Knowledge Level: 1. Striated Muscle Ability
Knowledge Level: 1. Striated Muscle Ability
Knowledge Level: 1. Striated Muscle Ability
KNOWLEDGE 1. Affective
LEVEL 1. Striated
according to Appreciation
Cangelosi, if the ability,
1. Simple level,
purpose of a goal is namely the
for students to be requires
ability to use
able to do something the content students to
muscles such as
mentally then the students must believe or have
construct of the keep in mind certain beliefs
target's behavior lies involves no more but does not
in the cognitive than one require them to
domain. If the response / practice those
purpose of the goal is (response) to one beliefs
dismantling and
for students to particular installing
develop a certain stimulus equipment.
attitude or feeling Sumber:
then the construct of Indonesian
2. knowledge of 2. Affective
the target's behavior 2. The ability
the process, Behavior Level
lies in the affective to perform
of Willingness
domain. If the the contents that special skills,
to Act,
purpose of the goal is students must
for students to remember are requires requires
develop a physical the steps in a students to students to use
trait, the goal lies in process choose the ability of
the psychomotor behaviors that striated muscles
domain. are in to carry out
INTELLECTUL certain physical
accordance with
LEVEL processes
certain beliefs.
1. Understanding
requires students to
determine the
explicit or implicit
meaning of a
2. conceptualization,
requires students to
use inductive
reasoning to
distinguish examples
of certain concepts (ie
ideas or abstractions)
from something that is
not an example of the
3. application,
requires students to
use deductive
reasoning to decide
how to solve
certain problems
4. Beyond application,
requires students to
exhibit cognitive
behavior higher than
the application level
1. Retrieval 6. self
5. Metacoqnition
The process of
sequence or
structure of
basically for
understanding or
3. Analysis
The process of
accessing and
knowledge about
similarities and
upper-and lower-
errors, or
logic, or
4. Utilization
the process of
using knowledge
from which
problems can be
addressed or
can be planned,
decisions and
applications can
be obtained.
3. Example of communication understanding in mathematics (according to Cangelosi
example : SMPN 2 students consist of several tribes, 30% come from the Javanese tribe,
10% from the Sundanese tribe, and 50% from the Minang tribe, and the rest are Batak tribes.
Describe the data above in mathematical form, do you know?
4. affective domain that the students showed to the teacher.
answer : I think,affective domain that the students showed to the teacher is Target Level
of Appreciation because The target level of appreciation requires students to believe that the
content described in the target has value, and requires students to have that believe,in here,we
can see from word “almost of all student did the homework”.
logic validity
Logical validity is often also referred to as qualitative analysis in the form of
reasoning or analysis. Through qualitative analysis can be known whether or not a
problem functions.
empirical validity
An instrument can be said to have empirical validity if it has been tested from
experience. Quantitative internal characteristics are intended to include parameters
about the level of difficulty, distinguishing features and reliability. One of the
objectives of the analysis is to improve the quality of the questions, namely
whether a problem is acceptable because it has been supported by adequate
statistical data, corrected because it is proven that there are some weaknesses or
even not used at all because it is proven empirically does not function at all.
b) reliabilitas instrument
Instrument reliability is the level of consistency in the results achieved by
a measuring instrument, even if it is used repeatedly on the same or different
reliability is a tool to measure a questionnaire which is an indicator of variables or
two tests arranged from the same measurement objective and the same blue print
so that the number of items or the level of difficulty for the positive test is the same
The reliability obtained from the consistency testing between items shows the
consistency of the subject's response in one measuring instrument at one measurement