Spinal Reflex Therapy & Spinal Reflex Analysis: Evidence Based
Spinal Reflex Therapy & Spinal Reflex Analysis: Evidence Based
Spinal Reflex Therapy & Spinal Reflex Analysis: Evidence Based
Evidence Based
Originating from 85 years of research and over 21 years of clinical application, SRT Assessment
and Treatment and SRA Diagnostics and Treatment procedures are predictable, dependable
and reproducible as a stand alone system, or as an outcome multiplier in conjunction with
conventional therapeutic procedures.
Kelligren, J. H. 1938-1939
1. Kelligren, J. H.: Observation of referred pain arising from muscles. Clin Sci
3:175, 1938.
2. Kelligren, J. H.: On the distribution of pain arising from deep somatic
structures with charts of segmental pain areas. Clin Sci 4: 35, 1939
Comment: Original studies injecting noxious compounds into clavicular
and vertebral structures. Discovered sclerotomal pain.
Feinstein, B. 1954
1. Feinstein, B., Langton, J. N. K., Jameson, R. M., Schitter, F. : Experiments
on pain referred from deep somatic tissue, J Bone Joint Surg 36A: 981,
Comment: His work built on Kelligren’s study using 75 students, mapping
non-radicular pain patterns.