OES 36 For Indoor Substations

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1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 3
3 General ...................................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Precedence of Standards ................................................................................................... 4
4 Co-ordination of building programme ........................................................................................ 5
5 Substation Location and Access ............................................................................................... 5
5.1 Personnel Access and Egress ............................................................................................ 5
5.2 Equipment Access .............................................................................................................. 6
5.3 Doors and Signs.................................................................................................................. 6
5.3.1 Doors ............................................................................................................................ 6
5.3.2 Signs ............................................................................................................................. 6
6 Space Requirements and Layout ............................................................................................. 7
7 Construction Requirements ....................................................................................................... 8
7.1 External Appearance .......................................................................................................... 8
7.2 Walls and ceilings ............................................................................................................... 8
7.2.1 Walls ............................................................................................................................. 8
7.2.2 Ceilings ......................................................................................................................... 8
7.3 Floors .................................................................................................................................. 8
7.4 Weather proofing................................................................................................................. 9
7.5 Pulling Eyes ........................................................................................................................ 9
7.6 Cable access, ducts and trenches .................................................................................... 10
7.6.1 Cable Access.............................................................................................................. 10
7.6.2 Cable Ducts ................................................................................................................ 10
7.6.3 Cables inside substations .......................................................................................... 10
7.6.4 Cable Trench Covers ................................................................................................. 10
7.7 Oil Containment ................................................................................................................ 10
7.8 Fire protection ................................................................................................................... 11
7.8.1 Additional precautions when oil filled equipment is installed ..................................... 11
7.9 Noise ................................................................................................................................. 11
7.10 Ventilation ....................................................................................................................... 11
7.10.1 Natural Ventilation .................................................................................................... 12
7.10.2 Forced Ventilation .................................................................................................... 12
8 Electrical Design ...................................................................................................................... 13
8.1 Interface points / customers equipment ............................................................................ 13
8.2 Earthing ............................................................................................................................. 13
8.3 Combined HV and LV earthing ......................................................................................... 14
8.4 Segregated HV and LV earthing ....................................................................................... 15
8.5 Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs) ................................................................................ 15

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1 Introduction
This Oman Electrical Standard sets out requirements for indoor distribution substations. It
covers minimum requirements for the location of the substation and space to be provided
within the building. It addresses the requirement for unimpeded access for the placement
and replacement of items of equipment during the life of the substation; the rights and
obligations of those owning, constructing and using buildings containing substations; and
those authorised to have on-going access for operational purposes, maintenance activities
and for making connections to the substation. It also sets out the obligations on customers
to ensure that the construction of substations in their buildings complies with the
requirements of the Public Authority for Civil Defence and Ambulance.

2 Definitions
Customer a Person who is Supplied with electricity at Premises for
consumption at those Premises

HV High Voltage

ICNIRP International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection

IEC International Electro-technical Commission

ISO International Organization for Standardization

LV Low Voltage

Network Operator A licensed Distribution Operator or an exemption holder under

the Oman Sector Law and Distribution Code

Public Authority for The Authority in The Sultanate of Oman responsible for Civil
Civil Defence and Defence and Ambulance, in this context its responsibility for
Ambulance fire prevention

EMFs Electric and Magnetic Fields

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3 General
This Oman Electrical Standard applies to all indoor distribution substations and has been
prepared to be fully compliant with the requirements of the Ministry of Housing,
Municipalities, Network Operators, the Public Authority for Civil Defence and Ambulance and
other relevant parties. The standard is divided into sections covering:
a) Substation Location and Access – specifying standard requirments for location,
personnel and equipment access and the impact the substation has on its surrounding
b) Space Requirements and Layouts – minimum space requirements for operator safety
with example compliant layouts and criteria to be applied when these layouts cannot be
c) Construction – design and construction requirements for the substation to ensure access,
operation and maintenance are not compromised; and
d) Electrical Design – detailing the electrical requirements and the method of construction
inside the substation.

3.1 Precedence of Standards

In the case of any conflict of requirements the following order of precedence of documents
and standards applies:
Oman Sector Law;
Oman Distribution Code;
Oman Electrical Standards;
Oman Directorate General for Specifications and Measurements Standards;
IEC & ISO Standards;
ANSI Standards, British Standards, DIN Standards; and
Other Internationally accepted Standards.

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4 Co-ordination of building programme
Where a new or increased supply of electricty is required for a building the customer shall
make an application to the Network Operator for the required electrical capacity.
Customers must ensure that they liaise with the Network Operator early in their design
programmes to enable locations and layouts of necessary substations within the
development to be agreed and incorporated into building plans, and for site works to be co-
ordinated. The accommodation for low voltage switchgear, metering equipment, power
factor correction equipment and any other items required by the customer or the network
operator is to be confirmed at this early stage.
Construction drawings for the substation will be prepared by the Network Operator after the
location and dimensions have been determined, such drawings will be based on this
standard, good industry practice and drawings provided by the customer. Customers shall
incorporate the Network Operator’s construction requirements into their own drawings.

5 Substation Location and Access

A substation in a host building must be constructed with at least one of its boundaries on an
outside wall of the building enabling underground cable access. The substation doors must
be located in an outside wall and unobstructed vehicular access to them must be available
24 hours of every day of the year.
The substation location and access arrangements must be confirmed by all relevant parties
before construction of the host building commences to ensure that future development of the
site or surrounding land does not compromise the access provisions described in this Oman
Electrical Standard.
5.1 Personnel Access and Egress
Substations in host buildings shall be located such that the Network Operator’s authorised
staff are able to gain access at all times without any dependence on building services staff.
The Network Operator will either provide door locks compliant with its standard locking
system, or arrange to have an external key box fitted at the substation access door where a
site-specific key is held, secured by a Network Operator’s standard lock. This will restrict
access to persons formally appointed by the Network Operator to gain access. No other
person shall be allowed to either hold a key for the substation or enter the substation unless
under the direct supervision of appropriately authorised Network Operator staff.
Every substation shall have at least two exit doors with unimpeded passages such that an
operator can reach any exit door from any equipment operating position through a route of
minimum width 750mm, free from any trip or other hazards.

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5.2 Equipment Access
A vehicular accessible point at ground level must be provided to enable a crane to place
substation equipment where it can be safely manoeuvred into position.
Where this access is not direct from a public highway, a level equipment loading area of
minimum dimensions 2500mmx2500mm shall be provided. The loading area must have the
same load bearing characteristics as the substation floor as detailed in Section 7.3.
5.3 Doors and Signs
5.3.1 Doors

Personnel access doors shall be provided, accessible by direct street access or using
permanent, all-weather routes and shall always open outwards.
Doors shall be located and protected such that they cannot be obstructed by vehicles,
equipment storage, site usage or any other means. Doors shall be protected from damage
by vehicles using removable bollards or other effective means.
Locks and handles to suit the direction of opening as required by the Network Operator shall
be provided. The locks shall be such that operation is by key only from the outside and by
handle only from the inside.
Doors shall be provided with a ready means of securing them in the open position.
5.3.2 Signs
Durable, prominent signs shall be fixed on the outside of the substation doors to read:



‫ يجب ترك هذه المنطقة خالية في جميع األوقات‬- ‫مدخل محطة توزيع كهرباء‬

On the inside, the exit door shall be clearly labelled “EMERGENCY EXIT – ‫”مخرج طوارئ‬
and be fitted with a panic bar for emergency outward opening.

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6 Space Requirements and Layout
The customer shall provide a realistic estimate of the maximum power requirements for the
building in his application for a supply of electricity, in accordance with Section 4 of this
Oman Electrical Standard.

The Network Operator will combine this requirement with his own network connection
requirements for the substation, which will vary on a site by site basis, and will take into
account, among other things, the existing distribution network at the location. Assumptions
based on experience elsewhere must not be made.
Standard layout drawing no.: DWG/OES36/01 sets out an indicative layout for a substation
containing a single 1000kVA transformer, one ring main unit and one low voltage feeder
pillar. It provides for ducts into the substation for the Network Operator’s cables; two high
voltage and up to four low voltage entering / leaving the substation (with two spare ducts for
high voltage and four for low voltage cables). It takes into account space requirements for
changing the transformer in the event of fault / increased capacity and requirements for safe
operator egress from operating positions at the ring main unit or low voltage feeder pillar.
Drawing nos.: DWG/OES36/02 and DWG/OES36/03 are also indicative and address the
same criteria for sites with two and three transformers respectively.
Minimum ceiling height of the substation shall be 3000mm or 1000mm above the tallest item
of plant, whichever is the greater.

The Network Operator will specify a substation layout applicable to the location.
For substations where one of the layouts in drawings nos.: DWG/OES36/01,
DWG/OES36/02 and DWG/OES36/03 cannot be accommodated, or for substations
requiring more than three transformers, site specific design proposals shall be developed by
the Network Operator based on the following criteria and clearances:
Equipment shall be located with safety of the public and personnel working in the substation
as a priority:
 HV and LV switchgear shall be positioned with operator positions as close as
practicable to an exit door;

 There shall be a clear passage at least 750mm wide from each working position to all
exit doors;
 A space of at least 1500 mm from the front of the high voltage and low voltage
switchgear shall be allowed for safe operations; and
 All other clearances between items of equipment and between items of free standing
equipment and the substation walls shall be at least 750mm to allow free air flow and
safe replacement of any piece of equipment with the rest of the substation still

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7 Construction Requirements
The principal function of the substation is to accommodate and support the electrical
equipment and ensure a safe environment for operational and maintenance staff who work
within the substation and the safety of the general public.

Provision shall be made for the possible addition and/or alteration to the equipment
including plant from other manufacturers.
Around the transformers the building shall be designed to retain integrity under a 10kN/m²
ultimate overpressure load. The building shall be designed such that the catastrophic loss of
a wall will not result in building collapse or collapse of structures above the substation.
7.1 External Appearance
Customers must liaise directly with the appropriate building permits department regarding
acceptable external appearance of the substation, and ensure compliance with any
requirements of the Public Authority for Civil Defence and Ambulance.
7.2 Walls and ceilings
7.2.1 Walls
The substation walls are to be concrete or solid masonry construction and must have
sufficient structural strength to support any equipment and pulling eyes mounted on them.
7.2.2 Ceilings
It should not be necessary to suspend cables or other equipment from the substation ceiling.
If in exceptional cases this does become necessary the ceiling structure and any load
bearing fittings shall be designed for 1.5 times the heaviest item of equipment to be
suspended from it in addition to any loads from above.
7.3 Floors
The substation floor, including position of trenches, ducts, cable trays etc. is to be formed in
accordance with the Network Operator’s drawings and specifications.

Floor(s) shall be designed to be capable of carrying a load 1.5 times the weight of the
heaviest item of substation equipment to be installed on any four points, anywhere in the
substation area.

The floor must have a level steel-trowelled finish.

If the substation floor is laid on natural or filled ground an appropriate waterproofing
membrane is to be placed between the underside of the substation floor and the ground.

Services such as drains, sewers, piping or wiring are not permitted to pass through the
substation, the ground below it, access passageways, ventilation ducts or the substation
walls, floors or ceilings.

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The substation enclosure must be free of encroachments into the floor and trench areas.
Columns, beams and walls may occupy certain areas provided they do not conflict with
locations for any equipment and their associated clearance requirements. Extra space may
be required for the substation in order to cater for any encroachment.
Walls and Floors must be impervious to any spillage of mineral oil from transformers or
7.4 Weather proofing
The area in which the substation is to be located shall be free from the risk of flooding and
storm water damage and any drains provided must be to Omani best practice standards and
kept in working order by the customer.
The proposal to build any substation must be supported by a flood risk assessment.
The siting of the substation with its floor level below the level of the building storm water
system shall not be permissible.
The substation shall be constructed using reliable waterproof materials, waterproof
construction methods and site drainage to protect the substation equipment against
exposure to dampness and water throughout its life.
All necessary horizontal and vertical damp courses must be provided and the substation
room shall have dry wall, floor and ceiling conditions before acceptance for installation of
substation equipment.
Level actuated sump pumps may be required to be fitted by the customer if drainage is not
7.5 Pulling Eyes
Where required, anchors and/or pulling eyes are to be installed in the floor, walls or ceiling in
the positions specified by the Network Operator and in a manner to achieve the working load
Normal pulling eye requirements are as follows:
For cables - A single pulling eye cast into the substation floor.
For transformers - One or more pulling eyes cast in, or suitably anchored to, the floor or wall.
Pulling eyes must have a minimum working load of 1.5 times the heaviest expected load.
All anchors and pulling eyes shall be clearly and permanently stamped to indicate safe
working load.
Pulling eyes located in floors shall be removable with the floor surface left level to avoid a
trip hazard when pulling eyes are removed.

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7.6 Cable access, ducts and trenches
7.6.1 Cable Access

A 3m wide, where practicable, and at no point less than 2m wide easement across any land
not under public control, clear of all construction or other permanent obstruction is required
for the installation and future maintenance of the Network Operator’s underground cables
associated with the substation.
7.6.2 Cable Ducts
The customer shall install ducts in accordance with OES 2 and any additional requirements
of the Network Operator from the substation enclosure to 150mm beyond the property
boundary. Bends shall have a minimum bending radius of 1800mm. All ducts shall be of
material conforming to the requirements of OES 2 and the applicable Network Operator’s
7.6.3 Cables inside substations
Cables inside the substation may either be routed to substation equipment via trenches or
suitably supported on walls and across floors. Suitably supported busbar ducts may also be
used on low voltage connections of higher current ratings.
Where cable trenches are used in substations trench walls must be able to support
transformer loads applied to the substation floor within 300 mm of the cable trench.
Trenches must be watertight and must not be connected to the outside drainage system.
Where cables are routed above floor level suitable trays or other supports shall be used.
Where this is the case, the cables and their supports shall be designed not to create any
tripping hazard in the substation and must avoid crossing egress routes from operating
7.6.4 Cable Trench Covers
Trench covers manufactured of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) or other suitable material shall
be provided and installed on all trenches. These covers must be constructed to support
pedestrian traffic. Trench covers must be divided into sections weighing not more than 20
Trench covers shall be flush with the surrounding floor level and fitted to ensure negligible
sideways movement.
7.7 Oil Containment
Where oil filled equipment is to be installed provision shall be made within the substation to
contain any oil spillage in the unlikely event of a transformer or switchgear tank failure. Items
of plant may be individually or collectively bunded to contain spillage. The containment must
cater for 110% of the capacity of the largest oil containing item in each bunded area.

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7.8 Fire protection
All substations shall comply fully with the requirements of Public Authority for Civil Defence
and Ambulance for fire prevention and suppression. All indoor substations shall be designed
to contain any products of a fire within the enclosure for a minimum period of 3 hours.
All separating walls, floors and ceilings between the substation and other parts of the
building shall be constructed from non-combustible materials and constructed to provide 3
hour fire resistance.
Penetration of the 3 hour fire restraining walls shall be restricted to that which is absolutely
essential. The 3 hour rating shall be maintained for any penetration of the walls, floors or
ceilings for cables, pipes or other essential services (including internal sealing of busbar
ducts) that have to pass through. Sealing the penetrations shall be achieved with materials
demonstrated to satisfy the Public Authority for Civil Defence and Ambulance requirement to
maintain the 3 hour rating.
All doors and frames shall have 3 hour fire resistance.
7.8.1 Additional precautions when oil filled equipment is installed
If any item of equipment filled with insulating oil is to be installed, Public Authority for Civil
Defence and Ambulance requirements also call for a fire suppression system to be fitted.

In this case the designs shall demonstrate that the substation is capable of being sealed to
the necessary level to ensure the fire quenching gases of fire suppression systems will be
contained in the substation for a period sufficient to extinguish the fire. Segregated air
conditioning systems or forced ventilation with fire dampers must be fitted if cooling is
required in the substation. Provision shall be made for safe inspection and maintenance of
each fire detection, alarm and extinguishing system installed.
7.9 Noise
The substation design shall comply with the requirements of Ministerial decision 79/94
(Issuing regulations for noise pollution control in public environment issuing regulations for
noise pollution control in public environment).
Transformers emit a constant low-pitched hum and further consideration must be given to
the residential occupancy of the building and proximity of residential buildings when planning
substation locations to avoid public nuisance complaints.
In all cases transformers installed in substations inside buildings shall be stood on anti-
vibration pads suitable for the weight of the transformer.
7.10 Ventilation
Substations shall be designed with suitable ventilation in order to dissipate heat losses from
the electrical equipment and to ensure that the maximum ambient temperature of the
substation does not rise above 50oC with all transformers operating at 100% rating.

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Customers shall provide calculations for each substation individually based on substation
size, equipment installed, building construction and other site specific parameters to
determine if natural ventilation is possible or forced ventilation is required.
7.10.1 Natural Ventilation
Natural ventilation by means of vermin and weather proof louvered vents, directly to outside
air shall normally be provided. Vents shall be positioned to provide maximum ventilation to
the transformer but not create additional fire risk external to the louvers.
7.10.2 Forced Ventilation

The Network Operator will be responsible for any forced ventilation system. The system,
comprising fans, ducting, inlet and outlet vents and control systems may be required to be
designed, supplied and installed by the customer.
Forced ventilation systems shall be designed so that the inlet air is drawn through the
circulation fan and then blown over the transformers and not the other way around. The
outlet shall be ducted independently and directly to open air with sufficient separation
between outlet and inlet vents to prevent recirculation.
Fans must be installed inside the substation and all wiring contained within the substation.
All vents should be kept clear of pedestrian areas and must be located to prevent entry of
noxious gases such as vehicle exhausts or other pollutants.
Designs must be submitted to the Network Operator for approval who may also require to
check for adequate air flow before final approval.
All vents are to be fitted with fire dampers.
Overpressure control flaps on ventilation systems shall stop overpressure less than 10kPa
venting out through ventilation. Ventilation systems shall be designed to resist/contain these
Substation ventilation ducts shall not contain any other services, give access to other
portions of the host building or form part of the ventilation system for the host building.

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8 Electrical Design
8.1 Interface points / customers equipment
No customer-owned equipment is allowed in the Network Operator’s substation.
Provision for metering, the customer’s main switchgear and distribution board must be
accommodated in adjacent rooms.

The customer shall provide the main connection cables from the customer’s incoming
switchboard(s) to the substation. The Network Operator will connect or supervise the
connection of the customer’s distribution board to the supply point on the low voltage board
or the low voltage terminals of the transformer. These cables will become the property of the
Network Operator and the equipment ownership boundary will be the incoming connections
to the customer’s main switch(es). This is to be specified in the customer connection
The Network Operator and the customer shall each satisfy themselves that the requirements
of OES - 4 clause 2.8 are complied with regarding isolation and protection of their own
sections of the installation.
Where no protection exists between the Network Operators transformer LV terminals & the
Customer's main switch: -

(i) The Customer shall provide a main switch with access covers to all chambers that can
be locked to prevent access to any live equipment on the supply side of the outgoing
terminals (load side) of the main switch.
(ii) The Network Operator shall apply locks to the locking points of all chambers for danger
of death notices to be displayed on the locked equipment chambers.
To prevent excessive, potentially damaging and dangerous current flows through the
customer’s network the Network Operator shall ensure that where there is more than one
point of supply to the same premises there shall be no means of making a parallel
connection between them through any part of the customer’s network.

Distribution transformers with ratings above 2000kVA are to be installed only following a site-
specific study addressing low voltage side short circuit levels, connections, switchgear,
fusegear and protection arrangements, which has been approved by the network operator.

The Network Operator will specify the lighting and power requirements for the substation
including emergency lighting requirements. Under the connection agreement terms of
supply the Network Operator may ask the customer to supply and install these requirements.
8.2 Earthing
A buried earthing electrode system in accordance with OES 4 and meeting the Omani
Distribution Code requirements shall be installed.

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The substation must be constructed on a stable foundation which bears on soil or the
basement structure of the host building. Where the foundation bears on soil, the soil must
be clear of any obstruction or rubble, which could interfere with the installation of the
earthing electrode system through the substation floor.
Depending upon soil conditions and hence the extent of the earthing system required,
earthing system electrodes may extend ten metres or more into the ground below the
substation. If the substation is constructed on a suspended floor slab, the earthing system is
to be installed at the lowest level of building excavation directly below the substation
The Network Operator’s approved drawings will indicate the earthing system to be used,
including the expected location and the number of electrodes to achieve the designed
earthing resistance values. Until the earthing systems are installed and measurements
taken the values cannot be confirmed and, in some cases, additional electrodes may need to
be installed outside the substation area to achieve satisfactory earth resistance values. The
entire earthing system installation shall be approved by the Network Operator prior to being
covered. The customer shall give sufficient notice to indicate when this work can be carried
The customer shall ensure that the earthing system connections are brought through the
floor into the substation.
All exposed metal work within the substation shall be electrically bonded to the earthing
system. This includes metal doors and frames and reinforcing metalwork in the floor. All
earthing connections will have a minimum cross sectional area of 70mm2 copper.
If any part cannot be adequately bonded, it must be constructed from a suitable insulating
The customer shall provide a connection point to the floor reinforcing at a convenient
location as advised by the Network Operator’s representative.
8.3 Combined HV and LV earthing
The preferred earthing arrangement for indoor substations is a combined HV and LV
earthing arrangement, with a combined resistance to earth not exceeding 1 ohm.
For measurement purposes, the earthing system is to be stand-alone, i.e. not be connected
to the earth bar of any switchboard other than the earth bar inside the substation and not
connected to the host building’s reinforcing bars with the exception of reinforcing in the floor
and walls of the substation enclosure itself which must be electrically separated from the
remainder of the host building.
It must be separated by at least 5m from the host building’s lightning protection earth
The earth cable size shall be adequate for the maximum prospective short circuit level at the
substation and in all circumstance no less than 70mm2 copper.

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8.4 Segregated HV and LV earthing
If the requisite resistance to earth value for a combined HV and LV earthing system cannot
be achieved, separate HV and LV earthing systems, each having a resistance to earth of not
more than 10 ohms shall be installed. In this case, the LV neutral earthing system shall be
insulated and separated electrically by a distance of at least 3m from the HV substation
earthing system (bonded metal doors, exposed metal, reinforcement, HV cable screen earth,
The HV and the LV earthing systems must be separated by at least 5m from the host
building’s lightning protection earth connection.
8.5 Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMFs)
The substation shall be designed such that EMF levels remain within the ICNIRP maximum
recommended exposure levels at the substation boundary.
The typical substation layouts associated with this standard achieve ICNIRP requirements
with current equipment specifications purchased by Network Operators.
If additional EMF shielding is considered necessary the customer shall appoint an approved
EMF consultant to determine the extent of any additional shielding.
Installation of any proposed shielding shall be subject to the Network Operator’s acceptance.

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This drawing is to be read in conjunction with Document OES36 - Distribution Substations Inside Buildings GENERAL NOTES

1. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all other

relevant drawings and OES-36 Standard - Distribution
Substations Inside Buildings.
2. All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise
3. All specialist items to be used in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations.
4. Temporary protection shall be provided to prevent
water penetration into any existing structures during the
5. The running of heating, gas, telecoms, water and other
services through or under the substation area will not be
LV Switchboard
1500x600 1. All foundations, concrete and reinforcement shall be
designed to sustain plant and site specific loadings.
Dry Type 1000kVA

Transformer typically
2300x1400, or DUCTS
Oil spill channel. Oil Filled Transformer 1. The number of ducts and duct entry positions are to be
See detail on 1000kVA typically determined by the Developer in consultation with the
DWG-OES36-05 2000x2000
Distribution Network Owner (DNO).
with steel bunding tray

SSL to be 150 min FLOOR SLAB
above EGL

EGL 1. All floor slabs shall be designed to sustain plant and site
specific loadings.

2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete

cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire
Min 2500x2500 level equipment
loading area to be provided rating.
immediately in front of
EGL transformer access doors. Nominal ROOF SLAB
gradient to fall away form entrance 600
1. All roof slabs shall be designed to sustain plant and site
specific loadings.
Section C-C 2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete
(Scale 1:50) cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire
3. No services or drainage from above shall be permitted
Min 4 No LV cable ducts Min 2 No HV cable ducts
+ 2 spare, min 150Ø + 2 spare, min 150Ø to pass through the roof slab into the substation area.

Elevation 1 1. All walls to be designed to sustain plant and site specific
(Scale 1:50)
2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete
cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire
Dry Type 1000kVA
Transformer typically DOORS
2300x1400, or 1. All doors to be designed for site specific door opening
Oil Filled Transformer

dimensions and loadings. Typically steel louvred doors
1000kVA typically with powder coat painted finish, panic bar and and
RMU 2000x2000
typically with steel bunding tray
C B 800x800 2. Mastic pointing to frame surrounds externally.

Trench cover.


See detail on SSL to be 150
DWG-OES36-05 min above EGL 1. Louvres to be steel construction with powder coated
EGL paint finish. Louvres to be fitted in external doors or
Min. 450 Cover 2. Mastic pointing to frame surrounds externally.

1050 Deep trench
with cover. See detail

1. Floor to receive 2 coats of grey concrete floor paint.
Min 2 No HV cable ducts + 2. Walls and ceiling to receive 2 coats of white emulsion
2 spare, min 150Ø paint for dust sealing.
Dry Type 1000kVA . Ducts to run from
Transformer typically internal face of substation 3. Doors and louvres to be powder coat painted.
LV Switchboard 2300x1400, or
Oil Filled Transformer
to back edge of footpath Section B-B
typically Transformer Drawing abbreviations
1000kVA typically 2000x2000 (Scale 1:50)
1500x600 SSL - Structural Slab Level.
with steel bunding tray
EGL - External Ground Level.

Oil spill channel. RSA - Rolled Steel Angle

Min 4 No LV Min. See detail on GRP - Glass Reinforced Plastic
LV Switchboard

cable ducts 750 drg 56-03-05

Clearances around equipment E 25.03.15 KAN KGP
+ 2 spare, Oil spill collection sump
Min. increased.
min 150Ø with removable cover. DESCRIPTION REV DATE CHKD APPR
Sump capacity to be

A designed to account for A




the electrical plant with
the largest oil volume +
15%. Not required for
non-oil filled equipment. Dry Type 1000kVA
ACU Transformer typically
2300x1400, or
Oil Filled Transformer
1000kVA typically

with steel bunding tray
Min 4 No LV cable ducts Min 2 No HV cable ducts
LV Switchboard
+ 2 spare, min 150Ø + 2 spare, min 150Ø typically RMU
1500x600 typically
Personnel access/ 800x800
fire escape via

single steel door

Min 2500x2500 level equipment loading See detail on SSL to be 150
Plant access via area to be provided immediately in front DWG-OES36-05 min above EGL
double steel doors of transformer access doors. Nominal EGL STATUS
gradient to fall away from entrance Information

Sufficient clearance shall be provided to Min 4 No LV cable PROJECT
allow both doors to open 180° without ducts + 2 spare, Sump beyond
being impeded. min 150Ø
Sultanate of Oman
C Elevation 1 Distribution Sub-Stations Inside Buildings
850 600

Plan (Type 1a) Section A-A Typical Type 1a Substation GA

(Scale 1:50) (Scale 1:50) Sections & Elevations
CHECKED 04/03/2013
DWG/OES36/01 E

This drawing is to be read in conjunction with Document OES36 - Distribution Substations Inside Buildings GENERAL NOTES

1. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all other

relevant drawings and OES-36 Standard - Distribution
Substations Inside Buildings.
2. All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise
3. All specialist items to be used in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations.
4. Temporary protection shall be provided to prevent
water penetration into any existing structures during the
595 910 1720 2500 600 910 1665
5. The running of heating, gas, telecoms, water and other
services through or under the substation area will not be
LV Switchboard
1500x600 1. All foundations, concrete and reinforcement shall be
designed to sustain plant and site specific loadings.
2 No Dry Type 1000kVA

Transformers typically DUCTS

Oil spill channel. 2300x1400, or
1. The number of ducts and duct entry positions are to be
See detail on 2 No Oil Filled Transformers
determined by the Developer in consultation with the


DWG-OES36-05 1000kVA typically 2000x2000
with steel bunding tray Distribution Network Owner (DNO).

SSL to be 150 FLOOR SLAB
min above EGL 1. All floor slabs shall be designed to sustain plant and site
specific loadings.
2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete

cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire
Min 2500x2500 level equipment rating.
loading area to be provided
immediately in front of
transformer access doors. Nominal ROOF SLAB
Min 4 No LV cable ducts Min 2 No HV cable ducts gradient to fall away form entrance 600 1. All roof slabs shall be designed to sustain plant and site
+ 2 spare, min 150Ø + 2 spare, min 150Ø specific loadings.
Section C-C 2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete
Elevation 1 (Scale 1:50) cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire
(Scale 1:50) rating.
3. No services or drainage from above shall be permitted
to pass through the roof slab into the substation area.

1. All walls to be designed to sustain plant and site specific
2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete
cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire
C B rating.

9400 DOORS
2 No Dry Type 1000kVA 1. All doors to be designed for site specific door opening
Transformers typically dimensions and loadings. Typically steel louvred doors
2300x1400, or with powder coat painted finish, panic bar and and

RMU's 2 No Oil Filled Transformers padlock.
1000kVA typically 2000x2000

typically 2. Mastic pointing to frame surrounds externally.

800x800 with steel bunding tray
750 Transformers typically Trench cover.
1. Louvres to be steel construction with powder coated

See detail on

2300x1400, or SSL to be 150 paint finish. Louvres to be fitted in external doors or
2 No Oil Filled Transformers DWG-OES36-05
min above EGL walls.
1000kVA typically 2000x2000 EGL
Transformer Transformer with steel bunding tray 2. Mastic pointing to frame surrounds externally.
Min. 450 Cover

LV Switchboard Min. 1. Floor to receive 2 coats of grey concrete floor paint.
typically 750
LV Switchboard

1500x600 1150 Deep trench 2. Walls and ceiling to receive 2 coats of white emulsion
with cover. Min 2 No HV cable ducts + paint for dust sealing.
Min. See detail on 2 spare, min 150Ø. 3. Doors and louvres to be powder coat painted.

DWG-OES36-05 Ducts to run from internal

Oil spill channel. face of substation to back
Drawing abbreviations
See detail on DWG-OES36-05 edge of footpath Section B-B
SSL - Structural Slab Level.
(Scale 1:50)

EGL - External Ground Level.



Oil spill collection sump RMU RMU

Min 4 No LV RSA - Rolled Steel Angle
with removable cover. typically
cable ducts GRP - Glass Reinforced Plastic
LV Switchboard

+ 2 spare, Sump capacity to be


E 25.03.15 KAN KGP


min 150Ø designed to account for Clearances around equipment

LV Switchboard the electrical plant with Min. increased.
A typically the largest oil volume + 750 A DESCRIPTION REV DATE CHKD APPR
1500x600 15%. Not required for


non-oil filled equipment. RMU

ACU 2 No Dry Type 1000kVA

Transformers typically
2300x1400, or
2 No Oil Filled Transformers
Min 4 No LV cable ducts 1000kVA typically 2000x2000
+ 2 spare, min 150Ø Min 2 No HV cable ducts LV Switchboard with steel bunding tray
B + 2 spare, min 150Ø typically
1500x600 RMU typically 800x800

Personnel access/ Personnel access/ fire Trench cover. SULTANATE OF OMAN

escape via single steel door See detail on SSL to be 150
fire escape via single Plant access via
DWG-OES36-05 min above EGL
steel door double steel doors EGL
Min 2500x2500 level equipment loading STATUS
area to be provided immediately in front Information

of transformer access doors. Nominal
Min 4 No LV cable
gradient to fall away from entrance PROJECT
C ducts + 2 spare, Sump beyond
Sufficient clearance shall be provided to min 150Ø Sultanate of Oman
Elevation 1
allow both doors to open 180° without Distribution Sub-Stations Inside Buidlings
being impeded. 850 600
Plan Section A-A Typical Type 1b Substation GA
(Scale 1:50) (Scale 1:50)
Sections & Elevations
CHECKED 04/03/2013
DWG-OES36-02 E

This drawing is to be read in conjunction with Document OES36 - Distribution Substations Inside Buildings GENERAL NOTES

1. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all other

relevant drawings and OES-36 Standard - Distribution
Substations Inside Buildings.
2. All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise
3. All specialist items to be used in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations.
4. Temporary protection shall be provided to prevent
1940 910 1750 2500 1750 910 2390 water penetration into any existing structures during the

5. The running of heating, gas, telecoms, water and other
3 No Dry Type 1000kVA services through or under the substation area will not be
Trench cover. Transformers typically permitted.
See detail on 2300x1400, or
DWG-OES36-05 3 No Oil Filled Transformers

SSL to be min. with steel bunding tray 1. All foundations, concrete and reinforcement shall be
150 above EGL designed to sustain plant and site specific loadings.



Oil spill tray to drain 1. The number of ducts and duct entry positions are to be
into oil spill channel

determined by the Developer in consultation with the
Min 2500x2500 level equipment & into sump Distribution Network Owner (DNO).
loading area to be provided
immediately in front of
transformer access doors. Nominal 600 FLOOR SLAB
EGL gradient to fall away form entrance Section D-D 1. All floor slabs shall be designed to sustain plant and site
specific loadings.
(Scale 1:50)
2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete
cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire

Min 4 No LV Min 2 No LV 1. All roof slabs shall be designed to sustain plant and site
cable ducts + 2 Elevation 1 cable ducts + 2 3 No. LV Switch Boards specific loadings.
spare, min 150Ø spare, min 150Ø typically 1500x600 2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete
(Scale 1:50)
cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire

3. No services or drainage from above shall be permitted
to pass through the roof slab into the substation area.
Trench cover.
See detail on WALLS
DWG-OES36-05 1. All walls to be designed to sustain plant and site specific

SSL to be min.
12650 150 above EGL 2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete
EGL cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire


1150 Deep trench with cover.


See detail on DWG-OES36-05
3 No Dry Type 1000kVA
Transformers typically
2300x1400, or 1. All doors to be designed for site specific door opening
3 No Oil Filled Transformers Min. 4 No + 2 spare LV cable dimensions and loadings. Typically steel louvred doors

typically 1000kVA 2000x2000 with powder coat painted finish, panic bar and and

600 ducts, min 150Ø. Ducts to run

with steel bunding tray from internal face of substation padlock.
Min. Min. to back edge of footpath 2. Mastic pointing to frame surrounds externally.
750 750 Section C-C
1. Louvres to be steel construction with powder coated
B B paint finish. Louvres to be fitted in external doors or
Transformer Transformer Transformer
Min. 2. Mastic pointing to frame surrounds externally.
LV Switchboard

1. Floor to receive 2 coats of grey concrete floor paint.

Min. 4 No LV Oil spill collection sump with 2. Walls and ceiling to receive 2 coats of white emulsion
cable ducts removable cover. Sump capacity paint for dust sealing.
+ 2 spare, to be designed to account for the 3 No Dry Type 1000kVA 3. Doors and louvres to be powder coat painted.

min 150Ø electrical plant with the largest Transformers typically

oil volume + 15%. Not required 2300x1400, or

Drawing abbreviations


for non-oil filled equipment. RMU 3 No Oil Filled Transformers


RMU typically typically 1000kVA 2000x2000 SSL - Structural Slab Level.

Oil spill channel. 800x800 with steel bunding tray EGL - External Ground Level.
Min. Trench cover. See detail
See detail on
LV Switchboard

on drg DWG-OES36-05. RSA - Rolled Steel Angle

750 Min.

LV Switch Board DWG-OES36-05 SSL to be min.
typically 1500x600 750 GRP - Glass Reinforced Plastic
150 above EGL
9250 EGL Clearances around equipment E 25.03.15 KAN KGP




RMU typically

Min. 4 No LV
cable ducts
+ 2 spare,
LV Switchboard

min 150Ø
LV Switch Board
Section B-B

(Scale 1:50)

typically 1500x600 RMU

RMU typically


Cable trench & cover. SULTANATE OF OMAN

Min 2 No HV See detail on DWG-OES36-05
LV Switch Board RMU typically 800x800
cable ducts + 2 typically 1500x600
spare, min 150Ø STATUS
Min. 4 No LV 3 No Dry Type 1000kVA Information
Transformers typically

cable ducts Personnel access/fire
+ 2 spare, Personnel escape via single steel door. 2300x1400, or
min 150Ø C access/fire escape 3 No Oil Filled Transformers PROJECT
via single steel door Min 2500x2500 level equipment loading typically 1000kVA 2000x2000 Sultanate of Oman
area to be provided immediately in with steel bunding tray
Distribution Sub-Stations Inside Buildings
Plant access via front of transformer access doors.


double steel doors. Nominal gradient to fall away from SSL to be min.
entrance 150 above EGL
EGL Typical Type 1c Substation GA
Sufficient clearance shall be provided to
Elevation 1 D allow both doors to open 180° without Sections & Elevations

being impeded. Cable trench & cover. Oil spill tray to drain
See detail on Oil spill collection
into oil spill channel sump. For size DRAWN JD DATE
DWG-OES36-05 & into sump refer to plan 04/03/2013
(Scale 1:50) 850 600 APPROVED KGP AS SHOWN @ A1

Min. 4 No LV cable ducts

+ 2 spare, min. 150Ø (Scale 1:50) DWG-OES36-03 E

This drawing is to be read in conjunction with Document OES36 - Distribution Substations Inside Buildings GENERAL NOTES

1. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all other

relevant drawings and OES-36 Standard - Distribution
Substations Inside Buildings.
2. All dimensions are in millimetres unless otherwise
3. All specialist items to be used in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations.
4. Temporary protection shall be provided to prevent
water penetration into any existing structures during the
5. The running of heating, gas, telecoms, water and other
services through or under the substation area will not be


1. All foundations, concrete and reinforcement shall be
designed to sustain plant and site specific loadings.

1. The number of ducts and duct entry positions are to be
150mm lip omitted determined by the Developer in consultation with the
at front of tray to Distribution Network Owner (DNO).
allow drainage of oil Steel bund tray formed
into oil spill channel Outline of transformer. Size varies from steel plate
1. All floor slabs shall be designed to sustain plant and site
Oil spill channel specific loadings.
2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete

cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire

1. All roof slabs shall be designed to sustain plant and site
Trench grating omitted
under transformer specific loadings.
steel bund tray 2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete
cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire
3. No services or drainage from above shall be permitted
to pass through the roof slab into the substation area.
Indicative Steel Bund Tray Detail
(Scale 1:10) WALLS
1. All walls to be designed to sustain plant and site specific
2. All reinforcement to have sufficient minimum concrete
cover to reinforcement so as to provide 3 hour fire

1. All doors to be designed for site specific door opening
dimensions and loadings. Typically steel louvred doors
with powder coat painted finish, panic bar and and
2. Mastic pointing to frame surrounds externally.

1. Louvres to be steel construction with powder coated
paint finish. Louvres to be fitted in external doors or
2. Mastic pointing to frame surrounds externally.

1. Floor to receive 2 coats of grey concrete floor paint.
Form oil spill channel in floor slab to 2. Walls and ceiling to receive 2 coats of white emulsion
support 38mm deep x 160 wide paint for dust sealing.
moulded open type GRP grating trench 3. Doors and louvres to be powder coat painted.
cover with gritted surface. RSA mild steel angle kerb supports
with welded tangs for casting into Drawing abbreviations
Ensure that the oil spillage channel runs concrete slab, galvanised finish. Angles
into the oil spill collection sump to to support moulded open type GRP or SSL - Structural Slab Level.
divert any oil spillages into it. galvanised steel grating trench cover EGL - External Ground Level.
with gritted surface. RSA - Rolled Steel Angle

GRP - Glass Reinforced Plastic

Clearences around equipment C 25.03.15 KAN KGP


40 90 40 600
Cable Trench

Indicative Oil Spill Channel Detail

(Scale 1:10)
Indicative Cable Trench Grating Detail
(Scale 1:10)

Sultanate of Oman
Distribution Sub-Stations Inside Buildings

Typical Substation Details

CHECKED 11/03/2013
DWG-OES36-04 C

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