How To Make A Complaint

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Juicy English.

Telephone complaint voicemail 1 Date: __________________________________Weather: ____________
I. Listen to the voicemail and complete the audio script.

bathroom – Thank - hospital - afternoon – complaint - telephone

1) Good ____________________.

My name is Angelica Garcia Aragon.

2) I have a ____________________to make.

3) This morning, I was in your ____________________.

4) I’m sorry to say this, but the ____________________ was dirty.

I think you should improve the clean service.

5) Please contact me by my _____________________ number


6) ____________________ you.

Key vocabulary
Nouns Adjectives Verbs Should – Deber
Complaint – Queja Background - Antecedente Dirty - Sucio Have – Tener Improve – Mejorar
Voicemail – Buzón de voz Reason – Razón Make – Hacer Contact – Contactar
Apology - Disculpa Complaint - Queja Conjunction Say - Decir Thank – Agradecer
Attitude – Actitud But - Pero Think – Pensar Complain - Quejar
II. Answer the following questions.
1. What was the voicemail about?  About an apology  About a hospital  About a bad service

2. Is the voicemail formal or informal?  Formal (Follow strict rules and a pre-established channel)

 Informal (It’s flexible and easy to understand, e.g. conversation between friends)

3. How was the girl’s attitude?  Respectful  Aggressive / Rude  Sympathetic  Honest

4. What was the purpose of the voicemail?  Congratulate  Complain  Ask for help

III. Rewrite the voicemail according to the parts of the complaint.

(Describe the situation)

(Motive or Reason for the



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