Bolted Connectors For 220 KV and 400 KV Oh Lines: 08-07-09 A TR 5-15E
Bolted Connectors For 220 KV and 400 KV Oh Lines: 08-07-09 A TR 5-15E
Bolted Connectors For 220 KV and 400 KV Oh Lines: 08-07-09 A TR 5-15E
FOR 220 kV AND 400 kV OH LINES
This document in English shall be regarded as a translation of the corresponding
guidelines in Swedish. The aim of the translation is to provide support to foreign
manufacturers. The wording in Swedish and the interpretation thereof shall govern
contract and legal relations between the parties of the purchasing process.
These guidelines describe the requirements on bolted connectors with limited tensile
strength for steel reinforced aluminium conductors, aluminium conductors and
aluminium alloy conductors in accordance with TR 5-04E for overhead
transmission lines and cover design and inspection. The guidelines intend to
guarantee satisfactory performance of bolted connectors during the lifetime of the
overhead line and shall be used at purchasing of bolted connectors.
15.1 REFERENCES ...........................................................................................3
15.2 SCOPE .......................................................................................................5
15.3 DEFINITIONS.............................................................................................5
15.4 DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................5
15.4.1 Bolted connector ............................................................................................................ 5
15.5 REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................6
15.5.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 6
15.5.2 Material .......................................................................................................................... 6
15.5.3 Design............................................................................................................................ 6
15.5.4 Mechanical requirements................................................................................................ 9
15.5.5 Electrical requirements ................................................................................................... 9
15.6 TYPE TEST ..............................................................................................10
15.6.1 General .........................................................................................................................10
15.6.2 Dimensions ...................................................................................................................10
15.6.3 Contact force.................................................................................................................10
15.6.4 Deformation ..................................................................................................................10
15.6.5 Threaded holes .............................................................................................................11
15.6.6 Washers........................................................................................................................11
15.6.7 Corona ..........................................................................................................................11
15.6.8 Resistance ....................................................................................................................11
15.7 CERTIFICATE OF DELIVERY .................................................................12
15.7.1 General .........................................................................................................................12
15.7.2 Documentation ..............................................................................................................12
15.8 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................12
15.8.1 General .........................................................................................................................12
15.8.2 Measurement of resistance............................................................................................13
15.9 TABLES ...................................................................................................14
Table 1 Bolted connectors with two current carrying parts for connection of parallel conductors..14
Table 2 Bolted connectors with keepers for connection of conductors (T-clamp).........................15
Table 3 Tensile strength, hardness and resistivity of aluminium for bolted connectors ................15
15.10 FIGURES..................................................................................................16
Figure 1 Bolted connectors with two current carrying parts for connection of parallel conductors..16
Figure 2 Bolted connectors with keepers for connection of conductors (T-clamp).........................16
Figure 3 Current-carrying contact surface in bolted connectors with two current-carrying parts ....16
Figure 4 Current-carrying contact surface in bolted connectors with keepers ...............................17
Figure 5 Contact surface of keepers in bolted connectors............................................................17
Figure 6 Contact force in bolted connectors with two current-carrying parts .................................17
Figure 7 Contact force in bolted connectors with keepers ............................................................18
Figure 8 Measurement of resistance, type test ............................................................................18
Figure 9 Measurement of resistance, type test ............................................................................18
Figure 10 Measurement of resistance, installation records.............................................................19
Note that standards, regulations etc. which are referred to in these guidelines are
subject to continuous change and can be withdrawn, revised or replaced. It is the
obligation that the contractor immediately will inform the client of such changes
SS ISO 2178 Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates -
Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic method
ISO 4015 Hexagon head bolts -- Product grade B -- Reduced shank
(shank diameter approximately equal to pitch diameter)
SS 1964 Threaded blind holes - ISO metric screw threads -Coarse
SS 2173 Diameters of spot facings, counter-bores and countersinks
- Screws and nuts with ISO metric screw threads and
tapping screws
SS-EN 9001 Quality management systems - Requirements
SS-EN 10002-1 Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test
at ambient temperature
SS-EN 61284 Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for fittings
SS-EN ISO 887 Plain washers for metric bolts, screws and nuts for general
purposes - General plan (ISO 887:2000)
SS-EN ISO 1302 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Indication of
surface texture in technical product documentation (ISO
SS-EN ISO 1461 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Indication of
surface texture in technical product documentation (ISO
SS-EN ISO 7089 Plain washers - Normal series - Product grade A
SS-EN ISO 3506-1 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel
fasteners - Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs
SS-EN ISO 3506-2 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel
fasteners -- Part 2: Nuts
SS-EN ISO 4014 Hexagon head bolts - Product grades A and B (ISO
SS-EN ISO 4032 Hexagon nuts, style 1 - Product grades A and B
SS-EN ISO 6507-1 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 1: Test
SS-ISO 272 Fasteners -- Hexagon products -- Widths across flats
SS-ISO 1101 Technical drawings - Geometrical tolerancing -
Tolerancing of form, orientation, location and run-out -
Generalities, definitions, symbols, indications on drawings
EBR U303K Maintenance of transmission lines 0,4 – 420 kV
SvK TR 5-04E Technical Guidelines – Conductors
15.2 SCOPE
These guidelines describe the requirements on bolted connectors with limited
tensile strength for steel reinforced aluminium conductors, aluminium conductors
and aluminium alloy conductors in accordance with TR 5-04E for overhead
transmission lines and cover design and inspection. The guidelines intend to
guarantee satisfactory performance of bolted connectors during lifetime of the
overhead line and shall be used at purchasing of bolted connectors.
SS-EN 61284 has been taken into consideration at the establishment of these
technical guidelines. The standards requirements has been studied and analysed at
which it has been found that they do not give a sufficient level against
deterioration in the current carrying capacity during the calculated technical
lifetime of the overhead line which have give rise to that the technical guidelines
have got this shape.
Technical terms and definitions used in these guidelines.
That part of the bolted connector in which the current is transferred between the
conductors attached to the connector.
Highest voltage for equipment
The highest value of phase-to-phase voltage for which the equipment is designed.
Corona extinction voltage
The voltage where no corona is visible when the voltage is reduced from a level
with visible corona.
Fault current
The greatest short duration current which is caused by either a short-circuit (Ik) or
an earth fault (3I0)
That part of the bolted connector that clamps the conductor to the body.
Device, comprising several parts for jointing two conductors in order to provide
electrical contact between two conductors, where the contact is acquired by bolt
connection. Bolted connector is intended for low tension forces in the connected
conductors. Parallel groove clamp
Bolted connector to create connection between wrap-over conductors. See
Figure 1. T-clamp
Bolted connector to create connection between main conductor and branch
conductor. See Figure 2.
15.5.1 GENERAL
Bolted connectors shall be able to withstand the mechanical stresses which can
occur during transport, handling and installation at temperatures as low as –40° C,
in addition to the mechanical stresses which can occur during the technical
lifetime of the overhead line at temperatures from -50° to +100° C.
15.5.2 MATERIAL Aluminium
Connectors shall be manufactured from aluminium alloy. The alloy, which must
not contain more than 0,1 % Cu, shall not be liable to stress, cracking or layer
Cast and wrought aluminium shall fulfil the requirements relating to tensile
strength, hardness and resistivity as specified in Table 3. Steel
Bolts and nuts shall be made of stainless steel and fulfil the requirements for A2-
80 or A4-80 in accordance with and SS-EN ISO 3506-1 and SS-EN ISO 3506-2.
Washers and thread inserts shall be made of stainless steel, and shall have at least
the same resistance to corrosion as steel grade A2 in accordance with SS-EN ISO
15.5.3 DESIGN General
Connectors shall be so designed that water collection is eliminated. If this is not
possible, they shall have drainage holes with a minimum diameter of 6 mm.
Current-carrying parts of the connectors shall be cast or forged in one piece.
Connectors intended for connection of parallel stranded conductors shall consist
of two current-carrying parts. Bolts shall be positioned between the conductor
grooves. The number of bolts shall be as specified in Table 1.
Connectors with keepers shall have the number of keepers as specified in Table 2.
There shall be two bolts for each keeper. Bolts shall be equally positioned on
each side of the conductor groove. Conductor grooves
The connectors shall have a conductor groove for each conductor.
Each groove shall be adapted to the conductors in accordance with SvK TR 5-04E
in such way that it is possible to install that any of the conductors with the same
external diameter without causing permanent deformation of the connectors.
Conductor groove lengths shall be as specified in Table 1 and 2.
Conductor grooves shall be so designed that they do not reduce the strength of the
The edges of conductor grooves, G in accordance with Figures 3 to 5, shall be
rounded with a minimum radius of 1 mm.
The ends of conductor grooves, K in accordance with Figures 3 to 5, shall be
rounded, with a minimum radius of 2 mm. Keepers
Keepers shall have contact surfaces in accordance with Tables 2. Contact
surfaces in keepers, see Figure 5, is calculated in accordance with:
B = [0.5πD − 2(0.5D − T ) − 2G ]( M − 2 K ) N
B= Contact surface of the keepers
D= Conductor diameter in accordance with SvK TR 5-04E
T= Nominal depth of conductor groove
G= Nominal rounding of edges of conductor groove
M= Nominal length of each keeper
K= Nominal rounding of ends of conductor groove
N= Number of keepers for each conductor
U= Total area of notches which reduce the contact surface in conductor groove
in the keepers for each conductor
Note: Nominal size in accordance with this figure shall be the mean value of
high and low limits. Bolts and nuts
Bolts and nuts should be captive in the clamps, in order to simplify hot line
The connectors shall be equipped with the number of bolts as specified in Table 1
and 2.
Bolt threads shall be M10 or M12.
Bolts, which are tightened during installation, shall have bolt heads in accordance
with ISO 4014 or ISO 4015. Nuts, which are tightened during installation, shall
be in accordance with ISO 4032. The width across flats shall be in accordance
with SS-ISO 272. Other designs of bolt heads and nuts shall be approved by
Svenska Kraftnät.
The bolts shall be so long that they end outside the nut threads in the installed
Countersinks for tightening tools shall be in accordance with SS 2173. Washers
Flat washers shall be fitted beneath bolts and nuts which are tightened during
installation. The washers shall be in accordance with SS-EN ISO 887 and SS-EN
ISO 7089. Threaded hols
Threaded blind holes shall have sufficient depth to ensure full tightening of bolts
without bottoming. Threaded holes in cast aluminium according to Table 3 shall
be fitted with thread inserts. Threaded holes in forged aluminium according to
Table 3 may be cut directly in the aluminium and shall be in accordance with
SS 1964.
Deformation in the connectors shall be measured during testing. This can be done
by means of strain gauges.
After completion of tests the residual elongation shall not exceed 0,15 % in any
part of the connectors. Moderate impressions by the conductors in conductor
grooves will not be regarded as permanent deformation. Threaded parts shall not
have sheared. After the three installations/dismantling the contact forces shall be
measured in accordance with Clause 14.6.3.
This test is intended to document that threaded holes in aluminium parts with and
without threaded inserts fulfil the requirements of Clause
The bolts shall be inserted 15 mm in the threaded holes for M10 and 18 mm for
The bolts shall be tension loaded in the axial direction of the bolt with the test
force of 45 kN for M10 and 67 kN for M12.
After completion of the test no failure of the threaded holes shall have arisen. The
bolts shall be easy to turn by the fingers.
15.6.6 WASHERS
This test is intended to document that the hardness of the washers fulfil the
requirements of Clause
The test shall be in accordance with SS-EN ISO 6507-1.
15.6.7 CORONA
The intention of this test is to establish the corona extinction voltage and is to be
performed in a fully darkened room. During the corona test the use of either field-
glass with a minimum optical performance of 7x50 or an image intensifier with
light amplification greater than 40000 in accordance with SS-EN 61284 is
The connector shall be installed on conductors in accordance with SvK TR 5-04E.
A minimum clearance of 4 metres from live objects to earth shall be maintained.
The connector shall be subjected to an alternating current with a frequency of 50
The corona extinction voltage shall exceed the test voltage of Clause It
should be recorded by colour photographs, one with visible corona and one at the
corona extinction voltage level. The voltage levels should be indicated on the
The test shall be performed in accordance with SS-EN 61284 where applicable.
The test is intended to verify that the connectors meet the requirements of
resistance according to Clause
Contact paste shall not be used at the test.
15.8.1 GENERAL
The installation shall be in accordance with the installation instruction.
When bolted connector is installed on the conductor in the vicinity of a dead end
clamp the distance between the dead end clamp and the bolted connector shall be
at least 500 mm.
When parallel grove clamps is installed on the conductor they shall always be
installed two in series with a distance of one connector length in between.
Conductor A, see Figure 1 Conductor B, see Figure 1
Conductor groove
Current carrying
Current carrying
Bolt dimension
Contact force
Contact force
area A F area A F L N
mm² mm² kN mm² mm² kN Mm numbers
Conductor groove
Conductor groove
Current carrying
Current carrying
Contact surface
Contact surface
Bolt dimension
Contact force
Contact force
in keeper
in keeper
Area N L A B F Area N L A B F
mm² antal mm mm² mm² kN mm² antal mm Mm² mm² kN
454 3 115 3900 2700 150 454 3 115 3900 2700 150 M10
593 3 115 4600 3300 150 593 3 115 4600 3300 150 M10
593 3 115 4600 3300 150 454 3 115 3900 2700 150 M10
774 4 155 7300 5400 200 774 4 155 7300 5400 200 M10
774 3 115 5300 4100 150 593 3 115 4600 3300 150 M10
774 3 115 5300 4100 150 454 3 115 3900 2700 150 M10
910 4 155 8000 5800 200 910 4 155 8000 5800 200 M10
910 4 155 8000 5800 200 774 4 155 7300 5400 200 M10
910 3 115 5900 4300 150 593 3 115 4600 3300 150 M10
910 3 115 5900 4300 150 454 3 115 3900 2700 150 M10
R2 R1
Phase 1 2 3
a b a b a b
c c c
Duplex a b a b a b
R2 R1