zalikha falls in love with Joseph, she being then 15 years
old and he 17. His chastity, and her calumny. The Egyptian
ladies,amazed at Joseph's beauty, cut their hands instead
of the oranges which they hold. — Joseph's imprisonment.
The king's chief butler [shardb-ddr] and chief baker [khwdn-

sdldr) are cast into prison. Joseph interprets their dreams

(39). The king Rayan's dream of the fat and the lean kine.

Joseph interprets it, and, on the death of his former master,

is made treasurer and placed in control of all the granaries.

He being then 32 years of age, asks for Zalikha in marriage.

She bears him two Ephraim and Manasseh. Joseph's
brethren come to buy corn in Egypt. He bids them bring
Benjamin {40). Their second journey to Egypt with Ben-

jamin. Joseph detains Benjamin. Jacob's bitter grief. He be-

comes blind from his much weeping. Third journey of Jo-

seph's brethren to Egypt. He reveals himself to them, and

sends his shirt by them to Jacob, who rubs it on his eyes

and recovers Jacob returns with his sons to Egypt,

his sight.

where he dies seventeen years later. Joseph survives him

23 years, and then dies aged 97. His body is placed in a
glass coffin which is sunk in the Nile, but is afterwards

recovered by Moses and buried at Khalilu'Ilah (41). Discus-

sion of the question whether Joseph^s brethren were prophets.


His name was Balya b, Malkan b. Faligh etc. He was born

before the time ofAbraham, was a contemporary of Dhu'l-
Qarnayn the greater, and accompanied him in his search
for the Water of Life, which he drunk and so became im-

mortal. Allegorical explanation of this legend.


was the great-great grandson of Esau. The misfortunes

and trials wherewith God proves him (42). His exemplary
patience, and its reward. His death at the age of 200.

Shu^ayb (Jethro).
His mission to the people of al-Arfka (? Jericho), most of
whom, on account of their unbelief, were destroyed by fire
from a cloud.

Moses, called Kalimu'lldh,

He was born in Egypt in the reign of Walid b. Mus'^ab.

b. Rayyan, (the grandson of Joseph's Pharaoh) who greatly

oppressed the and killed their male children
Israelites (43)

on account of a prediction of his astrologers. The child

Moses, consigned to the Nile, is found by one of the hand-

maidens of Asiya, Pharaoh's wife, and adopted by her. His
own mother is engaged to nurse him. When two years old
he one day plucked Pharaoh by the beard. Pharaoh wished
to kill him, but was dissuaded by Asiya, who, to show the
child's lack of discrimination, place^ before him two bowls,
one filled with fire and one with rubies. Moses picked up a
burning coal and put it in his mouth, and, in consequence
of the burn which it inflicted, he was ever afterwards unable
to speak clearly. At the age of 20 he was given a wife,
who bore him two sons. At the age of 26 he killed the
Egyptian and fled from Egypt to Shu'^ayb (Jethro), whose
daughter he married after he has served Jethro as a shepherd
for two years. She bears him two sons. Moses returns to
Egypt. The episode of the Burning Bush on Mount Sinai (44).
The miracles of the "White Hand" and the Rod which
turned into a serpent are vouchsafed to Moses, and he is

sent to Egypt accompanied by his brother Aaron to act as

his spokesman. Pharaoh is obdurate and brings his magicians

to contend against Moses, but they are convinced by his
miracles and believe in him, whereupon they are put to death

by Pharaoh. The seven plagues wherewith God afflicts the

Egyptians, together with the two miracles of the Rod and
the "White Hand" make up the Nine Signs of Moses (45).

Flight of Moses with the from Egypt. They cross


the Red Sea, which the Egyptians seeking to do are drowned.

The Tablets of the Law are revealed to Moses on Mount
Sinai in the presence of 70 witnesses. Colloquy of Moses

with God. (46) Moses asks, but is not permitted to see God,
whose effulgence causes Mount Sinai to be shivered in pieces
(from some of which, it is said, Mount Uhud was produced),
whereat the 70 witnesses die of fright, but are restored to
life by Moses' prayer.
— The story of Samirf and the Golden
Calf,which speaks and moves by virtue of a handful of dust
whereon Gabriel had trod and which Samirf scattered over
it. Moses kills 70,000 of the Calfs worshippers. He desires

to burn the Calf and does so by virtue of an Alchemy

which God teaches him, in despite of his cousin Qarun (Corah).

Qarun learns Alchemy from Moses, and

the secret of this
so becomes wealthy, and rebels against Moses. God causes
the earth to open and swallow him up together with his
wealth (47). A rich Israelite is murdered by his nephews
and his body thrown between two villages, the inhabitants
of which are suspected. Moses bids them kill a cow and
strike the mundered man with one of its limbs, whereupon

he comes to life again and identifies his murderers. The

story of Moses and Khidr (48). Khidr explains the reasons
of the three actions which excited th§ wonder and dis-

approval of Moses. Moses Is sent against Og the son of Anak

(^Uj or "C/q b. "Unuq)^ (49) and kills him in single combat,
by the help of the hoopoe. Balaam, the nephew of Shu'^ayb

(Jethro) prays against the Israelites, who lose their way and
wander the wilderness for forty years. The Quails and

Manna. Death of Moses and Aaron. They are succeeded by

Gideon and Jephthah (who die in the wilderness), and these
in turn by Joshua.

Joshua the son of Niin (50).

Joshua was the nephew and executor of Moses, and led

the children of Israel against the
giants of Syria, took their
land, and Balaam, who at the Resurrection will appear
in the form of the dog which accompanied the Seven Sleepers.

He diedat the age of 127 years. He was succeeded by

Caleb, who brought the IsraeHtes back to Egypt and there

died. Next came Ezechiel the Levite, who cursed his people

for their unbelief and they died of a pestilence, but were

again restored to life by his prayer. It is said that a putrid
odour still clings to the descendants of these Jews. Some
historians identify Ezechiel with Dhu'1-Kifl, who will be
mentioned presently, but others say that the former lived
before David and the latter after, which latter statement

appears be the more correct. Ezechiel was followed by


Phineas, who is said to have been identical with him who

was called Khidr by the Arabs, and who found the Water of
Life but this statement is incorrect, for the Khidr who found

the Water of Life was not an Israelite, as was this Khidr, who
was the brother of Elias.

Elias (51).

Elias was sent to preach to the worshippers of Baal,

whom, on account of their unbelief, he afflicted, with drought
and famine. Disgusted by their unbelief, he finally withdrew
into seclusion, appointing as his successor —
Elisha the Ephraimite.

He was, forsome generations, the last of the Hebrew

— The Jews disregard their doctors {^ulama). —
The Ark of the Covenant is captured by Goliath.


Samuel is, an interval, sent as a Prophet (52) to the


Israelites, who, guided by him, recover the Ark. They —

demand a King, and are given Saul [Tdlut). — Goliath
killed by David. — Death of Samuel, aged 52.


David was the eleventh in descent from Jacob. Saul, jealous


of his influence, tries to kill him (53). Saul and his sons are
killed by the Philistines. The Psalms {Zubur) are revealed

to David. — His marvellous sweetness of voice. — His sin

with the wife of Uriah, by whom Solomon is born to him.
— His repentance and forgiveness. — Uriah is restored to
life to assure David of his forgiveness. The Jews, forbidden
to fish on the Sabbath, put down their nets on the Sabbath
and draw them on Sunday. David reproves them, but

they pay no heed, and as a punishment are metamorphosed

into pigs. —
David chooses Solomon as his successor and
builds the Temple at Jerusalem. He dies at the age of one

hundred, having reigned forty years.

Solomon (54).

Solomon alone of all mankind was both king and prophet..

— His ring, inherited from Adam, on which was engraved
the Most Great Name of God. — His authority over all

living creatures. — His throne, and how the wind obeys

him and carries him whither he will. — His wise minister,
Asaf b. Barkhiya.
— His adventures with Queen of
Sheba (55), whom he marries, and who bears him Rehoboam.
— Solomon's shape assumed and sway usurped by one of
the yinn. —
His death at the age of fifty-five. How his —
death was concealed from the yinn for a year. Mention —
of three or four more obscure prophets
— 56).

The Assyrians (or "Babylonians") attack Jerusalem, but

death overtakes their whole
army at the prayer of Isaiah.
— Isaiah waS the first prophet who foretold the advent of
Christ and Muhammad. — He is murdered. — Luhrasp,
king of Persia, sends Ruham the son of Giidarz (who was
called Nebuchadnezzor in Syria) to avenge his death, lay
waste Jerusalem, and bring the Israehtes into

Jeremiah (57).

Some historians identify Jeremiah with Ezra, asserting that

the latter was his Arabic and the former his Hebrew name.
On the death of Isaiah he fled to Egypt, but was brought
back by Nebuchadnezzor to Jerusalem. Ezra's faith that God
would once again make the Holy Land flourish. His —
soul is taken from his body while he sleeps, and restored
a hundred years later, when Daniel had come, and the
country was once more prosperous.
— He convinces the

Jews that he lived a century earlier by reciting the Tawrdt

(Pentateuch) by heart, and showing thepi where a copy of
the same made by Isaiah was hidden under a pillar of the
temple. Some of the Jews (58) called him the Son of God,
and so became infidels. —
Bahman the son of Isfandiyar,
being vexed with the inhabitants of Jerusalem, sent Nebu-
chadnezzor to destroy it again and massacre or take captive
the Israelites^ who were thus greatly reduced and humbled.


After the death of Bahman, Daniel restored Jerusalem,

and brought back the Israelites thither. God gave him as
his sign a knowledge of the Science of Geomancy. He guided
the Israelites for a time, and then retired into Khuzistan

in Persia, and there died. His tomb was discovered there

by Abu Musa al-Ash'^ari when the Arabs conquered Persia

the seventh century of the Christian era.].


Jonah. ;

Jonah was sent to preach to the people of Nineveh.

Their unbelief. —
Their punishment and repentance. —
Jonah and the whale (59)-
— He
remains forty days in the
whale's belly.
— His deliverance. —
His gourd and the

— He dies and is buried at Kufa. — Three more

minor prophets contemporary with Jonah. Three more, —

of Antioch, of
Sadiq, Sadiiq and Salum, sent to the people
whom, on account of their unbelief, all the adults are des-

troyed by a noise from heaven. — Some say that these three

prophets lived in the interval between Christ

and Muhammad,
and that their story isconnected with the villagers [ashdb-i-

qarya) mentioned in the Qur'an (6o). Five more minor pro-

phets, including Nahum and Habakkuk.


Some say that he was descended from Job and was an

Arab; othersthat, he was an Israelite. He was sent to a

King of Syria named Canaan [Kan^dn). His tomb is near

Kufa, and was a place of pilgrimage of the Jews, until
Uljaytii (Shah Khuda-banda, the Mongol) took it from them
and gave it to the Muslims, who built a Mosque on the

— Haggai and another minor prophet.


Zechariah was of the posterity of Solomon, and was cousin

to 'Imrdn thfe father of Mary, and their wives were sisters.
Birth of Mary. —A Son is promised to Zechariah (6l)*

His unbelief. — He is tongue-tied for three days. — John
the Baptist is born nine months later. — The Angel Gabriel
appears to Mary when she
eighteen years old in the form

of Joseph the Carpenter, on the 25th of the month of Adhar

(March), and foretells the birth of Jesus. — The miraculous

conception of Jesus, who is born nine months later. — Jesus
his cradle to vindicate his mother
speaks against the
calumnies of the Jews, declare his own mission, and announce
the advent of Muhammad "the Seal of the Prophets". —
Mary flees into Syria with the child Jesus. — Calumnies
uttered by the Israelites against Zechariah. — The king of
Jerusalem tries to kill him. — He flees towards Damascus,

but, being overtaken by his pursuers, takes refuge within a

hollow tree. —
Iblis tells his pursuers where he is, and they

saw the tree in two, together with Zechariah.

John the Baptist,

His mission. — He believes in Jesus.

— He is put to
death by the king of Jerusalem [Herod] for the sake of

[Herodias] his niece, whom John had forbidden him to marry

(62). The blood of John the Baptist will not dry up or rest,
and the doctors of the law declare that it will not do so
until the blood of his murderers poured upon it. Giidarz

the Parthian (Ashghani) this, marches on Jerusalem,

and kills 70,000 Jews, but the blood will not rest until finally
the blood of the murderers is poured over it.

Jesus Christ.

The genealogy of Jesus up to Adam. He was born on

Wednesday, the 25th of Kanun-i-Awwal (December) in the

year 233 of Alexander, at Nasiratu'l-Khalil (Nazareth) near

Jerusalem, on which account his followers are called Nazarenes
[Nasrdni, plural, Nasdra). He alone of all the prophets was
born with the gift of prophecy, for others have only become
prophets after the age of forty. When he was thirty years
of age he came back (63) from Damascus to Jerusalem,
where the Gospel [Injil) was revealed to him, and he began
to summon men to God. The Jews required a miracle, where-
upon he made a bat out of clay, breathed on it, and it flew.
He also healed blind and leprous persons whom the physi-
cians had been unable to benefit, and restored toTife Shem
the son of Noah as a witne^ to them. As the Jews still
remained obdurate, two years' preaching Jesus departed

into Egypt. On
way thither he preached to a company

of washermen, twelve of whom believed and became the

twelve disciples. — Their names. — They accompany Jesus

Christ to Andalusia {sic), where there is a famine. Jesus

prays, and food is sent down for them from heaven — roast
fish, roast lamb and cress — for three consecutive days.
Some unbelievers ascribed this miracle to magic, and were
turned into swine. Jesus again returned to Jerusalem. The
Jews seek to kill him. He flees, and the Jews seize Simon
who refuses to betray his Master. They then seize
Judas, who for 30 dirhams shows them where Jesus is. The
Jews wish to take him, but God conceals him from their
eyes, and transforms into his likeness Yishu', the chief priest

of the Jews, whom

they crucify (64) in his stead, while
Jesus ascends into heaven, he being then thirty-two years
of age. Yishu' remained on the Cross for seven days and

nights, and Mary used to go every night and weep at the

foot of the Cross, until, on the seventh night, God sent
down Jesus from heaven to comfort her. John the Baptist
and seven of the Disciples also saw Jesus, and spent that
night with him, and he gave them many wise counsels, some
of which are here given. — The Jews conquered by the
Romans. — The Disciples disperse, two going to Rome,
one to Qayruwan, one to Ifriqiyya (Tunis), one to the Franks,
one to the Hijaz, and one to Jerusalem (65)- Rapid diffusion
of Christianity. Reverence for the Cross. Some regard —
Jesus as God, and some as the Son of God, while others
regard him and his mother Mary as partners of God, all of

which beliefs are heresy. Mary died six years after Jesus
had ascended into heaven.

Second Discourse. Section i. The minor Prophets.

Abel *(Habfl).

He was the first to whom a prophetic commission was

given. His story has been already given (p. 10 supra; pp.

23 4 o{ facsimile).

Dhu'l-Qarnayn al-Akbar.
Some say that it was he who built the
Sadd-i-Ydjuj (Great
Wall) and journeyed round the world, and that he lived
before Abraham and was contemporary with Khidr, who

accompanied him in his search for the Water of Life ;

others assert that these deeds are to be ascribed to the
other Dhu'l-Qarnayn, namely Iskandar (Alexander the Great)
the son of Darab the son of Bahman. Dhu'l-Qarnayn is
mentioned in but as a King, not a prophet,
the Qur'an,
and that he was a prophet is denied by some historians.

Abimelech and
These were Syrian prophets, followers of the religion of
Abraham, with whom they were contemporary. [There follow
on page and on p. 66 names of other prophets, most

of which cannot be identified]. Amongst them (66) are Sam-

son; a descendant of Aaron named ^Ali; Aghrirath, son of

Pushang, said to have been the only prophet who came out
of Turkistan, who was killed by his brother Afrasiyab; Saul;

(Qj) Simon \Peter\ who followed Jesus Christ; Jirjis [St. George),
who, after suffering much persecution, converted the king
and people of Mawsil (Nineveh); Khdlid b. Sindn, who, in
the time of Nushirwan, preached Christianity to the Arabs,
overcame a fire which they worshipped, and brought rain
when he would.

Second Discourse. Section 2. Philosophers and Teachers.

Luqmdn (68).

Some assert that he was the cousin of Moses, others that

he was a black slave. Some regard him as a prophet, but
in the Qur''dn he is" only mentioned as a wise man. God
granted him the life of seven vultures, a vulture being said

to live 500 years or less. Some of his wise sayings and

maxims (69).

Pythagoras {Fithdghuras).
He was the disciple of Luqman and contemporary with

Gushtasp. His musical inventions.

— His sayings.

Hippocrates [Buqrdt).
He was the disciple of Pythagoras (70), and contemporary
with Bahman, and was the father of Medicine. His is the
saying, '^Ars longa, vita brevis''\ Mention is also made of

Buqrdtis, whom the author treats as an independent person

and a disciple of the above.

Socrates {Suqrdt).

Some of his alleged sayings are quoted.

F/ato {A/id tun).

He was the disciple of the above, and contemporary with
Darab. His wise sayings (70— 71).
Aristotle {Aristdtdlis).

He was the disciple of Plato and the minister and adviser

of Alexander.

Pliny (Balinds) (72).

He was the disciple of Aristotle, and constructed the mi-

naret of Alexandria, which showed all that was taking place
in the lands of the Franks.

Galen {Jdlinus).
He was the disciple of Pliny. Some of his sayings.

Ptolemy [Batlimus).
He was the disciple of Galen. So'me of his sayings.

Thiyddhuq (73).
He was a contemporary of Nushirwan ').
His medical apho-
risms (73).

l) This is an error. He flourished in reality in the Umayyad period, and was

jn the service of Hajjdj b. Yusuf. See Ta'rikhu' l-Hukamd^ p. 105 and
Ibn Abf Usaybi'a, vol. i, pp. 121
— 3, where his aphorisms are mentioned.

Buzurjmihr .

He was Nushirwan's prime minister, and was a native of

Merv. — His aphorisms (74 78). —
The Mujdhidun, or Strivers for God (78).

The seven Sleepers [Ashdb-i- Kahf).

These Hved in the time of the Emperor Decius [Daqiyd-

nus), near Tarsus in Syria. Their names. — Their dog. —

— Their trance in the cave lasts for 309 years, when they
are restored to consciousness.

Samson {Shamsun) {79).

His strength. He makes war on th^ unbeHevers with the
bone of a camel. He betrayed by his wife and bound with

his own hair. He pulls down the king's palace on his enemies.

The Tubba' of Yaman.

He wasa contemporary of Bahram Gur. He is converted
to the Jewish religion, and informed of the approaching

advent of the Prophet Muhammad. He visits the Ka'^ba at

Mecca and invests it for the first time. He challenges the
unbelievers of Yaman, who are consumed by a miraculous
fire which inhabited a cave there.

The Christians of Najrdn [Ashdbu^ l-Ukhdiid) (80).

These lived in the time of Pi'ruz son of Qubad. Fimun

the Christian converts the tree-worshippers. How Jiis disciple
''Abdu'llah b. Tamir discovers the Most Great Name of God.
Dhu Nuwas Yusuf, the Himyarite king of Yaman, takes captive
and kills Tamir, whose body was discovered
'^Abdu'llah b.

during the Caliphate of ""Umar (81). Dhu Nuwas burns the Chris-

tians of Najran in pits of fire. God punishes him by sending

the Abyssinians to invade Yaman and destroy him and the
ancient dynasty which he represented. Hasan-i-Sabbah, the
founder of the Assassins [Maldhida) was of his posterity.


Section i. The Pishdddiydn.

Various accounts of his genealogy. His son (or grandson)

Siydmak is killed by the divs or demons, but his death is

avenged by his son (or grandson) Hushang (82). Istakhr,
Balkh and Damawand are said to have been founded by
Gayumarth, who lived 1000 years.

2. Hushang.
He succeeded his grandfather Gayumarth, and is also

called Bum-Shdh, and entitled Pish-ddd, because he first

dispensed equaj justice amongst men. His institutions, and

the cities founded by him. He reigned for 40 years. The

prophet Idrfs was his contemporary. His philosophical apho-

risms (83—85).

3. Tahmiirath (85).

He succeeded his father Hushang, and was entitled Div-

band, Binder of Demons". Fasting instituted in his

time, on account of a famine which prevailed. Biidasaf —

and the Chaldaeans. — Sa*^di's Bicstdn cited (86). Origin of

— Origin of the Sabaeans and of star-worship. —
Religious toleration enjoined by Tahmiirath. He reigns 30
— Cities founded by him.

4. Jamshid.
He succeeded his father (or, according to others, his bro-
ther) Tahmurath. He instituted three castes in his kingdom,
soldiers, artisans and agriculturalists. Invention of the arts
of Music and Medicine (87). Idolatry prevails. Jamshfd's im-
pious claim to be divine. Cities founded by him. He reigns

700 years, and survives his deposition by Dahhak 100

years more.

5. Dahhak.
He was called Qays in Arabic and Biwarasp in Persian.

Etymology of the name Dahak [dah-dk = "ten vices"). His

shoulders are attacked by a devouring cancer {saratdn) which
only the application ofhuman brains can relieve. His cooks,
Armayil and Karmayil, and how they save some of Dahhak's
victims (88), from whom are descended the Kurds. The story
of Kawa the blacksmith and his revolt. Dahhak is deposed
after a reign of 1000 years.

6. Firidun.

His genealogy and names. Now he overthrows Dahhak (89).

The dir afsh-i-Kdway an becomes the national standard. Its
final by the Arabs at Qadisiyya. Firidun divides
his kingdom between his three sons, Salm, Tur and Iraj,

of whom the two former are jealous of the latter and murder
him. Birth of Miniichihr, grandson of Iraj. He grows up and
avenges his grandfather's death. The hostility between Iran
and Turan dates from that time. Wars of Kush, the nephew
of Dahhak, with Sam the son of Nariman. Firidun reigned

500 years,

7. Miniichihr. (90)

He first causes gardens to be made. Moses and Joshua

were his contemporaries. He reigned 120 years.

8. Nudhar.
He succeeded his father Miniichihr. Afrasiyab makes war
upon him, and finally takes him captive and puts him to
death. He reigned 7 years.

9. Afrdsiydb.
After killing Nudhar, Afrasiyab usurped the Persian throne,

until, after he had wrought much devastation, he was ex-

pelled by Zal the son of Sam.

10. Zaw.

He was placed on the throne by Zal, and remitted all

taxes for 7 years, until the country recovered its prosperity.

1 1 .
Karshdsp. (91)

his father Zaw, but reigned only 6

Kar-shasp succeeded
years, death taking place while he was engaged in war

with Afrasiyab, who again overran Persia, but was expelled

by Zal.

Section 2. The Kaydniydn.

(Duration of this dynasty, 734 years).

I. Kay-Qubdd.
He delivers Persia from Afrasiyab by the help of Zal and
.Rustam. Rustam made Jahdn pahlawdn, a position equiva-
lent to that of Amiru' I- Umard. Institutions of Kay-Qubad.
The frontier between Iran and Turan is fixed by the won-
derful bow-shot of Arash. Kay-Qubad reigned 100 years.

2. Kay-Kdwiis.
He succeeds his father (or grandfather) Kay-Qubad. He
gets into trouble in Mazandaran and is rescued by Rustam,
who makes his way thither alone through the Haft-Khwan

(92). He suffers defeat by the ^imyarites in Hamawaran, and

is again rescued
by Rustam, who is rewarded with the hand
of Mihr-naz, the sister of Kay-Kawus.
Kay-Kawus' attempt to
reach heaven an aerial chariot drawn by vultures. The

story of Rustam and Suhrab. The story of Siyawush. Afra-

siyab defeated by Rustam (93), who ravages Turkistan. Kawus
reigned 150 years.

3. Kay-Khusraw.
He was the son of Siyawush, and was born four months
after his father's death. Giv the son of Gudarz brings him
from Turan to Iran. Rivalry of Firiburz. Further wars with
Turan (94). Story of Bizhan and Manizha. Rustam is sent
in disguise to deHver Bizhan from prison. The
Turan to

combat called Jang-i-duwdzdah rukh between the champions

of Iranand Turan. Afrasiyab is defeated and pursued by
Kay-Khusraw until he is finally taken captive near Lake
Chichast in Adharbayjan by (95) Hum, and is put to death
by Kay Khusraw, who afterwards abdicates in favour of


4. Luhrasp.
He was the great-grandson of Kay-Qubad. He makes
Bukht Nassar (Nebuchadnezzor), whom the Persians call Bakht-
Narsi, commander-in-chief. Story of son Gushtasp (96)

and Katayun, daughter of the Emperor of the Romans.

Luhrasp abdicates in favour of his son Gushtasp, and retires
into religious seclusion at Balkh, where he is killed by Arjasp,
having reigned 120 years.

5. Gushtdsp.
Zoroasterappeared in his reign, Gushtasp adopts the
Zoroastrian faith, and endeavours to impose it on the Romans,
but desists on (97) learning that Firidiin had given them
a charter guaranteeing them religious freedom. Isfandiyar's
zeal for Zoroastrianism. Arjasp, the grandson of Afrasiyab,
invades Persia, kills Luhrasp at Balkh, and defeats Gushtasp,
who sends his brother Jamasp to release Isfandiyar. Isfan-

diyar defeats and kills Arjasp, and demands the throne of

his father Gushtasp, who sends him to Jcill or^take captive
Rustam, against whom he is incensed. Rustam is only able

to kill Isfandiyar by the guidance of Zal and the Simurgh,


who instruct him to use arrows made of gaz (tamarisk) wood.

Towns founded by Gushtasp (98). His reign lasted 1 20 years.

6. Bahman^ son of Isfandiydr.

He seeks revenge for his father, and kills Rustam's son

Faramarz. He is called hx(\z.s\i{x-\-Dirdz-dast ("the Long-
handed") by the Persians, and Kurush (Cyrus) by the Jews.
His son Sasan and his daughter Humay. He marries the
latter, and makes her queen, excluding Sasan, who with-

draws into seclusion.

7. Humdy, or Shamirdn.

A son is born by Humay to her father Bahman. She casts

him into the water, whence he

rescued by a washerman,

and named Ddrdb, because he was found in the water {dar

db). His royal origin is revealed by his powers, and Humay
(99) finally recognizes him as king, and retires after a reign

of 32 years. She built

Persepolis {Hazdr Sutun-i-Istakhr),,
which Alexander afterwards destroyed.

8. Ddrdb, son of Bahman.

He establishes the post [barid) in Persia. He demands in

marriage the daughter of Fayliqus (Philip), but divorces her.

She gives birth to Iskandar (Alexander) whom Philip declares
to be his own son. Darab appoints another son named Dara
his successor, and dies after a reign of twelve years.

9. Ddrd, son of Ddrdb.

Alexander refuses to pay the customary tribute to Dara,
and says that "the bird which laid three golden eggs is
dead." He attacks Dara, who
murdered by two of his

own servants, and marries Rawshanak [Roxana] the daughter

of Dara. Dai'a reigned for 14 years.

\o. Iskandar [Alexander).

Iskandar the son of Darab the son of Bahman (lOO) suc-

ceeded hisDara, and conquered the whole world.

Qaydhafa the queen of Andalusia alone outwits him. He

goes in quest of the Water of Life with Khidr. Aristotle
acts as hisWazir, plagiarizes Persian philosophy, and then .

burns the books and destroys the sciences of the Persians.

Monuments left by Alexander. He divided Persia before his
death amongst 90 Muliiktit-Tawaif, or Tribal Kings, and
thus rendered her powerless. He reigned 14 years in Persia,
died at Shahrazur, and was buried at Alexandria. The famous
lovers Wamiq and "^Adhra lived in his time. (lOl) Some of
his aphorisms.

Section 3. The Tribal Kings [Muluku^t-Tawd^if).

These ruled over Persia from the death of Alexander
until the foundation of the Sasanian dynasty by Ardashir
Babakan, in all Learning and science flourished
318 years ^).

in their days, and the Book of Sindibdd and other notable

books were composed. There were three branches of these

kings, comprising 21 rulers who were of greater importance
than the others.

First Branch, (i) Abtahan.

Abtahan-i-Rumi held Khurasan, ""Iraq, and part of Fars

and Kirman from Alexander. After a reign of four years he
was killed by the founder of the —
Second Branch, (i) Ashk of Dara.
He was recognized as suzerain and over-lord by the other

l) The period was in reality much longer, over 550 years, for Alexander
died B. C. 330 and the Sasanian
dynasty was founded in A. D. 226. The only
Muhammadan historian who was aware of, and explained the reason of this
falsification so for as Kitdbu't-Tanbih
is, I know, Mas'iidi, in his admirable
wa'l-Ishrdf (ed. De Goeje, pp. 97
— 9).


kings, but took no tribute from them. He reigned fifteen

years and was succeeded by his son —
(2) Ashk son of Ashk.

He (102) reigned twenty years and was succeeded by his

brother —
(3) Shdpiir son of Ashk son of Ddrd.

He is called "the Great Shapur". He defeated the Greeks

[Rum), and recovered a large part of the spoils taken from

Persia by Alexander. He reigned six years, and was succeeded
by his son —
.(4) Bahrain son of Shdpiir.

He reigned eleven years and was succeeded by his son

(5) Baldsh [Vologeses).

He reigned sixteen years, and was succeeded by his son

(6) Hurmazd.
He also reigned sixteen years, and was succeeded by his

brother —
(7) Narsi.

He reigned four years, and was succeeded by his nephew —

(8) Firiiz son of Firiiz son of Baldsh.
He reigned seventeen years, and was succeeded by his son —
(9) Baldsh.

He reigned twelve years, and was succeeded by his cousin —

(10) Khusraw son of Narsi son of Baldsh.

He reigned six years, and was succeeded by —


(11) Baldshdn son of Balds h son of Fir4z.

Marghzar-i-Balashan, a place near Isfahan, is named after

him. He reigned twenty-two years, and was succeeded by
his son —
(12) Ardawdn.
He reigned thirteen years (103), and was killed in battle
with the Ashghaniyan.

Third Branch. The Ashghdniydn.

These Ashghaniyan were descended from Firiburz the son
of Kawus. They were eight in number and reigned one hun-
dred and fifty years.

(i) Ardawdn son of Ashgh.

He held the same position of over-lord conceded to the

preceding dynasty by the other kings, reigned thirty years,

and was succeeded by his brother —
(2) Khusraw son of Ashgh.

Jesus Christ was born in his reign, which lasted twelve

years. He was succeeded by his brother —
(3) Baldsh son of Ashgh.

He also reigned for twelve years, and was succeeded by

his son —
(4) Giidarz, called '^the Greaf\
He avenged the death of John [the Baptist] on the Jews.
He reigned thirty years and was succeeded by his son —
(5) Biri.

Ways and Ramin governed Khurasan on

') his behalf. He
reigned twenty years and was succeeded by his son —
i) The hero and heroine of a popular Persian romance. The first name is

here pointed Ways (not Wis^ quite clearly.


(6) Giidarz.

He reigned two years and was succeeded by his uncle —

(7) Narsi son of Giidarz son of Baldsh.

He reigned ten years, and was succeeded by the son of

his predecessor —
(8) Narsi son of Giidarz son of Biri.

In his time the Romans attacked Persia, but he sought

help from Muluku^t-Tawa'if and drove them

the [other]
back. He reigned thirty one years and was killed by Ardashir

Babakan, and with him the "Tribal Kings" came to an end.

Section 4..
The Sdsdniydn {Akdsira, pi. of Kisrd).

These were thirty-one in number, and the dynasty endured

for 527 years (104). ft

(i) Ardashir Bdbakdn.

Babak, from whom Ardashir derives his patronymic, was

his maternal grandfather and was Ardawan's governor in
Fars. The town of Shahr-i-Bdbak takes its name from him.
Story of Sasan and Babak's dream. The latter gives his

daughter in marriage to the former. Birth of Ardashir. He

goes to Ardawan's court. His flight and revolt. He fights
and kills Ardawan, whose daughter he marries. Her story.
Birth of Shapur. His recognition by Ardashir. The Barme-
cides [Al-i-Barmak) were descended from Ardashir's devoted
minister [Abarsam].

Story of Haftawad and the Worm
of Kirman, from which that city derives its name. Ardashir

destroys the Worm (105), takes Kirman, and kills Haftawad

and his sons. Cities founded by Ardashir. —
Some of his
aphorisms. He reigned 44 years and 2 months, of which time
30 years were spent in subduing the Tribal kings.

(2) Shdpur son of Ardashir.

He reigned 31 years.
— Cities founded by him. — Towns
built by Sasanians in the shapes of animals, e. g. Siis in the

shape of a hawk, Shushtar in the shape of a horse, etc. (106).

(3) Hurmazd son of Shdpur.

His strength and courage. He persecutes the Manichaeans.

Cities founded by him. He reigned 2 years.

(4) Bahrdm son of Hurmazd.

He reigned for 13 years and 3 months.

(5) Bahrdm son of Bahrdm. son of Hurmazd.

He reigned for 8 years.

(6) Bahrdm son of Bahrdm son of Bahrdm.

He was called Bahram Bahraman and Sagan-shah [i. e.

king of Sijistan or Sistan). He reigned 13 years and 4 months.

(7) Narsi son of Bahrdm son of Bahrdm son of Hurmazd.

He succeeded his brother, who died childless. He reigned

9 years.

(8) Hurmazd son of Narsi.

He also reigned 9 years.

(9) Shdpur son of Hurmazd, called Dhiil-Aktdf.

He was born 40 days after his father's death. During

childhood the Arabs give more trouble, sack Ctesiphon,

and carry off his aunt Nusha, who is married by Tahir, the
Arab leader, and bears him a daughter named Malika. Shapur,
on reaching man's estate, makes war on the Arabs, and
with the help of Malika, kills Tahir, takes his stronghold,
and marries Malika. Story of MaHka and the "crumpled

rose-leaf, Shapiir puts her to death also, and kills many of

the Arabs. How
he gets the nick-name oi Dhu I- Aktdf {'^ the.

Shoulder-man"). Shapiir explains to Malik b. Nadr, an an-

cestor of the Prophet Muhammad, that his hatred of the
Arabs arises from a prophecy that his house will be over-
thrown by them. Malik (108) dissuades him from further

slaughter. Shapiir, pretending to be his own ambassador,

visits the Roman Emperor [Qaysar-i-Rmn), but is recognized
and taken prisoner. The Emperor devastates Persia. Shapiir,

aided by a girl who falls in love with him, escapes to Persia,

takes the Qaysar captive, and compels him to repair the
ruin he has caused in Persia by the aid of Greek workmen.
— Somesay that Manes (Mani) appeared in Shapiir's reign.
(109) His miracles or pretended miracles. He is put to death.
— Another false prophet named Adharbadh, from whom
the province of Adharbadhagan (Azarbayjan) takes its name.
Citiesfounded by Shapiir. He lived 72 years, and was king
during the whole of this period.

(lo) Ardashir son of Hurmazd.

He was the
brother of his predecessor, acted as regent
for 10 years during the minority of his nephew Shapiir, and

then retired in his favour.

(11) Shdpiir son of Shdpiir son of Hurmazd.

(110). He reigned only five years and four months, and

was killed by his tent being blown down on him when he

was out hunting. Sharwin and Khurwfn were his contempo-

raries. The former was lent to Riim to act as
regent for
the Qaysar's infant son, and remained there until the time
of Bahram Then are many Pahlawi poems about him,

including one named Sharwiniydn,

(12) Bahrdm son of Shapiir son of

He succeeded his brother, and is entitled Kirmanshah.

He was cruel, tyrannical and avaricious. He reigned 13 years.

His epitaph.

(13) Yazdigird son of Bahrdm.

(ill). He reigned only a year, and is by many historians

not reckoned amongst the Sasanian kings.

(14) Yazdigird [cousin of the above).

He, on account of his tyranny and evil deeds, is known as

Baza-gar (in Arabic, al-Athim), i.e. "the Sinner". — Predic-

tions of the astrologers.
— Story of the fairy horse which
causes his death at Chashina-i-Sabz ("the Green Fountain")
in Khurasan. He reigned 21Y2 years.

(15) Bahrdm son of Yazdigird son of Shdpur son of

Shdpur (112).

On account of his father's tyranny he was at first excluded

from the succession, Kisrd being chosen as king, but his

courage in the Ordeal of the Lions secured him the throne.

His courage and justice. His love of the chase. Why he was
called Bahrdm Giir. —
Story of him and his mistress Dil-
aram. His reign was a time of pleasure and merry-making.
Lull's imported from India as minstrels. Story of Bahram,

his wicked minister Rast-Ravish (or Rdst-Rushan in MS.),
the shepherd and the faithless dog. (113) The Khaqan of
Turkistan invades Persia. Bahram's feigned flight to Adhar-

bayjan. He defeats and kills the Khaqan in a night attack.

He invades India and marries the daughter of the king of
that country. He dies at the age of 63 years.

(16) Yazdigird son of Bahrdm Gur.

He had an uneventful reign of 17 years,

40 CHAPTER II, Section 4.

(17) Htirmazd son of Yazdigird (II4).

Civil war between him and his elder brother Fi'ruz. He

reigns only one year.

(18) Firiiz son of Yazdigird.

The great famine in his days.

— His justice and firmness.
— Cities founded by him. —
He is killed in battle by
Khush-Nawaz the Turk, after a reign of ten years.

(19) Balds h son of Firiiz.

His brother Qubad flees from him. — Sufra, the Jahdn-

pahlawdn, or world-warrior, of the period, avenges the death
of Fi'ruz on the Turks. Balash dies after a reign of five years.

(20) Qubdd son of Firiiz.

In Pahlawi he is called Lukard. Mazdak appears in his

reign (II5). His communistic teachings. Deposition of Qubad

in favour of hisbrother Jamasp. Qubad is restored by—
the help of the Haytals. His son Nushfrwan destroys Mazdak
and his followers. — Citiesfounded by Qubad. He reigned
64 years, saving 3 years during which his brother Jamasp

(21) Aniisharwdn [Niishirwdn).

He was the first Sasanian king who was known as Kisra,

a title given to all his successors. His justice. His institu-
tions.His defences against the people of Qipchaq. His Sipah-
sdldrs Shfranshah (Sharwanshah) etc. (I16). The book of
Kalila and Dimna and the game of chess brought from
India in his reign. —
Drafts invented by Buzurjmihr. The —
"Year of the Elephant", in which the Abyssinians under
Abraha attacked Mecca, was the 40th year of his reign. In
the same year the Prophet Muhammad was born. Nushfrwan

reigned 48 years.
— His epitaph. — His aphorisms (116— II9).

(22) Hurmazd son of NusMrwdn.

His tyranny. — (120) Persia is invaded on all sides, by
Turks, Khazars, Arabs and Greeks. The last three are paci-

fied by concessions, and Bahram Chubin is sent to fight the

Turks, whom he defeats, and whose leader, Sawa-Shah, he

kills. He is insulted by Hurmazd, who charges him with
keeping for himself the best of the booty, and, casting off

his pronounces in favour of Prince Parwiz, who

retires to Armenia, and marries the daughter of the king

of that country. Hurmazd is deposed, blinded and killed

after a reign of 12 years, and his son Parwiz is placed on
the throne. Genealogy of Bahram Chubin. He defeats Parwiz,
who flees to the Qaysar of Rum, and marries his daughter
Maryam. He returns to Persia, conquers Bahram Chubin,
and puts him to flight. (I2l) At the instigation of Parwiz,
Bahram Chubin is murdered in Turkistan after he had
maintained a successful rebelHon for two years.

(23) Khusraw Parwiz.

He was the eighteenth in descent from Ardashir Babakan,
and all his ancestors were kings. His luxury, pomp and
— Some of his wonderful possessions. (122) Barbad
the minstrel, and the 360 tunes he invented. Parwiz obtains

possession of the Qaysar's treasures.

— The Prophet Muham-
mad's Parwiz and reception. The Prophet curses

letter to its

him. His son Shiruya rebels against him and kills him. —
He reigned 38 years.
— Some of his sayings.

(24) Shiruya son of Parwiz (123).

He killed many of his brothers and relations, but died of

the plague at the age of 22 after a reign of 6 months.

(25) Ardashir son of Shiruya.


He was but a child when he was murdered by a


servant after a reign of 18 months. One of the nobles of


Parwfz named Qara'in then usurped the supreme power, but

was killed two years later.

(26) Turdn [Purdn] Dukht, daughter of Parwiz.

She reigned only six months. In her reign the Prophet
Muhammad died.

{2']) Azarmi-Dukht, daughter of Parhviz.

Her beauty and intelligence. one of her generals
She kills

who tries to make love to her. She reigned only four months.

(28) Farrukh-zdd.

He was a grandson of Shiruya. His mother was a singer

of Isfahan named Shakar (Sugar), and his parentage uncer-
tain. After a reign of one month he also was murdered by
a slave.

(29) Yazdigird son of Shahriydr son of Parwiz.

(124) He was the last Sasanian king. His life was saved
by his nurse when Shiruya killed so many of his relatives.
In the Caliphate of "^Umar, Sa'^d b. Waqqas attacks Persia.
— Defeat and death of Rustam son of Farrukh-zad Qadi- at

— Flight of Yazdigird to Merv. — He defeated is

by Mahiiy Suri.and Bizhan, takes refuge in the house of a

miller, and is killed by order of Mahuy. He nominally

reigned twenty years, but effectively for four years only.



(125) Introduction. On the Prophet's genealogy.

The pre-existent "Light of Muhammad" [Niir-i- Muhammad).

(126) How that Light descended from Adam, in whom it
first appeared, through the prophets anid Arab tribes (127)
to Quraysh and the Prophet's family.

(128) Section i. Account of the Prophet's life.

His position amongst the prophets. His birth and horoscope.

(129) Portents which heralded

his birth. Satih interprets the

omens. Full genealogy of the Prophet (130) up to Adam. His

mother Amina. Death of his father "^Abdu'llah. His childhood.
(131) Death of Amina. — Death of ^Abdu'l-Muttalib. — His
uncle Abu
Talib becomes his guardian. He goes as a mer- —
chant to Syria. He is nick-named "the Trusty" [al-Amin). He
enters Khadija's service, and marries her. Abu Talib's khutba

(homily) on (132) this occasion. At the age of 35 he is

chosen by Quraysh to replace the Black Stone at Mecca.
During a period of famine he supports '^Ali, ^Abbas and
Ja'^far, in order to relieve Abu Talib. —Beginning of the

Revelations in his fortieth year (133). All sacred books were

revealed in the month of Ramadan. — Muhammad com-
forted by his wife Khadija and her cousin Waraqa b. Nawfal.
The conversions of Khadija, '^Ali, (134) Zayd, Abu Bakr,
*^Uthman, Talha, Zubayr, SaM b. Abi Waqqas, '^Abdu'r-

Rahman b. Abu "^Ubayda b. al-Jarrah all took place

"^Awf and
within 20 days of Muhammad's call. — Enmity of Quraysh.
Conversion of '^Umar, who was the fortieth convert during
the first three years of the Prophet's Mission. Islam now

began to be preached openly. Persecution of the Muslims.


(135) Flight of '^Uthman and his wife Ruqayya, and Hamza
to Abyssinia. — ^
The miracle of the "Cleaving of the Moon".
— Death of Abu Talib and Khadija in the loth year of
the Prophet's Mission, which he therefore named "the Year
of Woe". The Prophet goes to Ta'if. (13b) He is badly
received, but is consoled by the conversion of a company
of the Jinn. His Ascension [Mi'^rdj). — Conversion of many
of the people of al-Madina. — The people of Mecca, insti-

gated by Iblis in the form of an old man of Najd, try to

kill the Prophet. — His Flight [hijrat] to al-Madina. — The

first mosque built there. — The Ansar.

Treachery of (137)
the Jews of al-Madina. — The qibla
changed from Jerusalem
to Mecca. The Prophet's wars with the unbelievers in A. H. i

and bther events of that year, including his marriage with

'A'isha. {138) A. H. 2. The Prophet gives his daughter Fatima
in marriage to his cousin 'Ali. (139). She was then 13 years
old. She bore him 3 sons, ^asan, Husayn and Muhsin, and

two daughters, Zaynab and Umm Kulthiim. She died A. H.

II, six months after her father. {140) ""All nick-named Abii

Turab. — The Fast of Ramadan instituted. Battle of (141)

Badr. — Death of Ruqayya, the wife of "^Uthman. Umm
Kulthum given to him in marriage in her place. (142) Per-

sians defeated by Arabs. —

A. H. 3. Wine prohibited. Battle
of Uhud Muslims defeated, 65 slain, and the Prophet
loses a tooth. ^AH'ssword is broken, and the Prophet gives
him Dhu'l-Fiqar instead, Hamza killed. A. H. 4. {144) Other
battles. A. H. 5 (145) Attack on al-Madina, which Salman
the Persian helps to fortify. *^Ali kills "Amr b. 'Antar. —
Defeat and slaughter of the Jews of Quraydha. A. H. 6. Wars
with Banu Libyan and Banu Mustaliq (146). The scandal

concerning 'A'isha, and the Revelation exculpating her. Con-

versions of ^Amr b. ^As and Khalid b. WaU'd. (147) The
Prophet sends letters to the rulers of adjacent countries

inviting them embrace Islam. The King of Egypt an-


swered politely and sent presents, including the girl Mariya

(whom the Prophet took in marriage, and who bore him
Ibrahim), and the mule Duldul, which was given to "^Ali.
The King of Syria did not answer at all. The King of
Yamama answered politely, but declined to accept Islam.
The Kings of "^Uman, Bahrayn and Abyssinia accepted
Islam and wrote polite answers. Heracleus, the Emperor of
the Romans, secretly accepted Islam, though he concealed
his behef, and wrote a polite answer. Khusraw Parwfz, King
of Persia, tore the Prophet's letter in pieces and reviled

him. The Prophet's curse was the cause of the downfall of

the Empire and the House of Sasan. (148) A. H. 7.

Conquest of Khaybar. ^Ali's valour. Fadak surrenders. Attempt

to poison the Prophet. Death of Umm Kulthum. (149) The

miracle of the weeping tree. A. H. 8. (150) Khalid b. Walid

becomes Amir. Subjugation of Mecca. (151) Other battles.
(152) Death of the King [Najdshi) of Abyssinia. Wholesale
conversions of Arab tribes. Appearance of Musaylima the
False Prophet.
— Death of Zaynab. — Birth of the Pro-

phet's son A. H. 9 (153) Unbelievers forbidden to

make the Pilgrimage to Mecca. A. H. 10. Death of Ibrahim.
The "Farewell Pilgrimage". A. H. 10. The Prophet's illness.
Abu Bakr appointed to act as his deputy. (154) Death of
the Prophet. —
His funeral. —
Safiyya's elegy on him (155).
Fatima's elegy, and another's. —
Personal characteristics of
the Prophet. (156) Difference between the obligations laid on

him and those laid on his followers. (157) The Prophet's

fourteen wives. Khadija, Zaynab and Isaf died during his life-
time; "^Aliya and Khawla he divorced; the remaining nine were
''A'isha, Suda, Hafsa, Umm Salma, Zaynab, Juwayriya, Safiyya,
Maymuna and Umm Habiba. He had four other wives with
whom he did not cohabit, and five other women he sought
in marriage but did not actually marry. He had also two
concubines. —
Further account of these wives and the chil-
dren they bore to the Prophet.
— Why God caused his
sons to die in infancy (158 — 162). The Prophet's four daugh-
ters and — (162) The Prophet's amanuenses.
their history.
— His names and — {163) His uncles and aunts. —

His slaves and handmaidens. — His horses His swords, (164).

coats of mail, bows, shield, spears, heljmets, staves, turban,
cloak and other personal possessions. — His ass, camels,
sheep, garments and other gear (165).

Section 2. The Five Orthodox Caliphs.

These reigned 30 years. The first Caliph was Abu Bakr.

in all

His (166) biography. Apostacy of the Arabs. Twelve armies —

sent against them, viz. against (i) Tulayha, (2) Sajja^a [Sajah]

Dissension between Abu Bakr and "Umar about Khalid.

(3) Musaylima (168). (4) Hajar Bahrayn, and eight other


expeditions, all in A.
H. 11. —
A. H. 12. War with Persians.
Hurmazd and Qarin. and Khawarnaq taken.
(169) Hira

(170) Shirzad
and Hilal defeated. Syria attacked.

Death —
of Abu Bakr and accession of ""Umar. Khalid replaced by
Abu ^Ubayda b. al-Jarrah. (171) Death of Abu Bakr at the

age of 63 after governing the Muslims for two years. (172)

Abu Bakr's three sons. —
'Umar b. al-Khattdb succeeds as
the second Caliph in A. H. 13. Why entitled Fdruq. — (173)
The campaign against Syria. (174) Abii "^Ubayda dies at

Hims, and is replaced as governor of Syria by Mu*^awiya b.

Abf Sufyan. — Success of the Egyptian Campaign. The —
Persian Campaign : successive defeats of Rustam, Narsi and

—Chaldaea occupied by the Arabs. (175) Bahman
Jadii defeats and pursues the Arabs, but withdraws on
account of disturbances in Persia. — Yazdigird is made king.
— His interview with the Arab envoys sent by SaM b. Abi
Waqqas, and the fear with which their words inspire him.

(176) The Battle of Qadisiyya. —

Death of Rustam and
defeat of the Persians. — Basra founded, A. H. 16. — Amount
of spoil taken from al-Mada'in (Ctesiphon) by the Arabs.

(177) Defeat of the Persians at Hulwan. Tekri't reduced. —

(178) The Persians prepare for another battle, (179) which
is fought at Nahawand and results in the defeat of the Per-

sians. — The by which Hurmuzan saves his life.

trick —
The Taxes imposed by ""Umar in ""Iraq and Sawad. Ha- —
madan taken. (180) Ray, Isfahan, Kirman, Sistan and Mukran
are taken or capitulate in A. H. 22. Adharbayjan, Arran,

Mughan, Gushtasfi and Shirwan taken or surrendered. (181)

Gurjistan surrenders.

Herat, Merv, Balkh and Nishapiir
taken. The flight of Yazdigird. He is murdered by order of
Mahuy Siiri. —
Fars subdued. An instance of telepathy.

(182) The cave by Nahawand whence the voice issued visited

by the author. (183) '^Umar assassinated by Abu Lu'lu'a the

Persian in A. H. 23. Before his death he appoints the council
of six to elect his successor. (184) ^Umar's children. He was
first entitled Amiru'l-Muminin. — (185) His governors and
officers.— Accession of ^Uthman, the third Caliph. (186) His
election. — His nepotism. — '^Amr b. '^As sent to subdue

Egypt, which apostasized. (187) Renewed war with the Qaysar

of Rum. He is killed by ''Abdu'llah b. Zubayr, and his army
defeated. — Andalusia invaded. (188) A. H. 29. "^Uthman's
recension of the Qur'dn. '^Abdu'llah b. Saba the Jew stirs

up revolt against ''Uthman. (189

— 191)
Ten complaints made
against "^Uthman, and his answers to them. (191 192) Murder —
of '^Uthman at the age of 81. — (192) His eleven sons.
Accession of ^Ali b. AH
Tdlib, the fourth Caliph in A. H. 25.

(193) Hostility of ''Amr b. al-^As and other leaders of the

Banii Umayya towards ""All.

(194) Mu'^awiya demands the
surrender of ""Uthman's murderers from ^Ali. Talha, Zubayr
and ''A'isha combine against '^Ali and establish themselves
at Basra. — The Battleof the Camel. (195). The Battle of
Siffin. Mu'^awiya appeals to the Word of God. (196) The
Arbitration Dawmatu'l-Jandal. Cursing from the pulpit

instituted by Mu'awiya and ''All after this, and continued

for 60 years ere it was abolished by "Umar b. '^Abdu'l-'^Aziz.

— Mu'^awiya makes "^Amr b. al-'^As governor of Egypt. (197)
The Khawarij. — ''Ali defeats them at Nahruwan. — Three
Kharijites conspire against the lives of "^Ali, Mu'^awiya and
''Amr b. al-^As. (198) They fix on Friday, Ramadan 17, .

A. H. 40, as the day for their attempt. ""All — is assassinated

in the Mosque at Kufa by '^Abdu'r-Rahman b. Muljam. —

^AlCs tomb and its history. He was 69 years of age when

he was killed, having been Caliph for 4^/4 years. He had 35

(or 32) children,

of whom the names of 1 1 sons are recorded.

(199) Account
of these. Account of 13 of his daughters.

(200). Some of *^All's sayings. His son Hasan, called al-Mujtabd,

succeeds as fifth Caliph. He makes peace with Mu'awiya.

Terms of agreement. (201) Mu'awiya became supreme

ruler in A. H. 41, and with his accession the Caliphate was

changed into a temporal sovereignty. Mu'awiya instigates
one of Hasan's wives to poison him. (202) His death and
burial. His 14 sons.

ten Imdms.
(203) Section j. The remaining

[The first two Imams, ^Ali and his son Hasan, alone
exercised temporal power. The remaining ten were as fol-

lows :
— ]

(3) Hiisayn b. ^Ali%. Abi Tdlib.

He was Imam during 11 years, 11 months and 6 days.

He was born on Sha'ban 2, A. H. 4, at al-Madina. His son

and successor "AH Zaynu'l-'^Abidin was born when he was

42 years old, and was 14 years old when his father was
killed at A. H. 61. Husayn's head and his captive
Kerbela in

family before Yazid. His seven sons and two daughters.

was 56 years old at the time of his death (204).

(4) ^Ali Zaynu'WAbidin b. Husayn.

He was born at al-Madina in A. H. 46, and held the Ima-
mate for 33 years, 2 months and 27 days. His son Muham-
mad al-Baqir, who succeeded him, was born when he was 19
years old, and his grandson Ja^far-i-Sadiq when he was 37.
He died at the end of A. H. 74 at al-Madina, poisoned, as
the Shi'^a assert, by command of Walid b. '^Abdu'l-Malik:
His eight sons and five daughters. He was over 48 years of

age at the time of his death.


(5) Muhammad al-Bdqir b. '^Ali b. Husayn.

He was Imam for 22 years, 7 months and 8 days, was
born in A. H. 65 was 18 years old when his
at al-Madina,

son and successor Ja'^far-i-Sadiq was born, and died in A. H.

117 at al-Madina. The Shfa say that he was poisoned by

order of Hisham b. ''Abdu'l-Malik. He was 52 years old at
the time of his death. He had six sons and two daughters.

(6) Ja'^far as-Sddiq b. Muhammad al-Bdqir.

(205) He was Imam for 31 years, and 8 days, was born

at al-Madina in A. H. 83, lived 65 years and 4 months, and
thus attained a greater age than any other of the Imams,
of whom, excepting ''Ali, he was also the most learned. He
first nominated his elder son Isma^^il to succeed him, but
deposed him because he had drunk wine, and replaced him
by Musa al-Kadhim. Isma'^il pre-deceased his father, who caused
him to he publicly buried, so that all might be aware of his
death. This denied by the Isma'^ili sect. Ja'^far died in

A. H. 148 at al-Madina. The Shi'^a say that he was poisoned

by command of Ja'far Abu'd-Dawaniq. He had six sons and
seven daughters. One of his sons, Muhammad, is buried in
Jurjan at the place called Giir-i-Surkh ("the Red Tomb").

(7) Musa al-Kddhim b. Jd^far as-Sddiq.

He was Imam for 34 years, 6 months and 21 days, was
born A. H. 128 at al-Madina and lived 55 years and 5

days. His son and successor ''All ar-Rida was born when he
was 24 years old. He died at Baghdad in A. H. 183, (206)
and was buried at Karkh. The
say that he was mur-

dered by order of Harun ar-Rashid, who caused molten lead

to be poured down his throat. He had 31 sons, of whom

the names of 25 are recorded, and of whom many are buried

in Persia, and 28 daughters, of whom the names of 16 are

recorded, and of whom two are buried at Qum.


(8) ^AH ar-Ridd b. Musd al-Kddhim.

He was Imam for 27 years and 23 days, was born at

al-Madina in A. H. 151 and lived 51 years, 2 months and

26 days. His son and successor Muhammad at-Taqi, called

Jawad, was born when he was about 44 years of age. He

died at Tus in Khurasan in A. H. 203, poisoned, as the Shi^a

assert, by the Caliph al-Ma'mun. He had five sons and one

daughter (207).

(9) Muhammad at-Taqi b. '^Ali ar-Ridd.

He was Imam for 16 years, 8 months and 26 days, was

born at al-Madfna in A. H. 195, and lived 24 years, 9 months

and 18 days. His son "^AH an-Naqi was born when he was
about 19 years old. He died at Baghdad in A. H. 220, and
was buried at Karkh. The Shi'a say that he was poisoned

by al-Mu*^tasim. He had two sons and four daughters.

(10) '^Ali an-Naqi b. Muhammad at-Taqi.

He was Imam for 33 years, was born at al-Madina in A. H.

224 and lived 39 years, 11 months and 18 days. His son Hasan
al-'Askariwas born when he was about 18 years old. He died
at Samarra in A. H. 254. The Shf^a say that he was poisoned

by the Caliph al-Mu'^tazz. He had four sons and one daughter.

(11) Hasan al-^Askari b. '^Ali an-Naqi (208).

He was Imam for 5 years, 8 months and 5 days, was
born at Samarra A. H. 232 and lived 27 years, 2 months

and 27 days. His son, the Imam Mahdf, was born when he
was about 22 '/j years of age. He died in A. H. 260 at Samarra,
his son being then 4'/2 years old. The Shfa say that he was
poisoned by the Caliph al-Mu*^tamid. He had only one son.

(12) The Imdm Mahdi, Muhammad b. Hasan al-'^Askari.

He was the last" of the Twelve Imams, was Imam for


4^2 years, was born at Samarra is A. H. 255, disappeared

there in the time of the CaHph al-Mu'^tamid, and was never

again seenby mortal eyes. The Shi'^a believe that-he is "the

Mahdi of the Last Days", that he still lives, and that he
will re-appear in God's good time. The Isma^ilis, on the
contrary, regard '^Ubaydu'llah, the fourth in descent from
Isma*^!'!, and the founder of the Fatimid Dynasty, as the
Mahdi. The Sunnis say that the Mahdi is not yet born, and
that he will be one of the descendants of "^Ali and Fatima.

Section ^. Account of some of the chief Companions and


(209) Definitions of the terms "Companions" [Asjidb) and

"Followers" {Tdbi'^un). Of these two classes more then 100,000
are mentioned in history, some of the chief of whom will

be here briefly noticed. [The Asjidb, who come first, fill

pp. 209
— 243. They are for the most part arranged alpha-
betically, but mention is first made of "the Ten Harbingers"
[al-'^Asharatu'l Mubashshara) and the "Forty Precursors"

{al-Arbd^una'l-Muqaddamun)\ ').
The 7>« include the first four

Caliphs and Talha, (210) Zubayr,SaM b. Abi Waqqas, Sa'^id

b.Zayd (211), Abu 'Ubayda, and 'Abdu'r-Rahman b. 'Awf.
The Forty include, besides the above. Hamza, (212) Abu
Dharr al-Ghifari, Bilal, Ja'^far b. Abi Talib called Tayydr
("the Fher"), Khalid b. Sa'^id (213), Zayd b. al-Haritha,
Khabbab, Zayd b. al-Khattab, Suhayb b. Sinan, ""Ammar b.
Yasir, 'Abdu'llah b. Jahsh, 'Abdu'llah b. Mas'iid, 'Ubayda
b. Harith, (214) 'Utba b. Ghazwan, ^Amr b. Maf lin, ^Abbas
b. 'Utba, "A'ish b. Mughira, Ma'mar b. 'Abdu'llah, Mihjan
b. al-Arwa^ Fudala b. "^Ubayd, Hisham b. al-^As, Arqam,
'Abbas b. Abi Rabi'a, SaM b. 'Abdu'llah (215) Miqdad,
Mu*^ayqib b. Abi Fatima, Mus'^ab b. "^Umayr, Hisham b.

l) The "ten" are included in the "forty", of whom they constitute a supe-
rior class.

^Utba b. Abi Waqqas. [The list of the remaining "Compa-

nions", arranged in alphabetical order, extends to p. 243,
and concludes with an account of "the Hypocrites" [Mtaid-
fiqiin) apostasized or otherwise shewed the insincerity
of their beHef. Then follows (pp. 243 255) a similar alpha-

betical list of the "Followers" {Tdbi%n).

(255) Section 5. The Umayyad '^Kings', and their rule

in Persia. /
These were 14 in number, and they ruled for 91 years.

(i) Mu'dwiya b. Abi Stifydn.

His genealogy, conversion and position in Islam. The

Sunni's regard him as in error in his conduct towards "^Ali,

but do not curse him because he was one of the Prophet's

Companions, and amanuenses. His absolute sovereignty dates

from A. H. 41, when al-Hasan abdicated in his favour. He
recognizes Ziyad as his brother. He makes Damascus his

capital. Heroic methods adopted by Ziyad to secure order

in Basra. (256) Yazfd placed by his father in command of

the expedition against the "Romans" in A. H. 52. Its success.

Death of Abu Ayyub al-Ansarf. Yazfd receives the people's
allegiance as successor to the throne in A. H. 56. Five per-
sons refuse (257) to take the oath, "^Abdu'llah b. "^Abbas,

Husayn b.
'^Ali, 'Abdu'llah b. Zubayr, 'Abdullah b. 'Umar.
'Abdu'r-Rahman b. Abi Bakr. Mu^awiya warns Yezfd against
three of these, advises him as to his conduct, and dies in
Rajab, A. H. 60, after a reign of 19 years and 3 months,
at the age of 81.

(2) Yazid b. Mu^dwiya (258).

Flight of ^usayn and Ibn Zubayr from al-Madina. — The

people of Kufa promise support to Husayn. — He sends
his cousin Muslim b. 'Aqil to learn the temper of the people

at Kufa. —
Husayn, with his kinsfolk, and a Httle army of
40 horsemen and 100 infantrymen, sets out for Kufa, in
spite of the warnings of "^Abdu'Ilah b. '^Abbas and "^Abdu'llah
b. '^Umar. "^Ubaydu'llah b. Ziyad is made governor of Kufa.
He kills MusHm and Hani. (259) Husayn's meeting with

Fara^daq. Account of the Battle of Karbala. (260) Husayn

and all his kinsmen, except his son "^Ali Zaynu'l-"^Abidin,
are killed. Of kinsmen 17 and of his followers 124 pe-

rished. The captive women and Pusayn's head are taken

before Yazid Damascus. The captives sent to al-Madina.

(261) Yazid takes and plunders al-Madina. Ibn Ziyad is made

governor of '^Iraq and South Persia. Success of Muslim arms

in Transoxiana. Rebellion of Ibn Zubayr in A. H. 64. Yazid
causes Mecca to be bombarded, and dies, after a reign of
3 years and 2 months, at the age of 39. (262) His 13 sons.

(3) Mu'dwiya b. Yazid, called ar-Rdji billdh.

He reigned only 40 days and then died.

(4) Khdlid b. Yazid.

He cared for science, especially Alchemy, more than state-

craft (263).

(5) Marwdn b. al-Hakam.

He married the mother of Khalid. The Battle of Marj

Rahit. Warwith Ibn Zubayr. (264) Battle of 'Aynu'1-Ward.
Pestilence in Basra and Syria. Marwan is smothered by his
wife to avenge an insult offered by him to her son Khalid.

He was 81 years and 9 months old when he died. Two

other claimants to the supreme power arise, -Nafi^ b. Azraq
and Najda b. Mu'^awiya.

(6) "Abdul-Malik b. Marwdn (265).

Reyolt of Mukhtar. He avenges the death of Husayn,


claiming to act on behalf of Muhammad b. al-Hanafiyya.

(266) Ibn Ziyad is killed. War between Mukhtar and Mus'^ab.

The former is killed in A. H. 69. (267) War with the "Ro-
mans". Mus'Tab killed. (268) Ash-Shu'^bi's reminiscences, indi-

cating the vicissitudes of fate. Hajjaj b. Yusuf bombards

Mecca. (269) Death of ^Abdu'llah b. Zubayr, A. H. 73. (270)
Shiraz built. The first Arabian coinage. (271) Valour of
Shabi'b b. Yazid. His death by drowning. Wars with the

Kharijites. (272) The Battle of Jamajim, A, H. 83. Wasit

founded. Qutayba b. Muslim made governor of Khurasan.
(273) The government records cease to be kept in Persian
and are transferred into Arabic, The lovers Buthayna and
Jamil, and the retort made to "^Abdu'l-Malik by the former.
Death of ^Abdu'l-Malik in Shawwal, A. H. 86, after a reign
of 21 years, at the age of 62.

(7) Walid b. ^Abdun-Malik.

His love of learning and promotion of education. His love

of women. He had at one time and another 6^ wives.
Qutayba's conquests in Turkistan, and the spoils taken by
him. Bukhara, Samarqand, Sughd, Chach, Farghana
and Khw^razm taken by the Muslims. Constantinople attacked.
Buildings erected at al-Madina, Damascus etc. (275) Death
of al-Hajjaj in A. H. 95, aged 54. Instances of his severity.
He had put to death in cold blood more than 100,000 men,
and when he died 58,000 people, including 8000 women,
were in prison, mostly for trivial reasons, by his orders.
(276). I.Iajjaj's culminating crime was the execution of Sa^'d
b. Jubayr, a month after which Hajjaj went mad, and was
eaten by worms. Plague in Basra, followed by earthquake.
Walid died in A. H. 96, after a reign of 9 years and 8 months,
at the age of 45.

(8) Sulaymdn b. "^AbdiCl-Malik.

Kashghar subdued by Qutayba, who then rebels against

Sulayman. (277) Qutayba conquers Gurgan and Tabaristan.
Rise of the Barmecides [Al-i-Barmak). History of the family.

Why pure gold is called "Jayari". (278) Sulayman died of

pleurisy in Safar, A. H. 99, after a reign of 2 years and 8
months, aged 45.
(9) ^Umar b. Abdul-"Aziz.

His piety and justice. He abolishes the cursing of "AH.

He imprisons Yazid b. Muhallab. The Imam Muhammad b.
"All b. 'Abdu'llah b. 'Abbas begins the "Abbasid propa-
ganda. Death of "Umar b. ^Abdu'1-Aziz in Rajab, A. H. 10 1.
He was buried at Hims (Emessa) after a reign of (279) 2
years and 5 months at the age of 33. He is said to have
been poisoned by a servant at the instigation of Hisham.

(10) Yazid b. "Abdu'l-Malik.

War with Yazid b, Muhallab. Abu Muslim enters the

service of the "Abbasids. (280) Yazid's love for' two singing-
girls named Habbaba and Sallama. (281) His grief at the death
of Habbaba causes his own death in Rajab, A. H. 105, at
the age of 40, after a reign of 4 years and one month. He
is buried beside her.

(11) Hisham b. ^Abdul-Malik.

The Khazars invade Adharbayjan. (282) Marwan repeals

them and advances as far as Saqlab. Nasr b. Sayyar ap-
pointed governor of Khurasan. Death of the Imam "All b.

"Abdu'llah b. "Abbas in A. H. 118, aged 78. RebeUion of

Zayd b. "Ali ZaynuVAbidin in Kufa in A. H. 121. Faith-

lessness of the people of Kufa. How the name Rafidi came
to be applied to the Shi"a. Death of Zayd. Desecration of
his tomb, (283) His son Yahya imprisoned in Khurasan by

Nasr Sayyar. '^Abbasid propagandists mutilated. Death of


Hisham in A. H. 125, after a reign of 19 years and 8 months,

at the age of 61.

(12). WaHd b. Yazid b. ^Abdu'l-Malik.

He causes Yahya b. Zayd to be released. Yahya's rebel-

lion. (284) He is killed in battle, and his body with that of

his brother crucified, until, in the reign of Marwan, Abu
Muslim took the bodies down, buried them, and bade his
followers wear black as a sign of mourning. This is how
black came to be the "^Abbasid colour, and the partisans of
the House of "^Abbas to be called Siydh-piishdn (or, in Arabic,
Musawwida). Death of the Imam Muhammad b. *^Ali b. "^Ab-
du'llah b. 'Abbas in A. H. 125. He nominates his son Ibrahfm

to succeed him, and after him Abu'l-'^Abbas. Walid's atheism

and impiety. He dresses one of his mistresses in his clothes
and sends her to take his place in the mosque at public
prayer. He is deposed, and dies in A. H. 126, at the age of
43 (285) after a reign of one year and two months.

(13) Yazid b. Walid.

His mother Shah Afarid was the grand-daughter of Yaz-

digird the last Sasanian king. He inclined to the Mu'tazilite

heresy. He reigned six months and died of the plague in
A. H. 126.

(14) Ibrahim b. Walid.

He reigned only two months, and was defeated by Marwan

and killed.

(15) Marwan b. Muhammad b. Marwd?i, called al-Himdr

{Uhe Ass").

Increasing disorder in the Empire. Revolt of al-Kirmanl.

Abu Muslim raises the ''Abbasid standard hear Merv on

Ramadan 27,A. H. 129. (286) Nasr b. Sayyar's celebrated

verses, in which he appeals for help to Marwan. Nasr defeats
al-Kirmani, but is defeated by Abu Muslim and dies. Abu
Muslim conquers Khurasan, Gurgan, Ray, Sawa, Qum, Kashan,
Nahawand, Hamadan, Hulwan and Shahrazur. (287) Kufa is
taken. Abu Salama made Wazir. Abu'l-^Abbas as-Saffah, his
brother Abu Ja^far and their four uncles, who were in hiding
at Kufa, are acclaimed by Abu Muslim and his army. Alle-

giance sworn to Abu'l-'^Abbas as-Saffah. Marwan cruelly


puts to death Ibrahim the brother of Abu'l-' Abbas. (288)

Defeat of Marwaiv by the Euphrates. He flees toEgypt.
(289) He is killed at Busir in Fayyum at the end of A. H.
132, after a reign of 5 years, at the age of 55. AbuVAbbas
seeks out and kills 80 of the Umayyad princes, and holds
a banquet over their remains. A "Pahlawi" verse cited a propos
of Desecration of the Umayyads' graves at Damascus.

Establishment of the Umayyad dynasty in Spain in A. H.

139, where they continued to rule for about 300 years.

Section 6 (290). The '^Abbdsid Caliphs.

These were 37 in number, and their rule endured 523 years,

2 months and 23 days.

(i) Abu l-"^ Abbas as-Saffdh,

He was the fifth in descent from al-^ Abbas, and was

recognized as CaHph on the 13th of Rabi*^ A. H. 132. Some

of his aphorisms. He buys the Prophet's mantle for 400 dinars.

His governors. He sends his brother Abu JaTar to Khurasan
to investigate the doings of Abu Muslim and obtain his

allegiance. Abu Salama, the "Wazir of the House of Muham-

mad", is put to death on suspicion of partiaHty for the House
of *^Ali, and given to Khalid the Barmecide.
his office is

b. Yahya. He is
(291) Revolt of Talibu'l-^aqq 'Abdu'llah
defeated by Abu Muslim. Abii Muslim's growing ambition.

Death of as-Saffah at the end of A. H. 136, after a reign of

4 years and 3 months.

(2} Abu Ja^far al-Mansiir.

He succeeded his brother. His avarice. He is nicknamed

Abu'd-Dawaniq. (292) Abu Muslim arouses his hostility. (293)
Abu Muslim is induced to visit the Caliph, (294) and is
murdered treacherously and his body cast into the Tigris.
His soldiers are appeased. This happened on Sha'^ban 25,
A. H. 137. Abu Muslim was 6y years old, and was originally
from Isfahan, though generally regarded as belonging to
Merv, where his first successes were achieved. Rebellion of
Muhammad b. *^Abdu'^llah the '^Alawi, who claims to be the
Mahdf, He is killed, but his brother Ibrahim continues the
war (295) and occupies much of Southern Persia. He too is
killed.His father and other relatives escape to Spain. The

building of Baghdad in A. H. 145. The attempt to destroy

the Aywdn-i-Kisrd. (296) Death of al-Mansur at the age of
6'i^ after a reign of 22 years. His sayings. His wazirs. The
bo6k of Kalila and Dimna translated by "^Abdu'lldh b. al-

Muqafifa*^ from Pahlawf into Arabic. Abu IJanlfa.

(3) Al-Mahdi.
He was the sixth in descent from al-*^Abbas. (297) His

generosity and prodigality. (298) Rebellion of 'Abdu'llah b.

Mu'^awiya the '^Alawi at Isfahan. He is conquered and dies
in captivity. Hakam b. Hashim, "the Moon-
Rebellion of

Maker", known as al-Burqa*"! and al-Muqanna". He claims to

be God, and many follow him in Kash and Nakhshab. Being

closely pressed, he poisons companions and kills him-

all his

self and consumes his body, so that it was believed

by his
followers that he had disappeared. This happened in A. H.
166. Account of the wazirs of al-Mahdi
(299 300). Death

of al-Mahdi in Ramadan, A. H. 179, after a reign of 13 years
and I month at the age of 43.

(4) Al-Hddi b. Mahdi.

He was 7th in descent from al-^Abbas. He was in Gurgan

when his father died and he became Caliph. Another "^Alawi

revolt. Idris takes part of Andalusia, where his descendants

reigned for more than 300 years. The Zindiqs (Manichaeans)

become prominent in his reign. "^Abdu'llah b. al-Muqaffa"^ is

one of their leaders. (301) His translation into Arabic of the

Book of Kalila and Dimna. His attempt to imitate the
Qur^dn. He and his confederates are put to death by al-Hadi.
Death of al-Hadi on 16 Rabi*^ i, A.H. 173, ascribed to Divine
wrath at a cruel and unprovoked murder on his part. (302)

He reigned one year and 3 months. His wazirs.

(5) HdrunuW-Rashid.

He was the seventh in descent from al-'^Abbas. The death

of his brother and predecessor, his accession, and the birth

of his son and successor al-Ma'mun all took place on one

night. His uncle, his father's uncle and his grandfather's

uncle were all amongst those who took the oath of alle-

giance to him. He makes Yahya

Khalid al-Barmaki ("the

Barmecide") his wazir. Power of the Barmecides for 17 years,

Harun's respect for men of learning, especially the Imam
Malik. His strict observance of religious obligations and his

charity to the poor (303) and munificence to the learned.

Legal quibbles whereby the Qadi Abu Yusuf enables Hariin

to gratify his passions. (304) Zubayda bears to Harun his
son al-Amin, whom, in his fifth year, Harun nominates as

his successor. Revolt of Yahya b. "^Abdu'llah the "Alawi in

A. H. 176. By what statagem he was brought to Baghdad and
ultimately poisoned. Hariin divided his empire between his
three sons, al-Amin, al-Ma'mun and al-Mu'taman, whose names
were included in this order in the khutba. Story of Ja'^far
the Barmecide and Harun's sister "^Abbasa. (305) Harun's

slaughter of the Barmecides in A. H. 187. Virtues of Yahya.

Repentence of Harun. (306) Fadl b. Rabi"^ made wazir. War
with Byzantines, A. H. 190, Revolt of Rafi*^ b. Layth b. Nasr
b. Sayyar in Khurasdn against '^Ali b. ^Isa b. Khaqan. Harun
sends Harthama thither. He marches himself to Hamadan.
{307) Death of Harun at Tiis on 3 Rabi*^ ii, A. H. 193, after

a reign of 23 years and 2Y2 months at the age of 42. Virtues

of his wife Zubayda.

(6) Al-Amin b. Hdriin.

He was the eighth in descent from al-^Abbas, and was the

only caliph descended from him on both sides. His love of

women and new fashions in dress. His demands of his bro-
ther al-Ma'mun. (308) Al-Ma'mun's wazir, Fadl b. Sahl the
Persian. Anecdote of his conversion from the faith of Zoro-
aster to that of Muhammad. Al-Amin strives to divest his

two brothers of their rights and nominate his son Musa as

his successor. Outbreak of war between al-Amin and al-

Ma'miin. (309) Their respective generals, *^Alf b. '^Isa b. Mahan

and T^hir '^Dhu'l-Yaminayn" ("the Ambidexter"). Victory of
Tahir near Ray. Another victory over al-Amin's troops at
Hamadan. Al-Ma'mun's troops occupy the Pass of ^ulwan.
They are re-inforced by Harthama. Ahwaz, Basra, Wasit and
al-Mada'in yield to al-Ma'mun. (310) 'Death of.al-Amfn and

capture of Baghdad on Muharram 5, A. H. 198. Al-Ma'mun's

reception (311) of the news. Al-Amin had reigned 4 years
and 9 months, and was 27 years of age at the time of his


(7) Al-Ma'mun b. Harun.

He also was eighth in descent from al-*^Abbas. His cha-

racter. His trust in his wazir Fadl b. Sahl "-Dhur Riydsa-

tayn\ (312) Revolt of the 'Alawf Tabataba in Kiifa. Other

*^Alawf revolts. Fadl b. Sahl induces al-Ma'mun to nominate

the Imam ^Ali ar-Rida [the 8th Imam of the Shf a] to succeed

him (313), daughter Zaynab to him in marriage,

give his

and change the ''Abbasid black for the ^Alawi green. Anger
of the other ''Abbasids, who wish to depose al-Ma'mun in

favour of his uncle Ibrahim. Al-Ma'mun, in Muharram, A. H.

202, causes Fadl b. Sahl to be murdered in the bath, and

then puts his murderers to death. He deposes his rival Musa. His

marriage with Puran, the daughter of Hasan b. Sahl. Splendour

of the wedding. (314) Death of Muhammad b. Ja'^far as-Sadiq

(A. H. 203) in Jurjan. His tomb is known as "the Red Tomb"

[Gur-i-Surkh : see p. 49 supra). Al-Ma'mun's love of lear-

ning. Translations from the Greek and Syriac undertaken by

his orders. His weekly conferences on literary and scientific

matters. His generosity to the poor. (315) Quarrel between

'Abdu'llah b. Tahir and al-Mu'tasim. (316) Death of Tahir
in Khurasan. His son Talha succeeds him in that govern-
ment. RebelHon put down Egypt. Appearance of the

prophet Babak in
*-false Adharbayjan. Death of al-Ma'mun on
Rajab 7, A. H. 228, after a reign of 8 years and 7 months,
at the age of 48. He was buried at Tarsus. Various state-

ments as to the causes of his death. His Mu'^tazilite views.

His severity towards the orthodox, especially Ahmad b. Hanbal.

(317) His sayings.

(8) Al-Mu'^tasim b. Hdrun.

He also was the eighth in descent from al-^Abbas, and

also the eighth Caliph of this family. He reigned 8 years,
8 months and 8 days; die'd at the age of 48; had 8 sons,
8 daughters and 8000 slaves; won 8 notable victories; killed

8 eminent princes; and left 8 million dinars to his heirs.

For these reasons he is called al-Khalifatu' l-Muthamman. (318)

Character of al-Mu'^tasim. Increasing power of Babak "Khurram-

din", the false prophet. He is finally defeated, and 40,000 of
his followers slain, by Haydar (or Khaydhar) b. Kawus, better

known as Afshin. Babak and his brother are mutilated and

slain at Samarra on Safar 3, A. H. 223. Babak's executioner
(one of ten) confesses to having killed more than 20,000 per-
sons. Campaign against the Greeks. (319) ^Ammuriyya taken
by al-Mu"^tasim. Abortive conspiracy against him. His zeal
for Islam. He undertakes a successful winter campaign against
the Greeks to release a captive Muslim women. He builds
the town of Samarra, or Surra man ra'a, for his Turkish
guards. (320) Rebellion of Mazyar b. Qarun in Tabaristan.
His followers wear red clothes and profess the tenets of
Babak. Mazyar is defeated and taken captive by "^Abdu'llah
b. Tahir. He
scourged and crucified opposite Babak. Com-

promising from Afshin are found amongst Mazyar's


papers, and Afshin is tried and condemned to death. Al-

Mu*^tasim, like his predecessor, holds the Mu'^tazilite doc-
trine, and persecutes the orthodox. He refuses to ransom
from the Christians Muslim prisoners who regard the Qur'an
as increate. Death of al-Mu'^tasim in Rabi*^ i, A. H. 227. He is

buried at Samarra. His wazirs. (321).

(9) Al-Wdthiq bi'lldh b. al-Mv^tasim.

He was the ninth in descent from al-^Abbas.-He also was

a Mu'^tazilite, but friendly to the House of "^Ali and a patron
of the learned. In consequence of this, and of his learning
and eloquence, he is called "the Lesser Ma'mun" {al-Ma'-
nuhui'l-Asghar). He was also good poet and musician.
Death of "^Abdu'llah b. Tahir, whose son Tahir succeeds him
in A. H. 230 in the government of Khurasan. The quarter
of Karkh in Baghdad is burned down. Liberality of al-Wathiq
to the distressed. He is persuaded by his chamberlain to be
equally liberal towards the people of Farghana. (322) Story
of a darwish who proves the Caliph. How al-Wathiq was
cured of the dropsy, but (323),
failing to follow his physi-
cian's advice, died of a recurrence of the disease at the end

of Dhu'l-Hijja, A. H. 232 at Samarra. Anecdotes concerning

his death and last moments.

(10) Al-Mutawakkil b. al-Mu^tasim.

He was the ninth in descent from al-'^Abbas. Seven per-

sons swore allegiance to him who were the sons of previous

Caliphs of his house. Satirical verses by Di^Dil al-Khuza^i on al-

Mutawakkil and his predecessor. (324) Al-Mutawakkil's hatred

of the Shf^a and the House of ^Ali. He destroys the tomb
of al-Husayn in A. H. 233, and prevents pilgrimages thither.
He nominated his son Muntasir to succeed him, and was
the first Caliph openly to declare who should succeed him.
Power of Fath Khaqan. (325) Bukht-Yishu" the physician.

Disabilities imposed on non-Muslims. Revolt of Zayd b.

Ahmad al-Baqirf. Al-Mutawakkil's five sons. (326) Al-Muta-
wakkil and his favourite Fath b. Khaqan murdered on the
same night, in the middle of Shawwal, A. H. 247. He had
reigned 14 years, 9 months and 9 days, and was 42 years
of age. Ascendancy of the Turkish soldiery under Wasif
and Buqa. Caliphs made and deposed or killed by them.
This ascendancy lasted nearly 90 years, until the time of
the Daylamites, and included the reigns of twelve Caliphs (327).

(11) Al-Muntasir b. al-MutawakkiL

He was the tenth in descent from al-*^ Abbas. He showed

favour to the House of He
reigned only 6 months, and

died early, Uke other parricides, in the middle of Rabi"^ ii,

A. H. 248, at the age of 25.

(12) Al-Musta^in bi'lldh.

He was the tenth in descent from al-'^Abbas, like his cousin,

whom he succeeded. Tahir b. '^Abdu'llah b. Tahir dies, and
is succeeded in the government of Khurasan by his son
Ahmad. Revolt of Ya'^qub b. Layth as-Saffar in Sistan.

Revolt of Hasan b, Zayd al-'^Alawi, called ad-Dd^'i ila'l-

Haqq Tabaristan in A. H. 250. (328) His successes. He


ultimately died after a reign of 19 years in A. H. 270, and

was succeeded by his brother Muhammad, who reigned for
18 years, and was finally killed by Muhammad b. Harun

aided by Isma'^il-i-Samanf. Al-Musta'^fn was finally deposed

by the Turks at the end of Muharram, A. H. 252, and after-

wards (329) murdered, after a reign of 3 years, 9 months
and 2 days, at the age of 27.

(13) Al-Mu^tazz b. al-Mntawakkil.

He was the tenth in descent from al-'^Abbas. His learning

and accomplishments. Ad-Da'^f ila '1-Haqq adds Qazwin,
Abhar and Zanjan to his possessions, and collects a following

of 10,000 man. Musa b. Biiqa is sent against him, and (330)

defeats him by a stratagem in A. H. 253. Ya^'qub b. Layth,

in A. H. 255, conquers Khurasan, Quhistan, Kirman and Fars.

Al-Mu'^tazz murders al-Mu'ayyad. He himself is

his brother

murdered by the Turks (331) after a reign of 3 years, 6

months and 21 days, at the age of 23, on Rajab 17, A. H. 255.

(14) Al-Muhtadi b. Wdthiq.

He was the tenth in descent from al-*^Abbas. His poetry.

His ^ Mu'^tazilite convictions. Owing to his piety, he is com-
pared to "^Umar b. '^Abdu'l-'^Aziz. (332) His personal super-
intendance of the administration of justice. The revolt of
the Ethiopian slaves [Zanj) at Basra, under the *^Alawf "^Alf

b. Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Baqir, called al-Burqd^i ("the

Veiled") in A. H. 255. They hold Basra and the surrounding

region for 14 years and some months. Al-Muhtadf excludes

all Jews and Christians from state employment. He desires

to disband the Turkish guards, who, learning his intention

(333), depose him on Rajab 28, A. H. 256, and a few days

later secretly put him to death, he being then 32 years of age.

(15) Al-Mu^tamid billdh b. al-Mutawakkil.

He was the tenth in descent from al-Abbas, and succeeded to

some extent in restoring the prestige of the CaHphate. Ya'^qub
b. Layth adopts the heresy of the Batinis (Isma'ih's), takes
Tabaristan from ad-Da*"! ila'1-Haqq, and marches on Baghdad.
The Caliph sends his brother al-Muwaffaq bi'llah against him.
(334) Ya'^qub, deserted by most of the Amirs of Khurasan, is

defeated and flees to Khuzistan. His bold reply to the Caliph's

conciliatory message. He Al-Muwaffaq is sent

dies of colic.

against al-Burqa"/ and the Ethiopian slaves in A. H. 270. Al-

Burqa*"! is killed and his head sent to Baghdad. It is buried by

Sayyid ar-Radi. Al-Muwaffaq governs the Hijaz and Basra until

A. H. 270. (335) Revolt in "^Iraq-i-^Ajam of another ^'Alawi
named Hasan b. ''Ali, called al-Utrush ("the Deaf") and entitled
an-Nasir bi'llah. Various relatives nominated by al-Mu*"tamid
to succeed him. Death of al-Mu'^tamid in Rajab, A. H. 279
from over-eating, after a reign of 23 years at the age of 51.

(16) Al-Mu'tadid (MS. -Muqtadid) billdh b. al-Muwaffaq.

He was the eleventh in descent from al-'^Abbas. His cha-
racter. He is called "the second Saffah". He transfers his

capital from Surra man ra'a to Baghdad. (336) His sayings

and verses. Ibnu'r-Rumi's verses on him. His severity in
punishment. (337) In consequence of a vision, he honours
the House of '"Ali. Alarmed by the growth of the Saffari
power, he stirs up Isma'^il the Samani against them. He restores
the Persian Naw-ruz (338) from the Vernal Equinox to Mid-
summer ').
He died after a reign of 9 years and 9 months at
the end of Rabi'^ i, A. H. 289, at the age of 47.

(17) Al-Muktafi bi'llah b. al-Mu^tadid (MS. -Muqtadid).

He was the twelfth in descent from al-'^Abbas. His cha-

See al-Biruni's al-Athdriil-Baqiya^ ed. Sachau, pp. 31

— 33 and 215 — 217
(translation pp. 36

39 and 199 201). —

racter.His verses. Rebellion of Zikrawayhi b. Maliruwayhi

the Carmathian in A. H. 294. He conquers Kufa, Diyar Bakr
and part of Syria, sacks Mecca, kills many of the pilgrims,
and closes the Ka'^ba. Finally he is killed by the Caliph's
armies, and his head sent round the empire. (339) Al-Muktafi

reigned 6 years, 7 months and 20 days, and died at the

age of 34 on Dhu'l-Qa^da 13, A. H. 295. His Wazi'rs.

(18) Al-Miiqtadir billdh b. al-Mu^tadid (MS. -Muqtadid).

He was also the twelfth in descent from al-^Abbas, and

succeeded at the age of 13. Eleven years after his accession

(340) certain of his Amirs desire to depose him in favour

of Ibnu'I-Mu'^tazz. The attempt fails, and Ibnu'l-Mu'^tazz is

cruelly put to death. Further conspiracies and rebellions.

IsmaS'li rising in N W. Africa,
and defeat of Aghlabi princes.

(341) Revolt of
the Daylamis in A. H. 315. In A. H. 319 the
Carmathians under Abu Sa'^fd al-Jannabi again attacked
Mecca and massacred the inhabitants, so that the well of
Zamzam was filled with blood, and carried off the Black
Stone. They then approach Baghdad. Abu Saj is sent against
them. Abu SaS'd demonstrates the blind devotion of his

followers. (342) He defeats and takes captive Abu Saj, and

chains him up amongst the dogs. Al-Muqtadir is killed on
Shawwal 27, A. H. 320 at the age of 33 after a reign of
24 years and 1 1 months. Circumstances of his death. His
Wazfrs. One of them was Ibn Muqla, the celebrated calli-

graphist (343).

(19) Al-Qdhir billdh b. al- Muqtadid (MS. -Muqtadid).

He was the twelfth in descent from al-*^Abbas. He massa-
cres the Amirs of the Turkish guard, and pacifies the sol-

diers with money. He crucifies Abii Ahmad b. al-Muktaff,

whose rivalry he fears. (344) He reigned i year, 5 months
and 7 days, and was deposed and blinded in Jumada i.

A. H. 322. He
survived 16 years and a' half after this, and
died at the age of 51.

(20) As-Rddi bi'lldh b. al-Muqtadir.

He was the thirteenth in descent from al-^Abbas. His
poems, (345) Murder of Mardawi'j by Bajkam, who becomes
Amirit'l-Umard of Baghdad. Ibn Muqla's right hand is cut
(346) Tribute is paid to the Carmathians. Ar-Radi reigned
6 years, 10 months and 2 days, and died on the 17th of
Rabi*^ i, A. H. 329 at the age of 32 (or? 52).

(21) Muttaqi Wlldh b. al-Muqtadir.

He also was the thirteenth in descent from al-^Abbas.

(347) ^^ w^s deposed and blinded by Tuzun, the Amiriil-

Umard, on Safar 20, A. H. 333. He survived this 24 years,
and died in Sha'^ban, A. H. 357. He reigned 3 years, 11

months and 1 1
days, and lived 50 years.

(22) Al-Mustakfi bHldh b. al-Miiktafi.

He was the thirteenth in descent from al-'^Abbas. (348),

and was forty-one years of age at his accession. His sayings.
Death of Tuzun, the Amiriil-Umard. He is succeeded in
this office by Mu^izzu'd-Dawla the Daylami. He deposed and
blinded the Caliph in Jumada ii, A. H. 334, after he had

reigned i
year and 4 months. The Caliph survived for 4
years more, and died at the age of 46.

(23) Al-Mutf lilldh b. al-Mnqtadir.

(349) He was the thirteenth in descent from al-^Abbas.

Continued power of Mu'^izzu'd-Dawla. He breaks the power
of the Turks. In A. H. 339 the Carmathians, without obvious

reason, restored to Mecca the Black Stone which they had

carried off 20 years before, saying. "By command we took
it away, and by command we restore it". Verification of a

saying of *^Ah"s. (350) Miraculous circumstances connected

with its restoration. Al-Muti"^ reigned 29 years and a half,

was then stricken with paralysis, abdicated in Dhu'l-Qa'^da

A. H. 363, and died two months later.

(24) A/'TdY bi'lldh b. al-Muif.

He was the fourteenth in descent from al-'^Abbas. He

reigned for 17 years and 10 months. (351) In A. H. 365

Syria and the Hijaz passed from his control into that of the
Isma"'ilfs. The portent of the monstrous bird in A. H. 375.

At-TaT, at the instigation of Baha'u'd-Dawla the Daylami,

abdicates in Sha'^ban, A. H. 381. He survived 12 years longer,
and died at the age of 69.

(25) Al-Qddir bi'lldh b. Ishdq b. al-Muqtadir.

He was the fourteenth in descent from al-'^Abbas. Khurasan

at first refuses to recognize the abdication of at-Ta% until

compelled to do so by Sultan Mahmud b. Subuktigin. (352)

Al-Qadir reigned 41 years and four months. His poems.
Activity of Batinis, and attempts at bribery on their part.

(353) correspondence between al Qadir and Sultan Mahmud

b. Subuktigin about the poet Firdawsi. Al-Qadir died on
Dhu'l-Hijja J5, A. H. 422 at the age of 78. Fall of the
Samani and rise of the Ghaznawi dynasty in his time.

(26) Al-QdHm bi'amrilldh b. al-Qddir.

(354) ^^ ^^^ ^^ fifteenth in descent from aPAbbas. His

poetry. Decline of the Daylami power, and rise of the House
of Seljiiq. Tughril Beg the Seljuq comes to Baghdad on
Ramadan A. H. 447. (355) War with al-Basasiri. (356)
War between Tughril and Ibrahim Inal. Inal put to death.
Baghdad in Dhu'l-Hijja, A. H. 450. (357)
Al-Basasiri besieges
For a year and 4 months the power of the Carmathians
prevailed even at Baghdad, Tughril enters Baghdad at the

Caliph's invitation, and (358) receives the title of Ruknu'd-

Din. Al-Basasiri is The Caliph marries Arslan Khatun,

daughter of Chaghri Beg, and gives his own daughter, Sayyida

Khatun, marriage to Tughril Beg. Death of al-Qa'im in

Sha'^ban, A. H. 467, at the age of 75 (359) after a reign of

44 years and 8 months. Great floods in Baghdad in this

year.Contemporary rulers of the Houses of Ghazna, Daylam

and Seljuq. Some of al-Qa'im's sayings.

(27) Al-Muqtadi bi-amrtlldh.

He was the seventeenth in descent from al-'^Abbas, and
was the grandson of his predecessor. He married Mah-Malik,
the sister of Malikshah the Seljuq, who bore him a son.
Afterwards he married a daughter of Malikshah. He reigned
19 years and 5 months. Beginning of the "New Propaganda"
of the Isma^ilis under the direction of Hasan-i-Sabbah, who
takes possession of the Castle of Alamut. Abu Bakr al-

Hamawi made qddi of Baghdad. His uprightness and incor-

ruptibility. (360) Death of al-Muqtadi in Muharram, A. H.
487 at the age of 37 years, 8 months and 8 days.

(28) Al-Mtistazhir biHldh b. al-Muqtadi.

He was the eighteenth in descent from al-'^Abbas. His

sayings. His verses (361). He strengthens the fortifications of

Baghdad. He reigned peacefully for 25 years, 3 months and
II days, and died in Rabi"^ ii, A. H. 512, at the age of 41
years and a half. Contemporary rulers. Fall of the House
of Daylam. Continuance of Hasan-i-Sabbah's propaganda.

(29) Al-Mustarshid bi'lldh b. al-Miistazhir.

He was the nineteenth in descent from al-'^Abbas. His

character. His poetry. (362) He is defeated at Dinawar by
Sultan Mas'^iid the Seljuq, and while a captive in that Prince's
hands is assassinated by the fidais of Hasan-i-Sabbah. Al-

Mustarshid's defeat was in Rajab, A. H. 529, and his murder

took place 8 months later. He reigned 17 years and 2 months.
Contemporary rulers.

(30) Al-Rdshid b. al-Miistarshid.

He was the twentieth in descent from al-'^Abbas. He em-

barks on a fruitless war with Mas^iid the Seljiiq to avenge
his father, is driven out of Baghdad, and finally is assassi-

nated hy fida is at Isfahan on Pv.amadan 27, A. H. 532 (364).

(31) Al-Muqtafi li-atnri' lldh b. al-Miistazhir.

He was the twenty-first in descent from al-'^Abbas. He

emancipates himself from the Seljijq tutelage. (365) Revolt
of the Atabek Sunqur b. Mawdud in Fars. Birth of Chingfz
Khan A. H. 540. Contemporary Kings. Al-Muqtafi reigned

24 years and 11 months and died in Rabi'' i, A. H. 555 at

the age of (i6.

(32) Al-Mustanjid bClldh b. al-Mnqtafi.

He was the twenty-first in descent from al-"^Abbas. His

character. His poetry. (366) Anecdotes illustrating his saga-

city and penetration. (367) Fall of the Fatimid Dynasty in

Egypt, which becomes orthodox and subject to the Caliph

of Baghdad. Al-Mustanjid dies in Rabi'' i, A. H. 566 after a
reign of 1 1
years. Contemporary rulers. End of the House
of Ghazna, which is succeeded by the House of Ghur.

(33) Al-Mustadi^ bi-amrt'lldh b. al-Miistanjid.

He was the twenty-first in descent from al-'^Abbas. His

character. (368) Fall and death of the
Amirul-Umard, Qutbu'd-
Di'n Qaymaz. Assassination of the Caliph's wazir "^Adudu'd-
Din. Al-Mustad'i reigned 9 years and 8 months, and died in
Shawwal, A. H. 575. Contemporary rulers. (369).
THE 'ABbAsID caliphs.

(34) An-Ndsir li-dint'lldh b. al-Mustadi\

He was the twenty-second in descent from al-*^Abbas. Peace

and tranquillity prevail in his reign. His courage, conquests
and efforts to increase the prosperity of his realms. His
charities to the poor. He reigned 46 years and 1 1 months,

the longest reign of any Caliph. In his time the Khwarazm-

shahs overthrew the Seljuqs. Beginning of the Mongol In-
vasion. Contemporary rulers. {370) Buraq-i-Hajib takes Kirman.
An-Nasir died in Shawwal, A. H. 622.

(35) Az-Zdhir bi-aniri lldh b. an-Ndsir.

He was the twenty-third in descent from al-'Abbas. He

reigned only 9 months and 15 days, and died on Rajab 13,
A. H; 623. Contemporary rulers.

(36) Al-Mustansir biHldh b. az-Zdkir.

He was the twenty-fourth in descent from al-'^Abbas. He

reigned 16 years and 11 months. Prosperous condition of

(371) his realms. The revenues of certain provinces specified

were then ten times as much as they were in the author's

time. The Caliph defeats the Mongols who were besieging

Irbil. Rajab. A. H. 625 he begins to build the Mus-

tansiriyya College, which was finished in A. H. 632. Contem-

porary rulers. Al-Mustansir died on the 4th of Jumada ii,

A. H. 640, at the age of 52.

[ij) Al-Mustd^sim bi'lldh b. al-Mustansir.

(372) He was the twenty-fifth in descent from al-'^Abbas,

and the last Caliph of that House. He reigned 15 years and
7 months. His character. Hulagii Khan the Mongol takes
Baghdad and kills him oh Safar 6, A. H. 656, he being then
46 years and 3 months old. The sack of Baghdad. In 40 days

800,000 of its inhabitants were killed. Contemporary rulers




Section I. — The Safari Dynasty (373).

This Dynasty included 3 rulers, who reigned for 33 years.

Their ancestor, Layth, was a coppersmith in Sistan, who
took to highway robbery, wherein, however, he observed a
certain chivalry which led to his being employed in a military

capacity by Dirham b. Nasr b. Rafi"^ b. Layth b. Nasr b. Sayyar.

(i) Ya'^qub b. Layth.

His son Ya'^qub revolts against the sons of Dirham, Salih

and Nasr, (374), and begins to be powerful in A. H, 237. In
A. H. 253 he was in possession of the whole of Sistan. By a
stratagem he defeats Tanbal the King of Kabul. Two years later
he takes Herat, and shortly afterwards Kirman. (375) He sub-
dues Khurasan and Pars, and is recognized by the Caliph
al-Mu'^tazz as King. He reigned 2 years and 6 months, and
amassed much treasure. He attacks ad-Da*^i ila'I-Haqq, and
conquers Mazandaran. He then marches on Baghdad against
the Caliph al-Mu'^tamid, but is defeated at Hulwan, and
retires to Khuzistan, where he dies on Shawwal 14, A.H. 265.

(2) "Amr b. Layth.

He succeeded his brother, and reigned 22 years over
Khurasan, "^Iraq, Pars, Kirman, Sistan, Quhistan, Mazandaran
and Ghazna. (376) Rafi" b. Harthama opposes him, but is

killed. The Caliph al-Mu'^tamid incites Isma*^il-i-Samanf to

attack him. Admirable discipline of Isma'^il's army. ''Amr is

taken prisoner by Isma^'il. Anecdote of how "^Amr's supper

is carried off by a dog
(377), when that morning his cook
had complaijied that 300 carnels did not suffice to carry
his kitchen utensils. Isma'^il refuses the treasures offered by

'Amr. (378) The author moralizes on his degenerate days. "^Amr

is sent in chains to the Caliph al-Mu'^tadid (MS. -Muqtadid),


who imprisons him for two years, but on the accession of

the new Caliph he is killed, or allowed to die of starvation.

(3) Tdhir b. Muhammad b. '^Amr.

He succeeded his grandfather "^Amr, reigned .a little more

than a year, and was then overcome by Isma^il the Samani.
His grandson, Ahmad, and his descendants continued to
rule Sistan until A. H. 558, and even in the author's time
the family still exercised authority there.

Section 2. — The Sdmdni Dynasty (379).

These were 9 in number, and ruled in Persia for 102 years,

6 months, and 20 days. Their ancestor Saman was a des-
cendant of Bahram Chubin, but was reduced to the humble

position of a camel-driver. His ambition is stirred by two

verses of poetry, and he becomes a highwayman. His son
Asad enters the service of Tahir Dhu'l-Yaminayn in the
time of al-Ma'mun. His sons become governors, Nuh of
Samarqand, Ahmad of Farghana, Yahya of Ashnas, Ilyas of
Herat. In A. H. 261 al-Mu^'tamid grants the government of
all these districts to (i) Nasr b. Ahmad b. Asad b. Saman.
His brother Isma'^il was governor of Bukhara. War between
the two brothers. (380) Nasr died in A. H. 299, and the

supremacy of (2) Isma'^i'l is henceforth uncontested. Bukhara

is made the Samani capital, and the Safifari domains are

conferred on the Samanis by the Caliph al-Mu'^tadid. Anec-
dote illustrating the character of the Tahiri, Saffari and Sa-
mani dynasties. {381) Theory of recompense. Isma'^il reigned
7 years and 10 months, and died on Safar 14, A. H. 295.

(3) Ahmad b. JsmaHl.

His love for men of learning. He substitutes Arabic for

Persian ("Dari") in his proclamations. He reigns 5 years and

4 months. He prays for death in preference to the disorder
74 CHAPTER rr, sBcnox 2-

of Ins Kh^idoai. The hoas at Im gate He is iimlcicd by

Ins servants on the 3th of Jomada ii, A. H. 50a. Omc of Ins
servants was Alptagio, aftenvards Umnfn .

(4) Nasr b. Akmad.

Hepats to death his fiithei's murdaers. ^Ss$ pro- Hb
tracted sojourn at Herat. He is induced hj RndakTs cde-
bfated ballad to retnm to Bnkhaia. His generous tieataBcat

of a scion erf* the Saffitri House, vfaom be ;^points to die

goveniment of Ststan, which his descendants stiU mkd in
the aothor's time. Kinnan taken hy Abd *A]i Dyasu He niies
it for 37 years (^83) when he is driven oat by tiie people,
and retraced by his scm Iltsa^ Makan b. Kaki attacks Khu-
rasan, bat is defeated and slain in A. H. 329 by Nasr's ge-
neral Amir ^AIL The dc^atch of Amir 'AVs

secretary (Iddifi) on tins victory. Nasr reigned 30 years and

3 numths, and died on Ramadan 12, A. H. 330.

(5) Nik b. Nasr ^ai-Hamid",

He fights with and conquers his unde Ilnrahim b. Ahmad.
He reigned 12 years, 7 months and 7 days, and died <»
the 19th of Rabi^ i, A. H. 343. Alptagin was commander-in-
chief in his days (384V

(6) '^Abdul-Malik b. NuA,

He reigned 7 years and 6 months, and was killed by a
£dl while pla3ring polo in Shawwal, A. H. 350. Further in-
crease in Alptagin's power.

(7) Mamrir b. Nik "as-Sadid^.

Alptagin endeavours to place Mansiir's uncle on the throne.

Failing in this, he ultimately makes his way with 3000 fol-
lowers to Ghazna. Abu'l-Hasan b. Simjiir succeeds him as

governor of Khurasan, and marches against him with 15,000

horsemen, but is defeated at Balkh. (385) Alptagin besides
and takes Gfaazna and kills its king. Xlansor sotids a^^anst
him another army of 30,ocx> horsemen, whom Alptag&i, mitik
6000 men, defeats. Khalaf b. Ahmad, the ndo- of f^fcta^^
goes on the pilgrimage, leax-ing Tahir b, Husayn as las
viceroy. The latter refuses him entrance on his return, and
Khalaf takes refiige with Mansur, who lends him troops
wherewith he retakes Sistan. He is again dri\*en out by
Tahir b. Husayn, who soon afterwards dies. He is socceeded
by his son Hasan, who surrenders, and Khalaf is reinstated.
Mansur reigned 1 5 years, and died in ShawTral, A. H. 36$.
His wazir was Abii *^Ah' Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Bal^ami

[MS.-Balkhi], who translated Tabari's chronicle into Per^an.

(8) Niih b. Mansur.

Contrary to the advice of Simjuri, he gives the premiership

to Abu'l- Hasan al-^Utbi. (386) Hostility between al-^Utbi
and Simjuri. Husamu 'd-Dawla Tash is made commander-in-
chief and Fa'iq chamberlain. Khalaf revolts in Sistan. Nuh
sends Husayn b. Tahir against him. Khalaf holds out for

7 years, to the great hurt of the Samani prestige. Abu'l-

Hasan b. Simjiir is removed from the government of Khurasan
(where he is replaced by Tash) and despatched against Khalaf,
with whom he comes to an understanding. He conspires
with Fa'iq and murders Abu'l-Hasan al-'^Utbi. Disorders
•supervene in Khurasan. Tash occupies Nishapur, Fa'iq Balkh,
and Abu'l-Hasan Simjur Herat. Death of the latter, who is

succeeded by his son Abii *^Ali, on whom Nuh confers the

government of Khurasan. (387) War between Abu "^Alf and
Tash. The latter 4^akes refuge with Fakhru'd-Dawla the
Buwayhid in Gurgan. Fakhru'd-Dawla makes him governor
ofGurgan until his death in A. H. 379. War between Gurgan
and Khurasan. Abu '^Ali b. Simjur becomes governor of Khu-
rasan. Niih, being suspicious of him, gives the government
of Herat to Fa'iq. War between Fa'iq and Abu "^Ali Simjur.

The former, defeated, flees to Bukhara, whence he is driven

back to Balkh by Begtuziin. Abu 'Alf b. Simjur demands for
himself from Nuh the government of Khurasan, which he
obtains. He renounces his allegiance to the Samanis and
takes refuge with Bughra Khan the Turk, whom he incites
to attack the Samanfs, stipulating that he shall himself be

recognized as king of Khurasan. Bughra Khan defeats and

takes captive the Samani general. Niih (388) propitiates

Fa'iq and sends him against Bughra Khan, with whom however,
he was secretly in agreement, so that he fell back from
Samarqand, followed by Bughra Khan, who advanced on
Bukhara. Niih fled before him to Jurjaniyya (Khwarazm), which
was governed by Ma'mun b. Muhammad-i-Farighuni ') and
Abii *^Abdi'llah Khwarazm-Shah. Fa'iq went out from Bukhara
to meet Bughra Khan, who proclaimed himself king, and sent

Fa'iq to Balkh, but afterwards fell sick and retired to Tur-

kistan. Niih invited the help of Subuktigin and his son

Mahmud Ghazna against Fa'iq and Abu "All b. Simjur. The

latter, suddenly deserted by Dara b. Qabus, the Ziyarid

prince of Tabaristan, was routed, and with Fa'iq took refuge
with Fakhru'd-Dawla of Daylam (389). Abii "^Ali meditates

treachery, but in dissuaded by Fa'iq. Nuh makes Subuktigin

governor of Khurasan and gives hin? the title of Nasiru'd-
Dawla and his son Mahmud that of Sayfu'd-Dawla (A. H. 384).

Subuktigin goes to Herat and Mahmud to Nishapur. The

latter is attacked and defeated by Abii ''Ali b. Simjur and

Fa'iq, but, reinforced by his father Subuktigin, attacks and

defeats them, whereupon they flee to the Castle of Kalat (MS.
Kalab or Gulab). Fa'iq subsequently goes to llak Khan, brother
of Bughra Khan, while Abu '^Ali b. Simjur goes to Ma'miin-
i-Farighuni ').
He is seized on the way by Abu '^Abdi'llah

I) This error of confusing the Ma'miinis of KhwArazm with the Fan'ghiinfs

of Jiizjdn is also committed
by the author of the yahdn-drd. See notes to
Chahdr Maqala (Gibb Series, Vol. xi), pp. 242 — 4.

Khwarazmshah, but is released by Ma'mun, who kills Abu

'^Abdi'llah and sends Abii "^Ali b. Simjiir to Nuh. Nuh grants

him an amnesty (390), but breaks his word and kills him.
'Ilak Khan marches on Bukhara with Fa'iq, to whom Nuh
cedes the government of Samarqand, and dies soon after-

wards on Rajab 13. A. H. 387.

(9) Abul-Hdrith Mansiir b. Nuh.

He reigned for i
year and 7 months. He appoints Fa'iq
amir and Abu'l-Muzafifar al-^Utbi wazir. Ilak Khan again
advances on Bukhara, takes and appoints a governor, but

the city is retaken by Mansiir and Fa'iq. War between

Begtuzun and Abu'l-Qasim b. Simjur. The latter is defeated

and flees to Fakhru 'd-Dawla in Gurgan, who, on his death,
is succeeded
by his son Majdu'd-Dawla Rustam. Sultan
Mahmud of Ghazna attacks Begtuzun and takes Khurasan,
but (391) retires in favour of Mansur. Mansur is blinded by

Begtuzun and Fa'iq on Safar 18, A. H. 389.

(10) 'AbdiCl-Malik [MS. \Amidu' l-Mulk\ b. Niih.

succeeded his brother and reigned 8 months and 17

days. Mahmud of Ghazna, to avenge Abu'l-Harith Mansur,

marches on Begtuzun and Fa'iq, drives them into Transoxiana,
and occupies Khurasan. Fa'iq and Ilak Khan return and drive
out ^Abdu'l-Malik from Bukhara. The Samani power comes
to an end on Dhu'l-Hijja 22, A. H. 389. Al-Muntasir IsmaM
b. Nuh, brother of '^Abdu'l-Malik, escaped to Khwarazm,
where he collected an army and defeated Ilak Khan's brother
at Samarqand. (392) 'Ilak Khan in person marches against
him, and he retreats to Nishapur, where he is joined by
Abu'l-Qasim b. Simjur. They are attacked by Mahmud of
Ghazna and his brother Nasr. Al-Muntasir takes refuge
with Qabiis b. Washmgir, who offers him the kingdom of
Ray. He is joined by Minuchihr and Dara, sons of Qabus,

and goes to Nfshapur. He is finally by Nasr b.


Subuktigi'n, and seeks aid from the Ghuzz Turks, by whose

help he defeats llak Khan and recaptures Bukhara. He invokes
and receives the help ofMahmud of Ghazna, who replaces him
on the throne (393). He disbands his army, is taken off his
guard by llak Khan, is defeated, flees westwards to Barda^ and
is killed there by Arabs of the Banu Bahi'j in Rabi"^ i, A. H. 395.

Section 3.
— The Ghaznawi Dynasty.
These were number, and reigned in all for 150
14 in

years. Their founder, Subuktigi'n, was the slave of Alptigin,

himself a slave of the Samanis. Alptigin, not trusting Mansur
b. Niih the Samanid, fled from Khurasan to Ghazna, where he

established himself, and ruled for 16 years. He conducted

several campaigns against the Indians. On hisdeath Subuk-

tigi'n, who was married to his daughter, waselected Atnir.

(i) Subiiktigin.
In A. H. 367 he subdued several provinces, attacked India
and took prisoner the Indian King Jaypal (MS. Haytal), but
released him on his undertaking to pay tribute. In A. H.

384 Nuh b. Mansur the Samani conferred on him the

government of Khurasan. In A. H. 387 he died and was
succeeded by his son —
(2) Isma^il b.

Whose mother was Alptigi'n's daughter. He quarrels and

fights with his elder brother.

(3) Mahmiid Sayfu'd-Dawla,

Who overcomes him. Nushtigi'n, Isma'iTs servant (394)
is put to death by Mahmud, who sends his brother Ismail
into exile. Mahmud is refused the governorship of Khu-
rasan in favour of
Begtiizun. Nfshapur. He is He takes
attacked by the Samani prince Abu'l-Harith Mansur, to whom,
from motives of loyalty, he offers no resistance. Later, when

Fa'iq and Begtuzun kill Abu'l-Harith, who is succeeded by

# "^Abdu'l-Malik, Mahmud seizes Khurasan, and makes his elder

brother Amir Nasr governor of it. On the extinction of the

Samani dynasty in A. H. 390, Mahmud is recognized

King of Ghazna and Khurasan (395) by the Caliph al-Qadir

bi'llah, who confers on him the title of Amimi'l-Milla, which

he afterwards supplements with that of Yaminiid-Dazvla.

Mahmud, whose mother was the daughter of the Prince of

Zawul (Zabulistan), fixes his capital at Balkh. His victories and
achievements are well known, and are recorded in the Kitdb-i-

Yamini of al-^Utbi, the Maqdmdt of y^i^z/ TViaJT [Mushkan], and

the writings of Abu'1-Fadl ash-Shaybani ').
His love of poets,
on whom he spends a yearly sum of 400,000 dindrs. His
minister consoles him for his
personal ugliness. Discovery
of a gold mine in Sistan. A
mountain swallowed up in an
earthquake. Campaign against Bushanj. In Muharram A. H.
392 (396) Mahmud again invades India. Jaypal, the Indian
King, burns himself alive, having appointed his son to suc-
ceed him. Mahmud receives the title of Ghdsi, and afterwards
, of Sultan. He subdues Sistan. He again invades India and
penetrates to Multan and Kashmir. He defeats llak Khan.

(397) Further campaigns of Sultan Mahmud. He kills Suri

of the House of Ghur. Surf's son commits suicide. Destruc-
tion Conquest of Gharjistan. Capture of Mardin.
of idols.

(398) Death of llak Khan in A. H. 403. He is succeeded by

his brother Tughan. Mahmud helps him in his wars with

the unbelievers, and obtains the daughter of llak Khan in

marriage for his son Mas'^ud. He puts to death a Fatimi

emissary from Egypt. His campaign against Qinnawj (A. H.
409). Abundant spoils taken. Revolt of Afghans during his
absence. Mahmud wrests "^Iraq from the Buwayhids in A. H.
426, and confers it on his son MasMd. How Sultan Mahmud,

l) Abu'1-Fadl al-Bayhaqi the historian is certainly meant.


by a strategem, poisons a gang of Baluch robbers (400} who

have plundered caravans going to India, and extirpates their
kinsmen. He takes Khwarazm from the House of Ma'mun '),

Disgrace and imprisonment of Abu'I-^Abbas Fadl b. Ahmad.

(401) Shamsu'l-Kufat Abu'l-Qasim Ahmad b. Hasan of May-
mand appointed wazirs. Sultan Mahmud sees the Prophet
in a dream. He dies at the age of 61, after a reign of 31

years, in A. H. 421.

(4) Nasiru d-Dawla Mas'iid b. Mahmud.

By his father's will, ^Iraq, Khurasan and Khwarazm are

given to him, and India and Ghazna to his brother Muham-
mad. Two years later he takes Kirman from the Buwayhids.
War between the two brothers. Muhammad is defeated,
taken captive and blinded. Mas'^ud is defeated by the Seljiiqs

(402} and killed in A. H. 433 after a reign of 10 years. After

this the authority of the Ghaznawis was confined to Ghazna.

(5) '^hnddti d-Dawla Muhammad b. Mahmud.

He 4 years in Ghazna during the life of his
ruled for

brother, was then imprisoned by his brother for 9 years,

and reigned for one year more after his brother MasMd's
death. He was killed by his nephew in A. H. 434.

(6) Shihdbii d-Dawla Mawdiid b. Masiid.

He killed his uncle Muhammad, and all his children, and

all who had conspired against Mas*^ud, and married the

daughter of the Seljuq Chaghri Beg, who bore him a son named
Mas'^ud. He reigned 7 years, and died in Rajab, A. H. 441.

(7) Mas'ud b. Mawdiid.

He succeeded his father, being but a child, and after

reigning one month was deposed by the nobles.

)) The MS. adds "Farighdnf". See p. 76 supra., ad calc.


(8) Bahd'ud-Dawla ^Ali b. Mas^ud.

(403) He succeeded his nephew, married the widow of

Mawdud, the daughter of Chaghrf Beg, and reigned for 2
years, but was defeated in A. H. 443 by his uncle.

(9) Majdud-Dawla Abu Mansur ^AbduW-Rashid b. Mahmud.

He succeeded his nephew and reigned for one year, when
he was defeated by the daughter of Chaghrf Beg. Tughril
"the Ingrate" finally kills him. Nine princes, grandsons of

Mahmud, were surviving at this time, viz. Hasan, Nasr, Iran-

shah, Khalid, "^Abdu'r-Rahim, Mansur, Humam, "^Abdu'r-
Rahman and all imprisoned in the Castle of Dihak.

They escaped, but were betrayed by Nushtigin to Tughril,

who killed them all. Three other princes of the House of

Ghazna survived them, viz. Farrukh-zad, Ibrahim and Shuja"^,

who were also imprisoned. Tughril was preparing to kill them
also (404), when he was himself killed by Nushtigin.

(10) Jamdlu'd-Dawla Farrukh-zdd b. Mas'^icd^).

He gave decent burial to the princes slain by Tughril

"the Ingrate", and by him cast into pits and ditches. He
reigned for six years, and died in A. H.450 ^), having nominated
his cousin to succeed him.

(11) Zahiru'' d-Dawla Ibrahim b. Mas^ud.

He reigned long and well, and was called "father" by the

Seljuqs. He built many mosques, monasteries, bridges, etc.
and died on Shawwal 5, A. H. 492, after a reign of 42 years.

(12) '^Imddu' d-Dawla Mas%d b. Ibrahim.

He married the sister qf Sanjar the Seljuq, reigned 16

years, and died in A. H. 508.

i) MS. "b. '^Abdu'r-Rashid", but this is an error.

2) A. H. 451 according to Bayhaqi, Ibnu'l-Athir, etc.
82 •

(13) Kamdlu'd-Dawla Shirzdd b.Mas^itd.

reigned for one year (405)> when his brother Arslanshah
revolted against him and killed him in A. H. 509.

(14) Sultdnu d-Dawla Arslanshah b. Mas^ud.

His accession is contested by his brother Bahramshah,

who helped by his uncle Sanjar the Seljuq. He abandons

Ghazna, and flees to Lahawar (Lahore), but returns again

to fight his brother, by whom he is captured and put to
death in A. H. 5 1 2, after a reign of 3 years.

(15) Yaminu^ d-Dawla Bahrdmshdh b. Mas%d.

He was a great patron of learning. The Imam Nasru'llah

b. '^Abdu'l-Hamfd translated the Book of Kalila and Dimna
from Arabic into Persian for him. He reigned for 32 ') years,

when *^Ala'u'd-Dfn Husayn b. Husayn of Ghiir drove him

into India, and bestowed his capital, Ghazna, on his brother,

Sayfu'd-Din. (406). Bahramshah returns and defeats Sayfu'd-

Dfn, whom he parades through Ghazna mounted on a
cow. '^Ala'u'Dfn, hearing this, marches against him, but, ere
he reaches him, Bahramshah dies in A. H. 544 ').

(16) Zahiru' d-Dawla Khusfawshdh b. Bahrdmshdh.

He from "^Ala'u'd-Dfn Hasan, who again takes

flees to India

Ghazna and gives it to his nephew Ghiyathu'd-Dfn Abu'1-Fath

[Muhammad b.] Sam. Khusrawshah is induced to surrender
himself to *^Ala'u'd-Dfn, and is interned in a castle for 10 years,
where he dies in A. H. 555 ^).
With his death the House
of Ghazna came to an end.

i) The Tabaqdt-i-Nasiri says that he reigned 41 years, and died in A. H.

552 at Ghazna, after three wars with ^Ala'u'd Dawla and a retreat to India.
See notes to Chahar Maqdla (Vol. xi of this Series), pp. 156—159.

2) A. H. 559 according to the Tabaqdt-i-Ndsiri.


Section ^. — The Ghiiri Dynasty.

These were number, and reigned from A. H. 545
five in

until A. H. 609, 64 years in all. Their ancestor was Sur^

King of Ghur, who once defeated Sultan Mahmud. His

grandson fled to India, where a son was born to him (407)
named Sam, who became a Muslim and went to Dihlf,
where he became a rich merchant. To him was born a son
named Husayn, who suffered shipwreck in one of his voyages,

and, being cast ashore, almost the sole survivor of the crew,
was imprisoned for seven years, when a general amnesty to

prisoners enabled him to make his escape. He fled to Ghazna

and joined a band of robbers, who were captured

by Sultan Ibrahfm, who put them all to death with the

exception of Husayn, whose he spared. (408) He becomes

Sultan Ibrahim's chamberlain, and afterwards, under Sultan

Mas'^ud b. Ibrahim, governor of Ghur.

(i) '^Alaud-Din Husayn b. Husayn.

As the power of the House of Ghazna declines, he esta-
blishes himself in their place, and makes his nephew, Ghi-

yathu'd-Din Muhammad, governor of Ghazna, taking Herat

as his own capital. There he died in A. H. 551 '),
after a

reign of six years.

(2) Sayfu'd-Din Muhammad b. ^Alaud-Dln Husayn.

Sanjar the Seljiiq took Balkh and gave it to Muhammad

b. Mas"^ud b. Husayn. In the war which ensued, Sayfu'd-Dfn

was killed in A. H. 558, after a reign of 7 years ^).

(3) Ghiydthu'd-Din Abu'l-Fath Muhammad b. Sam b. Husayn.

He succeeded his cousin, and fought a fierce fight with
the Ghuzz (409), whom he subdued and compelled to pay

i) A. H. 556, according to Ibnu'l-Athir and the yahdn-drd.

2) Rather more than a year, according to the Tabaqdt-i-Ndsiri.

tribute, and set his cousin Mahmud b. MasMd ') over them
as governor. To this Mahmud he gave his sister in marriage,
and to them was born a son named Baha'u'd-DIn Sam.
He made his brother Shihabu'd-Dln governor of Herat, and
chose Ghazna as his own capital. Shihabu'd-Dfn's successful

campaign against the Indians. Death of Tukush Khan at

Khwarazm. The Ghuris take Merv. Ghiyathu'd-Dln and his
brother besiege Nfshapur, which is defended by Tukush's
son '^Alfshah, and take it. (410) After sundry vicissitudes,
Khurasan falls into the hands of the Ghuris. Death of
Ghiyathu'd-Dln in A. H. 598 after a reign of 40 years.

(4) Shihdbud-Din Abu'l-Muzaffar Muhammad b. Sam

b. Htisayn.

He mourns for his brother. Muhammad Khwarazmshah

(411)marches on Merv, retakes Khurasdn, allies himself with
the Gur Khan of Qara-Khita'l and the King of Samarqand, and
routs the armies of Ghur. Verses on this event by Firdaws,
the lady-minstrel of Samarqand. The Qara-Khita'i army be-

sieges Shihabu'd-Dln in Talaqan, but he buys his safety and

retreats in disorder to Ghazna, where his slave 'Ildigiz refuses

to admit him, so he passes on to Multan in Sind, where

his slave Aybak was governor. (412) Having fought and
killed Aybak, who refused to admit him, he collects fresh
troops and returns to Ghazna, which submits. He makes
peace with Khwarazmshah, to whom he cedes Merv and
Nfshapur, retaining Balkh and Herat. In A. H. 602 he under-
took a fresh campaign against India, but was finally assassi-
nated by some Hindus after a reign of 4 years.

(5) Mahmud b. Muhammad b. Sam b. Husayn.

For a while Baha'u'd-Dln Sam b. Muhammad was his

l) From the Tabaqdt-i-N&siri it would appear that this Mahmiid was really
the son of Ghiydthu'd-Dfn Muhammad.

but he died suddenly. Mahmud gave the government


of Bamiyan to the sons of Baha'u'd-Din Sam, '^Ala'u'd-Dln

and Jalalu'd-Dfn. Owing to Mahmud's weakness, his pro-
vinces were seized by his governors. Qutbu'd-Dfn Aybak
took his Indian possessions and made Dihli his capital (413),
where he was in turn succeeded by his slave Shamsu'd-Din,
who assumed the title of Sultan, and whose sons succeeded
him until they were overthrown by Sultan Jalalu'd-Din Khalaj.

So likewise Taju'd-Din lldigiz took Ghazna and Zabulistan,

and Qubacha Multan, Lahore, and other Indian provinces,
while Sultan Mahmud retained only Herat and Ffruzkuh.
Sultan Mahmud reigned 7 years, and in A. H. 609 was one
day found dead in his house. The murderer was not found, but
"^Alishah b. Tukush Khun was suspected of instigating the

murder. Thus the line of the House of Ghur came to an

end, and their possessions passed into the hands of Khwa-
razmshah. The kings of Kart, who still ruled in Herat in

the author's time, were descended from the Ghurids.

Section 5. — The House of Day lam or Buwayh.

These were 17 in number, and reigned for 127 years,

from Dhu'l-Qa'da A. H. 321 until A. H. 448. According to

their historian as-Sabf, their ancestor, Buwayh or Buya (414)

was descended from Bahram Gur (genealogy given), and was
born and dwelt in a village Kiyakilish in Daylaman near
Qazwfn. He entered the service of Makan b. Kaki. He had
three sons named '^All, Ahmad and Hasan. Asfar b. Shiriiya,

Mardawfj and Washmglr were also in attendance on Makan.

In A. H. 315 Asfar revolted against Makan, but a year later
was assassinated by the Carmathians, and was succeeded by
Mardawfj b. Ziyar, who took possession of Rudbar, Talaqan
and Rustamdar, and later of Mazandaran, Ray, Qazwin,
Abhar, Zanjan and Tarimayn. He also took and sacked Ha-
madan, and made a great massacre there, and defeated

Makan, whom he drove back into Khurasan. Mardawij then

appointed '^Ah' b. Buya and his brothers to occupy Karaj,

and himself marched on Isfahan, whence he drove out the

governor of the Caliph al-Muqtadir, Muzafifar b. Yaqut, who
fled to Fars to his father. (415) Meanwhile ^A\i b. Buwayh

and his brothers were in Arrajan, and they with 300 men
fell in with Yaqut with 2000 men at Kurkan. Reinforced

by another 300 Lurs, the Buwayhids defeated Yaqut and

marched on Fars, which they subdued. At this juncture
Mardawij was murdered by his servants while he was in the
bath, and his body was sent from Isfahan to Ray and there
buried in A. H. 321. ^Ali b. Buwayh then occupied Isfahan,

having defeated Washmgir b. Ziyar, whom he drove back

into Tabaristan. Thus "^Ali b. Buwayh became supreme in

"^Iraq and Fars on Dhu'l-Qa'da 11, A. H. 321, and took the

title of —
(i) "^Imddd! d-Dawla,

He gave *^Iraq to his brother Hasan, together with the

title Ruknu 'd-Dawla, while on his youngest brother,

Ahmad, he conferred the government of Kirman, making

Shiraz his own capital. A
snake guides him to (416) a hidden
treasure. Anecdote of the deaf tailor. Hundred days' war
with 'Imadu'd-Dawla's dream and victory.
Caliph's troops.
He obtains the government of Fars from the Caliph on a

guarantee of remitting 800,000 dinars (417) a year. He reigned

16 years and a half and died in Jumada i, A. H. 338, leaving
to succeed him his brother —
(2) Ruknu d-Dawla Hasan b. Buwayh.
His wars with the son of Qara-tigin, the Samani general. He
ruled "^Iraq for 44 years, i6'/2 in the time of his brother '^Imadu

'd-Dawla, and 27'/^ in the time of his son *^Adudu'd-Dawla.

He died in Muharram, A. H. 366, leaving *^Iraq to his little

sons, and Yazd, Isfahan, Qum, Kashan, Natanz and Jurba-

dhaqan to Mu'ayyidu'd-Dawla Abu Nasr; Ray, Hamadan,
Qazwin, Abhar, Zanjan, Sawa, Awa and part of Kurdistan
to Fakhru'd-Dawla "^Ali; and Fars to his eldest son *^Adudu

'd-Dawla Fannakhusraw. His wazir, Ibnu'l-'^Amfd Abu'1-Fadl

Muhammad b. Husayn, was one of the most talented men of
his time. (418) Verses in his praise. His own compositions.

(3) Mu^izzu' d-Dawla Ahmad b. Buwayh.

He is sent to subdue Kirman, but put to shame by

the generosity of Abu "^Ali Ilyas. On the death of Abii '^Ali

and the accession of he again attacks and
his son Alyasa'^

annexes Kirman and Mukran. His wars with the Baliiches,

in which he loses his left hand. He subdues Khuzistan,
Basra and Wasit. In A. H. 334 he paid a visit to the Caliph

al-Mustakff,and was made AmiruH-Umard^ and practically

ruled Baghdad for 21 years, for 3 years of which he was con-

temporary with ?Imadu'd-Dawla, and for 18 years with Ruknu

'd-Dawla. He died in A. H. 356 at the age of 54 years {419).^

(4) Adudu^ d-Dawla Abu Shujcf Fannakhusraw b. Ruknu'd-
He succeeded his uncle in Fars in A. H. 338, and reigned
34 years. He was the best of all the Buwayhids. In A. H, -

356 Washmgir b. Ziyar died in Tabaristan, and was succeeded

by his son Bihistun. On the death of his father Ruknu'd-
Dawla '^Adudu'd-Dawla proceeded to BaghdadA. H. 367,

and fought with his cousin '^Izzu'd-Dawla Bakhtiyar and

killed The Caliph receives him with unprecedented
honour, and added to his other titles that of Taju'l-Millat.
In the same year Bihistun b. Washmgir died, and was suc-
ceeded by his brotherQabus. (420) War between ^Adudu'd-
Dawla arid Mu'ayyidu'd-Dawla on the one hand, and Fakhru
'd-Dawla on the other. The latter flees to Qabiis in Tabaristan.

Mu'ayyidu'd-Dawla defeats Fakhru'd-Dawla and Qabus, and

takes Tabaristan and Gurgan. The fugitives go to Khurasan
and seek help from Nuh b. Mansur the Samanf, who sends
Husamu'd-Dawla Tash and Fa'iq to help them. Mu'ayyidu'd-
Dawla's wise wazir, the Sahib Isma'^il b. '^Abbad, detaches Fa'iq
from his allies and defeats them. (421) The Samanid ruler sends

his wazir Shaykh Abu'l-Hasan al-'^Utbi to help the allies,

but he is killed on the way. Fakhru'd-Dawla remains 3 years

and Qabus 18 years in Khurasan. Amongst the monuments

left by *^Adudu'd-Dawla are the Band-i-Amir in Fars, the

shrines ofand Husayn, the hospital of Baghdad, the


wall of al-Madina, the town of Suqu'1-Amir south of Shlraz,

and the palace in Baghdad called Saray-i-Sultan. (422) ''Adu-
du'd-Dawla reproved by a madman. He died at Baghdad
in A. H. 372, and was buried at Mashhad-i-'^AH [i. e. Najaf].

(5) ^Izzu'd-Dawla Bakhtiydr b. MuHzzu'd-Dawla.

His position at Baghdad, and vicissitudes. (423) He is

attacked by '^Adudu'd-Dawla and killed in Shawwal, A. H.

367. The wazir Ibnu'l-'^Amid ') is also put to death.

(6) Mu ayyidii d-Dawla b. Ruknu^ d-Daivla.

He was
governor of ''Iraq in the time of ''Adudu'd-Dawla,
to which, on the defeat of Fakhru'd-Dawla and Qabus, he
added Gurgan and Tabaristan. He ruled over these for 6
years in the time of ''Adudu'd-Dawla, and one year after his
death. On the death of Abu'1-Fath Ibnu'l-^Amfd he made the
Sahib Isma'^fl b. *^Abbad his wazir in A. H. 367. Learning and

industry of the Sahib. Mu'ayyidu'd-Dawla died in A. H. 373.

Verses on the Sahib by Abu Sa'^id ar-Rustami of Sijistan.

{j) Fakkrud Dawla b. Ruknu' d-Dawla.

He succeeded to the throne in A. H. 373. (424) He

1) This is an
error for Muhammad b. Baqiyya.

retained the Sahib Isma^il b. '^Abbad as his minister. In

A. H. 379 war broke out between him and his nephew Ba-
ha'u'd-Dawla. Fakhru'd-Dawla occupied Khuzistan and was

marching on Basra when Baha'u'd-Dawla flooded the plain

and prevented him. He returned to Hamadan, and peace
was made. Fakhru'd-Dawla is recognized as Amiru'l-Umara.
He builds a Baghdad, which was restored in the
mosque in

author's time by Khwaja SaMu'd-Din Muhammad Sawaji,


the Minister of Ghazan Khan the Mongol. In A. H. 385 the

Sahib Isma'^il b. "^Abbad His dying advice to Fakhru
falls ill.

'd-Dawla. (425)- His death after serving 18 years as wazir.

His burial at Isfahan. Fakhru'd-Dawla's neglect, of his injunc-
tions and harshness towards his clients and family. He sells

the premiership for 10,000 dinars to Abu'l-'^Abbas ad-Dabbi

and Abu Jamula of Isfahan. Their exactions and
"^Ali b.

oppressions. The Qadi "^Abdu'l-Jabbar was fined a milhon

dirhams by them and dismissed from his judge-ship. This
*^Abdu'l-Jabbar was a Mu^tazili. Beliefs of this sect. Corruption
of judges and divines worse than corruption of courtiers.

{426) Death of Fakhru'd-Dawla in A. H. 387. His son Majdu

'd-Dawla Rustam was only eleven years of age, so his widow

Sayyida became regent. Her autocratic rule. Inscription

designed by Fakhru'd-Dawla for his tomb. Catalogue of the

moneys and other possessions he left behind him. (427)-

(8) Majdu' d-Dawla Abu Tdlib Rustam b. Fakhru' d-Dawla.

In A. H. 388 Qabus b. Washmgir returned from Khurasan

and recaptured Gurgan and Tabaristan. After protracted
fighting he makes peace with Majdu'd-Dawla on condition
two provinces and Mazandaran shall be ceded to
that these
him. Qabus subsequently takes Gilan, and gives it to his
son Minuchihr. Qabus reigned 15 years after his return.

Then his army mutinied, made Minuchihr king, and

his son

put him in prison, where he shortly afterwards died. Minu-


chihr makes peace with Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna (who

gives him his daughter in marriage), and recognizes him as
his overlord and suzerain. He puts to death his father's

murderers. Majdu'd-Dawla, having reached years of discretion,

powers assumed by his mother. She flees

desires to recover the

to Badr b. Hasanawayh the Amir (428) of Kurdistan. He helps

her to defeat Majdu'd-Dawla, captures Ray, takes prisoner
Majdu'd-Dawla and his and restores Say-
wazir Abii "^Ali,

yida, who richly rewards him and sends him back to Kur-
distan. Her wise and firm rule. The wise answer by which

she turns aside Sultan Mahmiid's hostile purpose. (429) Re-

conciliation between her and her son, who assumes the

sovereignty. He gives his brother Shamsu'd-Dawla the go-

vernment of Hamadan. On Sayyida's death disorder ensues.
Majdu'd-Dawla invokes Sultan Mahmiid's help to restore
order. Sultan Mahmud kills him and his son in A. H. 420,
after he had reigned 33 years, and takes possession of '^Iraq.

(9) Sharafti d-Dawla AbiCl-Fawdris-Shirzil b. '^Adudu'd-

He becameking of Kirman on his father's death in A. H.
372, while his brother Samsamu'd-Dawla became Amiru'l-
Umara at Baghdad. Four years and a half later, Sharafu'd-
Dawla went Baghdad, captured, blinded and imprisoned

Samsamu'd-Dawla, and became king in his place. Sharafu'd-

Dawla lived two years longer and died in Jumada ii, A. H.379.

(10) Samsdmu' d-Dawla Abie Kdlanjdr (430) Marzubdn

b. '^Adudu^ d-Dawla.

On the death of Sharafu'd-Dawla, Samsamu'd-Dawla was

brought forth from his prison and proclaimed king, but his
claims were disputed by his nephew Shamsu'd-Dawla '^AH
b. Sharafu'd-Dawla, and his brother Baha'u'd-Dawla b. "^Adudu
'd-Dawla. In the wars which ensued Ahwaz and Basra were

destroyed. At length Samsamu'd-Dawla fled, and eight years


later was Fars by the sons of "^Izzu'd-Dawla Bakh-

killed in

tiyar and Niiru'd-Dawla Salar, in A. \i. 388.

(11) Bahaud-Dawla Abit Nasr Shdhinshdh ^)

b. '^Adudu

He became A. H. 380, on the death, of Sharafu

king in Safar,

'd-Dawla, and reigned 24 years and 3 months. The Caliph

al-Qadir bi'llah gave him the title of Shahinshah Qiwamu
'd-Din ^).
He made peace with Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna,
and demandedhis daughter in marriage, and died at Arrajan
in Fars in Rabi*^ i, A. H. 404 [Ibnu'l-Athir, 403].

(12) Sultdnu' d-Dawla Abu Shujd^ b. Baha' ti d-Dawla.

On his father's death he became king of Fars and Kirman.

He received the title of Ghiyathu'd-Dawla. He reigned 12
years and 4 months. His brother Qiwamu'd-Dawla Abu'l-
Fawaris, who was governor of Kirman, revolted against him,
was defeated (431), and fled to Sultan Mahmud, who sent Abu
Sa'^id at-Ta'i to help him. Aided by troops from Baghdad,
Sultanu'd-Dawla again drove him out of Kirman, and he
fled to Hamadan to Shamsu'd-Dawla b. Fakhru'd-Dawla.

Sultanu'd-Dawla died in Fars in A. H. 416 [/. y^., 415].

(13) Musharriffu' d-Dawla Abu '^Ali Hasan b. Bahd'u d-Dawla.

He was Amiru'l-Umara at Baghdad for 6 years and 2

months, and died in A. H. 416. .

(14) Jaldlu' d-Dawla b. Bahd'u' d-Dawla b. '^Adudu' d-Dawla.

He was first governor of Basra on behalf of his brother,

and afterwards held the position of Amiru'l-Umara for 25

years. In his time began the predominance of the Turks at

i) In otlJer histories his name is given as Firiiz.

2) According to Ibn Taghri-bardi's Kitdbu'l-Inshd (Arabe 4439, Paris, f.

158) he was entitled Nizamu'd-Din, and was the first person to receive a
title compounded with -Din instead of -Dawla.

Baghdad, and his power was little more than nominal. He

was a friend of scholars and a fine calligraphist. He died in
A. H. 435. His son Abu Mansur al-Maliku'l-^Azfz was governor
of Wasit, but on his father's death he fled to Diyar Bakr

and there died in destitution.

li-Dini'lldh '^IzzuH-Muluk Abii Kdlanjdr

{432) (15) Al-'^Imdd
Marzubdn b. Sultdnu' d-Dawla b. Bahd'u'd-Dawla.
He succeeded his father as ruler of Fars in A. H. 416.
His uncle Jalalu'd-Dawla was Amfru'l-Umara at Baghdad,
and there was war between them for 14 years, after which

they made peace, and on his uncle's death Baghdad also

came under his control, but the Turks paid no attention to

him. He consequently went to Shiraz and left his son al-
Maliku'r-Rahim to represent him at Baghdad. He reigned
in all 24 years, for five of which he resided at Baghdad.

Isma'^il of Shabankara revolted against him, and Tughril Beg

the Seljuq prepared to attack him, but the mediation ot
the Qadi Abii Muhammad an-Ndsihl '),
author of the manual
of Hanafite law entitled al-Mas^iidi, secured a peaceful solu-

tion, which was by the marriage of Tughril Beg's


daughter to Abu Kalanjar, who died in A. H. 440. '^Iraq had

by this time passed into the control of the §eljuqs.

(16) Al-Maliku'r-Rahim Abie Nasr b. Abu Kdlanjdr.

He ruled in Baghdad as Amfru'l-Umara for 7 years. In

{433) ^- ^- 447 Tughril the Seljuq marched on Baghdad,

seized him, and imprisoned him in the Castle of Tabarak
near Ray until his death.

{17) Abu Mansur b. Abu Kdlanjdr.

He reigned for 8 years in Fars. Fadlawayh of Shabankara
rebelled against him, took him prisoner in A. H. 448, and

i) See Brockelmann's Gesch. d. Arabisch. Litt.^ Vol. i, p. 373.


imprisoned him in a fortress where he died. Fars was held

for a time by Fadlawayh, and then passed into the
session of the Seljuqs. Mahk Abu ^^Ah' b. Abu Kalanjar
survived his brother nearly 40 years, and held Nawbanjan
in Fars and Kirmanshahan in fief. He was treated with
honour by the Seljuqs, and died in the days of Barkiyaruq
b. Malikshah in A. H. 487, and with him the Buwayhid

dynasty came to an end.

Section 6. — The Seljuqs.

Of these there were 3 branches, viz.

(i) The "Great Seljuqs", who ruled over the whole or the

greater part of Persia. They were 14 in number, and reigned

161 years, from A. H. 429 until Rabi"^ i, A. H. 590.
(2) The Seljuqs of Kirman, 1 1who were
in number, and

reigned 150 years, from A. H. 433 A. H. 583. intil

(3) The Seljuqs of Rum (Asia Minor), who were 1 1 in

number, and re-igned (434) 220 years, from A. H. 480 until

A. H. 700.
Eminence and virtue of the Seljuqs, who were free from
the faults and defects by some of which nearly all other .

"dynasties were characterized. Their orthodoxy, beneficence

and care of their people. Hence they were not afflicted by
rebellious vassals like most previous dynasties.

(i) The Great Seljuqs.

Abu'l-^'Ala al-Ahwal in his history traces Seljuq's descent

through 34 generations from Afrasiyab. Seljuq had 4 sons,

Isra'il, Mika'il, Musa and Yunus, who possessed spacious
pastures in Turkistan. In A. H. 375 they moved into Trans-

oxiana, and settled near Bukhara and Sughd and Samarqand.

Sultan Mahmud
of Ghazna (435) cultivated friendly relations
with them, but, being alarmed by the boasts of Isra'il as to
the number of men whom he could summon to his standard,

treacherously seized him and imprisoned him in the castle

of Kalanjar, where he died 7 years later. Isra'il's brothers
wished to cross the Oxus, but Arslan Hajib advised Sultan
Mahmud not to permit However permission was granted

them, and they settled near Nasa and Baward (Abiward) in

Khurasan. Mfka'fl had 2 sons, Chaghri Beg and Tughril Beg,
who were at the head of these settlers. They won the esteem
and confidence of the people of Khurasan. Sultan Mas'^ud of
Ghazna on his accession attacked them, but was defeated.
(436) Troubles in India prevented him from returning to
the attack, and the governor [Su-bdshi) of Khurasan, whom
he commanded to attack them, was immediately and com-
pletely routed.

(i) Tughril Beg b. Mikd'U b. Seljiiq.

He was crowned at Nishapur in A. H. 429, and appointed

his half-brotherIbrahim b. Inal governor of that city, where

he exercised great tyranny. The remonstrances of the inha-
bitants cause- him to amend A. H. 432 ')
his evil ways. In

Sultan Mas'^ud of Ghazna gave battle to the Seljuqs at Dan-

danaqan near Merv, but was defeated and fled to Ghazna,

where he put aside all further ambition and took to drink.'

(437) The Seljuqs divide their empire as follows. To Chaghri

Beg, the elder brother, was assigned Khurasan, and he made
Merv his Musa Payghu Kalan received Ghazna,
Herat and India. To Qawurd the son of Chaghrf Beg were
given Tabas and Kirman, Tughril Beg himself took ^'Iraq-i-
^Ajam and such further lands to the west as should subse-
quently be conquered, and made Ray his capital. There he
found the treasures of *^AH Kama of Daylam and Majdu'd-
Dawla Rustam, which he distributed amongst his soldiers,
and then set out to conquer ""Iraq, Adharbayjan, Kurdistan,

l) Abu'1-Fadl Bayhaqf. who himself took part in the battle and flight,
gives the date in his history (ed. Tihrdn, pp. 622— 8) as Ramadan, A. H. 431.

Fars, etc. The Caliph wished him to come to Baghdad, but

this he was not able to do until 18 years after his accession,

in A. H. 447. His name was inserted in the khutba and on

the inscriptions of the coins, and he received the titles of
Sultanu'd-Dawla and Yaminu Amiri'l-Mii'minin. The name
of the Buwayhid al-Maliku'r-Rahim was added after his.

In year above mentioned he finally crushed the Bu-


wayhids and performed the pilgrimage before entering

Baghdad. (438) The revolt of al-Basasiri. Tughril makes
"^Amidu'l-Mulk Abu Nasr Kunduri his wazir, and demands
the Caliph's daughter in marriage. The Caliph, though un-
willing to grant this, is compelled to accede to this request.
Chaghri Beg died in Khurasan in A. H. 453, and was succeeded
by his son Alp Arslan. Tughril died on his way to Ray, where
he intended to consummate his marriage with the Caliph's
daughter Sayyida (439), on Ramadan 8. A. H. 455, and Sayyida
returned with her dowry to Baghdad. Tughril was 70 years
old at the time of his death, and had reigned 26 years.

(2) Alp Arslan b. Chaghri Beg.

Alp Arslan's brother Sulayman was nominated as Tu-

ghril's but Tughril Beg's cousin Qutulmish de-
feated and dispossessed him. Qutulmish was in turn defeated
and slain by Alp Arslan, who, on his accession received
from the Caliph al-Qa'im the titles of Sultan ''Adudu'd-

Din ')
and Burhanu Amiri'l-Mu'minin. He put to death
'^Amidu'l-Mulk Abu Nasr-i-Kunduri, and made Abu ""Ali al-

Hasan b. Ishaq of Tus, better known as Nizamu'1-Mulk, his

minister. Al-Kunduri's dying message to the king and his

minister. Account of Hasan-i-Sabbah. (440) His enmity towards
the His attempt to displace him from the
Sultan's favour, and its failure. (441) Hasan flees from court

i) "^Adudu'd-Dawla, according to Ibn Khallikan.


and becomes a •*
heretic" (Isma'ili). New fashion of keeping

state accounts inaugurated inconsequence of Hasan's disaster.

Alp Arslan's campaign against Georgia, which submits and
gives hostages. Armenia submits to him,
and the king of that

country gives his daughter in marriage to Alp Arslan, who

afterwards divorces her, and gives her in marriage to the
Nizamu'l-Mulk, to whom she bore sons. Armanus, Emperor
of the Byzantines, attacks Persia, but is utterly defeated at

Malazgird, taken prisoner, and forced to give

tribute. (442)

Alp Arslan sends his brother Qawurd to attack Fadlawayhi

the Shabankara in Pars. He himself marched against the
Khan of Transoxiana, but was stabbed by his captive, Yusuf-
i-Kutwal, in Rabi" i, A. H. 465, after he had ruled over
Khurasan as his father's representative for 2 7a years, and
over the whole of Persia for 9 '/a years (443).

(3) Malikshdh b. Alp Arsldn.

Though he had several elder brothers, the Nizamu'l-Mulk

secured his succession. He was attacked by his uncle Qawurd,

whom he defeated and took captive at Karaj, and who
was subsequently poisoned on account of a threatened mu-
tiny of the troops. (444) In A. H. 46^ ') his brother Tukush
rebelled against him, but was taken prisoner and blinded.
Antioch taken from the Franks. Samarqand besieged and
taken in A. H. 47i(?). The ferry-men of the Oxus are paid
with drafts on Antioch, to teach them the extent of Malik-
shah's empire. He marries Turkan Khatun the daughter of

Tamghaj Khan b. Bughra Khan. A son was born to him

on Rajab 25, A. H. 479 at Sinjar, whom he names Sinjar or
Sanjar. Malikshah makes the pilgrimage in A. H. 48 1(?). He
discharges blood-debt to Jami'^ the farrdsh at Baghdad.
He confers benefits on the pilgrims. He twice inspects his

i) The date was really A. II.

477, according to Ibnu'l-Athir and ^Imadu'd-
Din al-Kdtib.


empire, from Antioch and Latakia in the west to Trans-

oxiana, Khutan and Cathay in the east. (445)> ^"^d from the
Caspian is the north to Yaman and Ta'if in the south. He
is again involved in war with the Byzantines, and is taken
captive by these, but is unrecognized, escapes, and after-
wards takes captive their Emperor, whom he treats with
magnanimity. (446) He conferred the government of his wes-
tern possessions on Da'ud b. Sulayman b. Qutulmish, in
whose family it remained until the time of Ghazan Khan ;

the government of Kirman on Sultanshah b. Qawurd, in

whose family it remained for more than a century; and the
government of Syria on another brother. The siege of Tyre.
He makes Nushtigin (the ancestor of the Khwarazmshahs)
governor of Khwarazm. Other governors appointed (447).
Malikshah's love of the chase. He builds pyramids of the
hoofs of the animals which he slew. He nominates his son

Barkiyaruq to succeed him, by the advice of the Nizamu'l-

Mulk. Turkan Khatun wished him to nominate her son
Mahmud, and consequently furious with the Nizamu'1-Mulk,

and poisons the mind of Malikshah against him and his 12

sons, who all hold important governments. (448).
dismisses the Nizamu'1-Mulk, and replaces him by Taju'1-Mulk ')

Abu'l-Ghana'im. Other changes in the ministry, and conse-

quent impairment of the government. Verses on

this subject.

Assassination of the Nizamu'1-Mulk at Sahna ^) by a fzdai on

12 Ramadan, A. H. 485. Verses sent by Nizamu'1-Mulk to

the Sultan. Death of Malikshah in the following month. (449)
Verses by Mu^izzi on this double calamity. Malikshah was
20 years. His
38 years old when he died, and had reigned
titles. He chose Isfahan as his capital, and was buried
there. His wealth and state. After his death Turkan Khatun
desired to put his son Mahmud on the throne, but the

MS. Taju'd-Din, ma/e. 2) MS. Mihna, male.


Caliph al-Muqtadf would not at first permit it, though he

was finally compelled to yield.

{4) Barkiydruq b. Malikshdh.

He was at Isfahan at the time of his father's death, Turkan

Khatun's troops drive him thence (450) to Ray, where he
is crowned. He defeats them at Buriijird at the end of

Dhu'l-Hijja, A. H. 485. He bribed by Turkan Khatun not


to press his advantage. She, by a promise of marriage,

induces his maternal uncle, Qutbu'd-Dawla Isma'il b. Yaquti, to
attack him, but Isma'il is defeated by him at Kara], taken

captive and put to death in A. H. 486. In the following year

Tutush '), Barkiyaruq's uncle, who had been blinded by
Malikshah, revolted. Barkiyaruq, unable to oppose him, and
hearing that Turkan Khatun had died (in Ramadan of this
year) at Isfahan, marched thither, and was ostensibly recon-
ciled with his brother Mahmiid. Some of Mahmud's amirs,
however, seized Barkiyaruq and wished to blind him, but at
this juncture Mahmud was attacked by small-pox, and died

on the third day, and Barkiyaruq was declared king. He

made the Mu'ayyidu'1-Mulk, son of the Nizamu'1-Mulk, his

minister, and received from the Caliph the titles of Ruknu

'd-Dfn and Yaminu Amiri'l-Mu'minin. In Safar, A. H. 488 he

again fought a battle with his uncle Tutush ') near Isfahan,
took him captive, and interned him in the Castle of Tikrft

(451), where he died. Mu'ayyidu'1-Mulk was replaced as Prime

Minister by his brother Fakhru'1-Mulk. The Assassins tried
but failed to kill Aq-sunqur is made
Barkiyaruq. Zangf b.

ruler of Syria ^). In A. H. 489 Barkiyaruq was attacked by his

uncle Arsldn Arghun, who, however, was assassinated by one

1) MS. Tukush, male.

2) According Ibnu'l-Athfr and the yahan-drd this *Imddu'd-Din Zangf

was made governor of Syria and Mesopotamia by Sultdn Mahmiid (p. 102 infra.,
N°. 7) in A. H. 521.

of his slaves ere the two armies had met. Sinjar was made
governor of Khurasan in A. H. 490. Unaz, one of Malikshah's
slaves, rebelled against Barkiyaruq, but was assassinated in
Muharram, A. H. 492, near Sawa. In the same year (= A. D.
1099) the Franks recaptured Jerusalem, and killed 70,000 Mus-
lims. Muhammad b. Malikshah rebels against his brother

Barkiyaruq. Qum (452) is dragged from

Majdu'1-Mulk of
Barkiyaruq's presence and murdered by the nobles. Barki-
yaruq fled by way of Ray and Isfahan to Khuzistan, where
he was reinforced by Sadaqa. Meanwhile Muhammad b. Ma-
likshah was crowned at Hamadan, made Mu'ayyidu'1-Mulk
his and in Rajab, A. H. 493, defeated his brother

Barkiyaruq, but in Jumada ii of the following year he was

in turn defeated, and the Mu'ayyidu'1-Mulk taken prisoner

(453), and a few days later put to death by Barkiyaruq

with his own hands, on Sha'^ban 8. Meanwhile Muhammad
b. Malikshah was reinforced by his great-uncle Sinjar. A
temporary peace was ended by a battle near Sawa in Rabi"^ ii,

A. H. 495. Muhammad was defeated, and fled to Isfahan,

whence, after a second defeat, he was driven back to

Ganja. In Jumada ii, A. H. 496, the two half-brothers

made a peace based on the granting to Muhammad of the

western provinces of the empire. Soon Barkiyaruq's after

illness increased, and he died at Burujird on 12 Jumada ii,

A. H. 498, naming his son Malikshah his successor, and

Ayaz his Atabek or guardian. (454) He was only 25 years
of age at the time of his death, and had reigned 12 years.

(5) Muhammad b. Malikshah.

He at once marched to attack Ayaz and Sadaqa '),

he captured and put to death, and imprisoned his nephew
Malikshah. The Caliph received him with honour, and gave

l) This is an error, for Ayaz was killed in A. H. 498 and Sadaqa b. Mazyad
"King of the Arabs" in A. H. 501.

him the title of Ghiyathu'd-Dfn, Qasfmu Amfri'l-Mu'minfn.

Muhammad next applied himself to the task of suppressing
the Assassins, who had waxed strong during the civil war,

so that Ahmad b. "Attash had taken possession of the

castle of Shah ') Dizh, close to Isfahan, and had won over
to himself 30,000 men. SaMu'1-Mulk, the king's wazir, was
one of these and he strove to compass the king's death by
surgeon-barber who was to bleed him
the to
(455) bribing
the wife of Sa^'du
poison his lancet. This plot is revealed by
'1-Mulk's chamberlain to her paramour, and by him to the

king, who kills the barber and the wazir and his adherents.

Thereupon Ahmad ^Attash capitulates, and is put to a


shameful death. Story of ""AH b. Madanf, the blind decoy of

the Assassins, and their secret murder-house. (456) Discovery
of the victims' remains. ^Ali b. Madanf, his wife and their asso-
ciates are put to death. The king sends the Atabek Shfr-glr
to attack Hasan-i-Sabbah and the Assassins of Alamut, but
the king's death took place before anything was effected.
In A. H. 500 Fakhru'1-Mulk b. Nizamu'1-Mulk was assassinated,
and his brother Ziya'u'1-Mulk^) was made wazir in his place.
"^Ala'u'd-Dawla Abu Hashim of Hamadan outwits the maHce
of Ziya'u'1-Mulk. In A. H. 502 (457) Sultan Muhammad under-
takes a campaign against India. He brings back an immense
idol to Isfahan and makes it the threshold of a madrasa \
He died on Dhu'l-Hijja 14, A. H. 511, and is buried in that
same madrasa. Verses composed by him on his deathbed.
He was 37 years old at his death, and had reigned 13 years.

(6) Sinjar b. Malikshdh.

He was for 20 years ruler of Khurasan, and afterwards

1) MS. Siydh Dizh, male.

2) According to Ibnu'l-Athfr he also bore the title of Nizamu'1-Mulk.

3) There seems no ground for this statement, and it would appear that the

author has wrongly ascribed to this king an achievement of Sultan Mahmtid

of Ghazna.

for40 years and 4 months "King of the kings of the world",

holding sway from Tartary to Egypt and Syria, and from
the Caspian Sea to Arabia Felix, and he was amongst the
kings of Islam what Khusraw Parwfz was amongst the Sasa-
nians. He won 17 out of 19 great battles which he fought.
The Caliph Mustarshid (458) conferred on him the titles of
Mu'^izzu'd-Din ')
and Burhanu Amfri'l-Mu'minfn. He placed
Bahramshah on the throne of Ghazna, and allowed him
1000 dfnars a day. He defeats his nephew Mahmud b. Mu-
hammad b. Malikshah, but forgives him and confers on him
the government Western provinces, which, on Mah-
of the
mud's death, he transferred to Mahmud's brother Tughril, and
afterwards on another brother, Mas'^ud. In A. H. 515 Sinjar's
mother died. In A. H. 524 he took Samarqand from its ruler,
Muhammad -) b. Sulayman, who had defied him, but afterwards
reinstated him. In A. H. 530 Bahramshah of Ghazna opposed
him (459), but was reduced to obedience. War with the
Khwarazmshahs. In A. H. 535 he was defeated at Dasht-i-

Qatawan near Samarqand by the army of Cathay and lost

Transoxiana, which passed into the hands of the heathen.

Verses of Farfdu'd-Dfn-i-Katib on this subject. Heavy losses
of the Muslims in this war. In A. H. 543 Bahramshah defeated
the Ghuris (460), and sent the head of Siiri to Sinjar. Verses
of Fakhru'd-Din Khalid of Merv on this event. In A. H. 544 ^)
*^Ali Chatri *),
whom Sinjar had raised from the position of
court-jester to the governorship of Herat, rebelled against

him, and joined Husayn of Ghur. Sinjar con-


quered and captured them, and put ''AH Chatri *) to death, but

i) MS. Mu'izzu'd-Dawla, 7nale.

2) MS. Ahmad, male.
Ibiiu'l-Athir and the author
3) The real date was A. H. 547, according to
of the Chahdr Maqdla (pp. 65, 87), who was himself present at the battle.

4) MS. Himyari; but the Fdhaiu's-Sudur (Suppl. pers. 1314, 73) ii five

places, as well as Gantin's Paris edition

of the Guzida^ p. 264, gives Chatri as
the correct reading.

pardoned "^Ala'u'd-Dfn and replaced him on the throne of

Ghur. In A. H. 548 Sinjar was taken captive by the Ghuzz.
Causes of their revolt. (461) Their efforts to reconcile them-
selves with Sinjar fail, and a battle is fought, in which Sinjar
is taken prisoner and his troops are routed. (462) Sinjar is
detained by them four year^, while they lay waste Khu-
rasan, and kill or maltreat many of its inhabitants, amongst
them Muhammad b. Yahya, to whose death Khaqani
alludes in a celebrated verse. Early in A. H. 551 Sinjar 's
wife. Turkan Khatun, died, and Sinjar bribed his custodian,

Amfr Ilyas, to help him to escape. By the help of Ahmad

b.Qumaj, governor of Tirmidh, he was conveyed across the
Oxus, and in Ramadan, A. H. 551, made his way back to
Merv. On his arrival there, he fell sick, and died on (463)
26 Rabr i, A. H. 552, at the age of 72. He was at first
succeeded by his nephew Mahmud Khan b. Muhammad
Khan, of the family of Bughra Khan, who ruled for five
years and a half, but was deposed and blinded in Ra-
madan, A. H. 557, and died a year later. Part of Khurasan
was then seized by Mu'ayyad, and part by Khwarazmshah.

(7) Mahmud b. Muhammad b. Malikskdh.

He succeeded his father in *^Iraq, and, after being recon-

ciled to his uncle, extended his sway over Adharbayjan,
Baghdad, Diyar Bakr, Fars, Arran, Armenia and Georgia.
The Caliph al-Mustarshid confers titles on him. In A. H. 5 14
he defeated his brother MasMd outside Hamadan. He reigned
13 years and 2 months. His quarrel with the Caliph al-

Mustarshid. He
takes Baghdad. (464) He brings the finances
of the kingdom into order. He died on Shawwal ii, A. H.
525 at the age of 27. His wazir Nasir b. *^Ali Darkajini
(al-Darkazini) tried to place Prince Da'ud on the throne,
but Sinjar appointed Tughril, the brother of the late king.

(8) Tughril Beg b. Muhammad b. Malikshdh.

The Caliph al-Mustarshid gives him the titles of Ruknu'd-

Din and Yaminu Amiri'l-Mu'minin. Wars between him and
his elder brother Mas^ud. Darkajini put to death. Tughril
reigned 3 years and 2 months, and died at Hamadan in
Muharram, A. H. 529, at the age of 25 years,

(9) Mas^iid b. Muhammad b. Malikshdh,

He gave daughter Gawhar Khatun in marriage to his


rival Prince Da'ud b. Mahmud b. Muhammad, on whom he

conferred the goverment of Adharbayjan, Arran and Armenia

(465)> and who made Tabriz his capital. Da'ud reigned 7

years, at end of which time he was assassinated by

fiddHs at Tabriz in A. H. 533 as he was entering the bath.

Sultan Mas'^ud fought and took captive the Caliph al-Mus-
tarshid, who was also assassinated by fidais at Maragha.
He then inflicted a defeat on the Caliph who
was also assassinated at Isfahan. Al-Muqtafi was then made
Caliph, and conferred on Mas'^ud the titles of Ghiyathu
'd-Din and Qasimu Amiri'l-Mu'minin,
Khwaja Kamalu'd-Dfn
Muhammad-i-Khazin made wazir. He arouses the hostility
of the Amirs, and the Atabek Qarasunqur compels the Sultan
to put him to death. (466) Troubles in Fars. Death of

Qarasunqur. The Atabek 'Ilduguz made governor of Adhar-

bayjan and Arran, and the Atabek Jawulf of Fars. Abortive

revolt against Mas'ud by his nephews and certain Atabeks,

Sulaymanshah imprisoned in the citadel of Qazwfn, where

he was kept for 7 years. MasMd makes war against the
Assassins and besieges the Qara-i-Qahira, one of their strong-
holds near Qazwin, but, dissensions breaking out in the army,

nothing is effected. Death of Amir Jawuli at Zanjan. (467)

The Atabek Qaraja becomes ruler of Fars, but is killed

there soon afterwards. Mas'^ud then makes his nephew Mu-


hammad b. Mahmud governor of Fars, and gives him his

daughter Gawhar Khatun (the widow of Da'iid) in marriage.
Plots of certain Amirs, and the doom which overtook them.
In A. H. 543 the Salgharf Sunqur b. Mawdud seized Fars,
which thus passed from the possession of the Seljuqs. (468)
Four years later Sultan Mas'^ud died on Rajab i, A. H. 547
at Hamadan, after a reign of 18 years and a half, at the

age of 45 years.

(10) Malikshdh b. MahmUd b. Muhammad.

He succeeded his uncle, and received the titles of Mughfthu
*d-Dfn and Yaminu Amiri'l-Mu'minin. After 4 months he
was deposed and imprisoned by Khass-beg, who proclaimed
his brother [Muhammad] king. He
escaped from prison to
Isfahan, where he again asserted his sovereignty, but died

15 days later on the nth of Rabr i, A. H. 555, at the age

of 32, eight years after his first accession.

(11) Ghiydthu' d-Din Muhammad b. Mahmud,

Hesucceeded his brother, and put Khass-Beg and Zangi-
i-Jandar to death at Hamadan. (469) His liberality to the
troops. Titles on him by the Caliph. Escape of
his uncle Sulaymanshah from the citadel of Qazwfn. His

rebellion, at first successful, utterly collapses, and Muhammad

re-establishes his rule. Continued civil war. Death of Sinjar.

Growing anarchy. Khurasan is lost to the Seljuqs in A. H.

553. War and reconciliation with the Caliph. Death of Sultan
Muhammad in A. H. 554 after a reign of 7 years.

(12) Sulaymdnshdh b. Muhammad b. Malikshdh.

He nominates Arslan b. Tughril (471) his successor, and

after a reign of 8 months is deposed by the Amfrs at the
end of Ramadan, A. H. 555, and died in prison in the fol-

lowing year. His titles.


(13) Arsldn b. Tughril b. Muhammad b. Malikshdh.

He succeeded his uncle, and married the CaHph's daughter

Khatun-i-Kirmanf ').
His step-father, Atabek Ilduguz, admini-
stered the kingdom. Titles conferred on him by the Caliph.
Arslan defeats his rival, Muhammad
Seljuqshah. His victory-

over the people of Abkhaz. Fresh activity of the Assassins

who build new castles near Qazwin, and terrorize the neigh-
bourhood. Arslan takes four of their castles, including the Qara-i-
Qahira, which Sultan Mas'^ud had failed to conquer. He meets
the Atabek Zangi at Isfahan, and pays him honour, and confers
on him the province of Fars. Invasions of Khwarazmshah
in A. H. 561 and A. H. 563. Assassination of 'Inanj. Death

of Arslan's mother in A. H. 568, and of the Atabek Ilduguz

a month later. Verses of the Qadi Ruknu'd-Din of Khuy on
this. {473) The king of Abkhaz again attacks the lands of
Islam A. H. 569. Arslan, with the Atabeks Muhammad

and Qizil Arslan, the sons of 'Ilduguz, marches against them.

Arslan marries Sitti Fatima, daughter of ^Ala'u'd-Dawla, and
dies 15 days later, middle of Jumada ii, A. H. 571,
in the
after a reign of 15 years, 8 months, and 15 days.

(14) Tughril b. Arsldn b. Tughril.

He succeeds his father, and receives titles from the Caliph.

His gracious appearance and character. His verses. His uncles
Atabek Muhammad b. Ilduguz and Qizil Arslan administer
his kingdom. Invasion of the Abkhazis, and of the king's
uncle Muhammad b. Tughril, both of which are defeated.
For two years, while the Atabek Muhammad was alive, all

went well. In A. H. 581 took place that ominous and cele-

brated conjunction of the stars which led the astrologers,
and especially the poet Anwarl, to predict some great dis-

i) MS. Kirman Khatiin, but the name is given as above in the Rahatu's-
Sudur (Suppl. pers, 1314, f. Ii63).

aster,such as gales and earthquakes '). At the time predicted,

however, a remarkable calm prevailed. Verses satirizing
Anwari. However in this year was born Chingfz Khan, who
afterwards wrought such devastation in the world, and at
the end of the same year the Atabek Muhammad died, and
the kingdom fell into confusion. (475) Qizil Arslan succeeds
Muhammad Atabek, but soon quarrels with and revolts

against Tughril, proclaims Sinjar b. Malikshah in his stead

at Hamadan, and finally defeats Tughril, and imprisons him

and son in the castle of Kihran. Next day, however,


Qizil Arslan is found killed, in Shawwal, A. H. 587. (476)

Massacre of Assassins [Maldhida] at Baghdad. Sayfu'd-Din
Mahmud releases Tughril and his son from captivity. In the
middle of Jumada ii, A. H. 588 Tughril fought a battle with
Qutlugh Inanj -) outside Qazwin, and defeated him. Soon
afterwards Tukush Khwarazmshah invaded Persia, defeated

Tughril, and compelled him to cede Ray. In A. H. 590

Tughril was victorious in another battle with Qutlugh 'Inanj,
and celebrated his victory at Ray with wine and poetry (477).
Tukush returned to the attack, accompanied by Qutlugh 'Inanj.
Tughril went into battle drunk, reciting verses from the
Shdhndma,-dind struck a blow with his mace which fell on
his own horse's leg, and brought both rider and steed to
the ground. (478) 'Inanj Qutlugh killed him as he lay help-
less on the ground. His head was sent to Baghdad and

gibbeted opposite the Caliph's palace. Thus ended the power

of the Seljiiqs in which passed into the hands of the

Khwarazmshahs. Most of the Atabeks and Amfrs of the Seljuqs

who had betrayed their masters came to a bad end. Of those

1) Mirzd Muhammad regards this well-known story as apocryphal, since he

has shown by internal evidence that Anwari was already a poet of renown
in A. H. 500, so that it is very improbable that he was still alive and active
in A. H. 581.
2) The son of the Atdbek Muhammad, son of the Atabek 'llduguz.

who were faithful, Nusratu'd-Dfn Abu Bakr b. Muhammad b.

'Ilduguzreigned for 20 years after his uncle Qizil Arslan

over Arran and Adharbayjan, and died in A. H. 607. He
was succeeded by his brother Muzaffaru'd-Din Uzbeg, who
reigned for 15 years and died in A. H. 622, after which his king-
dom (479) passed into the possession of the Khwarazmshahs.

2. The Seljuqs of Kir man.

The first of them was (i) Qawurd b. Chaghri Beg b. Mika'il,
who become governor of Kirman in A. H. 433, and ruled

over it for
32 years. In A. H. 455 he added Shiraz to his

domains, and drove out the Daylamites. In A. H. 465 he

was taken prisoner and poisoned by Malikshah, who gave
Kirman to his son (2) Sultanshah, who died in A. H. 476
after a reign of 12 years. He
was succeeded by his
in turn

brother (3) Turanshah, who

reigned 1372 years and died in
A. H. 489. He was succeeded by his son (4) Iranshah, who
reigned for 5 years, when his subjects, suspecting him of
heresy, revolted against him and killed him A. H. 494.

He was succeeded by his cousin (5) Arslanshah b. Kirman-

shah b. Qawurd, who reigned for 42 years, and died in

A. H. 536. He was succeeded by his son (6) Muhammad-shah,

who reigned for 14 years and died in A. H. 550. He was
succeeded by his son (7) Tughrilshah, who reigned for 12

years and died in A. H. 562. Thereupon his three sons (8)

Arslanshah, Bahramshah and Turanshah contended for the
kingdom for 8 years (480), each ruling the country for a
time, while the land was wasted and laid desolate. Finally

(9) Muhammad-shah Bahramshah succeeded, but Mubarak-


shah and others of his kinsmen revolted against him, and

he took refuge with Arslan b. Tughril, who gave him help,
so that he compelled Mubarakshah to flee to Ghur. But in

A. H. 583 the Ghuzz, led by MaHk Dinar, invaded Kirman

and put an and to the Seljuq rule there.

3. The Seljiiqs of Runt [Asia Minor).

When Alp
Arslan conquered and slew Qutulmish b. Isra'il,
he wished to extirpate his family, but the Nizamu'1-Mulk
dissuaded him, and sent them in command of troops to Syria,

(i) Sulayman b. Qutulmish seized Antioch during the absence

of its ruler. Sharafu'd-Dawla "^Ali *), who collected tribute for

the Seljuqs in those parts, demanded tribute from
who refused it, defeated and killed Sharafu'd-Dawla and
added Aleppo to his domains. He wrote to inform Malikshah
what had happened, but before an answer came was attacked
by Taju'd-Dawla Tutush b. Alp Arslan (481), and, being
deserted by his amirs, committed suicide. Malikshah was
much distressed at his death, and appointed his son (2) Da'iid
to succeed him. Danishmand, being threatened by the By-
zantines, asked help from the surrounding Muslim poten-
tates, and Da'ud came to his assistance, and was rewarded

by the throne of Qonya (Iconium) in A. H. 480. He reigned

20 years and died in A. H. 500. His brother (3) Qilij Arslan
succeeded him and reigned for 40 years. At the end of his
reign Sultan Mas'^ud ruled in "^Iraq, and the Caliph, disliking

him, held out to Qilij Arslan hopes of the sovereignty of

^Iraq, so, leaving his son Mas'^ud as his vicegerent in Asia

Minor, he marched on Baghdad, but perished in A. H. 539,

and was buried at Mayyafariqin. (482) His son (4) Mas^iid

succeeded him, reigned 19 years, and died in A. H. 558. He

was succeeded by his son (5) "^Izzu'd-Din Qilij Arslan, who
reigned 20 years, and had 10 sons. The increasing weakness
of the Danishmandi dynasty led him to covet their domains,

and he took Siwas and Qaysariyya, and built Aq-saray,

which places he finally retained in spite of the temporary

This is an error and an anachronism. Sharafu'd-Dawla Muslim b. Quraysh

b. Hadrdn was governor of Mesopotamia on the part of the l^anii ''Aqil. See
Ibnu'l-Ath(r, under the year A. H.477, and the Jahdn-drd (British Museum,
Or. 141, f.

successes of the Atabek Nuru'd-Din, king of Syria, and

Fakhru'd-Dfn ''Abdu'l-Masih against him. He divided his
realms amongst his sons, and nominated as his successor the

youngest, (6)Ghiyathu'd-Din Kay-Khusraw, who came to the

throne in A. H. 578. His elder brother (7) Ruknu'd-Dfn Su-
layman contests the kingdom with him (483), and besieges
Qonya, which finally surrenders. Kay-Khusraw escapes to
Constantinople. Ruknu'd-Din receives titles from the Caliph
and takes Arzanu'r-Rum (Erzeroum), but is defeated by the
Georgians. He then prepared to march into Rum, but died
in A. H. 602, after a reign of 24 years and was succeeded
by his son (8) ^Izzu'd-Dln Qilij Arslan, then only a child.
When "^Izzu'd-Din had reigned 18 months, dissensions broke
out amongst the amirs, and Ghiyathu'd-Din Kay-Khusraw
returned, took Qonya, and deposed his nephew, who shortly
afterwards died in captivity. Kay-Khusraw conquered Qara-
man and took many fortresses near Ladhiqiyya (Latakia),
and finally (484) fell in battle against the unbelievers in
A. H. 609. He was succeeded by his son (9) "^Izzu'd-Din
Ka'us, who died a year later, and was succeeded by his
brother (10) ^Ala'u'd-Din Kay-qubad, who reigned 26 years,
and was the most illustrious of this dynasty. His brother
Ruknu'd-Din Sulayman rebelled against him, but was con-
quered, imprisoned and shortly afterwards died. He also
successfully waged war with Jalalu'd-Dfn Khwarazmshah. He
died in A. H. 636, poisoned by his son (11) Ghiyathu'd-Dfn
Kay-Khusraw, who succeeded him, and reigned 8 years.

During his reign the Mongols over-ran Asia Minor, subduing

and Ghiyathu'd-Din died in A. H. 644.
in turn all its princes,

He was succeeded by his son (12) Ruknu'd-Din Sulay man-

shah whose minister was Mu'^inu'd-Din Parwana of Kashan,

and who sent his brother ^Ala'u'd-Din Kay-qubad as ambas-

i) In the Jahdn-drd (British Museum, Or. 141, f. 95a), and by Lane-Poole,

who follows it,
this king's name is given as Ruknu'd-Din Qilij-Arslan.

sador to the Mongol Qa'an. This brother returned, having

successfully accomplished his mission, but was poisoned by

Ruknu'd-Din on his arrivel at the frontier. (485) Another

brother, Kay-Ka'iis, attempted to wrest the crown from him,

but died ere he could effect anything. In A. H. 664 Ruknu'd-
Dln Sulaymanshah was put to death by order of Abaqa
Khan, and was succeeded by his son (13) Kay-Khusraw. As
he was of tender years, the administration of the kingdom
was entrusted by the Mongols to Mu*^fnu'd-Din Parwana,
who married young Sultan's mother. Kay-Khusraw reigned
18 years, and was finally put to death by order of the

Mongol Ahmad Khan. He was succeeded by (14) Ghiyathu

'd-Din Mas*^ud b. Kay-Ka'us, who was appointed by Arghun
Khan the
Mongol. In his reign the realm was disturbed,
and Antioch and Latakia were lost. A Mongol army was
sent by Gaykhatu and Hulachii, and the author's cousin Fakh-
ru'd-Din Muhammad Mustawfi was made wazir. He res-

tored order to the kingdom, but was put to death through

the intrigues of SaMu'd-Dawla, the Jewish wazir of Arghun
Khan, and was succeeded in this office by Fakhru'd-Din
(486) Ahmad-1-Arkushf of Tabriz. Ghiyathu'd-Dfn Mas'ud
died in A. H. 697, and was succeeded by his nephew (15)

Kay-qubad b. Faramurz, who was appointed by Ghazan

Khan. Later he rebelled, but was defeated and deposed by
the Mongols, and so ended the dynasty, save that some
princelings of the House of Seljuq still held sway in the
author's time in certain regions on the coast ').

Section 7.
— Khwdrazmshdhs.
These were 10 in number, and reigned from A. H. 491
until the month of Shawwal, A. H. 628, that is, for a period

of 138 years.

l) Historians differ much as to the duration of this dynasty and the names
and numbers of its members.
(i) Niishtigin Gharcha\
He was originally the slave of Bulkatigin, a slave of Sultan
Malikshah, to whose office he succeeded, becoming governor
of Khwarazm (487), in which position he continued until
his which happened
death, in the time of Barkiyaruq. He
was succeeded by his son —
(2) Muhammad b. Niishtigin,

who was appointed by Sinjar, and received the title of

Qutbu'd-Din in A. H. 491. He was a loyal and active vassal

of the Seljuqs, and, after a reign of 30 years, died in A. H.

521. He was succeeded by his son —

(3) Atsiz b. Muhammad.
Heenjoyed great favour with Sinjar. This moved the
other nobles to jealousy, and they succeeded in sowing
mistrust between them. Atsiz retired to Khwarazm, and

presently rebelled against the Sultan, who drove him out

of Khwarazm, and gave the government of it to his nephew
Sulayman b. Muhammad. On Sinjar's departure, Atsiz returned,

recaptured Khwarazm, assumed the title of King and removed

the names of the Seljuqs from the coinage and the khtitba,
in A. H. 535. Congratulatory ode composed by Rashidu'd-

Din Watwat in honour of this event. Anger of Sinjar (488),

who returned and captured Khwarazm, but forgave Atsiz.
Atsiz again revolts. Verses sent by him to Sinjar. Reproaches
addressed by Sinjar to him. Adlb Sabir, the poet, is sent

i) MS. male. Ibnu'l-Athir (jiib anno 490) says he was called

Gharshja, because he was a native of Gharshistan, while in the Jahan-ard
it is stated that he was called after Gharcha
(British Museum, Or. 141, f. 99a)
in Samarqand because he had been bought there as a slave by Malikshah's
servant Bulkatigin. As the author of the Guzida says just above that the dy-

nasty began in A. H. 491 it appears that

he does not reckon Niishtigin him-
self as one of them, but begins with his son Muhammad.

by Khwarazm. He exposes a plot devised by Atsiz

Sinjar to
against Sinjar's life, and is drowned in the Oxus by

In A. H. 542 Sinjar again marches on Khwarazm and be-

sieges the Castle of Hazarasp. Verses composed by Anwarf

written on an arrow and shot into the Castle. (489) Verses

composed by Rashid-i-Watwat in reply and similarly shot

into Sinjar's camp. Anger of Sinjar, who vows if he catches

Rashfd, to cut him into seven pieces. Hazarasp falls, but

Rashid's life is saved by the intercession of a courtier.

Khwarazm submits to Sinjar, who pardons Atsiz and rein-

states him. Other towns

in that region agrees to pay tribute.

When Sinjar was taken captive by the Ghuzz, his nobles

appealed for help to Atsiz (490), but Sinjar's release was
effected before he could respond. He reigned 29 years, for
16 years of which period he was an independent sovereign,
and died on the 9th of Jumada ii, A. H. 551. Verses com-

posed by Rashidu'd-Din Watwat on his death.

(4) ll-Arsldn (MS. Alp Arsldn) b. Atsiz.

Unsuccessful rivalry of Sulayman, another son of Atsiz.

On the death of Sinjar, Khurasan was filled with disorder,
and Khwarazmshah succeeded in adding parts of it to his

domains. The Khan of Samarqand slew the chief of the

Qarlugh tribe, who appealed to ll-Arslan. He besieged Samar-
qand and restored peace ').
Seven years later he is attacked
by the Qara-Khitay, falls sick, and suffers defeat. (491) He

dies on Rajab 9, A. H. 558 -).

(5) Sultdnshdh b. ll-Arsldn b. Atsiz.

He was of tender years on his accession, and his mother

i) The text is corrupt. The incident is fully described in the second part
of the Ta'rikh-i-Jahdn-Gushd of Juwaynf. The name of the Turkish tribe in

question is variously given as Qarlugh, Qarlukh, and Kharlukh.

2) Rajab 19, A. H. 560 is the more correct date given in the Jahdn-Gushd.
Ibnu'l-Athir gives A. H. 568.
acted as regent. His elder brother Tukush demands a share
of the kingdom. Verses exchanged between Sultanshah and
Malikshah b. Tukush on this subject. Civil war of an inde-
cisive character ensues for lo years. In A. H. 568 (MS. 558) ')

Tukush invokes the help of the daughter of the Gur Khan

of Qara-Khitay, to whom he offers tribute, and obtains pos-
session of Khwarazm. Sultanshah reigned over his diminished

kingdom for 21 years more (492) and died at the end of

Ramadan, A. H. 589.

(6) Ttikiish Khan b. tl-Arsldn.

He succeeded to a part of the kingdom on the defeat of

his brother on the twelfth of Rabf i, A. H. 568. Congratula-
tory verses on his accession by Rashidu'd-Din Watwat. Suc-
"cessive conquests of Tukush. He kills Sultan Tughril the

Seljuq and takes '^Iraq (493). The Caliph

reconquer tries to

it,but his army is defeated. Verses composed by Sinjar

Shah on his blindness. Conquest of Kirman. Punitive expe-
ditions against Daylamites and Assassins, and cap,ture of the
Assassin stronghold of Arslan-Gushay. In revenge the Assas-
sins Shamsu'd-Dln the wazir of Tukush. Tukush pre-

pares to take further measures against the Assassins, but

dies on Ramadan 19, A. H. 596, after a reign of 28^2 years,

for 6 of which he also held sway over "^Iraq (494).

(7) '^Ald'ud-Din ^) Muhammad Tukicsh.

His wars with the kings of Ghur. Earthquakes at Nishapur

of great violence, extending over two months, in which
almost the whole of the ancient city was destroyed. Sixty-
four years later, in A. H. 669, another earthquake destroyed

i) The same date, A. H. 568, is also given in the Jahdn-Gusha. The reading
of this text obviously an error.

2) MS. Qutbu'd-Din, which (Ibnu'l-Athir, sub

anno 596) v*ras his title before
he succeeded to the throne, when it was changed to his father's title "^Ala'u'd-Din.

the new city which had been built after the first earthquake,

and the town had to be again rebuilt. A descendant of the

Sasanian king Yazdigird called Ghazi rules in Mazandaran. He
is murdered by his brother-in-low, a man of low origin named
Abu Riza, who is in turn killed by his wife in revenge for
her brother. She then offers herself in marriage to Khwarazm-
shah, who,* not finding her beautiful, gives her in marriage
to one of his amirs, and takes possession of Mazandaran.
He then takes Kirman, and makes Mu'ayyidu'1-Mulk Qiwamu
*d-Din Abii Bakr ruler of Zawzan, which afterwards passes
to Ikhtiyaru'd-Din, Shuja'^u'd-Din Abu'l-Qasim acting as de-

puty-governor for some while. (495) In A. H. 609 the Ghuris

are overthrown, and Khwarazmshah takes possession of their

kingdom. His three campaigns against the Gur-Khan of Qara-

Khitay, whom he finally subdues, and receives the title of "the
Shadow of God on the Earth" {Zillu lldhi fi' lard).Y qxsqs on this

composed by the Munshi Niiru'd-Din '). Verses on this poet's

prediliction for wine. The Gur-Khan is taken captive by Kiich-
luk, king of the Nay man -)
and dies two years later. Khwarazm-
shah, on the death of Taju'd-Din 'Ilduguz, takes Ghazna and
Ghur, and bestows them on his son Jalalu'd-Din. He receives
the title of "the Second Alexander" {Iskandar-i-thdni), and
adds to (496) a band of 27 golden kettle-
his Imperial pomp
drums, each of which, on the first day, is played by a prince,
15 of these princes being of other houses, and 12 of his

own family. He puts Shaykh Majdu'd-Din Baghdadi ') to

death on suspicion of adultery with his mother, and sets up

Sayyid "^Imadu'd-Din of Tirmidh as a rival to the CaHph of

Jahdn-Gushd he is entitled Nizdmu'd-Din, not NUru'd-Din.

i) In the

2) See vol.of the yahdn-Gushd in this series, p. 48.


3) This Majdu'd-Dfn was a celebrated Siifi, a pupil of Shaykh Najmu'd-Dln

Kubrd and one of the spiritual directors of Shaykh Faridu'd-Din 'Attdr. The
circumstances to which reference is here made are set forth in the Nafahd.tti'l-
Uns^ Haft Iqlim^ Majma'^ul-Fu^ahd (vol. i, p. 542), etc., and* in my Literary
History of Persih^ vol. ii, pp. 494
— 5.

Baghdad, against whom he undertakes a campaign. On the

way to ^Iraq he defeats the Atabeks of Fars and Adhar-
bayjan. The former, SaM b. Zangi, he takes captive, and
before releasing him exacts a tribute amounting to two-thirds
of the revenues of Fars the latter, Uzbek, he
puts to flight.
He then marches by way of Asad-abad (near Hamadan) on

Baghdad, but is stopped by heavy snow, which causes great

losses to army. His prestige is much injured by this

reverse, and it was at this juncture that certain Mongol

merchants, subjects of Chingiz Khan, who had come to

Utrar, were put to death, and their goods seized (497), by
the governor of that city, who was related to Khwarazm-
shah's mother. Chingiz Khan sent ambassadors to demand
reparation, and these too were insulted and killed. Thereupon
Chingiz Khan declared war on Khwarazmshah, who had an
initial success near Kashghar, in spite of which he retreated,
filled with alarm at the determined valour of the Mongols.
His minister, Badru'd-Din '^Amid, goes over to the Mongols,
and,by forged letters, succeeds in sowing dissension between
Khwarazmshah and his nobles, and thus makes easy the
advance of the Mongols. (498) Khwarazmshah took refuge
in the Island of Abasgiin in the Caspian, and died there in
A. H. 617 in want and misery. His body was
the greatest
later exhumed and burned by the Mongols. He had reigned
21 j'-ears, and left Arzlaq Sultan, Ku-
7 sbns, Aq-Sultan,
chay-tigin and Oghul Malik, who perished at the hands of
the Mongols and never succeeded to sovereign power, and

Jalalu'd-Din Mankobirni, Ghiyathu'd-Din Pir-shah and Ruknu

'd-Din Ghursa'iji, of whom the last, though the youngest,
first succeeded to the Throne on his father's death.

(8) Ruknu'd-Din Ghursa'iji.

His father left him ^Iraq, and ^Imadu'1-Mulk was his mi-

nister. After his father's death he went to Kirman, seized the


treasury there, and returned to Isfahan, where the citizens

opposed him by force of arms, and some thousand persons

were slain. Thence he went to Ray and Ffruzkuh, and
entrenched himself in the Castle of Gird-Kuh, which the

Mongols besieged for 6 months and finally captured. As

Ruknu'd-Din refused to bow the knee before the Mongol
commander (499) they slew him and all his soldiers and
attendants in A. H. 619.

(9) Ghiydthu d-Din Pir-Shdh.

On the death of his father he went to Kirman, which his
father had assigned to him. Shuja^u 'd-Din Abu'1-Qasim-i-
Zawzani, who had hitherto acted as his deputy, refused to
admit him, so he turned back on Fars, where he defeated
the Atabek SaM b. Zangi, devastated the country, passed
on to and assumed the crown at Ray. Here he was

attacked by his brother Jalalu'd-Din, who had just returned

from India, and was compelled to submit to him. After a
while he killed Nusrat Malik b. Kharmfl, a favourite of

Jalalu'd-Din, and fled into Khuzistan and later to Kirman,

where Buraq Hajib received him with magnanimity and
concluded a treaty with him. Later a conspiracy was formed
by some of Buraq's relatives (500) to put Ghiyathu'd-Di'n
on the throne. Buraq discovered it, publicly put the con-
spirators to death, and secretly strangled Ghiyathu'd-Dfn
and his mother, whom he had taken to wife. This happened
in A. H. 627.

(10) Jaldlu^ d-Din Mankobirni.

On his father's death

he proceeded to Khwarazm, but,
not being loyally supported by his amirs, he retreated to
Ghazna. His brothers Arzlaq and Aq-Sultan followed him
to persuade him to return, but when they reached the fron-
tiers of Khurasan they were attacked by the Mongols and

killed. In that year Jalalu'd-Dfn fought seven battles with

the Mongols and was victorious in all, until finally Chingiz
Khan himself marched against him, in the month of Shaw-
wal, A. H. 618, and defeated him. Jalalu'd-Din with 700 of
his men attempted to swim the river into Sind, but only
he and seven of his companions reached the other shore in

safety. He then gathered a fresh army, conquered a consi-

derable portion of India, and remained there two years,
when, hearing that Chingiz Khan had withdrawn from Persia,
he left Jahan Pahlawan Uzbek as his deputy in India (501),
and himself set out for Persia, where he arrived in A. H.
621. He first entered Kirman, and there married the daughter
of Buraq Hajib. Thence he proceeded to Fars, and married
the daughter of the Atabek SaM. Thence he advanced
through Isfahan to Ray, where his brother Ghiyathu'd-Din
was ruler. Thence to Baghdad, where he defeated the Arabs.
He next seized Adharbayjan, and married Malika Khatun,

daughter of the Seljuq Tughril, who had been divorced by

the Atabek Uzbeg. Jalalu'd-Din, next subdued Georgia. He
returned from Tiflis to Kirman in seventeen days, but was

met on approach by its ruler Buraq Hajib, who persuaded


him to retire '). Meanwhile al-Malik al-Ashraf abducted Malika

Khatun from the Castle of Khuy, while the Georgians revolted.
Jalalu'd-Din thereupon marched to Akhlat to punish al-Malik
al-Ashraf, but ere it surrendered news came that the Indian

army had attacked "^Iraq. Jalalu'd-Din now completed the

subjugation reduced Akhlat, and took prisoner

of Georgia,
the wife of al-Malik al-Ashraf. (502) He next marched into

Syria and Asia Minor to punish al-Malik al-Ashraf and "Ala'u

'd-Din Kay-qubad the Seljuq, but, being at the time ill,
was repulsed. Shortly afterwards, however he renewed his
campaign, and devastated their territories. Verses composed by

l)This MS., unlike most others, says that Jalalu'd-Din killed Buraq, which
is an obvious error, as the latter survived the former and died in A. H. 632.
— 8.

him on this occasion. He next attacked the Mongols, who had

advanced on Isfahan. Both right wings were defeated. Death
of 'Ala'u'd-Dawla ') Yazdf, the grandson of ^Ala'u'd-Dawla ')
Garshasf b. *^Ah' b. Faramarz b. ''Ala'u.'d-Dawla (a descendant

of the ancient Kayani kings, whom Jalalu'd-Dfn used to call

his "father", and to whom he had given the government
of Khurasan) aged sixty years, in this battle. The Mongols
march on Khurasan, and Jalalu'd-Din retires to the moun-

tains of Luristan, troops enter Isfahan.

while his fugitive
Good offices of the Qadf Ruknu'd-Dfn Sa'^idf in keeping the
peace between them until the return of Jalalu'd-Dfn seven
days later. He
goes to Arran and Kurdistan, and in despair
takes to drink. Verses on this by Nuru'd-Dfn Munshl. (503)
The Mongols pursued him thither, and in the middle of

Shawwal, A. H. 628 (= middle of August, A. D. 1231) sur-

prised him drinking. He escaped, and' wandered into the
mountains, where he was murdered by a Kurd whose bro-
ther he had slain at Akhlat. With him perished the dynasty
of the Khwarazmshahs, and the Mongols became supreme
in Persia.

Section 8. — The Atdbeks.

Of these there were two separate dynasties, one in Syria

and Diyar Bakr, the other in Fars. The former comprised
nine rulers, who reigned from A. H. 481 until A. H. 658, for

177 years; the latter, known as the Salghurfs, comprised

eleven rulers, who reigned 120 years, from A. H. 543 until
A. H. 663.

I . The Salghuri (? Sunquri) Atdbeks.

These are said to be descended from Salghur, who was

i) The MS. has -Din instead of -Dawla^ wrongly. 'Ald'u'd-Dawla was the
title borne by a series of rulers of Yazd descended from ^Ald'u'd-Dawla Abit
Ja'far Muhammad called Kdkiiya. See notes to Chahdr Maqdla^ pp. 169 — 170.

of the race of Taq Khan son of Aghur ') Khan, and who
joined the Seljuqs, and was given the position of chamberlain.
According to another account, the Atabeks of Diyar Bakr
and Fars were originally of one family, while others say
that Atabeks of Shfraz were descended from Salghur,
and the Atabeks of Diyar Bakr and Syria from Aq-Sunqur
(504), the favourite slave of Malikshah, on whom the govern-
ment of Aleppo was conferred in A. H, 481. He ruled this

city for ten years, and died in A. H. 491. His son (2) Zangi
succeeded him, and was made governor of all Syria by
Barkiyaruq, with the title of ^Imadu'd-Dfn ^).
In the reign of

Muhammad b. Malikshah, Mosul and part of Diyar

Bakr were added to his dominions. He had 3 sons, Buzaba ^),
Nuru'd-Dfn [Mahmud] and Mawdud. Buzaba ^)
was made

governor of Fars, Nuru'd-Din [Mahmud] of Syria, and Mawdud

of Diyar Bakr. Nuru'd-Din Zangf died in A. H. 541 *). His son

(3) Nuru'd-Dfn [Mahmud] reigned in Syria 46 years and died

in A. H. 568 ^). He was succeeded by his son (4) al-Malik
who was driven out by
as-Salih, his cousin (5) [Qutbu'd-Din]

Mawdud, who reigned 43 years Diyar Bakr and died in


A. H. 565. He was succeeded by his son (6) Sayfu'd-Dln

Ghazi, who took Syria from his cousin al-Mahk as-Salih, but
lost it to the Egyptians in A. H. 571, and died in A. H. 576.

He was succeeded by (7) his brother ["Izzu'd-Dfn] Mas^ud

b. Mawdud, who reigned for 13 years and died in A. H.

589. After him reigned his son (8) Arslanshah (505), who
[had many contests with the House of Ayyub, and died in
A. H. 607. He was succeeded by (9) his son Mas'^iid, known
as Malik-i-Qdhir ,
who died in A. H. 615. He was succeeded

This MS. has Intumuz others or

1) (J,_j^i;\), j}\ (Aghur) _j.i\ (Aghii).

2) MS. Nuru'd-Din.
3) This MS. has Bizaba, but Buzdba is the usual form.
4) MS. 522, an evident error, as shown by Ibnu'l-Athir, who was himself
the protege of this family, the Jahan-ard and Ibn Khallikan.

5) A. H. 569 is the date given by

the three authorities cited in the last note.

by son (lo) Nuru'd-Dfn Arslan-shah] ') who was only a


child, and whose kingdom was administered by(ii) Badru'd-

Dln Lulu, who ruled for 58 years, died in A. H. 659, and was
succeeded by his son (12) al-Malik as-Salih, who was killed

by the Mongols, into whose hands his kingdom then passed.

2. The Atdbeks of Pdrs.

The first of these was (i) Sunqur b. Mawdud, whom some

assert have been the son of Salghar b. Aqsunqur, and
others of Zangi b. Aqsunqur, the founder of the Atabeks
of Diyar Bakr, who, to avenge his uncle Bfzaba, killed in

battle by Sultan Mas"'ud the Seljuq in A. H. 543, revolted

during the reigns of this king and of his nephew Muhammad

b. Mahmud and made himself king of Fars, where he reigned

13 years, A. H. 556. The Masjid-i-Jami*^ of Shfraz

and died in

was built by him, and also a rest-house {ribdt).

He was succeeded by his brother (2) Zangf b. Mawdud,
who had first, however, to drive out two rival claimants,
after which he was recognized as Atabek of Fars by the
reigning Selj liq, Arslan b. Tughril. He reigned 14 years,

repaired and endowed the mausoleum of the celebrated saint

Shaykh Abu 'Abdi'llah [b.] Khafff^), and died in A. H. 570

(MS. '60 erroneously).
He was succeeded by his son (3) Takla, who reigned 20
years and died {506) in A. H. 590.
He was succeeded by (4) Tughril b. Sunqur b. Mawdud,
whosp was, however, contested by his cousin Sa'^d b.

Zangf, and in this fratricidal war Fars was devastated by

plague and famine. In A. H. 599, after a reign of 9 years,

Tughril was overcome and taken captive by (5) SaM b.
Zangi, whose reign opened with a period of fearful famine,
followed by plague. After gradually restoring the country

i) The words in brackets, omitted in this MS., are supplied from others.

2) For his biography see Jdmf's Nafahatti'l-Uns^ pp. 262 4.


to prosperity, he added Kirman to his dominions and

pacified Shabankara. In A, H. 613 he prepared to attack
'^Iraq, but was taken prisoner by the troops of Muhammad

Khwarazmshah, and had to purchase his liberty by making

over to the conqueror two-thirds of the revenues of Fars.
On his return, his son Abu Bakr refused to let him enter
Shfraz, and in the fight which ensued he was wounded in

the eye by an arrow. (507) But the people of the city

brought him in secretly by night, and he cast his son Abu
Bakr into prison. When Sultan Jalalu'd-Dln Khwarazmshah
passed through Fars on his return from India, he interceded
for, and obtained the release of Abu Bakr. Sa^d died in

A. H. 628 after a reign of 28 years.

He was succeeded by his son (6) Abu Bakr b. SaM b.

Zangf, who proved a wise, just and magnanimous sovereign,

and a generous patron of learned and pious men. His chief
noble was Muqarrabu'd-Dfn Abu'l-Mafakhir Mas^ud. Abu
Bakr added to his dominions Kfsh, Bahrayn, Qatff and Lahsa
(or al-Ahsa). Public buildings erected by him (508). His
endowment of the mausoleum of Abu ^Abdi'Uah [b.] Khafif ').

He died in A. H. 658 after a reign of 30 years.

He was succeeded by his son (7) Sa^d II, who died twelve

days after his father, and was in turn succeeded by his -son

(8) Muhammad, who was but a child, and whose nominal

reign (for the actual conduct of affairs was in the hands of
his mother Turkan Khatun) lasted only two years and seven
months, for he died in the last month of A. H. 660.
He was succeeded by (9) Muhammad Shah b. Salghur-
shah b. SaM b. Zangf, who reigned only 8 months, when

he was overthrown and put to death by Turkan Khatun on

Ramadan 10, A. H. 661.
He was succeeded by his brother (10) Seljuqshah b. Sal-

l) For his biography see Jami's NafahatuH-Uns^ pp. 262

— 4.

ghurshah, who defeated and slew Turkan Khatun. Her

brother, ''Ala'u'd-Dawla, sought help from Hulagii Khan (509),

against whose troops Shlraz was gallantly defended by Mu-

qarrabu'd-Din Mas'ud. Seljuqshah was finally killed by the
Mongols in Safar, A. H. 663.
He was succeeded by (11) Abish Khatun, daughter of
SaM II. She reigned for a year over Fars, after which she
was given in marriage to Mangu Tfmur the son of Hulagu
Khan, and Fars passed directly under the control of the
Mongols, though Abish continued to be the nominal ruler for
nearly 20 years.

Section g. — The Isma^ilis.

This section is divided into two Discourses, the first treating

of the Isma'^ilfs of Egypt, Syria and the Maghrib, the second
of the Assassins or Isma'^ills of Alamiit.

First Discourse, The IsmaHlis of Egypt etc. [Fdtimids).

These, fourteen innumber, reigned from A. H. 296 until

A.H. 556, i.e. for 260 years, and are mentioned here because
of their connection with the Persian Isma'^ilfs commonly known
as the Assassms.

(i) Al-Mahdi.

(510) According to the author of the TaWikh-i-Jahdn-

Gushd, the Sunnis assert that he was descended from "^Ab-
du'llah b. Salim of Basra, while the people of *^Iraq trace
his descent from '^Abdu'llah b. Maymiin al-Qaddah, who was
one of the propagandists of the Imam Isma'^fl b. Ja'^far as-

Sadiq. On the other hand Abu Talib 'All b. Najib ') al-Bagh-
dadf in his '^Uyiinii t-Tawdrikh asserts that al-Mahdi was
directly descended from the Imam Isma'^fl as follows: [Abu]

i) Other MSS. have Khdzin or Anjab. See p. 2 supra (14).


Muhammad ['Ubaydu'llah] al-Mahdi b. 'Abdu'llah ar-Radi

b. Qasim at-Taqi b. Ahmad al-Wafi b. Muhammad al-Wasf
hi Isma^il, etc., which pedigree would make him the twelfth
of the Isma'^ili Imams and the tenth in direct descent from
'^Ali b. Abi Talib. This Muhammad, who was the great-great-
grandfather of the Mahdi, fled to Ray to escape the perse-
cution of the '^Abbasid Caliphs, and is buried near there in
Muhammad-abad. His descendants settled at Qandahar, where
the family is well known. The Mahdi declared himself in
A. H. 296, and in A. H. 302 overcame the Banu Aghlab (who
then ruled in North Africa on behalf of the "^Abbasid Caliph

al-Muqtadir), and possessed himself of their domains. Herein,

say the Isma'^ilis, was fulfilled the Prophet's saying, "At the

beginning of 300 years [i.e.

of th€ fourth century of the Flight]
the Sun shall arise from Setting-place" [Mag-krid]. Al-Mahdi

reigned 26 years, and died in A. H. 322 at the age of 62 years.

He was 5 years younger than the Imam Mahdi recognized
by the rival sect of the Shfa, the Ithnd "^ashariyya or "Sect
of the Twelve".

(2) Al-Qd'im bi-amri' lldh.

Al-Mahdi was succeeded by his son Ahmad ') al-Qa'im,

who was defeated by the Sunnis under Abu Yazid and
imprisoned at al-Mahdiyya (in Tunisia). (511) He died in
Shawwal, A. H. 334, but his death was concealed until his
son could succeed him. He reigned twelve years.

(3) Al-Mansur bi-Quwwati lldh.

Isma^il b. al-Qa'im succeeded his father, defeated and

killed Abu Yazid, reigned 7 years, and died at Mahdiyya
in A. H. 341.

i) Ibnu'l-Athir, Ibn Khallikan and the Jahdn-drd give his name as Mu-
hammad, which is probably correct.

(4) Al-MuHzz li-Dlnt'lldh Abu Tamim Md^add b. Mansiir.

He succeeded his father, ruled wisely and well, and added

Egypt to the Fatimid domains, taking it by stratagem from
the governor Kafur. In A. H. 362 he began to
build Cairo, which he made his capital. He also took the

Hijaz, and, after a reign of 24 years, died in A. H. 365.

(5) Al-^'Aziz billdh Abu Mansur b. al-Mu'izz.

He succeeded his father and added Syria to his domains,

after killing Alptigin, the *^Abbasid governor. He made a

Jew governor of Syria, and a Christian governor of Egypt,

but later dismissed them in response to the complaints of
his Muslim subjects. (512) He reigned 21 years and died in
A. H. 386 [MS. 380].

(6) Al-Hdkim bi-amri' lldh Abu ^Ali Mansur b. '^Aziz.

He succeeded and made a great show of piety and

his father,

humility, riding unattended through the streets mounted on

an ass, and claiming to hold converse with God like Moses.
His rigorous enactments against wine and women did not

prevent him conniving at all sorts of vice on the part of

his courtiers. Angered growing discontent, he lays
at the
waste the country. Other eccentricities on his part. Citation
from the Kitdb-i-Istizhdr of the Qadi Ahmad-i-Damghan{
concerning ^Alawf-i-Madanf, whom al-Hakim commissioned
(513) to remove the bodies of Abu Bakr and "^Umar from their

graves, which impious attempt was miraculously prevented.

Al-Hakim's intention of putting to death his sister on a
charge of adultery is frusti'ated by her causing him to be
assassinated in A. H. 411 after he had reigned 25 years.

(7) Az-Zdhir li-i'^zdzi DiniHldh ')

b, al-Hdkim.

He was succeeded by his son, who put to death the in-

i) So Ibnu'l-Athlr. The Guzida has az-Zdhir bVlldh.

( /



stigators of his assassination. He reigned 16 years, and died


in Cairo (514) in A. H. 427.

(8) Al-Mustansir bi'lldh Abii Tamim Md'add b. az-Zdhir.

He wasonly 7 years of age when he succeeded to the

throne of his father. His avarice. He reigned 60 years. Re-
bellion subdued. He had 3 sons, Nizar, Ahmad and ^Abdu
'1-Hamid, and originally nominated the first named as his

successor, but afterwards set him aside in favour of Ahmad,

to whom he gave the title of al-Musta'^li. The allegiance of
the Isma^ilis was divided between these two. The celebrated
Hasan-i-Sabbah espoused the cause of Nizar, and thereafter
carried on the propaganda in his name. Al-Mustansir died
in A. H. 487.

(9) Al-Musta^li bi'lldh Abu' l-Qdsim Ahmad b. al-Mustansir.

(515) He succeeded his father, captured his brother Nizar

and his two sons, who endeavoured to escape, at Alexan-
dria, and imprisoned them for life at Cairo. The Franks
obtained possession of some of the coasts of Syria. Al-Mus-

ta^li reigned 10 years, and died at Cairo at the end of

A. H. 497.

(10) Al-^Amir bi-ahkdmilldh Abu ^Ali Mansur b. al-Musta^li.

He reigned 27 years, when he was assassinated by some

of Nizar's followers, at the age of 40 years, in A. H. 524.

(11) Al-Hdfiz li-Dini'lldh

Abu Maymmi b. [Abul-Qdsim b.] ')


He reigned 20 years and died in A. H. 544.

(12) Az-Zdfir Bi'lldh.

He was the son of al-Hdfiz li-Dinilldh. In his reign the

l) omits the words in brackets, which are supplied from Ibnu'l-Athir.

For "Abu'l-Qdsim" the Jahdn-ard has "Muhammad".

Franks took Ascalon, He reigneM 5 years and was assassi-

nated by his wdzir '^Abbas b, Tamim in A. H. 549.

(13) Al-FdHz billdh.

He was the great-grandson of al-Mustansir, and was para-

lytic. (516) He reigned for 3 years and died of epilepsy in


(14) Al-'^Adid li-Dinilldh b. al-Fa'iz.

He succeeded his father. When, in A. H. 554, the Franks

prepared to invade
Egypt. Al-Fa'iz, filled with alarm,
sought protection from the ruler of Syria, who sent al-Malik
an-Nasir Salahu'd-Dfn Yusuf b. Ayyiib (Saladdin), the go-
vernor of Hims (Emessa), to help him. On his approach, the
army of the Franks fled. After this a quarrel arose between
al-'^Adid and his wazir Shawir. Al-^'Adid fled for protection

to Salahu'd-Din, who put Shawir to death. InA. H. 556

(or, according to another statement, in A. H. 565) the khutba
was pronounced in Egypt in the name of the "^Abbasid Ca-
liph and a week afterwards al-'^Adid, the last Fatimid Ca-

liph, died, and Salahu'd-Din took possession of Egypt, taking

the title of Siiltdn ("king"). In A. H. 571 he also took pos-
session Atabek Sayfu
of Syria, and expelled therefrom the
'd-Dfn Ghazl Salghuri. In A. H. 585^)
he took Jerusalem from
the Franks, and afiixed an inscription on the Gate. In A. H.

589 *)
he also took "^Akka (St. Je^n d'Acre). On the decline
of the House of Ayyiib, Egypt passed (517) into the hands
of slave-dynasties [Mamluks). The author adds that at the
time he wrote Nasiru'd-Dfn was king there, and was reported
to have recognized a scion of the House of ^Abbas as Caliph

So Ibnu'l-Athfr. The MS. has 552.

and the ^a/idn-drd place this event
2) Ibnu'l-Athir, Ibn Khallikdn in A. H. 567.
3) A. H. 583 is the date given by most historians.
4) This was the date of Saladdin's death. 'Akka was taken in A. H. 583
according to Ibnu'I-Athir.

on condition of himself being recognized as king. But this

Caliph is never seen by the people, all communications with
him passing through his chamberlain.

Second Discourse of Chapter IV, Section g.

The Isma^ilis of Persia, or „ Assassins".

These were eight in number and reigned for 171 years,

e. from A. H. 483 until A. H. 654.
They were as follows.

(i) Hasan-i-Sabbdh.

His genealogy and alleged descent from the Himyarite

kings of Yaman. He was at first a Shf of the Sect of the 1

Twelve, and was chamberlain to Alp Arslan the Seljuq, but

was converted to the Sect of the Seven, or Isma'^ilfs, by
'Abdu'1-Mahk His quarrel with the Nizamu'1-Mulk
b. 'Attash.

leads to his dismissal from the Court. He goes to Ray, his

native place, in A. H. 464, whenceA. H. 471 he proceeds

to Syria, and carries on the propaganda for Nizar b. Mus-

tansir. There he remained several years, during which period
he is alleged to have been entrusted by Nizar with the
care of one of his sons, whom
he brought back with him
to Persia. Fearing the vengeance of the Nizamu'1-Mulk, he

remained in hiding in Isfahan, in the house of the Ra'is

Abu'1-Fazl Lunbani, to whom he said one day, "If I had two
congenial friends, I would destroy this empire". Abu'1-Fazl,

deeming him mad (518), began to give him medicines appro-

priate to that distemper. Hasan-i-Sabbah, perceiving this,
fled to Ray. He converted to his doctrine sundry warders
of castles, such as Ra'is Muzafifar of Gird-Kuh, and Husayn
of Qa'in, governor of Turshiz. He then went to Qazwin, and
in,A. H. 483 (a number equivalent to the sum of the nume-
rical values of its component letters) captured the Castle of
Alamiit, which, being interpreted, means "the Eagle's Nest"

{Aluh-dmut), of which the governor was Mahdi-i-^Alawi. De-

scription of the stratagem whereby Hasan-i-Sabbah obtained

possession of the Castle, It is attacked (519) by Altun Tash,

a slave of Malikshah, who reduces it to considerable straits,

but dies before he has captured it. Rapid progress of the

propaganda. Malikshah sends Arslan Tash and Qizil-Tdsh

against the Assassins; who by the Dihdar
are reinforced
Abu *^Ali Ardistani with 300 men. Death of Arslan Tash
and assassination of the Nizamu'1-Mulk. Death of Malikshah
atBaghdad shortly afterwards. Civil war between Barkiyaruq
and Muhammad. Further progress of Hasan-i-Sabbah's pro-
paganda. His lieutenant, Kiya Buzurg-umid, takes the Castle
of Lammasar at the end of A. H. 495. (520) Sultan Muhammad
b. Malikshah undertakes fresh operations against the Assas-
sins, and besieges Alamut for eight years, but dies before

he can Sanjar in turn attempted to

effect anything. Sultan

extirpate the Assassins, but was intimidated by an attempt

on his life into abandoning it. Hasan-i-Sabbah's meeting
with his former host, Ra'is Abu'1-Fazl. Ascetic life of Hasan-
i-Sabbah. During the 35 years of his rule no one made or
drunk wine in his domain. He puts to death his two sons,
one for wine-drinking and the other for fornication (521). How
the custom arose amongst the Assassins of sending away
their wives and daughters in time of stress to some safe

place. Only twice during his reign did Hasan-i-Sabbah come

out of his house. His books and his "Esoteric" {Bdtini) doc-
trine. He died on
Wednesday the 6th of Rabi'^ ii, A.H. 518,
and was succeeded by —
(2) Kiyd Buzurg-umid of Rudbdr.

He, while professing the belief of his predecessor, observed

the external forms of the law of Islam. He reigned 14 years,
two months and twenty days, and died on the 26th of
Jumada ii, A. H. 532.

(3) Muhammad b. Buzurg-umid.

Hereigned 24 years, months and 7 days, and (522)
died on the 3rd of Rabf i, A. H. 557. His son would have
claimed the rank of Imam, but he prevented him.

(4) Hasan b. Muhammad b. Buzurg-umid.
On his death he again claimed to be the Imam,

and professed to be the great-grandson of Nizar b. Mustansir.

Explanations of this claim, and pedigree advanced by Hasan.
He institutes the impious '^Idul-Qiydm, or „ Festival of the

Resurrection", on Ramadan 17. A. H. 559, and abrogates all

outward observances of the Law (523). This Festival marks
the commencement of the new era adopted instead of the

hijra by the IsmaS'lis. Hasan is given the title of '^ala Dhi-

krihi' s-Saldm ("on his Mention be Peace"), and is called
"Lord" by his followers, but by the Muslims of Qazwfn
"Kiira Kiya". His heretical doctrines and antinomianism
cause discontent amongst some of his followers, and he is

finally killed by a scion of the House of Buwayh, who was

his brother-in-law, on the 6th of Rabf^ i, A. H. 561, after a

reign of 4 years.

(5) Muhammad b. Hasan '^ala Dhikrihi s-Saldm.

On accession (524) he put to death his father's mur-


derer and all his relatives, and carried on his father's here-
tical doctrines and practices. He died after a reign of 46

years on the loth of Rabf i, A. H. 607, poisoned, as some

assert, by his son and successor.

(6) Jaldlud-Din Hasan b. Muhammad.

repudiated the heresies of his father and grandfather,
enforced on his followers the observance of the Law of Islam,
and was recognized by the Caliph as a Muslim and called
Naw-Musulmdn" He . invites the ^ulamd of Qazwin to inspect

the library of Alamut and burn such books

as they consider

heretical, and curses his heretical ancestors and predecessors.

In A. H. 609 he sent his mother to perform the Pilgrimage,
and she was highly honoured by the Caliph, and given pre-
cedence over all other Permission was also given
for intermarriage between members of Jalalu'd-Din's family
and the nobles of {525) Gilan and other Muslims, and he
availed himself of this permission to marry four ladies of
Gllan, one of whom, the daughter of the Amir of Kutam '), bore
him 'Ala'u'd-Dln, who afterwards succeeded him. Jalalu'd-Din
also made friends with Muzafifaru'd-Dln Uzbek, the Atabek
of Adharbayjan, and joined him in a campaign against Mun-
gulf the ruler of "^Iraq, as a result of which Abhar and

Zanjan were added to his domains. When Chingfz Khan

invaded Persia, Jalalu'd-Dfn made his submission and received
promises of security. He died in the middle of Ramadan,
A. H. 518 (some say from dysentery, others by poison
administered by his wives and sister) after a reign of 1 1
'/2 years.

(7) '^Alau'd-Din Muhammad b. Jalalu'd-Din.

He was only nine years old at the time of his father's

death and his accession. He abandoned his father's orthodoxy,
and reverted to the heretical beliefs and practices of his

earlier madness increases the prevailing dis-

ancestors. His
orders. (526) Enmity between him and his son Ruknu'd-Din

Khurshah. Hasan-i-Mazandaranl murders *^Ala'u'd-Dfn, as" he

hes drunk at Shfr-Kuh, at the end of Shawwal, A. H. 653,
after he had reigned 35 years and one month, he being
then 45 years of age. Verses on his death by Mawlana
Shamsu'd-Din Ayyub Ta'usf.

(8) Ruknu d-Din Khurshah b, '^Alau'd-Din.

To avert from himself the suspicion of parricide, he put

l) Kdtam is the name of a district in Gfldn.


to death Hasan-i-Mazandaranf, his father's murderer, and his

sons. He conquered the castles of Shalriid ')
In Khalkhal, and
put their garrisons to the sword. When he had reigned
one year, Hulagu Khan attacked him, and he, knowing the
futihty of resistance (527), marched out from his castle of May-
miin-i-Dizh at the end of Shawwal, A. H. 654, and surrendered.
In the course of about a month Hulagu took and destroyed
about fifty of the Assassins' strongholds, such as Alamut,
Maymun-i-Dizh, Surush, Surkha-Dizak, Nira, Bahram-Dizh,
Ahan-Kiih, Zawran, Taj, Shayharan ^), Firdaws, Mansuriyya,
etc. Gird-Kuh [and Lammasar] alone held out for a time,

and with their fall the power of the Persian Isma'^ilis ended.
Alamut, their chief stronghold, was built by ad-Da^^i ila'l-

Haqq Hasan b. Zayd al-Baqiri in the reign of al-Mutawakkil

in A. H. 246, and thus endured in all 410 years.

Section 10. — The Qard-Khitdy rulers of Kir7ndn.

These were nine in number, and reigned from A. H. 621

until A. H. 706, in all 86 years.

(i) Burdq-i-Hdjib.
He was one of the amirs of the Gur Khan of Qarakhitay,
and on the conquest of Qarakhitay by Muhammad Khwa-
razmshah, he entered the service of that king and attained
a high rank. When Khamid-Pur ^),
Khwarazmshah's governor
of Bukhara, was killed by the Mongols (528), Buraq joined
Sultan Ghiyathu'd-Din. He fights and kills Shuja'^ Abu'l-

Qasim A'^war-i-Zawzani, the governor of Kirman, takes Ga-

washir, and finally, by treacherous correspondence with the

Mongols, Kirman He receives from the Mongols the


title of Qutlugh Khan. He reigned years, and (529) died

1 1

1) Shalrud and Salrud are the usual MS. readings. Gantin's edition, pp. 512 3.

2) Most of the Paris MSS. have Shimiran, which is probably correct.
3) So in the Jahdn-Gushdy. Most MSS. of the Gtizida have Hamid-Bur or -Piir

in A. H. 632, leaving a son named Mubarak-Khwaja and

four daughters, Sunj Turkan, who married Chaghatay Khan;
Yaqut Turkan, who married the Atabek Qutbu'd-Dfn Mah-
mud Shah' of Yazd Maryam Turkan, who married Muhyi'd-

Dfn Amir Sam, the grandson of the Yazdi Atabek; and

Khan Turkan, who married his nephew (her cousin) Qutbu'd-
Din Tayangu. The latter succeeded Buraq-i-Hajib, and reigned
over Kirman for two years.

(2) Rukmi" d-Din Mubdrak-Khwdja b. Burdq.

He defeated Tayangu, and was named ruler of Kirman

by Ogotay. He reigned 16 years, and was dismissed in A. H.
650 [MS. 605] by Manggu Khan.

(3) Qutbu' d-Din. Tdyangu.

Four months after his restoration he married Qutlugh

Turkan, formerly one of the concubines of Buraq Hajib, who
guided him with wise councils and bore him several daugh-
ters.Ruknu'd-Din Mubarak-Khwaja again began to intrigue
to displace his rival, and Tayangu, having got him into his

power, put him to death with his own hands in A. H. 651.

(530) A pretender appears and impersonates Jalalu'd-Din

Khwarazmshah, and gathers round him many people, but
is killed by Tayangu. Tayangu next surprises and massacres

a number of Baluchi's (Kuch u Baluch) '),

who had by their

depredations long terrorized the countryside. Tayangu finally

died in Ramadan, A. H. 655.

(4) Sultdn Hajjdj b. Qutbu'd-Din.

He was appointed by Manggu Khan to succeed his father,
his Qutlugh Turkan, acting as regent during his
minority. She gave her daughter, Padishah Khatun, in marriage

i) The Kiich (Arabic Qufs and Qufs, see Ydqtft, s.v.

^pX, ^JxJ^
are a predatory tribe inhabiting the mountains of Kirmdn.

ot Abaqa Khan, thus greatly strengthening her position, and

reigned for Meanwhile her son grew up, and

15 years.
quarrels arose between her and him. (531) After various
intrigues Hajjaj, displaced in his mother's favour, retired to
India in A. H. 666 and Qutlugh Turkan reigned until A. H.

681, in which year she died at Tabriz, and was buried at

Kirman by her daughter Blbi Turkan.

(5) Sultan Jaldlu d-Din Siirghatmush.

He reigned for 9 years. His wazir Fakhru'1-Mulk Mahmud

b. Shamsu'd-Din Muhammad Shah Zawzani prevented him
from continuing on good terms with his sister Padishah Khatun

(532), in revenge for which she afterwards killed him. She

also caused her brother Jalalu'd-Din to be strangled on
Ramadan 27. A. H. 693, and gave it out that he had com-
mitted suicide.

(6) Padishah Khatun, daughter of Qutbu'd-Din.

She had been married "in the Mongol fashion" to Gay-

khatu, who, when he came to the throne, conferred on her
the sovereignty of Kirman. Her verses (specimen cited). (533)
She is put to death in A. H. 694 [MS. 664).

(7) Muzaffarti d-Din Muhammad Shah b. Hajjaj.

succeeded by command of Ghazan Khan in A. H. 695,
with the Qadi Fakhru'd-Din Hirawi as his wazir. The latter
is murdered in consequence of his tyranny, and Kirman
revolts. It besieged for a year and a half, at the command

of Ghazan Khan, by the Amfrs of ^Iraq" and Fars. (534) The

Amirs suggest to Ghazan Khan that he should send Sultan
Muhammad Shah, who was in attendance on him, to receive
the submission of the city. (535) He died of drink, after a

reign of 8 years, in A. H. 703.

I) A. H. 669 in most MSS.


(8) Qutbu'd-Din Shdh-Jahdn b. Surghatmush.

He succeeded his cousin, and reigned a little more than

two years and a half. On account of his tyrannies and pecu-
lations he was summoned by Uljaytu to his court, and not

permitted to return, Mahk Nasiru'd-Din Muhammad b. Burhan

being sent to replace him
Kirman. Qutbu'd-Din finally

died in retirement at Shfraz, and was buried at Kirman.

Section ii. — The Atdbeks of Luristdn.

Account of the Zubdatut-Tawdrikh as to the derivation

of the word Lur. (Three explanations given, all very feeble).

(536) Another legend as to the semi-diabolic origin

of the

Lurs in the time of Solomon, the same legend being also

told of the Gilakis. Another legend makes the Lurs of semi-

Arabian descent. Evidences afforded by their language. (537)

Ten Arabic letters
(^^ ^^ da, (]i ^c. cc, iv_i ^^ (_.(^)
said not to occur in the Luri dialect. The Lurs are divided
into two branches.

(i) Lur-i-Buzurg (Greater Lurs).

The division Lurs into "greater" and "lesser" is

of the
said to date from about A. H. 300, when a certain Badr
over Lur-i-Buzurg and his brother Mansiir over Lur-i-

Kuchak. Badr had a long reign and was succeeded by his

grandson Nasiru'd-Din Muhammad b. Khalil b. who
ruled justly, aided by his wazir Muhammad b. Khurshid, At
this time half of Luristan was in the possession of the Shuls.
Their chief was Sayfu'd-Din Makan Riizbahanf, whose ances-
tors had been governors of that region since Sasanian times,

and whose descendants still hold that position. About A.H.

500 some hundred families of Kurds emigrated from Jabalu's-
Summaq into Luristan. Their chief was Abu'l-Hasan Fadluya,
who had a son named '^Ali. How he is wounded by his

enemies (538) but saved by his dog. "^Ali leaves a son named
Muhammad, who was in the service of the Salghari Atabeks.
He died leaving a son named Abu Tahir, who, by his cou-
rage, rose high in Sunqur's service, subdued Luristan, and
became an independent sovereign. He died in A. H. 555 '),
leaving 5 sons, Hazarasp, Bahman, ^Imadu'd-Din Pahlawan,
Nusratu'd-Din llwakiish, and Qizil. (539) Hazarasp succeeded
his father, and ruled well and justly, so that more tribes, such as
the '^Aqilis and Hashimis and some two dozen others, whose
names are enumerated, migrated into the country from Jabalu's-

Summaq and other places. These ultimately displace the Shuls,

who are driven into Fars, while Hazarasp extends his domain
to within four parasangs of Isfahan. His wars with the Atabek
Tikla. (540) The title of Atabek is conferred by the Caliph
an-Nasir on Hazarasp. On his death he is succee.ded by his

son Tikla, who is attacked by the Atabek SaM of Fars.

The Atabek's army, in spite of its size, is dispersed on the

death of their leader Jamalu'd-Din "Umar Lalba. Three sub-

sequent campaigns of the Salghuri Atabeks against Luristan

are equally unfortunate. Tikla b. Hazarasp annexes portions
of Lur-i-Kuchak. His country is invaded by the Caliph's

generals Baha'u'd-Din Garshasf and "^Imadu'd-Din Yunus, who

take captive his brother Qizil and confine him in the Castle
of Lahuj (or Lamuj). (541) Tikla kills ''Imadu'd-Din and takes
captive Baha'u'd-Din. In A. H. 655 Tikla joins Hiilagu Khan's
attack on Baghdad, but, disgusted at the atrocities committed

by the Mongols, withdraws to Luristan, whither he is pur-

sued by them. (542) He finally surrenders to Hulagu on

promise of amnesty, but is put to death at Tabriz. His body

is conveyed to Luristan by his followers and buried. He
was succeeded by Shamsu'd-Di'n Alp Arghun, who restored
the prosperity of the country, and ruled 15 years. He left

two sons, of whom Yusufshah was nominated ruler of Lu-

i) This MS. reads A. H. 505, evidently an error.


ristanby Abaqa Khan, (543) who held him in high favour

on account of his valour in the campaign against Gllan.

On the accession of Ahmad [Takudar] and his quarrel with

Arghun, Yusufshah marched with 2000 horse and 10,000
foot to the help of the former. On his defeat in Khurasan
these Lurs retreated through the desert of Tabas towards
Natanz, but many of them perished of thirst. Arghun sent
Yusufshah to seek out Shamsu'd-Din the Sdhib-Diwdn,
[who, on Ahmad's defeat, had fled to and Isfahan]
and bring him to his court, and Shamsu'd-Din gave him
his daughter in marriage. Later, when Shamsu'd-Dfn was
put to death, Yusufshah returned to Luristan, where he
shortly afterwards died (544) in A. H. 680 '), leaving two sons,
Afrasiyab and Ahmad, of whom the former succeeded to
the position of Atabek of Luristan. He ruled tyrannically,
fined and otherwise maltreated Nizamu'd-Dln, Jalalu'd-Dfn
and Sadru'd-Dfn, who had faithfully served his predecessors
as wazirs, and ruined their family, some members of which
took refuge at Isfahan. Death of Arghun. Baydii, the Mongol
governor of Isfahan, is killed by Qizil, Salgharshah and
others, who thereupon seized Isfahan in the name of Afra-

siyab. The Lurs extend, their domains and inflict a defeat

on the Mongols (545), who, however, returned to defeat and
destroy them. In this battle one Mongol women is said to
have killed ten Lurs. Afrasiyab was ultimately pardoned by
Arghiin's successor. Gay Khatii, and confirmed in the go-
vernment of Luristan, in which position, notwithstanding
his tyranny towards his subjects, including his relations (546),

he was confirmed by Ghazan Khan, who, however, after-

wards caused him to be put to death, and appointed his
brother Nusratu'd-Din Ahmad to succeed him. This prince

ruled well and wisely, sought to repair the mischief done

i) This MS. has A. H. 608, an obvious error, since Arghdn's accession was
in A. H.680.

by his brother, and put in force the Sacred Law, which,

says the author, has been scrupulously observed since his
accession until the time of writing, a period of 35 years, so
that Luristan became "the envy of Paradise"

(2) Lur-i-Kuchuk (Lesser Lurs).

Account of the inhabitants of Luristan, both those who
were and those who were not originally Lurs, and enume-
ration of their tribes. Until A. H. 550 these had no prince
of their own, but were subject to the Caliph and his gover-
nors of Persian ''Iraq. At this date, Husamu'd-Dfn Suhili,
one of the Aq-sari Turks, a follower of the Seljuqs, was
governor of Luristan and part of Khuzistan. (548) Shuja'^u'd-
Din Khurshid b. Abi Bakr b, Muhammad b. Khurshfd was
the firstindependent ruler of Lur-i-Kuchuk. He had two
sons, Badr and Haydar, of whom the latter was
killed during
the siege of Dizh-i-Siyah ("the Black Fortress"). The other,

Badr, and his cousin Sayfu'd-Din Rustam, made war on the

Turkish ruler of Bayat '),,
overcame him, and took his country.

Sayfu'd-Din treacherously compassed the death of Badr, who

left four Sons, Husamu'd-Din Khalil, Badru'd-Din Mas'^ud,
Sharafu'd-Din Tahamtan and Amir "^Ali. Shuja'^u'd-Din died
in A. H. 621 at the age of a hundred. His tomb was regarded
as holy by the Lurs on account of his justice. He was suc-
ceeded (550) by Sayfu'd-Din Rustam, who ruled justly and
suppressed highway robbery with a strong hand, but was finally
killed by "^Ali, a son of the murdered Badr. (551) His brother,
Sharafu'd-Din Abu Bakr succeeded him, and he in turn
was succeeded by his brother "^Izzu'd-Din Garshasf, who was
speedily deposed (55^) by Husamu'd-Din Khali'I, and, a year
later, murdered by him. War ensues between Husamu'd-Din
and Shihabu'd-Din Sulaymanshah, the brother of '^Izzu'd-
Din's widow and the guardian of his infant children. So

l) Baydt is the name of a district in or near Khilzistan,



fierce was the feud that in one month

were fought 31 battles
between them. Sulaymanshah was at length defeated and
retired into Kurdistan, but after some years returned with

60,000 horse and 9000 foot (553) and defeated and slew
Husamu'd-Din Khalfl in the plain of Shapiir-khwast. His body
was burned and his head sent to Sulaymanshah, who expressed
regret at death and composed a quatrain on his fate.

This happened in A. H. 640. He was succeeded by his bro-

ther Badru'd-Din Mas'^iid, who appealed
help to the for

Mongols, representing Sulaymanshah as the protege of the

Caliph. He was therefore
permitted to accompany Hulagii
Khan's expedition, and was present at the sack of Baghdad,
after which he begged that Sulaymanshah might be surren-

dered to him. Sulaymanshah was killed, and his family were

given to Badru'd-Din Mas'^ud, who took them with him to
Luristan, and gave them the choice of remaining there or
of returning to Baghdad. {554) Most of them remained in
Luristan and married and settled down there. Badru'd-
Din Mas'^iid died in A. H. 658. His justice and piety. His
sons, Jalalu'd-Din ')
Badr and Nasiru'd-Din "^Umar, dispute
with Taju'd-Din Shah, the son of Husamu'd-Din Khali'l, for
the crown. They appeal to the Mongol Abaqa Khan, who
decides in favour of the last-named, and puts the others to
death. Taju'd-Din reigned 17 years, and was finally put to
death by Abaqa Khan in A. H. ^Jj. The power then passed
into the hands of Badru'd-Din Mas*^ud's two sons Falaku'd-
Din Hasan and ^usayn, who reigned jointly for

15 years and extended their authority over Nihawand, Ha-

madan, Shushtar and Isfahan, and other neighbouring places.

(555) ^^^^ ^^^ brothers acted always in concert, and had an
army .of 17,000 men. Both died in the reign of Gaykhatii in
A. H. 692. They were succeeded by Jamalu'd-Dfn Khidr, son
of Taju'd-Dfn Shah, who was killed by rival competitors

1) Jamdlu'd-Din in other MSS.


for A. H. 693 near Khurramabad. With him

the throne in

the family of Husamu'd-Din Khah'l came to an end. He was

succeeded by Husamu'd-Din "^Umar Beg, who (556) was
speedily deposed in favour of Samsamu'd-Din Mahmud, who
was put to death by command of Ghazan Khan in A. H.
695. He was succeeded by ^Izzu'd-Din [Ahmad, the son of
Amir] ') Muhammad, the son of '^Izzu'd-Din Husayn, the son of
Badru'd-Din Mas^ud, the son of Shuja\i'd-Din Khurshid, who
was still but a child; and the effective power passed to a
large extent into the hands of (557) Badru'd-Din Mas'^ud ^),

and, after "^Izzu'd-Din's death, into those of his widow Dawlat

Khatun. Thenceforward the power of the dynasty gradually
waned and the country passed more and more under the
control of Mongol governors. Characteristics of the country

of Luristan. Mineral wealth. Fauna and flora. Rivers and

principal towns.

Section 12. —
Account of the Mongols, preceded by
an Introduction {Matla"), and followed by a Conclusion

(558) Introduction, on the Genealogy of the Mongols.

The author bases his account on the Jdmi'^u't-Tawdrikh

of his "martyred master" Rashfdu'd-Din Fadlu'llah, and
makes Japhet the ancestor of the Turks and Mongols. Oghuz
Khan. Tur. Early mythological history of wolf-parents and
the like. Beginning of third century of the Flight (ninth
century of the Christian era). {559) The melting of the

mountain which bars the egress of the originalMongols. The

home of the Mongols and its boundaries. Characteristics' and
government of the early Mongols. (560 564) Tables of the

Mongol tribes, taken from the Jdmi^ut-Tawdrikh.
1) The words enclosed in brackets are omitted in many MSS.
2) This Badru'd-Din Mas'^ud was the son of Falaku'd-Din Hasan and the
grandson of the Badru'd-Din Mas'^ud mentioned above.

Makhlas (Conclusion).

565—571 Tables of the Mongol rulers descended from

Chingiz Khan, down to Abu Sa^fd, the author's contemporary.

Maqsad. The Mongol rulers of Persia, or Ilkhdns.

These were 14')
in number, and had reigned from A. H.

599 time
until the
of writing (A. H. 730) 130 years, but of this
period only 1 14 years over Persia. Tlieir descent was from
Alanquwa of the tribe of Qurlas [? Biriilas], one of the branches
of Qunqurat. The miraculous birth (572) of three male chil-
dren by a woman of this family in A. H. 375, one of whom,
Buzanjar, was the ninth ancestor of (i) Chingiz Khan. Pedigree
of Chingfz Khan. He was originally named Temiichfn, and
was born on Dhu'l-Qa'^da 20, A. H. 549 (= Jan. 26, A. D. 1 155).
Left an orphan at the age of 13, he was abandoned by his
tribe, the Nirun, but re-established his supremacy over them

at the age of 30. At the age of 40 he allied himself with

Ung Khan, For 8 years these extended

chief of the Kara'its.
their joint authority over the neighbouring tribes, but after-
wards quarrelled, and engaged in a strife which left Chingfz
Khan supreme. He then took the title of king, and brought
under his authority all the Mongols and kindred tribes, and
the peoples of Cathay,
Khutan, Khazar, Saqsin, Bulghar,
Qirghfz, Alan, Tangut and Russia. (573) Convention with
Sultan Muhammad Khwarazmshah. Increased commercial
relations between Persia and Mongolia. Treacherous murder
pf Mongol merchants by Inaljuq the governor of Utrar in
A. H. 615. Chingfz Khan invades Persia. In A. H. 617 the
Mongol Amirs Yama Noyan and Subtay are sent against
Persia, followed by Tulf Khan, Tushf Khan, Chaghatay Khan,
and Ogotay Khan. The massacres wrought by the Mongols
in Persia are unparalleled in history. (574) "If for a thou-

l) MS. "13", which is correct ifQubilay Khdn be omitted from the reckoning.

sand years no other calamity or disaster should befall, and

justice and equity should prevail, the world would still not

go as it went then". A certain great man who was asked

as to the doings of the Mongols, replied:
"They came, they
slew, they departed and deported". In A. H. 621 they retired
for a while. The lands assigned by Chingiz Khan to four
of his seven sons. Death of Chingiz Khan in Ramadan, A. H.

624 (= Aug. — Sept., A. H. 1227) after a reign of 25 years.

(2) Ogotdy Qadn, son of Chingiz Qd'dn.

He was crowned in A. H. 626, two years after his father's

death, and reigned 13 years. His clemency and generosity.

Further conquests in Cathay in A. H. 627. (575) Final over-
throw of Sultan Jalalu'd-Dfn Khwarazmshah in A. H. 628.
Amir Jintimur made governor of Persia until A. H. 633,
when he was succeeded by Naw-sal, who died in A. H. 637
and was succeeded by Gurkiiz. After 8 years, he was put
to death in A. H. 645, and was succeeded by Arghun, who

held this position until his death in the reign of Abaqa

Khan. Ogotay died of excessive drinking on the 5th of Ju-
mada ii, A. H. 639 (= Dec. 11, A. D. 1241) Account of Tushi
(who predeceased his father Chingiz by six months) and (576)
hisson Batu and his successors. Account of Chaghatay Qa'an,
who predeceased his brother Ogotay by one year. (577)' ^^^
of his successors. Account of Tuli Qa'an, who died in A. H.
628 ') (578).

(3) Kuyiik Qd'dn, son of Ogotdy Qd'dn.

Between his father's death and his succession, his mother

acted as regent for four years. He reigned only about a
year, and was succeeded by —
l) In A. H. 630, according to the ydmi^u't-Tawarikh (ed. Blochet, p. 221).

(4) Mangu Qd'an, son of Ttili Qd'dn.

He was crowned in Rabi^ A. H. i, 648 (= June, A.D. 1250).

He sends his brothers Qubilay and Hiilagii to make further

conquests in the East and in the West respectively. 'Idi-

qut, king of the Uyghiirs, plans a massacre of Muslims at

but is himself to death. Earthquake in
Besh-Baliq, put
Adharbayjan in A. H. 652. (579) Death of Mangu at the be-
ginning of A. H. 657 in a Chinese campaign, after a reign
of 9 years, at the age of 48.

(5) Qubilay Qd'dn.

He reigned 35 years, and died in A. H. 693 at the age of

83. His capital was Pekin (Khan-baligh, "Cambaluc"), His

grandson Timur Qa'an, who ruled over Cathay, and his suc-
cessors, and the struggle between Christianity and Islam.

(6) Hiildgu Khdn '),

son of Tiili, son of Chingiz.

He was sent to extirpate the Assassins in Persia by his

brother Mangu, at the instigation of the Qadi Shamsu'd-Din

Ahmad of Qazwin, in A. H. 653. (580) Surrender of Ruknu'd-
Din Khurshah, the king of the Assassins, at the end of
Shawwal, A. H. 654 (== Nov. 19, A. D. 1256). He is put to
death. Hiilagu captures and sacks Baghdad, and puts to
death al-Musta^sim, the last 'Abbasid Caliph, on Safar 6,
A. H. 656 [= Feb. 12, A. D. 1258). 800,000 of the inhabitants
of Baghdad are slain. Further advances of the Mongols into
Asia Minor and Syria. At Damascus news reaches Hulagii
of the death of Mangu, and he turns back, leaving the Amfr

Kitbuqa to prosecute the campaign. The Egyptians attack

and rout the Mongols, and kill Kitbuqa. (581) Death of

1) Qa'dn, Khaqdn and Khdn are all different forms of the same Mongol

title, but it seems best to keep the first for the purely Mongolian rulers and
the last for those (of whom Hiildgd was the first) to whom waS assigned the
government of Persia.

Hulagu at Maragha in A. H. 663, after a reign of 9 years,

at the age of 48. The Zij-i-llkhdni compiled for Hulagu by
Nasiru'd-Din Tusi, Mu'ayyadu'd-Din 'Arudi, Fakhru'd-Din
Akhlatf and Najmu'd-Din Qazwini.

(7) Abdqd Khan, son of Hiildgii.

He wasappointed to succeed his father by his uncle Qu-
bilay Qa'an in Ramadan, A. H. 663 (June July, A. D. 1265).

Tarakay Khatun sends an army against Persia. A battle is
fought on Safar 8, A. H. 664. (582) Abaqa Khan marches on

Tiflis. Mas'^iid Beg b. Mahmud Yalwaj goes to Persia in

A. H. 666. Wars of Abaqa Khan with various rivals. Birth

of Ghazan at the end of Rabi"^ ii, A. H. 670 (beginning of
December, A. D. 1271). Revolt of Tarabi in Bukhara in
A. H. 636 '). (583) Death of Arghun at Tus on Dhu'l-Hijja
20, A. H. 673. Coalition between a number of the Assassins

[Maldhidd] and a son of Khwarazmshah against the Mongols.

They capture Alamut, but retaken and destroyed by
it is

— Earthquake at Akhlat and other places. Defeat
of Mongols by Bunduqdar's Egyptians at Abulustayn ^).

Mu^inu'd-Din Parwana put to death by Abaqa in A. H. 6^6.
Invasion of Pars by Nikiidar's army. Defeat of Mongols by

Syrians near Hims (Emessa). Death of Abaqa at a banquet

given by Shamsu'd-Din Muhammad b. Khwaja Baha'u'd-Din
Sdhib-Diwdn (584) in A. H. 680 (MS. 688) after a reign of
17 years and 3 months. The above-mentioned Shamsu'd-Din
was his minister and also his father's. — His capacity in

administration and financial ability. — Majdu'1-Mulk of Yazd

was latterly preferred to him, and hence some suspected
that he had poisoned his master Abaqa in revenge. Death —
of Prince Manggu Timur at Baghdad in A.H. 681.

i) MS. "671", but the author

of the Jahdn-Gushdy^ who was contemporary
with the event, gives the date adopted in the text (vol. i, pp. 85 90 of the —
edition in this series).

2) So vocalized in Yaqut's Geographical Dictionary :

•,.,.' ^.. \ .

(8) AJimad Khan, son of Huldgu.

He was crowned Aladaq ') in A. H.681, and appointed as


his wazir Shamsu'd-Din the Sahib- Diwdn^ at whose instigation

he put Majdu'1-Mulk of Yazd to death on the 20th of Jumada i,
A. H. 681. —
Rebellion of Arghiin. (585), who defeated Ahmad
at Qazwi'n in A. H. 683. Ahmad sacks Damghan, and Arghun
retires to the fortress of Kalat, and afterwards surrenders

voluntarily and imprisoned, though Ahmad's amirs urgently


counsel him to kill him. Arghun is rescued from prison by

some of his followers, and defeats Ahmad (586), who is put

to death after a reign of 2 years and 2 months. '^Ala'u'd-Din
'^Ata-Malik the Sdhib-Diwdn, brother of Shamsu'd-Din, [author
of the Ta'rikh-i-Jahdn-gushd] and governor of Baghdad and
Arabia after the destruction of the last Caliph by Hulagu,
died during Ahmad's reign in A. H. 681.

(9) Arghiin, son of Abdgd.

On Sha'ban 4, A. H. 683 (= Oct. 16, 1284) Shamsu'd-Din

Muhammad Sahib-Diwan was put to death at Ahar by Ar-
ghun, on- suspicion of having poisoned Abaqa Khan. He had
served Arghun's grandfather, father and uncle as premier
for a period of 29 years. Verses on his death, which was

regarded by some as a judgement on him for having com-

passed the death of Majdu'1-Mulk of Yazd. (587) His son
Harun was put to death in Jumada ii, A. H. 685 (=: August,
1286). Malik Jalalu'd-Din Hamadani was then made prime
minister, but was put to death on Rajab 15, A. H. 688

(= August 5, 1289), and was succeeded by Sa'du'd-Dawla

of Abhar, the Jew. (588) His vigorous administration. Amir
Chuban's military achievements in A. H. 688 (= 1289).

SaMu'd-Dawla's hostility is aroused against Fakhru'd-Din

i) This form alternates in the histories of the period with Aladdgh, Alatdq,
and Alatdq.

Mustawfi ') (589), and he causes him to be put to death on

Ramadan i, A. H. 689 (=-• Sept. 7, 1290). Arghun's illness,
SaMu'd-Dawla and others are put to death in Safar, A. H. 690
(= February, 1291). Arghun died in the following month,
after a reign of seven years. Verses on the execution of

Khwaja Wajihu'd-Din in A. H. 685.

(10) Gay-Khdtii b. Abdqd.

Sadru'd-Din Ahmad-i-Khalidi is made prime minister. (590)

Gay-Khatu's extravagance and licentiousness. Revolt of the

Atabek Afrasiyab Fadluya in Luristan, who was afterwards
put to death by Ghazan and succeeded by his brother Nus-
ratu'd-Din Ahmad, who was still Atabek when the author
wrote. The attempt to establish paper currency [chdzv]
causes much discontent, which is increased by Gay-Khatu's

extravagance and immorality. Baydu rebels (SQl)? defeats

Gay-Khatu, and puts him to death A. H. 694
in Safar,

(=z January, 1295) after a reign of three years and seven months.

(11) Baydu b. Targhdy b. Huldgu.

Jamalu'd-Din Dastgardani is made prime minister. Revolt

of Ghazan Khan, aided by the Amir Nawruz and the late
prime minister Ahmad-i-Khalidi. After fierce struggles they
agree that the south of Persia shall be assigned to Ghazan
and the north to Baydu. The latter violates the compact,

and Ghazan flies to Khurasan, where, in A. H. 694 (= A. D.

1295) he is persuaded by the Amir Nawruz to embrace
Islam. He
subsequently defeats Baydu, whom he puts to
death at Tabriz after a reign of eight months.

(12) Ghdzdn b. Arghun b. Abdqd.

He succeeded to the throne at the end of A. H. 694

i) This Fakhm'd-Din was the Author's cousm on the father's side. See
p. 485 of the text (= p. no supra).

(= November, 1295), and, aided by Amfr Nawruz, devoted

himself to the restoration of Islam in Persia, the destruction
of the idol-temples, and the conversion of his heathen com-

patriots. (592) Several rebellious Mongol nobles are slain or

reduced to submission. Jamalu'd-Din Dastgardani is again made
wadr, but is put to death two months later. He is followed
by Sadru'd-Dfn Ahmad-i-Khalid{, who checks the evil prac-

tices which have grown up in connection with the demands

for horses, fodder and the like made by the innumerable
ileitis or king's messengers. (593) Ghazan Khan suspects the
Amir Nawruz of treasonable correspondence with the Sultan
of Egypt, and first kills his brothers and sons, and finally,
after a struggle in which he is assisted by Malik Fakhru'd-
Din Kart, captures Nawruz himself near Herat and puts him
to death at the end of A. H. 696 (= October, 1297). On the
2ith of Rajab, A. H. 697 {= May 4, A. D. 1298) he also put
to death his minister Sadru'd-Dfn Ahmad-i-Khalidi, and
appointed in his place the author's beloved patron and master,
Rashfdu'd-Din Fadlu'llah. (594) In A. H. 700 (= 1301 2)

Ghazan Khan also put to death Ruknu'd-Dfn Sa'in, Qadf of
Simnan, Sayyid Qutbu'd-Din Shirazi, and Mu"^fnu'd-Dfn Ghanji;
and at the beginning of A. H. 702 (= end of August, A. D.
1302) he also put to death Nizamu'd-Din Yahya, son of
Wajihu'd-Din Zangi. Ghazan Khan's three campaigns against
Egypt, thC' first in A. H. 699, in which his troops were vic-
torious, the second in which no resistance was met with,
and the A. H. 702, in which Ghazan's troops were
third, in

utterly defeated. Ghazan was ill when this evil news arrived,
and his illness was aggravated by the rebellion of Prince
Alafrank, son of Gaykhatu, (595) and proved fatal on
Shawwal 10, A. H. 703 (= May 16, 1304). He died at Qazwfn,
after a reign of eight years, at the age of 30, and was buried

at Tabriz, being the first of the Mongol kings whose place

of burial was known to the public. In his reign was insti-

tuted the new era (still current in the author's time) known
as the Ta'rikh-i-Khdni, which took as its starting-point

Rajab 12, A. H. 701 (= March 13, 1302).

(13) Uljdytu [Khudd-banda Muhammad) b. Arghiin.

He was in Khurasan when the news of his brother's death

arrived. He was crowned at Tabriz on Dhu'l-Hijja 15, A. H.

703 (= July 19, 1304), being then 23 years of age. (He was
born on Dhu'l-Hijja 12, A. H. 680 =
March 24, 1282). His
reign was the most happy and prosperous of all the Mongol
sovereigns. He repressed unbelief, and imposed the jizya
(poll-tax) on Jews and Christians, besides compelling them to
wear di'stinctive garments. (596) Birth of his son Abu Sa'^id

on Wednesday, Dhu'1-QaMa 8, A. H. 704 (May 29, 1305). In

A. H. 705 Sayyid Taju'd-Din Gur-surkhi, the agent of Amfr
Hurqiidaq, was guilty of seditious actions, and was put
to death on Shawwal 20 (= May 5, 1306). In the same

year certain Mongol princes and the Amirs of


Egypt and Syria submitted. In A. H. 706 Gflan was sub-

dued, and a tax imposed on its silk. In this war Amir
Qutlughshah was killed. Foundation of the cities of Sultan-

iyya (east of Tabriz), Sultanabad (near Mount Bisutiin), and

Uljaytu Sultanabad near Mughan, by the sea-shore. Death
of Uljaytu's wife llduzmish Khatun in Jumada i, A. H. 708
— Nov., 1308). Submission of Shamsu'd-Din ^LC|-sunqur,
lord of Hama Jamalu'd-Din Afram, lord of Aleppo,
and other amirs of Syria in that year. In A. H. 710 differ-
ences arose between the ministers Rashfdu'd-Dfn and Sa^du'd-

Di'n, and, suspicion of a conspiracy being cast on the latter,

he was put to death on Shawwal 10, A. H. 711 (= Feb. 19,
312) at Baghxdad with Amfr Nasiru'd-Dfn Yahya, Khwaja
Zaynu'd-Dfn, Khwaja Shihabu'd-Dfn Mubarakshah, and others.
Verses by the author on this event. On Dhu'l-Hijja 3 of
the same year Sayyid Taju'd-Dfn Awjf, a prominent Shf^ite,

was put to death, and Sayyid 'Imadu'd-Din ^Ala'u'1-Mulk

was blinded, and (598) Khwaja Taju'd-Dln of Tabrfz was
made wazir, on condition that he should obey Rashfdu'd-
Din, by whom the author was placed in charge of the dis-
trictcomprising Qazwfn, Abhar, Zanjan and Tarimayn. In
Shawwal, A. H. 712 (= February, 13 13) Uljaytu marchdd into
Syria, and reduced the fortress of Rahba. Some of the

Mongol princes invaded and ravaged Khurasan, and Uljaytu

sent the Amir Shaykh avenge this insult. He
''AH Qushji to

crossed the Oxus and ravaged Tirmidh and Transoxiana,

and Prince Abu Sa^'d was appointed governor of Khurasan,
with Amir Sunuj as his lieutenant. (599) In A, H. 715 (=
A. D. 13 1
— 6) a quarrel arose between the ministers Ra-
shfdu'd-Dfn and Taju'd-Din ''Alfshah, to whom Uljaytu gave
joint powers. In the following year (A.-H. 716), on Shawwal i

(= Dec. 17, 1
3 16), Uljaytu died at Sultaniyya, after a reign
of 12 years and 9 months, being then not quite forty years
of age. Verses by the author on his death. A curious (600)

ghost-story, attested by many persons, describing how the

spirit of a certain Qara-Bahadur, who fell in battle with the

heathen, spoke first to his family and afterwards to all the

people of his town (Yangi Shahr), first from a corner of his

house, and then from a stick set up in the market-place.
The spirit-voice is described as like a voice issuing from a
jar. (601) After three days it ceased entirely.

(14) Abu Sa^id Bahadur Khan b, Uljaytu.

On receiving news of his father's death, Abu Sa'^id at once

left Khurasan, which was immediately seized by Prince
Yusur and Amfr Begtut. Abu Sa'^fd was crowned in Safar,

A. 11,717 (= April May, 1317), being then 12 years of age,
and Amfr Chuban at first acted as regent. Fines imposed
on Amfr Tuqmaq and Qutlughsh.ih Khatun. Amfr
Chuban sends an expedition against Prince Yusur and Amfr

Begtiit in Khurasan, and brings them to submission. Renewed

quarrels between the ministers Rashidu'd-Din and "AHshah.
As a result of intrigues the former was dismissed from his
post and sent to Tabriz in disgrace. (603) In the winter
Abu Sa'^id went to Baghdad, where, on Dhu'l-QaMa 20, A. H.
717 (= Jan. 24, 1
3 18) the Amir Suinuj died. In the spring
Abu Sa'^id returned to Sultaniyya, while Amir Chuban went
to hunt in Adharbayjan, taking Rashidu'd-Din with him, in

spite of his unwillingness to leave Tabriz. The partisans of

his rival "^Alishah succeeded in poisoning the minds of Sultan
Abii Sa^id and the Amir Chuban against him, and finally
on the i8th of Jumada i, A. H, 718 (= July 18, 1318) he was

put to death, with his son "^Izzu'd-Dfn Ibrahim, near Abhar.

(604) Overthrow of Amir Zanbiir in Ramadan of this year,
on account of his opposition to Amir Chuban, who had made
himself very unpopular by his severities. War between Qur-
mishi and Chuban. (605) The latter is extricated from his
embarrassments by Taju'd-Din "^Alishah. Further mischief

wrought in Adharbayjan by the Amirs Iranchin and Qur-

mishi, both of whom belonged to the Karayit tribe of the

Mongols. Sultan Abu Sa"^id meets them in battle at Miyana

in Rabi^ ii,

A. H. 719 (== May June, 1319), and utterly routs
and destroys them. It was on account of the Sultan's courage
in this battle that he received (606) the title of Bahadur. On
Rajab 20, A. H. 719 (= Sept. 6, 13 19) Amir Chuban married
Sati Beg, the daughter of 'Uljaytu. Death of Amir Husayn
b. Aq-buqa in Muharram, A. H. 722 (= Jan. — Feb., 1322).
Amir Timur-tash, son of Amfr Chuban, governor of Rum
(Asia Minor), revolted, but was reduced to obedience by
his father, who put to death his evil counsellors, and brought
him to the Sultan, who shortly afterwards reinstated him.
Death of the minister ^Alishah in Jumada ii, A. H. 724 (=
June, 1324) at 'Ujan. He was the only minister of the Mon-
gols who died a natural death, and was succeeded by his son

Amir Ghiyathu'd-Din Muhammad, who was soon, however,

displaced by Malik Nusratu'd-Din "^Adil, called Sa'in Wazir."

(607) A. H. 725 (= A. D. 1325) Amir Chiiban, passing


through Gurjistan, invaded the realms of Uzbek Khan, and

devastated them, to avenge the devastation wrought by him
when he came to Persia. Dismissal of Sa'in Wazir from the
position of Grand Wazir. Dimashq-Khwaja, son of Chuban,
succeeds him. Amfr Chuban sends his eldest son Hasan against
Zabul and Kabul to attack Tirma Shiri'n, whom he defeated.
He then ravaged those countries, and defaced the tomb of
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna. To this impious act the author
ascribes the fall of the family of Chuban which shortly
ensued. (608) The
king, alarmed at the growing power of
this family, sought an occasion against them, and on Shaw-

wal 5, A. H. 727 (= Aug. 24, 1327) a rumour was put about

that Chuban had been put to death in Khurdsan, and an
attack was made on the house of his son Dimashq-Khwaja,
who was killed. Verses by Shamsu'd-Din of Sawa on this
subject. Chuban, on receiving this news, put to death Sa'in
Wazir the ex-minister in revenge at Herat, and marched on
'^Iraq. The king hastened from Sultaniyya to meet him. W'hen

Chuban reached Ray and the king Qazwin, many of the

amirs who were with Chuban deserted him and joined the
King, whereupon he fled with his women, leaving the bulk
of his baggage. At each stage he left behind some of his

having crossed the desert, he reached

followers, so that finally,
Herat with only 17 followers, and there sought shelter from
Malik Ghiyathu'd-Di'n [Kart], who, in Muharram, A. H. 728
(= Nov. — Dec, 1327), treacherously slew him, together with
his son Jalaw Khan and several of his principal followers.
But Ghiyathu'd-Din [Kart] did not profit by his treachery, for
shortly afterwards both he and his son Hafiz died. Tfmiir-
Tash, another of Chuban's sons, fled to the Sultan of

Egypt, who, fearing his popularity, put him to death in


Shawwal, A. H. 728 (= August, 1328), and sent his head to

Sultan Abii Sa'^id. (610) Chuban's son Hasan and his son
fled Khwarazm, where they were honoured by king

Uzbek, but soon afterwards Hasan was killed in battle, and

his son died a natural death. Shaykh Mahmud, another of
Chuban's sons, who was governor of Gurjistan, was taken
prisoner by Abu Sa'^id's troops and put to death at Tabriz,
and in short the family of Chuban was practically exter-
minated. Thereupon Ghiyathu'd-Din Muhammad, son of the
talented but unfortunate Rashfdu'd-Din Fadlu'llah, the author's
master and patron, was made prime minister, jointly with
Khwaja '^Ala'^u'd-Din Muhammad b. "^Imadu'd-Din, but six
months laterthe power was vested in him, (611) while

his ex-coadjutor was placed in charge of the finances of the

Empire and appointed wazir to the governor of Khurasan.

Execution of Narin-Taghay and Tash-Timur at the begin-
ning of Shawwal, A. H. 729 (= July 29, A. D. 1329). Praises
of Shamsu'd-Din Muhammad Nizam al-Husayni al-Yazdi.

Verses cited from Zahiru'd-Din Faryabi. The author prays

for the long life and prosperity of Sultan Abu Sa'^id and of
his just and accomplished ministers.


Account of the Muzaffari Dynasty, which included seven
ruleri, and reigned in Fdrs, etc.

from A. H. '/18
— 7^5, a period of jj years.

Pp. 613-755]
Mawlana Mu^inu'd-Din Yazdi wrote a history of this dy-

nasty, which however, is written in so florid a style (614)

and contains so many exaggerations that the writer of this
chapter, Mahmud Kutbi (?)'), having read the Tarikh-i-Guzida,

i) The diacritical points and correct reading of this word are doubtful. See
Rieu's Persian Catalogue.^ p. 82.

determined to enrich its contents with a brief account of

the House of Muzaffar, from the time of its rise to power
until its destruction by Tfmur-i-Lang (Tamerlane). (615) The
author, who composed this treatise in A. H. 823 (A. D. 1420),
describes his qualifications for this task, and asks the indul-

gence of his readers (616).

(i) Amir Mubdrizu^ d-Din Muhammad.

He was the son of al-Muzaffar, son of al-Mansiir, son of al-

Hajj Amir Ghiyathu'd-Dfn, who was from Khwaf in Khurasan.

His ancestors had come thither from Arabia in the time of
the Muhammadan
Conquest, and six centuries later, in the
time of the Mongol Invasion, they retreated southwards to
Yazd. The Hajji had three sons, Abu Bakr, Muhammad and
Mansur. The two former were attached to the service of the
Atabek *^Ala'u'd-Dawla ')
of Yazd. When Hulagu Khan marched

against Baghdad, the Atabek sent Abu Bakr b. al-Hajji with

300 horsemen to assist him. After the capture of Baghdad,
this Abu Bakr was sent with an army to the Egyptian fron-

tier, and was killed in battle by the Arabs of Khafaja. His

brother Muhammad succeeded him as lieutenant to the
Atabek of Yazd, until he also died, leaving no issue.

Mansiir b. Hdjji.
- The third brother, Mansur, dwelt at the little town of
Maybud near Yazd, and assisted his father during his life-
time. had three sons, Mubarizu'd-Din Muhammad, Zaynu'd-
Din *^Ali, and Sharafu'd-Dfn Muzaffar. The first had one son,

Amfr Badru'd-Din Abu Bakr, who was the father of Shah


Sharafu'd-Din Muzaffar.
He was the youngest of the three brothers, but the most

1) MS. 'Ald'u'd-Din. See the foot-note on p. 118.


virtuous and talented. (617) He dreamed that the sun arose

from the house of the Atabek '^Ala'u'd-Dawla and entered the
collar of his robe. When he rose up, the sun broke into
several pieces and fell from his skirt. He enquired the inter-
pretation of this dream, and was informed that it portended
the passing of the power from the present Atabeks to his

family, where it would remain for as many years as the

number of the pieces into which the sun had broken. He
was entrusted shortly afterwards by the Atabek Yiisuf-Shah
b. "^Ala'u'd-Dawla with the government of the Maybud district,

and succeeded in clearing the mountains there of a band of

brigands from Shiraz who had taken up these abode there.

Yusuf-shah, having killed the ambassadors of Arghun, was

obliged to flee from Yazd towards Sistan. Muzaffar accom-

panied him, but, an attempt having been made on his life,
he left them, and came in A. H. 685 (= A. D. 1286) to Kirman,
where he was well received by Sultan Jalalu'd-Din Siirghit-
mish Qara-Khitay (618). After a while he returned Yazd, to

and soon afterwards was presented to Arghun, who employed

him in his service. Gay-Khatu shewed him even greater
favours. The Atabek Afrasiyab b. Yusufshah revolted in

Luristan, and Gay-Khatu sent against him an army com-

manded by Muzaffar, who, thanks to his influence and local

knowledge, succeeded in pacifying the Atabek Afrasiyab and

bringing him back to his allegiance. After the death of Gay-
Khatu, in RabfA. H. 694 (=
i, Jan.— Feb. A. D. 1295), Mu-
zaffar repaired to Ghazan's camp, received all the insignia of

authority, and was appointed Amir-Hazdra, or chief of a thou-

sand men. (619) In the middle of Jumada ii, A. H. 700 (= end
of February, A. D. 1301) the Amfr Mubarizu'd-Din Muham-
mad was born. On the death of Ghazan and accession of
Uljaytu in A. H. 703 (= A. D. 1303 — Muzaffar was assigned,

in addition to the district of Maybud, the care of the

roads from Ardistan to Kirmanshah and from Herat and

Merv ')
to Abarquh. He
accompanied the Sultan on his

campaign against Gilan. At this time the wazir Rashi'du'd-Din

had a grudge against Muzaffar, but his deputy, Sayyid Jalalu'd-
Din Kashi, succeeded in effecting a reconciliation. In A. H.

707 (= A. D. 1307 8) Muzaffar was sent to Yazd and Shfraz,
accompanied by his son Mubarizu'd-Din Muhammad. In
A. H. 71 1 (•= A. D. 131 1 —
12) when Uljaytu marched to Bagh-

dad, Muzaffar met him at Khaniqin. A little later he was

charged with the duty of subduing the rebellious Shaban-

kara. (620) Shortly after this he fell ill, and, though he

months, he had a relapse (caused, as was

rallied after three

supposed by poison administered by his enemies) and died

on Dhu'1-QaMa 13, A. H. 713 (== March i, 13 14). His body was
conveyed to Maybud and buried in a college which he had
erected and endowed. He left one son (Mubarizu'd-Din Mu-

hammad) and three daughters ^). His younger daughter was

married to his nephew Badru'd-Dfn Abu Bakr, to whom she
bore Shah Sultan. One of his daughters was the mother of
Sultan Ahmad's wife, while the other was the mother of
Amir Ghiyathu'd-Din Muhammad b. Qutbu'd-Dln Sulayman-
shah b. Mahmud b. Kamal.

Mubdrizu'd-Din Muhammad.
He was only thirteen years of age on the death of his
father Muzaffar. He was brave, orthodox, and a patron of
learning, but cruel, bloodthirsty and treacherous. (621) He
is despoiled by his rivals. Sharp fight with the Nikudarfs,
in which his sister and other women take part. He is con-
firmed in his father's offices by Uljaytu, with whom he
remains for four years. At the beginning of Shawwal, A. H.

i) Here and again on p. 634 of the original (p. 159 infra) the MS. has
o.^. ., perhaps an error for
the well-known plain by Persepolis
and north of Shfrdz.
2) MS. "two", but three are afterwards enumerated.

716 (= Dec. 17, 1316) and was succeeded by

Uljaytii died,
, his son Abu
Sa'id. In A. H. 717 (= A. D. 13 17 8) Mubarizu

'd-Din returned to Maybud. (622) Sayyid ''Adudu'd-Dln Yazdi

repelled. Amir Kay-Khusraw b. Mahmud Shah Inju '),

descendant of Khwaja ""Abdu'llah Ansarf, whose family had
for years ruled the southern coast of Persia, came to Yazd

at this juncture, and, propitiated by the gift of a horse,

made great friends with Mubarizu'd-Din. The Atabek Hajji
Shah, the Atabeks of Yazd, had a quarrel with
last of the

the lieutenant of Amir Kaykhusraw and killed him. There-

upon Sultan Abii Sa'^i'd ordered (623) Mubarizu'd-Din and Kay-

Khusraw to attack Hajji Shah, who, after a great battle, was
completely crushed. In Shawwal, A. H. 718 (= Dec, 13 18) Mu-
barizu'd-Dfn visited the court and was confirmed in his govern-
ments. Soon afterwards the Slstanis, known as Nikudarls, led by
a certain Nawruz, revolted. Mubarizu'd-Din, then only 18 years
of age, attacked them with only 60 horsemen. A fierce conflict

ensued (624), in which Mubarizu'd-Din was victorious, and

pursued the Nikudaris as far as Bafq, killing many of them,

including Nawruz. The captives and heads of the slain were

sent to the Sultan's court, and there was wailing and lamen-
tation every household of the Nikudaris, who, however,

long continued the struggle, so that it required 13 or 14

years fighting and some 21 battles to reduce them finally
to submission.

Birth of Shah Muzaffar.

Shah Sharafu'd-Di'n Muzaffar was born in A. H. 725

(= A. D. 1325). He was brave, pious and virtuous. His mother
died while he was still young, and was buried at Kirman in

l) MS. has "Muhammad", here, but further on "Mahmud", which is con-

firmed by the Jahdn-drd (Brit. Mus., Or. 141, f. i67«). 'Injii is a Mongol word

denoting Crown lands or Royal estates, and was given to this family as a title
because to them was entrusted the charge of these lands.

the college of Jamal-i-'^Umarf which his father had built. In

A. H. 729 (~ A. D. 1328 9) Amir Mubarizu'd-Dfn Muhammad
went to Kirman to marry Qutlugh Khan, the daughter of
Sultan Qutbu'd-Dln Shah Jahan b. Sultan Jalalu'd-Din Sur-

ghitmish b. Sultan Qutbu'd-Din Muhammad b. Amfr Husamu

'd-Dfn Khamitbiir ') Tayangu b. Gulduz-i-Qara-Khita'f. It

happened that she had gone with her father to Shfraz, and
thither Mubarizu'd-Dfn followed her. His suit was successful,
and his bride followed him to Yazd, and he met her at
Abarquh. Khwaja Baha'u'd-Dfn b. "^Izzu'd-Din was at this

time wazir.

Birth of Shah Shujc^.

Jalalu'd-Dln Shah Shuja*^ was born on Wednesday, 22 Ju-

mada ii, A.-H. jn (= March 10, 1333). (626) In A. H. 734

(= A. D. 1333 — 4) Amfr Muhammad again visited the Camp

of Sultan AbuSa'^fd, accompanied by Shah MuzafTar, his son

and received from the Sultan the most notable marks of

favour. Ther(?after Mubarizu'd-Dfn visited the Shrine of ''Alf

b. Abi Talib.

Death of Sultan Abu Sa^id.

On the death of Abii Sa'^id in A. H. 736 (= 1335

— 6), chaos
ensued (627), and pretenders to the throne arose on all sides.
The wazir, Ghiyathu'd-Dfn Muhammad b. Rashfdu'd-Dfn
placed Arpa on the throne, but Amfr ""Alf Pasha ^), the maternal
uncle of the late Sultan, disapproved of this choice, attacked

Tabrfz, Arpa's troops, and put him and the wazir


Ghiyathu'd-Dfn to death. In Jumada i, A. H. 737 (= Dec.

1336) Shah Qutbu'd-Din Mahmiid was born.

1) In the yahdn-gushd this person is repeatedly mentioned under the name

of «KhamidbUr". This MS. of the Guzida has "Khamftar", probably for «Kha-
mftbiir, a variant of the other form.

2) This, as Mfrzd Muhammad points out, seems to be the earliest recorded

use of the title of Pdshd. That it was borne by this Amir "^Ali is confirmed

by Ibn Taghri-bardf and the Jahdn-drd.


The Amir Abu Ishdq Shaykh goes to Yazd.

by the sons of Mahmud Shah [Injii] (628),

Shiraz was ruled
of whom the eldest, Amfr Jalalu'd-Dfn Mas^ud Shah, was

supreme. His youngest brother Jamalu'd-Dfn Shaykh Abu

Ishaq ') went to Yazd, and was met at a distance of one
parasang from that city by Amir Mubarizu'd-Dfn Muhammad.
Thence he went to Kirman, where he raised an army and
returned to Yazd, which he endeavoured, but failed, to

capture by stratagem. (629) At the intercession of Shaykh

Shihabu'd-Din "^Ali Ba "^Imran he retired.

The -Repentance of Amir Mubdrizu'' d-Din Muhammad.

In A. H. 740 (:= A. D. 1
—40) Mubarizu'd-Din b. Muzaffar,

being then forty years of age, adopted the life of a devotee.

Amir Pir Husayn comes to Pars.

Mubarizu'd-Dfn's devout was interrupted by a sum-


mons to join Amfr Pfr Husayn, who was marching on Shiraz.

After some hesitation he consented, and the two met at
Istakhr. On hearing this, Amir MasMd Shah b. Mahmud Shah
[Inju], the governor
of Shiraz, escaped to Kazarun, whither
he was pursued by Mubarizu'd-Din. (630), who, having put
him to flight, returned to lay siege to Shiraz. After a fierce
sortie, the defenders were reduced to great straits, and

finally capitulated toHusayn, who conferred on

Amfr Pfr

Mubarizu'd-Dfn the government of Kirman. Thither he pro-

ceeded in the same year (A. H. 740), and took possession of
that city without encountering any resistance from its ruler,

Malik Qutbu'd-Dfn b. Nasiru'd-Dfn Muhammad b. Burhan,

who with his father, had ruled there for 35 years. (631)
Mubarizu'd-Dfn disbanded his army and sent for Shah Shuja%
who arrived a few days later.

i) Many of the poems of Hafiz are in praise of this prince.


The army of Khurdsdn marches on Kirmdn.

On the loss of Kirman, Malik Qutbu'd-Din set out for

Khurasan, and asked for help from the king of Herat, who
lent him an army of Ghurfs under the command of Malik
Da'ud. This army advanced to within four parasangs of
Kirman before Mubarizu'd-Din was informed of its approach.
He thereupon withdrew to Anar on the road to Yazd, and
sent news to Amfr.Pfr Husayn. Having collected an army,
he marched back to Kirman to attack the invaders, while
Shah Muzaffar and Shah Sultan aided him to the utmost

of their power (632) The Khurasanis were driven back into

the city, while Mubarizu'd-Dfn alighted in the Mazdakan (?)

quarter, subdued all the suburbs, and shortly afterwards

routed the Khurasanfs. Malik Qutbu'd-Dfn again sought help
from Herat. Meanwhile Amfr Pfr Husayn arrived from Shfraz
to help Mubarizu'd-Din, and the defenders of the city were
hard pressed. Many notable men amongst them, such as

Khwaja Taju'd-Din ^Iraqf, came out and made their submis-

sion.In Jumada ii, A. H. 741 (= Nov. — Dec. 1340) the city

capitulated, Malik Da'iid retired to Khurasan, and Mubarizu
'd-Dln took possession of ~Kirman. In the same year was
born Sultan "^Imadu'd-Dfn Ahmad.

(633) Conquest of Bam.

The strong fortress of Bam was held by Akhi Shuja^u'd-

Dfn, who had been appointed its governor in the life-time
of Sultan Abu Sa'^id, and who had already on several occa-
sions fought andworsted the governors of Kirman. Muba-
rizu'd-Dfn, anxious to put a stop to his ambitions, despat-
ched against him Qutlugh-shah, and followed in person. A
prolonged siege ensued, but the city was (634) finally cap-
tured, after a siege of three or four years. Akhf Shuja'^u'd-
Dfn was spared at the time, but was afterwards killed.


War with the Arabs.

Certain Arabs in Herat, Merv '), Sahn-i-Rudhan, Rafsinjan

and Shahr-i-Babak betook themselves to robbery, and Muba-
rizu'd-Din with his son Shah Muzaffar and his wazir Ruknu'd-
Din Mahmud b. Rashi'd set out to attack them, and inflicted on
them a severe defeat. (635) Birth of Shah Yahya on Sunday,
Muharram 14, A. H. 744 (= June 8, 1343). His name was deter-
mined by an augury drawn from the Qur'an, and the title
of Nusratu'd-Din was conferred on him on account of the
recent victory over the Arabs.

Ministry of Khwdja Burhdnu'd-Din.

This minister, who was the son of Kamalu'd-Din Abu'l-

Ma'^ali, claimed descent from the Caliph "^Uthman. His father,

after visiting the two Sacred Cities, came to Yazd, and there
founded many mosques, hospitals and colleges. He died in

A. H. 738 (= A. D. 1337 — 8). His son Burhanu'd-Din then

went to Shiraz, and in A. H. 742 (= A. D. 1341 — 2) was chosen
ivazir by Mubarizu'd-Din. In A. H. 752 {= A. D. 135 1—2) he
retired, but when Fars was added to the MuzafTari domains
in A. H. 756 (= A. D. 1355) he received the double office of

Chief Judge and Grand Wazir.

Account of Amir Pir Husayn and Amir Shaykh Abii Ishdq.

(636) Attempts made by mischief-makers to sow discord

between Amir Pir Husayn and Mubarizu'd-Dfn. In A. H. 742
(= A. D. 1341 — 2) the government of Isfahan was given to
Amir Shaykh Abu Ishaq, who joined Malik Ashraf [b. Timur-
tash b. Chupan] when he marched against "^Iraq and Fars.
Amir Pir Husayn was at Qasr-i-Zard collecting troops and
munitions of war (637). He set out with a large army for

i) See supra^ p. 154, ad calc. It is probable that "Herat" also is a mistake,

and that both the places here referred to, like those following, were in the
Kirman district.

Isfahan, but was deserted by the Qadi Shamsu'd-Dfn Sa'in

and Amfr Jalalu'd-Din Tayyibshah, the commander of the
Turkman army, who deserted to Malik Ashraf. Amir Muzaf-
faru'd-Din Salghar urged him to seek help from Mubarizu
'd-Dfn, but this his suspicions prevented him from* doing,

and he same night

set out that for Tabriz to seek help from
his cousin, Amfr Shaykh Hasan b. Timiirtash, who, however,
cast him into prison. Most of his captains, including Zahfru

'd-Di'n Ibrahim-i-Sawab, thereupon joined Mubarizu'd-Di'n,

who thus became possessed of an uncontested domain. (638)
In Muharram, A. H. 744 (=June, 1343) a battle took place
at Na'in between Malik Ashraf and Shah Muzaffar and
Shah Sultan. Malik Ashraf was defeated and retired to

Sultaniyya and Tabriz, where he collected a great army to

invade Fars. He plundered and massacred, and in the valley
Bawwan, so celebrated for its natural beauties, he
of Shi'^b
smoked to death some 2000 people who had taken refuge
in a cave. (639) Malik Ashraf is recalled to Tabriz. The
strong fortress of Sfrjan capitulates, and agrees to pay a
yearly tribute of 100,000 dindrs. Khwaja Taju'd-Din '^Iraqf
saves himself from death at the hands of Mubarizu'd-Din by
a verse of poetry (640).

Amir Shaykh Abu Ishdq goes to Kirmdn.

On Amfr Shaykh's
the departure of Malik Ashraf from Fars,

power greatly increased, and he assumed the title of king

and struck coins and caused the khutba to be read in his

name. In Safar, A. H. 748 (—May June, 1347) he marched
on Kirman, attacking Sfrjan on the way, and destroying the
town with some 1200 of the inhabitants, but leaving the citadel
unreduced. On
reaching Bahramjird, some 15 parasangs from
Kirmdn, he ascertained that Mubarizu'd-Dfn was awaiting him
with a large army, whereupon he retired to Shfraz.
(641) On
his arrival there he made Amfr Zahfru'd-Dfn Ibrahfm-i-Sawab

his wazir, and when he was assassinated shortly afterwards

he appointed Sayyid Ghiyathu'd-Din '^Ah' and Shamsu'd-Din

Sa'in jointly to this post. The latter was soon conipelled by

the jealousy of the former to retire.He went to Hurmuz
and the coast of the Persian Gulf, collected a large following,
raidedmany towns, and finally determined to attack Kir-
man, but was defeated and slain by Mubarizu'd-Din. (642)
On hearing this news, Amir Shaykh Abu Ishaq marched on
Kirman to take vengeance on Mubarizu'd-Din, but was
defeated in a great battle and retired on Shiraz by way
of Taft.

Account of the Hazdra.

Mubarizu'd-Din, finding the Afghans settled in the SE.

of Persia disobedient and disloyal, distinguished the loyal

Jurma'is with a special badge, and ordered the Afghans to

be extirpated. (643) Amir Dawlatshah, the chief of the latter,

was put to death with seven other amirs.

Defeat of Mtibdrizti' d-Din by the Afghans ').

Soon after Mubarizu'd-Din had returned to Kirman, he

heard (644) that the Afghans and Jurma'is had united and
were plundering the country. Thereupon he marched against
them, and the two forces met in the plain of Khawun (?) The
Afghans were at first defeated, but returned while Mubarizu
'd-Din's troops were engaged in plundering, and made a
fresh attack, in which Mubarizu'd-Din sustained seven wounds

and nearly lost his life. Idolatrous rites and sacrifices of

Afghans, taken from the Mongols, enabled Mubarizu'd-Din

to obtain from the doctors of Islam a declaration that this

was a holy war and he a Ghdzi or champion of the faith.

l) I am not sure whether by "Afghans" or "Awghdns" (^Vj\c.«\) the.

means the people whom we know under this name, but in any case (as appears
from pp. 643,1. 5,649, 1.
9, and especially 662,11. 12 —
13) he evidently regarded
them and the Jurma'is as Mongol tribes.

He returned safely to Kirman, where Shah Shuja*^ and the

wazir Burhanu'd-Din were awaiting him.

(645) Faithlessness of Amir Shaykh Abu Ishdq.

Mubarizu'd-Din and Amir Shaykh Abu Ishaq had made

a treaty, one of the objects of which was to prevent the

Afghans from making their way to Shfraz. When, however,

the former sent
Khwaja Hajji Daylam there, the
had already been received with honour. Abu Ishaq, feeling
ashamed, detained them, and sent 5000 men to help Mu-
barizu'd-Din, but they had secret instructions to desert to
the enemy in the middle of the battle. This treachery be-

came known and thereupon Abu Ishaq"

to Mubarizu'd-Din,

openly broke with him, and sent 2000 men under Amir
Sultanshah Jandar to help the Afghans, while he himself set
out for Yazd, which he entered without fighting. Shah Mu-
zaffar being at Kirman. On hearing this. Shah Muzafifar at

once marched to Maybud near Yazd, where his sons then

were. He
proceeded to garrison and fortify the place. Abu
Ishaq at once sent troops against him (646) under Muham-
madi and Zawara-i-Isfahani, but Shah Muzafifar routed them
and took 70 of their chief men prisoners. Thereupon Abu
Ishaq sent some 20,000 men againstMaybud, but these also
failed to capture the fortress, and peace was concluded.

Events in Kirman.

Meanwhile Amir Sultanshah Jandar with his Afghans ad-

vanced on Kirman, but Mubarizu'd-Din kept them at a
distance of four parasangs from the city. When Abu Ishaq
returned from Maybud he sent Sayyid Sadru'd-Din to Kir-
man to negotiate, Mubarizu'd-Dfn complained of (647) Abu
Ishaq's faithlessness, but promised, out of compassion for
the people, to abandon the war and make no attempt at

retaliation. So peace was concluded, and Sultanshah returned

to Shiraz.

Account of the Afgjidns and yurmcCis.

Finding no party willing to support them, the Afghans

submitted, and in one day received 1000 robes of honour,
while some of their amirs attached themselves to the Court
at Kirman. At this juncture Muhammad Beg, son-in-law of
Malik Ashraf, marched against *^Iraq, and asked help from
Mubarizu'd-Din, who set but to follow them when they had
nearly reached Isfahan, accompanied by some of the Afghans.
Treacherous intentions becoming apparent on their part,
Mubarizu'd-Din slew a great number of those who had accom-

panied him, and of those who were at Kirman. Amir Timur,

one of the bravest captains of Abu Ishaq, was also put to
death on suspicion of treachery (648).

Campaign in the Garm-sir.

Winter being now near at hand, Mubarizu'd-Din and his

son Shah Shuja^ who was then 16 years of age, set out for

Jiraft. On arriving there, they found the Afghans holding

the Qara-i-Sulaymani. Abu Ishaq again violated his promise
and allowed the Afghans at Shiraz to march thither with
Amir Sultanshah Jandar, to collect the taxes from Mukran,
Hurmuz, etc. On arriving near Mubarizu'd-Din's camp a

message reached them from Abu Ishaq that he was sending

six regiments to reinforce them, and that they should pro-
ceed to Kitman. Amir Sultanshah communicated this letter
to Mubarizu'd-Din. (649) This was the seventh time that
Abu Ishaq had violated his promises. Desultory fighting and
raiding went on until the spring came and the weather grew
hot, when Mubarizu'd-Din returned to Kirman, whither he
was followed by Sultanshah, on whom he conferred many
favours. As summer advanced they withdrew into the cooler

region. Then the Mongol ')

officers came and made their sub-

mission, and returned to Kirman. The Nawruzis, another

tribe of Mongols '),
had always been loyal and peaceable,
and so secured A. H. 752 (= A. D. 135 1 2)
their safety. In —
(650) a mosque was built outside the Zarand gate of the
old city of Kirman, and Mawlana *^Afifu'd-Din, son of Mu-

hammad-i-Ya'^qub, was invited to come from Yazd and open

it. Other buildings were erected with money derived from
Mubarizu'd-Din's estates at Maybud, and in A. H. 755 (=
A. D.I 3 54) MuS'nu'd-Din Yazdi, the author of the original
of this chronicle, was appointed professor in one of these

colleges named the Ddru's-Siyddat.

Ministry of Qiivdmu'd-Din.
In A. H. 750 Qiwamu'd-Din Muhammad
(= A. D. 1349
— 50)
became wazir to Shah Shuja^ In A. H. 755 (= A. D. 1354)
he was made viceroy. Next year he was Qaim-Maqdni of
Kirman, and acted as adviser and instructor to Shah Shuja^

Abii Ishdq again marches on Yazd.

In A. H. 751 (=A, D. 1350 — 1) Abu Ishaq, with a great

army, laid siege to Yazd, whither Shah Muzafifar brought

his sons from Maybud. (651) A battle takes place, in which
several of Abu Ishaq's officers are killed. A siege follows,
but finally Abii Ishaq has to retire to Shi'raz. Grievous
famine ensues in Yazd, and many die.

Conquest of Amir Beg Jakdz.

When Amfr Beg Jakaz deserted the cause of Malik Ashraf, he

came to Abu Ishaq and was made commander of his army.
After the retreat of Abu Ishaq from Yazd, he was sent with
Amir Kayqubad b. Kay-Khusraw in command of an army
l) /. e. the Awghdns or Afghdns, whom the author regards as a tribe of

Mongols. See supra^ p. 161, ad calc.


against Kirman. Mubarizu'd-Dfn, on hearing this, made a

treaty for mutual defence with the Afghans and Jurma'is
(652), for each side had lost some 800 men in the recent
wars, and so reconciliation was possible without dishonour.
He also summoned Shah Shuja*^ from Kirman and Shah
Muzafifarfrom Yazd, and they foregathered at Rafsinjan.
Mubarizu'd-Din and Amfr Beg Jakaz met at Panj Angusht
in Jumada i, A. H. 753 (= June —
July, 1352), and, after a fierce
battle, Amfr Beg's force was utterly routed and retired to
Shiraz, while rich spoils fell into the hands of the victors,

including a harp encrusted with jewels belonging to the Amir

Kayqubad, the price of which enabled Mubarizu'd-Din to

equip and train 70 horsemen.

(653) Conquest of Shird-z by Mubdrizu' d-Din.

Mubarizu^d-Din now decided to march on Shiraz, and first

moved to Bam, where he received from Murtada A^zam

Shamsu'd-Din ^Ali of Bam a sacred relic to which his future

good fortune is ascribed, namely a hair of the Prophet,

which was afterwards deposited in the DdriCs-Siyddat of
Kirman. (654) Mubarizu'd-Din then proceeded to Riqan, where
he nominated Jalalu'd-Din Shah Shuja'^ his successor. Abu
Ishaq, hearing of the approaching attack, consulted the nobles
and 'ulamd. One of the latter, "^Adudu'd-Din ^Abdu'r- Rahman

al-'Iji advised him to make peace, and, his advice being accep-
ted, he set out to seek Mubarizu'd-Din. At Sirjan he met Shah
Muzafifar, who was coming from Yazd, and they proceeded toge-
ther, coming up with Mubarizu'd-Din in the plain of Arzuya(?)
and Dasht-bard. Mubarizu'd-Din received al-'Iji very graci-
ously and assigned him an allowance of 50,000 dindrs and
10,000 for his attendants. He also read Ibn Hajib's Commentary
on the Mufassal with Shah Shuja^ He also tried to dissuade
Mubarizu'd-Din from continuing his march on Shiraz, but the
latter declined, on the ground that Amir Shaykh Abu Ishaq

had already violated his promises eight times, and proceeded

to Furg and Tarim, while al-ljf went by way of Nayriz to
Shabankara. (655) Mubarizu'd-Din reached Fars in Safar,
A. H. 754 (= March, 1353), and Abu
Ishaq advanced to meet
him with an army, but fell back next day on Shiraz, whither
he was followed by Mubarizu'd-Din.

Capture of the Castle of Sarband.

Majdu'd-Din of Sarband surrendered his castle, and was

confirmed in the Wardenship of it and of Khafrak, but soon
rebelled,whereupon Mubarizu'd-Din, accompanied by his
son Shah Shuj^S attacked and subdued it. Majdu'd-Dfn and
his elder son went to Shiraz, while his younger son and his
followers were captured and put to death. He then returned
to lay siege to Shiraz but fell ill for a time, while Shah Muzaffar
was also taken seriously ill, and (656), notwithstanding all that
the physicians could do, died in Jumada ii, A. H. 754 (= July,
1353) ^f^d was buried at Maybud in the Muzaffariyya Col-

lege. He was 28 years and a half in age when he died, and

left four sons. Shah Yahya, Shah Mansur, Shah Husayn and
Shah '^Ali, and two daughters.

Capture of the Red Castle (Qal'^a-i-Surkh).

Shortly after this. Shah Shuja*^ set out to capture the Red
Castle situated 4 Parasangs from Shiraz, which was occupied

by some of Abu Ishaq's troops. It was reduced, and the

spoils were divided by Shah Shuja*^ amongst his troops.
Meanwhile Mubarizu'd-Din, in spite of his illness, continued
to prosecute the siege of Shiraz. On Friday, 6th of Rabi*^ i,

A. H. 754 (= April II, 1353) Hajji Qiwamu'd-Din Hasan, one

of the chief men of Fars (657), died, to the great grief of
Abii Ishaq ').
His son narrates to the author of this history

i) Hdfiz has a qifa on this event, giving the date as above, except that
the month is given as Rabi' ii, not Rabi' i. See Rosenzweig-Schwannau's

edition of the Diwdn^ vol. iii, p. 304.


how he went, on the third day after Qiwamu'd-Dfn's death,

to see Abu Ishaq, who lamented the time he had spent in

studying astrology, and the mistakes into which it had led

him, and recited verses on its futility. (658) Abii Ishaq
aroused the hostility of the Shirazis by putting to death

Sayyid Amir Hajji Darrab and Hajji Shamsu'd-Din. Finally

in the month of Ramadan [A. H. 754 =: October, 1353] Ra'fs

^Umar, son of ^Ala'u'd-Din, caused the Murdistan gate to be

left open, and Mubarizu'd-Din and his troops entered the

town on Shawwal 3 (= Nov. i, 1353), and Abu Ishaq, with

some of his followers, fled to Shulistan, and thence to the
White Castle {Qat'a-i-Sapid), noted since Sasanian times for
its strength. He then demanded help from Amir Shaykh
Hasan, governor of Baghdad, who sent his son Amir Aq-
buqa by way of Shushtar to help him. (659) On hearing
that Shah Shuja*^ was advancing against them, however, Aq-
bijqa returned to Baghdad, while Abu Ishaq fled to Isfahan.
Mubarfzu'd-Din government of Kirman on
conferred the
Shah Shuja^ and handed over to him "^Ali Sahl, the ten-
year-old son of Abu Ishaq, Amir Beg Jakaz, and Kulu
Fakhru'd-Din, The second was drowned in the Kirman river,

the last was put to death at Kirman, and the child was
murdered near Rafsinjan, though it was pretended that he
had died a natural death. His grave is now regarded as a
holy place, and a supernatural light is said to shine over it
at times. (660) ') Mubarizu'd-Din's good government of Fars,

encouragement of learning and repression of dissipation.

Quatrain on this composed by Shah Shuja^ In A. H. 755
(= A. D.I 3 54) Mubarizu'd-Din set out to conquer "Iraq,
accompanied by Shah Shuja*^ and the Afghan, Arab and
Jurma'i levies. Shah Shuja'^ left Kirman in the month of
Rabi^ i
(= April), but at Shahr-i-Babak he was deserted by
the Afghans and Jurma'is. After he had joined his father, news

l) A blank space left here in the MS. seems to indicate a missing title.

reached them that Amfr Ay-Tftnur, commander of Abu Ishaq's

army, had gone to Shulistan, joined Amfr Ghiyathu'd-Din
Mansiir, governor of the Shiil, and intended to seize Shiraz.

Thereupon Shah Shuja*^ set out for Shulistan, but, finding

no trace of them th'ere, carried off all their cattle. The rebels

had gone to Kazariin, whence they doubled back on Shfraz

and effected an entry by the Kazariin gate. Shah Sultan,
Mubarizu'd-Din's governor of Shiraz (66l), was completely
taken by surprise, and fled to Shah Shuja*^. The invaders
set fire to the quarter of Murdistan, which was most loyal
to Mubarizu'd-Din. Shah Shuja*^ hastened back to the town,
which he entered by the Istakhr gate, and gallantly attacked
the rebels. Ay-Timur was killed by an arrow, and his forces

routed, and afterwards another force of Shiils and other

disaffected nomads was routed by Shah Shuja'' at the Ka-
zarun gate. {662) Complete security restored in Shiraz by
Shah Shuja^ Verses on this '). Another attempt made by
'Imadu'd-Din Mahmud and Amir Salgharshah, the nephew
of Amfr Shaykh Abii Ishaq, to overthrow the Muzaffari rule
in Fars. These collected an army at Darabjird, and invited
the Afghan Mongols .
to join them. They were promptly
attacked by Shah Shuja", who put them to flight. (663), and
then returned to Shiraz. At this time Majdu'd-Din surren-
dered the strong castle of Quhandiz [or FahandirJ to Shah
Sultan, and also Amfr Shaykh Abu Ishaq's treasures, which
were stored up there. He was pardoned by Shah Shuja*" for
his rebelHon, and these treasures were given to him.

Miibdrizu' d-Din swears allegiance to the Caliph

and besieges Isfahan.

Mubarizu'd-Dfn occupied the Castle of Mardanan [or Marwa-

i) A blank space here seems to indicate a missing title.

2) See foot-note on p. 161 supra.


nan J near Isfahan, the defenders of which, notwithstanding their

numbers, refused to come out to fight him. In A. H. 75 5 (= A. D.
1354), having sworn allegiance to the ''Abbasid Caliph al-
Mu^tadid ') Bi'llah Abu Bakr, he restored the Caliph's name
in the khutba (from which it had been omitted ever since
the Mongol invasion) throughout "^Iraq, exactly 100 years
after the sack of
Baghdad by the Mongols. Tradition cited
a propos of this. (664) Meanwhile Amir Shaykh Abu Ishaq
was trying by every means to recover his dominions. He
pardoned Sultanshah, whom he had held prisoner at Tabarak
for some time, and, relying on his loyalty, sent him to rally

the Afghans and Jurma'is ;

but Sultanshah made his way to

Luristan and thence to Shiraz, where he -joined Shah Shuja^

As winter drew on, the siege of Isfahan was raised, but in
the spring the task of subduing it was entrusted by Muba-
rizu'd-Din to Shah Shuja^ When the army had encamped
at the gates of Isfahan, Sayyid Jalalu'd-Din Mir-Miran, go-
vernor of that place, hid himself. (665) A few days later
news came that Abu Ishaq, with the Atabek Nuraward b.
Sulaymanshah b. Ahmad, had gathered an army in Luristan.
Shah Shuja'^ decided that he must first disperse this, and so
marched to Kandaman and thence to Firuzan. Mubarizu'd-

Din also came hither with lightning speed. Thereupon the

Atabek returned into Luristan, while Abu Ishaq went to
Shushtar, Shah Shuja'^ returned to lay siege to Isfahan, and
Mubarizu'd-Dfn encamped at Marwanan to bar the return
of the enemy. Soon afterwards Jalalu'd-Uin Mir-Miran made
his submission to Shah Shuja*^, who returned to Shiraz.

l) The MS. here has wrongly "al-Muqtasid". Ibn Taghri-bardi in his Nu-

Jumu'z-Zdhira fi Muhiki Misr wd'l-Qdhira records under the year A. H. 754

the death of the Caliph al-Hakim bi'amri'llah Abu'l-*^ Abbas Ahmad. As he
had not nominated his successor, a meeting of the nobles and judges was
held, and they elected Abu Bakr b. al-Mustakfi bi'llah AbiV-Rabi*^ Sulayman,
and swore allegiance to him under the title of al-Mu*^tadid. See also as-Suyuti's

Ta'rikhu'l-Khulafd^ Cairo ed., p. 201.


Conquest of Shabdnkdra.

Description of Shabankara, its strong fortress, its mills,

its gardens, and its general prosperity. (666) Its ruler was
at this time Malik Ardashi'r, who defied Mubarizu'd-Dfn,
and collected an army to resist him. Mubarizu'd-Din sent
his son Mahmud to deal with this rebellion. He subdued
the place, and Ardashfr fled.

Revolt and subjugation of the Hazdra-i-Shddi.

The Hazara-i-Shadl had been well treated by Mubarizu'd-

Din, who had given them lands in fief, but they forgot these
favours and rebelled towards the end of A. H. 756 (= Jan-
uary, 1355), in spite of the warnings of Amfr Mubarakshah

(667) whom they plundered and drove away to Shfraz.

Shah Shuja*^ marched against them, defeated them, and killed
their leader. Amir Buqa, and many others of their chief men.

Shdh Shujd'^ goes to Kirmdn to extirpate the Afghdns

and JurmdHs.
These tribes were settled in this region in the time of
Shah Shuja'^'s great-grandfather Jalalu'd-Dfn Surghatmish to
protect it. In they waxed prosperous and
course of time

multiplied. Sultan Shah Jahan took a wife from amongst

them and of that union was born Qutlugh, called "the Mo-
ther of Kings" {Uinmu' s-Saldtin. When Mubarizu'd-Dfn con-
quered Kirman in A. H. 742 (= A. D. 1341 2) he (668) greatly

honoured and strengthened this tribe. Yet nevertheless from
time to time they rebelled, as has been mentioned. In A. H.

754 (= A. D. 1353), when Kirman was bestowed on Shah

Shuja^ he showed them fresh favour, yet in A. H. 755 (= A. D.
I354)> when he set out to join his father at Shfraz, they
revolted at Shahr-i-Babak. On hearing now that Shah Shuja*^
was advancing against them, they retired to the mountains,

and, being hard pressed, again craved and obtained forgive-


ness. Shah Shuja*^ entered Kirman on Rajab 8, A. H. 757

(= July 7, 1356), and at this juncture his wife, the sister of
Amir Surghatmish-i-Afghanf, and the mother of the princes
Sultan Uways, Sjultan Shibli, and Sultan Jahangir, and of Sultan
Padishah the wife of Shah Yahya, died. Two years earlier
he had married another wife (669), and the marriage was
consummated on Sha'^ban 12. Two robbers, Mahmud Timur and
an Arab of Shahr-i-Babak, were captured and put to death.

Shah Shuja^ again marches on Isfahan.

At the end of Sha'^ban, Shah Shuja'^ left Kirman. On the
2nd of Ramadan he reached Rafsinjan, and on Tuesday the
9th he reached Yazd, where he remained three days, and
then met his father Mubarizu'd-Din outside Na'in. A few
days later nevys arrived that Amir Shaykh Abu Ishaq had
collected an army of the Hazara-i-Shadf at Jarbadhaqan

(Gulpayagan), and Mubarizu'd-Din, leaving Shah Shuja"^ there

(670), set out to attack them, but they dispersed the day
before his arrival, leaving many of their stores and posses-
sions. Meanwhile Shah Shuja^ encamped at Fi'ruzan, one
stage from Isfahan, whence he moved near to the Bagh-i-
Karan, which adjoined the city wall. Several sorties were
made by the inhabitants, in one of which the Amir Kay-
Ka'iis valour, and many of the Isfahanis were
showed great
taken prisoner. Mubarizu'd-Din, leaving Shah Sultan to con-
duct the siege, returned to Shlraz.

Conquest of Luristdn.

The Atabek Nur-award, whose ancestors had ruled Lu-

ristan for generations, was from the first inclined to dispute

Mubarizu'd-Din's supremacy, and he and his kinsman Kayu-

marth b. Takla wished to give their support to Amir Shaykh
Abu Ishaq. Mubarizu'd-Din was anxious, on account of family
connections, to avoid a conflict with them, but when {671)

Nur-award allied himself with Abii Ishaq, placed all his

resources at his disposal, and marched on Isfahan, so that

no doubt remained as to his hostility, Mubarizu'd-Dfn was

very angry. He sent Nasiru'd-Din Khunji, Amir Kamalu'd-

Dfn Husayn Rashi'di, Khwaja Ruknu'd-Din 'Amidu'1-Mulk
and Khwaja Sadru'd-Din Anari to remonstrate with them,
but without effect. In the year A. H. 756 (=A. D. 1355)
when Mubarizu'd-Din encamped outside Isfahan, the Atabek
Nur-award sent the Qadi Qutbu'd-Din, the chief judge of
Luristan, as an ambassador to him. In Muharram, A. H. 757

(Jan. 1356) it was decided to invade Luristan. Shah Shuja'^

joined his father, and the expedition started, in spite of the

intensecold. When they reached Bahbahan, however, the

weather turned warmer. At this juncture news arrived that

Kayiimarth, Shaykh *^sa the Kurd, and other chiefs, were
advancing with an army of 10,000 horse and foot. Thereupon
Mubarizu'd-Dfn (672) prepared for battle, entrusting the right

wing to Shah Shuja'^ and the left wing to Shah Mahmud,

while he himself took command of the centre, in company with
hisgrandson Shah Yahya. In the battle which ensued Kayii-
marth was killed and his army defeated. Next day the sur-
vivors, including the Atabek Shamsu'd-Din Pashang b. Sal-

gharshah Ahmad b.
b. Yusufshah b. Shamsu'd-Din Alp-Arghun
b. Hazarasp b. Abu Tahir b. Muhammad b. *^Ali b. Abu'l-
Hasan Fadlu'i, and ''Ala'u'd-Din "^Ata, Taju'd-Din Taki'n-

Tash, Siraju'd-Din "^Umar Lal-pa, and the other chiefs came

to make their submission, and were well received. On reaching
Idaj '),
the capital of Luristan, news arrived that Nur-award
had occupied the strong fortress of Susan. Shah Shuja^ set

out to attack him, whereupon he retreated to another fortress.

Mubarizu'd-Din, having practically subdued Luristan, con-

ferred the government of it on the Atabek Shamsu'd-Din
Pashang, the cousin and son-in-law of Nur-award, whom he

l) The modern MAl-Amir, one of the chief Bakhtiyari centres.


soon succeeded in capturing and deprived of his eye-sight.

Mubarizu'd-Di'n, returning homewards from Idaj, celebrated
his victory by a great hunt in the plain of Rakhshabad (673).

Conquest of Isfahan and capture of Shaykh Abii Ishag.

While the campaign in Luristan was in progress, Shah
Sultan was vigorously besieging Isfahan, whither Shaykh
Abu Ishaq had returned. Sayyid Jalalu'd-Din Mir-miran took
part in the defence, and the siege dragged on through the

hard winter until the spring, when many of the garrison

came out and joined Shah Sultan's forces, to the great dis-
couragement of Shaykh Abu Ishaq and his ally Jalalu'd-Din,
which was presently increased by the treacherous surrender
of the fortress of Tabarak to Shah Sultan by its warden.

(674) Seeing the

discouragement besieged, Sayyid of the

Jalalu'd-Din,abandoning his wife and family, escaped from

the city with one attendant and fled to Kashan. Shaykh
Abu Ishaq, unable to get out of the city, took refuge in

the house of Mawlana Nizamu'd-Din Asil, the Shaykhu'l-

Islam of "^Iraq. Finally his whereabouts was discovered, and

he was brought to the Castle of Tabarak, news of his capture

being sent to Amir Mubarizu'd-Din, who ordered him to be
sent to Shfraz. In the mayddn of that city he was brought
before Mubarizu'd-Din, who was surrounded by all the '^ulamd,
judges and nobles of Fars, and there he was put to death
by Ariiir Qutbu'd-Dfn, the youngest son of Sayyid Amir
Hajji Darrab, whom
he had formerly slain. (675) Two qua-
trains recited by him at his death ').

l) The poet Hafiz has many poems on Shaykh Abil Ishaq, amongst others
the following on his death, of which he gives the date as 21 Jumada i,
A. H.

757 (= May 22, A. D. 1356):

^jUi^'V) /r—^ * ^JiAi j^^ y.^^

'-r'j'^ J Oj^ C>y^T'^ v^^^i -^^


Rebellion of the Afghans and yurmdHs.

In the year A. H. 757, when Shah Shuja' set out for Shiraz

on his way to Luristan, he was accompanied by a number

of amirs and soldiers of the Afghans and Jurma'is. Amir
^Ah' MaHk, who had hitherto been loyal, was appointed to
go to Riidbar. Soon after his arrival there he had a quarrel
with Taqtay as to a certain pasture, as a result of which

Taqtay was slain, and *^Ali Malik obtained possession of an

undisputed territory. He took captive Amir "^Izzu'd-Di'n, chief
of the Jurma'is, but could not kill his brother Shamsu'd-
Dfn, who was in attendance on Shah Shuja^ He sent *^Izzu'd-
Din in chains to Kirman, but on the way thither he escaped,
unknown and took refuge with his tribe,
to his custodians,
where he gathered round him a number of men who bore
resentment against *^Ali Malik, marched against him, and
killed him. When news of this reached Amir Mubarizu'd-Din,
he wished to march at once and take vengeance (676),
but, being engaged in a campaign against Adharbayjan, he
was compelled to postpone his intention for a year.

The Subjugation of Tabriz.

Muharram, A. H. 758 (January, 1357) Mubarizu'd-Din,


having overcome all his rivals and occupied Fars and "^Iraq,
set out for Isfahan with a large army. Near that city he
was met by all the notables and chiefs, who escorted him
to the palace, where he received the homage of Shah Sultan,
who expected, but did not receive, much favour for his ser-
vice, for the Minister Khwaja Burhanu'd-Din had accused
him of embezzling a sum of 700 tiimdns from the revenues
of *^Iraq. This caused a certain estrangement, in spite of
which Shah Sultan gave a great banquet, at which, however,
Mubarizu'd-Din, who was violent, passionate and ill-natured,
behaved with great rudeness. (677) This increased the en-
mity already existing between the uncle and nephew. At

this juncture an ambassador arrived from Janf Beg Khan b.

Uzbeg Khan with 300 horsemen, bringing the news that the
Khan had come to Tabriz, killed Malik Ashraf, and assumed
supreme authority; and that he now summoned Mubarizu'd-
Din to his presence to perform the duties of Yasdwul, or
Marshal, incumbent on him as formerly on his father. Mubarizu
'd-Din replied in harsh terms, and entrusted the entertain-
ment of the ambassadors to Shah Sultan, whose anger was
further increased by this new and unexpected burden. After
they had departed, news arrived that Jani Beg had fallen
sick and had returned to his own tribe [ulus], leaving Akhf

Jiiq in Tabriz. This news decided Mubarizu'd-Din to under-

take the conquest of Adharbayjan. Then news came by suc-
cessive messengers Jani Beg was dead, and had been
succeeded by his son Bardi Beg, who had thereupon put
his brothers to death. Mubarizu'd-Din forthwith began his

preparations, selected 12,000 men from the armies of ^Iraq

and Fars, and set out for Tabriz. Amir Akhi Jiiq, being
informed of this, came out from Tabriz to meet him with

30,000 horsemen. (678) The two armies met at Miyana.

Mubarizu'd-Din entrusted the right wing to Shah Shuja^ the
left to Shah Mahmud, and himself took command of the
centre, having Shah Yahya with him. He ordered his sol-
cfiers to fire three arrows each and then charge. Kamalu'd-
Din Lutfu'llah, son of Sadru'd-Din '^Iraqi, produced the sword
of Khalid b. Wali'd" "the Sword of God", and recited the

prayer engraved upon it three times, and one of the arrows

fired down the enemy's standard-bearer. Akhi Juq's

right wing broke Mubarizu'd-Din's left wing and threatened

to encircle his centre, but Mubarizu'd-Din and Shah Yahya

fought with such valour that Amir Akhi Juq's army was
completely routed, and its leaders mostly slain or taken

captive, and Mubarizu'd-Din's sons pursued them to Nakh-

juwan, where they feasted for three days. (679) Muba-

was greatly incensed at this, reprimanded them,

and honoured only Shah Yahya, who had remained with
him and had fought valour. On the Friday
with great
he himself ascended pulpit and
the deliveped a homily.
News arrived that an army was advancing on Tabriz from
Baghdad, and Mubarizu'd-Din decided to withdraw. On the
march he was continually threatening punishments to his
sons and others, and they, being alarmed, laid the matter
before Shah Sultan, who, having already a grudge against
Mubarizu'd-Din, incited them to seize their father, telling
them that he certainly intended to blind them and exclude
them from the succession in favour of his youngest and
favourite son, whose mother was Badi*^u'l-Jamal. (680) They
therefore agreed together on reaching Isfahan to seize and
bind their father Mubarizu'd-Din. They arrived there on Tues-

day in the middle of Ramadan, A. H. 759

(= Aug. 21, 1358).
On the
following Thursday midnight Shah Sultan came

with one attendant to Shah Shuja"s house and announced

that he would flee, as it was said that Mubarizu'd-Din was
acquainted with the plot, and that if so he would certainly
kill all the conspirators. It was therefore agreed that before

sunrise next day they should put their plans into execution.
Shah Sultan then proceeded to Shah Mahmiid, who was in
the bath, and gave him the same information, whereupon
he at once mounted and came to the house of his father

Mubarizu'd-Din, who was busy reading the Qtir'dn. Shah

Mahmud waited outside porch, while Shah Shuja' and
in the

Shah Sultan stood at the door of the room in which Mu-

barizu'd-Di'n was, and sent five or six men in to seize him.
He, on seeing them, understood what was intended, and
sought for His sword, but it was not at hand. The conspi-
rators, therefore^ were able to seize and bind him. At the
same time Shdh Sultan went and killed Khwaja Burhanu'd-
Din. That night they conveyed Mubarizu'd-Din to the Castle

of Tabarak and blinded him '). (681) Reflections of the author

on the vicissitudes of Fortune. Mubarizu'd-Dinis conveyed

from Tabarak to Qara-i-Isfid ("the White Castle") in Fars.

After a month or two he told the warden of the castle
that he had not wholly lost his sight, and persuaded him

(682) to befriend him. Finally, after much correspondence,

an understanding was arrived at between Mubarizu'd-Din
and his sons. The former was permitted to come to Shi'raz
and to have with him Badi'^u'l-Jamal and his youngest son
Sultan Bayazid, together with his body-servants, while the
government was to be carried on in his name and with his
approval. When he had been for two or three months at

Shiraz, he made a plot with some of his adherents to

seize and kill Shah Shuja'^ when he came to see him. Shah
Shuja*^, being informed of this, ordered his accomplices to be

put to death, and himself to be transferred to the Castle of

Tabar in the Garmsfr, or hot region, of Fars. Then he
fell ill, and was removed
consequence to the Castle of in

Bam, where he died at the end of Rabi'^ i, A. H. 765 (= be-

ginning of January, 1364), at the age of 65, having reigned
40 years, 22 years in Yazd, 13 years in Kirman, and 5 years
over "^Iraq and Fars.

Jaldlud-Din Shah Shuja^ b. Muhammad b. Mtizaffar

b. al-Mansiir b. Hdjji Khusrawi [? Khurasani].

(683) Praise of this Prince's virtues and talents. He began

his studies at the age of seven, and in A. H. 742 {-=: A. D.
— 2), when only nine years of age, he had learned the

Qur'dn by heart. His studious character and love of learned

men. His excellent memory. Specimens of his Arabic (684)
and Persian verse. His valour and skill in arms. On his

l) Hafiz refers to this event in a fine qifa whicli will be found on pp.
230 — 232 of Rosenzweig-Schwannau's edition, vol. iii. It Ijegins: —

succession to the throne he bestowed Persian "^Iraq and

Abarquh on Shah Mahmud and Kirman on Sultan Ahmad,
and made Khwaja Qiwamu'd-Dln Muhammad his Prime Mi-
nister. At the beginning of Muharram, A. H. 760 (= Dec. 3,

1358) he set out for Kirman to chastise the rebelHous Af-

ghans and Jurma'is. Thence he proceeded to Bam, Jiraft

and (685) Manujan. He defeats the Afghans and kills a great
number of them. The Afghans rally and again give battle,
but after a fierce fight, in which Shah Shuja*^ himself took

part, sue for peace. They did not, however, observe the
truce,and permission was given to plunder their possessions.
(686) The Afghans then got Khwaja Shamsu'd-Din Muham-
mad to intercede for them, and by means of the Shaykhu'l-
Islam Sadru'd-Din '^Abdu'l-'^Aziz, a descendent of Burhanu'l-

Aqtab Shaykh Shihabu'd-Din Tiirayashti, succeeded in obtain-

ing forgiveness from Shah Shuja*^ by promising obedience

in the future. Shah Shuja*^ then returned to Shiraz. Shortly
afterwards his brother Shah Mahmud rebelled against him,
attacked and took Yazd, placed Khwaja Baha'u'd-Din Qurji
there as governor, and himself marched to Isfahan.

Shdh Yahyd is sent to Yazd.

At time Shah Yahya, Shah Muzaffar's son and Shah


Shuja"s nephew was imprisoned in the Castle of Quhandiz

[MS. "Fahandir"], but he succeeded, with the help of con-
federates, in seizing governor and taking possession
of the castle. Shah Shuja*^ sent an army to besiege him.
(687) Finally a truce was concluded, on condition that
Shah Yahya should evacuate the castle and retire to Yazd,
but, though treated with honour by Shah Shuja^ he conti-

nued at Yazd to intrigue against him. Verses of Shah Shuja''

on this subject. Shah Shuja*^ marches towards Yazd, and
sends Khwaja Qiwamu'd-Dfn Muhammad thither from Abar-

quh, where he himself remains. rumour is started that A


one Qiwamu'd-Din's intimates named "^Abdu'r-Rahman

Kunbani was intending to assassinate him, and Qiwamu'd-
Din, without investigating thematter, immediately caused

(688) '^Abdu'r-Rahman to be put to death. Yazd was soon

reduced to great straits, and Shah Yahya was obHged to
submit to his uncle Shah Shuja^ who accepted his excuses.
Text of the fresh agreement concluded between the uncle
and nephew. (689) Shah Shuja^ then returned to his capital,
ordering his army to raise the siege of Yazd. Soon after-
wards he set out for Qasr-i-Zard, because Shah Mahmud
threatened rebellion. The wazir [Qiwamu'd-Dfn] was accused

by his enviers of being disloyal, and was arrested, fined,

and ultimately put to death with torture in the middle of
Dhu'1-QaMa, A. H. 764. His place was taken by Khwaja
Kamalu'd-Din Rashidi.

The Conflict between Shah Shuja and Shah Mahmud.

Shah Shuja'^ now marched on Isfahan against his brother
Shah Mahmud, and besieged him there for one or two months.
Daily skirmishes took place, and one day Shah Mahmud
succeeded (690) decoying Shah Sultan and a number of

the besiegers into an ambush in the suburban lanes [kucha-

bdgh-hd), and in taking Shah Sultan captive and killing

his younger brother Amir Mubariz. Shah Sultan was blinded
by his foes, as he had formerly blinded the late king Mu-
barizu'd-Di'n. Quatrain by Sadru'd-Din *^Iraqi on this subject.

After this defeat Shah Shuja"^ retired to Shiraz, and Shah

Mahmud began to seek support and alliance from Sultan

Uways at Tabriz. Simultaneously with MuS'nu'd-Din's second

mission to Isfahan, Amir Mubarak-shah Aynagh came from
Tabriz to Isfahan to endeavour to create trouble (691) and to
induce Shah Mahmud to revolt. Reinforcements arrived from
Tabriz led by Amir Shaykh "^Ali Aynagh, Amir Sati Bahadur,

Mubarakshah Diili, and sundry Amirs, like Ghiyathu'd-Din


Shul, Salghur-shah Turkman, etc., and Shah Yahya as well as

Shah Mahmud joined them. The combined army marched out
of Isfahan in A. H. 765 (= A. D. 1363 4), and Shah Shuja*^

advanced to meet them from Shiraz, entrusting his right wing
to his youngest brother Sultan Ahmad, and his left wing to his

eldest son Sultan Uways. Sultan Ahmad, angered at not

being admitted to the Council of War held by Shah Shuja*^

and his amirs, deserted in the night to Shah Mahmud, and
many of the soldiers followed his example. Shah Shuja^
however, undeterred by these defections, gave battle near
Khwansar. (692) When night fell the battle was still unde-
cided. Shah Shuja*^ fell back on Shiraz, while the opposing
army scattered, many of the leaders retreating swiftly to
distant places, e.g. Sayyid Humamu'd-Din to Isfahan, the
son of Amir Shaykh "AllAynagh to Kashan, and Shah Yahya
to Yazd, while Shah Mahmud and Amir Shaykh 'AH reached
Isfahan by different routes, and decided to take no further
action until they should learn what had befallen the army
of Shah Shuja^ News reached them that Shah Shuja^ had
retreated to Shiraz. In passing by the Band-i-Am(r he had
confided the fortress there to one of his Amirs, who being
inexperienced and timorous, surrendered that strong place
to the enemy as soon as they summoned him to do so.
Shah Shuja^ meanwhile, having remained a few days in
Shiraz to re-equip his army, marched back to seek revenge,
but was attacked by a pain in the foot which compelled
him to return. Now there was a certain Dawlatshah who had
been the faithful servant of the unfortunate Qiwamu'd-Din,
and who had been imprisoned for a few days at the time
of his master's execution, but was afterwards released and
taken into favour (693). This man had been sent by Shah
Shuja" to Kirman to bring money to Shiraz for the payment
of the army. On reaching Si'rjan he met Sultan Shiblf and Amir
Surghatmish, who were advancing to Shiraz with reinforce-

ments for Shah Shuja^ and persuaded them and [Badru'd-Din]

Hilal, Sultan Shibll's guardian [Atdbek) to return with him to
Kirman. There he seduced many of the Amirs and nobles from
their allegiance; put to death Amir Hajji the Master of the
Horse {Mir-dkhur), who was governor of Kirman on behalf
of Shah Shuja*^, and Sultan Shibli's Atdbek, Badru'd-Din
Hilal; imprisoned Sultan Shibli in the Qara-i-Kuh; and
assumed the supreme power. (694) When news of these
events reached Shah Shuja*^ he was greatly discouraged, and
at this juncture Shah Mahmud's army arrived before Shiraz
and daily skirmishes took place. Finally Shah Shuja*^ decided
to Sultan Uways to seek Amir Surghatmish
send his son

(who was believed to be still loyal) in the Garmsir and to

march with him against Kirman to subdue Dawlatshah but ;

they could effect nothing. Meanwhile the siege of Shiraz

dragged on, until finally Shah Mahmud sent a message to
his brother Shah Shuja"^ to say that the "foreign" Amirs

from Baghdad prevented him from concluding any peaceful

agreement, but that if Shah Shuja^ would retire to Abarquh

for a while until he could induce these Amirs to disperse,

a satisfactory agreement could be concluded, and a fair

partition of the country effected between them. (695) Shah

Shuja"^ consents. Text of his reply to his brother. They meet

at the castle of Quhandiz [MS. Fahandir], and Shah Mahmud
agrees to restore the Gastle of Sar-i-Band-i Amir to Shah Shuja*^,

so that he could go that way to Abarquh. His wife, Khatun-i-

*^Uzma, and youngest son. Sultan Zaynu'l-'^Abidin, (696) with

Amir Ikhtiyaru'd-Din Hasan Qurchi, however, took the road
by Shulistan, while Shah Shuja'^ himself went by Qasr-i-Zard,
wherein he acted wisely, as he thereby evaded a party of
the hostile Amirs from Tabriz who had intended to inter-

cept him. His governor at Abarquh, Jalalu'd-Din Turanshah,

received him most loyally, and they agreed to march on
Kirman and endeavour to overthrow the usurper Dawlatshah.

They set out in the month of Isfandarmudh, A. H. 765, with

a small army army of the Prophet at
equalling in numlaers the
the Battle of Badr {i.e. 313). Dawlatshah came out to meet them
with an army of 4000 men. An Arab Amir named Mahmiid

brought this news to Shah Shuja^ who immediately set out

from Shahr-i-Babak for Sirjan. The two armies met towards
sun-down ;
Shah Shuja^ in spite of the smallness of his force,

attacked valourously (697), and was completely victorious,

capturing abundant spoils and putting Dawlatshah to rout.
Next day he advanced to Kirman, and on reaching Shahabad,
one parasang from the city, found that Dawlatshah had
closed the city gates and was preparing to withstand a siege.

Finally, however, he was induced by Amir Ramadan Akhtaji

to surrender, on condition of pardon for his offences, this

promise being guaranteed by the ivazir Khwaja Turanshah.

Next day Dawlatshah came out, accompanied by his nobles,
and received presents and robes of honour. Shortly after-
wards, however. Shah vShuja^ being informed that Dawlatshah
meditated a fresh act of treachery and even an attempt at
assassination, (698) put him to death. Sultan Uways and
Amir Surghatmish were, on the other hand, honoured and
rewarded. Shah Shuja^ soon afterwards set out to try to

recapture Shiraz, and received reinforcements and adhesions

at Nayriz and other places on his way, but, being deserted
by the Afghan and Jurma'i contingents, and sickness also
having attacked him, he was compelled to return to Kirman.

Campaign in the Garmsir.

Shah Shuja^ next marched into the Garmsir to subdue the

Afghans, who retreated to mountain fastnesses, issuing forth
to fightwhenever an opportunity presented itself. (699) The
campaign was fruitful of hardship to the besiegers, and the
Afghans asked for help from Shah Mahmud, while Shah
Yahya and some of the Amirs came to help Surghatmish.

Shah Yahya sought to be reconciled to his uncle Shah Shuja*^.

Text of the letter written by the latter to the former in

response to these overtures. (700). Shah Shuja^ being again

attacked by pain in the foot and other complaints, retired
two or three stages. His antagonists, deeming him afraid,
prepared to attack him, whereupon he turned back, fell upon
them unawares, and defeated them. Most of them submitted,
including Amfr Surghatmish, who, with Da'ud-i-Ghuri, had
taken refuge in the QaPa-i-Sulaymanf. Da'ud, however, esca-
ped to Shiraz. Shah Yahya set out from Shiraz with an

army for Yazd, followed by Mubarakshah Aynagh. A battle

took place between them at Khirama (701), and they turned
back. Shah Yahya sent from Yazd to demand the elder

daughter of Shah Shuja*^ in marriage. The request was granted

and the marriage concluded. Shah Shuja^ then set out to
subdue Fars. At Chahar Gunbad Shah Mansur b. Shah Mu-
zafifar b. Muhammad b. came from Yazd to do

allegiance to his uncle, who treated him with much honour.

From Shahr-i-Babak Shah Shuja"^ turned back to Shfraz, and
Shah Mahmud came to meet him. Pahlawan Khurram advanced
from Mashhad to support Shah Shuja*^, fell in with Shah
Mahmud's army, and was almost defeated when Shah Shuja*^
and his army arrived on the scene (702), and Shah Mahmud
suffered a severe defeat, two hundred of his best horsemen

being drowned in a river which they attempted to cross in

their flight.

Conquest of Shiraz.

Shah Shuja'^ then returned to Shfraz. At Pul Basa he was

again attacked by Shah Mahmud on Saturday, i6th of Dhu'l-

QaMa, A. H. 767 (= July 25, 1366) and a great battle took
place. The people -of Shiraz agreed to open the gates to
Shah Shuja'^, and on Sunday, 24th of Dhu'l-Qa'^da, Shah
Mahmud retreated towards "^Iraq. Sultan ^Imadu'd-Dfn Ahmad

left him and made his submission to Shah Shuja^ who once
again ruled in Fars, (703) and again frequented the assemblies
of the learned. Thus he attended the lectures of Mawlana
Qiwamu'd-Dfn Faqih Najm and began to study the Usui of Ibn
Hajib with the commentary of Mawlana "^Adudu'd-Din '^Ab-
du'llah. He appointed as Chief Qadi "the Shafi'l of the Age"

Mawlana Baha'u'd-Din "^Uthman Kuh-gelu'i and made Qut-

bu'd-Din Sulayfnan-shah Khwaja Mahmud Grand Wazir.

He also sent Mawlana Ghiyathu'd-Dln Kini to Mecca to

build a rest-house and buy a plot of ground
for pilgrims
for a tomb for himself, giving him 200,000 dindrs for this

purpose. Both the tomb and the rest-house are still in exis-
tence. Arabic verse composed by Shah Shuja*^ for the latter.
In the year A. H. 770 (= A. D. 1368 — 9) he swore allegiance
to tlie Caliph al-Qahir bi'llah Muhammad b. Abi Bakr al-

*^Abbas{ ').
After he had established himself in Fars, in A. H.

768(= A. D. 1366

he (704) marched on Isfahan. Shah
Mahmud sent messengers with conciliatory letters to him,
peace was concluded, and he retired. Some while afterwards
Shah Mahmud's wife. Khan Sultan, the daughter of Amir
Kay-Khusraw b. Shah Mahmud-i-lnjii, wrote Shah Shuja'

offering, if he passed through *^Iraq, to surrender Isfahan and

hand over her husband, Shah Mahmud, bound to his brother.

She added that he should lose no time, as a large army

was expected shortly from Tabriz, conveying the daughter
of Sultan Uways. Shah Shuja"^ thereupon again set out for
Isfahan and encamped outside the city. Shah Mahmud sent
a deputation of the leading citizens to wait on his brother
and try to conciliate him, offering complete submission to

is no evidence of the existence amongst the

l) puppet-Caliphs of
Cairo of any one bearing this name and title. According to as-SuydtCs
Ta'rikhu' l-Kkulafd (Cairo ed., pp. 202 —
3) the titular Caliph at this period
was al-Mutawakkil 'ala'lldh Abii 'Abdk'llah Muhammad b. al-Mu^tadid, who
was chosen Caliph in A. H. 763 and deposed in favour of al-Wathiq bi'lldh
in A. II. 785 (= A. D. 1361 — 1384).

his commands. Shah Shuja^ seeing his brother's humiHty

(705), agreed to meet him, and concluded a fresh agreement
with him, which he again returned to Shiraz. In the

same year he arrested and imprisoned Khwaja Qutbu'd-Dfn

Sulayman-Shah, and blinded his son Amir Ghiyathu'd-Dln
Mahmiid, and sent him a prisoner to Kirman. Qutbu'd-Din
Sulayman-Shah escaped from prison, went to Isfahan, and
was made zvazir by Shah Mahmud. Shah Shuja'^ made Shah
Hasan the son of Shah Mahmud Sayyid Mu'^inu'd-Din Ashraf
of his wazir. Shah Mahmud 's wife, Khan Sultan, always
with the desire of avenging the death of her uncle Amir

Shaykh [Abu Ishaq] and her other relatives, continued to plot

for the destruction of the Muzaffaris, and therefore kept urging
Shah Shuja*^ to subjugate *^Iraq, and also endeavoured to

pass off as her own

baby son of one of her waiting
child the

women. These matters were finally brought to the knowledge

of her husband Shah Mahmud, who, having satisfied him-
self of their truth, ordered her -to be strangled. At this

juncture the daughter of Sultan Uways came with a great

army from Tabriz to "^Iraq to reinforce him. He then again
advanced against Fars, and Shah Shuja^ collected an army
and came out to meet him. (706) The two armies met
at Chasht-khwar. Shah Shuja*^ entrusted the right wing to
Sultan Ahmad and the left to Shah Mansur, himself taking
the centre. A fierce battle ensued and lasted all day. Shah
Shuja^ withdrew to Shiraz, but Shah Mansur with the left wing
achieved a partial victory, and entered Shiraz laden with spoil.

Shah Hasan is killed and Tiirdnshdh becomes Wazir.

At this juncture Shah Hasan showed to Shah Shuja*^ a

letter purporting to be written by Khwaja Jalalu'd-Din
Turanshah and Humamu'd-Dfn Mahmud, (707) wherein they
offered him their allegiance and promised to open the city

gates to him if he advanced. On the back of this letter


Shah Mahmud had written that he would come that very

week. Summoned before Shah Shuja' to give account of this
matter, the two accused persons declared that the letter was
not in their writing, and that they had no knowledge of it.
It happened that Shah Hasan was laid up with pain in the

foot. Amir Ikhtiyaru'd-Dfn Hasan Qiirchi was sent to ascer-

tain how the letter had come into his hands, and suspicion was
aroused that was a forgery effected by order of Shah Hasan

by Khwaja Mahmiid-i-Hajji "^Umar Munshf. Shah Hasan's ivazir

was thereupon seized, tortured and strangled, while Khwaja
Jalalu'd-Din Turanshah was made wazir, a post for which his
talents and virtues eminently fitted him. (708) When news
of these events reached Shah Mahmud, he at once turned
back to Isfahan.

Rebellion of Pahlawdn Asad b. Tughdnshdh at Kirmdn.

When Amfr Mahmud, son of Amir Qutbu'd-Din Sulayman-

shah, was brought to Kirman, he ingratiated himself with

the governor, Pahlawan Asad, who was an old friend of his,
and seduced him from his allegiance to Shah Shuja^ Shah
Yahya also wrote to him from Yazd and inspired him with
ambitions of sovereignty, but the presence of "the Mother
of Kings", Khan Qutlugh, in Kirman restrained him for a

time from overt rebellion, until a serious quarrel broke out

between the wrestlers and athletes of Kirman and those of
Khurasan, which Khan Qutlugh espoused the cause of

the Kirmanis and Pahlawan Asad that of the Khurasanis.

Recriminations and complaints ensued, and Khan Qutlugh
Thereupon Pahlawan Asad, relieved of her
retired to Slrjan.

presence, began to strengthen the fortifications. Shah Shuja"^

refused to believe that he really intended rebellion, and
Pahlawan Asad, having put the city in a state of defence,
began to raise an army. (709) In spite of the exhortations
of Shah Shuja*^ to his sons to avoid intestinal quarrels, his

eldest son Sultan Uways joined himself to a tribe of Af-

ghans and forged a letter in his father's name bidding Pah-
lawan Asad surrender Kirman to him, and even began to
advance with the tribe on Kirman. Perceiving, however,
that his enterprise was doomed to failure, he left his
and made his way to Isfahan to his uncle Shah Mahmud.
This increased Pahlawan Asad's boldness, and he proceeded
to besiege Lakan, the Warden of Qara-i-Kuh, until he sur-

rendered that fortress. He then arrested the agents of Wd-

lidatu's-Saldtin, forced them by torture to reveal to him the
places where her treasures were concealed, and put Khwaja
Muhammad '^Ulya-abadi in chains (710), taking from him all

that he possessed, and finally killing him. He also poisoned

Khwaja Shamsu'd-Din Muhammad, called Zdhid ("the Asce-

tic") and took his property, and in short greatly oppressed
the people, so that Kirman never again regained its former
prosperity. Shah Shuja"^, on learning of these events, sent
Farrash Hajji Baha'^u'd-Dfn to Isfahan to effect a recon-
with his brothers. Being assured in this quarter, he

marched on Kirman through the Garmsfr by Jiraft and Bam,

where he learned from the Warden, Amir Husayn, details

of the rebellion and tyranny of Pahlawan Asad, Shah Shuja*^

then advanced hastily to Mahan and alighted at a place
called Shah-abad, only one parasang from Kirman. Here a
fierce battle took place. (711) Shah Mansur and his uncle

Shah Sultan Abii Yazid alighted from their horses and

valourously endeavoured to fight their way across the bridge
by the Darwaza-i-Sa'^adat ("Gate of Happiness") and enter
the city, but Shah Shuja^ fearing lest they should be slain,
ordered them to retire, and, leaving his brother Sultan ''Imadu
'd-Dfn Ahmad to reduce the city
by siege, himself returned
to Shiraz. Sultan Ahmad tarried some days at Zarand, where

many deserters from the army of Kirman joined him. Shah

Yahya asked for reinforcements from Khwaja ''All Mu'ayyad

Sabzawarf, who sent him a hundred horsemen commanded by

the Sarbadar Pahlawan (712) Ghiyath-i-Tuni. Being short of

money wherewith to pay them, Shah Yahya sent them on

to Pahlawan Asad, who, fearing further desertions from his
force, would not set foot outside the city. Sultan Ahmad

encamped to the south of Mahan, where he was joined by

Amir Muhammad Jurma'i and his fellow-Amfrs, who had
forced their way out of the city. Soon, the siege becoming
more rigorous, the city began to suffer severely from lack
of provisions. Finally permission was granted for the poorer

people to leave the city, but many perished and the rest
were scattered. When siege had lasted eight months.
Sultan Ahmad was summoned to Shfraz, and the conduct
of the siege was entrusted to Pahlawan Khurram, who induced
Pahlawan Asad to submit. (713) Ameeting between the two
took place in the city in the Qasr-i-Humayun, and it was

agreed that Pahlawan Asad should send his brother Pahlawan

Muhammad b. Tughanshah and one of his sons to Shfraz as

hostages, and should surrender the citadel to the retainers of

Shah Shuja^ namely to Pahlawan "^All-Shah Marniyanl and
a hundred of his men. This siege' of Kirman began on Ra-
madan 20, A. H. 775 (= March 5, 1374), and ended early in

Rajab, A. H. 776 (= first part' of December, 1374), having

lasted nine months and twenty days. Now there was a secret

passage from the citadel to the Palace, and Pahlawan '^All-

Shah, having corrupted some of Pahlawan Asad's retainers,

took advantage of it to send a party of determined men
into the Palace to assassinate Pahlawan Asad. This was
done on Friday in the middle of Ramadan, A. H. JJ^ (=
Feb. 16, 1375), and Pahlawan Asad's head was sent to Shfraz.
Shah appointed Amfr Ikhtiyaru'd-Dfn Hasan Qurchf

governor of Kirman. (714) He, by his justice and clemency,

restored the prosperity of Kirman, and, by his generosity,

made it a rallying-point for learned and pious men.


Death of Shah Mahmiid and anarch of Shah Shujd^

on Tabriz.

In the month of Shawwal of this year (March, 1375) news

was brought to Shah Shuja*^ from Tabriz that Sultan Uways
was dead and on Wednesday the 14th of that month

(March 18, 1375) news arrived that Shah Mahmiid had died
on Shawwal 9 (= March 13) and that the two factions in Isfahan
known Du-danga and Chahar-Danga were fighting, the former

wanting Sultan Uways b. Shah Shuja*^ to be qdHm-maqdm or

Viceroy, and the latter demanding a king. The deceased
Shah Mahmud was 38 years, five months and nine days old
when he died, and had ruled over ^Iraq for 17 years, and for
two years of this period over Fars also. On hearing this news.
Shah Shuja'^ prepared to set out, and several messengers
from Tabarak (715) and elsewhere urged him to make all
possible haste to Isfahan. On approaching that city he was
met by Sultan Uways and many of the Amirs and nobles
of Shah Mahmud, and took possession of Isfahan without

opposition. Sultan Uways shortly afterwards had a fall from

his horse and broke his leg. Shah
continued his pre-

parations for an advance on Tabrfz, and raised an army of

12,000 men. He advanced by way of Jarbadhakan (Gulpaya-
gan) and Qazwin. At the former place he received adhesions
and reinforcements, but at the latter he met with opposition.
He thereupon attacked the city and took it by storm, but
restrained his troops from looting, threatening death to any
who should offend in this way. He next advanced to Jurma-

khwaran, when Sultan Husayn the son of Sultan Uways oppo-

sed his advance with 24,000 horsemen. Shah Shuja*^ defeated
the opposing army, and (716) took captive two of their leaders,

'^Abdu'l-Qahir and Pahlawan Hajji Khar-banda, whom he sent

inbonds with an announcement of his victory to Fars and ^Iraq.
He then occupied Tabriz without further difficulty, and sent

Shah Mansiir with 2000 horsemen to Qara-bagh, Amir Faraj

to Nakhjuwan, Am{r Isfahan-shah b. Sultan Shah Jandar to

Awjan, and other Amirs to other parts of Adharbayjan.

Return of Shah Shujd^ to Tabriz.

When Shah Shuja'^ had been at Tabriz for two or three

months, two nomad chiefs named Shibli Da'iid and *^Umar
Jubdastf agreed to attack Awjan with their followers and
overthrow Amfr Isfahan-shah, proclaiming that Sultan Husayn
was at hand with 10,000 horsemen. In this plan they were
successful, capturing Isfahan-shah and scattering or slaying
his soldiers, of whom the survivors fled to Tabriz. Shah

Shuja*^, in spite of the snow and the pain in his foot

from which he suffered, at once set out in a litter and

retreated without halting to Qazwin, where the people
again opposed him (717), but he passed on, without con-

cerning himself with them, to Kashan, where he was joined

in a few days by Shah Mansiir and many of the Amirs
who had been dispersed in different directions, and who
contradicted the rumours of Sultan Husayn's arrival. It was
only two months later that he arrived from Baghdad at
Tabriz, and, in exchange for the nobles of Tabriz taken
captive and afterwards released by Shah Shuja^ sent Amir
Isfahan-shah to *^Iraq. Shah Shuja'' gave the daughter of
Sultan marriage to his son Sultan Zaynu'l-'^Abidin,
Uways ')

appointed him governor of Isfahan, and himself set out for

Fars, accompanied by many of the captains and nobles of

Being angry with Shah Yahya because of the help


he had given to Pahlawan Asad, he sent an army against

him and also composed some very uncomplimen-
to Yazd,

tary verses about him (5 couplets given). {718) Shah Yahya

succeeded in persuading the army investing Yazd to take

i) /. e. Sultdn Uways 'Ilkdni of Tabriz, who had recently died, not the
homonymous son of Shah Shuja^

no action against him until he should have time to commu-

nicate with Shfraz and make his submission, but, when they
were off their guard, he made a sudden sortie and put them
to rout, seizing much spoil. The remnants of the army fled
to Shiraz, and Shah Shuja*^ then resolved to go in person,
to take revenge on Shah Yahya, but Shah Mansur per-
suaded him to allow him to go instead. Shah Yahya, reali-
zing that this army would not withdraw until they had
made an end of him, sent his mother to intercede for him,
and she eventually succeeded in effecting a reconciliation
between the two brothers. The army, learning this, began
to make off in successive bands for Shiraz, leaving only Shah
Mansur and his immediate followers at Yazd. (719) Shah
Yahya now strove to persuade Shah Mansur to go to Ma-

zandaran and raise an army there to enable them to carry

out their joint projects, nor would he allow Shah Mansur
to enter the city. Finally the latter set out for
and Shah Shuja^ arrived in person with a large army to
punish Shah Yahya, who again, however, by means of the
intercession of the daughter and elder sister of Shah Shuja^
and his youngest son Sultan Jahangir, succeeded in pacifying
the angry monarch and inducing him to withdraw to Shfraz.
In the year A. H. 780 —
(= A. D. 1378 9) Shah Husayn b.
Shah Muzaffar b. Muhammad b. Muzaffar, the younger bro-
ther of Shah Yahya, came to Shfraz, and was well received
by his uncle Shah Shuja"^ who appointed him deputy [qdHm-
maqdm) of his brother Shah Mansur. In A. H. 781 (= A. D.
— 1380) Shah Shuja*^ set out for Sultaniyya, where a
certain Sariq "^Adil had gathered together an army and was
endeavouring by violence to usurp the supreme power. (720)
He suffered a serious reverse; his great army, drawn from

Fars, and Luristan, waS scattered, and he himself was


thrown from his horse. Surrounded by a few faithful retainers

he continued to fight on foot, until Malik Bawarchf, one of

his officers, gave him his own horse. Another officer, Akhi
Kuchuk, "the Rustam of the Age", came up and stayed the
panic, and presently 10,000 or 15,000 gathered round Shah
Shuja^ One of Shah Husayn's standards and a set of his
kettle-drums were recovered by them, and Shah Shuja^ taking
this as a good omen, ordered shouts of victory to be raised.

Hearing these, and seeing such trophies in the hands of their

foes, Sariq' ^Adil's men were panic-stricken and fled to the

city,which was soon afterwards occupied by Shah Shuja*^.

Sariq *^Adil and his captains took refuge in the citadel, and
began to sue for peace. Shah Shuja*^ received their overtures
favourably, and a treaty was concluded. (721) Rich presents
were given to Shah Shuja^ who then received Sariq *^Adil
with honour, left him in possession of the city, and returned
with his army to Shfraz.

About this time several other events took place deserving

of mention.
First, Sultan Zaynu'l-'^Abidin, to whom the government of
Isfahan had been entrusted, by reason of his youth and the
pride of ignorance neglected his duties to the people. He
was therefore dismissed, and Pahlawan Khurram was made
governor in his stead. He on his death was succeeded by
Pahlawan Muhammad Zaynu'd-Din. Ultimately Sultan Zaynu'l-
*^Abidin, after suffering a brief imprisonment, was restored.
Secondly, Sultan Ahmad, the son of Sultan Uways '),
in Tabriz, killed his brother Sultan Husayn and others of
his kinsmen, and usurped control over the province of Adhar-
Thirdly, Fir 'All Badak, one of the chief nobles of Hama-
dan, fled Shfraz, where he was well received by Shah

Shuja*^ and sent to Shiishtar, which he subdued, appointing

a servant named Islam as its governor, and himself pro-
ceeding to Baghdad, where he struck coins in the name of
i) Here again Sultdn Uways 'Ilkdnf of Tabriz is intended.

Shah Shuja*^, and caused the khiitba to be read in his name.

(722) Fourthly, Sultan Ahmad set out from Tabriz for
Baghdad. Prince Shaykh "Ah' and Pi'r ""Ah' Badak went with
an army to intercept him, but were both killed and their

army routed, and Baghdad also fell into Sultan Ahmad's hands.
Fifthly, SultanUways, son of Shah Shuja^ sickened and died.
Sixthly, Shah Mansur, who had been for a while a fugitive
in Mazandaran, came to Sultaniyya to Sariq "^Adil, who,

since he claimed to be loyal to Shah Shuja", arrested and

imprisoned him. He by some of his

was, however, released
adherents, and came
Baghdad, where
to he was well received

by Sultan Ahmad, of whose sincerity, however, he was suspi-

cious. Islam, the governor of Shushtar, informed Shah Shuja*^

of this, and he sent Pahlawan "^Ali Shah Marniyani to Islam's

help. The former, as soon as he had established himself,

designed to oust the latter, but his plot miscarried, and he

himself was killed. In the same year Sultan Ahmad sent
Shah Mansur Shustar,to which he gained admittance

by the help of certain friendly Shaykhs. He then gradually

rid himself of his most powerful opponents, and began to

harry the province of Luristan, killing and plundering the

The Atabek Pashang complained to Shah Shuja^
people. (723)
and begged him to send an army and take Shushtar. At
an ambassador arrived from Baghdad, and Sultan
this juncture

Ahmad complained of Sariq "^Adil, because he had placed

his younger brother, Sultan Bayazid, on the throne at Sul-

taniyya, and had thus created an estrangement between the

brothers. Shah Shuja'^ answered both ambassadors according
to their desires, promising to march on Sultaniyya with an
army, and, on his return thence, to proceed to Shushtar by
way of Lur-i-Kuchak.

Sultan Shibli is arrested and blinded.

Shah Shuja"^, on setting out from Shlraz, was accompanied


by his son Sultan Shibli, who generally followed two or

three stages behind him. At Bayda he wished to review his

army befoVe his father. (724) Certain mischief-makers sought

to alarm Shah Shuja*^ by misrepresenting the Prince's object,

and accusing him of rebellious intentions, asserting that he

was secretly in league with Amfr Muzaffaru'd-Dfn Salghar-
shah Rashfdf. Shah Shuja^ recalling the legendary king Firf-
diin's words to his undutiful sons (here given not from the

Shdhndnia, but in Arabic), was much alarmed, and in the

month of Rabi^ i, A. H. 785 (= May 1383) arrested both the
accused, Amir Salghar-shah in the citadel,
imprisoning the
and Sultan Shibli in the castle of Iqlid. Then one day, being
drunk, he ordered Amir Ramadan Akhtaji and Khwaja
Jawhar-i-Kuchak to go to the castle and deprive the Prince
of his sight. Next day Shah Shuja*^ repented of his action,
and sent mounted messenger to countermand the cruel
off a

order, but he arrived too late, and the king's repentance

was vain. This cruel deed, moreover, brought him ill luck,
for Khan Qutlugh "the Mother of Kings" died (725), and
Shah Husayn, the brother of Shah Yahya and Shah Mansur
also diedon that campaign. Shah Shuja*^ then proceeded to
Sultaniyya. When he reached Qazwin, Sultan Bayazid and
Sariq *^Adil came out to meet him, and were graciously
received. Amir Ya^qiib-shah the standard-bearer was sent to
Sultan Ahmad, and peace was concluded between the bro-
thers. Shah Shuja"^ removed Sariq '^Adil from his post, and
returned to Shfraz.

Shah Shujd^ marches against Shushtar and Luristdn.

On returning from Qazwin, Shdh Shujd^ sent his army by
way of Lur-i-Kuchak to Khurram-dbad, where he encamped
beneath the citadel and received the allegiance of Malik "^Izzu'd-
Din, whose daughter he demanded in marriage. The service
was conducted by MawUna SaMu'd-Din Anasi, and four days

were devoted to the celebration of their nuptials. After this

Shah Shuja^ proceeded over bad roads and through moun-
tains to Dizful and Shushtar, the army suffering much from
the cold, for it was winter. When they reached the Shushtar
river, heavy rain came on, which lasted for several days,

but finally the weather cleared, and the Atabek Shamsu'd-

Din Pashang arrived, and also Shah Mansur, from the other
side of the river, with 500 or600 horsemen fully equipped.
Thus they remained for a week, as the river was too high
for them to be able to cross. On both sides there was talk

(726) of peace. Shah Mansur came to one bank of the river,

and Shah Shuja^ to the other, and this was as near as they
could come to meeting. Shah Shuja'^ then retired, promising
the Atabek to send an army from Shiraz under the command
of Sultan Bayazid to reinforce him, and proceed with him
to Shushtar by way of Kuh-Gayluya. Shah Shuja*^ returned
to Shiraz, while the Atabek went to Idaj. On the march

Faraj Agha deserted Shah Shuja*^ and went to Shushtar. On

reaching Shiilistan, Shah Shuja^ remained there a few days
making merry, but, falling ill, he proceeded to Shiraz, where
he was met by the ladies of the court, who were returning
from Isfahan. Once more he plunged into an orgie of drink-
ing, which he continued without intermission until his ill-
ness again grew serious, and he was obliged to take to his

bed. His complaint baffled the skill of the physicians, (727)

and he presently realized that he must die, and .set about

making all the arrangements for his funeral and interment.

Meanwhile the Amirs and people were divided into two hostile
parties as to who should succeed the dying king, one preferring
Shah Shuja'^'s son Sultan Zaynu'l-'^Abidin, and the other his
brother Sultan Ahmad. Shah Shuja^ on hearing this, sent for his

son Zaynu'l-Abidin, and gave him some fatherly advice on the

necessity of unity and concord amongst kinsmen, of which the

substance is given. (728) Zaynu'l-^Abidin was much moved by

this, and by his father's impending death, and on his coming

forth from the death-chamber, Shah Shuja"^ sent for his brother

Sultan Ahmad and they wept together. Then Shah Shuja*^

gave Sultdn Ahmad a similar admonition, begged him to set

out at once for Kirmdn and assume the government of that

city, and urged him not to suffer himself to be led into rebel-
lion against Zaynu'l-'^Abidin, nor to give countenance to

those mischief-makers who were already engaged in stirring

up strife. He
then gave him further advice as to his beha-
viour, and what he should seek and avoid. (729) Advice of
Shdh Shujd*^ to Sultdn Ahmad as to the government of Kirmdn
and Bam, the treatment of the tribes, and other matters,
continued. (730) On that very day Sultan Ahmad left Shirdz
and set out for Kirman. After this Shdh Shuja*^ wrote a

letter to Ti'mur (Tamerlane). Text of this letter. (731) Same

continued. (732) Same continued. Shdh Shujd*^ mentions his

age as fifty-three. He announces his choice of Zaynu'l-'^Abidfn

as his successor, and commends him and his other sons and
brothers to Timur's favour. (733) Conclusion of letter. —
Having completed all these arrangements. Shah Shujd*^ expired
on Sunday, 22nd of Sha'bdn, A. H. y86 (= October 9, A. D.
1384), and was buried at the foot of the Mountain of Chil
Maqdm at Shfrdz, according to the wish which he had ex-
pressed '). (734) His age at the time of his death was 5 3 years
and 3 months, and he had reigned 27 years. On his death
confusion ensued : the people of "^Irdq demanded Shdh Yahyd;
Sultdn Ahmad, as already narrated, was ruler of Kirmdn;
and Sultdn Zaynu'l-'^Abidfn reigned in Shfrdz in the place
of his father.

i) This statement hardly agrees with that made on p. 703 of the text
(p. 178 supra) to the ciTect that ShAh Shujd' spent a large sum of money in
buying a plot of ground for his tomb at Mecca.

Reign of Zaynii l-" Abidin b. Jaldhi d-Din Shah Shtijd'^

b. Mubdrizu' d-Din Muhammad b. Sharafu' d-Din Muzaffar
b. Shujd^ti d-Din Mansur b. Ghiydthti d-Din Hdjji.
No sooner had Zaynu'l-'^Abidfn succeeded his father than
Shah Yahya marched from Isfahan to attack him. Sultan
Bayazid deserted the former and joined the latter. The two
armies, however, separated without fighting, and some sort
of agreement was made between the two rivals. Soon after-

wards the Isfahanis, prompted by their intrinsic malice and

turbulence, expelled Shah Yahya from their city (735), and he
fled with his retainers to Yazd, while Sultan Bayazid went to
Luristan. Zaynu'l-^Abidin, being informed of this, appointed
his mother's brother Amfr Muzafifar-i-Kdshf governor of Isfahan.

Sultan "^IrnddiC d-Din Ahmad b. Muhammad

b. al-MtLzaffar b. al-Mansiir b. al-Hdjji comes to Kirmdn.
Sultan '^Imadu'd-Din Ahmad
reached Kirman on Friday,
the 20th of Sha*^ban, A. H. 786 (= October 7, 1384), and was
met by the loyal and God-fearing Amir Ikhtiyaru'd-Dfn Hasan
Qiirchf, and other notables of the city, who brought him to
the Qasr-i-Humdyim (Royal Palace) and delivered to him the

keys. Amir Hasan but was not permitted, to go to

Shiraz. Two days later the news of the death of Shah Shuja*^

arrived, and public mourning was observed. Sultan Ahmad

was enthroned as ruler of Kirman. His virtues and benefi-
cence, especially towards the ^ulamd. His lack of decision
and easy-going character.

Amir Surghatmish the Afghdn joins his tribe.

Zaynu'l-^Abidin, having made peace with Shah Yahya,

released Amir Surghatmish (736), who had been for some
time detained by Shah Shujd^ and sent him to his tribe.
Sultan Ahmad, on his arrival at Kirman, showed much favour
to Amir Muhammad Jurma'f, who had formerly served him^

faithfully, and imprisoned Amir Tdkur the Afghan. The

Afghan amirs were, generally speaking, in a miserable and
impoverished condition, and, on the arrival of Amfr Sur-
ghatmish in the Garmsir, at once joined him. Sultdn Ahmad,
being informed of this by Amir Muhammad, set out from
Kirman with an army. On reaching the Garmsir ') he was joined
by a nuYnber of warriors, whom he received with honour,
and proceeded to Chahar Gunbad, where he was further
reinforced by Amfr Muhammad with number of the Jurma'i

amirs. Surghatmish sent scouts to bring him correct infor-

mation about this army, but these fell in with a detachment
of Sultan Ahmad's army and were put to rout. Surghatmish

thereupon retreated to the Garmsfr to Tarim, leaving his

brother Jamshfd in the Castle of Arzu. A letter from 'AH

[b.] Nasr, the governor of Sirjdn, to Surghatmish, promising him

help, fell into Sultdn Ahmad's hands, and he caused '^Ali

Nasr to be put to death, and set out for Sirjan, where he
confiscated the traitor's possessions. Two>or three days later

the Sultdn set out to lay siege to the Castle of Arzu, (737)
which he subdued without much difficulty, and put certain
suspected persons to death, sending Jamshid in chains with
the severed heads of the slain to Kirman, whither he followed
him. In A. H. 787 (= A. D. 1385 — 6) arrived an envoy from
Ti'miir, viz. Mawldnd Qutbu'd-Din, bringing assurances of
favour and friendship, and Sultan Ahmad caused Timur's
name to be inserted on the coinage and in the khtitba.

After this Amfr Surghatmish sought help from Shfrdz, and

received reinforcements commanded by Pahlawdn Zaynu'd-
Amfr Muhammad at once informed Sultdn
Di'n Shahr-i-Bdbakf.

Ahmad, who wished to march against Surghatmish in person,

but was dissuaded, and contented himself with sending an

army commanded by Pahlawdn '^Ali Qiirchf, who was "the

l) MS. "Shfrdz", which is certainly an error, though the emendation is


Rustam of the Army of Kirmdn", supported by Amfr Muham-

mad Jurma'i. (738) A battle took place in which Amir Muham-
mad slew Siirghatmish in single combat with a blow of his
mace, and the enemy, on seeing this, lost all discipline and
courage and were speedily routed, with great losses in slain
and prisoners. Sultan Ahmad then appointed Pahlawan ^AH

Qiirchi governor of the Afghans.

Arrival of Sultan Abii Yazid [or Bdyazid] b. Muhammad

b. al-Muzaffar at Kirmdn.

In A. H. 788 (= A.
D. 1386—7) Sultan Bayazid set out from
Luristan for Kirman, sending Khwaja Tdju'd-Dfn Salmani on
in advance to announce his arrival. Sultan Ahmad sent Mihtar
Hasan the farrdsh to meet him and prepare fodder and pro-
visions for his escort. Sultan Bayazid halted at Shahr-i-BAbak,

and and hungry soldiers began to loot and

his ill-disciplined

plunder. Sultan Ahmad was much vexed at this, and refused

to allow Sultan Bayazid to enter Kirman, so he turned back

disappointed to Yazd and joined Shah Yahya.

{739) Timur's first entry into ^Irdq and Fdrs.

Shawwal, A. H. 789 (= Oct.— Nov., A. D. 1387) news

arrived that Ti'mur had advanced into "^Iraq, and that Amir
Muzaffar-i-Kashi and all the nobles and captains of "^Iraq v
had waited upon him and surrendered to him the keys of
all the cities and fortresses. Sultan Zaynu'l-^Abidin with his

Amirs left Shiraz and went towards Baghdad, while Shah

Yahya busied himself in preparing suitable presents where-
with to propitiate Timur (who promised security to all who
submitted to him) and ordered a certain sum of money to
be paid to him for the maintenance of his army. His officers

entered Isfahan to collect this money, but the Isfahanis rose

against them and slew then? all. Next day Timur's soldiers

entered the city and made a general massacre, in which


nearly 200,000 of the inhabitants were slain. Then Tfmur

set out for Fdrs, and Sultdn Ahmad came from Kirman to

pay him his respects, sending Amfr Ikhthiydru'd-Dln Hasan

on in advance. (740) The latter was well received by Timur,
and consequence sent messages to Sultan Ahmad urging

him to come without delay. He also met with a favourable

reception from the great conqueror, and
was by him con-
firmed in the government of Fdrs, ""Irdq and Kirman. Then
Tfmur returned to his capital Samarqand.

Sultan Bdyazid comes to Kirman.

Sultdn was accompanied on his return to Kirman

by some of Tlmur's revenue officers. Sultan Bayazid was
preparing to march on India, but, on hearing how the king-
dom had been apportioned by Tfmiir, he returned to the
Garmsir, where he was joined by the tribe of the Afghans.
Sultdn Ahmad was greatly disturbed by this news, the country

being in disorder and the army scattered, some of the sol-

diershaving even joined Sultan Bayazid, but nevertheless

he marched out to attack his rival, whom he defeated and
took prisoner, but treated kindly (741) and forgave, though
he put to death those who had misled him, and sent their
heads with a proclamation of victory to Kirman, whither he
followed them, accompanied by his brother. Thence he went
to on a hunting excursion, sending his brother to
Manuqan to look after the revenues of Hurmuz. He then
returned to Kirmdn, where he was presently joined by his
brother Bayazid after he had compelled the people of Ma-

nuqdn (or Manujdn) to submit and pay tribute.

Capture of Sultdn ZaynuH-^Abidin.

When Sultdn Zaynu'l-'^Abidfn, with his Amirs, soldiers and

treasures, out from Shlrdz for Baghdad, he was met at


Shiishtar by Shdh Mansur, and brought across the river to


the city, which he encamped. He was hospitably

entertained by Shah Mansur, and was visited by the wife
of the latter (who was the daughter of Shah Shujd^ and
therefore his sister or half-sister) and her son Sultan Gha-
danfar. Gradually, as confidence increased, the soldiers of

Zaynu'l-^Abidin, and finally he himself with his captains,

ventured into the city in pursuance of their affairs, until

suddenly Shah Mansur seized and bound Zaynu'l-^Abidin

and his chief officers, took possession of his treasure and
property, and invited his soldiers to take service with him.
{742) Being aware that his brother Shah Yahya was in
Shiraz and that Tfmur had returned to Samarqand, Shah
Mansur imprisoned Zaynu'l '^Abidfn in the citadel, induced
most of his Amirs to join him, and marched on Shiraz.
Shah Yahya, unable to meet him, retreated to Yazd, and
Mansur occupied Shiraz without opposition. He seized the
chief nobles, and blinded Amir Ghiyathu'd-Din Mansur Shul.

Shah Yahya, on reaching Yazd, lured Pahlawan-i-Muhadh-

dhab, the governor of Abarquh, thither on some pretext,
and on his arrivalput him to death, seized Abarquh, and
took possession of his treasure, which he had amassed in
the course of many years. He then sent messengers to Sultan
Abu Ishaq at Sirjan, and induced him to enter into an alliance.

Shah Yahya marches on Kir man.

When Sultan Abu Ishaq, relinquishing all thought of

Kirmdn, Shah Yahya, the latter marched

allied himself with

from Yazd by way of Anar to subdue Kirman, plundering

as he went, until he arrived at Nuq. Amir Ikhtiydru'd-Dln
Hasan, one of the principal nobles of Kirman, had recently
died. Sultan Ahmad and his brother [Sultan Bayazid] set out

on their march, while Shah Yahya proceeded from Nuq to

Baft, where he was joined by Sultan Abu Ishaq and the army
of Sirjan, and where the two armies met in battle. At this

juncture an ambassador, who was coming from the court of

Tfmur to Kirmdn (743), came up, and strove to effect a

reconciUation, but without success. On Saturday, the 7th of

Jumdda I, A. H. 792 {= April 23, 1390) a battle took place
at Baft between the two factions, in which Shah Yahya was

finally defeated and fled to Yazd, while Sultan Abu Ishdq

entrenched himself in Si'rjan. Sultan Ahmad sent a procla-

mation of his victory with the heads of the slain to Kirman,

and proceeded to Sirjan, which capitulated after a few days'

siege. Abu Ishdq surrendered, did obeisance to Sultan Ahmad,

was pardoned and received back into favour, and was restored
to his former position as governor of Sfrjdn. Amfr Hajji Shah,
the brother of Abu Ishaq's mother, who was deemed respon-
sible for this (744) was, however, "put to death

after a brief imprisonment. In the same year, in the month

of Shawwdl (Sept. 12
— Oct. 10, 1390), Sultan Abu Ishaq died,
aged 37, and was deeply mourned by the people of Kirman.
Hj2 was a poet, and one of his quatrains is quoted as a


Sultdn Zaynu'l-'^Abidin comes to Isfahdn.

When Shdh Mansur had established himself in Shiraz, some

of those charged with the custody of Zaynu'l-*^Abidin at

Shushtar agreed to liberate him and bring him to Isfahan,

where he was well received by the people.

Reign of Shdh Mansur b. Shdh Muzaffar b. Muhammad

b. b.
Muzaffar \b. Mansur] Hdjji.

When Shdh Mansur had established himself in Shirdz, he

proceeded to attack and capture Abarqiih, and then mar-

ched on Isfahdn, devastating the country as he passed. He
returned, however, to Shirdz without effecting much, and
found it suffering from famine and drought (745). i" conse-

quence of which many of the people of Fdrs had perished


or emigrated.The Atdbek Shamsu'd-Din Pashang had been

succeeded on his death by the Atdbek Pir Ahmad, between
whom and hisyounger brother Malik Hiishang a quarrel had
arisen, in which the latter was slain. Thus internecine strife
arose in Shah Mansur proceeded thither and
Luristan, and
drove out Pfr Ahmad, who went to lay a complaint before
Timur. Shah Mansur meanwhile appointed Malik Uways, a
local nobleman, governor of Luristan, and himself set out
for Shiraz to prepare a fresh expedition against Isfahan.
Meanwhile Shah Yahya had persuaded Zaynu'l-'^Abidin that
he must ally himself with Sultdn Ahmad to seek vengeance
on Shah Mansur, and the two allies agreed to meet at Si'rjdn
in Safar, A. H. 793 (= January, 1391). There Sultan Ahmad

and his son Sultdn Ghiyathu'd-Din Muhammad

were met by
Sultan Zaynu'l-*^Abidin coming from Isfahan, and entertained

by Sultan Abu Ishaq (746). After a few days they set out for
Fars. At Tdrim they were joined by the Hazara tribe, but
at Furg Shah Mansur with a large army barred their way.
•Sultan Ahmad made his way to Nayriz by way of Khush-

Nawa. Shah Yahya sent word that he was coming with all
speed and that his allies should await his arrival, so, in spite
of the advice of their officers and nobles to continue their

advance, they tarried some ten days in that neighbourhood.

However, Shah Yahya did not arrive, and meanwhile Shah
Mansur re-entered Shirdz, raised and equipped a fresh army,
and again took the field. Sultan Ahmad went by way of

Sarvistan to Pasd (Fasa), while Shah Mansur proceeded by

another road to the Garmsir. The two armies met on a

Friday evening at Fasa. Shah Mansur, who expected reinfor-

cements, pretended to wish to arrive at a peaceful agreement,

and battle was not joined until Saturday, when he fiercely
attacked the armieS of Kirman and Isfahdn, put them to rout,
and killed many. The fugitives made for Kirmdn, but Sultdn
Zaynu'l-'^Abidin left them at Qatra and went to Isfahdn,

while Sultan Ahmad went to Kirman, and Sultan Abu Ishdq

halted at Sfrjdn.

Isfahdn is captured by Shah Mansur, and Sultan Zaynul-

'^Abidin taken and blinded.

(747) Shdh Mansur after his victory returned to Shiraz,

and was joined by many deserters from the rival army. He
then marched on Isfahan, and Sultan Zaynu'l-'^Abidin, unable
to oppose him, fled to Khurasan by way of Ray. Shdh Mansur
was now master of '^Irdq. The governor of Ray, Musd "Jaw-kar"
("the barley-farmer"), treacherously seized Zaynu'l-'^Abidin and
sent him bound Shah Mansur, who immediately deprived

him of his eyesight. What Shdh Mansur subsequently suffered

at the hands of Timur is regarded by the author as a punish-

ment Shah Mansur next proceeded to Yazd,

for this cruel deed.

and waste
laid that city and its environs, after which he set out

for Kirmdn, whither he sent an ambassador bidding his uncle

and his brother Shdh Yahyd renounce their allegiance to

Tfmur and each send one of the sons and some retainers to
accompany him to Khurasan and hold the river (Oxus) against
a possible invasion of Timur. (748) In case of their refusal,
he threatened them with war. Sultdn Ahmad declined to
accede to this proposal, and pointed out the folly of pro-
voking Tfmur. Shah Mansur thereupon harried the neigh-
bourhood and then returned to Shiraz, whence he presently
set out again to lay siege to Yazd where Shah Yahya was.

Several took place, in one of which a certain

Amfr of Shah Mansur's named Gurgin was killed. Shah Mansur,
greatly enraged, laid waste the whole country-side and again
advanced on Kirman as far as Rudan and Rafsinjan, laying
waste this country Some of his Amirs
also. deserted him and

joined Sultan Ahmad, who accorded them a good reception.

Shah Mansur, alarmed at these desertions, withdrew to Shiraz,

and succeeded by favours and gifts in inducing Sultan Abii Ishaq


to join him (749) in attacking Kirmdn. Abu Ishaq advanced from

Sirjan into the Garmsir, and Sultan Ahmad marched thither
to meet him, halting for a month at Baft, where ambassadors
from Timur came to him and informed him that their master
was advancing with his army on ''Iraq and Fdrs, and that
it behoved him to meet them with the
army of Kirman at
Ray. Sultan Ahmad
thereupon returned to Kirmdn, where,
prompted by certain envious and malicious slanderers, he
put to death Pahlawdn Qutbu'd-Din Haydar on a false charge
of intriguing with Sultan Abu Ishdq. Tfmur's envoy ') began to
approach Kirman at the beginning of A. H. 795 (= latter part
of November, 1392), and Sultan Ahmad with all his nobles went
to meet him and bring him in to Kirman. Shah Mansur,
who was then at Isfahan, retired to Shiraz and betook him-
self to the wine-bottle, so that for forty days no one saw
him in public.

(750) Second invasion of Fdrs by Timicr.

Timur, on leaving his winter quarters in Mazandaran, and

subduing Sultaniyya and the neighbourhood, proceeded to
Hamadan, whence he sent Muhammad Sultan Bahadur through

Kurdistan, with orders to rejoin the main army at Huwayza

and Dizful. At the same time he sent prince "^Umar
Bahadur by way of Qum, Awa, Sawa and parts of Lur-i-
Buzurg and Lur-i-Kuchak to meet him at the same rendez-
vous. Malik '^Izzu'd-Din the Lur was at that time engaged
in a dispute with his son, but on hearing of the advance of
Tlmur's they at once made peace, and, going in
opposite directions, evacuated Lur-i-Kuchak. Timur, leaving

is obscure. The literal translation is "the King of kings

l) This passage

(Shdh-i-Shdhati) with the army reached the Kirman road". Either the expres-
sion "King of kings" refers to some one other than Timiir, or the words

"envoy of" have been omitted, for it

appears certain from the other histories
of the period {Zafar-ndina^ ''Aja'ibu' l-Maqdiir^ MatlaSis-Sa'^dayn^ Habibu's-
Siyar^ etc.) that Timdr never visited Kirmdn, '

Amir Sayfu'd-Din Qultash with some 500 men to hold Bu-

rujird, and Amir Hajji Timur Buqa and Shaykh Sistani, with
the same number Khurramabad, advanced
of men, to hold
towards Shushtar by way of Samra (751). and thence to
Dizful, where he was received by the nobles and chief men.
When "^Ali Kiitwal and Amir Isfandiyar who governed Shushtar
on behalf of Shah Mansur, heard this, they fled to Shfraz,

and Timur entered Dizful without opposition. Leaving Khwaja

Mas^d with a thousand men to garrison Shushtar, and Hasan-i-
Rashid at Huwayza, and one of his Khurasanl officers at
Dizful, Timur advanced by way of Bahbahan towards Shiraz.
Mihtar Sa^adat the farrdsh, who was the Warden of Qal'^a-i-

Safid, trusting in the impregnability of that fortress, renowned

from ancient times, opposed Timiir, who, on the third day
after his arrival, stormed and took the castle and put all

the garrison to the sword. When this news reached Shah

Mansur he fled incontinently from Shiraz to the Bridge of
Fasa. Being joined there by certain fugitives, he enquired
of them what the people of Shiraz were saying, and they

replied that they were laughing at him because, with all his
arrogance and heavy quiver, he had "fled like a goat".
(752) On hearing this, shame and his evil destiny prompted
him to turn back and oppose Timur, who had already
reached Shiraz, with his small army of 3000 men, mostly
nomads. When Timur saw him prepared for battle, he entrusted
the right wing of his host to Pfr Muhammad Bahadur, the
left to Prince. Muhammad Sultan Bahadur and the centre to his
son (753) Prince Shah Rukh. As Timur's army advanced. Shah
Mansur's right and left wings at once gave way and fled, but
he himself, with his bravest retainers, stood firm, and fought
with desperate valour, so that Timur's body-guard gave
way, all except four or five men •),
until at last he was left

i) That Timiir was very hard pressed, and that Shah Mansiir even succeeded

alone, wounded in three places in the neckand face. (754)

Unrecognized, he made
way his into the city; but one of
Tfmur's soldiers dragged him from his horse, and, as he fell
to the ground, his helmet fell off his head, and he cried,

"I am he whom you seek: give me a draught of water, and

take me alive to Tfmur." The soldiers paid no heed to his

request, but killed him on the spot and brought his head
to Timur. Most of his retainers were also killed or taken

captive; Fars was subjugated, and proclamations of victory

were sent by Timur through his empire. Sultan Ahmad and
Mahdi the son of Shah Shuja'^ were on their way to Timur's
camp when news of these events reached
they has- them :

tened their advance and made their submission. Sultan Abii

Ishaq b. Uways b. Shah Shuja^ left a servant named Gudarz "

in charge of the Castle of Sfrjan, and himself went to

Timur, who caused all these princes to be put in chains,

Fars and "^Iraq were assigned to Prince "^Umar Shaykh Bahadur,
and Kirman to Idaku Bahadur, to whom, on presentation
of a letter from Sultan Ahmad to his son Sultan Ghiyathu'd-
Din Muhammad, the keys of the city were at once surren-
dered (755)- -^ week later, during the first third of Rajab,
A. H. 795 (= May 13 — 22,1393) an Imperial Rescript was
issued in the Mahyar, ordering all the House of
village of
Muzaffar, great and small, to be put to death, which order
was ruthlessly carried oat.

[Here ends the intercalated history of the Muzaffari dynasty,

and the interrupted text of the Tarikk-i-Guzida is resumed.]

in striking him twice on the helmet, is asserted in the Zafar-ndnta^ Matld^u's-

Sd'dayn and Habibti's-Siyar.




Section i. — Imams and Mnjtahids of Islam [i'^.

(i) Ja^far-i-Sadig "the Imam of the Sunnis" (j/r/) ') (p. 756),
of whom mention has been already made.

(2) Adii Hani/a Nc^mdn b. Thdbit b. Taiis b. Hnrmazd.

His ancestor blessed by '^Alf, whose standard-bearer he
was.Abu Hanffa's dream. He died at Baghdad in A. H.
151 (= A. D. 768), at the age of 80. Malikshah's Mustaivfi,
Sharafu'1-Mulk Abu Sa'^d, built a mausoleum over his

grave. He had met and conversed with 7 of the Pro-

phet's Companions (names given).

(3) Mdlik b. Anas

(757). His father was one of the Com-
panions. He
aged 85, in A. H. 179 (= A. D. 795
died, — 6)
at al-Madfna, and was buried in al-Baqi*^.
(4) Muham^nad b. Idris ash-ShdJi'^i. His dreams. He is accused
of being a "Rafidi" (Shi'^ite) on account of his excessive

love for the House of the Prophet. He is persecuted

by the Caliph to declare the Qur'an created. The trick

whereby he satisfies his persecutors. He flees to Egypt

and dies there on Rajab 7, A. H. 204 (= Dec. 28, 819),
aged 54, and is buried at Fustat (Old Cairo).

(5) Ahmad b. Hanbal (758) was the disciple of ash-Shafi*^i.

He was imprisoned and beaten to death for refusing to
admit that the Qur'an was created. His death took place
in A. H. 230 (= A. D. 844— 5)2). He was buried beside
Abu Hanifa.

(6) Td'us b. Kaysdn al- Yamdni, d. A. H. 106 (= A. D. 724—5 :

this text has A. H. 600 erroneously).

i) This must he a mere scribe's error for "Imam of the Shf'is".

2) This is an error. The correct date, A. H. 241 (= A. D. 855 — 6) is given
by Ibnu'l-Athfr and Ibn Khallikan. ,

(7) Hasan b. Yasdr al-Basri, d. A. H. iio(= A. D. 728 — 9)

at Basra.

(8) Muhammad b. '^Abdii'r- Rahman b. Abi Layla, d. A. H.

106 (A. D. 724—5) ').

(9) Rabfa b.
[Abi] "AbdiV-Rahmdn, d. A. H. 136 (= A. D.
(10) ""AbdiCr-Rahmmi b. '^Umar al-Awzai, d. A. H. 157 (=
A. D. 773—4).
(11) Stifydn ath-Thawri, d. A. H. 161 (= A. D. 777 — 8) at

Basra, aged 64.

(12) Qddi Abu Yusuf Ya^qiib b. Ibrdhim b, Habib b. Sd'd, d.

-A. H. 182
(= A. D. 798—9), aged 89.
(13) Muhammad b.
(759) Hasan ash-Shaybdni, d. A. H. 189
(= A. D. 805), aged 58.

Section 2. — '^Readers" [id), or "•Qurrd".

(i) Ndfi" b. ^AbdtCr-Rahmdn b. Abi NaHm of al-Madina,

originally of Isfahan, d. A. H. 169 (= A. D. 785—6).

(2) ^AbdiClldk b. Kathir of Mecca, d. A. H. 120 (= A. D. j^%
(3) Abii ^Amr b. al-^Ald' al-Basri, d. A. H. 154 (= A. D. 771)
at Kufa.

(4) ^Abdu'lldh b. ^Amir of Damascus, d. A. H. ri8(= A. D.

(5), ^Asim b.
[Abtn-NajudY) al-Kufi, d. A. H. 127 (= A. D.
(6) Hamza b. Habib b. '^Umdra as-Zayydt^) al-Kufi^ d. A. H.
156(= A. D. 772— 3).
(7) AbtCl-Hasan '^Ali b. Hamza al-KisdH al-Kufi, d. in A. H.

189 (= A. D. 804
— 5) at Ray. These seven persons are

i) Another error. The correct date is A. H. 148 (= A. D. 765

— 6).

2) See Ibn Khallikan under the letter c-; Fihrist^ p. 29; and .Ibnu'l-Athir
sub anno 128.

3) See Ibn Khallikan under the letter^; Fihrist^ p. 29; and Ibnu'l-Athir
suh anno 156.


the "Seven Readers" of primary authority. The remaining

ones are: >

(8) Abu yayar Yazid b. al-Qa^qd^.

(9) Khalaf b. (760) Hishdm, d. A. H. 229 (= A. D. 843—4) ').
(10) Abii Muhammad Ya^qiib b. Ishdq b. Zayd b. ["^Abdu'llah
b. Abi] Ishdq al-Hadrami ^).

Section j. — Traditionists (7), or '^


(i) Al-Bukhdri, d. Shawwal, i, A. H. 256 (= Sept. i, A. D.

870) at Samarqand. His great-grandfather was converted

to Islam from Zoroastrianism.

(2) Muslim of Nfshapur, d. 24th of Rajab, A. H. 261 (=

April 23, A. D. 875).
(3) Abu Da'iid Sulaymdn as-Sijistdni, d. i6th Shawwal,
. . .

A. H. 257 (= Sept. 6, A. D. 871) at Basra, aged 55.

(4) Abu '^Isd Muhammad at-Tirmidhi, d. A. H. 279 (= A. D.
— 3) at Tirmidh, aged 55.

(5) Abu '^Abdir-Rahmdn [Ahmad] an-Nasd'i, d. at Mecca,

A.H. 303(==A.D. 915— 6): other MSS. have A. H. 203 (=
A. D. 818 — 9), which is correct^).

(6) Abu '^Abdilldh Muhammad b. Yazid b. Mdja of Qazwi'n,

d.A.H. 273 (=A. D. 886— 7) at Qazwfn.
(7) Abu Muhammad '^AbduUldh . . . ad-Ddrimi. These seven
were the greatest Traditionists, and each of them left a

Corpus of critically selected Traditions entitled as-Sahik.

Section ^. — Shaykhs.

Those who had met any of the actual Companions {Sahdba)

of the Prophet were known as "Followers" [Tdbi%n), and
those who had met any of them as "Followers of the Fol-

lowers" {Taba^'ut-TdbtHn), but afterwards, for the sake of

i) MS. erroneously "129". See Fihrist^ P- 3^1 =i°<i Ibnu'l-Athir sub aitno 229.

2) See Ibn Khallikdn under Ya^qub.

3) See Ibn Khallikdn and Ibnu'l-Athfr sub anno 303.

brevity (761), later holy men were known simply as Shaykhs

{MashdHkh) or "Elders". A
few of the chief of these are
here enumerated. (About 300 are mentioned in the text,
but of these only the more important are given here).

(i) Uways al-Qarani was one of the Companions of the

Prophet, but placed at the head of this list of Shaykhs

"for a blessing". His devotion to the Prophet. He is

said to have been killed in a war with the people of

Daylam, and to be buried near Qazwi'n, but others say
he was killed at the Battle of Siffin, A. H.-36 (= A. D.

656 7), and others that he is buried near Kirmanshah.
Some of his sayings.

(2) Hasan of Basra, d. A. H. 1 10 (= A. D. 728 — 9) ').

of his sayings (762).

(3) Habib al-^Ajatni. His conversion. Some of his sayings.

(4) Muhammad-i-Wdsi\ d. A. H. 120 (= A. D. 738).

(5) '^Utbatu' l-Ghuldm ^)

was a disciple of Hasan of Basra.
(6) Abu Hdzim of Mecca, another disciple of the same (763).

(7) Mdlik-i-Dindr, d. A. H. 130 (= A. D. 747—8).

(8) Rdbt^a aW^Adawiyya.

(9) AbtiSulaymdn Da'ud-i-Tai, d. A. H. 165 (= A. D. 781 2). —

(10) Abu Ishdq Ibrdhim b. Adham, a prince of Balkh. His
conversion. (764) He
goes to the Hijaz and meets Fudayl
b. 'lyad. He died in Asia Minor in A. H. 161 (= A. D.

— 8) ^), and is buried near Ahmad b. Hanbal.
(11) Abu '^Ali Shaqiq of Balkh. His conversion. He died in

A. H. 190 (= A. D. 805— 6) *). (765) His sayings.

i) MS. A. H. 117 (= A. D. 735). The correct date is given on p. 20() stipr a

(7). See Ibn Khallikdn, etc.
2) See Fihrist^ p. 183, 1. 23; p. 185, 1. 5; and the Tadhkiratu'l-Awliyd
of Attar (ed. Nicholson, vol. i, pp. 57 9).

3) This MS. has "A. H. loi, or, according to another account, A. H. 130)".
The date A. H. 161, given by most MSS. of the Guzida^ is confirmed by Ibnu'l-
Athir, Ibn Shakir, Jami, etc.
4) Ibn Khallikan gives A. H. 153 (A. D. 770) and Jami, in the Nafahdtu' I-
Uns^ A. H. 174 (= A. D, 790 i). —

(12) Fudayl b. ^lydd of Merv, d. A. H. 187 (= A. D. 803).

He was originally a highway-robber. His conversion. His

(13) Hdtim al-Asamm ("the Deaf). Why called "the Deaf.
Speaks boldly to the Caliph. (766) "The Four Deaths"
which the mystic must die.

(14) Abii Mahfuz Ma^ruf b. Firiiz al-Karkhi, d. A. H. 200 (=

A.D. 815 6). His parents were Christians. His con-
version. His sayings.

(15) Miihammad-i-Sammdk, a contemporary of him last men-


(16) Buhlul. He reproves Harunu'r-Rashid (767) ').

(17) Abii Nasr Bishr b. Hdrith, called al-Hdfi ("the Bare-

footed") of Merv, d. A. H. 227 (=A. D. 841 — 2). Cause
of his blessedness. His sayings.

(18) Abii Yazid [Bdyazid] Tayfiir b. '^Isd b. Stiriishdn of

Bistam, d. A. H. 261 (= A. D. 874— 5) or 234 (= A. D.

848 9). His sayings (768). He had two brothers named
Adam ^nd '^'Isa ^), some of whose sons also bore his name.
(19) Ibrahim of Merv (or Herat ^), according to other MSS.),
a contemporary of the above. His tomb is at Qazwfn.
(20) AbtH-Hasan A/imad[b.Abi'l-] Hawarf, d. A. H. 230 (= A. D.
844-5) %
(21) Ahmad b. Harb, another contemporary of Bayazfd. His
(22) Abie Hdmid Ahmad b. Khidrawayhi (769) of Balkh, d.

A. H. 240 (= A. D. 854 — 5), aged 95.

i) Other MSS. here insert two other biographies, of Shaykh Muhammad-i-

Aslam of Tiis, and Shaykh AbU Sulaymdn of Damascus.

2) According to Tbn Khallikdn the second brother was called "^AH.

3) Herdt appears to be correct, for Jdmi {Nafahdf) calls him Ibrdhfm

4) So also in the Nafahat of Jdmf; but the Fihrist (p. 184 and notes

thereon) and the TdJu'l-'^Arui (under j 5 7-) give A. H. 246 (^ A.D. 860 — i).

23) Abii '^AbdiHldh Hdrith b. Asad al-Muhdsibi, d. A. H. 243

(= A. D. 857—8) at Baghdad.
(24) DhiCn-Nun al-Misri ("the Egyptian"), d. A. H. 245 (=
A. D. 859—860).

(25) Dhiil-Kifi, brother of the above.

(26) Abii Turdb "AH b. Htisayn of Nakhshab, d. A. H. 245

(= A. D. 859 — 860) (770) Preservation of his corpse. His

(27) Abii Bakr Muhammad b. '^Amr of Tirmidh, d. A. H.

247 (=A. D. 861— 2).

(28) Abit "AH Ahmad b. "Asim of Antioch, d. A. H. 205 (= A. D.
820—1 : other MSS. have "A. H. 250" = A. D. 864—5) ')•

(29) Abie "Abdtlldh Ahmad b. Yahyd, d. A. H. 240 (= A, D.

(30) Muhammad b. "AH al-Hakim of Tirmidh. (771).

(31) Abu' I Hasan as-Sari ^) as-Saqati^ d. A. H. 257 (= A. D.

870 i). His sayings.
(32) Abie Zakariyyd Yahyd b. Mu"ddh ar-Rdzi, d. A. H. 258

(=A. D. 871 2). His sayings.
{^-^ Muhammad b. Isma"il as-Sdmiri, d. A. H. 296 (= A. D.
— 9) at Qazwin (772). His sayings.

(34) Abie Hafs "Amr ^)

b. MusHm ^) al-Hadddd of Nfshapur,
d. A. H. 266 (= A. D. 879—880).
(35) Abii SdHh Ha^ndiin Ahmad
b. b. Qassdr of Nishapur, d.
A. H. 271 (=A. D. 884— 5).
(36) Abii Muhammad Sahl b. "Abdu'llah Tustari (of Shiishtar),
d. A. H. 273 (= A. D. 886—7).

i) The latter date is correct, for he is stated to have died in the time of

al-Musta'^in, who was Caliph from A. H. 248 —

251 (=: A. D. 862 — 5).

2) MS.
"at-Tustari", i. e. of Shushtar, but the reading adopted
is that given

by the Fihrist^ Ibn Khallikdn^ the TadhkiratuH-Awliyd^ Nafahdtu' l-Uns^ etc.

3) MS. '^Umar, but the Kashfu' l-Mahjub and Nafahdt give the reading
here adopted.

4) For "Muslim" the Nafahdt has "Salama" and the Kashfu^ l-Mahjiib

Abu Ishdq Ibrahim b. Yahyd Gawdhdn of Tabrfz,

d. A. H. 277 (= A. D. 890—1).
(38) Abiil-Hasan ^Ali b. Sahl of Isfahan, d. A. H. 280
(39) Abii Hainza al-Bazzdz of Baghdad, d. A. H. 287
(=A. D. 900).

(773) (4*-^)
'^^^^'' Bakr b. Ahmad b. Nasr ad-Daqqdq, d. A. H.

290 {= A. D. 903).
(From this point onwards only the more notable
Shaykhs are mentioned here. The number prefixed
to each indicates his position in the series given
in the text.)

(45) Abti l-Qdsim Jiinayd of Nihawand, better known

as of Baghdad, d. A. H. 297 (=: A. D. 909
— 910).
His (774) sayings.

(776) (58) Husayn b. Mansur al-Halldj, of Bayda in Fars,

put to death at Baghdad, A. H. 309 (== A. D. 921

922) ^), during the CaHphate of al-Muqtadir at the
instigation of the Wazir Hamid b. '^Abbas. His
execution, and some of his sayings.

(779) [ll) ^^^ Bakr Shibli, d. A. H. 334 (= A. D. 945—6).

Specimen of his Arabic verses. Anecdote of him
and a Magian.
(784) (96) Abu' I Qdsim ^Abdu'l-Karim b. Hawdzin al-Qushayri
of Nishapiir, author of the well-known treatise
{Risdla) on Sufiism.

(97) Abu Sa^id b. AbVl-Khayr, author of the well-known

quatrains, d. A. H. 440 (= A. D. 1048 9) ^), aged 89.—
1) This MS. has A. H. 208 (= A. D. 823), but the reading adopted, which
is that of most MSS. of the Guzida^ is confirmed by the statement that he

died in the time of the Caliph al-Mu'^tadid (A. H. 279 — 289 = A. D. 892 — 902).
2) The reading "307" in this MS.
evidently an error, for the Fihrist^

Ibnu'l-Athfr and Ibn Khallikdn all agree in the date here adopted.

3) MS, "340", which is certainly erroneous. See the NafahdtuH-Uns and

Rieu's Persian Catalogue^ p. 342.

(99) Majdud b. Adam SandH of Ghazna, the celebrated

mystical poet.
(785) (100) Abul-Qdsim Gurgdni, who forbade the burial of
Firdawsi's body, and was reproached by the poet's

spirit in a dream.

(103) Bdbd Kiihi, whose tomb is at Shiraz.

(106) '^Abdiilldh Ansdri, a contemporary of Abu Sa^id

b.Abi'l-Khayr. His (786) sayings. Malik Sharafu'd-

Din Mahmud Shah Injii, who reigned over so
large a portion of Persia, claimed to be his des-
cendent (pedigree given).

(787) (107) Ahmdd Ghazzdli, brother of the more celebrated

Muhammad Ghazzali. Died at Qazwin, A. H. 520
(== A. D. 1
126) ').
Persian verses by him.
(io8) Muhammad Ghazzdli, known as Hujjatti l-Isldm,
d. A. H. 505 (== A. D. 1 1 1 1— 12) ^).

(109) Hdfiz Abu l-'^ Ala Hasan b. AJpnad '^Attdr of Ra-

madan, d. A. H. 560 (= A. D. 1 1
64 — 5). Verses
about him by Khaqani cited.

(788) (116) Awhddu' d-Din Kirmdni, the poet.

(117) Majdu' d-Din Baghdddi, put to death on suspicion
of an intrigue with the mother of Khwarazmshah.
After his death Khwarazmshah repented of what
he had done, and went to Shaykh Najmu'd-Din
Kubra, and asked (789) what atonement would
suffice to expiate this deed, to which the Shaykh

replied that their lives and the lives of many

others would hardly expiate it; a saying presum-

ably held to have hinted prophetically at the

fatal results of the impending Mongol invasion.
One of Majdu'd-Din's Persian quatrains cited.

1) MS. "510", but the date adopted is that given by Ibnu'l-Athir, Ibn
Khallikdn, etc.
2) MS. "500", but see the authorities cited in the last note.


{^^^)[\\Z) NajmiCd-Dm Kubrd, Wali-tardsh" ("the


Saint-carver"). In his whole life he only accepted

twelve disciples, all of whom, however, became
famous. They included Majdu'd-Din Baghdadi,
SaMu'd-Din-i-Hammuya '), Radiyyu'd-Din "AH Lala,
Sayfu'd-Din Bakharzi, Jamalu'd-Din Gili, Jalalu'd-

Din [Riimi?]^), etc. Chingiz Khan warned Najmu'd-

Din to flee from Khwarazm, as he intended to
massacre all the inhabitants; but the Shaykh
refused to abandon his fellow-citizens in the time
of their distress when he had lived for 80 years

amongst them in times of prosperity, and perished

in the massacre in A. H. 618 (=A. D. 1221 — 2).

Some of his verses.

(790) (119) Shihdbu'd-Din Suhrawardi, d. A. H. 632(=A. D.

— 5) in Baghdad. One of his Persian quatrains.

(121) Sa^diid-Din-i-Hammuya, d. A. H. 650 (= A. D.

1252— 3)3).
(791) (122) Najmu'd-Din Day a, author of t\\Q Mirsddu'l-^Ibdd,
fled to Turkey in Asia at the time of the .Mongol

(123) SayfiCd-Din [Bdkharzi\, d. A. H. 658 (= A. D.

1260). One of his Persian quatrains,

(124) Jaldhid-Din Rumi, who fled from Balkh to Asia

Minor in the time of the Mongol invasion. He is
buried at Qonya. Specimen of his lyric poetry.

(792) {131) Shaykh Ahmad-i-jfatn, called "Zinda-Pir.

(793) (139) Shaykh Riizbihdfi, who is buried at Shiraz.

i) See on the form of this name (often erroneously written "Hamawi")

note 2 on p. i.xiii of the Persian Introduction to vol i of the Tu'rikh-i-

Jahan-Gushdy of Juwayni (vol. xvi, i, of this Series).

2) There seems to be no other authority for the statement that Jalilu'd-Din
Rdmf was a pupil of Najmu'd-Di'n Kubrd, and, for chronological reasons, it is
very improbable.
3) This MS. has "658". The date adopted in the text is from Jami's A^'a/a^i/.

(145) Sa^du'd-Din Qutlugh-Khzvdja al-Khdlidi of Qazwin,

where he died, aged 80, in Muharram, A. H. 728
(= Nov. — Dec, A. D. 1327). Ghazan Khan and
many of t"he Mongols were converted by him ').
(146) Safiyyiid-Din Ardabili.

(147) '^AlatCd-Dawla b. Malik Sharafud-Din Sinindni.

(After N°. 151, on 794, there follows a mere list of


names, concerning whom the author has been unable to

ascertain any particulars as to date or circumstances. This list

extends to p. 796, 1.
14, and, with the longer notices which

precede, brings up the total number of Shaykhs mentioned

to 287). —
(796) According to a tradition there are always
300 of God's Saints [Awliyd) on earth, of whom 40 attain
great, 7 still greater, and one supreme eminence. This last
is the Qiitb or "Pole", the Pivot of the World, and God's
Proof to His creatures. On his death he is succeeded by the
next in order, and {797) this hierarchy thus exists unbroken.
The author puts the total number of Saints whose names
are recorded at over 80,000 and possibly as many as 124,000,

of whom, for the sake of brevity, he has, he says, enume-

rated 313, so that there are evidently some omissions in

this manuscript and most others. The author ends this sec-
tion with a bitter denunciation of the Shaykhs and Sufis of
his own time.

i) According to the Jdmi^u't-Tatudrikh (Paris MS., Suppl. persan 209,

— 354a) and Ibn Taghri Bardi's al-Manhalu' s-Sdfi (Paris MS., Fonds
arabe 2068, f.
28a) it was Shaj'kh Sadru'd-Din Ibraliim b. Shaykh Sa'^du'd-Dm
Hammuya who was instrumental in converting Ghazan Khdn and some 100,000

Mongol soldiers to Islam. See vol. i of the To' rikh-i-Jahdngushdy in this

series, pp. LXii — LXiii (-:_ — ^_-^) of the Persian Introduction. It is difficult to

account for the discrepancy between these and the To' rikh-i-Guzida^ since
the authors of all three works were in a position to know the truth. Perhaps
the author of the Guzida war anxious to give credit to a fellow-citizen for

this achievement.

Section 5, — Learned men i^Ulamd) of all sorts.

(a) Rdwis (handers down of tradition) of the Four

Orthodox Sects.

(798) One only is mentioned for the Hanafi School; four

or five for the Maliki; some 19 or more for the Shafi^^i, (799)

and about the same number for the Hanbah'. Next follow —
(b) Rdwis of the Qiirrd or ^Readers'".

Of these 14 are mentioned, two for each of the "Seven


(c) Rdwis of the four chief Traditionists,

viz. al-Bukhari (800), Muslim, as-Sijistani and al-Kisa'i.

(d) Men learned in various sciences arratiged alphabetically.

(Many of these notices also are very exiguous, merely

mentioning the name of an author and one of his books,

without any date or other particulars. Here also only a selec-
tion of the more interesting are given.)

(801) (4) Imdmu d-Din ar-RdfiH, author of several commen-

tariesand works on Jurisprudence, died in Dhu'l-
Qa'da, A. H. 623 (= Oct.— Nov., A. D. 1226). Spe-
cimen of his Persian verse.

(5) Athirii d-Din Abhari, who died a little before the

Mongol invasion. His works on philosophy, etc.

His Persian verse.

(9) Qddi Ahmad Ddmghdiii, author of the history en-

titled Istizhdru l-Akhbdr ').

(802) {12) Abu'l-Fath b. Husayn b. Muhammad b. Ahmad al-

l) This is one of our author's sources: see p. 2 (N°. 22) stipra^ and p. 8
of the Persian text.

Isfahdni ^),
auth>Dr of the Dhakhira-i-Khwdrazm-
shdhi and the Khuffiyy-i-'^AldH ^).

{i^)'^Abdu'lldh b. al-Muqaffa^, translator into Arabic of

the Book of Kalila and Dimna.
(16) Abii ^Ali b. Sind Avicenna"), d. A. H. 427 (= A. D.

— 6). His works. His Arabic versified trans-
lation of the Aphorisms of the physician Baradiq

("Tayaduq" is given as a variant in the margin;

he is represented as a contemporary of King Anu-
sharwan, or Niishirwan, the Sasanian).
(803) Avicenna rebuked by a crossing-sweeper.

(ly) Abu Ma^shar al-Balkhi, the astronomer, d. A. H.

190 (= A.
D. 805—6) \
(804) [\(^ Abu Rayhdn al-Biruni al-Khwdrazmi, the astrono-
mer, who wrote the KitdbtC t-tafhim fit-tanjim in
A. H. 421 (= A. D. 1030), and subsequently the
(20) Abu'l-Fath al-Busti. Specimen of his Arabic verse.

{22) AbtC sh-Sharaf Ndsir b. Khalifa b. Sa'^d'^) al Jar-

bddhaqdni, translator into Persian of al-^Utbi"s his-

tory of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna (the Kitdb-i-

Yamini). He died a little before the Mongol In-


i) The name, kunya and nisba of this writer are here wrongly given. In
the most correct of the Paris MSS. (Suppl. persan 173, f. 277a) they are
given as follows: "Sayyid Isma*^il b. Husayn b. Mahmud b. Ahmad al-*^Alawi
al-Jurjani". See also the Chahdr Maqdla (vol. xi of this series, pp. 70 and

— 8) where it is given as "Abii Ibrahim Isma'^il b. Hasan b. Ahmad b.

Muhammad al-Husayni al-Jurjani". This much at least is certain, that his name
was Isma^il and his native place Jurjdn.

2) See the Chahdr Maqdla

(vol. xi of this series), pp. 237 8. —
3) An obvious error. According to the Fihrist (p. 277) and Ibn Khallikan
{s.v. Ja^far) Abii Ma'^shar died in A. H. 272 (= A. D. 885— 6).

4) In the preface to the Kitdb-i- Yamini the translator gives his name as
Ndsih instead of Ndsir and ^
his father's name as Zafar instead of Khalifa.
The Paris MS. of the Guzida mentioned in the last note but one agrees in
the second particular.

(805) (27) Badt'ii' z-Zamdn al-Harnaddni, author of the Ma-

(32) ^Amr b. Bahr al-Jdhidh, d. A. H. 255 {= A. D. 869).
(33) Abii Nasr IsmaHl b. Hammdd al-Jawhari, author
of the celebrated lexicon the Sihdh.

(806) (44) Jdru'lldh Abu'l-Qdsim MaJpniid b. "^Umar az-Zaijtakh-

shari, author of the Kashshdf, d. A. H. 588 (=
A. D. 1
192) ').

/ (50) Shaykh Shihdbu' d-Din as-Suhrawardi, called al-

Maqtul ("the Slain''), celebrated for his magical

powers, put to death in the time of the Caliph Nasir.
(52) Sadrii d-Din Sdwaji, put to death in the time of
Hulagu on suspicion of practising magic.
(807) (55)'^/s:-3r«'i/-Z>/« "AH b. al-Athir al-Jazari, author of
the great history called al-Kdmil.

(58) "Abdulldh b. Muslim b.

[Qutayba] -)
Abi Muhammad
ad-Dinazvari, the historian, a contemporary of the

Caliph al-Mu'^tamid.
(60) '^AbdiClldh Khurdddh\bih\ al-Khurdsdni, author
. . .b.

of the Masdliku l-Mamdlik, contemporary with the

Caliph al-Mutawakkil.
(61) '^Abu "Amr ]^Uthmdn b. "Utnar] ^),
better known as

Ibnul-Hdjib, author of the Kdfiya, the Shdfiya

and the ^Ariid.
(808) (66) ^Ald'u d-Din "Aid Malik Sdhib-Diwdn % author of
the Tarikh-i-Jahdn-Gushd, and brother of Shamsu
'd-Din Sahib-Diwan.

1) The correct date, as given by Ibn Khallikdn and Ibnu'l-Athfr, is A. H.

538 (= A. D.I 143— 4).

2) So in the Paris MS. mentioned above, and in Ibn Khallikdn's Biogra-

phical Dictionary.
3) The title '^Aynu'l-Quddt added in the original is an error, arising, as
the Paris MS. shows, from a notice, omitted in this MS., of "^Aynu'l-Quddt

4) Here also there are several errors in the name as given in the original.

[6'/) ^AbdiCl-Karim b. Hawdzin al-Qushayri, contempo-

rary with Alp Arslan.
(69) ^Adudud-Din Shabdnkdrai. There is a tradition

that every hundred years some great theologian

will arise to strengthen and defend Islam. Of such

was the Umayyad Caliph "^Umar b. ^Abdu'l-'^Aziz

in the first century of the hijra; the Imam ash-

Shafi'^f in the second Abu'l-*^ Abbas Ahmad b.

Surayj ')
in the third; Abu Bakr al-Baqilani in the
fourth; al-Ghazzali, called Hujjatul-Isldm, in the

fifth; Fakhru'd-Din ar-Razi in the sixth; and *^Adudu

'd-Din, the subject of this notice, in the seventh.
Mention of some of his works.

(70) Abit Hdniid Muhammad al- Ghazzdli "

Isldm"" ("the Proof of Islam"). He is said to have
written 999 books. Mention of some of those best
(809) (72) Fakhru'd-Din .... ar-Rdzi, died A. H. 606 (= A. D.

10) at Herat. Chronogram on his death. His
works. One of his Persian quatrains.

{yy) Muhammad b. jfarir at-Tabari, the historian, died

A. H. 320 (=*A. D. 932) 2).

(78) Mtthammad Zakariyyd ar-Rdzi, the physician.


{810) (79) Al-Farrd al-Baghazvi, (810), author of the Ma^dlimu

't-Tanzil. Persian quatrain by him.
(80) Muhammad b. Yahyd ash-ShdJi'^i, killed in the
rebellion of the Ghuzz.

(83) Al-Qddi Abu '^Ali Muhassin b. "^Ali at-Tanukhi, author

of the well-known collection of stories entitled al-

Faraj ba'^da'sh-Shidda, died Muharram, A. H. 384 (=

Feb. — March, 994) ^).

i) The original has Shurayh^ corrected as in the text from Ibn Khallikdn.
2) The correct date, as given by Ibnu'I-Athir and Ibn Khallikdn, is A. H.

310 (= A. D. 922— 3).

3) MS. 484, here corrected from Ibnu'l-Athlr, Ibn Khallikan and Hajji Khalffa.
— 6.

(90) Abii '^Ali Muhammad b. Muhammad al-Bal^ami (811),

(811) translator into Persian of Tabari's history.

{(^-^ NasirtCd-Din Tiisi, died i8th of Dhu'l-Hijja, A. H.

672 (=Jan. 25, 1274) at Baghdad. His writings. Some

of his Persian verses.

(94) Najmu'd-Din ^AH .... al-Kdtibi a'l-Qazwini, author

of ar-RisdlattCsh-Shamsiyya and other works, a

contemporary of Hulagii Khan.

(95) Al-Qddi Ndsiru' d-Din Abu SaHd '^Abdti'llah . . . . al-

Bayddwi, author of the well-known Commentary

on the Qur'dn and other works, died A. H. 685
(= A. D. 1286—7) at Tabriz ').

(97) Nasriilldh b. '^AbduU-Hamid b. AbtCl-Ma^dli, a con-

temporary of Sultan Bahram Shah the Ghaznawi,

auth6r of the Persian translation oiKalila and Dimna.

(812) (102) Ydqut al-Musta^simi, the celebrated calligraphist.

(This section contains in all 105 names).

Section 6. — Poets.

(A.) Arabic poets.

Imru'u'l- Qays.

(813) (2) Abu. Nuwds, died A. H. 195 {= A. D. 810— 811).

(3) Abu. Firds.

(4) Al-Mutanabbi, died A. H. 354 (= A. U. 965) \

(B.) Persian poets ^).

Anwar i, contemporary with Sultan Sanjar the Seljuq.
1) The original has, erroneously, Sa'^d for 5aSV, and 605 for 685.

2) The original has 364, corrected here from Ibnu'l-Athfr and Ibn Khallikdn.
3) Of this section I published a translation, together with the text of all

the poems cited, in the J.H.A.S. for October, 1900, and January, 1901. This
article is also obtainable as a tirage-a-part. It is based upon several of the
best MSS.of the Guzida^ and is much fuller than the list here given, for it
contains notices of 89 instead of only 63 poets and poetesses. Amongst those
here omitted are Azraqf, Asadf, Piir-Bahd-yi Jami, '^Izzu'd-Dfn Gurji, Fakhru'd-
Dfn Gurgdnf, and several others, including most of the poets who composed
verses in dialect.


(814) (2) Adib Sdbir, also contemporary with the, above,

drowned in the Oxus by order of Atsiz Khwa-

(3) Athir-i-Awmdni (Awman is a village near Hamadan),

the panegyrist of Sulayman-shah, governor of Kurd-
istan. He died in the time of Hulagu Khan.

(4) Athir-i-Akhsikati (Akhsikat is near Farghana in

(5) Imdmi [of Herat]. He was the panegyrist of the Kings
of Kirman, and died in the time of Abaqa'Khan.
(815) (6) AbiC l-Faraj-i-Zawzani '),
a contemporary of Malik-
shah the Seljuq, and one of Anwari's teachers,

(7) Ibn Khdtib of Ganja, a contemporary of Sultan

(816) Mahmud of Ghazna (816). His mundzara, or poetical

duel, with the poetess Mahistf [q. v.).

(8) Awhadi.
(9) Bunddr-i-Rdzi, who wrote verses in dialect.

(10) Bahd^u'd-Din Sdwaji.

(11) jfamdlu'd-Din RustuqiCl-Qutni"^). He came from

near Qazwin and wrote verses in the dialect of that

place, and died, aged 90, in the time of Abaqa Khan.

(817) (12) Jaldhi'd-Din '^Atiqi, still living in the author's time.

(13) Jamdlud-Din Kdshi, contemporary with Abaqa

Khan. His parody of a poem of Sa'^df's.

(14) Sayyid Hasan of Ghazna, contemporary with Sultan

Bahramshah the Ghaznawi.
(15) ""Umar Khayydm, the Astronomer-poet of Nishapur.

(818) (16) Afzalu'd-Din Khdqdni of Shirwan, died A. H. 582


A. D. II 86 7) at Tabriz, and was buried in
the "Poets' Corner" at Surkhab.

(17) Khwdjii of Kirman.

1) Other MSB. have Rt'mi (of RUna) for Zawzani^ and this appears to be
the correct reading.

2) The original and otlier MSS. have RasiquH-Qutni.


(i8) Daqiqi, contemporary with Amfr Nuh the Samanf.

He began the versification of the Slidhndma and
wrote lOOO ') verses, which Firdawsi afterwards

incorporated in his work.

(19) RafVu'd-Din Kirmdni, originally of Abhar, a con-
temporary of Ghazan Khan.
(20) Rtikniid-Din, son of the above, a contemporary
and friend of the author.
(819) (21) Riidagi, contemporary with Amir Nasr the Samanl.
He is said to have written 700,000 verses of poetry.
He also translated the Book of Kalila and Dimna
into Persian verse.

(22) Malik Radiyyti'd-Din Bdbd was governor -of Diyar

Bakr in Abaqa's reign. Quatrain addressed by him
to Shamsu'd-Dfn Sdhib-Diwdn on his dismissal from
this post.

(820) (23) Suzani, contemporary with Sultan Sanjar^ noted

for his satires and frivolous poems.
(24) Sa'^di of Shiraz, who took this nom de guerre in
compliment to his patron the Atabek Sa'^d b. Abf
Bakr b. SaM b. Zangi. He died on the 17th of
Dhu'l-Hijja, A. H. 690 (= Dec. 11, 1291) at Shfraz.
* * *
(25) -) Sagzi (of Sijistan or Si'stan).

(26) Sirdj\u^d-Din\ Qumri.

(821) (27) SandH of Ghazna, already mentioned amongst the
Shaykhs gg supra), survived until the
(p. 215 'i^^o.

time of Bahramshah. He composed the well-known

Hadiqatu'' I- Haqiqa.
(28) Shams-i-Kdshi, d. A. H. 602 (= A. D. 1205 6) at —
Tabrfz, and is buried at Surkhab. He collected
and edited the poems of Zah{r-i-Faryabi.
i) MS. "3000", but the reading adopted is that of the Shdhnama itself,

well as of other MSS. of the Guzida.

2) Other MSS. have Sirdji. The word "bayt" ("verse") here inserted in this
text is an obvious scribe's error.

(29) Sharafu' d-Din Shufurwah of Isfahan, a contem-

porary of Sultan Arslan [b. Tughril the Seljuq.]
(30) Shamsu d-Din Tabasi. There were two poets of this

name, one still living in the time of the author,

who was a friend of his.

(31) ShavisiC d-Din Kdshi, who died about two years

before the author wrote, and was the panegyrist
of Khwaja Baha'u'd-Din Sahib-Diwan-i-Juwayni.
(822) (32) Zahir-i-Farydbi, died in Rabi'' i, A. H. 598 (= March
— April, 1
192) at Tabriz, and was buried at Surkhab.

(33) Fakhru' d-Din Ibrahim b. Buzurjmihr b. ^AbdiCl-

Ghaffdr al-Jazvdliqi, better known as ^Irdqi, of Ra-

madan, died A. H. 686 (^ A. D. 1287) at Damascus.

(34) ^Unsnri, one of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna's court-
poets. Anecdote of him, Farrukhi, ^Asjadi and Fir-


(823) (35) FaridiC d-Din ^Attdr of Nishapur, author of the

(36) "^Abdu'l- Wdsi'^ \Jabali\, contemporary with Sultan
Sanjar the Seljuq.
(37) Imddu'' d-Din FazluH i^Imdd-i-Lur), contemporary
with Abaqa Khan. His poetical repartee to Khwaja
Shamsu'd-Din Sahib-Diwan.
(38) '^Uthmdn-i-Mdki, the Qadi, of Qazwin, panegyrist of
the author's cousin Khwaja Fakhru'd-Din Mustawfi.
He wrote the Radi-ndma, in 5000 couplets, re-
counting theoppressions he had suffered at the
hands of his cousin Mawlana Radiyyu'd-Din.
(824) (39) Malik Imddu'' d-Din Isma^il al-Bukhdri.
(40) Firdawsi [Abu' l-Qdsim al-Hasan b. ^Ali) of Tus.

(41) Falaki of Shirwan, panegyrist of Miniichihr king

of Shirwan.

(42) QutbiC d-Din "^Atiqi of Tabriz.

(43) Kamdlu" d-Din Ismd^il of Isfahan.


(825) (44) MuHzzi, the panegyrist of Sultan Sanjar the Seljuq.


(45) Mubdrak-shdh-i-Ghuri, the panegyrist of Sultan

Ghiyathu'd-Dfn Ghurf.
(46) Mujir i-Baylaqdni, author of a Sawgand-ndma.
(47) Majd-i-Hatngar of Yazd, one of the poets patro-
nized by Khwaja Baha'u'd-Din Sahib-Diwan-i-

(48) Malik Mahmud b. Muzaffaru'd-Din of Tabriz.
(49) NaJMu'd-Din Zarkub, contemporary with Abaqa
(826) (50) Nizdmi of Ganja, author of the Khamsa.
(51) Nizdmi-i-'^Arudi-i-Samarqandi, author of the Maj-
ma^u^n-Nawddir (= Chahdr Maqala ')).

(52) Ndsir-i-Khusraw, called '^Hujjat" ("the Proof) by

the Isma'^ilis, a contemporary of the Fatimid Ca-

liph al-Mustansir. He was born in A. H. 358 (=A. D.

968 9) ^), and is said to have lived nearly 100
years. He wrote the RawshandH-ndma.
(53) Najibu' d-Din Jarbddhaqdni, died towards the end
of the Seljuq period. The Book of Bishr and Hind
is one of his compositions.

(54) Ndsir-i-BajjaH % SaMi's contemporary and fellow-

(827) (55) Humdm-i-Tabrizi, also a contemporary of Sa*^df.

(56) Rashidud-Din Watwdt, a contemporary of Sultan

Sanjar the Seljuq, author of the HaddHqtis-Sihr.
(57) Abu' l-'^Aid of Ganja. His verses against Khaqani.

(828) (58) Sa'^d-i-Bahd, contemporary with Sultan Uljaytu.

(59) Fakhru'd-Din Fathulldh, brother of the author.

i) See pp. XIV— XVI cf the Introduction to the text of this work published
in the Gibb Memorial Series, of which it constitutes vol. xi.

2) The correct date is A. H. 394 (= A. D. 1003—4), according to the poet's

own statement. See my Literary History of Persia^ vol. 11, p. 226.

3) See Ydqitt's Mu'-jamti'l-Bulddn., s. v. aj*T .


(829) (60) Mahsati, the poetess.

(61) Firdaws, the lady-ministrel.
(62) Ayisha, the rhapsodist.
{6'^) Bintu'n-Najjdriyya [or, BintiC l-Bukhdriyya\.


(830) Section I. — How it received its name.

In the Kitdbut-Tibydn it is stated that Shapur I the Sasa-

nian founded the city and named it Shdd-Shdpicr. One af the
Sasanians was conducting a campaign against the Daylamis,
and a battle was taking place in the Plain of Qazwin. The
general in command, seeing a weak point in his ranks, said to

one of his officers '^An kdsh vin va rdst kiin^'' ("See that crooked
thing and put it right"), and the name Kashvin (afterwards
Qazwin and Qazbin) was afterwards applied to the town.

Section 2. — Character and buildings of the city.

The quarter called Shahristan is in the middle of the old

town built by Shapur, when he fled from Rum to Persia.

An old fire-temple which once stood by the river is now a

monastery for qalandars. After the victory which he obtained

over the Greeks (831), Shapur regarded Qazwin with especial
veneration, and took great pains to enlarge and beautify
the city, but his builders were much harrassed by the Day-

lamites, and Shapur, being occupied with the subjugation of

the Arabs, was obliged to bribe the Daylamites to keep
quiet. The building was begun in the month of Aban in the

year 463 of Alexander, 1178 solar years before the time of

writing '),
the sign of Gemini being in the ascendant. As
for the Ta'rikh-i-Guzida was completed in
i) This is obviously erroneous,
A. H. 730 (=A.D. 1330), and 1178 years before that would give A. D. 152,
a century earlier than the reign of Shapdr I the Sasanian.

soon as Shapiirwas freed from other preoccupations, he

attacked the Daylamites with vigour, subdued them, and
treated them with the utmost severity, and the persistent
hostilitybetween them and the people of Qazwi'n dates from
those days. Introduction of Islam and conquest and enlarge-
ment of Qazwin by SaM b. al-'^As the Umayyad (832). Qazwin
again enlarged by the Caliph al-Hadi, who called the city

Madinata Miisd ("the City of Miisa", Musa being his own name).
This portion of the present town is now called Sanamak ').

Section 3. — Conquest and Conversion of Qazwin.

Account of the conquest of Qazwin by the Arabs in the

Kitdbu' l-Bulddn. Apostacy of inhabitants after first conquest.
Second conquest by Abu "^Abdi'r-Rahman al-Harithi. Genui-
neness of their subsequent conversion to Islam. In the author's
time a few of the inhabitants of the Dastajird quarter were
Hanafis and Shfis, but the vast majority Shafi%, and there
were also a few Jews, but no other sect or religion was

Section /}..
— SuburbSy rivers (833), qandts, mosques
and tombs of Qazwin.
Suburbs. — Bishariyyat; Dashti; Abhar-Rudh; Faqiran.
Rivers and valleys. — The rivers are partly fed by the snows
on the
hills, partly by springs, and are mostly dried

up in the summer.
Qandts (Persian Kdriz), or underground aqueducts. ^- One
in Mubarakabad, made by Malik Iftikharu'd-Dfn, and

bequeathed by him with a garden to maintain his mau-

soleum. Originally the whole town was supplied by wells,
some of which are over a hundred yards in depth. A
qandt was made by Hamza b. Alyasa^ Sultan Mahmud's

l) The Paris MS. Suppl. peisan 173 has "Sabik" or "Sabak", dlL..

governor of Qum and Qazwi'n. Another is called Tanfuri;

a third Rudhbdri; a fourth, in the Dastajird quarter,
Sayyidi; a fifth, Khdtuni; a sixth, now the principal one,
Khumdr-tdshi; a seventh, Sdkibi, in the Abhar quarter; an
eighth Maliki, in the Abhar, Azraq and 'Uri quarters (834).
— The Masjid-i-Jdmi'^ , ascribed to the Imam ash-

— the Hanafi Mosque, enlarged by Muzaffaru'd-
Di'n Alp Arghun, of which the great arch {Tdq) was
constructed by Khwaja ''Izzu'd-Din Hanafi; — Masjid-i-
Thawb Bdb-Kandn, originally an idol-temple, the first

building used as a mosque after the conversion of the

people to Islam, but held in detestation by the Shi'^ites

because in Umayyad times '^AH used to be cursed from
— another Mosque [Masjid-i-Shahr), originally
a Fire-temple; — Masjid-i-Murddiydn, repaired by

Khwaja Fakhru'd-Din Mustawfi; — Masjid-i-Tabib-dbdd,

repaired by Khwaja Sadru'd-Din Ahmad Khalidi; —
Masjid-i-Qddi IsmaHl;
— Masjid-i-Mddd, the Darkh in

— a Mosque in the middle of the bdzdr in

the Shahristan quarter; — Masjid-i-Dahak ;

— another
Mosque on the road the cemetery, near the Hawdu'n-
("Prophet's Pond") and the Khdnqdh, or monastery,
of Nizamu'd-Uin. — Other less important mosques (835)
and tombs.

Section 5. — Eminent men of different classes

who visited Qazwin.

Companions of the Prophet. — Bara

b. '^Azib, who conquered

Qazwin for the

Muslims, and whose posterity still exist
there, many of them being preachers. Bakr Zaydu'l- —
Khayl who accompanied the preceding.
at-Ta'i, Sa'id —
b. al-As al-Umawi, who was governor of Qazwin under

^Uthman. —
Salman al-Farisi, who took part in wars
against the Daylamites.
— Abu Hurayra.

Followers of the Companions. — Ibrahim b. Yazfd an-Nakha*^i;

Uways al-Qarani; Juthaym al-Kufi; Sammak
Rabf b.

b. Makhzama al-Asadf; Sammak b. "^Abdu'l-Qays, and

a third Sammak; (836) Shimra b. "^Atiyya al-Asadf;

''Urwa b. Zaydu'l-Khayl al-Hamdanf; "Ubayd b. ''Amr
as-Salmani; Muhammad b. Hajjaj b. Yusuf ath-Thaqafi;
Mazyad Kaysanb. as-Sukkari.
Imams and Caliphs. —
"^AH b. Musa ar-Rida (the eighth
Imam of the Shfa); al-Mahdi and Harunu'r-Rashid, the
^Abbasid CaHphs.

Shaykhs and Men of Learning.

— Ibrahim b. Shayba of
Herat; Ibrahim b. Adham; Ibrahim Khawwas; Ahmad
b. Muhammad al-Ghazzah'; Hatim al-Asamm-; Sufyan
ath-Thawri; Shaqiq of Balkh Yahya b. Mu'^adh of Ray;

Kings and Wazirs.

Fadl b. Yahya al-Barmakf (837) Isma'^fl ;

b. Ahmad the Samanf; Ilyas, brother of the preceding,

was governor of Qazwfn in A. H. 293 (= A. D. 905 6); —
Ibnu'l-'^Amfd, wazir of Ruknu'd-Dawla, came to Qazwfn
in A. H. 358 (= A. D. 969), and exacted from the inhabi-
tants a price of 1,200,000 dirhams\ the Sahib Isma'il b.
'^Abbad came several times; Tughril the Seljuq, and
Malikshah the Seljuq, who, learning the terror inspired
by the Assassins [Maldhida) in the people of Qazwfn,
appointed *^Imadu'd-Dawla Turan b. Alfaqshah governor,
with special orders to check their depredations; Muham-
mad b. Malikshah, during his war with his brother Bar-
kiyaruq; Arslan b. Tughril remained there some time
and took the Qal'^a-i-Qahira from the Assassins, and
named it "Arslan-Gushay"; his son Tughril came there
during his wars with Qutlugh Inanj and Qizil Arslan;
Sultan Muhammad [Khwarazmshah] came there after his
defeat by the Mongols, and lodged in the house of
"Izzu'd-Dfn Karfman in t\iQ Kiicha-i- _
[%^^) Naw {'^^qw
Street"), until the Qazwfnfs guided him to the Island

[of AbasgunJ in the Caspian in which he finally took

refuge; the Salghuri Atabek Sa'^d-i-Zangf came there
when he escaped from Khwarazmshah, and lodged in
the Ardaq quarter, in the house of '^Imadu'd-Din Ahmad,
whom he afterwards richly rewarded when he came to
the throne of Fars.

Khdqdns and A^nirs. r- he had destroyed

Hulagu Khan, after

the Assassins his son Abaqa Khan with his son Arghun

and his amirs and captains stayed 18 days in the house

of Malik Iftikharu'd-Din; Ahmad Khan, Gaykhatu Khan,
Ghazan Khan, 'Uljaytu Sultan, and Abu Sa'^id all of them

repeatedly passed by or visited Qazwin.

Section 6. — Governors of Qazwin.

In Sasanian times the governors lived at Sarv-badh in the

summer and at Ray in the winter. In Muhammadan times,
Abu Dujana Simak (839) b. Kharasha al-Ansarf and Kathi'r

b. Shihab al-Harithi were governors for the Caliph '^Umar;

and Sa'^i'd b. al-'^As al-Umawi for '^Uthman. Five successive
governors (named) represented *^Ali. In Umayyad times Hajjaj
b. Yusuf, who was governor of most of Persia, appointed
his son Muhammad; later Yazid b. al-Muhallab, Qutayba b.
Muslim, and Nasr b.Sayyar appointed governors. In early
'^Abbasid times the government of Persia was chiefly in the
hands of the Barmecides [Al-i-Barmak); later came ^Ali b.
"^Isa b. Mahan and the House of Tahir. In the time of the

Caliph al-Mu'^tasim, when the Daylamites were again giving

trouble, the author's ancestor (the fourteenth in line of

ascent) Fakhru'd-Dawla Abu Mansiir al-Kufi, a descendant

of Hurr b. Yazid ar-Riyahi, was sent there to command
the army and administer the province (840) in A. H. 223
(= A. D. 838), and for nearly 200 years his descendents, all
of whom bore the title Fakhru'd-Dawla, were entrusted
with these functions. Thus in A. H. 251 (= A. D. 865) they

acted for two years for ad-Da*^{ ila'1-Haqq Hasan b. Zayd ') ;

then for 38 years for Musa b. Buqa, governor of Persia for

the Caliph al-Mu'tazz. For two years after the rise of the
Samani power Ilyas b. Ahmad the Samani was governor. In
A. H. 294 (= A. D. 906 —the Caliph recovered his authority
and appointed the author's twelfth ancestor in the line of

ascent,' Fakhru'd-Dawla Abu "^Ali, to this government, which

he held for 27 years. When A. H. 321 (=A. D.933) the

House of Buwayh or Daylam obtained possession of most

of Persia, the author's ancestors governed in their name for

100 years. When in A. H. 421 (= A. D. 1030) Sultan Mahmud

of Ghazna took possession of*^Iraq, the author's ninth ancestor
Fakhru'd-Dawla Abu Mansur died, and the government of
^e city who were charged with
passed out of the family,
the duties of state-accountants, and were thenceforth known

by this title, Mustawfi, which the author still bore. One of

Sultan Mahmud's courtiers named Karasti was made governor.

(841) How he caused the people of Qazwin to eat "doubt-

ful" meat, so that their prayers might no longer be effica-

cious, then oppressed them, and was finally killed by them,

after he had been governor for rather more than a year.
He was succeeded by Hamza b. Alyasa^ previously governor
of Qum, who ruled for more than two years. After him the
Amir Abu "^Ali Muhammad Ja'^fari and his sons governed
for about sixty years. The last of them, Fakhru'l-Ma'^ali

Dhu's-Sa'^adat Abu *^Ali Sharafshah b. Muhammad b. Ahmad

b. Muhammad Ja'farf, died in A. H. 484 (= A. D. 1091).
His yearly income from his extensive estates amounted to

366,000 dinars in gold. He left one daughter, who lost all

this immense wealth, and was reduced to penury, so that

she was obliged to live on the charity of others. Reflections

on the vicissitudes of fortune. —
After the Mongol invasion

i) The MS. adds al-Bd<]ir^ which seems to be an error. For the genealogy
of Hasan b. Zayd, see Tabarf's Annals, iii, p. 1523, and Ibnu'l-Athfr, stib anno 250.

of Persia, Mangu Qa'an appointed Malik Iftikharu'd-Di'n

Muhammad al-Bukhari governor (842) in A. H. 65 1 (= A. D.

— 4), and he and his brother Malik Imamu'd-Din Yahya
ruled for 27 years. In A. H. 6^] (= A. D. 1278
— 9) the govern-
ment was given jointly to Husamu'd-Din Amir "^Umar of
Shiraz and Khwaja Fakhru'd-Din Ahmad Mustawfi. Thence-
forth, until the end of 'Uljaytu's reign, the government was

chiefly in the hands of the Iftikharis. Sultan Abu Sa'^id

Bahadur Khan at the beginning of his reign conferred it on
the agents of his mother Gunjishkan Khatun to provide
money for her army.

Section 7. — Tribes and leading families of Qazwin.

Many of the leading families are of Arab origin. The fol-

lowing are the principal ones :

(i) Sayyids, notable here for their piety and learning.

Amongst the most eminent were Sayyid Rida;

''Imadu'd-Dfn ^AbduVAzim al-Husayni an-Naqib (843); and
Sayyid '^Izzu'd-Din Muhammad, a friend of Shaykh Jamalu'd-
Dfn Gill, one of whose living descendents is the Qadi Say-
fu'd-Din Muhammad al-Husayni, chief judge of Sultaniyya
and the district [tiimdn) of Qazwin, Abhar, Zanjan and
(2) '^Ulamd (doctors of Theology). Praised for their ortho-

doxy and piety.

(3) Iftikhdriydn. These are the descendants of Iftikharu'd-

Din Muhammad Bakri, a descendant of the Caliph Abu Bakr,
who studied with the Imam Muhammad b. Yahya of Nfshapur.
His chief living descendent is Malik Iftikharu'd-Din Muham-
mad b. Abu Nasr, whose accomplishments are enumerated.

Amongst others he was skilled in the Mongol and Turkish

languages (844), and his pronouncements on the philology

of these languages are deemed by the Mongols.
He has translated the Book of Kalila and Dimna into Mon-

golian, and the Book of Sindibdd into Turki. He rose to a

high position under Mangu Khan, and enriched Qazwin with
many beautiful buildings. His brother "^Imadu'd-Din Mahrnvid,
was governor of Mazandaran, and [another brother], Ruk-
nu'd-Din Ahmad, was ruler {Malik) of Gurjistan. A third
brother, Radiyyu'd-Din Ahmad, was governor of Diyar Bakr,
and was a good poet. Later the family fell into poverty.
(4) Bdzddrdn (Keepers of the Falcons). Their ancestor was

Baranghash, falconer of the Caliph al-Muqtafi, who made him

governor of Qazwfn under the title Muzaffaru'd-Dln.
(5) Bashshdriydn, a wealthy family, to which belonged
Khwaja *^Izzu'd-Dfn Bashsharf.

(6) Hulwdniydn, originally from the frontier-town of Hulwan.

(7) Khdlidiydn, descended from Khalid b. Walld al-Makh-
ziiml. There are two branches of the family. To the first

belonged Shaykh Nuru'd-Dfn Gil, ancestor of the Shaykhu'l-

Islam Sa'^du'd-Din Qutlugh- [?
MS. Qatl-] Khwaja; to the second,
which came from Zanjan, Sadru'd-Dfn Ahmad al-Khalidi,
who was for two years Prime Minister of Persia, and was
related to the Sadr-i-Jahan.

(8) Dabirdn. Of these was Najmu'd-Din ^Ali b. ^Umar (845)


{9) Rdfi^dn, of Arab origin, descended from Rafi^ b. Khadij

al-Ansari. From them many learned men of note have arisen.

(10) Zdkdniydn, also of Arab origin, descended from the

Banu Khafaja. They have in their possession a document
(text given) professedly emanating from the Prophet and
written in *^Alf's handwriting, dated Muharram 7 (year un-

specified) and (846) witnessed by Abii Bakr, *^Umar, Salman

al-Farisi and four others of the Companions. Of this family
also there are two branches, to the first of which, eminent

belong Sharafu'd-Dfn "^Umar and his son Ruknu'd-

in learning,

Din Muhammad, who vigorously opposed the Shi"^ites in their

endeavours to win over the Mongols to their interest, jour-

neying to Khurasan to see the Mongol Amir Jurmaghun and

dispute with the Shfa doctors in his presence. To the second
branch, eminent in statesmanship, belonged Safiyyu'd-Din
Zakani and Nizamu'd-Din "Ubaydu'llah, writer and poet,
generally known as "^Ubayd-i-Zakani.

Zubayriydn, descended from Zubayr

(11) b. Mus'^ab b. Zu-
bayr b. al-'^Awwam.
(12) Zdddniydn, whose ancestor Zadan was a contemporary
of the Prophet.

(13) Shirzddiydn, whose ancestor was Shfrzad son of Shiran,

a middle-class sheep-farmer. His son, Hajji Badru'd-Din, be-
came and was appointed Ulugh Bitikji of Qazwin by

Ogoday Qa'an (847). His son, Husamu'd-Din "^Umar, was

favoured and promoted by Amir Buqa, and was for some

years governor of Fars.

(14) Taiisiydn, whose ancestor was Ta'us b. Kaysan.
(15) '^Abbdsiydn, related to the "^Abbasid Caliphs.

(16) Ghajfdriydn, of whom was the great Shafi'^i

Najmu'd-Din '^Abdu'l-Ghafifar, author of the Kitdbul-Hdwi,
who died Muharram 8, A. H, 665 (= Oct. 9, 1266), and whose
sons are at the present time leading theologians in Qazwin.

(17) Qadawiydn, descended from Fakhru'd-Din Fakhr-award,

who held office in the Diwdn-i-Qadd (Ministry of Justice),
whence their name. ^

(18)Qardwuldn, a Turkish family, who settled at Qazwin

in Mongol times and became very wealthy. They were cele-
brated for their beauty.

Karajiydn, descended from Abu Dulaf al-^Ijli, who

came to Persia in the time of Harunu'r-Rashid, built the
city of Karaj, and dwelt there.
(20) Anasiydn, descended from Anas b. Malik, included

many learned lawyers and theologians (848), but are now


(21) Kayd'dn. To this family belonged Mawlana '^Izzu'd-

^ *"

Dfn Abu'l-Fada'il, who went to Tabriz and rendered great

services in the Khwarazmshahi troubles.

(22) Mdkdniydn, descended from Makan b.

Kaki of Daylam.
His descendant' Sadidu'd-Din Isma^il b. ^Abdu'l-Jabbar b. Mu-
hammad b. ^Abdu'l-'^Azfz b. Mak became Qadi of Qazwfn,
and this office is still in the family.

Mustawfiydn (the Author's family), descended from

Hurr Yazfd ar-Riyahf. (The facts already mentioned about

them in the Section on the Governors of Qazwin (pp. 231 2 —

supra) are here repeated in an abridged form).
(24) Mii'minan. One of them, the late Taju'd-Din Mu'minf,
was employed by Khwaja Shamsu'd-Din Sdhib Diwdn. In
later life he repented of the acts of tyranny which he had

committed and retired to Tabriz.

(25) Mu^d/d'tydn. Of these was "Abdu'l-MaHk b. Muhammad,
who was one of the secretaries of Tughril Beg the Seljuq.
The family is now extinct in Qazwin.

(26) Marztibdniydn. These inhabit the Dastajird quarter,

near the Bagh-i-Maydan (849).

Nisdburiydn. These left Nishapiir, their original home,

*n A. H. 540 (= A. D. 1 145 —
6), at the time of the great

earthquake, and amongst those who came to Qazwfn was

the chief Qadi '^Abdu'r-Razzaq. The family is now extinct
in Qazwfn.
(28) Biild Timicriydn, descended from Amir Tukush, whose
ancestor was Tayang ') Khan, ruler of the Na'iman. Tukush
was chief magistrate {Shahna) of Qazwfn in the time of
Ogoday Khan. His son, Bula-Tfmur, from whom the family
derives name, became an Amfr and amassed much pro-

perty, some of which is still in the hands of his son Nusratu'd-

Dfn Buqa.

l) This name is neither clearly nor correctly given in the original, but the
correct reading is certain. See Berezine's ydmfuU-Tawarikh^ vol. i, p. 138,
and the Ta'rikh-i-Jahdn-gushdy^ vol. i, p. 46, n. 3 in this Series.

Concerning the genealogical trees inserted by Rashidu'd-
Din in his great history [the Jdmi'ti t-Tawdrikh\. These, in
spiteof their excellence and the originality of the plan on
which they are constructed, appeared to the Author suscep-
tible of improvement, and are briefly criticized by him. (850)
He thesefore devised a new and simplified system of such
"trees", which he designed to use various colours as

indications, which he briefly explains (850

851), and so
ends his book. [The actual trees are wanting in this MS.,
as in most others which I have examined.]


Transcribed by Zaynu'l-^Abidin b. Muhammad al-Katib

ash-Shirazi, and completed at noon of the 6th of Ramadan,
A. H. 857 (= Sept. 10, 1453). Below this is a note in the hand
of a former possessor, the Mu'^tamadu'd-Dawla ^Abdu'1-^Ali
Mirza, son of Prince Farhad Mirza (uncle of the late Nasiru'd-
Di'n dated the 17th of Rajab, A. H. 1313 (= Jan. i,
1896), and another note in the margin dated Dhu'l-Hijja,
A. H. 1 108 (= June—July, A. D. 1697).

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A^i a^^ cArr

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nr c

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c \w-i^. ( \\K c
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-r^r crrAcrro trn crrr crri cr\Aenycr\i Miy
lV^\ cVo'x iVoA cro"i-ro^ ^ro. ^ny ^nv-ru ^rn
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yyA cyi. ^y.^

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trrr-riA cm cr\i-rir (r.y-r.r ^TM cr.. m-w
(Tio cTi^ ^ni ^m ^rucr^r cr^\ (rrA^rn ^rn
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All at. ^yo. ^yrr cY\i ciii

AlA o^'^^ ^

ol't i oiA ( Ajili c


y\r ty\. ^o^^-

, yoi (jVjbV-s

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All cou
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AlA (J^r*^
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lAo (lA^ clil lIs':>H

oi. ( -uia I.


o . Y t ?i \ ( Uai

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yo. (oiy-o^y l \i cif^^i ^^

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(111 (lU i ot \ i ot. ( ooy-o^y (0^0 £ o.r Mi o^J ^

yio ^yu cy^o ^yro ^yrr ^yr. ayo ciyr-iy. aio

i\^ (i.O (^^\Jb

jV^\Lp 4^.
^9^j c Ai . i i^i i r . n M ry Mr i

ooy <^.\-»
JsU\^ ^UV^ o^^ TTX

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oTA ^ lAo M .

0^. (iU i^'l't

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-ino (
\AA '
Uo ^
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-roi ^i,\ ^riy cfii ^rii cri^^n. ^r^n crn^rvo

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A.I cYot ^ni ^rU (^\r cTAY

iAo ^

ovo ^jr\ J/'

Arr ^o^/'

y.n air ^^Ji co^'T

no JsUii, ^uvl ^^^
a\i cYA"i iVAi cYoi ^vin-yn cy^. (Vr-t cyrA ^yu
yi\ i\\. (Ai.iU/'

iy\ o^^o/

oof ( *.«ji i

riA iVyr cjf

\ A • '
^ u^
nA i^tl ^.TrC^

Mi. c\^y M^r Mrt cwi ^yi ^n ^^i ^r^ ^rr ^i cv^
y.t- t^u^ryr ^ry.-riA ^rn ^rr. mia Mnr mo.

^ol (^00 c^or (TU c ill c \^. £^ <^^^r

^At i^ (uj!^

oAo ( <»jAa I. c^yS

00. io^ijyS
Ao <oW'^-J^

lor £
JtU\^ Jl^ V(' ru
1.0 (oyr c^y i^isy

Aiy ^ii^
coAf ^o.i ^iA^ (i"\V (io^ (li\ <ilo i\K\ i
Ail a\. il.y a.i totl

Ar^ <o.l M.AM.o ^oWX

AlV ^
Oijja j-^ ^ <
lo. ci\i i^r\ cT.y ^r.i
yo. (o^y (AA c^X

Al (.


coA. cooT coil io.^ iO.V ci^y cifA illy c^y\ ij\.-^:>_f

All <y"\i cyo. a. A coti

'^y c
oTY io\A i ilA c ^ c
oAr c^i i

cii't c^i. cui cUY c^rA ^v-.. cTAi cryA cryy ^

oW^'r ^. <f ^frj '°'^ '^"^^ '^^v 'ir^ cir.

cn\ MA. M\. M.o M.i M. \ c'tA c^o Mi M^ cj^'X

ci.. cur cWi c^y\ c^Y. c^^. crvi tryr cry\ ^ry.

ciA. ciyi ciil ciW iiV^ ci^\-iri ci\A cilo ci. \

ai^ a. A co^o-ory to.i ^o. \ ^iii ci'\A ci'ti iii'^

-i^A an an a^^ av\ a^. arA aro arr a\y

atr aAi aAr ayo aii-iiy au ai. aot ao^
cy\^ cyn-y.A ^v-i ^v-o ^y. \ ^y.. atA-i^i ati
ri^ JsUij ^/uv^ .;^>


yr'i a.y ^oyo ^^yi ^ryr ^r^^ i^^

oiy (J aUs (

"xw lt\. cioi an ^ \ii ^oj^j^

ryi i A.'
Icy jVi-^^^ (
y\y ^'xxx ayi ^oaf ciiy ^tai ^jU^T

ou ^i'ty cryi (>i\r

lyt i^ ii^

oiy i) 4Li ^

\ lA < <«i3 (

oiy cj 'aLj i

»-/si* «

\ir o^
l.i (in oe 'J"
iil L^i.A 4k (J^;^

jiUVj ^/Uv^ o^^9


cYy\ ^YiA cYii iVi. tvro cYM, cYio nrr n.t co-^a

Ail-Arn cAV^ cAll cA. i cVt? cY'\r cYt- ^YAY

•suJaua-Mi ^.
^ fy^j ' ^ AA <. AxJaJuaoaa

ni c ill i \1'\ i^: ^4cV^

AIY 'oV._y^
lot ^o*iJ 'ol^
o . Y i u-AUas

r^r MTY ^eH '^^

Yo\ 'lAl i"lo'\ i"\oA i(-Xilw) -L^ «ul)i

Kl\ cA^^ 'ilY cTAl ^r.1


\ lA ' '».«i5 (

(^y (^
oY\ '

IIY ^ o\n coU ^^'l. c^A-\ c^Yo c^^. i \A. i^\s^(^

oY\ c ol^ i^y 'u-'^jy

Y'W ciY^-iA\ 'Vy

oY\ ( o"\r iooA £>y c ^vj
n\ JiUi, ^uv\ ^^

AW t ivr ( ill i U; (

\iY c11 ciV (io-ir <.\ c(oUaai) kJ

n ^J- ..»> c

iAt" (oU\>
i\i (VoY t^o. £ti'\ t^il cri\ («Ouu\^


iAo (


(fW ^rrA « IV^ c \ii ^

\U < \^o ^ IV-i MVT ^'l c^>.^5

m Mio (^ (<ia)^5

c^.i <rr. ^ny ^r.y m.i m.am.im.oMo (Oij>

till ciii (ii^ (io^ ciii aiy ii\i t^oi (vn t^.y

ioto Lo\S loAo (oTi tof^ io\A ii'X^ (iYl tiyr ciYi
jiU\^ ^u\i ^^^. n.

AY ^u^J
A\i c^y^ t^n crvv c \a\ L<^LJ
Yil cloi (ii^^

o n i o I o ( vr i 11 ( TA M . i
(o^l/^. o^^^O ' '
io^ i r."\ '-vr^^

111 (
^. C

YAl ^yil c \A1 c-W i\^

rrA ^w ^ly ^^r ^o^i^Ji

oil C^^9

\ry i^M c^j

"It ^
1AA '
1A"l ^ lyi < 11^ ' <*ii

« ly- aio (oi^ ^i\i'obj^

111 LiSj ^\jj^J^

TAI ^("^"^

roi ^r^y ^r^r ^ lyi at ^-v^^Va

ro\ JjUil, JlV\ «^»

nr i \"\-\ c\ii i ur \n dy
^^. c^uy-
Aiy i

\^\ iito aiv cio'i (i\r-i.i (ny ^ny < i^ 'oW

MTi M\i c \.o M.i M. 1 c'tA i'\y c^o (Ar ai Mli, ^>U

t^^. cTio iVY^ cryi cry. ^ni ^ni ^r^^ ^r. . MA\
(ir\ c'l\% ci\y-i\o (^yo ^^yr-ni ^no (Vo'\ i^oA

cilA-ilo 'il^ 'iiV ciil ^iir it^V cl^V-l^. cirr

loi. (0^*1 (o^A 'oV''^ (o.t-o.^ to. \ citt iltl ^lyr

an a^o arA arr a\^ a. a 'oti ^oav coii

ayy ayi ayi ay. aio an aoi aoy-ioo at.

cyir ^yi. cy^'t cyr. ^yn ^y.A ^y.^-y. i aAr aA\
an ^yi^ cyAi cyAr cyyi cvot ,yo. cyi^t .yii cyio

lTJ H "^ S Ifrj

'Aiy 'AU

. A (
A^r £
A^r c

rr. ( liA iiij^

v-oo c^ir iTAV (TAi Myiciyo My\-iii at ^o\>

ivr (^>. i^\j
JtLi\l, J[M ^^y^ roA

rr. Miy cjis-

rr. i
\y. <>)\ o^t

\ ry ^

rny ^
^iy c
A\. cUI ^lA. <1"H cil. ^1.1 (i.A ^nr (o\js-

-^iy ^n^ ^V"\\ cUo (^1 c^yo i^-\Y i^o\ l\^ i^ji.

CO., il'Xo itoA ci^y iin ^ll^-i.l ci.r (1. I i^'W

Arr (i.A
Toy jtV4 ^\.^ ^.^,

ao\ it^y ii^r ilT'X ctTY ilT^ ^iU c'lW ctSb (i\l

iiYi iiyo (ly^ ciy. (iii ^ii^ iii.-ioA do^ dor

(0.1 CO. \ cl'^l clIA '111 'it^ 'i'lr ciAV 'iAi iiyA

cll^cl.Ad.liOO. (olA io^i. io^^ coYAioVo co.l

aA^ ciAr ayi ayy ayi ayi ni^ ai. aiy an

(yi. iV^'x iV^t iVV. cy\y-yii cy.o cy.t ^y.r ii't.

All 'Ai. a^t ^yoi cyi'\ cyiv ^yio cyii

(i^y ciiY 'nr cnr c^i\ ^r^o c^ry Myi i^ o^j-

A^l HAl (Oil io\\ coiy

'V-y\ Myt Myy c \y"\ ( in ( Ml M.o M.r c^> j\^

ot\ ciii (i^y cvyi

c^w iTA^ iTAr cryt ^ryy ^ryr ^ry. cn\ ^ ui co^b^

A^\ cVo't

\.y ay cry ^ri MA M (

i^r c^^ cjl>
r^r MAt ^r^ LcJ^j^

ly. (^>
o\o (fi. i r.V" c

^Ol C^OO (
^^ C

oil 'lA. i-^S

^U\^ JAM ^^y^ roi

lit tO^'U^alii

TA ' ry c ^W

lYl ^JyW
wr Mor c lit Hi Mi'^ Mry \ri ^^.: (^.L
( c

rrA MoA MTV c^.; iLS') ^> J^s^

co\, iitici^i cr'\.-^yv ^TAA-rAi ^tav- Mr ^^ ^^Cs^

Aiy a^'t cA\\- (A.y coiy (Oil ^o\ \

Aiy c
oiy ij aLj (
(^V'^*^^ >^

rrA Mry ^^o cJM ju.^

r oi M r ^
^^ i

roV- iTi't Mot c^^ (^U Ju.t

ry ir^
ni Mry ^.a. c^^jc

r\. i lyr ^/o c -'O .-^ tS-^

iX.. i wv i lyi c \y^ i\y. Miy M. \ c%o c ai c

^TAi ^TA^ ^ryA^ryo ^rii ^rio cYo^ ctia ^rii <rry

ci.A ci. \ i^w i^yo cno c^oi c^^. ,^rA cv-iA ^v-ir
Too JsU[, ^V^ ^^^j^

^Vil (Vn iloi (plis

oU clU ill 1

A^t cV-.l co^^Vip

AiV 'o^\i=»
llo (ri\ ^r^o if^V MIA Mo\ Mi. M^o iv-ijlis
(^^V i^^. ^^FA tVTY :Vr. <^.l (TYV M \o iAl c}^j^ i

Ai. iiry cir^ (ir. dit ^lio ^^'ir c^vi ^v^i

Ylo L-XKS aA. 'lyi ilY^ aU iiV-^ ^irY ^U5 cii^

V rn t YA i

o r
\ i
Jo- c^^ji^'

i1 do (i^ cVu^ ^_^

<yiA 'YAo <YYY ioK^ l^ .y ,r.Y ^T.l M^ ^Y ^)^ ^

Arr an
111 Mor Mo\ iTY ^^ ^c>

I .
Y ^
^V.iil, ^/f*V\ .^^Ji Joi

^y^y-y^v cy^. ^yri cVTo ^yrt ^yu cy\A cy\^ iy\ \

AlA iVX^ cYAo iVoY cyo\ tyii-yii ^yir-Y^t

Ail c

Ofy (<*ii C

Al oV,.> '

ry\ (^i (^^^

cfu cTV-o ^r^r ^rrA crrr cr\y ^rt?- c uo c \Ai ^o^l^

yii ^rio ^rii

VAr ^iii (^^


\ r"i c c <u*^

oTy i 4.JA9 c
ro^ JjUJ^ ^uv\ .i^>

ArA art (YAo (

\A. ^oi^^

^y p^j iVo \ cvo. ( vrr ( oir i>^^

\iA i'>J«ia

YU ^ y. \ ail llAC ^ 11. C l^i i

di;V; ^^
Avr ' cU-ov-w

TAl M . .

oAl A.j:> ^o^'jj'jjr'

-yv\ ciyr aio ^oa ^oir my*^ M.t m.o ar ij^^

-A-^ *^ S" ^j 'V^^ 'V^\ 'Vri iYro ^Yr^
in cii. coi^ ioi. t ort co^y
(p5 '(oXr-) J^-
YAl an iini ai. (loA to^-l ^jlx^l^


^ ^1 '
(iiy (i^r cir\ <iio ^^ya ctyo ^ry. ^r.i <'\r ^jW
-iry (iro i'\\\ <i\y to^o (o.t co.yio.o ^o.^ (iY'\

£io^-io\^iA aiY aio air-i^y a^o ii^r ar.

ayi-iYi ayi ay. aiA an au-iot aoi aoo
JjVji^j, ^UV\ cU«^9 Tor

yr'i (iw c^\-\ cvio ( w\ (Uo cVAr

vAi <

ooy c
c-w<^^j v>-i

11 "^ i iiy i 111 c

c l^jU

A' • '

c\. . tio ^yA £l\ cl. toy CO. (lA ill c^l (^i Mi ^|.U

My. Mil Mo^ Mo. Miy Mi. M^l M^y M^\ Mm

^r\i-rM cT.. M'\y-\'\o c ur ma-^ mai Myi My^
-fii ^rw ^r^i ^rvr ctta ^rriirricrr\ ^r\A ^r\y

^riA ^ni-rit ^ni ^roy cToo ^ro; ^ro. ^rii cri^

c^oo c^or ^^o\ c^u ^^\r tr'\r en. ^taa ^rAr ^ryi
ciA. cioA cioy cioV" cio\ ciil (iii c^y\ ^ni ^^ol
L OA^ COA. eoVy i0\y-0\0 L0\\ iO.\ co.i-0. \ c'lAX

Arr ^yAr ^onA-oti

\ 0^ i

y\. iiny i

ill o^C^'^V^ '

ciiv cioo iioi ci^t cirr cir. ci\^ cot\ ^ova iojV<;U

yAi (11A aio

ro\ jsUiS^ ^vi .^^
yo . (
o'M. (iY"l ciyo ijL:^

iii (^00 ij\iff-

y 1
. ( 9 W -u.

"i^ \ £jW)i:> o\>- 4—

\ ry ^
lyt ^Ir-

oir M . £
Ar c

1r \ i
>^* v\ 3_j^

^ir (V^\ c3_^

"\r r I.


^yii ^yto cyi^-yi. ^yvi ^yn ^y.A ^ mi con <oV>^

yoi ^yin
lot i"\i. (1^1 iAjAi ijW^-.
J.'V.«i\_j ,j$uv\ vs.^j{i r .

rii (lor (in c^-o (^ ^ j.*^

rr (
ic^, (
^^ ^v wo -Xj.
j j^i

ivi ( ryr ( j^i^

iVo (
^TA '

ll'^ (IVl-

oYo ( ovr ( lAA (


TAr ( >—)!al-

ooy (^^; (j_^^^

1 lA ( Us (
i.'lW (lAy (lAl-i^r (1. 1 c^ll (n^ (Vol ( 1^ 'oV^>^*"

oiy co.v

(yr^-yii au a. a n.o-i.v ( 1. 1 (o'^^t (o<t-\ colilLL

Ai^ (An (yo. (yro

oi . ( ou ( o .
\-o ^ . ( iiy (
iiy ( 1 1 t
oiy i^l
aLj £

r^i (11 (ir (^. (jVl.

rii ( 111 ( 111 ( iir (

in (^ (X
y. . ( UA (11^ (Us (
(in (Vni (^'t. ('^AA (^y^ (Vn (Ty^ ( I. . (iy (

^yyy (yi. (yi. dn. do-t ,ioa dii d^i dir

Ar. (yA.
Tt\ J^^V^l^ o^V\ v^w^

^ry M.t c\.-\ ij\:^^

y. \ (

yiy -\o^ c

xrr iAT\ :A\A ^v^lcv-.

yto ^itr i

oTy 4 'Uii i

yri c^l i

TAI 'ul?!^

ory c^ i

\ A ^
0^ --/*"

lAo <

J'U[, ^v\ ^^^9 riA

nr lX\o l\^. l\ty l^> co^ibj


. A < ol^u.

r i 1 £
I. cxcIm.

Al. cA.i ^in ciiy £V"tl c^iv-^yt £^o^i^^'\ MV-^jLA-Vw

^^r c^^\ (^n (^rr c^r. c^ii ^r.A ^r-v £o>L

OiV l) aL.9 i(iL

AM tvir iVo. tiyocioA^io^ cio\ illy cTAiMrt ^o^L
oi iTy iU«

yAy ol^>s-
yir idli/'iyy.
ny -

JiUl, cr^v\ ^j^

c^.l (V-.. <rir ^TAl 'TYi c
U. MV^ M\i M.i ^l5j

iirA ciro (i\Y ci\o ci\i ii\. (^tr <

w cVoi c^rA

iiy\ (ill cil^ cio^ (lor iio. ciVA ci^V ^i^v ^irt

-o\Y (0. \ i'l.w (inA ^11^ ^itr (tyy (iyiciyo dyr

AU ^yy^ i.'Sox (Yin (YiY ci.n io^r ^o\\

A^i ^aU ^15^

All oW'^^b ^

Aio '(>: ^o^J

Aio ^o^^j

r \ r (

All ^

YU ^A'jj

^11 ( ^^ (

1 . o £

<YAo 'OtA coTo (lYo ciyr (111 (liY (111 c^ri (jVf;
All (Al^
oir ( \ .

o^j o^j
^U\^ jTuvi "VJ' rii

1 1^ i

O^JJ ^ ^ t/^^
'"^^^ '"^"^'^ '"^^'^ ''^°^ '"^^^ 'O^j
ri\ CO'J

Ill c
yo. c^^_^j

A^' iiyo io\A ij\:>jj

VIA c-\o\ io'^'^jj

HI o_5^ ^i_^j

Wl Ml. M.A M.r M..-1A ai (-^0 ai ^11 M^ c

£rn maa-uimyV myi c\y. mo. miy cirv- mt.
-iio ci^^ ctr.-^u ^^.1 i^.i cTYA^rY. ^riYcfoi
LoX'i. iotr co'll coAI-oAY coA^ co.r clA"l-lA\ ^IIV
A^. cY'tl ci.n a.i
\ o . c\ . ^ c TA ' t i

I 1 1 c

V.l Cvi^^^ COjJ

^0 X '-JJ
rio J^U\^ ^V.V^ o^>

o^\ (i\^ (i\r ^i.Y £<>^

oof ',)^>i

iVl.o cT.. M1Y i

\YY cWo i\.o c\^ (t. Ml ^^ ^Vo
(o'W CO. 0-0.^ (11^ cloV (iil clV\ c^Y\ c^U tt-.i

Ali a\t a.o

cV-.l cr\Y MIA cWI i\ 'O i\^ c

(aIU c
^\X:>) Ij>

c^on i^ol-^o. cVlA t^lY ^'Mi '^il tV^o iVrY c^n

iYl\ 'oi^ cll^ ciYt tin (lt^-l\^ ii. \ c^n.-Ul
Ai. a^'\ a^Y-A^o cA'^\ (A^.

Alo (J^\j
yo \ cVo. tvro (ooy l.^}y.y

AiA 'A^^ cA^r o^f-^

1.1 coAA ^
oA^ ^oYo ( oVi ( oyr ^ TAf o^^ ^^^

10*^ ^/Avk5

A^^ i(j<^:i

AA A^ « ^

cn\ cToy ifoo iro\ iT^y mia m.. a^ ai ^ji^^

oti ioA. ciii cryi

A •
r i
Ov^r*" «-i

Ar. (jji^o^
fit Jjliiij JlV\ ^->
* * • '

( ^yo £ ^y \ ( ^-\n i ^oi ^^i

( ( r^i t \yt M . 1 c
oA t
(oi. it'w ciy. ciiA dor iifA dri ^rr ciu cw\
yi\ io\\ I oA' I 000 iOo\ ( oit (
oiy c oi^ i oi\

r^-i cnA'r\y c \Ar i \"\. ^ ua ^^

\ry <r'\ co^j^\ j\^

oiy i
aLj <

OAO ciyo (i^'\ C^Vi*\^

lAr iJ\^J^\:>

yy"i en. c^^y e'\. ay eA>:>

oir £ ooA i

yAy ij)A s-»j-^

oA\ i VAT i \A. i-^.j^

oyv M \ i ni Ko^j>) j> -^j^

A^i <
^ '

oiy ij aLj (
JiU\^ jTuv^ ^^y^ rir

ioyo-oyr aoy ^llo ^rAf MAI MA. Mr. Mlo (^>.

1.1 ^ oAA ioAV

yov ^rvr ^rn (Tri (Tn Mir c m ^^- ip>

TAl 'u^-j>-

ot . ( oy^ ( oyi i oyr (00-^ ^ i.o\ c lii c 1 .

(c^lW-) c Vk:^

Alo tin Mri i^; C4C.U9-

loo <

oTl (-uii i
1. ^^y ^'M (Vi ^JA. (4ij\
i^.*\^\ Jii>

liy ^

1^1 ^oW^

a\. (oyi-oy^ ^0. . (i-^r i'uw ciA-^-iAi ayr ciii

All ^yA-^

o.V-lAl iiy\ ciyA<lil i\^i. ^ni Mi t I ^ <


oiy aLj
(^1 (
. ill i

1.0 (^_^^Vj »^^

Til ^U\^ ^UV^ ^^^^

^ ^"^ '

1 A- (
Ji (
Oiy \ ^Jc»

-rvv crn-r"iAiri'\ criy ^rr^ 'fiv nir ma\ mvi

-^.1 c^.i criA ^r'lr cr-^. cTav-tao ^ta^ cTAr ^ta.
iWi c^o\ c^^i iV^. c^ry i^r\ ^^ii ^^lo ^^n ^^.a
/ ci.^-i. \ c^'\^ c^w-^A'x cuy cui c^Ai iU^ ^^yo

iiiy ^iir ciu-i^o ary dn cir. ciit ciii-^..^

ci'\. iiAA ciAy ciy. i 11^ ci.'w (ioA (toy cio^ ^loi

(o't \ (oAo (oyr cot^ ior^(o\Aco.r(o.. c'lM. i'i'W

ci-Y ' 1-1 a.i a.r a. \ to-^'t ^o-^a io\'[, io%t cow
-yi. cyiy ^yrt ^y.A a'M a^r cir\ diiai a. A \

Ait aiia^t an a\o a\. ^Yir

yo. iYYo iooy (000 (jV\ /^

JiliV, c^V\ .s^j^ ri.

ill i Vs.5^

o-W co.l clA\ ilA. cl1 ij^

ill c aIo

Aii ^ly. <.^\o L^.\ ^V.i iTAl MAI MYV M \o ^

Ail 'oWy*

oA^ 'Oil ^rvA ^r^y ^r^r ^m ^

lyi l^s-
iv^ cy^ ^ry c^l^

rir c 1 o 1 (
11 a^ '
ir^ c dJi\l\ Jut
A^l '
(ir u^^
Al^ <

yo \ cyo. (ooA^ojiy^

»yi ' \y. i 111 ( ilA Co^:;:^

iAI '(j^^

lA W s-* ^ '
r^i J5U|^ ^v\ .!-.«_>

(i"ir till tiir (1^0 cvn^ cur ^rvr cn^ ^n\ ai ^oy^
AU conA coY^ (inr ciAA

V\. ^Ai aiA 'liA air ^>^9.^

y.l ij]^ v^-^W

\ \ \ LJ^ "V^

yn (y. \ (

oyi coyr Mil M \V (FA ' I. tc^

r^^ Mil ^^ c^>
cTlY ir\o Ml. MoA MoT Miy M^o iAl i\ ^

Tor trn cTfA crrr

fUo c^o\ cUA (^^i cryr ^ry. ^ny nv ai ^ ^rn cj\^

yii 4 \\

\ il c Juri Jo-
JjUJj ^/uV\ o_^9 ru

rr iejc.

y\o iiyy ciy. aia ^oi^ aiy ^t-^ ^o^iV.^

aAi aiv ai. ao^ aor aiA^ui ^ur-ii. ^V-^


IVo c 111 c llA c liy ^

c^ '

lyy M.o (o^.j=^

yir co-vd^

ryr ^rio ^ *W-

n r M ry c

rw JsUiJ^ ^\M ^z^j^

m ^r^o M"iy Mor c \ry c \ri i^ (^^

(oy^ (oyr ciiA ciyi ^iiy ^i^o ^^"1"^ ^ \\^ ^ly '"^^ 'oW
yor ^yty ^y^r ^y^.

lA \ ^

\KT i \yy i \ii '^- '--^

l*^*^ i (4A*.»

n cry oy

ry^ i^W

yir c^w
jA,5i[^ ^\.V\ ^j. r^i

0^ (CL-*o

il.o cl.^ (l.r co^o iOt\ ioir ( 0^1 co^\ ci"\o (ji^y

civ^-iYi aoy aiA a^'i-iw cifa ary an a\.

cVii ^yrr ^yn cy\y-yii cv.o ^y.! atv- at\ a^^.

AiA 'Arr iAv\ a\A a\\ aa a.o ^yni ^y^r

cTYY ^ryv ifiA cTTA ^ \ri c ir. (iv ai-tr ai ^o^-C'

yri n. . io-^t ^0^1 iiti cUA cn'i

yi. (oiA ciir c


oAf i .
\ (


yAl cj^ J:
rvo JsUl, ^i.v\ ^^

Ait '0^-jy*^^.

VYl cvr^ io.y ciy tUa.

oiy cj aLj i,^j^

lTJ U 4..
^ ^j clAF co^l c \ri ((_^^V

yo\ cyii (L.

Ay t
c^ow- ^_)4

"\or ( 0««.iS.n

y.r 'V«.
JiUJ^ ^V\ »^«^9 r^i

^V"tl c^^o cUA-Ul 'Ui cTA^. MA\ cW cM, ar (^

Yll iVXt iVX^ if\. ii.\V ii.A

oYo ( oyr ijVii.

TA 'o^j^i

yrt cvi. c-\AT c-\o^ c^^i. i^^^ c\.o c\,t i'XA


1 A- c
O^jj^ -^.

\ . i
rv-^ ^^UiJ^ ^-y
UY\ >.l->-«^j9

A^^ '
Oij^ "^ '

Aii 'o^.j^.

cv\y cr\i ir\. Mio ( \ti maa mya myi ^ia c*^,^

cTlA cTil-ri^ cTl. ^rV"t cT^Y ^T^^ cTT^ iTT. tr\A

^rir cTVK iTv^ cvvv ^rio ^ru ^toa ^roi ^roo ^ror

ci^. (in (HA (V-n (^^r cVTA c^\r (^.n (rn-^ trio

Y"\. ^YoA (i^\


^U. i'^\ Jai.

iV^o iTM. iVW cf.Y ^r.1 (f.o ( \Yo ( \ .A M .1 c^^Jii)

'n\ i^U '^^0 i^^\ 'VTl (r\A(ri^-^.Y it.i c^. .

< ^ot-^ol (^ol £^0^ (Vo\ ( ^lA ( ^lY cVio ( ^il


(irr cir\ dit cha c^yo ^^Yr ^^y. ^nt (ni-n\

(iol-ior ciiA (ill (i^l-l^Y ^i^^-l^\ itVX (ifi
(00^ (oo\ (ol\ (o\<t (o. \ (i-^l (iA\ iiY. (ilo-il^
("lit (lild.^ (o'tY co\^^io\. (oAY ioAi coAV- (oA.

iVrV (Yr\ (Y\Y a'\i (I'll HYI (111 aot ("\oA (in
^YAY (YA^ 'YVA (YY"l (YYi cVW cYli ^Yol (Yi\ tY^I

A^Y (A\r (AW a.^ iY^A ^Y'\r-Y'\. 'YAA

(r\i (T.o (FA (T.r (\tr (\t\ ( \oa ( \o^ ( i^n

YoY 'T^^ (r\A

\ • r obv 'o^^
^V.'^\j ^v\ c-^^^j r^r

toy ( iio ijj?- ^si

yir to.y (^i\ i^n (T'W mia c \iy m-o iO'.^^

i?'\r-^'\. iUA-ui ^ur cu. c^yi ^ ry^ m.. (V,U

A.r ^yi. toAf iory ci^i

^rv-o crr^ cTTA cTW cv\t c ni ^ u^ ^ in ^ ii. cjs.

ri\ ^r^t-r^y

rr. (^jW J A;

A^t i^li i^.1 i^.r c l.i ^4C\^

ryr ^11 i^^.

^1^ cTAr M..


TA <

yri '>ry-^y.
r^\ JiUi^J ^/UV\ v^-w-^^

11 . aA ai ^ oi £ ^r ^
FA ' ri ^

TAf cob>V
\ \ o ;
^J^ A
rtA tu*-!^^^

1A o^^^

Ail t'vL.s

TA '
o^.'V'^' •

ooy ( j\juV)
JtUJ\^ ^V\ e-«-^9 r^.

oAV i oA~l '^^

VAr cvii a.i ^1^. ^TAi ^oWj\

aiy air ai. ^o^ ai'^ ciiA aio ai^'-u. ^o^^j^

vu au aAi aiA
^lAo c"lVo ^or ^IIA ^"liV (llo-liV (^1A ^oW'^
vn ait

yn avr (otr
M\^-ni d.Ai \.^-tt ciy cAt ^ry Mo-ir M. ^a^o^^.^
'^^y iTAi cToo MA. Miy cin Mrr-ir. m n m\o
(iir cii\ i.ks:^ c^tA iUi-^vi ^^y^ ^UM cni ^^o\
L0.\ io.r-o. . (it A ^m cll. ciyi iio\ iilA ^iiy
(oyo— oy^ (oy\ ^ooo ^oo^ coii ^oi^ ^o^r lo^o io\y
(l.y a.o ci.i io'\'t io'\y 40^^ cot.-oAy ioA^-oyA

ai. an av-. cArA ^yor ^yiy cy^^ ^yv. air an

vr\ j5Ui\^ C^Vl ^i--v(»

o\o iVi.^ i'Xi. i<Si^\

AU a^.
oiy cj 'aLj c

0'\'\ C4.«\5 (^\

oAl ^

oA^ iory iof. io\\ iioi iVy\ ^^y. ;^o'tc ^J^

iyA ( U5 (

lAl ^
^rrr (^i i (TA't-roo ^ ha Mir-\'\. mao mt ^^ C4l*\

A^t av-i cl^l i^on t^ot

yir c-^-] Mo.^-.>\

^.. iT'io iTA^ cry^ ( lAy M.. a'^ ^^x\
Aiy cjVJ\
iVTV iVV\ Mil Mol ^ \ii c liV ^ \i\ c \^V c \n o^-^'^

ny iVi.. ^ru ^r^i ^rro

oU ^lAo clAl ciA. clil ^ili c o'X c<S^^

^U\^ Jl^ ^j> rrA

olo iTV^ ^rit cTlo MAI MVi M.. ^yr ilj^\

^ni ^m c^o\ L^oY i^oT ^^o\ (Vi. ^r.A Mi coUu*c-\

oA. tory-o.t i^'w ^ny

loV M.V- M. \

A\ OjJi>\ ^ls^\

ITA Mil c1 ^(J^llj JJ ^W\

1. 1 ^yA ^0. (v_i^'r^\^\

Hi art M't ay ar ij>^\

^riA MAI MA. M.o ( \ .r MA ill cAA cA'X iTV J^^A c

c^To il\y ct\o ct\t c^'W ^n^ cVXA cTIi c TAl

io. \ citA ciyo ayr (iyi c^i't-iiy dii iioy-iit
(iv-y M^i £0'^. (ooi ioti (oit io^i coiAioiy^o.r

ayic lyi ay^ ay i -n't aio-n^ aoi at a aty

cy\.-y.Acv.-\-y.i Mir-iA'i MAy aAi ciAi-iyi
cyo'i cyiy-yii ^y^o cy^i ^yv. ^yn ^yri ^yio iy\i

Ol. cVi. c?:
rry JjUJ^ c^V\ ^^^j^

lot (Ai_jJ_^\

l-^A i^ c^j\

o\\ cilY 'i"li '11^ 'io^ 'ii\ i^lA^rt\ MAIMT. c^-j\

\A. t
^\ 'a'-j^

TAo '
lAo O^J^
\'t\ i \AA 'u^U^

ryi ^rii ^ni c^^y

o"\r ( ooA '

oy -^^
Kt c(?)U

lA^ f
^00 cTov crrr ^ \a^ c \ii ^ \or <. \ri ^^ ^ ju-\

i\K (lA c"i"i ar-oi ioi ^or-ir mi ^t ^^ ^

JjU^j jruv\ .^^j rri

-\.% o\j |^*^\


cA^. cA\A a.^ Lo\K ^oTo ^lyr ciiy cui ^^r't c\\ ^^,\

Ai^ a^^

ri\ ^r^o iT\o cr\i ^ \y^ ^oi^W^

^rn-rr^ ^rii ^rio ^n^ ^nr mii Mir cii i-i>'!

yo. cyiocyrr^y.. ai. an at. ^^y £j.Vi.^\

Alt. ^ ij:,Sw«»>- \

oAv- £0.^ CO. I (TAr £l3:^\

ctyA (iy\ ciii ciii ai^ ,io^ cTAi MA. M.. £o\;\

1.1 co'tl

11 A 'jy^yj^

lit £<O0^\

. 1 i o . ^ i

I 1 C
oA^ i
A^A A^o a^l
'c;ij> i^ c

^yi cTA\ MV- c


111 i\A ij\:^^j\

lA^ c
^jj\ jj^\
JtU\, /UV^ ^y^

^ryt ^no ifn c \aima. cwi ( w^ m.i ^nt. ^o^^j^^

cilliill (11^ ^io^ 'i^Y cr\A(r\1i^.i cT'W crA\
cot\ to'^. (oYA to.\ cillciAo c^YA ^IVl ^iVo c iY^

vr\ cy\-\ ^Y\o ^IVY ilYl a\^ a-o il.^

y^Y iY^l c<«Ji ^5jj\

oyo ( oyr c

lAr t\^T

^Ar c^^*"^

yo. ii\y (e^\

ooy ^ ooi iy^\

i\\o c-Wl ^AA 'lAY aAl 'IV't 'iro c-W^ io.y ^

Y'\^ (Yii cyir cini
^y^ i>i-^'

0^-^Oi cO^
^> '
rrr ^Liv^ *^

JW ^.ai\ J%. 4^. cf ^j <

cf--^^ J^

J^li < (5JUA

jVjv\ o-««^ rrr

fA^\ y\ i -Xvrf Q> •Ju:^' i


^^U«.n y\
rr\ ^LjV\ vt*

-^*^ Oi-^^ OV/. <


iS'y cy- i^ cy- •^^ cr! Jp oi J^"^

J5*^\ ^y.
-V*i: A\i\ Jufr _y.\

<u^ji 4ii\ Jut j,^ ^\

^^ ^^.ai\ ^^*
T ]% (-ju»a V\

A\i\ Juf-
^\ ( Ju,\
^ »ijjW (

A-iV\ -^9 r\A

OiJi\ vijU c,^

ciV-X (^^^) v^lji -^ '

r\v ^Liv^ -y^

jyC^ y\ (,

c^y ^jj\ "^^
y \ i^UmJ 51 si**- >*9

J^\ i
^y.^ ^^.-Xi\ j\^\ i


•Ve OJ Jp Oi -^^

^l?-4 Oi-^' oy^

Oi^\ U^ '(i^ -^^^ ^IS'-X^

Jd^ Oi-^^ ^^

A\i\ JuP-
Jbji ^^ Jt»j£

^^. J^

Jp O: -^^

(iirl) Oi-^^ J^ '

r I \ v^UiJVi CmijaS

cr^^ ci^ a; J^

lt^^ 4^ a-' Jp i>!


,jjV*-« (S'_y

0)r^\ ^y, -Xvs£

i}^. y}
1 » I
v^V««<jYi ci---^

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-V«= (Jy^

LsY\ ^^y^ r\.

t^-^ Oi Jp a'- -^^ CH Jp i>; cr^ (5>-^ '

A«^\ ^2;:
-Xv^ ^;^.Jil ^J^ C(i:^UaP

y Q,^
A\i\ jup


*^0 O"- "^^

0^ a; -^^^ '
dr\r' j^ y^

4\i\ Ju.C^
(ij\is> ^2;)

mmJLA t^jbW

Jp y^ <
r.y i^Ujv\ c-^-^jj


<-^ '

(j*.V«JUl v'

V^ C^ jj^ '

u-Ai>- ^ A^jjS aJj\ AjP ^\

^^\ ^\ ( Alii JuC ^^^ <



^^ 1^. .Ji>\^.\

^Vi^ui jV O-kJ

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^c-Vii^ ^.\,< J^^V^

r.o v_>ujv\ o-"^

Cr^^ i4^ L>! (Jp ^-^

\mjYi c* m•vi'
r *.

{SjJ^\ -Wa* cf- &^ '

*^"*^ bj**

\i^\ _y.\
r.^ c^Ljv\ o^^

jy\ i
^Ji'M\ ^iia* c^jA—

viJbu\ ( Jam

ij\& ^1 (
J w.i f^ 4./.M (
^ ^
r.\ v^Uv^ v^

XjY\ vi» r..

^J0 U jji-Xil ^«. c


((5 Ju?-_j^- ^:^^W

<^\ ^ I

Oj^ ^^JJ
«^iw ^y ,JVU« 1^ '--*st*^

^Ji L/. J^ '


-^ oi-^^ oC '
^ .v_ji^
^•^ Oi ^^

\'\% ^LjV\ v^

^\ J^ y\ i J^
iwjYi c:».« yiji \\K
\%y ^VjvI c-«-^^

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(?)^y. ^ A\i\ Jut L^ _^^ ili'V"

^^\j^ Oi-^\ J:^ (


A^\ Jja- jU«,\j

y\ I
LjV\ c^^as
w^j: 111
\\0 v_jLJV^ ul-w-^^
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Ac> ^y_ Joj i^^^

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Av*: y\
^ i
.y_ y_ d)ii\ JuP Aii\ JuP

di\3\ L^^ss\ j:^c> ^jjU



Jusu« V 1
^;^ JJ:«-* ^,VU^.\
\\\ Xj'A

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-Xv* Oi-J*-^^ j«*^^


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UiJ Yi c-t— ..as \ XA

9aJo \ *A i ,o-

iS^?- y^ y\ L
UV v^Uv^ vt»


j!^ Oi-i^^ j^\

UV\ c-^> lAl

C>iJ.\\ jA^ ,
lAo wJUmJ Vl ^J1.^^J^

cs?*^ ^.

Avtf J-:;*^'^
|<-\ii^ _^.\ ^2/.

I^j^ Oi

V^j ^' i S-A.«

Cf' .u^\ Ju£^
ij' Cr'.
U.jV\ c:-w.a9 \Ai
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^ i^y
0:^\ , -X^

J "ij"^

^y^ Oi-Wl «_jL*- (



iiS^j" ^j) ^-rij^^ y} '


((^J^ a1»1_5) ^i^«i\ ^.\

» wui J o^y^ v::-w«y.j9
) xr

TAT '(^«^^ OJ *—*-^.

ot.y i o\jiu«w*i

oi^ coir i
o^J^ "^' O-'- "^^^

iX\ jy
%. (.0. (.i.\ c
^; ^y


0*^ t oA ^^5^ 0-' u^y

ill ^
(55^* LT^^.

^y ^r\ c^WUw
\A\ -VJ^\j JW^\ c^^

ry <
^L ^ ^yi

i.t ^oii t^\i cir a\ to. ci\-n <^jl-_^i

yoA t^.t i
tS^Va c
uJ.w_ji _y_\

yyo 4 ii9u»-\

^ yyo 4
c^>«*«^ <—fc-v
oAo i oA\ i ^i*i^.

ai ^oA cor (oi (0. (ir-^'t c^y ^n <r\ c^\ ^. h^^^.

A\r ij^\>^Vl ^ _^\ ^_^>} oi (3^^ o^ ^^1
yi. caUs_^.\ (ci^^s^\ j*«'\ ^ -Xij ^:^; j^\ ^>. s-»>^»

yy'\ i
iSjjrr^A' cf^\ ^>t) y\

VtA '"^^ f^ sJ^jA^-l

r'ti c*^^ -^ ^1^ ^u^^ oi ^>^-

^yo-vy^ c^^o-r^^ cv^. c^ry ^ulJ ^. ^_ji*i

yfo (jy>\ (j\^ Ic oVia_^i,


o-'- ^s^ <y- jy"^ ^-y- y^

V"IA '
yiY ' (^^-i o^^-j^ Cr'. e.^i^ cy- j^i^ ^->- ^^

Y"IA (
^J^ v_jy.«J j^iii' Aijd ^.^
^^\ ^2^.

roi iA\i\ Jus.

^; Jbji

o^z-'lr* ,J;i ^ Q>. -\ljd

Yii cV^A ^0^^ '>^^ c^; ^ cr; -^->. ^.^

(Toi cTii (T'j't iTtr ^rr. ^n. ^r.? ^-u^U ^^ j.ji

A^t c TYI c TYA i
TYi ' TYf ^
J^* cy. -^.y

n. <rAY 'TAl C9^.^ ^ ^iji

^ry < TAo i d^\ A,t ^, j.^_ ^ j.j^ ^ juj.

*\Ji\^ JW^W .^^J> \\K

^V"\ (
jUL Ju-\ -^. ^c4

Air i diu ( o'A\\

ilYA 'ivr ,(1^0 coiJi\ ij^ (Avrf oi-^\ j^V.- ^ ^^i ^
(Y.r ^y.\ an aii air at\ aAv aAi avt
ViA-Ylo (yi^-y^'\ (V^o ^Y^i <Y\1 ^YW iY\r cYW
A^^ c OiJ^\
t5jV^\ ^
Y-^i c5U\ ^. ^
^.A ^^.1 '^- o '^-r ^t^^ ^o. ^, ^
\.^ ai cir ci\ a- cr\ c\^.^ ^, ^^
TAl ^ TA^ <.
OiA;U\ ^yj ^ (
Oij ^^. ^^

AV"\ c^.i cl5j1c

A\i\ Ju?-
^2;. ^
A\r i
JV^V\ 'iji'j y\ ex«*-
^. w.V«>_ji\ ^r^ OJ cii:*:

A\r cjC\\ t^\ ^^;

a'^5£ ^ ^
An cYY\ <t5j^j
-^^ a: t^
A* • '
c;!*'' a; ti-r'r

o'\l t cr--^^^
^^ 'J^J Oi-^^^ ^^^ Cf- t^
A <

li?^ l/. c^

\r. <^. <ro ^

J,J^* cf. v-
rvA crvi-ry^ ^rvr ^ny cr.t cd)\l\ aj^ ^, j^^
A^% (A^O CA^\ C \A1 C4^ ^; aJj

Tot. ( A.w«
j^ v—-.*^

•^ i (4^1J

iS ^

"^o '
TA ^
ry!" -

Al ^
JVa^: JV^V

ooA iVA iT\ <

-ry i>: ^i-*^.

1 1
\ ( 1 o \ <
oy l

r \ \ ij^ ^. ^s-}\ Jut ^V. _^\

A»j£ c/.-^l jj\^ j^\ ^j ^<4 <.

C? fy^'J ' »^ «
AJW^ jy\ ^^^^3 \y\

____^^ '
^^ '

AM cy'\A cV\A cYoA i^r\ c^r^-VTl i^uAo>(j:i^

A\r (c5-^y\
ri\ cAiU Jup ^^. -^i^

vn cy.i ^y.A tllY (^ o^ c^:AJVsa1[^

Til c (5-i-'V\ U- ^ jJ-i Ji^j _^\

^K\ i(t^j) <il-i ai-^\ S'T^

A., ^ni ^rw ^r\r MIA Mi^ c^^^ o^ ^i.^^

i'\n (l\o (ill c^Vj o^ ^CrJ

A.^ (
j\£>^_yJ\ V9_ji\ _^\

Vol '
J-^ a^ ai^
Wo *L5\_j j^y^ ^-^9

1A ^l5\^

A.L^ .\ 4j ' ^ ° "^ ' -^^

j^i f-^Tj **•;*' '-=-^:

TA ' "^
^^ 0-!

l^V c^ry^ ( o\-i


'\A cV\ cVA iV\ i\A o_^ft.

\ ly £
^ Jc ^; siy
0*^1 (o'\o coil ijy\ t
(li^-^jy^) ti^-iy^y

yio c liiL c

Ar c A \ ' dJuUw jj.) K^cJ.y>

o^lJAw, C*?-iLfb

(00^ i oir con (ory con co.a ^iiv c^-yr c^^ /''^y

cA.y tA. \ (yt\ wi. aii a\l coA\-oyt ^oyA ^oyo

» oyy c
\j ^^^
\o c

^'ii c \\o c \\i cry c

\ "lA i
j^" ^yj^

^°"l 'Jit"*' '" L-jlJA

oil iOi. ^0^"^ (O^A i^Via ^\ ^. ^^j\jA

Air ^^^\ w.tL ^ ^\..V^ ^ j.Ujb

^TAi crA^-rA\ ^rv^ ^ryr iXo\ cr.i cd)\l\ a.^


\Y. 't5-j^ jWr 'J^*

\y"i 'ru-j J^Vs (J:ifc

Ary ((i^>i-^
c^.y-^.r (^. .-r'ly ^rvv^r.! a'tA '\^. ^m ^-^4^^^ o^jVa.

(A^v 'A.^ 'yii 'Yio cyoi (yoA ^^n ^^\i c^i \ ^^.a

oAy t^v^ o'--^\ j^ o'- Jjj^

\yy (
^"ij {^^\) ^ J*~-

0^1 t \ TA M rv ( vJV^- -l^ ^ c


\ oy < ^^c>^ ^yl

I AiVfc

roA io^j- ^. (i^

. ^\A c^\y tL5-v o^ («:V.^ oi "^^ ^

\iy (

\Ar ^ \yi ^oW*

( r ( 1—i—Vw^S
^.-x\^ j^ -J.)
Jcv^tf cy- jy'

o't^ ro'\r c o\\ ijj\ ijjjy

o'\o <jVw_^i

1.1. < 1 ^ . i
j>]yj^ t>Owt^i

A. ^ iWX M 1-H o \ oU ^. oh^y

\o\ cAY i
n. cj,\j\^ ^j\ ^, ^y

rro i
ij-ji C-.-0
'J..JP' Jiy- *\

oAA t
t5\S^. ^y>\ j^^j (5V3y>

"lo iTi ^r^^ J->

A^r t yo't ( ^. r-v-. . T'lA i rny < «uAc> ^ (5^V*

11 io\-i'i cii cr\ ^ojj^*

y^ .V3\ J JWl/' c^.^-^s

o"\r c ooA (j^

AW- i^\^> ^\
ny i^^-'

yor c^l. n^. ^\n iA\ i^. (TA-rr cT\ cW i\A c\


A\A 'v^r*'^ '

jVAv, ^y>

VA^ i ^o . i f iA i ^iy i
jX'^ Jt*^^ a*.
-^^^ o^ v^ O".
ry ( X^ Qi j-^y

lyr-iy. ciio ca^\ •jJi;\;\ ^^^

oUjU- ^. -^.^j^^y

lAr i dL\:\ (
^.Ji\ ^y

Ail (jT Ji^\^y

yt^ '
j*>^cri^^ ^y
A^O ^

111 c ivJ* c^i-vil jy

A\ \ < "loV ioA\ (.

iS"^ oi"^^ -^
O^Y CjJ.. ^;^ J.;l(> ^v^;
-X>j£ ^;;.lJi\

oil (
^\^ '
Oi"^^ f^
lYl c
^\ Q>^\ ^\kj

o'\i 'iPj oi-^^ "^^j "^^l?^ c>! (>:r^ oi-^^ f^

\V ilA. illA 'ilV ^lio-11^ <11\-1K"1 cA ^^\ ^
VIA io\t

An c
^^^j- J^
Ari i^ ij^
roA cTol ^ri. M^Y i(5jU:3V^ ^i.» ^: o^

ri. ^rri c \YA 'o> Oi o^

\A. 'o^ Cf-

\11 • Uiui\ *
(J •^' «.2-«.*-^'

^A^-U\ c^iy '^11 (^11 '^i^ '(iV-\- J-«-\ ^ A*-\

^. ^.^

A. o i
(5/*^^ -^^ o^ J^**"*^ .^r^ ^^

A\ *\ '
j\^ '
(3UU. _^^

A^l ^ TAA c TAl c TAo c TAV ^ X KT ijC^ ^


IV^-iVr (V-on i^oi c4;^\ jVbL ^ A\i\

^.ji ^Vf-
^. ^ _^A

Al. (j^".* i^\ '^j^\j^ Qi, j^ y\

1^1 i i^A i ^oA i ^ol c

c5L>-^^-^ ^.^

A\ \ i cAU\ ci^ c/. -^^ -^ a'.


o^ o/j^ o;
-^^^ **^
io'x. i a5-\ ^.-vi\ s^

lYA iy\ c
c^<jI\ ^. iv^t ^^ _^.\ ^.>^\ ij^
K'u\ L^^y. oi-^^ '^j^

^^ 9jrTj
'iyr (iy. ^^s^\ ^^. -C^ o;!^ ^--^^ '^

\. A-1. 1 '
c5^-> J^^ Oi-^\ S^
-, ill iLS:>^M oi-^^

00 c
jL">\j ^yi-^^ Jf-

Ail cAM '

J^j>^^ ^^^^\ o--^^ y^ a'- ^ Cr! Jp ^-^ o^-^^

A^o tb'^_y.
L^\ AJ^ ^.Si\ >i

AiV a\ \ a. 't
't5-o>^^ jViiW
^IW ^f
VAt 'YAA cc^^oi^^

"M <f ^j 'To ^A\i\
Ari c
jVajV^^ ^j^ v.-wjf

orr (o\y io\o co\i.c i\> Qi ^ftiiw ^, ^^Jii^u^ ^1 j\j^

oAo C
oJ>\jA\-i (.j>-a^

'\\y C
^J- villi-
Lj^ y\
AU ^.1 (A.y a."\ cVAA iot, i^y.-nn ^t^-C^^ *^c^ <^^

An oi ^v. <

An ij^/-^ ^•^'^

Ill i

f^\^\ _^A
^JT, J Jc ^: ^-pV;

^ Cr: O-^ Cf- Jp a-' Cr^ "^ ^^


^At ( CroS^-. ._^«] (

Oi-^^ ^^

lAr t
o^j\ ^ Cf^\ > ^r^ £
OjV^ O'--^^ v^^'

o\y c^j,y cf.^\ J:^ c;^ <^^^ 0'-^\^'^^'

yit '^V.

yon <
^J\ -^ cf. ^^

r^i MU Ml. c lor.^ liy ^t5^Vf

1. <r\
\l0 A3\ ^ JW^\ CL^^^
___ .
— 7

. Air cAi. <^^.-^rA Aj^ ^i ^sr'_ps

r \ . i -^^
^ <

i"ir t^^. c^ro ( 4iAr> j^ j:>\^> c^.y

ir^ tir. ti\n ii\y ^^j^\ cfj cy. ^-y. j^ y^ ^j-^^ -^>
aJlW^j jy\ ^^^^ \ii

^YAi 'Vll 'Vl^ 'VoA 'o\i (V-. .-ril ifiA t-uic* ^


A^l 'VIA
Vol i
jVaL- ( P-Vsff' oVZ
^1 (5-^*

o \ A clSJ^ (5-^i*

IVY ciyo co\iV, ^. j\^.

AA oVvi* i

Ar'\ iA\~i i^^^c

A.i ^ry\ cm co>^ ti^ ^y. ^*

0.0 (O.i ( dJL.\:;\

(.Ju^^^ ^y, ^>j ^y. -^j-^^*

0.0 (^Um3 ^iL« \

J » J y»

yof ( o\r I'lS'y

\"\f AlWj ^\c>^)\ ^^^y^

AW c^n^

A. . '
A^\ oi "^^ J^" ^^

for c
J^^\ -LP-
^. Av^ ^^. jy^sX^

Yoi-Yii 'Yi\ iYri ^Yfo ^Yrr

ill ^

o^r (.

J^ jy- y^

oAi < oA^ '

e3\/>\«i ijyi y^'

coYI-oYA 'oYY coYI co^. coTt (^Yf ^o^ ti_^ Cf- ^ f^

Ail cAi\ 'oA.

Afi 'ol^vT^ ^ o«^y*

iTY ^^'^r ^^^iVs c/!>=ry-
\A\\j JW;)\ .^^^9 \-\r

ril ((i-ii>\ lAJ\ ^_ j^C

4^ y\

^ry (V'To t^n c-ulo. ^^^^c^

oyo (.j\z. i

\iy C(5;U« Cy. j^"

A ^

4.; '^yr ^r-^y crt"\-rt\ ^ri. ^tav ^^^Ac> o^^^


^rA t
t^y;*- j_^«aA»
\^\ aJ\ j jw:j\ ^j

'^^^ ^^^
A^i^OiAUVoiv-^^-J^;^^- C^e.-?^^ '(^-^^

A\t cU. Oi^\ ti-^j


Art iiSM\ Ji*f-^ Ol-^^^ ^\^

1^ . (
jVtt^ ^. Aw»i Oi-^\ ^^\^
^ CH ^9 dAl*

0^0 c o \y c
Oi-^\ ^V. ^*

tioT-io. ciil-ii^ ^n. ^^o\ c

^\ O'-

'0.1 clAl 'iA. iVt

c^-V 'A.o cYol 4o\n co\A

AW iAlV tA\o

11 r cii\ cjW j^ c/-


ly. ciiA iill ceUSo- ^. A»j£ ^ ^_^ cy-

^lo ( oViXU ijj ^_^v^ ^^.


lt\ il'tr iL$jj^^ oU.ilU- j^U (j^ "^

^\^^\j jy\ ^^^^9 \1.

(A.I 'A.o ^YVA-YYi co\. a\i n^-V-^l ^1>

f ^

Air cAi.

rry c \^. ^^^j^Io

^. (^.. ^rni
i^\ cy}

\ 1^ M ly (

yyt (yyvti\Ac^ii ^nv c^^i-vu <<4> ^ j^-^^t-
^ ^-

Tor (ci:_j^V\ J/"-

ry i
JVxjft ^y^ J\J^
oyo i oyr i

YA i u-X-^

lyy i-\o\ (UY ai.-m ^o.r (o.\ i^j^\ diu

y . o ( Ju~< i
iS^ji ^j^ Oi-**' Oy»-»

oA^ (.

'^''\^^ o*--^' Oy-*

lAo 'iAi 'tS^^^'l^^. Oi-^i Cr^

oM. i
j^^c, i>--^\\ ov*-*

*\A"l i lo . i "W ^ (
(5:>>. Oi-^\\ oyi-

lAr c
J>i^ crJ^ .1^
y"\. ( OJ^kA ^y\

Ai"\ i fol ( Too M'l^ t \Ao I \Ar t \ir l^^ ^y, oj^
Li\ J ^}\t>j^\ -r^^^9 I oA

cfio cTt. iT^'x crn-r^r ^r^» ^rro-rrr ^rr.

r\ \ cvxo ivw ivw ^roy-roo
r"ir c "uAs I
-^iji Q> ^;jVji*

ry t '
>-r-^* (^ -^ jd o* '
^ j^

Al. c^yo i^^i-^n iVTo t^.y ^r.y c^j4£> cyu.

iy%\ cyiy c^r\-^iy c^\^ c^\o c^.i, cV.y c^\^

AlA i A^l

yy^-yy I i ii^ ^ u. ^ ^yA c ^v-a-^v-o ^

^ c Xuii*.

c^yi i^yi c^yo ^^^y c^^o-v-^^ tvro ^r.A ^^^ c^s^

A.y ^yiA cyyi ^yyr ^yy\

i^r c\^. Mri c,-,l;jc JL9t«

yii ^
j-^jjj^ Ji>^ t>i ^j^*-
«»— :

c^^j 'ilA i^il i^lA i*i^; c/.

-^^^ ^"^
i^^j\\ j»j>

lAr (. oVi
^^-lAii OiJkli j*^
o 1 1 <
j^-uaJt* j^. jjw ^ ^\ A\ii ^;;i.Al j^\
Aro (n't (iiA ((^S*^

\ FA (^^>t* _^\
^o, i^i,^ cyiVU y\ i
i}a^j^ ciW -^*- y} 0-' 7^

ai^ciir ciU'in ci^^ ar\ arA an-in ^oU >k-

111 c^oo iloi clor-lo. ilil tlio

A.i ' t5-^-> ^liii\ _^:\

VV Y '
t5^y j-"'^

i.\o i 1 \ i (
oy V i^; ^*ia-*

Af o ( viAi« 4
O'--^ '

oTo clYA tdL\;\ (^U ^ -C^ ^; cvi^j\ oiJ»i^ >ii^

A^i c
Jjy-j\ ^^ 0'.^\ >k.
0^0— O^V (Oi-^\ *-->ia3
^ ^\:2" Oi-^W ^iia-

y I o i^Y t
/i-\ ^>v^ oiJ^^\ j^

A.Y iYlA cotrv^^ f^^ ^^^ -^ ti^^ >.^

1^0 '^Jj '

OiJ^^ J\r' JU\ _^:\

ilA c
^\ii JU\ _^\

i lY^ ^ \Y. ' \l~l c \-\r MoA c \iA ^ ^ry (jU^ t^\ ^ i.^V*-
c^ 'M ^ Ifrj
'Vor (^

r o^ (
-\^\ ^ji j^j^

riA-rio (Tr. iV\. i\\\ ijy.j ^y.


ry\ i 'Uxi,
^i 5jyi« ^ fc-T^ia^

yoy MTA Mry c^W.

A\ ^ a. i < yAr-yA. ^ o n ^ ^o . -via '^

^4=- ^'

\ 00 .a\^jw:)\o_>

cilA-ili (11^ (lot (ioA c V"lo ^ eUSi. ^ 1^ ^ ^y,^

0.0 (iAi (lyr rivi

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J— •

TA^ ijji>-\

AW iA\. cA.- cy\.
i^''\ ^r^\^ ^cr^\ y^ '^^ ai i—
roi l\JU-\ L-.

ril i
d^y^\ jy cf-
"^^ -^ }^ y^

\\. (TAV-rAl (TA. (^yi (^j^\ w-^V^ (^*-Jl ^:S^

^ y\
^ir (f'^A Tti-
TAr (TA. i ryn ^ ryA ^ ryi ^ d)^\ ^ ^.i
r"\\ c5y' *^>^ ^. >«**

rot (ToA c^yjs- ^ L^

\0\ k
(J_^*-; ^^j "-r^J "-T**-'
Oy ^^* f

A\. iA.A iioi (^11-^1. i<uAc> c^^ku-

oA. iV'yV'— ^V\ i-^Uo- c.,A*i-.*

yy. cvrt-^ry i.^^ ^c^—

yAy ( orr c ^ly-vio ^ 4jJa> l


An ;yi. (orr ^oti ^^yi-ry.

i.A ii.i ^nV-

Ail o^-^jV cr*V
YVA ; iU _y W J^y^

oAr c^ ^J^j*

An t
j^jjb\ j,/\ ^ 5>

r^i ^o^ a^ a-' *>

ni-n^ ^roy ^roi ^r^\ cW't. ^ \ir-\t.

c^\ ^. o\^^
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\ r .
i^jj ^^i .^. '

A. .
cj^ o'- ^^
^) ^^^^ O--^'' ki^Vi^ <\ ^ 'r^j '• 9^'\A*« Oi-^' W--.W9
j^i ^^v^


ili-ll^ ^loA cm ^nr coU.<i. ^^: J^ ^: j^,^

to. iii'^ iiiy i oUSlo ^^ o_^%j£

or'\ i^jj '^Wi ^^^

\Ai '.jS' ^\ j^

r \

A ••'(•'' ) ^^\^* ^y^

^ A«
\o\ •Lii\j jWj^^ '^'^j^

t.A« i ouJ Jus ry aXz^Aj^ 1^ eui-Xv^

111 i l5-M£

111 i^\ o_^

t lA. -ivA t ivr ay. i "111 ^ ob (

oi->^\ j^U ^\ ^ (
iV.v iy.\ c-\\\ aio aii air-iA't ^ai ^vai
Yio iY\i cy\r cy\.-y.i
ATo ( d)i« t
(5/.^ ^_jv»*

111 cjy :>^

11^ (
^W j!U a: U^ -^^
l^i <•
oi-^^ c^ ^^j '
cy- ^y^

a\o cA.i 'YAo a.y ^i^o ti^l (i^\-irY ^i.l (i.^

Ai. cA^^arr
iry i oU :>_^»>t

YAl I- o^i ' oV'? iOiJ^\ ^jt c^:\ oVi j_^

irA c^lj-xi^
*^ ^^.

YAl 'irr i<c>\^ ^^\ ,_j11\ i^\ j^ ^ cU j>_^

<ioA ^ioy-ioi ^io^-to\ ^ni ^nv- cn\ ^oUSd-^. oU^
A^V ^Or. L0\\ iO.i,

A-l ^l^r C^V. S.^ y\

A. i ^ Oi-^^ oV/- ^
i^^\ -Vs*

Al . i
(5-J4%J^^ '^'i^
-V ^^^ J^ O"- -^

lAY '
Oy^y- ^>! 'K^
AW ^ m i^rA cojj'^ a'- -^

Ai^ <
t5;_j;W l^^sr ^y. i^S

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AW ^^^\ A>
_ _ ^

A I . ( t5^«^V^\^ i^\j^\ ^\ ^ ^;\

-^^^ o'- J-^ O^ -*^

YYY ( aW\ JuP

jA. J.^ ^ A»j£

for ^t>yi^ ^^,1^

All ctiU^foQ) ^y j>

A • • '
(^^ i^" -^v^

o . o ( ilA i tlY t ^lY t ^lo i oU5d* ^; J^^ Q>, :>y^ ^1 -Xv^fi

A\ . '

^^ ^^ Cr-^^ vrj ^^ o'- ^

(>*'_/« -^v^ ^.^

LA' (5;^- '

c^-'- c/- ^^*-^ <y.

r^A i
iL.- ^ A^
yy^ '
(5j\; j^> -C^ Oi aIW JuP -Cs£ y\

yoA c^^\ ^^\ ^yi ^y<^J\ Jut ^; j,"^*;

ytA (
Jp o^ aU
o^A c
J^V^ ^^\ d\ cy. ii^- oi '^>^

no <nr i
Jc _^.\
c^ ^1 ^^ ^.. Jc ^: iU
yy. (t5-^v^i^ A'- t^c o^. J^vsi

TAl iTA^ ^TA.-ryA c^\^ ^ <\i\ Jus^

^. Jc ^. j.>
yti c u-iUai (^ ^y> J.».5i
\iv .Lji\^ JW;;^\ s^^j^

iry ii\ .
(Oi^\ djU- £Oi->^\ A^^ ^^. j^

Ail '
Oi^\\ ^j i
S^\j J^V

A.'\ iL^;^^ ^.X cy- -^

^FA i5^ ' '
-^.J 'cr:

ly \ I
»\iSyi^ ^; j[U
yoT o^V^, jVUl^ -{Us

yil iiC- c

yyr ^
^sj^> ^\ -^^ ^ J^- -k.^ y\
Tor (Til c
Cf-J^ cf- -^^

TA^ i
J'^ t^^^ i
J^U JtU*

Aiy i
^J^ X^i:

yl^ (oUiUa iU=

.VJ\^ JW;.\\ ,^^j til

Air ^A'*^ i
iSy^^ 'j-'J' i^.x-^* (2^ Ov*^'*" -J*v^ v>

Ai^ i
Oil^i^ iVU ^^ c
^^o^s^^ -xU=

rii i rio £ \ 'XA i^Jc^ cf. -^^^

TAl c
iSj)A^\ J^^^o-
^^l A^
VAo (VAr (lor (4ii\ Aj.& _y\ ((i:j\^ ^_iJ>. ^; Av5£

4li\ A^fr _^\ 4j Cr ^y^j

A^y ( oy^ < ory ( o . 1 c 1 1 ^-i \ . ^ vii ^

oVd^j^y^^- a^
oVy i
J.Jijy- ^J^; A^jsi

yAr jC £
:>_5\^ ^^1 A»js£

yiA ic^\j aU
yA\ i^\ JuP-
_^;\ £t5j^^ Avrf

yiA o^*- '

^J -^^^ ^.^
A\. 'A.- 'Vtt 'VI. '^ci^^ ^:-V^ '^j^^ Jt*^'^ ai J^v^

YY \ c

^Cii\ iiyL J-.*^\ ^. Avi*

YYi i A\i\ A.t

^\ c
j^ Jou«\ ^. A^i

YtA i(i>i\ Av5£

A\^ c^\o i^\'L (^\ \-^.Y c^.i '-^ co^''\ -C«i

iYo-iVr t
iY. .' i"ll ^^4^ o^ ^'U^

r . 1 ^ r . r ij\.'. aU=

orr-or \ ^ ^iy ^
-^^^ ^^j^ a: ^'»^

A- •
CjV-ijil ^y Av^i

I'l't c \n"\ ' I'll ' \A1 i

\Yr (^ ,i\ cy.

oA"l c oAi c oA^ (

Oi-^^ ij-^ '
Ot-^^ *V- Oi -^*^

UA c "liV '
^1 J^'vJ*

ilA-ili (lt.I^^ w-.y c

jl> ^ji"^ aW

i\ 1 ii.t '(vii:^) di^ Av5t

YU-Yn cY\r c^.\ c

JU^ A>
A\ \ i A. 1 i V-Ao ( A '
^SJ^\ jijt cf-
^ 1\ i r . (
3-^^ ^«^^ a; ' -^^

\\\ i^ jjor ^! 1^
^TY ic5^ >«»?- o; -^
Ai \ i
Jc _^:^
(5/*^ -^^

i-W col col i^-\ cT. Ml MA Ml M. (t-
c^_5:i\ cj[L«=

Mv^ Mvr MiY ciii Mio-irt cirv- Mrr Mil M.y

Tor ^rrA-rM ^r.v-r. \ Mn't ^ i-^^-iaa c lAo-ur
i^ri(^\o cT'io cm. ^TAv cry. ^nr ^roy cToo crv\-

io\^ co\r io\. ciir clot ci. \ (^o. c^^o-v^r c^ro

yot cyoy-yoo cy^r cy.. ciyA ao^ di't d.r coW
cAio cAiy cAir cA.A cyty cyAi cyyAcyyi cvw cvw-
J.4^\ 4j.
^ 9frj 'AoT cAo. All cAlT
lir iiy. cvilb\ iU=

TA^ <c?-C^ J'^-i ciUs_^\

oyi c
jVbL c-Cj«

A. .
LjyjOM y\ C
(5y>J V\ J.?-\ ^. J.»js£

yyi < t^:>^-xi>

^ aU= _y.\

yAr c^Uil _^\

J^- i>:
^^ aU^
^yo c'v-yi c^ftlis. ^1 4u\ Ju.&
^^; ^fcVU ^_ xs-\
^. j[U=

yyi c
,^u«i\ _^.\
^^ -Cs*

A. A 'oi-^^ ^^ '-

iS'-^^ (ijUa.*^! J.«^\ ^: -Cjsi

VVy c
(5^.^ ows- ^ -Cs= a; -^^^ -V^ yS
ro^ c(?)o^^L ^ j^\ ^^. A>
\i^ ^vii\^jw:j\ vr

Tot i.j^ Q>.


li^^J^i oilW J^
IIV ("loo ((5-^^^ Oi->»i\ -^
All ^ci^A? J..> o-aW a<
lor c io \ c ilA ^
t^ Jwiii\ _^.\
d)\i\ A<

oAl < oAi c^^ji clXi\ J^

Ar o t
j^ j^
ill o^j^ l^ ^
OiJ^^ -^
fol (j\;o^ ^_ v_j_;U

A. I '
jVbi^^ aU ^ Jl<-\
^U\ _^.\

ni i(j^<
lAi i^^i*^ cy^^
\.1-\.A M.l JU (

rio £
£U _^\ c
^^i^\ J\a\a

\A\ c \Ti ciSjy. (5y>V-

ill 'I c1\l ill^ '(^^ C;i j^^* c^: ^^^ oi -^^^ Oi-'^i^ jA-*

I't. aAr-iro an-ir.

1 11 c
^W i;;; j^j-i^ai* ^;;J
A^jtf ^y_ji\ jJLa

oyy (lA. ieUS^U

y. . ail a'l I at .
cTxy c iii ^^^ ^

o "^y «—'V^-^
1 c
"^o^ '
e\-i^j V''

AT o i
iSj^ oVdo jU*

riA c^^\
Ail cYtA iVVl iVYA cUy-ni c'uAc* c

A ^\ «

\^. i^, lTo

A-A-A.i iVit iory i^^r c^ry-^r^ c^ ^.^
lyo-iy^ i lyi-ii't i^Jo (^.) Ji-

\"ir Mir Mor ^ IIY iAi>

AiA t iiU

AiA cl\i ^U^ .^^.p

/^^. o\^

m ^ I'll <.
\1^ ( \At ^>^\ viJiiU

VIA (Vol c^.r ^roi L^\ ^, dAiU

yl^ (^L:> v£)]U

^\i ^<iVi ^\u

Ail Mo \ i
(5^-^i ui_jp ^^.

Vll (YAo i^.jj dilU

\.A M.y (^ ^ dilU

IIV Mil (0^._^-. (^v^)


(^\y-^i\ i^\.-^.A (^.i (^.r ^r.i c vii ^^ cj_^U

Air <A. \ (VoY (t-y^ (^lA

^r I < "Ujic* ^Ji\^ uy-ii i^;iu3V\ O^^

'Ui\^ jy^ 0_^9. u.

oA 10. itr i^y iVS i


rrv' i(jjL^\ iU _^.\

r^y (
(ijUii\ J^\ y}

"W clA iVA

i^ o^
nr c 11^ '--^^.^

lA^ < ur L\y\ ^jjj^ )) yS

for <iv- 1^\ ^. viJ

vvt' tjV\^ ^iV

1^ '(Ja5_;U
\n »Uai'
J uWy\ c*-y^9

1 r ( :>^-xi) ^ i
to '
crH cT

of \
(J^*^ y.' V

oil 'ur^.^ >^

A^AcYir (llAto'\\-oA1 tooo ioio ^o^^io^r (•c}e>^\ ^,y\4
lAo ( oUJ\cJu- Oi-^' Crj l/- ^J^
AFA ^yor (Hi. ^ryt ('\o-'\^ 'erjV- c^.^j-^

ArA ^yof (loy i-^o ai (^U5^

lof ("\o\ (^ '^j^ Cf. "^V*^

^jlo. ii_^'u cf ^j 'O^^ t5^J\ a: 0^ "^


"ly. c^\ i^J^

oyA ( oyi ( ^yr JU c5\:^\ c/.

0^=^ ^^
A \ f.

lyr-iy. caI^ ^: .i*^^
J jW-j^' '^^-^y^^ lU
\ ry ( \ ri -oVT

Air £oA o^^^

VIA aj-^^
1. ^1. (^v (^\ ^rv en ^0^
o r o . < ^y.\ i
\. 'J/

11 A e
ItV 1 110 cd)iu

11 ar coy ^j^/*
yoi (j.::y^c> oj-^^

jW c^U\> ^ c^yr-j iory (1A1 eiii cjV:^\> cj^jf

\.. eiA ^u^jy

oyo ,^f^f
or^ C oil (
^.\ £^y ^, -C-rf .^^j ^y^ ^ i\^oj^
i^\^ ^y, ^f
A\ i.J>f

A. 1 jUi ^U
J^\ (?) ;f:' ^, ou/) ^U/
\^Y *lJi\
^ JW;)\ .^^

ilA <
u^> \^j y} '^j^\ J\r
Afi i
d\i^\ j!r*^\ Oi^^ J^
Vli HAI aY\ it^-M-j Oy-^ C/^^ J^T

-WA i aU\ ^iiai oi-\i\ J\r

iio i
jjw j.> oi^\ j\r
in IA.J

io. (lit £(V5_^/) ^^J"

oil ijJ\ iiSj\:>^


AY i

A., ^yi't ( J*~.

^ i.^5 (jL5Cl\

\ i r i

A\A ilA-lo an c^^-^ViiT

rn ^ni ^r\. i lyr ^.^

Tor £
(5^jV\ ^Ij^ ^2^
1^0 Vwil .
(J'^J^' ^.i-«Vt'

if, J

00 1(ifj
'Jj'. "^-y

A'l c
AA c

ot^ iO'\A io:>\yb\j.


oyy tV5_^. ^; di5^

r \ A ' A-^ ^^^*^ y.


VYA (^ ^\ iCr i

oA. 'v^v^ i
C^ y «_^^

\u c^ ^. i^\j:}\ -^\
\ . , i <»iUj

ii\i^ 'AY

C^^j i

Tot. ^(^jji»\ i--oVJ\ ^y (^J

r ^A ' «VAoaJt*<9
^_ jj^ji

r^A i -wic>
Qj (j*j

r^A cj Ad\ JuP ^v^i ^J^

A« 1 ^
^^i^^W ^^^.^
1A c 1 1 c "li i
p^ ^^^.vaJ
lAr t
^-^1 3*'' ^ 9^ ^r^

ill ^y\\ i J ^

\r. cTo ^ri i^;;\xJ

\ ^^ • V3\ _j JW^^ *i*-^

VIA '(t5^V^) tr^ J^

lAr ^iA\ ^oU- cr.

^ lit '-r-=r^

ill ^ d)\l\
iy ^ _^.\
Q>j\\ ^y

iir aAY tiAi 'iir a©, c^j^ ^^U .--s^U i^-tf ^.ai\

°A. t
^JuaU< ijj-^y
J ^\>:)\ ^j ^r

i^r art cviiu ^oij]\

"TVi '
j)A i s-' !^ r-'^' j)A Cf' cf-

io. £
Jyl J^ju«\ ^2/.-^^

y.o cy.^ 0^-^j^ '^\f^ cf- o^U^ oi"^^

ill (
^^\,iiu- ^.ai\
\ 111 d

lly iiro c 0^0 c^J^J^^ q,jS\ J^^o. ^^. jV^ eU ^.ai\ v_JtL9

o'\l ^
(5j^JV- C/-*^^


^lA ' ^ly oV ai^^

^yr c
ci^/'oi^^\ >_-Ja9

I'^'w cnA cno-^i^ cm io\z^jjy. 1^ s^^\

iry ( eU c
3_^v^ ^2;.ai\

iAr c oU^-U ^. j\\

Ifl Ul ^ JW;\\ ^^

oy\ c
J\c> is\:^ ^ ^2jM* ^^ y^y V;^

rVA (
^j^ Oi-^^ >ii^ fl^

ay. (i"iY aro (orvciio ti^ir-iAn <i\\ <o^ l5^\>

A^y i lYA c lyo c

ly^ L 111 (/Aii\ ^ ^^^} J^
oVA <y>\i^ 4\ ^ J>
oio ( oil c ol\ c ol. <
u_iL-^\_>fl> ^2;.. J_^

yAl ^ A <
j«>-U\ ^\ ^
i^A i
tij>^:^ olr^
rr\ iTio (Ti. Moy Mry ^;^5

ly i i
c9^V9 i
Oi-ii\ s-^
oAl coVt-oVY i
JU (t5^9) ^li

oil iS^

rV'A ^
(5jV^V\ jW ^; 5^1x9

~\X o i
^Ji.c^.y^ Cf- u^'^ Cf- 0^^ "^ Oi~^' '^-r-^ "^^ 0^ r^

*\. \ i eUJ«lx9

lA. ^i^'t ^^00 ^

J;t\^\ ^^ ^>iy

lYi c iyo c
iyr ^ AA ^s^, c
c>y^ "^^^

A^'t ( ryy c ryi c ry^ c ryr ^ .U. ^; 1,3

n cry cj^
TAl c
jVU ^.>i ^: ifWi

1. .
£^:>V^- \J

it. clAo c^^W \^

^^\ <A\i\ JuJ^
^. ^\i

ivi ^lif ^iir ti^y (^>v o! -^jj^

Air <Ai.

YoT ( 1 lo-\ \i cjjj^ y ^li

A\. CA."1 iA.i i^lO (^0^-^0\ LiA^ (4\]l.

\ lA- «
-Verr- '
l.-t ai ^lY 'il 'CL?j^

lA^ c^ylwU
^yo (.JY^ L^\a

r . "I C Js>V\J\ (J^y> ^-.^ i


VAr c
(5^^\^ -^vJ*!^
(j> ^y} f\^\ y\

oTA ^il't ti'\o ii-^i c^^,ji\ C.W £

Jj^jj jyi\ ^\ii\ _^.\
\ rv kVJi\
^ Jic/)\ cu«^

lor i sii\l\ J^ i
Jvi J^\ ^.\

An ^^.o (t.i ^j5^^ ^ ^^ J^

11 r I IV'V' i
e_^KlL: <i^^
y\o c yil c
^U ^2;-. Jr^

LSjijy Ja\j 4.^

An ^
ji,> J^

r \ \ M rv c dJiiU ^^

A. (^Vj ^2^ j^^

ni ^y^Ji C;; j>;o

^vt c
ivA '-M- <ob>^
\.v civ- ^o-j^o-; J^.^

lot c
w.'\^^^.ai\ Jo^
yor ^ooA aw ^ty an ^A ^o^^.J
yn f
^ oj-^i>
r^y i
Juj.s^ ^2^
VAo <
d^j £>i\ ^.^

Al o £
(ijjj r/^' ^.^

Arr £t^^

An arr cau ^yao a\i t^ov ca c^j-j^^

Tot (
VA (
TAI ciY ^io-i^ c^ ij/i/
A.l ifj^-^. ^\ y\

;liy (n. «UA cUY c^oi oC Oi 'Jp ^^j-^^ J-

(^.^ <a^ji\
A.Y (irY-irr tir\ ^ir.
Ai. Ci^ y} i<\jj\\Ji

Ai. cAV"\ i
J_^j_^i« _^.\ aVjjJ^ J^
AiY '
oV,^^ -^'> '
O*.-^^ J^
t.A~l ' lAo Mi>^ Ju)u«
(5>.v^ ^yj^ "^^^ OiJiii ^
Air (A^i 'i_yi-*
J^^^ Oi3i\ J^
oAl ^t>:i^\ oiJ^\>

o .
Y i^ y\ Oi-ii\ ^i^

lAr (

^\ ^ oioi^ ^ii

Arr ti\^«^ oi-^^-/^

ArA ^\ J.

^ ^.!li\

An j\^oi^^^ ^

A. 't a. A i
iSj\J\ Cf^-^ o'- J" cf. ^ cy^^^ J^
Arv toAA-oA"\ ilAo (
jo_j^ i
J_jw- 1^ o'-^^J^
irv a\ .
icj'-^\ Juij cy- ^^ oi^^ ^^
ir . i oUiU- ^^.Ji\ ^>\ai "'>]:/>• Cf-
-^^ Oi-^^ ^^
Y.A cY'O (oUj\cL Qi^\ ^_Ja5 ^; ^_^ ^y.ji\ vijViP

lY.-ilA coUSl. ^>i ^^ ^:;> oi-^\ d.U

\"\o cY^^ iiSy-^ u^j^ cy)

r.A 'T.r i\\\ ( loA Moo c\^\ ( \u Or-^ -^. '^^^

iV-. ^TY

^ oiji\ jVft^. 4.
cf ^j ^yijj '^--^^ oV/.
A- A ^Y\K tVAV i-^W ^.\ caUc q>.
S^ <
J<> ^;;\jlc
xf 'tfrj 'O^ ob^

•\.t cdiU (Oi-^\ ^U;

ofA io. I

•'W\ '•J^^ '(ir^ Cr.-^^^ ^Vi?-

1^1 <.
(0 dLo\ ^U oi-^i^ ^\(j^

ill ;oU cr.^\ djVji^

yir a-ii at\ i^\ O^ oi^^ ^^i^

Afo (1\\
lAl-lAr io^j\ ^ oi^\> oi '^^-^Oi^^ ^V
lAi oU5^4i^ji\ *:iic
^^. ij^^^ cf^\ ^u

A. A i^s'-JJ^^ LsjCa^\ J.s-\

^ aU= ^.ai\ ^U
Vol iVlo nSjiiiAA -X4^\ jV\aL ^^; ciUt ^y>J^
^^. (o\y.^ -r^^ 't^

\y\ ig^- ^^f ^^

riA £ nV (^J ^;;;)

^^ ^_5H^

rvi (
Ji*- ^. ,^

A^i t
ti\/'^ ^^
in ci\ (n <<j^

^o-t. (oAr^oo-icoii ion co^^ (lAi ciii ^iri £0^ ob^

AU au air cA-i iVi^ (Vir an aiA ^oto-oti
ill ( vlU- <

£^ oi v^lW

(^/J *\i\ xp ^ ^W 4.
^ '^j Mil c^/J cJlc
^\ A.
;} U^j 'AV'V (Ov-'- a*. ^>^ cf- tl^ ^^ ^^ '
-^^ Oi^

1.1 (-Crf Oi^^ ^i^

i1 ^lA ^
J^ oi pJ=-

TA c

r^y ^jesJVl dilU ^. ^y.

U-^ ^(>«r a;) ^^ -^^^ OJ o^

M.^ iA. ^yA ay tio-n to'^ ^oi ci\ ,r^ ^n-n ^^^va?.
MYi c \Y^ c IV. (tin Miy Mil ^J^l^ cr: u^^^^ (a;) jA
crn ^riA ^r\i cr.\ cWa mii-u^ mai mao

A. A 'To. (
J^s^ ^ j^

\io i
j^ ^. ^^


TAo i
8_^^.^ij« ^2^ j^/^
<rvi-rYA ^rvv ^ryi ^ry. ^rti Mil ^y-ij^\ ^ o'-J"

A. A ^V-^r i^^l cTAI

111 <loA iOt''^\ -% ^. J-

ivr ( cx-^X -Aj^ '

y^ ^
I At t(?):>W ^^. y-

yyr ^ :>^3o ^j^b-

y\ ^ L^ c/- ^^
rir ^
'^^jVs.a ^_ -x.ji 1^, i^
in ar ci. (ir ^o^^

rvy ic;w5>. ^:^. ol^

11 ^J- i

\11 (^l> .JU^U

11. .^^
yii ij^ y\
r^i Miy Mil i li^ '(i5v^) t5^ 4^ ,>., j^«^

A.O i]^\iC\ y^ Oi J^
\\y • U-jJl •
ij • ^ \Z.'.My^

ool (000 (
i^,JuI *U«:> (, cfX j^
ooT (.
>-^ ^

c \t'\ c lu i \^i ^
\ry c iri a\ a. c^\c> cji^\ ^^j-
i\K\ MAo-wr Myi My. Miy Mil Mo\ mii
^rn cru ^r\y cr\o-r\t cr\. nit mii m-^.-ua
tfoi (for ^rit (TiA cTiv cm cr^o ^^'^^ ^rry ^rn
Ail cAU cA^o (A^r ^yn io\^ coir ^ryo cToo

Ail i.
Cf-^ ^^ j^ J" '

00 C
Oi-^^ f^-*^ ^
S-'J-^ (Ji-^^ U^'^ J^
yoi cyo. c^^V^. ^^
Air C
O'-'J'i^ *V.sM>. cyyi^ '
L5J^>r5r«i ^^
rio I.

j<^\ _y_\
^\ ss- ^_ jS-
.VJ\ ^ Jl^^ ^y^ 111

0^1 (.j^ Oi-^\ A«^

oiy ^
jU- dE\ -% ^.j\\ :>\^

Ar^ «
j.^ oi-^^ -^^^

Alt c iir ^ 111 i

^^v^ ^:^.
ji\ j^c

oil iij^y. Qi^\ ^\?

i'tA cjijj c di\l\ A«^

rry ^^C^

yii cfi^ (
\An Myi iyJo oi jCp
Fil ^ti^i ^ ^VvP

^^ Alii JuP. ^
J^^yrj ^J- cf^

K\Y i^\s- ^jA ^^ ^

yio cj=\i\^_^\
Oii i
Jij55i\ ^
^y^^\ io\i, i^w i^,y iT.y cV.-\ cv.o A^J\ ^^y> ^. Jc
An a^o

vn c^ tic

i\^ (i\. ii-l i

^W ^Ji^ ^;;.;

\."\ i
c5ji^ iJ^^ oViAc

vrr cYi^ (tiW^ oW^

A^Y c ill ^
oW -^^J^^ ^^

A^A 4 -X4^^
o-"-^^ -^^

Y^o iY.r a^r ^^^^ J«^^ o; -^ o; -^^^ i>--^^ -^^

o^A o*^ <4^ Oi oW^ '^--^^ "^^

I'll i
lS-^J 0'.^\ ^\S'

AU i
ci^j Oi-^\ A«^
Vol OlyjTjc

Hy (^Virf ^i Jc^\

yyA '
-^^^ oi -Cs£
Jc _j.\

r.i C^V; -Xv9£ ^ Jc

yyA ^
^:^-.«^\ y\ c
t^^^-^ j1^ i>f f\p

yu ^
c5^^^\l\ .^^ ^. A> ^^ 'Jc

i^\<S\ ^y ^. Jc ^. iv5= ^. ^
Ai \ (
lSja*>- ->-«^ (jc _^.\

yyA i
i^\ ^\a_^\\
^ -Cjfi J^ _y.\

Al . ^ ^Ao i
^^ Avst ^ J^iS ^ _^_\

yit id-y- ^y>. Jc

\ r \ c
i/f..^ ^ y\
A. .
i(?)^^ ^ Jc
lyo aiA ai^ ^^\ ^viiu j>
W^ •Li\^ ^\:>^\ .z^j^

^\\\ MAAMA"\-\Ar MYA cWr'MlV Mir Mot MoV

tTTA ^rry ^rrr cr\t-r\Y 'r\r ^nr ^r.o (r..-nr
<^\r cTAr ifoo (To. cri'\tri"i-rii cri\ ^rn ^rvo

<Yi^ 'YoY 'Yo"i ail an corr ^irr tir\ c^ii c^^y

Aiiaio a^'t an-AV-i

^AY ^
L>^^ J'^ ^\

A.i— A.r ^
Vwj«, ^vg cnr-=^ cf-
^ "^ (i^ .y

TAr tri'\ c^_^Cp o^ A\i\ juj^

^ ^>
Y'll ^^ Oi ci^

l^r ( *ii\ oi-J^^ -il? o^ t> ^.^

Y1 o < ia'U ^ c^i Jc

An i^'\ i^'A '^.1 ^o^^ o; tr^ C;J (i^

YU tY^Y <oy<; 'crrjy (>

•Q\^ jy\ ,i_^j9 nr

A.. ^^ ^;^. ^
^A'\— ^A"l ^
lSj_^5<^ cr^^ <i^ cr! J^ ^.^

A.y ((j:>^-Xiii\ ^\]* ^;^«p^ ^^. ^^

Sl^^J^^ ^C^^^ -C^ c/. Cr^ t]^ ^.^

VA. i w-Jo -u»-\

^^ ov-»>- (i^ _^\

t5-\^i\ j^ jjy. a^.M?- ^ _^,\

VA^ c
^yJi\ y\ i
is^^\ jc

VAi (.
3^^ i^ y}

VAI ^vvr ^^\ ^\ cj\(v^\ Jj. ^ jc

or'\-oro iCf^w J:^c- ^^ iv^ oi-^\ ^^
\\ \ i "l\ . i
Oi^^ ^W a: -^-'' ^--^"^ *^

\\y i-WX cd\>\^\ iiS^jL 0'.^\ -^^

lit jUXv^

To. tt>f t^ c^:

o\V (o\r iio"l 'loo '
(i-^ t5_jW

r . V" £
tic ^ oi-^ oi '
>^ (i^

UA aiy c'xt^
r-^ j^\ c^j>\ >

oo\— ott (^*\ i

-^jy- o^ j-^ 0-! (i^
li^^ jVW a*-\
^; ^^ .l*i\

AfA ary ^^ >^^^\ ^\

o.A ^di\;\ iAljil^ .:^t

lAl oLLT^ljail *:^

yiv i
jW a'-^\ ^jz. dlU ^. ^VjlW .%.

ivr ^f^\^. Loi^\ '^

A. r I.

o^^jji^ ij^ oi-^' *^^

^y^ >•
^W c
o-^ ^^^^ J^ i>;
cf^^ '^
11. iiir (LA il."\ (1.0 4
(5;yil\ ov-*- oi cr^ Oi-^^ '^
O.'t ^
(Siy^ 0&-^ w.?^V^ ^ viJl\l\ JuP oi-^^ '^
lyr <\3ap oi-^\ -:^

oAl ( A i
J4^ ^^ ^ Oi-^^ '^
t »V«ii\
\ .
J J^t>^\ v<»

ir^ (irr-i\t dw cVo\ c^o. iwa i\.o i^jM -x^t

"IIV" (lol tlol ic.^V\ ^i>-J\ JuP Oi-J^W Ju^

irr i
Ls^ji o'.^\

To. cJ^ -Aij ^ *\w^

VIA o^^ Oi^



ov^ £ r^o (
^Up ^\ ^^. ^
rVO i.\^\ y\ l^>/y ^\ ^. j.\^
\ vy (

TA^ (
c^C^ J"^^ i
V^ ^.\
\ , V .V3t^^ JW-^\ vi-i/t'

O c J Jc

1^. MT1 ^ \ri ij\:>^

rn ^r^o ( \ni MAI Mor Mo\ ^j\i^ ^lo ^: t5^

I . . t

Ali tiijCio ai->^^>

\'\o i^_ ^^\ ^_-iJ <

VIA ^ti^Vi J.U ^^. J^ ^\

rvp c I'll iu_ij^ ^. jVi^

Til c^^ ^. ^^J\ A,c -^. i^\^t

MlAMil MU M^o Mri dry MTl c^c> (^\1p ^ jUc

Mir-lAo MAI c\A^ MVr MYl Mir Mot MoA Mo^
cr^A ^r^i ^r^^ ^rry cm cr\'\ tr\A^r\r Mil c\ir
(Art a^o c^i \ en?- cToo ifo. criA-rio ^ri^-rii

. A^t a^o
Itl c^l\U j\ ^ jc ^. ^Up

\A\ iu^U\ j\ ^; ^O ^^,. ^\^

<ri^ ^r^\ (n.-roA cfoi ^rn ^r.^ Aj ^ Ai\ ju^

riA (Til ^no

rn MAi MYi-ivr
To. (
jUJ\^ ^v^. h^

r\A^ iyi( ly^c j«j ^y^^ cf- '^>^y^

r^i ( 1 o 1 (
^Javl^\ ^^\ ^^
Ju-\ j..

rir Mil Mio ci>^a3- j^. s^

\o\ i\^\ MTA MTV ^^\.U\'A^
VIA i clU\ _^;\
C^._^/\ .U\ dJlii\ Ji:P

^^^ ^y. J:J^\ -^ ^. ^^\ A^


n't c_5^ ^^.

d]\i\ j^
^M crw-ni ^rvT ^rrA ^rrr mai ^ol^^ a*.
^^ a^
A. I ^VAV i^J^^ ^ij cy.
^\ A^
AlA -xU i
^. dl\i\ Jufr

(j,UL C^^ Qi -^y ^; dJl\l\ SS-

Too cTii i lAo i \^. ( in ( \rv ^oL ju.fr

All '
ti^j ^^'^
Alt LlSjy\^> O^j}^ -^

Too Mry (

rA'\ t
TAy ^ -uAc.
j_y«iio 'jp
( ja^U ji^

TAo cr^ Jd>«i^ -M'

lAl ^
Cr--^^^ j-Jws c
Ji^\ JL^c
pUoJi J l3W"v^' C-**-y^9 \.r

A. . MAI 'uH^. cr:

"^^ A'>^

TAA < ry V ^
^ ^>i Ji.^\ Jup

^^'X c \A\ MA. c

o'^y ss-

yi. (
jUiil ^*^J\ Juc-
c^J^ -M^ >^

Til o^\ ^. ^s^J\ JuP-

Toy i r^^ c lyr ( lyi ^^ ^^\ ^: ^-^^^ -v^

r \ A ^
iSrjJ^^ '^^ O^y^ -^ ^-^

A^r i
J,j\l\ ^J\ ^ y\

I'll^ j31> ^yS^}\ ^

yir C
jL\^i- ^;^5-J\

y^O (
J-w ^^S^j\ SS' y\

^V _^.V

•y^j '-^ Cf- o^.^'\\ JuP
\\0 i
^jXs- ^yS^J\ Ju.fr

ryr c
^.j ^, Ji^ ^, ^<-J\ ^
\'^'\ ^i^ J^ ^^ -^

Yt i
ijjj^ ^^ -^

y^ O i
A\i\ JuS^

riA '
t5/tiV\ aU\ ss- ^ -Si^jV*- ^2/
"^^ '^'^

rv^ Mir i^ c/'.

^^^ -M^

Tit <

^ 44\ ^: Ail\ J^

VII ct5^> ^1 jCfl. Al\ A^ _y.\

Til i«^;^U _^.\ (dL/«^\ -^.^i cy-

"^^ *^^

r'\A '0^*^^ Cf- Hjy*i ,;r;

"^^ -^ y^
roA ^foy cTiy

T\\c ^^ ^. ^ Jup-

WA i
jUia^ 4il\ Aji

A . . i
(iUjly "^ ^^
Vol ^
S^ J^ Cf-
'^^ -^

Y\\ c
lSj$^\ y o; "^^ -^^ ^.^

VYi '
ci>» Ji*^^ cH -C»i a1]\ Ju5^

yy^ i.
1^ y\ i
isj\j j[/>- ^>^ o-.'
-^^^ ^
^9y>rj i-^K^ iVAr clof t5jW v_jLi>-
A».5£ <di\ Ju.fr

VA\ ^(5j^j X-«*

a11\ Jufr

cA\> t>; -^"v^ ^^ -^«^

yyy ^i ^
J^ ^; 1^ ^\ jup
\% Aii\ J J^')\ .^J

Tin ^(0*1^ cr'.

nr t \AA-iA~i i \"ir
^-^ j\ ^-^i
^. aU\ jus:.

111 i
J^ 4\i\ JuS^

n^ ^rn cj>- ^} o'.

-^^ -v^

^r\ c^r. i^\'\ i^io (y>lU ^, ^\ j^t

iVo^ iTo\ cfiy cTio cr^^ ^rr^ c \ro c^vV cr;

-^^ -^^^

roA cToy

\o'\ c Ju-V\ -M^ <AJ\ Juj^

\2\ J ,]\c>')\ ^^> 1A

1^-^ Ail\ -X.C-

_^\ 4^ ^ ^y>-j 'Vt^ ^°'A 'o-o '
^-i^*- <^\.^^
-^s^ _5.:^

^At ( ^AA i
A\i\ Ju.c

y^o i
j,Vx^\^ AW -X.C

r.l ^^V; Jl».sS

j^ i^Ji^ 4il\ Jufr

Y'i'\ trio i5A.j.\\_^;\ ^ol^ oi ^^^ -^

ivvr cT\. i \iA c ui ^ lAy ^ \Ai ^ i^y ^^j o^

^\ ^^s-

ry^ cry.-riA ^m-n^ cvw cToa cToy cVo. cm

y^A i
ls-^^ jvj "^^^ -^

\AA 'V^ t>!

"^W JljP-
W'X i
JVU (i^ ^>: Jp o^ o*^'^ -^^ -^*'

r~ir < **J AJJ^ Jus-

jV*^ ^y. -\:Ji o^ i^'^i

VAi cYAo ^"irr iLSj\^\ ^\ ^

Vol (
(?)> ^\ ^. 4iJ\ J^S^'

r^^ c \yr cj^. ^\ y, ^\ Jup

r^r i^S'J\ jW ^;>; ^rvj^ ^ 4U\ -LP-

\t'\ t^^U?- ^^ 4\1\ JuP-

Uy (Ai^jo ^ Aii\ JuP-

j JWj^^ C-«-/<9 ^1

MAo Ml^ c \oi Mo\ Mi\ M^o cl^r c.JU\ Jus^

^^ ^\!p
i'^w c^.Y ^^.r i^.. cm ir'\\ (Ti. ^rv^ (TU (TW
tvu ^rn '^^o ^r^^ c^ri c^r't t^rv ^^r^ ^vrl ^^w
<n. c^ot c^oi i^oi-n-^ ,ny ctii ^m ^^^ ^v^i
^yr (^y. ^n'l ^ny ^no-ni ^n^ ^^n

y^o cx-j\^ ^_^\.oti\ ^\

yyi i
iU ^C«i\ ^.\

yti clS'^'j\' ^C*^\ _^\

rii (-ui\ -^

i^.-\rA J^j j-\ < "*^^ -^

TA '-^y j-X' '"^^^ A-p*

oy 4D\ juc
\ f
J^^ ^^_ £

IIA ^(^j^ '"^^ -J^^P•

yiA 't^^ t*ii\ Ju-c-

ny cTiv tr^'\ (r^\ ^rr. cr.r c\io mii M-^r cu?
Art i

liy I.
ill c
t5j ci\^ t

yio i^^\:> u^Qi\'y\

^.l ^ril-r'l. cVA^ iVAV ^TAi 'TA.

i^\ u-Q\ y\
yi O
i^ ^^ ^\^\ y\
ft\-MJii\^ iJ^S'^ <-l*~^9 •^1

ry ^
{.L ^^ ^Ic

\1\ c loy ^
jVJi c-c. JW
\r'\ (\ry (^\U\ jus>
^\ c^X^

rii ^* ^^
^ i (i J^^ <*V^\
crJ ^^

r^y ^(5^Ua.i\ v^ ^v^. ja\c

rry ((5^j9 djyi\ ^>.^lc

r^y i<*if,j Qi ^^

r^y c
t5jV^'V\ iL ^^; ^Ic
t or i
J-i)» ^^ ^Ic
To. i
<5>i*i\ ^^ -5^ ^;;J ^^
\ Al <^ i;;^ ^W
r \ A c
(j*ji ^. _^c- _^\

ytl ^aU ^:;;^W

1^ X2\ J JW;i\ .^^j

Arr iAr\ a\^ ^Aj^j^

l^. (^. (TA c^W

LA—l'"l (Oi-^^ ir«*' iiSj^. J-ic.

\oA ( \or i,j^Ui\ _^\

yit t|<^W

ryA ^
v>\^\ oi ^ l;^ f^^
\y^ c^ '*^

^tA ^
ji> o^^

Al 1 < Oi->i^ -Ast c

j}-^ JJ*
oA^ c

^y. <<uAc> (AlVi

w .Ui J jy\ ^j.
o'W io\\ ( oAA ijy\ ij\c>\iSs

ii^'^-in ii^o (i^^ (i^r c^ot-^oi ((^>i») J>i3

AU a^y an cA.i

(o. \ ii^r ii_j^ ^}ji^

ill till iioA (oUSi ^^; Jl'Us ^; J^

oyi (jy _^ ^ J>U

Yol i
^ y\

r I A < jV^w j5\^ ^ ^*w j^ _j;\

riY « Ui ^t5jV^\ ^_^\ ^2;. J.J- ^. Jbj 4> _^.\

^\l C^i,\h ^ iA>

Ytt ^
JyW U^
lAA < \At. i \A^ i lYA ( \y\ i iU c m i 4Ji\ JuJ^
^_^ J^
rry ^r.i Mti cuv-
rt. crn ^r^i ^ \ii «
jiy- ^y. ^^s^
11 1 ov i or (

1 . y (
jXJ^ js,^

^o. i ^1"^ (.

jja*^ ciW -^:i*~- y.> ^, Ttxla*

^ftiVb v^

Aiy ^yoA ^
jU\ o^«^a; ltj^

VAV" ^yAr io\\ ^^oi-vo. (4.L\s ^aUI


AM cA.t c^Ao (A ^jd^ ^! X-«= i-fSj^^

A^ "Viil
J JWji^ 0-«-^9

\ Al '

A't-AY i iiV^

n^ ^roy lx^\ ail it5> ^^^ ^>;

Tit <f-^>» a;

ny i \-\^ (0^

iol ( dl\i\ ^;^.

( Ji4-\ vd\i\ *U>

O.^ (.J^O- ,3\i=)

ru lu
^ ci^o c \u M^r M^\ ^^^\i^ j>^

yti (JS wJ\ls^V

ui ari <4^ Oi^^ j-^^

lA '|C^

rir L^\ ^, ol^*^

riA c
Aj oi '^J^ cy- oW"^

AiA i^oy i>U\ ^\ i^j.^

Ail c
ti\^j oi^^ o^

\ Oi (

' "
\ - .

r \ r < n . ^ \ ~i^ ^
J^-^ ^ <.
^Wl\ jup o-x. -o^

ool (0 00 (
J>_j.»js£ Oi-^^ >V-,^ai^<'
AY *V«ai\
_5 JV^^ ..i— ^

riA iJ^^Q>. £V^

rt.0 i >,«A« ^-W' yi

c5^^ J^W ^^.j1\ 5^^ -v cy ^j '


^jii u_jL« <o
^^y ?^J ' ^-^^


oil 'Jij^ '

Oi"^^ J"^'^

0^6 i 0^1 £
ti^^-\ ^^.Ji\ jXp
All iA^l ^o-^r-oAn (i5-aJ1c> ssA ^^,ji\^-x^

lAY aY\ (t5>\ oi-^V^A^

A. "I
^cr!-j^ oi"^^ j"^^

It. (lYA (i\> oi^\ jJ^^

*\.«u]l^ JWl/' C-w-^9 x\

oi.A ' *wvi

i^. Mri cAi^n ^^\ ,xo ^ri ^ri l\\ l\k^^^

All i
Crj):^ Q^. ^^jj^

OAr i ©A. (,/y>\ £

^ry MTi MTV cirr cjtj^, ^> a.^^


11^ i^j "f^Vfi

J^-) t^Xr* ol^^ '»:

^ Ifrj
r^l M1V (4-U
A. "\ '
iSjiJy (5-^ Oi-^^ ur^
Ar\ ij'^0'^\ cr^

Ar\ cl^o ^r
oY"\ ( oAl c oA^ c
OiJ^^ *V '*^1'>^ CH -^^ Oi-^^ ur^

Y \ . ' "^A"l i
-^^j -^^ Oi"^' LT^
i.\^ i
oy.y> ^.-ii^ u-'^

"11 'Or*^

•\Y ( 1^ c ^Y < r \ ^

Yit iL5>ri^^ ^V^ a;^

_^ ^ >ii


li^ cUr c^\ i.^j>- cyA^ ^\r

oof ( o\.i,i\A- ^.-^ v'V"^

Y'\ . '
^^j^JT Oi-^^ ^V-
irt cjp JA -M-
otY '
ou^j V* c/- "^H"^

A.l C(5^jj^-^\ J^^ Oi-^^^ ^V-^

riA j»^ ^
a- -X-^
Aii\ ^ jic>:j\ ^j Ai

AiA cAr^ au a\i a-A ^oi^ i^\y_^ ,^^\^ (^.i

i\^ i ^i\ ^.a\\
w.y ^^c

oil LOi,0 C
Jjj Jt«»-\

OY'X 't>ij> t^* -^^^ Oi-^

oir ioi\ £
>_jiw;\;ft ^^ oy^^ ^^ C-

o O i
j^l j_^U\ ji

of "I (t^^jVW ^_^,\ ^,A

yio (Vfo (Vr^ ^lyr (dJL.l-\

coU^iL d)L ^ d^it^, ^.ji

u^ air cjV.^ ^.j1

\v^ -U> (....Jiii

uir- Cf-"

iir ai\ ciri-m a^r ^Js^ ^^

A^ •VJ\_5 jy\ ^^J
00\ LOO. L0^\ (.

Jtuij^ ^^1 j-^ L^. Ov-v^ Oi-^' >-i^

YA"\ '>?t\ oVi ^_j^ ^2^.jJ\ lJ^

til «

IV . i "I \ "I (
^yrW ^ j^^* c^; >^ o*.-^^ ^^-
Vol i. Jl«--
d)ii\ ^jZ.

Ai ' -^^ "^^ "^*-^ i>: o^^r"

(Jp ^^ '^A*^ O*. O'- 0-'

\ \ ^

r^A M Ao ' iS'^\ vij^W cr!

A» • ' *—
A-^Ji ij^ ^^
A-l ic^J\ »_ii^l

A.I cnv (To. (Ti^

(J.U (^utiJ\

11 ^1^ cir ^n cfw u (w^uid

Af I (.

^yj^\ ^jt j\^\ i


r^l £ 11^ MlO i^_y^j ^S^y io\>^

A^i ^t^;
oi 6^
J u^y^ ^ji^^j-'^ AT

cii^ an cTx, au a^\ iCf-'^W j^u ^.\ ^^, ^vu^ oU

-W' c-wo ciA. ayt civy avi an ay^ ay.

yyo oU


yo^ cyoT c^^U _^.\ ^oW j"^^" Ti/'^

Arr i
Jp g^ oj\j4U
yri ^yr^ at^ aiA ^o^^ ^c^
yA. cyyt i^, ^y ^^
yn i>^^ 't^jW^ -^j^-^ <i-^

ryi iTy. i^^*i 4i>. cf- ^-r^


ooX (.
01*^— olA (.

Joi^y- Oi-!^^ 5-^

r TA c
i$j\^ ^j\ ^y_

rrA ij^\
^; ^^li

TTA ( -ij^^
i^j. J^~»v^
A» i iAi ij}^^^.j>- {^^^\) «-i^ _^:\

lA. c
^c J-^^
Jc <.ijJt\\ ._i_^

yii ^Oi^^ ^_^


o^V '(iV-J^J O^ Oi-^\ ^-V

^Y"\ c
ti*-'^'^ -^^ 1^--^^ ^fti.»

A.^~"A«r i
ij;w>- ijj
4U\ -i-.C'
Ip vi (
V^ Q\\


^Al . cA-A iY^A cVoA iVoy cy.V tool ctTo t Ify (


Aiy ai^ an

TAo «
Ai^^ 0^

Oi-^1 J^ O^ OW »^ O*--^^ -r-^ '^^

<? tf^'> 'O^ "^
1. ^ ( 1. \ i ot A ' oil (^ i

oft ^o^ fy-

rrA 'cl/^ c/. "^-^

rrA c<^y>- yj), -iai^w

Ar cA\ idlX^

\A- ^1^ ^tr c^jV-

t^A i^oA Cjy^o- oaL

l."l ii.o i
jj.s«3>- i:/_\Il\ ^"^ j:>\j, i<djj\\ u-iu-

^A1 '
i>6>.^a«. ^y> ^_fi^ ^-r-^ ' Aj.^l t__tu«

A\^ ^^11 ^
j^-^ V^\ j\ ow^ «v]_jjJ\

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J.»ji ^_-ii t

y\ I ^
yAt ^
(SjJ-l. oi^^^

ooT ioo. toil tJtvJi ^^r; /H; O'--^^ »—«•!:-

\'\A i(5^W Jr

nr ^rrA Mo. cjj- cf. Jr

rrA ';^v>-^ s^ryu. j^ j.^-

A-V 'crTj^ 0%-^

rrA iy^ ^: J-^r

\ oA ' \ oV Mi \ c
Oy-j ^jj '
^*^'j '^^ '-^^

Y^A-y^o (Y. .-\'\A cl-ti ^W^ c"l"\A c^^ ^ci^j^ LT^j^

Ar . t

't r 4
AlW ^ ^\c>y\\ ^y^ YA

lAV ^iy\-iY. till till ^dUSI ^. aU ^i oViiU-

A^A cA^o i lA. '^'W-i y} c^j>- ^^ iiC

A^o c riA '

^; iiC-

A^o £ riA i t5-^-V\ <^>£ ^. i^C-

TTA t^^ ^. oA>. j^ lyr-

rrA t(5-J^^V^ dlAs ^> S^

rrA tv_jA-o>.
^2;.; s^
yyo £
^\5i\ _^,\
cl^ o>^ ^ ^2)^

Ar \ t VAi .t
L^^;> jVi.

Vl^ t
ciii ci.A ti.o ,1.1 .no cn^ cnr t^iu^ coVi.<i

Li.\. ciAI-iAV tiyo tiy. ciii ^^-^^-^oy ,^0^ ,^o\

Ary aro arv- ar. (Aii ai^ ^ai. tor.

it^ titr CoU^f^-

iAr t
i>.-xil 3^ ^^. o\tjti"

o^A (0.0 £ i-\y c ^-\y £ vio £

^jL. :ij^y ^, ^iL«

rri t
(5jV^v\ ^ ^2;j »i;j ^\ -V^~.

1r t
YY .V3\_j JW^;^^ c^_^

\iY 'j^^ a; ^

TY'l 'TYA-rYl 'TYo (TYr cVlY cV^T c^^ iviA\l\ -X^ j. jU-

iA\ ciA- 'lit 'lt^ o: O^

A. \ 'c riA '

u^v\ oW c/- o^

A\i (oUjU-
»U«.01 «
u) .


ly^ ciyr ciii c>)^V9 ^;^

o . ^ (

Olo i oil (


rry c^\ j\L.

riA ^ rry c
Ja-Ul i*.;^ ^ J(L

rio (
^\ _^\
j,\x^iS\ jVL.

riA ^
1^^^ oW* o^ o^
All a^o cTo. (Til ^rry ^n^ i s'x^ ^ \io ^^^U ^IL
riA ' '^^ o^. o^
ru ^r^i (Tn ^rr. i^L
yo'i ^riy no'i Moy i<L,

rrA ^
ii"jV^v\ u:-ou
^. ii«

rio i
^jc* *j\ (
(_^-*j\ ju^jj ij.)

rrA i
J-\ py^ .-*«>_j i>; ^ C/.
r . 1 LjA-^ ^< C^. i 4.L- >\
Too iri\

FA (
<^\, ^2/;

\ OA C^ ^. _j^? ^; j\^

rA\ ( TA. c-Ui* i <A^^

> in 3y^ i

\ A ( i"ll i ilo C
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Air cAU an a^^
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^y\ j)^^ ^ -v--

riy (.

t5jV^Y\ -Xjtw

A.o iA«\ (
,jis>-Vi £X»u- ,_^

A^t iA^o ar\ ^roi ^rn ^ny c\aa c(5_^-v^ ^V«i\ ^. Jiut«

rr^ c
^jVw>- ijj ^;;«*J>
-^ ^i -^-

yAo (YAl ij^\ d) o'-

J-^ Aut~.

rr"i i jjA*«
is\^i ^_

yt i
-xutM. v^

ryr cny cri'i c^-I-i^ a; >j^*-

4.iLii> J.<«ai*.* 4j
ij^ 'ry^j ^ ^^o c>«ji '•-Viw

AV"! c
yoA ^
^jy jUi-
W -Vj\\j ^\c>')\ ^^j^

A . . 4
o-**!-^^ "^^ CK -^**'

r . r ( A.viic ij..

MVA-Wo Mi^ MU Mn Mry MTi iu^\ij (j\) o'-

rii (Ti. ^rn crr\ ^rio ^n. (Uo mai mav-

lAo ^
-^^fe*- **J5-*ii

oA'\— oAY ^(i^^t^ ^^^ji\ ^-j-^* oi -^^ ^^* Cf- '^^-^^ j^ a-' ^j-^^ -^^*«'

yfo i
V'l'^^yo Cj^vj^ oi-^^

y^ . ^
yAt c
t5y*- cn-^^

Ail ^yi^ '<iij-/ t5-J^^ "^c-l?^ Oi^^ -^*~

lor i vi*A^ f

olA i
oxy i 0"^^ ( in i
^^J^ -C** Oil^^ -5*-

°Ay '
(>ij^ J>^«>^ cf--^^

loo (lot (yj_j '(jrTj^ ^^^ -'^^

Vtl ^
J^5- ^; J^Jj^

Ary cAr. ^a\a ^a© ^yA ^oi '(5jW (J-xju-

'LslW^ JW^^^ C-*«/^9 vr

lAf (
V,W ^f- Oi^\
\A. i'^\f'^

olA ijVjP v>j «>;.«-

Vote ^^'l^ ' o^v*«

A.y ^^'V\ ^; o\jUJ\ ^\

rrv i J*-

yi"i i
j'^li -w« _^\

Ar. c o.A t^'J OJ -X«.*M

i>.' ^ c^^ CrJ

AfA I-


^o.\ (lit ^111 ^^yi-^l't i(5^il- (j.^j_y. ^. ^Jj ^^.


AU i o . y-o 1 .
v\ "iJilj JW-^\ ^^^^

1 y
. (
q\j^ -^ '

\^. Mn a^ iV-. cry ^n (r\

^^y cf- ^^
ry i

|.L ^^; ^L ^. ^Vw

rr"i '
f \^ ^ ^u,
t^j ci^ o-; 5^V y}

1^1 iirr ii. \ c^i^ iUn iUA co^f-

TA c ^^
oy^ ijj\ ij^\-: t5W

A. .

n cLW
lit c \iy c^a_5 ^ j.W
» wli J (jw^il Cl*w^ V.

r.'t Ml. Mo-^ Mov i

J^_^ «io.jj i^j>- o
(. v—^:
a'^> l

r.i ij\ Xjs* o •^ i



"\."\ i_j;oW!\ c-vo liSC-


nr t^ii
^^L ^\

VA i

\Ar i \A\ i\J^

I . i ( "^A I-

(j^\ j)A^j\ j\ jVX^ i

riA ^ j*s£\
^\ ^, ^L
"W V3\ J jy ^

r\y c \Ai i(ijUai^ Jr a? -^-'J

l-^n i \Ai '^ o'. ^-j

^ ly. id)*-/ Jp oi^\ oij

nr-n. cr.i ^r.^ ^r.r (oi.^.v*i^ oij

cy^r cyrA ^yry cyr\ ci'\o ^l?^-* o\t coi-^.V«i\

^^ ^', oij

yiy-yio cyii-y^i
J jW'j^l Li**-^ lA

o.i civr iiol (l5^^^^^9\ j^; J.;j

TA '
^\— ^r^. i^'j

^lA '^ly C^jJiy ^; >i«- ^j\^. C^>j

111 jV^^^ i

ofA 'lit cilo (i1i/Oi-i-^\ ^W (jy^\ j«-ui\ _j.\


foi < Too i rri c rrA c

^3 a; -^^o

rio (t5^jV!a«i\ A\:^>. O^J- ^\}\ y}

rr"l MAo i ^\ ^;;. ^^\ ^^ ^J

ny crro c\ao (\Ar ayr air ^c^^V^^v^

iiW' ^, ci^\j ^, a.j
IV AlW J ^'^c>')\ .^y^

't. ell c^:>\j

\A c'W cW cV jVj ^i ^L ^, J\j

no Ojb

^U (^\l (^.y cV.l c^i«?- c:^ e)^j

riy e
ijHr^ cr! >^j

t \1i c \AA c \Ai c \A'^ c WA 11^ lir 1^1 ^\> ^ ^j

^ c ^ ^

nr trry ^rn ^r\o ^ru

All '
f^^*Jl i>i ^j O-'- -r-*-^ O"- ^'J

^^A i
j>-> ^.^^- ^. ^j_Xi

11 ai (1. i\\ cU^; ^. Cj3

A. 1 ^ -oj\
jW i

1.1 ij^ ''jT'j

A-Jj\ \"l
J (j«>/ '


ri. ^'^j^

TA c
^i-^V a: u-jj

lyr c^X> '-"

J^JJ }^
fTo ( Ju
ji -^?- ^> iiUj

ioA '
J>i=' -r-*i 'O*--^

All ^ -^^ Oi^

lyr ^VWs^ oi-i^i

oTY— on (Oi-^^ '^ c/! o\^jy^ Oi-^

ivr ^
c?y- o;-^

J\^_) iU Oi-^\ ^j 4.;

^yrv '
ci^j Oi-^

lAl-lAf c
oi^\ > ^. ^\cL oi-^

o . r £ L iS^cS^ Oi-w

0^1 ij\.£> Cf-^

It -11 A a'\o
ij^j^ oiJ>i

on ^^Vr i^Y\ r^^rU ol^ ^, ^\f^ Oi^

All ^\j -xU t OiJ^

A j\ J ji>:)\ Z^j'^i •\i

a- o ciA'x ci.1 c^.i '^ \ri ^-^A c\v cai-'W Ob a;

v^Y cvr. ciY. cir^ ci.t

( o'l'^— o'\Y I o'X^ c ol. ( ooA i A '1 'i ' -lii^

J^ Oi-^^ -^h^j

Ai'i ^m a.^ a.r

Ary ci'\r cii. ^iai ^iiy ^l^l^j a^-^^^ -Vj

Ai r t -u~v '

ill A^^_^\

ilA ^^^j^\ J^'c/j^ ^ ^!^

Yin i
^^\/\ _y.\

An i ^ i oi-^\ ^^3^

Ar^ c
( oi-^\ ^_^
All ^AVt X\\y.^\ ^j
Y't 1 c YA'l c ^^ Jc cf^A\ ^j
V"^! <
t5_j^ iS'y Oi-^^ ^v?j
1^ »\.Jii\
J ^\>'^\ ^S.^J>^

i ^ til-^il ^ "^V-l c -a.Ac> i ^al t5^\j

\A0 lJ- (ij^* 4^\;

\ Aio cTTo (t5jU33V\ ^-x<> ^ ^\^

^^^ ^jU9\j

A^o a- \ 'L/-^\\
^ '(j^l;^^) i^^J


VIA <-^>^ y\ icM^ oi ^-J

^ \ 4JUI

yoA i^ys^J\ -^ ci^ a; '**ijj

\2\ J Jl>^\ ^^y^ ir


rvT ^rry cr\r MA-^ Ml MA u^jViiW ji ^,\

0\y tAl '

A< '
(5J-!:*" ^-*-'_ji j_rj^' ^ji

ny Mt\ i-uAc* J\ss^ ^\ ccf.jy^^ ((5-i) j^

lAr c (5^^^^ o>-^^ j"^
-W .LlW^ Jl>;\^ o-.-.>

TAl '
(j^- aO ^-^' a: (^J^

YA i

VA i

AlA ^

AiY iVy% i^^ v_i.b


11. a. A 'l.y 'oW a; -^ly^^

YA (
^y :>

(for— ri'\ <riY (rii ^r.A cT.o (d.Lic>^_^v* ^ 'j-l?-^^.^

^ix>_;_^. d^ cf?y^j ^yo'\ 'YoA ^yol iVlA i^.i iri\

ooY (
^^y^ ^^-^

iny am a'^i-iir Oj^ »^^j-^

11 ^


11 c
^_^1 ^2^ O^-^

1A\ cJ.-.£iJb

11 coA coy cr\ cjU\:>

Vt^ c^'^ jU\j
11 c oi— of CO. ( r^ c r \ c

TAV c "J-lAc*
"c- c

^r^ C
t^Vd i.

^j\:> y\
m C(i:^Ua.>\ cjji ^A cA:iS-\
^;y. Jli ^ ^j\j

A. . c
3^-^^ -^j^^

Vl. c
^. jU- ^j\^ _^\

lAl ciil Cijiixs ^. (jU- i>; ^j>-i

oiV (
i^\lp j_j\^

A. o (
jV.^s^V\ Avj£ _^.\
^^l (^ oi ^j^-^

A^l c
c5jlc. jlcL. ^ ^>^ ^^ ^j\j

ilV c ilo c ill c oUm« j^ -Xv-si

^: jij^^ ^^ ^j\:>

Yl^ cjVU ywii ^ >j\^

riY c^vwP-^J\
t^\ ^ j_j\:>

^ir c^uj>
oYo L oTV ^j^^

A^A c YAA t oA^ io\i. i iVY ^ lYr ^ il^ ^ iol t


^A\ c ^AA ' 'Ui\ -Xs-

y\ (.


oXi^Ajj^^ j.^ O'--^'' ^—-^ '^. cr f'y^j '-^v^ oi-iii »_-*ia.9 (

su^j .\A>

^Y^ i
(ii*i^^ Oi-^\
*^ Cf.

YA\ c^y ^c«^\ _j;\

iv-. oU>^

YrY ^\jb
TA i ^jl ^>. ^>

^iLj^i '*'.
<y If^j '>-j>^T j^-^

ofX i
i^-Xii .Uw*- viii^
oVi. w-*^.>-

Vor c I. .
cio CO. iiA iiy ii\ en (Ti ^^^^

iTA eiry c^ijj (


^yA '
(i^^ -^•«*"^
"v^- ' ^-»^

^Al C ^AO e
jVl-a^ A^\ ^^;

A* • ^yo't ( >Uj> (_i\r>


A. o ((5-i'jV\
^; jAo-
iVA i
vii;j\ o'^\ j'^ cy-

'"it t'

( \i\ MoA MoY i \V'A i wo-ir\ ^ \ry (Ay- ^^: '^^

rtr ^rrr ctia ^r^v (r\.

WX c^}p ^^. c^J^

^ rv (
JVijb a; u^l;^
Y.A ijf j^^cjX-^J-
y\'\ 'crr^ 'e>^>

l.Y c^«^Vi o^?-

VAo '
Jp Ows^^ _^'.^
il'\-i"iy £(5^. vi^i^W

\r\ M\l M\^ cj^i\>

ArA ary a\A cyAy in ^iir ^


r "^ . i
(_^v.' ^'*'^ cf-

ly i
^wi.*\\ J['^ ^, jJW

r . y ij:^\ (S'y Oi J*^ Oi -^v^ O^ J- Oi ' -^^

r M i
^y^ ^y.

Ail 'o*j>* -^1^ Cr'.


ciyi ay^ c\y.-\";"i Mo. aii Mry £o^\ ^: ^j ^ a11c>

lyA ^rri-rr^ c \av

00 *L!ii\
Jl>]];i\ cu--^


A^i cA\ .
^A.i ^YtA 'Vol cYoA cVol ^ V.V ^ mi ^-u^ _^.\

A. r i V»^
iSjjk-^ ^'i-:^ y}
n-rr ^\>

11 i^jAo-

fj^ Cr:^ '*^.

<f If^j '^'^A
^(-^W cr:^
ir\ c\\\ c\.t n.. ^A^ j W^ "^-s"

Al \ ^ A^^ C
^A\ ^; 5^*-

A. • ( ex*- t>; '^i^

r^*^^i? '^A\ 'TA. ''^-«t'» '^'\^

Wr c Ai^Ji c^x. Ai^'-^

t. eft ir\ cAiki>

rt. iVAY cjSU\ jU- ^; ^:-

riO (,_;<3\ij
(^;) j^ ^, ^:»-
m c iAi MVr Mot c \oY ij(^^\ ^_ J- ^^^ <.^sj>^

'W.I. ^j^Vxil ^j >?-

ny L<^^ ^i si
riA ^
(»^vA ^ >»-
yy^ i
J\J\j^ o^^y\

i . y ( -u,
^y> {yi'^'>-

vn cy\y-yio c^VUL ^^i^,^ jVU^ ^ ^^^

yfo ^yr. ^yi'^ i'\o'\ ^oU c_^tli« jj..
J.>.s£ ^jj^Ua* oU. ^j.. Cy^r^^

(Ti. cr.^ ^r. i-\iA citi M^-^ c^lVU j\ ^; Jc ^. ow^

ytA 'c^^^ C<^^^\ Jc ^\ O^w:^

r.y cUjJI c?*'_>« o^ (i^ c^ ro::-^

r'\^ iTAy '-uiasi

^ ^;^w--

A\r tA»'\ iAv^j;^;\ £

(5jiui V^oi :>^*.v«^ ^. 0";r~-^

yyy cyy"i
l-^> ^^^ (^) ow^

yit iV;ii\ ^)*. ^ ^. o^-J-\ y\

ytl ^. tic ^^\
c^- _^\

i.\0 I
S^\ ^ ^y,^

y^A t
>Lj» c
^\y ^^9-

O^y C
J_ji-Ai ^^^<^\ _^;\

ynA 'Jc^A i
-VwiW j.^j.tf ^, ^^5-

yi^ cyir cyi\ ^yoA ^l5^-^\^U) ^. ^^-^

ytl ^
J^i ^\_^;\

yiA £
c^V5 £

yA. ^
(i^ ^^ (v_-Jo j.*^\
jj^ Kji^^
i^'^t iV^v ^^^. i^n c^ry o'^yVcr? -^^^ a*. -^J a; cr-'^

yyy ^
^\^ (0 o^ o^ a-^*^^ ^'.^

y.y— y. o c ou. i
(c;i-^i Jj'->-° ^°' o-') •^j^ '^ o^ Cr*'^

loA ijY^ ('^ c


io\l ciol cll\-i^n ^^1^ '^"l\ '^o1 'Ai

^^C^ cr-'"

oTi iorr con-o\y

^A"\ ' ^Ao i
Ov->- 0-: ^'^ Oi Cr'**^

A.l ^ir\ cUy-^Ao i^ cr^\ y)

Toy ( Too

yA^ ^
d>^^\ Jc Cr^\ ^:\

yAl <yyr mV^^ Jr a; J*^ cr^'^^ y^

yyA ^
i5^^-^! -^""wsi
a: ti^ a-^^ ^'-^
I'l ^\J,\\j^\^y\\'^^^^

oiA i oiy i
(Aai^^i) ^^y^ ^.-\i\

000 i
j^^'j^i cr.-X^^ u*^ ^ <^--^^ r^"^

rr. iuL>jW ^i ^% ^. 4^\.-^

rrr-rrr miy Mii c^;\i ^. o^'-

Vl. (^\ i\t\

VAY £ ^%^\ _^A
j^Ai" ^VW A4>\
^ ^v^^

YYl c
J^i- ^\ ^^"\ _^\

Y11 ^j.:^' i>-^^^.^

yo \ c
s^j ^^
J jWi/^ ^ji^-^j^i lA

An c^w c
ryy-rvi c ryr-riA c nv c \a c
u^^y, ^. ^
rrr i<«A; ^\ ^, ^
. rrr i ^s^ ^\ «»iiJo.

r 1 y i
'^-c- ^\ ,^Vfl>
4i, jo-

r^i ^rn ^ \yi ^ lyA <. nr c

jUl ^ljo
rr~i C(iU\ ^.j^ _^.\

AtA iAV"l i.\'\. i.Xo\ L^^,J -\i>. ^;^; 3:^

A. • (.
yiA '
(jAi?- _j,\
^ ^, A.U^

A. c /-\i A»j£

rrr ^dJjU ^ ^^

'iS\ ^ir. ^uy cui ^u^Vi <l_5j]\ j.U^

Air i
(5j^^ ^ j):^ \y.-^ r^*-

i 0^— oof I. ooi— oi't i oi. c

Jcjj,j_j>. ^. j-Xi ^; J-Ao- ^.aiLL>.

000 I.
iV A«i\ J jy \

rrr c^ ^.. ^^W

ry ^n ^n c^W
yil i

yyi i
^\1^ ^^.

y^t cixS A-.C- '

oi?-^ cy-
i'f^ _y.\

yii c(Lj\il) ^jy aJo

1 yy '
o\^<' ^

'% if-^jj^ '

^i° t^v

yi^ i^ J.*=^\ _j.;\

ioU ^^'>^>

rn cm ir\y ^vi^jW

rrr c^j£r=^ ^^u ^. vJ^^W ^. ^


\iy i
jQ d^Jo

TA '
rn c \-\r c(^^ ^^
^^ ^<^y ^v^ ^; ^:r

11 .-"\.^ tl. i i oti coi\ i oAA i^ 'O^y^

O^ >!> 1^ <f l_frj 'O^ -^V^-

yio (A^l ^'f\ ^-y. c;: f^

A2\ J jy\ ,j:^j,h 11


ool (000 ( A^ o--"^^ r^ Cf- J-"^ O-''^ u^

A\"l '•^^\ ^th Oi^^ J^

(\Y\-iii ciio-iir ai.-ioi ao\ ao. cUa-uo

y.o i.
lyi (lYi (iy^
oi. (LW^.^ ^i^^ JV?-

Al^ ^
yt - ^ VAI c
Jf oA^^ J^^
oil ( olo c
^j\^\ _^;\
^y^ O'-'^^ J^^
yi. c*U_5\ w^9 ^.j> _^
^- J\.5^

y^y y^i ^ ^
j^^ c
yof ^AA— A"\ idjjy,-}^ ^^\ -M-<r

ry^ ^

(ofo (o.. (i-^y (iti ciyi ^^yr-^i-^ ^no c^6>p^

VA'x ciiy ary an ^oyi-oyr cota

yyo ( yy^ (
^\j^\ y\ c
iS^'j\- -^^ o-; ^^'^

.0 . . (
di.j\ j\^\- ^V^^
yiy y c 1 1 ( "iiA ^
o^-^ '
i^ .0\ ^ JW;\\ 'JC

o^\ (^VWL c^s^\ J:>u

OTO — on i
A^\ iijj.; ^; J.»j£ ^^1 (J^t^ j^; Av^t ^^. |J.~0- ^iAi' jl^
^11 i
^U-.*^^ ^^-^ Oi^\ J^

illl ill A clto ilAl ilVA c^Y\ c

oU^j^y^ .^^.J^\ J^o.

oyo ioV". (oTA^o-Yco. ^— o. .

A\'\ c^u,i- j\^ oi'-^^^ J^

ao.-iiA ."iio ail a^\ aro c^V*^
oU ^,_^A^\ J:^
nA\-"\YA aYo aYr-iiY aio-ioA aoi-ioi aor
Yil iVn 'Y^o (Vn-iAr

An aiY c^v^t ^a\\ J::^i>

AiY ci\t c^iT^lw J:^

ITA i oVi,
j>^^^ o".-^' (J^?-

.lYi ay^ aio ^lu ^ j^'-

^oW -a- ^.s^ J^*
jw ^i-^\ J:)\>
^ <^j c oAY c
jU* ^.j]\ J:^c>

oXS ,^j\ ^.^\ JV*r

r.Y '(>i^ (^^ cr'. (i«^ ur: -^^ a'- J'^ O^ '>*^
r.y Ai'Jl c^^* ^>! {^ ^;;. o«*^

of I '
V O**^ >!^

Vol Yoo
( c TAY < r . o c r •
1 i
i3.:>VoA^^ ^s^ ^\ _/!«>•

YA\ '-^>-«^ ^;^ o-^' a'-

'^*-*^ a; ^/^*^

Ylo ^ (5-i -i*l ^-^^ o-i -/**^

Y11 c U; i
jU? ^1*P.

oYY-oYl i oYi i
oy^ c oTl o^ ^^ o'-
O^ ^W
1. V ^l.r c^oA c^ji >?•

oil c^' ^>: J^

l^r cl^\ ^<^jJ^\

A.^ ^;.; A.^^,!^^ -V^, ^. ^\j^\ ^}%
lAi ^IIY ^111 'IIY '^;^'^ ^(ijW ^^jjJ^^^ J:i^>

oil iyjj c
cr.^^ J^>

Ytl cYA'l c^^^aI^ A^, (^;) oi^^\ J:^

r1r ( rr I c is-^ ^y- c/- --'^^

A. i i A '
<-5^ ^;^

Ail i
jy^ c

rr\ i WA ^4jj\ A,5- ^; ^.^

Ail i.
iJj^\ lij^ J^ ^\ jij>r

oAY ^
jW /Sly. ^ o/^^ a! (• ) ^^
(5>i7y -^*^

r . 1 ^ >uo\ iS'y O"' '^"^^^ _/^^

. m i^ri ^^.o c^.i ^ryy c^^^^; >«-

rio Cu_-^^C,V\ _^>\

(5^jVia«i^ jU- ^j^; ^«Jt9-

Vli c (5-^.\W j^*^ y^

AiV c
j\j' >«r _^;\

«-) i'ij*^>'
AJ\ ^ JW;i\
-vt' i.

m i
(i:jW>V\ 4U\ Jut
^; ^,l>

A-o (VAV i^\>

or ( o 1 (

\ yi c
^y^ i

\\o c\y c'w cs^^\.\d,

ill ^iir c
^\ji '

lyy ^
o^ ^'.j^ a; o^ ^.i aV

c \^^ c-\\ .o't co^ cf\ ct. i^O c^\ cV\

i{S^) J^^'T
yAy ^rri cvw Mii
V"\ ''LjlU_j jy\ *-=-*-i^

lA c^y^l;

1 A \
(_;_j.«iio _^.\

rr. (o^c. ^, ^^ ^, ^.j^i

-^Va_ji\ J^J^. ^; -Csi ^ y\ i
J uWj-^' ci^^y^ ^A

oo\ co^'X i\y.-^\ i_iy^ iJ^j^ jj.) J J.; Q.> oV^-

yT'LcooAi\- cA'Xi'X'lcOj^-Jcr'.jy
oil i
jy\ i
til c
^Ijjil A^ c

nA 'V-iY c^io cjjy

Yo^ 'Jy y
oA\ iLs'^y

lYl ^

oAo 'j^*^ 'j^^ '^?-"

oYA-oYY ' oYi ' oY^ '

o^ ^•>- cf- 0^=* ^^'

Voi-YiY 'Yir cYi. 'YV"\ cY^Y cY^. aiY ail c^y\ o^'
Yo . I.
j\'\ c
(_5^W (. \i
'y- jj^'.
^v *ui\\
_5 jy \

1.0 il.V cl.r co't't ioVdcjic Cf.^]
of A
'^^L/.^\ ^

AlA I.

(J--y a--^^ r^

oAr (ci^jV-

A. ^yt
iA\ 'iA. ^111 ^-^I^J^l
A" ^o^j^ ^^^ a-' i-r""'

^llia j\ ^.. Jp ^ (f Ifrj Mi. c^\^' _^\

yy. <y'\'\ ^^s^ cxr^"*- c/- J^ '^^^ y^

oA\ ioi^ l5^^'

OOA 'TA 'vi-.9\j

^2;; ii^
^0 *V.^\\_5 JW^^ c-w^p

oil ijJoV,

Arr .^1;

uiA- Ot^^ =^ ^;
c?"y^j '^V- '>^3 c^ ol?^;

A 1 \ i
L^W L$\-: jy^

VAo ^
(i[j^ O^r^"^ J*i>.

oVd j\, ;jiA\\ djVii- '^.

^y p_>^j ^ VTA i oTA ^ 9^-«^

Yir iiSy-^\ O'-^^ r^"

lYr (
j!^ c^ oi^\\ r^
olA i-iSjij)^ o^.-'- C/--^^ r^
Y^A i
^\^ i
jVL, Oi^\ ^\:
0— ooi (
J-Ao- OijJl \^>- ^. oU oi-^^^ r^

11. a^i ("i^r (i^^ a-^\ ^Vt
olo c^jiP jW^J"- O'^^^
oAV i °Ao ( oil i
dl'-Uix^ \i_^

Ai.\ cjy^ Cjy. ^y_

or^ ciw ii^i ci^r-i\^ ^^'ii ^ni ^^.y.

V-V ^oA;

^y f-_j>-j
M A° ' \ IV* c Liu

iiVV 4^ ^^ p_j>.^ AY i C

0^^-o^r iO^\ co^. ^oy^ ^-^A

llA ^
jVWL oU^V.
Ar\ aiY air i^i^ 'c^>> Ac^\^,

io-^ cioA ci.l-i.o

\K iV: cy. ao ^oA i^ljclJ ^ ^Y:

oAo ^
^^i> {ij\:>y) iS^^y.

Ao i

AiY ^IIY ^^\ i\^y.

Alt '
Oi-^^^ i/-^ '

oYY £
^jW j^U ^; ^y VS^y
OO (

yr c^\d.
nr ^W


oA^ c dJtU i
(^^Jl5_jJcj) j^Ji Jc.

r \ (

Afo ^Ari ^t^.^ ol^i-^ u-:^V^ Oi-^\ *\^-

VI o (lAV ^Al c^^y cr--vi\ .V^,

oil iol. i^^Uy i;/.jj\ *l^-

0^1 C^Jj i dJiil\ .^

yor ^f.\^t
V'\ • Uai\
, (jW"^' vi*«_^»

c^Cj jC _j,\

TA^ ^
u^^ Oi ^;

rr. i±>j\> ^y. JX

rry ^rn cru tr\r Miy ^^V^ ci^ ^! J:i

o. (it c^y-l jAi

iAl L
.Ul^ jy^ v<' ?.

v-y r ^ ^y I i
(5^iL -^- oi X^
A^o i
(3\:>Vi, Jk. ^
yA. iVVX i^^^J^, y.

A.A a.i ^S^\^\ ^^^W^i y.

yA. (
J\i->^C y
\K\ ' lA. i <Ul\ -Xji
^;^ ^

yil '
c5jW ^^ ^; ^
lilt j^l> oi-^^ ^V' C^ ^^ ^
i^t-m <.
Kv- M^i Mry ^ in l^i^ ^^\i a\ ^^^ ^. _j.

MAo MA^ My^ Myr-llo M1^ aol-lol i.\h^\ Mil

^ri.-r^i crrr ^rro ^rr. l\\\ ^rir ^r.t mi. ma'i
Ail cAiV- col^ toir cTit

yti cjai^j«\
11^ i ^AA ' ^AY i
o^ l^.

yy^ i
^taW ^^ A4-\ cy. ^. y^

r\y i(5Ji^\ djjW t;^

^. jC_^\
"lA. clYl clil a^o i^.j_5
^ oi^W jU^.

A.i L
i^^\ Av^S Oi-^W ^Vft,^;

o . o i o . 1 i ilY c ill ilYI. c

^;\^'\ c
(5^iL Jjj ^; <^.\>.

I.r cYA-Yi cY^ 0«r^j>.

ox \ Lo\\ I
iSj^.^jj -^A ^jy.

i^A '^lA t^pA-^oo (.^jJS^,

rr. ^j^j^ c^. *\/. cri ^-^1

YIY ^j^ y\ i
JW vijjW ^j.> ^i-i

riA iA.;V6_^\ ((5jUa.i\ J Jci\ JuP-

A. O C
(^_^V\ ^iAi\
^IjLp q; ^.
YA^ c
j^-Vsi^ _^.\
( ou-l ^: ^"i^l

diliJ Oi--^^ cT'^ 'O i YrV" i dlV'^ ' dildJ

11 '
A^o ^A^r iTi,\ err. CL5;^La>vl u^jW ^^; .\y.

oAr c oyy 4
j\m.- jj^: \^ j_y-.> ^y. 3\^
TA ' ^^ ,^: y.y.

riv ^rr. cr.^ ^o^^; ^.\

lyy c dJu. (5^^

riy c
j^L-\ oj^. _j.|\

yil c iJ\ A->^ o\5^ _5.A

oAl c oA. ioyx cjo- ^^y ^, jW (5\S^|

A^y CO 1 1 tiAy cloy iioi-im (iiy ei^v ^ni coUSi.^y. ^^Vi^.

iV^i tvn cvro (vr^ aXr cj\:^ coi^-^W jj^ ^y- -^-y^.

\ni (jjc ci^. ^-; '^^:

^11 c ^lo cA^.Y\ j-^\ c

J^u 5i
l\o c-^\i c
j^- si
yio c^ c^:>.^^ ^^>. ^^i^

rr. cj^ ci^ c^. ^

C^^W\ Ji^\ ^. A> A.;

^/'^^jP-^ C^*^H
.^^{^ C^j\i;^\

ITA Ciry i.^ly^ ^; ^A;

oo\— olA i
-^r^j^5- ai-ii^ s^Vf^ ^ j-X)

11. 'lAi^ a: j-^;

All <
Oi-Xi' j-^

ir\ ^ir.

ity ^ 0'.^\ j^.

ivr iiy\ cii'i cc5j
^^ c^}

ir ci\ cT^ cr\ i^^.\

yi"\ £
j^-x? yVU U
yAA ^
\Sjij^ r} yy

^r. (^\A ^^n M.i cvilil
'yA I.
oyi (
jl> is'^ i>! o^ ^^!

irr ^AijV;

lit f^>y>\ i -Xldo«i


oyr ^jW di-.^v.

(jjua^_ ^jU.j^ ij^ (3'-»i^ \y.j^f^ -^.'Ji y^ ^. Cr F'y^J 't^^^«^ -^.JiX

'Vwii ri
J JWyi >.l-v-^9

ill cdJL>b\

1 . c At c Ar i
oj-^.> cri

oyy cV5^. ,j-*.)

nA o^j^ Ji
"lo\ CjJ\ i^C J.
oyv (
lyr-iit ^
iiy c m c
di;\^\ ^/il

1 r (ill\ (

oAl iiS^.

o^A 'Oi-^^^ S^ ^J>'^ (i\ ^. ^/iJ^i

I \ ( .^ c
r I ^ d 1^ c ^^\> ^\

11. aiy ail cj^\ (oUS^U ^a:.

oy^ ctw c^\-\ cj^Ak

loT (^o\ cAx

r^ kV«ji\
^ JWj^' ui—-^

Ain (All
i ooi ^oVo ("\. (
,^j_jl> o^j^ cy- "^^ ex^.^-Jo. ^JVyu- ^M-j
Air au arA ai \ a-n nr\ ciu a.i a. i-oto
11 a^ (
yio i diU i
ni (^:\; ^; ^Ij
(Y.i a'tA a^i ai\ at. aiA 'o^Uu- c^W4 o\.t
^. ^i^
yrr (y\o cyii cy.i
A^o (y-\\ c
j^5 ^_^)_5

lol— loT £ oUSXo -^ ijl

ril i
e^ Cf'. ^O^ Oi lT^-

ooA (
,j«> ^_jy '-r^

1 r 1 c 1 \ \ i c dJu.
in cirr
^^^ ^o?^.
lO^ i
iSjjO^ L^P^.

oAt (^^^ 'cr^-^-

yol ijy^ ij^\r: f^i

oVA i dll» (
oy (5Ju
^V2\ J JWji^ rr

T\'\ C -jJjO
^, ^\,\ ljJ.S\ A.X>\ _j.;\

A\o c All ^c^U

11 i

irv c^U
riA M v-i i .^^ ^. a1-«^


C^^j C

^ror (Til criy .n^ .rrv ^rio ciu c^h ^> ^A

Aiy ^yoi

Alo iA\^ (lAA ^lyi ^d^^yA

\^' i^\ ^ro ^n i^y.\
oh^^-y ^1
o-'^^^j 'V°r ^y^ ay o[5^o_^;\

yAA c
jV.^c>i^^^ 3o^^

AFA c AH i
r\ »V«ji\ u''?'^' o.*-^

At . ' A^y i
j^A- -^^^ a; lt^^

\^. i o\ ^n c^^\
i\A cV-A^ ^^y\ Jc ^\ ^: ^\

i~^t i^^ oy cr-y^^

l.i i oAo i

vtA c^.j,:^ o^^j ^--^^


AV-0 ^A. \
^(d^^J^) (i^^j ^-^^ f^^

Air i diU i
^ aiji\

A^^ c
c5j\^\ ^sf. ^-^^ r^^
(lA. ^iV^ ^111 cil^-i^t ^iU ^^"lY ^^ot '
o^->>^ >^^1

A. A iA.l ^
oly < 0. o

A^i ^
Oi-^^ >^ (
oj^j^ '-J^

oir coil c
Oi-^^^ i_r^ (
uJ-v-j\>fl> ^ O^^j^ ^^
1., c^l^ (Uo cUi cU^ cUWi:;^^!

o\\ L0\K ij.\: ^y\\

UY c-^W ^£\

oyy i
^^l> ^^i\l

1. ((3^_^\

l.A cl.l cl.i (o'tl (

j\ii^ ^^\
AU ^ A^r c diU ^
oi-x^l jVj^\

Ai \ I Jo*^ .iAU (
l5jV^\ iU: oi-^^\ j^'^

AiV (
t5^ Av^ oi-^^ j^^
Al^ c^ ^\ ^;^:
-x>j£ oiJ^^ J^\
y.y ion (i^i U'll c^AY ^lY ^i-n. a"l is^Vu-\>\

oil— oil cj^ J^^j\ ^y, s_)Vu«\^\

"W A ' vda«-v ^1 v__> vxw \.9\

oi\ ijy«i\

Yl ^Y. ^o^^^
c^i c^ i

rii ^
^v^ p^9\
o \ i i

^li i^jJi^

rii ^rr^ ^
ju^ ^ ^
lA ir/^\

Air ^^c^i^v^

ooA c\j\
AiA '

Vto i YAr c^J- y\ i Av-si ^ JlJu^-

y\ i
J> (js3^ ^;^; J«^

A. . £
j-^l\ ^^y. y\ ^y^ Ji*ff-

vy ^

^^ cf- ^T-

r^A ^
(_s*-^ ^_^

•U)^ JW;n ve.*9 a

vrv iiAi cito ii.r-'tt cAY cy\ c-xo ^t tjjil\

vrr ^vr\ cj^y

rrA Mil Mvr My\ ^ki ^^-i^ ^

Ail M^i Mv: c in ^n en ^^^ (r\ ^i '


A^y i^A\-^yi ^
jVoV^ -^^^ cr; Ji^\
An ^t^U i
Jl JytC-\

An eoiJ^l ^\f eL5jW\ J^«^\

lAr c
o>^^ j-^ a: Ji*^^
i^r eVyA-w\ e^^i e^^y ^^rA ^
tvio cviv ^yir (Vi. c^W- oU ^. ^^_j\ ^:;Vy^ ^ ^\ y\
Vol cVil cViA tVll

rt.0 (
(^VwiJi ,j»^ li*^' _j;'

VIA ^(5j^^ J-^^^.^

TA^ c
c5>vii <iii\ Juf-

A. I i-uiiil
(<i^^) tT-^^^ («4^) O".

\ \o (ty c^\iJcL.\
J jW/1 ci.v«^ il

\\. CI.V ^O^ dJL;j\



\^. Mn (ir (i\ ^n ^n ^ri ^

jVdj jL«
^y>^ Cf- ^y^-^ cf-
ffj- cy- ^y*^ cf- •^y^-' Ct- )\

1. . O (

ti oUT^. ^^\

ill lJJ^j\

ioAI-oAl (oAo ioAi coli (oi^ ^lAo ij\6-

^^ jl> jy-j\

AU aiA a\y ^o-^.

iAr I
Cf--^^ J^ cr! o^'^^^j^

IV. cAl 'V. 'TV <


VT ^TA cry ^v ,>. X .-v. .,\

ill .^>j\

ry oV oi a-j^

oy iU^\
**A I '

I . . ( yr i.y\ i.


Ar\ (o^- 'o^j

'.o ctA. tiy^-ivi ^ly. cnA ^ny O^^ c^ o^^j

Yir cvn (VVo iY\^ (Y.Y a't"\t^\ (^jy ,>-^ oiJi\ jV^^

\^. (To c\1 ( \A


lYA c lYY ^
J^ tT^

Yr. cvil>./'^\

\r. nn ar (^. tTo ^r^ cr\ t\A (u-i^^^

A\i 'lAA (^V vr-d-^^

irY <
jW \j\

\\0 L\\ i.W (w^l>,\


Yor (rYY<\r\ m.i m.o-\.i m.^ c\.i cay ^o^V;^3^\

loo (ioi (^JiVia?^

VAY cti\> Ji*-\

iir ijJ\ j^\


r . 1 (^V; J^ ^, ^^\
A. I
i^JM y\ f
J\iai^\ jU o>-

A . . ^
fiX* ^y.

ill (d)\l\
^; J^\

VAY i.^_)\^j^ Ji-xa ^ j^\

A.l ^cr^^ yS ^kS^>^}\ ^\ cr. (^ cr;


A. .
i(j~J_^ ^;/.

rol (Tl^ Mto (lAl it^is ^ .»i;j>\

^jj\\ y^ 4^. <f Ifrj 'i\A ii\o (i\i ''MA i.\y\ ^.

VIA H-»^'

A\r cA. . ^^W 'Yli cYoA-YoY ^^r. (^\"l c

J^ ^^^^

VIA 'a--^\^\ 'l5'j1^


Ail cA^i (ol^-oAl coiJ^\_;A^ cc5^^\=> ^^\

A^A a. A coAl-oAi £o^\ (iAo l^ f%i> ^ o^ -^^^

K.\ ( o \ r c A '
jVi*U A*^\

oil coio toi-^^^ ij-^ '(J^'J


YW nsj\ o'.

Vti c

jiL ^ J.i-\

^VA i^^ '^r'\ i

jV-L A*-\

vro (vr^-yr\ -^^^

c^^^ 'ur'o^ o^^^ ch

loA ijU- 0-:


A. A £i_;-W\_^\

(^i3- f^i*^'^ j) ^>^ Cf-

^V3\ J j\>'^\

O i v_X«lJiv >

r i 1 ( c-ou ij^ ^\
no ^ lAr ^ nr c^^^. ^\

io\ iio. 'O^) J^


AA t

All' ^:;>j--..>-
A U i
j^\ ^'\

A- 1 '
(5/^-\ oi-^' v^'^

j^\ J.v^ ^_ <^ Ifrj Mir M 00 ( i^^ c A*-\

^Ar i.
^ ^.; ii j\ i A^\
'Vir ^y\» ail citi aAi ^^U A^^j»\^ ^^VUL ^j.^\
^viA iVii ^yio cvi^ ,vir ^n.-yn ^yrA ^yry

yot L^(i.\

oiy-oii toio-oi^ i
Jc> ^jy^^\ ^.

^yi i
jUL Ju«\
^; A*-\

^A\ tjV-L j.«-\

^) Jut^\ ^ j.^\

yil iL?jW J\i: -^^^

A^l VIA ' (
iSjj^ ^^ Q>. ^'f>\/,

nv-rio ^^\ diiU ^;


TAY ( TAi c TA. t 4a\ -X-p-

^^^^ ^^ ^^j".
J^ ^^. ^\^.

All a. A it.y

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(i) Index names of persons together with an


alphabetical list of nisbas;

(2) Index of names of places and tribes;

(3) Index of books cited ;



(N. B.The abridged translation contained in this volume,

XIV, 2, does 7iot contain all the names mentioned in the
text, but since the pages of the original text are indicated
by thick figures in the body of the translation, these Indices
will serve for the latter, so far as it goes, as well as for
the former. As a rule names are given in the Index as
they occur in the text, without correction, save when the
correction is obvious. Such corrections are, as a rule, indicated.
Where several references occur under one heading, the more
important are generally overlined).
University of Toronto


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