Spinal Reflex Therapy & Spinal Reflex Analysis: Evidence Based

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Spinal Reflex Therapy & Spinal Reflex Analysis

Research on Spondylogenic Reflex Syndromes

Evidence Based
Originating from 85 years of research and over 21 years of clinical application, SRT Assessment
and Treatment and SRA Diagnostics and Treatment procedures are predictable, dependable
and reproducible as a stand alone system, or as an outcome multiplier in conjunction with
conventional therapeutic procedures.

Kelligren, J. H. 1938-1939
1. Kelligren, J. H.: Observation of referred pain arising from muscles. Clin Sci
3:175, 1938.
2. Kelligren, J. H.: On the distribution of pain arising from deep somatic
structures with charts of segmental pain areas. Clin Sci 4: 35, 1939
Comment: Original studies injecting noxious compounds into clavicular
and vertebral structures. Discovered sclerotomal pain.

Feinstein, B. 1954
1. Feinstein, B., Langton, J. N. K., Jameson, R. M., Schitter, F. : Experiments
on pain referred from deep somatic tissue, J Bone Joint Surg 36A: 981,
Comment: His work built on Kelligren’s study using 75 students, mapping
non-radicular pain patterns.

Wyke, B. 1967-1980 Biomechanics

1. Wyke, B. D.: The neurological basis of thoracic spinal pain. Rheum Phys. Med
10: 356, 1967.
2. Wyke, B. D.: Morphological and functional features of the innervation of the
costovertebral joints. Folia Morphol 23: 296, 1975
3. Wyke, B. D.: Clinical Significance of articular receptor system in the limbs “Predictable,
and spine. Proc. of the 5th Int. Congress of Manual Medicine, Copenhagen,
dependable and
4. Wyke, B. D.: Neurological mechanisms in the experience of pain. reproducible
Acupuncture and Electro-Ther res 4: 27, 1979a. outcomes are critical
5. Wyke, B. D.: Neurology of the cervical spinal joints. Physiotherapy 65:72, 1979b.
6. Wyke, B. D.: Perspectives in physiotherapy. Physiotherapy 32: 261, 1980. for an efficient and
7. Wyke, B. D., Polecek, P.: Structural and functional characteristics of the joint successful patient/
receptor apparatus. Acta Chir Orthop Traum. Cech. 40: 489, 1973
8. Wyke, B. D., Polecek, P.: Articular neurology – the present position. J Bone client and provider
Joint Surg 57B: 401, 1975. experience.”
Comment: Discovered efferent component of reflexes. Used studies on cats to
show clearly reflexogenic relationships between receptors in the joint capsule
and peripheral musculature. His work is the primary resource in understanding
nociception and innervation of vertebral zygapophysial structures and their
relationship to non-radicular syndromes.

Spinal Reflex Institute, Intl. LLC [email protected]

Durango, CO 81301 +1.970.259.5520 SRICert.org
Registered © 2015 SRI Intl., LLC & LFJ, LLC
Sutter, M 1974-1981
1. Sutter, M.: Versuch einer Wesensbestimming pseudoradikulärer Syndrome.
Schweiz Rundsch Med Praxis 63: 842, 1974. Schweizerische Rundschau für
Medizin Praxis M Sutter [An attempt to define radicular and pseudoradic
lar syndromes (author’s transl)] Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax, Jul 1974;
63(27): 842-5.
2. Sutter, M.: Wesen, Klinik und Bedeutung spondylogener reflex syndrome.
Schweiz Rundsch Med Praxis 64: 42, 1975. M Sutter [Nature, clinic
and significance of spondylogenic reflex syndrome (author’s transl)] Schweiz
Rundsch Med Prax, Oct 1975; 64(42): 1351-7
3. Sutter, M.: Rückern, Kreuz- und Beinshmerzen bei funktionell instabilen
Becken. Ther Umsch 34: 452, 1977. M Sutter [Backache and leg pains due to
a functionally unstable pelvis (author’s transl)] Ther Umsch 1977; 34 (6)
4. Sutter, M.: Fröhlich, R., Spondylogene Zusammenhänge im Bereiche der
oberen Thorax-Apparatur. Report of the Annual Meeting of the Swiss
Society for Manual Medicine, 1981.
Comment: Described the Spondylogenic Reflex Syndrome (SRS). Correlated Pain Mapping
specific “soft tissue rheumatism” or reflexive muscle contractions per
vertebral segment via palpation. Describes causative factor as unstable facet
joint (he used the term “mispositioned”)
“Rooted in hard
Dvorak, J., Dvorak, V., Drobny, T. 1984 - present science, years of
1. Manual Medicine Diagnostics 1984 George Thieme, Vertag, Rudigerstras se
14, D-7000 Stuttgart 30, West Germany clinical application
Comment: Referenced spondylogenic reflex muscle activation per segment
based on previous description. Referenced Wyke’s work on neurology and
and one indisputable
nociceptors in the vertebra to validate clinically apparent ‘non-radicular fact; a reflex is a
pain patterns.
reflex is a reflex.”
Jarrell, L 1993 - present
Comment: Developed SRS based diagnostics and treatment protocols,
researched symptom profiles and defined the progressive cascade of
neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction and degeneration mediated by the
spondylogenic reflex syndrome. Developed SRA, SRT, 5MinuteBack
Spinal Stabilization

“The SRS is an unwavering neurological

event across all populations.”

Spinal Reflex Institute, Intl. LLC [email protected]

Durango, CO 81301 +1.970.259.5520 SRICert.org
Registered © 2015 SRI Intl., LLC & LFJ, LLC

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