Standard Chartered Bank - India Branches

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Standard Chartered

Standard Chartered Bank – India Branches

(Incorporated in the United Kingdom with limited liability)

Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2019 Profit and Loss Account for the year ended
31 March 2019
As at As at For the For the
31 March 31 March year ended year ended
2019 2018 31 March 2019 31 March 2018
Schedule  (` in 000s) (` in 000s)  
Schedule (` in 000s) (` in 000s)

Capital and Liabilities Income

Capital 1 74,400,742 74,400,742 Interest Earned 13 105,000,503 96,157,210
Reserves and Surplus 2 197,783,434 190,431,687 Other Income 14 18,414,506 18,463,646
Deposits 3 1,050,875,049 836,074,210 Total Income 123,415,009 114,620,856
Borrowings 4 115,279,669 142,105,215 Expenditure
Other Liabilities and
Interest Expended 15 49,188,590 40,155,678
Provisions 5 274,154,523 149,632,413 Operating Expenses 16 34,928,586 33,281,862
Provisions and
Total Capital and Liabilities 1,712,493,417 1,392,644,267 Contingencies 17 17,612,328 22,071,639
Total Expenditure 101,729,504 95,509,179

Assets Net Profit 21,685,505 19,111,677
Balance in Profit and
Cash and Balances with Loss Account brought forward 14,333,758 18,154,190
Reserve Bank of India 6 41,355,203 37,691,764 Total 36,019,263 37,265,867
Balances with Banks and
Money at Call and Appropriations
Short Notice 7 132,866,096 122,572,349 Transfer to Statutory Reserves 2 5,421,376 4,777,919
Investments 8 539,182,018 392,543,023 Transfer to Investment
Fluctuation Reserves 2 3,594,547 -
Advances 9 668,380,711 641,657,966
Transfer from Investment
Fixed Assets 10 13,074,626 13,237,559
Reserve 2 (139,846) (1,016,558)
Other Assets 11 317,634,763 184,941,606 Remitted to Head Office 14,333,758 18,154,190

Remittable Surplus retained
Total Assets 1,712,493,417 1,392,644,267
in India for CRAR 2 139,846 1,016,558
Contingent Liabilities 12 22,777,444,166 17,376,473,639 Balance carried over to
Balance Sheet 2 12,669,582 14,333,758
Bills for Collection 505,380,855 503,504,692 Total 36,019,263 37,265,867
Significant accounting Significant accounting
policies and notes to policies and notes to
financial statements 18 financial statements 18

The accompanying schedules form an integral part of the The accompanying schedules form an integral part of the
Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Account

As per our report of even date

For Deloitte Haskins & Sells For Standard Chartered Bank – India Branches
Chartered Accountants
Firm's Registration No: 117365W
Sd/- Sd/-
Rukshad N. Daruvala Zarin Daruwala
Partner Chief Executive Officer – India
Membership No: 111188
Mumbai Subhradeep Mohanty
19 June 2019 Chief Financial Officer – India

Standard Chartered
Standard Chartered Bank – India Branches
(Incorporated in the United Kingdom with limited liability)

Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31 March 2019

Particulars For the year ended For the year ended
31 March 2019 31 March 2018
(` in 000s) (` in 000s)
Cash flow from operating activities
Profit Before Tax 34,467,034 29,174,898
Adjustments for:
Depreciation on Bank’s property (including amortisation) 711,840 717,518
Specific provisions against advances (net) 2,140,451 8,910,577
General provision against standard assets 196,476 (183,648)
Depreciation on investments 1,686,437 5,678,006
Other Provisions 2,548,769 (7,708)
Net profit/(loss) on sale of premises and other assets (21,583) 22,650
Write off of fixed assets 110 980
41,729,534 44,313,273
Adjustments for:
Increase in investments (148,325,432) (34,016,483)
(Increase)/decrease in advances (28,863,196) 35,724,197
(Increase)/decrease in other assets (131,128,532) 109,628,575
Increase in deposits 214,800,839 34,916,350
Increase/(decrease) in other liabilities and provisions 121,776,865 (112,211,874)
69,990,078 78,354,038
Direct taxes paid (14,346,154) (11,944,700)
Net Cash flow from/(used in) operating activities (A) 55,643,924 66,409,338
Cash flow from investing activities
Purchase of fixed assets (including capital work in progress) (600,566) (461,402)
Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets 73,132 654,809
Net Cash flow from/(used in) investing activities (B) (527,434) 193,407
Cash flow from financing activities
Remittance to Head Office (14,333,758) (18,154,190)
Increase/(decrease) in borrowings (net) (26,825,546) 19,285,521
Net Cash flow from/(used in) financing activities (C) (41,159,304) 1,131,331
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 13,957,186 67,734,076
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 160,264,113 92,530,037
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 174,221,299 160,264,113
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
13,957,186 67,734,076
Note: Cash and Cash Equivalents represent
Schedule As at 31 March 2019 As at 31 March 2018
Cash and Balances with Reserve Bank of India 6 41,355,203 37,691,764
Balances with Banks and Money at call and short notice 7 132,866,096 122,572,349
Total 174,221,299 160,264,113

As per our report of even date

For Deloitte Haskins & Sells For Standard Chartered Bank – India Branches
Chartered Accountants
Firm's Registration No: 117365W
Sd/- Sd/-
Rukshad N. Daruvala Zarin Daruwala
Partner Chief Executive Officer – India
Membership No: 111188
Mumbai Subhradeep Mohanty
19 June 2019 Chief Financial Officer – India

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