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A Research Proposal Presented

To the Senior High School Department

University of Cebu- Lapu-lapu and Mandaue








Research Adviser


Table of Contents

CHAPTER l: The Problem and Its Scope

 Rationale 3
 Statement of the Problem 5
 Theoretical Background of the Study 7
 Theoretical Framework 11
 Significance of the Study 12
 Scope and Delimitation 12
 Definition of Terms 13

CHAPTER ll: Review of Related Literature and Studies

 Review of Related Literature 14

 Review of Related Studies 18

CHAPTER lll: Research Methodology

 Research Design 31
 Research Participants 31
 Research Environment 32
 Research Procedure 32
 Research Instruments 33

 Data Analysis Procedure 34

Chapter l

The Problem and Its Scope



Customer satisfaction and service quality are one of the primary

components in the system of every organization. The desire to oversee and

manage the relationships of the company with the customer leads the

organizations in giving its focus on the advancement and improvement of the

service quality. Assessing measures of customer care and services as a major

aspect of the organization's culture allows the discovering of more effective and

sufficient ways in dealing with its improvements and developments.

Customer satisfaction performs a significant part in the company's overall

trend of transactions and other company operations. People consider the other

results of other consumers in assessing their own satisfaction with the operation.

Companies now acknowledge that the economy has changed. Today, multi-

tasking individuals have improved their aspirations and opinions, including the

products and services they purchase. Measuring customer satisfaction is

comparatively fascinating and is one of the latest ideas for many businesses that

have earlier concentrated on income statements and balance sheets.

Customer service knowledge consists of a number of services delivered to

customers. The perception of customer service experience as the total of all

cognitive and social responses to business strategy incentives has significant

implications. In addition, customer experience service is the sum of all the ideas

that the consumer gets from a service or products provider during his or her

partnership with the provider. As a result, customer service practice can be seen

as a service that communicates with business providers and enables clients to

satisfy their basic needs and achieve appropriate emotions (Yen, 2015).

University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue has the same goal, mission

and vision for the employee’s performances and that is to produce high quality,

good services and be a productive worker. The university as a whole hires

excellent employees to meet the expectation of the customers. Despite of all of

this, many customers still demand good quality service from the employees who

take manage to them.

Theresia and Bangun (2017) In order to achieve its goals, the company

must be able to give satisfaction to its customers. Measurement of service quality

is important to find out the achievement of customer satisfaction. If there is a

difference between the real quality of the service and the expected, then it

indicates that customer satisfaction is not yet achieved. In this case, continuous

service improvement is required to be successful in business development,

particularly in today's highly competitive, dynamic and complex environments. In

order to survive the company must continuously improve its ability to serve its

customers and have the advantage of competing better than existing


Quality Service of employees used to be the basis of the customers’

satisfaction. An obvious result of continued bad quality service will lead to the

customers be dissatisfied. Good Quality Service may result to the standard

expectation among customers.

The study does not only tend to focus on what type of quality service that

can employee serve but also on its effects and how to deal with the customers

standard. This would benefit the academe in addressing intervention for this

issue for the enhancement of employee’s productivity. This would give them the

idea as to how serious this issue is and how great its impact on the overall

performance of the employees.

Therefore, the study seeks to know the impact of employee services to

the level of satisfaction of the customer. In addition, the study also attempts to

investigate the different types of employee services and its effect on the overall

customer satisfaction.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this research is to know the impact of employee’s

services to the level of satisfaction of the customers within the first semester of

the academic year 2019-2020. The result of the study can be used as basis for

the improvement of employee’s services to the customer.

Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions of:

1. What are the various types of bad quality services that affects the

satisfaction of the customers?

2. What are the various types of good quality services that affects the

satisfaction of the customers?

3. What are the effects of Employee quality services to the level of

satisfaction of the customers?

4. How can the level of satisfaction among customers be affected in terms

1.1 Good Quality Service
1.2 Bad Quality Service
5. Based on the findings, what are the features and factors that the

employees could adapt and apply in order to improve the level of

satisfaction of the customers?

The following are the Null Hypothesis of the specific questions:

1. There are no significant types of bad quality services that affects the

satisfaction of the customers.

2. There are no significant types of good quality services that affects the

satisfaction of the customers.

3. There are no significant the effects of Employee quality services to the

level of satisfaction of the customers.

4. There are no significant effects on the level of satisfaction of the

customers in terms of good and bad quality services.

5. There are no significant factor and factors that the employees could adapt

and apply in order to improve the level of satisfaction of the customers

Theoretical Background

This study is mainly anchored with Kano model which is a theory that

Professor Noriaki Kano and his Tokyo Rika University peers created in the 1980s.

Customer satisfaction model Kano et al., (1996), classifies attributes based on

how customer perceive them and their impact on customer satisfaction. The

model is based on three attribute kinds viz. Basic or anticipated attributes, (2)

attributes of performance or speech, and (3) attributes of surprise and pleasure.

The customer's expressed expectations are the performance or spoken

characteristics. The fundamental or anticipated characteristics are as the

meaning indicates that the fundamental characteristics are not worth

mentioning. The third, the characteristics of surprise and pleasure are those that

go beyond the expectations of the customer.

Kano model measures satisfaction against client perceptions of attribute

performance; grades client demands and determines satisfaction levels. The

fundamental premise behind Kano's technique is that customer satisfaction is not

always proportional to how fully functional the product or service is, or in other

words, greater quality does not necessarily lead to greater satisfaction. Kano

(1984) differentiates in his model between the three kinds of fundamental

demands that affects customer satisfaction.

They are (1) Must be requirements–the customer will be highly unhappy if

these criteria are not met. On the other side, as the customer takes these

demands for granted, their satisfaction will not improve; (2) one-dimensional

requirement–one-dimensional specifications are generally requested by the

customer–the greater the amount of fulfilment, the greater the level of the

satisfaction and vice versa. (3) Attractive requirements–These specifications are

the product / service criteria that have the biggest impact on the customer's

satisfaction with the product in question. The extra characteristics mentioned by

Kano are: indifferent attributes, questionable attributes, and attributes of


Employee engagement Theory (Hellevigon, 2012) is a considerable

invention that touches almost all parts of the human resource management

facets we know. If every part of the human resources is not a proper manner,

employees will be fail to fully engage themselves in their own job and it will

result to mismanagement. The invented employee engagement is built on the

foundation of earlier concepts like job satisfaction, employee commitment and

Organizational Citizenship behavior. Though it is related to enclose these kind of

concepts, employee engagement is wide range. Employee engagement is a

stronger forecast of positive and productive organizational performance and it

has two-way relationship between employer and employee compared to the

three invented concepts which are the: Job satisfaction, employee commitment

and organizational citizenship behavior. So that the engaged employees are

emotionally attached to their organization and highly involved in their job with a

great enthusiasm and be a productive employees for the good quality services

that they will give.

In a multitude of service industries, including tourism and hospitality, the

SERVQUAL tool has been commonly used. The tool was also used to assess the

performance of hotel employees. Parasuraman et al. (1988) constructed a 22-

item device called SERVQUAL to assess the perception of service quality by

consumers. SERVQUAL deals with many service quality components split into

tangible aspects, reliability, responsiveness, certainty, and empathy.

A number of researchers have applied the SERVQUAL model to measure

the quality of service in the hospitality industry, with modified constructs adapted

to specific situations of hospitality. The most commonly accepted

conceptualization of the notion of customer satisfaction is the theory of

expectancy disconfirmation. The theory was created by Oliver (1980), who

suggested that the level of satisfaction is the outcome of customer satisfaction.

Satisfaction happens when the product or service is better than anticipated. On

the other side, with discontent (adverse disconfirmation) a performance that is

opposite to the anticipated outcomes.

Service quality can be evaluated according to the SERVQUAL model by

defining the gaps between customer expectations of the service to be delivered

and their perceptions of the real service results.

SERVQUAL consists of five service dimensions:

1. Tangibility: relates to the physical features of the service encounter.

2. Reliability: the capacity of the service provider to deliver precise and

reliable services; to perform the right of service continuously.

The physical environment depicted by objects (e.g. interior design) and

topics (e.g. employee appearance).

3. Responsiveness: the willingness of a company to support its customers

by delivering quick and effective service performance; the readiness of staff to

fix client demands and issues quickly and effectively.

4. Assurance: Various characteristics that provide customers with

confidence (such as employees' polite and trustworthy particular service

understanding of the company).

5. Empathy: the willingness of the delivery company to provide private

assistance to each customer.

It is clear that this theory depends on the amount or the value of a

certain work and their range of ability that enables or push them to perform

good quality services.


Kano Model – Employee Engagement SERVQUAL Model-

Theory- According to the
A theory of customer theory, an organization’s It is a multi-dimensional
satisfaction and product leader must guarantee research tool intended to
development depending that all its employees are catch consumer
on how the impact the fully involved, that at expectations and
perception of the brand their employment they customer views across
by the customer defines are fully turned on. The the five dimensions that
l l lL

Kano Model is where great product quality does not lead to great satisfaction but by
the perception ofofthe
Significance thecustomer
Study itself while the quality of employee services was
stated to depend on the employee involvement in the organization and human
resource management which was stated
“Figure 1.1 on
Thethe Employee
paradigm Engagement
of the study” Theory. The
two pinpoints the SERVQUAL model in which involve the customer and the employee.
‘“Figure 1.1 the paradigm of the study”

Significance of the Study

This part of the study will greatly benefit to the following:

Employees - The study will greatly benefit the employees for the results

of the research can be used as their guide on what factors and features they

should adopt and apply, to improve the employee services for the customer


Customers - Customers - The study will benefit the customers for an

improved and effective employee quality services can be implement based on the

results of the study.

Researcher - The study will benefit the researchers for them to have a

wider view and knowledge about Quantitative research.

Future Researcher - Future Researcher- The study will benefit the

future researchers for the research can be used as basis for their upcoming

researchers involving employee services and customer satisfaction.

Scope and Delimitation

The research focuses on the effects of employee services to the level of

satisfaction among customers.

The employee services was limited only on the good and bad quality

services of the Maritime canteen. The level of satisfaction was delimited on the

high satisfaction and the low satisfaction of the customers.

Therefore, the study’s scope was limited within the University of Cebu -

Lapulapu and Mandaue Maritime Canteen. This study also needs the involvement

and participation of the selected customers in UCLM.

Definition of Terms

The purpose of this study, the following terms are operationally and

technically defined:

Customers. This refers to a person or organization that buys goods or

services from a store or business.

Satisfactions. This refers to the fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations,

or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.

Employees. This refers to a person employed for wages or salary,

especially at nonexecutive level.

Services. This refers to the action of helping or doing work for someone

or an act of assistance.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter is consist of various reviews related literature and related

studies that has been conducted about the impact of employee services to the

level of satisfaction of the customers.

Review of Related Literature

McQuerrey (2019) indicated that excellent great customer's support

practices can give organizations a vital edge over the challenge. Great quality

workers services who comprehend their employments and feel a high level of

expert fulfillment are bound to give high quality service levels than the

individuals who are in the awful quality expectation and apathetic about their

occupations. Representatives who comprehend the desires for their bosses and

are roused to play out their activity capacities well positively affect customers.

These staff members are commonly proficient about the organization's items,

services objectives and targets, and can convey an incentive to the customer.

Workers who are roused to be compelling organization agents set aside effort to

guarantee consumer loyalty and customer satisfaction at all levels by tuning in,

giving data, counsel and taking care of issues. This can enable an organization to

pull in and hold a customer base. The more representatives think about the

manner in which an organization works and what its expectation desire are, the

more the representatives give great quality services among customers the more

they are to play out their activity capacities well. Workers who are prepared on

corporate approach and best rehearses in customers care and fulfillment have

the instruments to do the organization's central goal with customers

institutionalized desire administration and expectation.

According to Prossack (2018), there is a direct link between employee

satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Happy employees are equivalent to happy

clients. Unhappy staff are leading to unhappy clients. It's not as easy as that, but

it's not too far away as the generalization is. Employees are the leading factor

behind customer satisfaction. Employee relationships laid the standard for

favorable or bad client experiences. When staff are not pleased at job, their

relationships with clients can, and almost always will, suffer. Over moment, this

can cause severe repercussions for a company. The place where this becomes

the most critical is any company where employees interact straight with clients,

such as retail and meal services. Historically underpaid and overworked, staff in

these employment have to spend all their periods helping clients. They're the

ones that are shouted when the registration doesn't accept their coupon or when

the product is out of stock. They're the people who devote 30 minutes with the

client just to have them decide to purchase their goods online. It can be a tough

job, and it only worsens when employees are handled like pawns in a game of


According to UK Essays (2017), several studies concluded that enhancing

customer satisfaction had an important and beneficial effect on the economic

results of the organization. They also stated that a 1% fall in client fulfillment

often contributed to a 5% fall in asset returns. Customer satisfaction has been

identified as an antecedent to the profitability of the company by conducting

studies on Taiwanese companies. Achieving customer satisfaction was

recognized as one of the respects in which a company could also boost its

economic yield and market value. An essential model created to connect

customer satisfaction, service quality and relative value disclosed that customer

satisfaction and relative price were two (2) very significant determinants of post-

purchase conduct, including potential suggestions and repurchase plans. It

was introduced that the measurement and evaluation of customer satisfaction

was very important in creating a good client relationship. Since it is in the

organization's own concern to guarantee the satisfaction of its customers, it is

also essential that they are fully prepared to obviously determine what the

concept of customer satisfaction is, the areas of business that will ensure that

the customer is satisfied and, finally, the best approach to be taken to find out

from its customers that their expectations are being met and what needs to be

improved if necessary.

Qualtrics (2019), stated that the measurement of service quality relies

completely on the framework and promise of the brand, and the performance of

the service varies depending on the sector. However, the sector norm and most

widely used metric is SERVQUAL.

SERVQUAL SERVQUAL is focused on a collection of five dimensions

continuously rated by clients as the most significant service quality, regardless of

the service industry. These measurements, as described by the SERVQUAL

measuring instrument, are as follows:

Tangible: presence of physical objects, machinery, staff and interaction


Reliability: capacity to deliver the promised service in a reliable and accurate


Responsiveness: willingness to assist clients and to provide timely delivery.

Assurance: understanding and kindness of staff and their ability to transmit trust

and confidence.

Empathy: the compassionate, individualized attention that the company offers to

its clients.

These five SERVQUAL dimensions are used to assess the difference

between the expectations of the clients for excellence and their perception of the

real product supplied. The SERVQUAL instrument, when used over moment, can

assist you to understand both client expectations, views of particular services

and areas of need for improvement in performance. SERVQUAL has been used in

many aspects, such as defining particular business elements that

needs enhancement and targeting training possibilities for business staff.

Proper design of the items used in the SERVQUAL tool offers rich item-

level data which contributes to practical implications for the business manager.

The service quality dimensions assessed by SERVQUAL should be adapted for

optimal results in different sectors, including government and private apps.

SERVQUAL results are extremely accurate, but the five fundamental aspects may

not be clearly delineated when used in distinct sectors. Other steps, such as the

Six Sigma model, should be regarded as applicability in quantifying the gulf

between customer requirements and views.

According to NT Jamaludin et al. (2014), organizations which pay more

attention to customers as offering service quality survive as a center of

excellence. Hence, this study exemplifies excellence of services provided to the

students of Laguna State Polytechnic University relative to student population

within the five dimensions such as reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and

responsiveness. Reliability means ―do what you say you’re going to do when

you said you were going to do it. In LSPU, this refers to the manner in which the

university facilitates the services to respond to the needs and expectations of its

clients like timeliness, accuracy of records, and punctuality of the front line

service providers, and also including teachers’ proficiency and sensitivity in

addressing students’ concerns. Accordingly, LeBlanc (2014), defined reliability as

the ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.

Review of Related Studies

International Studies

According to the study of Sokchan et al., “ Customer Satisfaction and

Service Quality in the Marketing Practice: Study on Literature Review ”, (2018),

Service quality is an assessment that reflects the customer's perception of

reliability, assurance, responsiveness, empathy and responsiveness and

substantial quality, while satisfaction is more thorough and is influenced by

service quality, item quality and cost, as well as by situational segments and

individual factors. From their definitions, service quality and customer satisfaction

are linked to their relationships with different business perspectives. This review

mixed customer satisfaction and service quality investigation with customer

value, which added more weight to the link between customer satisfaction and

service quality, because value is what customers look at in the offer. Customer

satisfaction and service quality are basic considerations of a customer-oriented

business that analyzes the relationship between service quality, value,

satisfaction and behavioral objectives in both public and private business areas.

Speaking of the relationship between customer satisfaction and service

quality, Yen-Hao Hsieh stated on his “ The Key Successful Factors of Customer

Service Experience” (2015), that service providers concentrate not only on the

efficiency of the services, but also on the quality of customer service experience.

Customer service experience consists of a range of customer operations and

relationships between service suppliers and customer. That is, customer service

experience is considered to be a complex service system, but there is no theory

to describe and explain the phenomenon of customer service experience within

the service system. According to the results and literature review, five critical

variables (employee, customer, environment, technology and knowledge) are

recognized that affects customer service experience. First, shows that the most

significant variable of customer service satisfaction is the Customer through a

paired comparison depending on the Employee's considerations, next is the

Environment through a paired comparison depending on the Customer's

considerations, third is the Employee through a paired comparison centered on

the Environment's considerations, next is Environment through a paired

comparison depending on Technology's considerations, and lastly, Environment

through a paired comparison relying on Knowledge. Results can clearly assist

business suppliers to concentrate on the main variable in making the correct

choice and policy for high-quality customer service experience. The unweighted

super matrix, the weighted super matrix and the limiting super matrix will be

further constructed.

According to the study of Dr. Hanan Saad Kattar, Dr. Dina Weheba, and

Ossman Ahmed, “The impact of employees' behavior on customers' service

quality perceptions and overall satisfaction“ (2015), results have shown that all

employee behaviors, either negative or positive, are highly correlated with the

overall satisfaction of the customer. This result is congruent with the literature

and several empirical studies. In addition, the study traced the impact of

behavior on customer perceptions and overall satisfaction through the study of

the relevant literature and the assessment of opinions on the impact of employee

behavior on customer perceptions of quality and overall satisfaction. In this

context, the findings confirmed the correlation between these variables and their

consecutive and interchangeable effect. When studying the responses based on

the customer profiles and the characteristics of the visit, it was concluded that

the behavior of employees had a major impact on overall customer satisfaction,

regardless of the gender, nationality and purpose of the visit, number of visits

and length of stay. In conclusion, it can be confirmed that human contact is a

critical determinant of customer satisfaction, and that customers who are

satisfied with human interaction may be satisfied with other issues. Moreover,

the hospitality industry relies heavily on the provision of services to its

customers. Many of the product offerings are highly intangible; they depend

mainly on the creation of positive customer experience. In the hotel sector, as

hotel management relies on employees to provide superior service, employees

can thus be the foundation of a competitive advantage. Service quality and

customer satisfaction are strongly influenced by the values and actions of hotel


In accordance to the study of Shaher Murad “ Impact of Service Quality on

Customer Satisfaction in Restaurant Industry ” (2015), the research is to examine

the customer's conduct and happiness with the performance of delivery in

Pakistan's hotels. Data from distinct age communities and gender are gathered

for this intent. In terms of clients, 63.8% were masculine and 36.2% woman.

Age groups were below 20 (22.4 per cent), 20-30 (55.9 percent) and 30-40

years of young (21.7 percent). The qualifications of the participants were as

follows: undergraduate participants were 21.7 percent graduate students, 44.1

percent and postgraduate pupils were 34.2 percent. Frequently, 9.2% of the

participants attended hotels once, 31.6% attended repeatedly and 59.2%

attended more than twice. Most of the clients were very satisfied with the

performance of the restaurant delivery. All of the participants who attended the

restaurant for the first moment were less satisfied with delivery and performance

than those who attended the restaurant more frequently. Only 54.3 per unified

means that the services supplied by the restaurant reflect their particular

requirements and desires. And 41% of the respondents were not very satisfied

with the waiters because they thought they were too busy to respond to the

needs and wants of the customer. It is advised to pay close attention to these

points because, although the quality and quantity of food and the variety of

dishes are vital in the restaurant, service is also very important and, if the

restaurant provides inadequate service, it will directly affect the customer's

satisfaction and loyalty to the restaurant. There are a number of items in spite of

the value of meals the client has noted, such as proper decoration, seated and

service times. Most of the participants were aware of these variables while

attending hotels. The location of the restaurant is the most important variable

evaluated by the customer. Customers are drawn to the adequate and

appropriate place with parking arrangements. Most of the participants have a

problem with the registration of hotels, they think that the reservation schemes

of hotels are inadequate.

The relationship between quality of the service and customer satisfaction.

Factors such as tangible and assurance have an effect on customer satisfaction,

including the performance of delivery. The responsiveness and efficiency of the

product also affect customer satisfaction. And, at the end of the day, empathy

also affects customer satisfaction. It is therefore stated that, in order for the

restaurant to be effective, the leadership requires to assess these variables in a

manner that increases the value of the product and increases customer

satisfaction. The study also indicates that senior executives in the restaurant

sector will have to concentrate on internal performance problems if they want to

enhance external service quality issues, e.g. executives should boost the amount

of inner collaboration and teamwork between the various departments that are

partners in the workflow and help to eliminate misunderstandings and engage all

employees in problem solving. Since internal participants reported receiving

standardized services, it may be a good idea for catering management (i.e.

kitchen staff) to be more flexible so that they can react to individual client

requirements. The findings of this research draw the focus of professionals to the

concept that while food quality may fulfill clients, bad quality of services may still

have an adverse effect on overall satisfaction.

In this study of Oktay EMİR, Sibel ŞAHİN, and Yalçın Arslantürk “ An

Assessment of the Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Customer Satisfaction in

Hotel Enterprises” (2018), which assesses the impact of employee satisfaction on

customer satisfaction with employee views, the most efficient variables

influencing customer satisfaction are social rights, operating circumstances and

communication with staff. Physical facilities, leadership tolerance and dread of

work losses were determined to be the lowest efficient for customer satisfaction.

While there is no important distinction in gender and work situation factors in the

comparison of the impact of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction by

socio-demographic features, there have been important variations in age, marital

status, academic status and study department. Employees under the age of

twenty-five are in other gender organizations; if they are single, they feel that

employee satisfaction is less efficient than the client. While employees of the

department who are of the view that the impact of employee satisfaction on

customer satisfaction is greater, being human resources, it was household staff

who were of the view that they were least efficient.

Local Studies

In accordance to Willy F. Salatar’s “ Service Quality and customer

Satisfaction in Fast Food restaurants: A customer Comparison using discriminant

analysis” (2017), he was able to arrive with the conclusion: (A) there are three

main aspects of service quality used by clients in the evaluation of fast food

restaurants in the Philippines: tangible, reliable / responsive and assurance /

empathy (b) two quality of service aspects Assurance / empathy and tangible,

differentiate between masculine and woman clients (c) Overall customer

satisfaction can be calculated using quality of service dimensions. The connection

was analyzed between administration quality discernments and consumer loyalty

in metropolitan administrations. Study results demonstrated that three

administration quality factor (Empathy, Tangibles and Reliability) separate

among male and female respondents. Besides, it was discovered that Tangibles,

Reliability and Responsiveness were fundamentally identified with consumer

loyalty for the two sexual orientations.

The study “Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in a Philippine Retail

Chain” of Joy Rabo and Michelle Ang (2018), showed that the three dimensions

of customer satisfaction in the ACSI model, namely customer expectations,

perceived quality and perceived value, are applicable in the Philippine retail

chain, but with an added emphasis on quantity, apart from the quality of goods

and services.

In addition, all dimensions in the SERVQUAL model, except for reliability,

address customer experience dimensions of customer satisfaction, while

reliability addresses the quality and quantity of goods and services offered. Thus,

companies are advised to use frameworks, in addition to SERVQUAL, to obtain a

more holistic view of customer satisfaction.

Based on the result of the study of Arlyn Selga Cristobal, “Expectations on

Library Services, Library Quality (LibQual) Dimension and Library Customer

Satisfaction: Relationship to Customer Loyalty ” (2018), the researcher found that

(1) the perceptions of clients (minimum appropriate and required level of

delivery) were usually and comparatively strong across the four business

dimensions of the library, except in terms of entry to data and the library as a

location. Based on their level of service, clients expect the USL library to be a

convenient and friendly place to explore or stay while on university. As a result,

clients still find the classroom with a traditional lecture room to be their favourite

library— the large, arched, light-filled space with its ceilings covered with comics.

Furthermore, not only do they come to the library for their own resources, but

they also use equipment such as computers, lecture spaces, debate rooms and

others. Although clients usually described the actual service output experienced

by the USL College Library as elevated, their requirements (desired service) were

not met. However, their minimum appropriate amount of operation was met

compared to the real customer results experienced by the USL library; (2)

Customers were generally "satisfied" with the various services offered by the

library, such as circulation service, internet and online service, library instruction,

up-to-date awareness services, reference service, multimedia service and

depository area / service. However, their level of satisfaction did not reach the

highest level; (3) Customers have shown a high level of loyalty to the library and

its services. However, their loyalty has reached the highest level; and (4) the

performance of the library system, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty

are interrelated. This suggests that USL clients have a relatively elevated amount

of customer needs (minimum acceptable and desired); therefore, the library

must fulfill their demands and provide a more satisfying service so that clients

are more likely to be loyal to the library and its services. In addition, the greater

the performance of the product offered, the more satisfied clients and the more

loyal they are to the library and its services.

In the study of Annie Gay Barlan-Espino “Operational Efficiency And

Customer Satisfaction of Restaurants: Basis For Business Operation

Enhancement” (2017), The problems faced by managers and employees that

affects customer satisfaction and the improvement of business operations were

constantly monitored by employees; lack of skilled personnel; uncontrollable

lateness of employees and ineffective and unprofessional dealings with

employees in other areas. Good and powerful monitoring has an impact on the

production of job and generates a favorable organizational atmosphere. It

captivates and retains talented employees. This is Gizaw et. Al (2014) shows that

the supervision provided by the managers or owners of the establishment

contributes nobly to the knowledge, improved food hygiene and the level of

security of the servers. Learning to trust employees, providing them with

confidence. Learning to trust employees, providing them with information on

decision-making, giving feedback on their performance and making them feel

important and recognized with rewards and benefits will determine their desire.

Skilled personnel are essential for the implementation of a number of

development activities. A well-experienced worker with skills and a high level of

education assumes responsibility at all times. In addition, well-trained and fully

qualified employees ensure the efficiency and high quality of service in the

development of a business. Khan (2014) discussed strategies for reducing the

inadequacy of skilled workers in the industry. Issues of lack of quality manpower

need to be addressed by the creation of a standard education and training

system. Getting to work on time can be difficult for even the best employees and

considered to be too late. Some organizations allow their employees to make up

for the time they missed. It was examined that the withdrawal manifests itself as

a result of the tardiness of employees. Top management that opens up

communication and encourages each other with a strong motivation builds a

good working environment for all employees.

Once customers have experienced poor service, negative comments will

spread that often have an impact on the choice of other guests. Poor service is

not easily redeemed. Interested customers are looking for fast service when it

comes to food service / fast service restaurants. Management gives priority to

the speed of serving rather than the ambience of the place or the quality of the


In accordance to the study “Service Quality Level of Food Service

Establishments in Lipa City, Philippines: Basis for Business Operations

Enhancement” of Arnold Magtibay De Luna and Norma L. Meñez (2014),

commitment, pride, willingness to advocate for benefits and advantages, and job

and organization satisfaction are a commitment to the degree of alignment of

the employee-organization. Organizations must work to understand the

dynamics of employee engagement in their companies, compare these dynamics

with informative benchmarks for improving engagement, and then identify

specific and actionable levers that will improve engagement levels.

Consistent attendance is a requirement and an essential function for all

employees. They are expected to be timely and reliable in order to meet the

needs of the business. When employees are absent or late, work and service are

interrupted. Attendance is an important factor in the assessment of individual

performance and continued employment. In order to maintain 100 % of service

quality, reduce turnover and increase revenue through returns, the hospitality

industry should train its employees effectively and continuously.

Most businesses, tend to ignore customer service and customer

satisfaction, even the more established ones, which is often what makes or

breaks a business. It is also pertinent that customer services are distributed

throughout the organization's departments. Customer service is often at the

heart of a business that aims to provide a more exceptional service that makes

the customer feel valued and respected which leads to a higher level of customer

satisfaction. Although providing an excellent service may involve extra resources,

time and money, when you get it right, it will allow you to stand out from your

competition, maintain a positive reputation among future customers, and

encourage existing customers into purchasing again from your business. In the

business mind, it is six times more expensive to purchase a new customer than

to retain an existing customer, and keeping them would is a challenge.

Over all, the related literature and studies in this research is all about the

Quality Services and Customers Satisfaction. There are many factors that can

affect the satisfaction of the customers: Employee's behavior, Performance,

beliefs, experienced, expectations, standards and etc. In a different aspect,

employee quality services was the primary defendant to fulfill the desired

satisfaction that a customers expected, and by the feedback of customers who’s

expecting the good performance or services of the employees, through this,

employees will have an idea of how to deal and cope up the standards of the

customers. Improving themselves, finding strategies or methods to help

enhancing their capability to meet the standards and satisfaction of the



Research Methodology

Research Design

Given that this study is non environmental, the research will use

the survey method of conducting a research. The study will utilize both

correlation and descriptive approach and procedures. The main goal of the

research is to investigate how the selected respondents assess their level of

satisfaction towards the quality service of employees. The correlation approach

will be used to know the significant relation of good and bad quality service to

the level of satisfaction of the customers. Correlation is the relationship between

things that happen or change together. While the descriptive procedure to

accurately portray the overall assessment of the respondents on their level of

satisfaction and for the benefits of the researcher on giving interpretation on the

assessment and analyzation of the data.

Research Participants

The research respondents are the customers in the Maritime Canteen of

UCLM (University of Cebu, Lapu-lapu and Mandaue). This is practice for the

researcher since the purpose of the survey is to determine the level of

satisfaction of the customers in terms of the employee services of the canteen.

The sampling procedure is a non-probability sampling thus, convenience

sampling was chose. Since there is no specific number of customers in the

Maritime Canteen, the sampling method was applied where 70 respondents were

chosen from a group of customers of Maritime Canteen who are present during

the time the study is conducted.

Research Environment

This study will be conducted in University of Cebu Lapu-lapu and Mandaue

which is located in A.C Cortez Avenue, Looc, Mandaue City. UC Lapu lapu-

Mandaue (LM) is located at the foot of the old Mactan Bridge, linking the cities of

Cebu and Lapulapu. The cities of Lapulapu and Mandaue are areas for diverse

economic activity, including foreign industrial export manufacturing companies-

computer hardware, electronic wares, furniture and metalwork, fashion

accessories and processed food, among others. Lapulapu is the site of Cebu

International Airport, the gateway to Cebu's vibrant leisure and tourism industry.

In this sense, UCLM provides its students with training and education relevant to

the broader picture of its local community, which is vibrant with endless


Research Procedure

This study is to be conducted at the UCLM, Maritime Canteen only. In

order to achieve the aimed results, researcher need to fulfill their series of steps.

First, the meaning and submission of transmittal letter. In gathering data, it is a

necessary to submit s transmittal letter which needs to be address to the

administration of SHS department and to be noted by the research adviser. After

the approval of letter, the preparation of the survey questionnaire will take place.

This also concludes the guidance of the overall availability of the questionnaire of

its entire selected respondents. Next is the giving of instructions to the selected

respondents to avoid misconception upon answering the questions, then begin

the conduction of the survey. Actual distribution of survey questionnaires of

survey questionnaires to the chosen respondents, after the distribution of survey

questionnaires, the researcher then accumulates all the survey questionnaires

and the response or the outcome of the survey will be subjected for examination

and interpretation.

Research Instrument

Permission to conduct the survey for the study was requested form the

Principal Office of the Senior High School in University of Cebu, Lapu-lapu and

Mandaue through transmittal letter.

The instrument used in this study is survey type questionnaires which is

divided into two parts, done in a survey manner. Part 1, is composed of the

customer’s profile which they used to fill in their name, (optional): age and

gender. In part 2, there will be a 5 question and 2 essay forms that the

respondents need to answer. These questions focused on the respondent’s level

of satisfaction and their perceptions and experience in terms of the quality of the

Employee Services.

The questions on the survey questionnaire was validated by the guidance

members and the research teacher before the survey was conducted.

Data Analysis Procedure

Stages of the Research 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

Project week week week week week week week

Selection of the research topic
Creation of the specific

questions and the problem

Formulation of the rationale
Identifying the beneficiaries of

the study
Review of related literature and

Writing the transmittal letter
Creation of methodology

Gathering of Data

Data Analysis

Findings and Discussions

Conclusion and



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