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College, Laguna


Revised May 2002

Prepared by:

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Instruction

October 2001

The UPLB Autonomy
Organization - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
The University Council - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
The Academic Personnel Committee - - - - - - - - 2
Faculty Members - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
The University Professor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Adjunct Faculty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3
Lecturer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Visiting Faculty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
Affiliate Faculty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
Teaching Associate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
Teaching Fellow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
Authority to Teach - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
Professor Emeritus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5
The Graduate Faculty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Appointment of Faculty Members - - - - - - - - - - - 6
Effectivity of Appointment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
Faculty Duties and Responsibilities - - - - - - - - - - - 8
Teaching Load - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
Computation of Teaching Load - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
Working Hours and Report of Service - - - - - - - - 9
Faculty Service Record - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
Credit for Non-Teaching activities - - - - - - - - - - 9
Class Sizes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10
Consultation Hours - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
Class Field Trips - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
Attendance at Meetings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
Academic Freedom- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
Restrictions, Conduct and Discipline - - - - - - - - 12
Use of textbooks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12
Inviting outside lecturers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12
Private tutoring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
Acceptance of valuable consideration from
students - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
Use of University Information - - - - - - - - - - - 13
Publications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13
Enrolment Without Permission - - - - - - - - - - 14
Organizations and Association - - - - - - - - - - 14
Coursing of Communications - - - - - - - - - - - 14
Faculty Tenure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16
Instructors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16
Assistant Professor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17
Associate Professor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17
Professor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
Up or Out Policy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
Maximum Period of Temporary Appointment - - 18
Transfer within the University - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
Transfer from an Outside Government
Agency to the University - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19
Faculty Privileges, Incentives and Benefits - - - - - - 20
Honoraria - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20
Overload Teaching - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20
Thesis Advising - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20
Summer Teaching Honoraria - - - - - - - - - - - 20
Honoraria for University Personnel - - - - - - - - 21
Honoraria for Lecturers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
Leave Privileges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
Teacher’s Leave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
Summer Service - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
Teacher’s Sick Leave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
Special Leave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
Cumulative Leave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
Leave Without Pay and Unexplained
Absence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
Maternity Leave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
Military Service Leave - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23
Study Privileges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23
Study Leaves - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23
Study Load Reduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25
Enrolment Privileges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 25
Housing Privileges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26
Library Privileges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26
Health Services - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26
Dissertation/Thesis Grants - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 26
Professorial Chairs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27
Grants - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28
Faculty Grant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28
PhD Incentive Grant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28
Grants for Research and Creative Work - - - - 29
Textbook Writing Grant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29
Recognition - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29
Outstanding Teacher Awards - - - - - - - - - - - 29
UP System-Sponsored Awards - - - - - - - - - - 29
Concepcion Dadufalza Award - - - - - - - - 29
International Publications Award for
Journal Articles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29
International Publications Award for
Books/Chapters of Books - - - - - - - - - - 30
Mungkahing Gawad para sa
Natatanging Publikasyon sa Filipino - - - 30
Institutional Performance Award - - - - - - - 30
President’s Award for Innovation in
Teaching - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30
Postdoctoral Research Grant - - - - - - - - - - 31
Promotion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31
Faculty Promotion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Automatic Promotion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 31
Limited Practice of Profession and Management
of Private Enterprise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 32
Teaching in Other Educational or Training
Institutions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33
Invitation to Speak in Other Educational
Institutions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33
Special Detail - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34
Secondment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34
Temporary Second Appointment - - - - - - - - - - - 35
Sabbatical - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
GSIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
Retirement Benefits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37
UP Provident Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38
PAG-IBIG - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39
Phil. Health Benefits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39
Curricular Matters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
Academic Calendar and Classes - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
Class size - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
Change of class schedule - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
Dismissal of classes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
Admission and Registration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
Non-regular admission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40
Readmission - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41
Readmission of dismissed students - - - - - - - - 41
Registration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41
Cross-registration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41
Academic Load - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42
Medium of Instruction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42
Attendance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 42
Excessive Absences - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43
Certificate of Illness - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43
Leave of Absence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43
Maximum residence rule - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44
Curricular Change - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44
Waiver of Prerequisite - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44
Changing of classes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45
Dropping of courses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45
Substitution of courses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45
Enrollment of Thesis/Practicum/Dissertation - 46
Examinations and Grades - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46
Integration Period - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46
Examinations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47
Grading System - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 47
Grades - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48
Removal of grades of ‘INC’ or ‘4’ - - - - - - - - 48
Removal of ‘4’ in a Language Sequence
Course - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 48
New Policies on the Grade of ‘4’ - - - - - - - - 49
Change of Grades - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49
Submission of Grades - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50
Release of Grades - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50
Penalties for Late Submission of Grades - - - - - - - 50
Honorific Scholarships from the University - - - - - 51
University Scholarship - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51
College Scholarship - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51
Additional Requirements for Honorific
Scholarship - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51
Scholastic Delinquency - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51
Warning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51
Probation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 51
Dismissal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 52
Permanent Disqualification - - - - - - - - - - - - 52
Honorable Dismissal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53
Graduation Requirements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53
Guidelines in connection with graduation - - 54
Formal application for graduation - - - - - - - - 54
Clearance as requirement for graduation - - - 54
Graduation with Honors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55
Additional Rules - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55
Commencement Exercises - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56
Academic Costumes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56
University Rules on Student Records - - - - - - - - 56
Transcript of Records - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56
Withholding of Records - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57


The University of the Philippines is administratively organized as a System

comprising the autonomous units of U.P. Diliman, U.P. Manila, U.P. Los Baños, U.P.
Visayas, U.P. Open University and U.P. Mindanao. Each autonomous unit is headed by
a Chancellor who is appointed by the Board of Regents (BOR) upon recommendation
of the UP President for a term of three years.

In UPLB the Chancellor is assisted by five Vice Chancellors as follows:

1. Vice Chancellor for Instruction

2. Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension
3. Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development
4. Vice Chancellor for Administration; and
5. Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs

There exists a Director for Students who coordinates activities related to student
services, welfare and discipline.

Academic units are headed by Deans who are appointed by the Board of
Regents for a term of three years. The Deans of large colleges are assisted by an
Associate Dean and a College Secretary.

The most basic constituent of the academic hierarchy is the department/institute.

It is headed by a chairman/director who is appointed for a term of three years.

The University Council

There exists a University Council (UC) in each constituent University consisting

of faculty members of the units therein with the rank of assistant professor or higher.
The Chancellor serves as the Chairman of the Council1. The University Registrar is the
ex officio Secretary of the Council2.

The UC has the following powers:3

1. To prescribe the courses of study and rules of discipline, subject to the approval
of the Board of Regents;
2. To fix the requirements for admission to any college or school of the University;
3. To fix the requirements for graduation and the receiving of a degree;
4. To recommend to the Board of Regents students or others to be recipients of
degrees; and
5. To exercise disciplinary powers over the students, through the Chancellor or
Executive Committee, within the limits prescribed by the rules of discipline
approved by the Board of Regents.

828th BOR, Dec. 21, 1972, Sec 11.
Art. 21, as amended at the 861st BOR meeting, May 29, 1975.
Art. 19, as amended at the 828th BOR meeting, Dec. 21, 1972.

The UC meets at such times as the Chancellor may determine. However, he

shall issue a call for a special meeting when requested by a majority vote of the
Executive Committee or upon the written request of one-third of the members of the

Every member of the UC shall be required to attend all its meetings but any
member may be excused from attendance for reasons his Dean or Director consider

Members of the faculty who have to attend Council meetings are authorized to
assign some work that their students need to do within the meeting time.5

A quorum of the UC shall consist of seventy-five members.6

The Academic Personnel Committee

In order to foster greater involvement of the faculty and other academic

personnel in appointments, promotions, and other personnel matters that directly affect
them, academic personnel committees at the department/institute and college levels are
appointed in the various units of the University. These committees constitute an integral
part of the academic personnel system of the University which also includes the
Academic Personnel Board created by the BOR at its 789th meeting on November 25,

Art. 22, as amended at the 828th BOR meeting , Dec. 21, 1972.
Art 24.
Art. 25.


The body of teaching staff of each college or school constitutes its faculty. They
are employed by the University to carry out its instruction, research and extension

The regular members of the teaching staff include the University Professors,
Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors and the Instructors. The non-
regular members include the Lecturers, Professor Emeritus, Visiting Faculty, Adjunct
Faculty, Affiliate Faculty, Teaching Associate/Fellow and REPS given authority to teach.

The University Professor position is the highest academic rank in the University
of the Philippines. It is conferred by the Board of Regents, on recommendation by the
University President, upon a select few among the faculty in active service for
exemplary achievement in their field. Once conferred, the appointment is coterminus
with service to the University unless revoked for very serious cause.

Qualifications of a University Professor7

a. He must be an “outstanding scholar and scientist” as shown by the quality

of his publications and researches in his principal field of study and in
allied fields.

b. He must have an “expert knowledge in one field or division (this refers to

the three divisions of humanities, natural sciences, and social
sciences)”and a good acquaintance with at least one other subject within
another division.

c. He must be known for intellectual maturity and objectivity in his/her


d. He must have a high reputation among his colleagues and other scholars.

More information on the other regular members of the faculty are discussed
under Faculty Tenure.

Adjunct Faculty is an appointment given to a recognized expert in his/her field

who is not employed by the University and who is willing to devote part of his time to
teaching or research in the University, for which he shall not receive compensation. 8
He has no teaching rank in his mother unit (if any). A prospective appointee is given an
adjunct faculty appointment commensurate to his academic qualifications (Adjunct
Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor as the case may be).

Lecturer is a designation given to a non-teaching staff of the University who is

requested to teach outside regular office hours. This may also be given to a person with

Art 170.
1081st meeting of the Board of Regents held on November 17, 1994.

no regular appointment in the University and is requested to teach in any unit of the
University.9 A lecturer is compensated on an hourly basis in accordance with approved
U.P. policies. Tabulated below are lecturer ranks which are matched with comparable
regular faculty ranks and the appropriate SSL salary grades. It should be understood
that the “comparable” faculty ranks for lecturers have been used only as a guide for
computing the compensation rates of lecturers. It should NOT be taken to mean that a
lecturer who is appointed later as a regular faculty may count on being appointed to the
comparable faculty rank. The determination of the rank for regular full time or regular
part-time (including those of former lecturers) shall be subject to the usual criteria used
to evaluate the recommendations. [Source: BOR excerpts in its meeting held on 26 March 1992]

Lecturer Rank Comparable Faculty Rank Salary grade

Lecturer 1 Instructor 3 15-3
Lecturer 2 Instructor 7 17-3

Sr Lecturer 1 Asst Professor 3 19-3

Sr. Lecturer 2 Asst. Professor 6 21-3
Sr. Lect rer3 Assoc. Professor 3 23-4

Prof Lecturer 1 Assoc. Professor 6 25-3

Prof Lecturer 2 Professor 2 26-5
Prof Lecturer 3 Professor 5 27-6
Prof Lecturer4 Professor 8 28-7
Prof Lecturer 5 Professor 11 29-8

In all appointments to the positions of lecturers, senior lecturers or professorial

lecturers in the University, nominees who are connected with the other branches of the
Government shall present written permits from the department head concerned, and
shall state the total number of hours a week they are teaching in other schools. [Art. 161
as amended at the 759th BOR meeting, June 15, 1967 and 845 th meeting, April 25, 1974]

A professorial lecturer is equivalent to an associate professor or full professor in

the regular class. Unless the candidate for the position is outstanding in his line of study
and his competence and prestige entitle him to recognition as an expert by his
colleagues in the field, he shall not be recommended for a rank higher than that of
senior lecturer. [Art. 162, as amended at these BOR meetings: 759 th, June 15, 1967 and 845th, April
25, 1974]

Visiting Faculty is a designation given to a faculty member of another academic

institution who is teaching in the University. The terms of employment depend on the
memorandum of agreement executed by the University with the mother institution of
the individual concerned or upon the terms of invitation.10 Compensation will be on a
case-to-case basis.

Affiliate Faculty is a designation given to a staff of a U.P. unit who is tapped to

teach a course in another U.P. unit and given teaching load credits in accordance with


pertinent existing policies.*11 The same designation is given to a Research Faculty or a

REPS of UPLB who is requested to assume teaching duties in one or more of its teaching
units . The appropriate faculty designation is based on the credentials of the appointee
(e.g. Affiliate Professor, Affiliate Associate Professor)

Teaching Associate (TA) is a designation given to an M.A/ M.S. student who is

assigned to teach 6 to 9 units of the undergraduate courses in the Department where
he/she is enrolled in as graduate student. A TA is required to enroll in six (6) to nine (9)
units of graduate course work or six (6) units of thesis work in addition to his/her
teaching assignment.12

Teaching Fellow (TF) is a designation given to a Ph.D. student who is assigned

to teach 6 to 9 units of undergraduate courses in the Department where he/she is
enrolled in as graduate student. A TF is required to enroll in six to nine (9) units of
graduate course work or twelve (12) units of dissertation work. 13

Authority to Teach is given to an academic non-teaching staff of the University

who is requested to teach in the same unit where he/she is employed. He/She receives
no additional compensation. Likewise, an academic staff who is requested by the
Department of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences to teach a foreign language like
Japanese, French or German is given authority to teach.14

Professor Emeritus is a designation given to a retired faculty member with the

rank of professor if he has rendered at least 20 years of active and faithful service to the
University and has achieved marked distinction as a productive scholar, artist, or
scientist, or is widely acknowledged as an effective and dedicated teacher. A special
committee, appointed by the President, will be responsible for nominating retired
professors for an emeritus appointment, the nomination to be submitted to the
President of the University who, upon his discretion, may endorse the matter to the
Board of Regents for approval; provided, that this procedure shall be without prejudice
to any nominations which may be submitted by the faculty of the unit.15

The rank of Professor Emeritus is a title for life. In other words, once a faculty
member is appointed as such, his appointment need not be renewed.16

A professor emeritus may be given a teaching assignment by the Dean of the

college, subject to approval by the Chancellor. No faculty member, including a
Professor Emeritus, beyond 70 years old, shall be given any teaching assignment.
However, if there is need for the teaching services of a faculty which cannot be met by
any regular faculty member or lecturer under age 70, a Professor Emeritus over 70 years
old may be given a teaching assignment, subject to the approval of the President.17

Memorandum No. 71 issued on June 25 1998 by the Office of the Chancellor, UPLB
1092nd Meeting of the Board of Regents held on 29 November 1995
Art. 207
Excerpts from the Executive Order issued by former Pres. Jose V. Abueva dated 13 July 1989

A Professors Emeritus with teaching assignment is paid a monthly transportation

allowance for a 3-unit course.18 The same benefit is paid to one given a research
assignment.19 Adjustment of the monthly allowance is made accordingly for Professor
Emeriti teaching less than the equivalent of 3 units or 48 hours/semester.

The Graduate Faculty. A qualified faculty member may be issued an

appointment to the Graduate Faculty based on the following criteria: (a) must have a
graduate degree and (b) must have handled at least a course at the 100-level for two
semesters. Likewise, affiliate, visiting, adjunct faculty may likewise be considered.
Appointment to the graduate faculty is temporary. Processing of recommendations to
the said position is initiated by the department chairman/institute director and endorsed
by the Dean of the academic unit and the Graduate School and approved by the

The graduate faculty has administrative jurisdiction over all graduate degree
programs and recommends to the Board of Regents through proper university channels,
the institution, revision or abolition of graduate courses and programs.

Appointment of Faculty Members

A prospective faculty member is screened for appointment on the basis of merit.

His academic transcript of records, training, service record, publications or researches
are examined by the department chairman/institute director and the department
academic personnel committee. Religious affiliation is not considered among the
criteria for appointment. Members of the faculty are also exempted from any civil
service examinations or regulations as a requisite for appointment.20

Recommendations for appointment and promotion in the faculty shall be made

in accordance with existing policies, guidelines and such rules or procedures as may be
prescribed by the President, and shall be strictly in consonance with a plan of
standardization of faculty positions.

It is the policy of the University to discourage nepotism21 in appointments to the

academic and administrative staff of the University except in cases where the interests
of the University require otherwise and the BOR so decides. This policy shall be
observed and applied within the individual units of the University, such as the colleges
and schools. [Art. 163, as amended at the 754th BOR meeting, Jan. 20, 1967]

No person shall be eligible for appointment or reinstatement as a regular

member of the faculty of this University during the term for which he has been elected
to any political office. [Art. 164.]

1048th meeting of the BOR on 2626 March 1992, with amendments at these BOR meetings: 1087 th, 22
June 1995 and 1126th, 26 November 1998.
1087th meeting of the BOR on 22 June 1995
Art. 158.
Nepotism is prohibited in so far as administrative personnel is concerned [Sec. 49, PD 807]

No person who has been defeated as a candidate for any political office in an
election shall be eligible for appointment or reinstatement as a regular member of the
faculty within a year after the election. [Art. 165]

No person shall be appointed to the faculty on part- or full-time basis, with or

without compensation, if said person is on the staff of any private university or college
in the Philippines; Provided, that when the immediate requirements of the University
justify the appointment and no other applicant approximates the needed high
professional and scholastic competence, such a person may be appointed on a year-to-
year basis until another, who possesses the desired competence and is not connected
with other educational institutions, is available and willing to accept such appointment
[Art. 167]

The precise terms and conditions of every appointment shall be stated in writing.
In case of non-renewal of a temporary appointment, the person concerned shall be
informed in writing by the dean at least sixty days before the expiration date. An
appointment with tenure may be terminated by resignation, retirement or removal for

Effectivity of Appointment

The effectivity of appointment shall be the date of actual assumption by the

appointee but not earlier than the date of issuance of the appointment which is the date
of signing by the appointing authority. No appointment shall be made effective earlier
than the date of issuance. No official/employee shall be required to assume duty
without furnishing him with a copy of his appointment after it is issued and signed by
the appointing authority.23

The effectivity of appointment of an employee can be affected by any of the

following: (a) date of issuance of the residence certificate; (b) date and result of medical
examination; and (c) date of issuance of NBI clearance.

Art 179b.
Memorandum Circular from Civil service Commission


Teaching load. A normal teaching load of 12 units per semester or its

equivalent in colleges or units observing the trimester or other systems shall be required
of each faculty member; Provided, however, that no member of the faculty shall teach
less than six (6) units per semester; Provided, further, that the President or Chancellor
may reduce the teaching load to not less than three (3) units per semester, of any faculty
member who is actively engaged in research, community service, and/or other
authorized activities; and Provided, finally, that no faculty member shall be allowed an
aggregate teaching load of more than 36 units for the first and second semesters of any
given academic year, including authorized teaching outside the University of the
Philippines System, unless otherwise given prior authorization by the President or
Chancellor due to exceptional circumstances.24

All faculty members receiving salaries as faculty members should be able to

account for their 12 units “normal load” per semester. If a faculty member is
underloaded in a semester, the underloading could be made up in the next semester or
the summer session so that the 24 units are accounted for in a school year.25

University Professors without administrative responsibilities are granted a 6-unit

teaching load reduction (from the required teaching load of 12 units) to enable them to
devote more time to research and university-wide concerns.26

For purposes of overload, the teaching load of faculty administrators, i.e., UP

officials, deans, directors, department chairs and heads of units shall be limited to six (6)
course credits per semester or twelve (12) course credits per year.27

The maximum teaching load that can be handled by administrative personnel

and REPS who were given permission to teach is six (6) course credits per semester,
including their load within and outside UP (if any).

Computation of Teaching Load. The teaching load is computed on the basis of

contact hours devoted to handling a class. For undergraduate courses, at least 16 hours,
evenly distributed throughout the term, devoted to lecture, discussion, or recitation, or
to any combination of these or at least 32 hours supervision or laboratory work, field
work, or related student activity shall be credited as one unit of teaching load; Provided,
that in exceptional cases, the President or Chancellor, in his discretion may consider at
least 24 hours of laboratory or similar work as the equivalent of one (1) unit of teaching

Sec. 1, as amended at these BOR meetings: 861st, May 29, 1975; 1020th, April 25, 1989 and 1023rd,
July 27, 1989.
Excerpt from Memorandum No. 97-100, dated 7 November 1997 issued by former Vice-President for
Academic Affairs, Dr. Olivia C. Caoili.
Memorandum No. 00-08 from the Office of the Vice President for Administration issued on 26 January
Memorandum No. FN 01-18 from the Office of the UP President issued on 26 February 2001 which
took effect during the first semester 2001-2002.

In the graduate level, courses may be given 1-1/2 times as much credit as those
of undergraduate courses, upon recommendation by the Dean, subject to prior
approval by the President or Chancellor in every case.28

High school courses shall be given nine-tenths as much credit as that of

undergraduate courses.

Working Hours and Report of Service. Full-time members of the faculty and
employees of the University shall be on duty for a minimum of forty hours during each
week in accordance with a time schedule to be approved by the Chancellor. [Art. 215, as
amended at the 828th BOR meeting, Dec. 21, 1972]

When the interests of the university service so require, the head of any office
may request the proper authorities to extend the daily hours of labor for any or all of
the employees under him, and may likewise require any or all of them to do overtime
work not only on workdays but also on holidays. [Art. 217].

Insofar as it is consistent with their regular duties and if approved by the

President, faculty members who are members of the National Research Council and
similar institutions of the government may use official time in attending meetings of such
institutions. [Art. 258].

Members of the faculty shall accomplish a certificate of service which shall be

submitted, through the Dean or Director, to the Secretary of the University on each pay
day, but those whose salaries are paid by the hour shall accomplish the daily time
record. [Art.218]. The present practice is to submit the accomplished service report to
the Human Resources and Development Office (HRDO).

Faculty Service Record.29 The Faculty Service Record (FSR) or Form 67 is the
most important documentation of faculty service or workload. Every faculty member in
residence (i.e. drawing U.P. salary as a U.P. faculty member) should accomplish Form
67 every semester or trimester. This includes even faculty members on full study leave
with pay or on fellowships. REPS who hold faculty ranks should submit a Form 67 to
the department or college they are attached to. For faculty members who are out of the
country or otherwise indisposed (on sabbatical, sick leave, etc.), department chairs are
requested to file Form 67 in their behalf. Teaching assistants/fellows, although not
faculty members, are also required to accomplish the form every semester or trimester.

Faculty members teaching in more than one U.P. college are requested to fill-up
separate forms in the other college so that teaching loads are recorded where they are
taught, not where faculty members are based.

Credit for non-teaching activities. Although priority is given to teaching, the

normal teaching load requirement may be partially satisfied by non-teaching activities
such as research, authorized graduate studies, creative writing or other productive
scholarship, community service, or by administrative work. The total maximum credit

Sec. 2, as amended at the 843rd BOR meeting, March 28, 1974.
Excerpt from Memorandum No. 97-94 issued by former U.P. President E.Q. Javier on November 14,

for the aforementioned non-teaching activities shall not exceed six (6) units, unless
otherwise authorized by the president or Chancellor.

The maximum credit for research work, creative writing, any other form of
productive scholarship, or community service shall be six (6) units.

The maximum credit for authorized graduate studies shall not be more than six
(6) units; Provided, that this shall not be used as a basis for claiming honorarium for
overload teaching.

Administrative work as a non-teaching activity of a faculty may be credited as


1. President, Vice Presidents, University Secretary,

Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, their equivalent,
Assistant Vice Presidents, PGH Director...……………………. 12 units

2. Faculty Regent, Deans, University Registrars,

System Directors, Directors of National Centers
of Excellence ………………………………………………….. 9 units

3. Associate/Assistant Deans, Assistant Directors of

System Offices, College Secretaries, CU Directors,
Chairperson of Divisions/Departments, High School
Principals, or their equivalents ………………………………… 6 units

4. Assistant to University Officials (President, VPs,

University Secretary and Chancellors only) …………………… 6 units

5. PDAs with special assignment and regular

administrative duties …………………………………………… 6 units

6. PDAs with special assignment but without

regular administrative duties …………………………………... 3 units

Faculty members who are assigned as advisers of student theses shall not be
entitled to reduction of teaching load due to such theses advising, but shall be given
honoraria in accordance with University rules and regulations.

Class sizes. In general, before an undergraduate class is opened, there must be

at least ten (10) students and for a graduate class, at least five (5) students. Present
University rules require that any exceptions to this rule must have the special approval
of the Chancellor on or before the last day of registration. The offering of small classes
should be avoided.

Source: Excerpt from the Minutes of the 1142nd Meeting of the Board of Regents held on 26 May 2000

If the offering of a graduate course with less than five (5) students cannot be
postponed or avoided, then the teaching load credit for the teacher equals the course
credit. That is, there shall be no credit load multiplier.31

Consultation hours. Each member of the faculty shall be available for

consultation for at least ten hours a week during regular office hours. The dean or
Director, in consultation with the faculty member, shall determine these hours at the
beginning of every semester or term and shall designate the particular students and their
number who shall consult with the teacher at the designated hours and rooms. In place
of consultation work, the President may give the faculty member a different assignment,
other than class recitation work, should he consider such assignment necessary.32

Whenever the class schedule of a student conflicts with his consultation

schedule, a special time for consultation in his case shall be arranged by the faculty
member with the approval of the Dean or Director.33

Class field trips. Request for field trips should be submitted to concerned
authorities at least three weeks before the scheduled trip using UPLB Field Trip Form
No.1. The field trip should not push through until the request for such has been
approved by the appropriate authority. No field trips should be scheduled after the last
day of holding class activities. Students should be notified of such field trip at the start
of the semester so they could make the necessary arrangements, especially with their
class schedules. 34

Attendance at meetings. Members of the faculty of one college giving

instruction in another college may attend the faculty meetings of the latter, and shall
have the right of speech and vote on questions involving the courses they are giving in
the latter or the students registered in said courses.35

Academic Freedom. 36 Members of the teaching staff enjoy academic freedom.

Provided, however, that no instructor in the University shall inculcate sectarian tenets in
any of the teachings, nor attempt either directly or indirectly, under the penalty of
dismissal by the Board of Regents, to influence students at the University for or against
any particular church or religious sect or political party.

Academic freedom is the right of the teacher to teach the subject of his
specialization according to his best lights; to hold, in other subjects, such ideas as he
believes sincerely to be right; and to express his opinions on public questions in a
manner that shall not interfere with his duties as a member of the faculty or negative to
his loyalty to the school, college, or university that employs him. Within this specific
framework, the following principles are hereby declared:

Embodied in Memorandum No. 40 from the Office of the UP President issued on 21 July 1992. The
same was reiterated in Memorandum No. MVG 01-45 from the Office of the Secretary of the University
issued on 17 May 2001.
Art. 221
Art. 222
Memorandum No. 11 from the Office of the Chancellor issued on 28 January 2002.
Art. 73
Art. 175 and Art. 176

a. The University of the Philippines shall not impose any limitation upon the
teacher‟s freedom in the exposition of his own subject in the classroom or in
addresses and publications;

b. No teacher may claim as his right the privilege of discussing in his classroom
controversial topics that are not pertinent to the course of study that is being

c. The University of the Philippines should not place any restraint upon the
teacher‟s freedom in the choice of subjects for research and investigation
undertaken on his own initiative;

d. The University of the Philippines should recognize that the teacher, in

speaking or writing outside of the institution upon subjects beyond the scope
of his own field of study, is entitled to the same freedom and is subject to the
same responsibilities as attached to all other citizens but in added measure;

e. It is clearly understood that the University of the Philippines assumes no

responsibility for views expressed by members of its staff; and the faculty
members themselves should, when necessary, make it clear that they are
expressing only their personal opinions;

f. If the conduct of a teacher in his classroom or elsewhere should give rise to

doubts concerning his fitness for his position, the question should in all cases
be submitted first to a committee of the faculty, and in no case should any
member of the teaching staff be dismissed before the normal termination of
his period of appointment without full and open hearing before the Board of
Regents, should he desire it, and only upon sufficient notice.

Restrictions, conduct and discipline.

a. Use of textbooks

No book, outline, compilation, or syllabus, whether printed or

duplicated, shall be used as a basic or required textbook in any class
unless approved by a Committee in accordance with the rules prescribed
by the President. Prices shall be determined in accordance with the rules
issued by the President. [Art. 257]

b. Inviting Outside Lecturers

A faculty member may invite an expert who is not officially connected

with the University to give a lecture or talk before his/her class or any
group of students in order to supplement or enrich the course/discussion.
Provided, the total number of lecture hours does not exceed nine (9)
hours in a given semester. The faculty member must be present in all the

The faculty member must obtain the consent of:

(A) The department chair or institute director. When the lectures by

outside experts amount to a total of four and a half (4 ½) hours or less
in a given semester.
(B) The Dean, when the lectures exceed four and half up to nine (9)

If the faculty member concerned is the department chair, institute

director, or dean, s/he shall obtain the consent of the next higher official.
This rule shall not apply to cases where under a memorandum of
agreement, part of the course is to be taught by a visiting professor.

Violation of this rule shall subject the faculty member concerned to

disciplinary action. [Art. 261]37

c. Private Tutoring

No member of the faculty shall be permitted to give private lessons to any

student enrolled in his college or school and to accept payment thereof
without the previous approval of the President. [Art. 256] 38

d. Acceptance of Valuable Consideration from Students

No member of the faculty shall have dealings with any student involving
money, property, or other valuable considerations which might have an
influence on the scholastic standing of such student in the University. [Art.

e. Use of University Information

No member of the faculty, officer or employee of the University shall

publish or discuss publicly the proceedings of the Board of Regents or its
decisions, not yet released for publication, without the written permission
of the President. [Art. 245]

f. Publications

No member of the faculty, officer, or employee of the University shall

publish or discuss publicly any information concerning a particular college
or school, not released for publication, without the written permission of
its Dean and the President. [Art. 246]

No member of the faculty, officer, or employee shall publish or discuss

publicly charges or complaints against any other member of the faculty,

Revised during the 1159th meeting of the BOR held on 21 March 2002.
Articles 256 and 261 have not yet been amended such that the word “Chancellor” should be red in
place of “President”. In practice, however, the function of the President provided for therein is now
discharged by the Chancellor. Moreover, it is an administrative detail properly belonging to the
Chancellor as chief executive officer of the autonomous university.

officer, or employee concerning his official duties or his private life or

conduct. Any such complaint or charge shall be addressed to the proper
authorities of the University for action before resorting to any other
remedy available to the complaining party. [Art. 247]

All information concerning a particular college or school shall be given by

its Dean, Provided, that the information has to do with his college or
school only and not with any other college or school of the University;
Provided further, that the President may prohibit the publication or the
release of any news affecting the University. [Art. 248]

Authors of articles appearing in University publications shall be severally

responsible for the opinions expressed therein. [Art. 249]

g. Enrolment Without Permission

No member of the faculty shall enroll as a student in the University or in

an outside institution without the permission of the Dean and the
Chancellor. Permission may be granted only when, considering the
teaching load of the faculty member, the nature and scope of the course
he intends to take, and the time the course requires, such study will not
impair his efficiency as a member of the faculty. [Art. 260, as amended at the
836th BOR meeting, Aug. 30, 1983]

h. Organizations and Associations

An organization or association of faculty members and employees, when

authorized, shall submit to the President for approval a copy of its
constitution and by-laws and shall be subject to such other conditions as
may be prescribed by the President and approved by the Board of
Regents. [Art. 270]

i. Coursing of Communications

All employees and members of the faculty of the University shall forward
all official communications which they may desire to bring to the notice
of the President, the Board of Regents, or any of its members, through the
proper Dean or Director, to the President for his action or decision or for
transmission to the Board of Regents, as the case may be.39 [Art. 271]

In the coursing of all proposals for presentation to the University Council,

the following procedure shall be followed:

1. The faculty or member of the Council shall submit his proposals to

the Chancellor through the Secretary of the Council;

ARTICLE 271 has not been amended yet such that the word “Chancellor” should be read in place of
“President”. However, although the Chancellor is not specified in Art. 271 as a channel of
communication, all communications addressed to or intended for the President or the Board of Regents
originating from any unit, official, or employee of an autonomous university must be coursed through the
Chancellor inasmuch as he is the chief executive officer of the autonomous university.

2. The Chancellor in turn shall direct the secretary to refer the

proposals to the appropriate committee of the Council;
3. The committee shall report its action to the Chancellor through
the Secretary for submission to the Council. [Art. 77, as amended at
the 828th BOR meeting, Dec. 21, 1972. The amendment is by virtue of the
resolution of the Board adopted at the aforesaid meeting, reorganizing the U.P.
into the U.P. System, section 11 of which provides that the Chancellor shall be
the Chairman of the University Council.]



1. The initial appointment in the University to the rank of Instructor shall be

temporary in character, for a period not exceeding one (1) year.

2. A temporary appointment shall automatically terminate at the end of that one-year

period unless the Chancellor or the President, upon recommendation of the Dean
of the unit, renews that appointment for a period of one (1) year. In no case
however, under normal circumstances, shall such renewal exceed five (5) years
from the date of the initial appointment.

3. After an Instructor has served three (3) years, it shall be mandatory for the head of
the academic unit (e.g., department) to review his/her tenurability, and to inform
him/her of possible non-renewal of appointment at the end of the fourth year.
After the Instructor has served for four (4) years, the same review should be
undertaken. This review shall be regularly reported to the Dean.

4. After that five–year period, RECKONED FROM THE DATE OF ORIGINAL

SUBSTITUTE, OR WITH ITEM), the appointment shall automatically terminate,
unless the Instructor is promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor, with or without
tenure; provided, that in the case of those pursuing master‟s studies who are
already in the thesis stage, the appointment may be extended for another year but
not to exceed two (2) years, provided that the Instructor is properly informed of
said condition.

5. Promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor shall be given only when the Instructor
shall have obtained a graduate degree, or accomplished outstanding academic,
creative, or professional work.

6. Other rules on tenure to the contrary notwithstanding, an Instructor may be given

tenure under the following conditions:41

a) S/He has satisfied the qualifications for tenure provided in paragraph (D) of
Article 17842;

b) Appropriate academic bodies have acted favorably on his/her tenure as well

as promotion to Assistant Professor except that, there is no funding for the
promotion to Assistant Professor; and

Inclusive of the amendments made during these BOR meetings: 834th held on June 28, 1973; 888th,
held on June 30 1977; 932nd, held on Sept. 18, 1980; 1017 th, held on Dec. 8, 1988; 1031 st, held on June
28, 1990; 1081st [Special], Nov. 17, 1994 and 1142nd, held on May 26, 2000, 1153rd BOR meeting held
on 30 August 2001.
Inclusive of amendments made during the 1153rd meeting of the BOR held on 30 August 2001.
Paragraph D of Art 178 is discussed next page under Assistant Professors.

c) He/She has already served meritoriously for at least five (5) years.

NB: To facilitate the evaluation of a recommendation for tenure of an instructor, the

department and college academic personnel committees as well as the university
academic personnel board should each attach a corresponding certification that the
respective personnel committee has favorably endorsed the promotion of the
recommendee to the rank of assistant professor, although it cannot be implemented yet
for lack of an appropriate item. Needless to say, the certification should be duly

In meritorious cases, units may request the President to waive the rule for faculty
on tenure track who require a reasonable, limited period of time to meet the
requirements of tenure.

Assistant Professor44

a. The initial appointment in the University to the rank of Assistant Professor shall
be temporary in character; renewable every year for a period not exceeding
three years.

b. Such appointment shall automatically terminate at the end of the three-year

period unless the Assistant Professor is given tenure as provided in paragraph D

c. No person without a graduate or professional degree shall be initially appointed

to the rank of Assistant Professor.

d. The minimum qualifications for tenure shall be the following. Units may impose
stricter standards.

1. At least a master‟s or equivalent degree or professional degree;

2. Satisfactory or better teaching performance; and

3. Sole or lead authorship of a refereed journal article (local or international)

or academic publication by a recognized academic publisher or literary
publisher in the case of literary work; or in the field of visual arts, creative
work that was exhibited and juried, or a similar requirement in music and
other performing arts.

Associate Professor45

The initial appointment in the University to the rank of Associate Professor shall
be temporary in character and for a period not exceeding two years. A renewal shall be
with tenure on the basis of criteria set for faculty promotions.

Memorandum No. 99-69 issued on September 7, 1999 by Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Ma.
Serena I. Diokno.
Art 178.
Art. 179


The initial appointment in the University to the rank of Professor shall be for a
period of one year. A renewal shall be with tenure.

“Up or Out” Policy

The “up or out” policy basically refers to the faculty tenure rules. After the five-
year period, reckoned from the original appointment as Instructor, the appointment
automatically terminates unless s/he is promoted to the rank of assistant professor with
or without tenure or unless s/he is in the thesis stage of his/her graduate studies in which
item number 4 of the tenure rules for instructors mentioned above shall apply.

Maximum Period of Temporary Appointment47

All initial appointments to the faculty (at whatever rank) shall be temporary.

a. Initial appointment at the rank of Assistant, Associate, or full Professor

requires that the appointee has a graduate or Professional degree, or
outstanding academic, creative or professional work.

b. All must serve for at least one year.

c. Maximum period of temporary appointment –

(1) as Instructor 5 years48

(2) as Assistant Professor: 3 years
(3) as Associate Professor: 2 years
(4) as Professor: 1 year

d. After this maximum period, the appointment terminates unless the Assistant
Professor, Associate Professor or Professor is given tenure.

Tenure and promotion are separate: no promotion in rank necessarily carries

tenure with it.

(Note: Anytime within each maximum period of temporary appointment, one may be
promoted or given tenure.)

Transfer within the University49

Non-academic personnel on permanent status who transfer to the faculty shall

be subject to the probation period prescribed by the University Code.

Art. 179b
Excerpts from the 1017th BOR meeting held on 8 December 1988.
With amendment cited in the faculty tenure of Instructors, item number 4.
As provided in Executive Order No. 3 issued by former President Salvador P. Lopez on February 17,

Academic non-teaching personnel on permanent status who transfer to the

faculty shall be subject to the probation of the University Code.

Transfer from an Outside Government Agency to the University50

An officer or employee from another government agency on permanent status
who seeks transfer to the faculty of the University shall be issued a temporary
appointment; provided, however, that a faculty member of another state university or
college on permanent status may transfer to a similar position in the University and
retain his permanent status, subject to any test of fitness that the University may impose.



A number of benefits, privileges and incentive schemes are available to UPLB

faculty members. These are discussed below.

1. Honoraria

a. Overload Teaching. Teaching in excess of the normal load of 12 units shall be

entitled to an honorarium subject to existing rules and policies; Provided, that
the maximum permissible overload for all courses taught in all units of the
University in the two semesters of an academic year shall be 12 teaching units,
subject to the condition that no faculty member shall have an overload in excess
of 9 teaching units in any one semester; Provided, further, that any overload in
excess of the foregoing shall be without pay; Provided, finally, that at least the
minimum teaching load required51 shall have first been complied with.
Honoraria for research, creative work, or community service shall be given in
accordance with pertinent rules, regulations and policies.52

Overload payment for faculty administrators is based on teaching units and not
course credits. At least three (3) course credits of the overload must be taught
after office hours.53

Teachers of general education (GE) courses with at least twenty-five (25) students
shall be credited with a teaching load credit equal to 1.33 times the GE course
credit. However, this 1.33 GE multiplier shall not be used for meeting the
normal 12-unit load requirement of faculty members. The multiplier shall be
used only for claiming overload or summer teaching honoraria. If a teacher, by
himself/herself, handles a large class (forty or more students), then he/she shall be
entitled to a credit load multiplier (CLM) determined as follows:54

CLM = MIN [2, 1 + (n –40) / 120]

b. Thesis Advising. Faculty members who are assigned as advisers of student

theses shall not be entitled to reduction of teaching load due to such thesis
advising, but shall be given honoraria in accordance with University rules and

c. Summer Teaching Honoraria. Faculty members who teach during the summer
are entitled to honorarium for teaching a maximum of 6 units.

Discussed under Faculty Duties and Responsibilities.
Sec. 3 as amended at these BOR meetings: 861 st, May 29, 1975; 1020th, April 25, 1989; and 1023rd,
July 27, 1989.
Memorandum No. FN 01-18 from the Office of the UP President issued on 26 February 2001 which
took effect during the first semester 2001-2002. [A portion is discussed also under Faculty Duties and
Responsibilities: Teaching Load].

Memorandum No. 40 issued by the Office of the President on 21 July 1992.

d. Honoraria for University Personnel. University personnel appointed to a

project shall be entitled to honoraria or allowances, provided, their services to
the project shall be rendered outside their regular office hours in their respective
units or offices, or their equivalent.

The total honoraria or allowances that such personnel may receive from several
projects shall not exceed 100% of their basic salaries from the University. [Sec. 15
as amended at the 851st BOR meeting, Aug. 29, 1974]

e. Honoraria for lecturers. Payment of honoraria for special lecturers, resource

persons or panelists shall be determined by the heads of units depending on
such factors as official status, rank, academic degree, professional, technical or
other qualifications; Provided, that the rate shall not exceed P100 per lecture
hour. Certification by the heads of units of service rendered by such persons
shall serve as basis for the payment of honoraria.55

2. Leave privileges. Leaves of absence in the University are classified as teacher‟s

leave, cumulative leave, maternity leave, vacation or sick leave and leave of absence
for study.

a. Teacher’s Leave. Teacher‟s leave shall be granted to full- and part-time

members of the faculty who do not normally perform administrative functions. It
shall consist of vacation and sick leaves, neither of which shall be cumulative.
[Art. 224]

Teacher‟s vacation leave shall consist of one month in each academic year in
addition to the usual Christmas vacation. Such vacation leave may be taken only
during the regular vacation periods of the University. In case of sickness for
more than fifteen days during the regular class periods, vacation leave with pay
not exceeding one month in lieu of the summer vacation may be allowed during
the regular class periods. [Art 225, as amended at the 828th BOR meeting, December 21,1

b. Summer Service. The Chancellor may detail faculty members as he may

consider necessary to teach during the summer sessions of the University, but
such members so detailed and who actually teach throughout the summer
sessions shall be entitled to vacation throughout the next succeeding summer.
[Art 226, as amended at the 828th BOR meeting, December 21,1 972].

c. Teacher’s Sick Leave. This shall consist of not more than fifteen (15) days
excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, in any one academic year. Absence
of two days at a time shall not be approved unless a doctor‟s certificate is
submitted or unless the physical appearance of the faculty member clearly shows
that he has been sick or seriously indisposed. [Art 228].

The rates for resource persons and lecturers in the standard rates of honoraria for training program in
the University approved at the 1092nd BOR meeting on November 29, 1995 range from P500 to P1000
per hour.

d. Special Leave. Teachers who are designated to perform non-teaching functions

and who are required to render the same hours of service as other employees
shall be entitled to vacation and sick leave [Section 8 of CSC No. 41 s. 1998]. This
particular provision, in effect recognizes the reality that certain teaching
professionals are given additional tasks/responsibilities which are administrative
in nature and which kind of a job necessitates office presence the whole year
round. If one is entitled to vacation and sick leave, he should likewise be
entitled to special leave privileges [Letter to Dir. Belinda V. Lopez, HRDO, UPS from CSC
Asst Commissioner Adelina B. Sarmiento dated 11 August 2002] .
e. Cumulative Leave. This shall be granted to members of the faculty who
regularly perform administrative functions. Administrative functions pertain to
offices which are normally necessary in the management of the affairs of the
University and its units.

Faculty members who are engaged in assignments which involve reporting for
work beyond the normal office hours, and which prevent them from taking
advantage of the teacher‟s vacation leave, both conditions being certified by the
appropriate dean or director, may enjoy cumulative leave status. This privilege
may be granted only when the assignment carries an official designation or
appointment, lasting at least one academic year with the previous approval of
the Chancellor. [Art. 230, as amended at the 710th BOR meeting, June 7, 1963 and at the
828th BOR meeting, Dec. 21, 1972].

Faculty members involved in research projects as Project/Study Leaders should

request transfer to cumulative leave status if they cannot enjoy the teacher‟s
leave privilege. This is equivalent to 1.25 days sick leave and 1.25 vacation
leave or a total of 2.5 days for summer period.56
f. Leave Without Pay and Unexplained Absence. Leave of absence without pay
not to exceed one year at a time, shall be granted for good cause, the absence to
be timed in advance so as not to interfere with the work of the University. [Art.
239, as amended at the 828th BOR meeting, Jan. 20, 1976]

Any member of the academic staff, officer, or employee of the University System
shall be dropped from the service for unexplained absence for at least thirty days
after the expiration of the period of leave granted. [Art. 240, as amended at the 75th
BOR meeting, Jan. 20, 1967.
g. Maternity Leave. Maternity leave of six months (two months before and four
months after delivery) shall be granted to married women members of the
faculty. However if the health of the mother and her child so warrants, as
evidenced by a medical certificate, the Chancellor may reduce the leave after
delivery if her services are urgently needed. The leave may be extended if the
health of the mother or the child as evidenced by a medical certificate requires
it. In no case shall the period of leave be less than thirty days before and thirty
days after delivery. [Art. 235, as amended at the 685th BOR meeting, April 14, 1961 and at
the 828th BOR meeting, Dec. 21, 1972]

h. Military Service Leave. This shall be granted to members of the faculty, officers
and employees [Art. 236] who may be called in accordance with the National

Executive Order No. 3 issued by former UP President Jose V, Abueva on July 13, 1989.

Defense Act or any other law for trainee instruction, or for regular active duty
training. He/She shall be paid his/her salary during his/her absence for such
purpose [Art. 237]. However, when he/she goes on voluntary training with the
AFP without being obliged to go, he/she shall apply for leave of absence without
pay. [Art. 238]

3. Study privileges.

a. Faculty members may be allowed to enroll in the University or other universities

subject to the approval of the Chancellor and the restriction cited under Faculty
Duties and Responsibilities (item g. Enrolment without permission) and the
Privilege to Study approved by the BOR at its 836th meeting on August 30, 1973.

UP faculty members may avail of the privilege to study in the University in not
more than 9 units per term/semester with free tuition fee and exemption from all
miscellaneous and laboratory fees except Student Fund Fees (e.g. Collegian fee,
Student Council fee, Student Publication fee).57

b. Study leaves.58 Faculty members may also avail of study leaves to pursue
advanced studies in fields that are within the academic priorities of their
department, college and university. In which case, a faculty member is allowed
full deloading for their study loads. Full deloading can be availed of if a faculty
member is allowed any of the following:


To avail himself/herself of any of these study leaves, a U.P. faculty member must
meet all the following conditions:

a. The faculty member must have proven teaching ability and commitment to
serve as a U.P. faculty member, a good undergraduate record or (if any) good
graduate academic record, positive evidence of interest in further academic
and professional development, good physical health and the potential to
complete advanced graduate studies and research.

b. The faculty member must have served at least one (1) year as a regular
faculty member at the start of the award; provided that a faculty member
substituting another who is temporarily sick, on maternity or study leave,
shall not be entitled to study leave with pay or faculty fellowship.59

c. The graduate program he/she will enroll in must be one of the academic
priorities of his/her department, college and constituent university.

973rd BOR meeting, November 29, 1984.
1053rd BOR meeting, Aug. 27, 1992 as amended during the 1137 th BOR meeting, Nov. 25, 1999 and
1142nd BOR meeting, May 26, 2000.
Source: 1137th BOR meeting held on November 25, 1999.

The choice of degree program and the college of enrollment must be

approved by the Department Academic Personnel Committee or APC (if
any), the department chairman (if any), the college APC or Executive
Committee, the Dean, the Constituent University (CU), Academic Personnel
and Fellowship Committee (AFPC), and the Chancellor.

d. The faculty member must study full-time, carry the normal graduate load for
the program, and not engage in any other employment or practice of
profession during the fellowship or full study leave (with or without pay).

e. The faculty member must sign a return service contract with the University
and a corresponding suretyship agreement. The number of years of service
that must be returned shall depend on the type of study leave and expenses
incurred by the University.

No U.P. faculty member shall be allowed to go on any of the above study leaves
unless all these conditions are met.

Faculty fellowships and full study leaves with pay (local or abroad) shall be
reserved for faculty members with at least one year of service, who are tenured
or being considered for tenure, are occupying a faculty item and are not mere
substitutes for regular faculty incumbents, do not hold ranks higher than Assistant
Professor, and are not more than (forty) 40 years old. In exceptional cases, the
conditions on maximum rank or age may be waived subject to the
recommendation of the Chancellor and approval by the President.60

When a faculty member is awarded a faculty fellowship or goes on study leave

without pay, his/her department gets the right to hire substitutes. Thus, the total
teaching capacity of the department or college is not impaired. This is not the
case when a department or college allows a faculty member to go on full study
leave with pay because there are no funds to hire a substitute.

Faculty members on study leave may enjoy a fellowship or full study leave with
pay as follows, subject to availability of funds, exigencies of service and based on

a. For faculty members pursuing a master‟s degree: at most two and a half
years (30 months).
a. For faculty members pursuing a doctoral degree, up to four years (48
months) after a master‟s degree or its equivalent has been earned.
b. For faculty on straight PhD Program: up to five years (60 months).

In very exceptional cases and on the recommendation of the CU AFPC, a

chancellor may authorize an extra semester for those pursuing a master‟s degree
or an extra year for those pursuing a doctoral degree.

Inclusive of revisions approved by the BOR in its meeting held on 29 November 2001

The same limits on the total number of years imposed on faculty fellows shall be
imposed on those on full study leave without pay.

A faculty member must execute a return service contract with the university with
the corresponding suretyship agreement if he/she avails of any of the above three
study privilege. Return service requirement is summarized below:

Study leave with pay:

Local: 1 year service for every year or fraction thereof spent on
fellowship or leave

Abroad: 2 years service for every year or fraction thereof spent on

fellowship or leave

Study leave without pay:

Local and abroad: 1year service for every 2 years of leave or a
fraction thereof
c. Study load reduction.62 The grant of study load reduction or study load credits
(just as the grant of full study leaves), is a collective faculty decision subject to
consultation with the entire department or college faculty.

Study load credits of 3 (three) units or less are subject to the recommendations of
the department Chairman, approval by the Dean and reporting to the
Chancellor immediately after the last day of registration.

No faculty member in his/her first semester of teaching shall be granted more

than 3 units of SLC or be allowed to enroll in more than 6 units of graduate

Study load credits shall be awarded on a semester-by-semester basis, and shall

be renewed subject to the academic performance of the faculty student - - and
the need of the department or college for his/her regular faculty services.

c. Enrolment Privileges.63 Children and non-earning spouse of professors emeriti,

full-time faculty members and other full-time U.P. personnel, including those on
daily wage basis, with at least 5 years of aggregate service in the U.P. System are
entitled to a certain percent waiver of tuition and other miscellaneous fees
(except student fund fees). The percentage discount depends on the nature of
appointment of the faculty. This shall apply only to dependents of personnel in
actual service to the University and shall not apply when personnel are on leave
without pay or on secondment without U.P. pay outside the University except if
the U.P. personnel is on:

 Secondment to another government agency, or

 Secondment outside the country on an academic assignment, or
 Sick leave with or without pay

1053rd BOR meeting, Aug. 27, 1991

Dependents of deceased UP personnel who qualify for admission to the

University or who are already enjoying enrolment privileges prior to the death of
the UP personnel are allowed to continue enjoying the privileges until he/she
finishes the degree.

The continued entitlement of a dependent shall be subject to his/her passing at

least 60%64 of all units enrolled in the previous semester or term, unless the
dependent‟s failure to meet the condition is due to illness – in which case the
full entitlement shall still be given in the next semester or term.

If the dependent fails to pass at least 60%65 of all units enrolled and illness is not
a reason, then the dependent shall pay bracket 7 rates for the number of units
enrolled in but not passed in the previous semester or term - before the
entitlement is resumed in a succeeding semester or term.

4. Housing privileges

There are residential units available for lease to University employees. Information
regarding availment, rules and rates, is available at the Staff Housing Office, Office
of the Vice-Chancellor for Community Affairs.

5. Library privileges

Faculty members may borrow a maximum of 10 books from the UPLB Library for a
period of one month. Fines are imposed for late return of borrowed materials.

6. Health Services

Every employee is entitled to health services at the University Health Service (UHS)
from the start of employment until separation from service. All dependents are
entitled as well at the rates fixed for dependents.

7. Dissertation/Thesis Grants

Faculty members in the final stages of dissertation/thesis writing can avail of this
grant subject to availability of funds.66

1137th BOR meeting, November 25, 1999
Refer also to item number 9b under Grants

8. Professorial Chairs67

Professorial chairs are positions supported by special endowments and awarded to

members of the faculty at the tertiary level who have distinguished themselves in the
fields they represent. A professorial chair is a form of recognition for achievement in
the academe. Presently, the university awards chairs in various fields and General
Education (GE) chairs. Nominations for appointment (original, renewal or
reappointment) to a professorial chair shall be initiated by the Department/Institute
Academic Personnel Committee and screened by the College Academic Personnel
Committee. On the basis of the screening by the Committee, the Dean shall submit
to the Chancellor the appropriate recommendations for appointment of the

For system-wide chairs, the nomination may be initiated by the department, through
the chairperson; by the College, through the Dean; or by the Academic Personnel
and Fellowship Committee (APFC) or the CU Committee on Professorial chairs,
through the VCAA and the Chancellor. The President‟s Committee on Professorial
Chairs and Faculty Grants, whose members are appointed by the President, shall
evaluate the nominations and recommend the candidates to the President.

A candidate for a professorial chair should be a regular member of the faculty with
the rank of Assistant Professor or higher and as a general rule, should have served
the University of the Philippines as a faculty member for at least five (5) years. In
addition, the candidate should have shown outstanding performance in the

 Teaching. Master of the subject, conscientious in preparation for teaching,

explains well and clearly, earns respect of students on account of intellectual
 Intellectual Productivity. Active in scholarship, publishes in academic
venues or in visual and performing arts, exhibits or performs artistic work,
contributes to the body of knowledge;
 Service to the University and the Larger Community. Participates in
University Committees and activities, helps strengthen the institution,
engages in public service.

General Education (GE) professorial chairs are system-wide chairs intended to

promote the objectives of the General Education program, contribute to the
philosophy or practice of General Education, and encourage faculty to apply
pedagogical innovations toward the attainment of the goals of the program. The
candidate to a GE chair should have taught a GE course for at least one semester in
the year prior to the appointment. In addition to the usual procedure for nominating
candidates to System chairs, nominations for the GE chair may emanate from the GE
Committee or a similar body created by the Chancellor at the Constituent University
level for the purpose of overseeing and revitalizing the GE program. GE chair holders
are required to teach one GE course during the year of their appointment. In

As originally adopted at the 959th BOR meeting on May 26, 1983 and amended at the 993 rd BOR
meeting on November 18, 1986, 1005 th BOR meeting on September 24, 1987 and 1057 TH BOR
meeting, Jan. 25, 1993 and further amended in the 1159th BOR meeting on 21 March 2002.

addition, within a year from the date of appointment or renewal, they are required
to do any of the following: a) deliver a public lecture on General education; b)
publish a scholarly paper on any aspect of General or Liberal Education; or c)
demonstrate an innovative pedagogical strategy, for which a special GE seminar may
be organized.

Each professorial chair appointment has a term of one year without prejudice to a
renewal unless otherwise stipulated in the donation establishing the chair, or as
previously approved by the BOR. A professorial chair awardee is paid an
honorarium of at least P30,000.00 per annum.

An appointment to a chair automatically terminates under any of the following


 Upon termination of faculty appointment in the college where the

professorial chair is allocated
 At the start of a secondment or any form of leave (except sabbatical),
fellowship or special detail beyond three (3) months.
 Upon failure to meet the obligations of the chair as spelled out in the
General Guidelines on Professorial Chairs (Revised).

9. Grants

a. Faculty Grant. Aside from professorial chairs, faculty grants may be awarded
with a view to making more effective the University‟s recruitment and retention
program. The Chancellor shall approve the grant of incentives to members of
the faculty subject to the selection process provided for professorial chairs;
provided that no holder of a professorial chair shall be eligible for a faculty grant.

A faculty member applying for a faculty grant shall present a one-year plan of
activities which may include preparation of instructional aids or instructional
materials, bookwriting, a research or other project. Within twelve months from
date of appointment or reappointment, the recipient of a faculty grant shall
submit a report on his accomplishments with one copy each being given to the
Department Academic Personnel Committee, the College Academic Personnel
Committee and the Committee on Professorial Chairs. Prior to the full payment
of the honorarium, the output shall have been reviewed by a critic whose
comments have been incorporated in the final product. The appointment shall
automatically terminate for failure to comply with the condition of the grant.
The duration of a faculty grant is one year with an honorarium of

b. PhD Incentive Grant.68 This is designed for UP faculty on the PhD pipeline, that
is, a faculty about to finish his/her degree in a foreign university and needing
financial support. He/She (i) should be enrolled in a PhD program abroad at the
time of application; (ii) does not enjoy any other grant or support except for

Memorandum No. 00-72 of Dr. Ma. Dr. Ma. Serena I. Diokno, Vice President for Academic Affairs
issued on July 13, 2000. Establishment of the grant was approved by the BOR in its meeting held on
May 26, 2000

his/her salary; and (iii) is close to completing his/her PhD (in his/her final year),
proof of which must be submitted. This grant is created under the Creative and
Research Scholarship Fund of the U.P. System.

c. Grants for Research and Creative Work.69 The grant shall support research and
creative projects in any field (basic and applied) provided the proposed project is
within the discipline/field of the applicant. Applicants may apply individually or
as a group. In the case of a group, the total amount of the grant shall be pro-
rated according to the rank of the applicants and the proportion of work to be
done by each.

d. Textbook Writing Grant.70 The grant shall support the writing of textbooks of
core courses of undergraduate degree programs, including reference books,
workbooks and laboratory manuals, in print or other media, in whatever
language the course is taught. Regular, full-time faculty, except those on
sabbatical and on secondment to other agencies, may apply for this grant. REPS,
who engage or assist in teaching functions may also apply.

10. Recognition

a. Outstanding Teacher Awards. As a token of appreciation for exemplary work,

UPLB gives public recognition to outstanding teachers through the Outstanding
Teacher Awards (OTA). This consists of a plaque of recognition and cash award
which is given to teachers in the physical sciences, biological sciences and social
sciences and the humanities. The OTA is usually awarded during the UPLB
Foundation Day celebration held in March of each year.

b. U.P. System-Sponsored Awards.

b.1. Concepcion Dadufalza Award.71 Established by the Board of Regents in

year 2000, the award aims to honor individuals of distinction to keep alive
the selfless vision and values of a beloved and retired mentor of the
University, Prof. Concepcion Dadufalza.

The award consists of P20,000 to be given to an outstanding individual

who has excelled in his/her professional life or who has contributed
significantly to important causes in society. The award is open to anyone –
student, graduate, faculty, staff – who meets the criteria of the award.

b.2. International Publications Award for Journal Articles. 72 The purpose of

the award is to encourage faculty and REPS to contribute to the body of
knowledge in their respective field/discipline by publishing in
internationally respected journals, which are peer-reviewed and adhere to

1142nd BOR meeting, May 26, 2000.
1137th BOR meeting, November 25, 1999 under the Creative Research and Scholarship Fund.
Memorandum No. 01-66 of Dr. Ma. Serena I. Diokno, Vice President for Academic Affairs issued on
July 12, 2001
Memorandum No. 01-017 of Dr. Ma. Serena I. Diokno, Vice President for Academic Affairs issued on
February 2, 2001.

high standards of scholarship. Regular faculty and REPS in active service

whose journal articles meet the standards set in the approved guidelines
shall receive an award of P50,000 per article. Only those articles published
in journals listed in the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) database of
selected journals shall qualify for the award.

b.3. International Publications Award for Books/Chapters of Books.73 The

purpose of the award is to encourage faculty and REPS contribute to the
body of knowledge on their respective field/discipline through publications
of their work by internationally respected publishers that require peer
review and adhere to high standards of scholarship. Regular faculty and
REPS in active service whose books or book chapters meet the standards
set in the approved guidelines shall receive an award of P50,000 per
chapter and P100,000 for a book.

b.3. Mungkahing Gawad para sa Natatanging Publikasyon sa Filipino74. Ang

Gawad para sa Natatanging Publikasyon sa Filipino ay alinsunod sa
patakaran sa wika ng Unibersidad. Inaasahan din na lalong huhusay ang
mga publikasyon sa Filipino ng mga fakulti at REPS sa pamamagitan ng
pagkilalang idudulot ng minumungkahing gawad. Dalawa ang kategorya ng
gawad para sa pinakamahusay na publikasyon sa Filipino at isa ang
gantimpala sa bawat kategorya:

 Gawad para sa Malikhaing Panulat; at

 Gawad para sa Publikasyon ng Orihinal na Pananaliksik (sa
anumang disiplina maliban sa Malikhaing Panulat)

b.4. Institutional Performance Award. This award shall be given to a degree-

granting department/institute that exhibit a high degree of scholarship and
professional conduct as faculty and academics. The award shall be a
certain percentage of the unit‟s annual MOOE which the System shall
provide on top of the regular MOOE given by the CU. The unit shall enjoy
the award until the next evaluation.

b.5. President’s Award for Innovation in Teaching.75 This is an award

established under the Academic Distinction Program to focus on
pedagogical innovation. Innovation here refers to a novel teaching
technique or strategy that:

 Facilitates the understanding especially of difficult concepts,

theories or methodologies; and/or

 Stimulates learning, makes the learning process more effective,

and strengthens the student‟s desire to learn.

1147th Meeting of the Board of Regents held on 21 December
1150th BOR meeting, May 24, 2001.

To qualify for the award, the nominee must demonstrate the innovations
s/he used to impart a particular concept, theory or method and the
feedback from the class. The nominee might also contrast his/her
innovation with the usual approach in teaching that topic or subject in
order to show how the innovation is an improvement over the traditional
way of teaching.

b.6. Postdoctoral Research Grant. 76 This grant which is under the Creative and
Research Scholarship Fund provides travel and living expenses for foreign
post-doctoral research for faculty and REPS who obtained their PhD
degrees in the last three years. Priority is given to those who obtained their
PhD in U.P. or any Philippine University. The grant covers a minimum of
six months and at most twelve.

11. Promotion

a. Faculty promotion is given to deserving faculty members after consideration of

their teaching ability, research competence and productivity, scholarly
performance, dedication to service, positive evidence of educational interest and
marked academic growth, moral integrity and good personal character and
conduct. A salary promotion may be given to a faculty member beyond the
regular scale when his services are greatly needed even if for valid reasons his
academic performance and scholarly competence do not justify promotion in
rank. No person may be appointed or promoted to full professorship unless his
record shows outstanding achievement in scholarship or science. [Art. 174]

Recommendations for merit promotions are usually considered when there is a

call for promotion.
b. Automatic promotion for obtaining a PhD degree.77 A faculty member who
obtains from a reputable institution a PhD or its equivalent in a field pertaining to
the unit to which the faculty belongs, shall be given automatic promotion in
accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the BOR. A faculty
member with the rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor who obtains a PhD
degree from a reputable university shall be promoted in accordance with the
following schedule subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph:


Instructor 1-2 Assistant Professor 3

Instructor 3-4 Assistant Professor 4
Instructor 5-7 Assistant Professor 5
Assistant Professor 1 Assistant Professor 5
Assistant Professor 2 Assistant Professor 6

Faculty members with the rank of Assistant Professor 3 and above prior to
obtaining their PhD degree shall be given rank promotion or salary step increases

1147th Meeting of the Board of Regents on 21 December 2000.

on their respective merits upon completion of their degree and return to duty,
provided that in the case of Assistant Professor 3 to 5, the rank and salary step to
be given shall not be lower than Assistant Professor 6.

The rank attained through merit increase/promotions earned by a faculty

pursuing a PhD program while simultaneously teaching or performing other
functions in the university shall be taken as basis for the automatic promotion.

Automatic promotions will be made effective on the date of report for duty,
provided that there is a certification from appropriate officials of the university
concerned that all the requirements for the doctoral degree have been met.

12. Limited Practice of Profession and Management of Private Enterprise78

a. No member of the academic staff, officer, or employee of the University

shall, without prior permission from the Chancellor, practice any profession
or manage personally any private enterprise which in any way may be
affected by the functions of his office; nor shall he be directly financially
interested in any contract with the University unless permitted by the Board.
Violation of this provision shall be punishable by reprimand, suspension, or
dismissal from the service.79

b. Practice of Profession – Permission to engage in private practice of profession

may be granted provided such practice:

i. Is not adverse to the interests of the University;

ii. Shall not be conducted on official time;
iii. Will improve person‟s efficiency and usefulness to the University;
iv. Shall be subject to such other requirements as may be imposed by
law or University rules and regulations.

c. Management of Private Enterprise – Permission to engage in management

of private enterprise shall be subject to the conditions imposed on practice of

d. UP personnel requesting permission shall state the: (i) exact nature of the
proposed limited practice of profession/management of private enterprises;
(ii) the amount of time to be spent; and (iii) the reasons for pursuing these
outside activities. They shall fill up HRDO Form No. F-12.

As approved at the 987th meeting of the Board of Regents on April 24, 1986. The heading “Limited
Practice of Profession and Management of Private Enterprises” was inserted at the 1031 st BOR meeting on
June 28, 1990.
Article 250 of the Revised University Code as presented above is as amended at the 1031 st BOR
meeting on June 28, 1990, such that the phrase “President or” was deleted from the original phrase
which read “the President or the Chancellor”. The proposed rules to govern outside activities which were
presented and approved at the aforementioned BOR meeting included Article 250 as an integral part of
said proposed rules.

e. The department chairman or office head concerned shall see to it that a

faculty or staff member granted permission to engage in limited practice of
profession or in any other outside activity shall continue to faithfully
discharge his duties as a faculty or staff member of the University of the
Philippines and that conditions specified in d above are complied with.

f. At the end of the period authorized, a written report on the practice of

profession/management of private enterprise shall be submitted to the
chancellor through channels. Moreover, request for renewal shall not be
processed without a report on the past year‟s outside activities.

13. Teaching in other Educational or Training Institutions80

a. Teaching by the faculty shall be allowed only in other educational or training

institutions with which the University has a memorandum of agreement and
only under the following conditions:

i.. The educational or training institution shall officially request prior

authorization from the Chancellor for teaching services of the UP faculty
or staff member.

ii. The request shall include such information as:

 The faculty/staff member‟s teaching load in UP;

 The courses to be taught outside UP and the equivalent number of
units for each course;
 The time and day schedule for the teaching of courses.

iii. Faculty/staff members may teach only after written permission has been

iv. Maximum teaching load in other educational and training institutions

shall not exceed six (6) units (i.e., course credits) per semester.

b. As a general rule, faculty members with administrative or research load

credits shall not be allowed to teach in other educational or training

c. Administrative personnel and REPS without affiliate faculty appointments

may be allowed to teach in other educational or training institutions, subject
to the same conditions in d (1) above. In addition, their teaching in other
educational and training institutions shall be done outside office hours.

14. Invitation to Speak in Other Educational Institutions on Official Time.81 University

personnel may, subject to the exigencies of the service, and with permission from

Inclusive of revisions approved at the 1031 st BOR meeting on June 28, 1990.

the Dean of the College or head of office, accept speaking and similar engagements
on official time.

15. Special Detail.82 Special detail shall include participation in an official capacity in
conferences, workshops, seminars, short-term courses and similar activities. It shall
be subject to prior authorization and to such conditions as may be attached thereto
and to applicable laws and regulations.

16. Secondment83. Upon request of another agency, government or private, and

when the needs of the University so permit, University personnel may be detailed
by secondment to the requesting agency, subject to the following conditions:

a. Secondment to a private agency or to a career position in the government shall

not exceed one calendar year, renewable for like period; provided, that should
the person seconded fail to return to the University after the expiration of two
calendar years, the position in the University shall be ipso facto vacated;
Provided, further, that secondment to accept academic positions with which the
University has a Memorandum of Agreement shall be for the duration of the
term of the position to which the secondment is made.

b. Secondment to a policy determining, primarily confidential or highly technical

position in the civil service may initially be for two calendar years, renewable for
a like period; provided, that should the person seconded fails to return to the
University after the expiration of four calendar years, the position in the
University shall likewise be vacated ipso facto; provided, further, that in the case
of those seconded to the position of secretary or undersecretary in the executive,
judiciary or legislative branch, two two-year renewals may be allowed; provided,
moreover, that the second renewal may be allowed only if the faculty member
resumes teaching in the University during such second renewal; provided,
finally, that should a person seconded to the position of secretary or
undersecretary fails to return to the University after the expiration of the six
calendar years, the position in the University shall likewise be vacated ipso facto.

a. In very meritorious cases, the Board may, upon recommendation of the unit
head concerned, the dean and President, waive the rule on the number of years
a faculty member may be allowed to be on secondment. In no case, however,
shall a faculty/staff member be allowed to be on secondment for more than six
(6) years.
c. If a full-time secondment is with pay, honorarium, or allowance equivalent to or
higher than the salary and allowance in the University, such secondment shall be
without pay from the University.

The proposed rules to govern outside activities which were presented and approved at the 1031 st BOR
meeting, June 28, 1990 included Article 250 as an integral part of said proposed rules.

ibid. As amended during the following meetings:1039 th meeting, March 14,1991;

d. Secondment to international agencies or organizations shall be initially for one

year, renewable for a like period. In meritorious cases, the Chancellor may allow
a final extension of not more than six months.
17. Temporary Second Appointment.84 The appointment of a faculty member to an
administrative position in another CU or to the System shall be called a Temporary
Second Appointment (TSA) instead of an Additional Assignment. The new term
shall reflect the fact that while serving as administrators, the second unit of these
faculty members actually becomes their primary unit, albeit temporarily. The TSA
shall cover all faculty members whose total load in the second CU or the System is
nine (9) units or more.
Before the Chancellor takes in a faculty member of another CU as an administrator,
s/he shall first obtain the consent of the Chancellor of the CU to which the faculty
member belongs. The request shall be put in writing and, in the case of renewal of
appointment, shall be made at least one semester prior to the date of renewal. This
will enable the home unit to make the necessary adjustments.
The salaries and benefits of faculty administrators on TSA shall be paid by the
second unit or System, as the case may be. If the faculty load is nine units, the
payment shall be pro-rated between the second and the primary (home) units.
As provided by existing rules, the aggregate teaching and administrative load of a
faculty member on TSA shall not exceed 36 course units per academic year.

18. Sabbatical. 85 Subject to the exigencies of the service, a sabbatical may be granted
to a member of the faculty for study, research or some scholarly or creative work,
rest, renewal, for a period not exceeding one year, with full salary, under the
following conditions:
a. That the faculty member has served the University not less than six consecutive
years immediately prior to the sabbatical, at least as associate professor in the last
two years; provided, that he shall have been in active service in the University at
least two years before the sabbatical; provided, further, that any vacation or sick
leave without pay of not more than five months shall not be considered a break
in the six year period; provided finally, that active service as used in this particular
case shall be understood to mean actual direct service to the University, which
shall also include special detail.

b. That in no case shall the sabbatical be granted within two years before the
faculty member‟s sixty-fifth birthday.

1147th BOR meeting, 21 December 2000.
The introductory paragraph above was amended at the 1138 th meeting of the BOR on December 17,
1999 as approved at its 1139th meeting on February 17, 2000 and the 1029 th BOR meeting on March 1,
1990 respectively; amendments were made in the following meetings: 1030 th BOR meeting on March
29, 1990; 1048th BOR meeting on March 29, 1992; 1138 th BOR meeting on December 17, 1999 and
1139th meeting on February 17, 2000.

c. For more effective planning of class schedules, the application for sabbatical
should be filed with the immediate heads of units at least one semester before
the intended effectivity of the sabbatical.

d. That the faculty member shall report back for service to the University
immediately after his sabbatical.

Report back for service is understood to mean resumption of teaching duties or

assumption of administrative assignment for at least two years.

e. The start of the sabbatical should be synchronized with that of a regular

semester/trimester/quarter or summer, whichever is applicable, i.e., June or
November so that the date of report of service will coincide with, or be close to,
the beginning of another semester or summer.

f. If the sabbatical is for study or research and the faculty member applies, in
addition to the salary, for transportation costs, per diems and other forms of

f.1. The faculty member shall be free to choose the purpose for which the
sabbatical will be spent including study, research, some scholarly or creative
work, consultancy, and fellowship, provided existing University rules are not

f.2. The grantee shall give a seminar/public lecture on his/her research or study
at the end of the sabbatical; provided, however, that this requirement shall
be optional in the case of those who have not received transportation costs,
per diem, and other forms of assistance.”

19. GSIS86

Republic Act (RA) 8291 revised the 20-year old charter of the GSIS, P.D. 1146 to
expand and increase the coverage and benefits of the GSIS; and introduce
institutional reforms for the GSIS to have more flexibility and thus perform its
mission of providing social security protection more effectively. This RA took effect
on June 24, 1997.

All laws or parts of laws specifically inconsistent with RA 8291 were repealed or
modified accordingly, provided that the rights under existing laws, rules and
regulations vested upon or acquired by an employee who is already in the service as
of the effectivity of this Act shall remain in force and effect. The affected laws

i. P.D. 1146
ii. R.A. 660
ii. R.A. 1616

Republic Act No. 8291 otherwise known as the GSIS Act of 1997

Membership to the GSIS shall be compulsory for all employees receiving

compensation, irrespective of employment status, who have not reached the
compulsory retirement age at the time of election or appointment.

All members of the GSIS shall be covered with life insurance and social security
protection including retirement, disability, survivorship, separation, and
unemployment benefits, and such other benefits and protection as may be
extended to them by the GSIS, subject to the limitations provided by law

The following are the benefits paid to a GSIS member:

 Maturity  Disability (permanent,

 Burial partial and temporary)
 Death Claim  Accidental Death
 Dividends  Cash Surrender Value
 Retirement  Separation*
 Unemployment*

*for those covered under RA 8291 only.

Loans that may be availed of by a GSIS member:

 Salary Loan
 Policy Loan
 Housing Loan
 Educational Loan
 Calamity Loan

20. Retirement Benefits87

Retirement benefits of government employees are covered by republic acts (RA) as


a. RA 1616
The member must have completed at least 20 years of government service
irrespective of age and status of appointment
 The last 3 years of service must be continuous
 Leave of absence without pay should not exceed one year during the last
3 years of service
 The member must be in the service as of May 31, 1977

Benefits payable by GSIS under RA 1616: Refund of retirement contributions,

personal share with 3% interest and government share without interest which
shall be processed by the GSIS including the maturity of policy contract or cash
surrender value of the policy.

Provision in Republic Act No. 8291 otherwise known as the GSIS Act of 1997.

b. RA 8291 – otherwise known as the GSIS Act of 1997 was enacted last May 30,
1997 and took effect on June 24, 1997.

 He/She has rendered at least 15 years of service
 He/She is at least 60 years of age at time of retirement.
 He/She is not receiving a monthly pension benefit from permanent total

Under this law, a retiree may choose any of the two options:

i. The 5-year lumpsum (60 x basic monthly pension) plus the basic monthly
pension for life starting at the end of the 5-year guaranteed period; or
ii. The cash payment (18 x basic monthly pension) plus the basic monthly
pension for life starting immediately upon retirement

c. RA 660
 He/She must pass the “Magic 87” criteria that is when the length of
service and age of retirement are summed up, the total is at least “87”.
 The last 3 years of service must be continuous

Retirement options:

a. For those who came into service before June 1, 1977

a.1. RA 8291 and PD 1146 may be availed of if an employee has rendered
at least fifteen (15) years service and is at least sixty (60) years of age upon
a.2. RA 1616 may be availed of if he/she has rendered service for at least
twenty (20) years
a.3. RA 660 – if he/she has passed the “Magic 87” criteria that is, when the
length of service and age at retirement are summed up, the total is at least
b. For those who came into service after May 31, 1977, the two options
available to them are RA 8291 and PD 1146
c. For those who came into service on or before June 24, 1997, the only option
open to them is RA 8291.

Retirement Benefits

a. Five-Year Lump Sum. Available to those who are at least 63 years of age or
over on date of retirement. After five years, if still living, a retiree will be paid
monthly annuity for life.
b. Initial three-year lump sum. Available to those who are at least 60 but less
than 63 years of age on date of retirement. The subsequent two-year lump
sum shall be paid to retiree in his 63rd birthday. If after the five-year period
the retiree is still living, he will be paid the monthly annuity for life.

21. UP Provident Fund. Membership to this is voluntary on the part of the employee.
Different kinds of loans , health and death benefits may be availed of by members.

More information regarding this fund can be sourced from the Provident Fund Inc.
Office located at the ground floor of the Abelardo Samonte Hall.

22. PAG-IBIG. This is an acronym which stands for Pagtutulungan sa Kinabukasan:

Ikaw, Bangko, Industriya at Gobyerno. Pag-ibig harnesses these four sectors of
our society to provide its members with adequate housing through an effective
savings scheme. GSIS members earning P4,000 and above are mandatorily
covered by this fund. Employees contribute a certain percentage of their monthly
compensation which is matched by their employers with an amount equivalent to
2% of the employee‟s monthly compensation. Among the benefits from Pag-ibig
membership are: savings, short-term loan, housing loan and livelihood loan

23. Phil Health Benefits and Service (Phil Health). The coverage for this is
compulsory to all members of the University except to Non-Government Workers.
Among the benefits that can be availed of are hospitalization expense and surgical
expense benefits (like room and board, drugs and medicines, x-ray/laboratory
test/others, operating room fee, medicines bought and laboratory performed
outside hospital during confinement period). The following dependents are also
entitled to the above benefits: legitimate spouse who is not a Phil Health member;
parent who is 60 years old and above, not a Phil Health member; unmarried
children above 21 years old with physical/mental disability, congenital and/or
acquired before reaching 21 years old; unmarried and unemployed legitimate,
legitimated, acknowledged and illegitimate children or legally adopted/step
children below 21 years old.

Brochure entitled: Questions and Answers on the Pag-ibig Fund.


1. Academic Calendar and Classes

Academic Calendar. The general framework of the academic calendar shall be
approved by the Executive Committee and the details thereof prepared by the
University Registrar, subject to the approval of the President. [Art. 305, as amended at
these BOR meetings: 789th, Nov. 25, 1969; 790th, Dec. 19, 1969; and 861st, May 29, 1975]

Each semester shall consist of at least one hundred (100) class days. Class work in
the summer session shall be equivalent to class work in one semester. [Art. 306]

Class size. The size of a class depends on the method of instruction adopted:
lecture, lecture-discussion, seminar or tutorial. [Art. 309]

No class shall be divided into sections for either of the following causes:

a. To suit the personal preference of the individual instructors in regard to

time and place; and
b. To enable the instructors to comply with the regulations governing
teaching load. [Art. 317]

Change of class schedule. No faculty member shall postpone the holding of his class
to any other hour than that officially scheduled nor shall he meet his students for
class or consultation purposes in any unscheduled room or place except when
expressly permitted to do so by the Dean concerned. [Art. 323]

Dismissal of classes. Classes in a college shall not be dismissed by the Dean without
authority from the President except in unusual cases for which report should be
submitted to the President, giving the reasons for such action taken by the Dean.
[Art. 322]90

2. Admission and Registration

Admission. No student shall be denied admission to the University by reason of
age, sex, religious belief, or political affiliations. [Art. 327]

No person who has not duly matriculated may be admitted to the classes. In
exceptional cases, the University Registrar may, on the recommendation of the
Dean concerned, authorize the admission of a visitor to a class for not more than
five sessions. [Art. 330, as amended at these BOR meetings: 790 th, Dec. 19, 1969 and 861st, May
29, 1975]
Non-regular admission. A degree holder or undergraduate student who is not
currently enrolled in any other institution of higher learning may be allowed to take
credit courses on the graduate and/or undergraduate level, respectively, provided
that this student satisfies the appropriate requirements for admission to the
University. He shall not be allowed to enroll for more than one semester, except by

Most information were sourced from the UPLB catalogue of Academic Programs (1997-1999) unless
otherwise specified.
Under E.O. No. 1 dated March 13, 1984 and E.O. No. 2 dated March 14, 1984, the power of the
President specified in Art. 322 has been delegated to Chancellors.

special permission of the Dean of the college concerned and the University
Readmission. Rejoining students (those not enrolled during the immediately
preceding semester, excluding summer session and who did not obtain clearance
from the University) should first secure written permission from the college where
they were last enrolled. They would then proceed to the University Health Service
for a physical and medical examination before registering in their respective college.

Former students who secured clearance from the University must reapply for
admission at the Office of the University Registrar. Students who have attended
another institution since attending the University of the Philippines must qualify on
the same basis as new transfer students.

Readmission of dismissed students. A student who is dropped from the rolls of a

college/institute due to a dismissal status (includes double probation) may apply for

Application for readmission may be obtained from the Office of Student Affairs
(OSA). Readmission of dismissed students shall be considered by the Deans, only
upon the favorable recommendation of the OSA Director. Cases in which the
action of the Dean conflicts with the recommendation of the Director of Student
Affairs may be elevated to the Vice Chancellor for Instruction whose decision is final.

Readmission to any college, school or institute of the University is allowed only


Registration. A student must be officially registered in order to receive credit for

course work. No student shall be registered in any subject after one week of regular
class meetings have been held, unless the Dean, on the basis of his scholastic record,
permits his registration; Provided, that if registration is made outside the regular
registration period indicated in the University calendar, the student shall be subject
to fine for late registration; Provided further, that special students may register at
any time without the payment of the fine for late registration subject to other
regulations of the University. Students may register for particular subjects within a
semester when permissible under the system of instruction adopted by the college.
[Art. 332].

Cross registration.

 Within the university. No student shall be registered in any other college of

the University System without the permission of the dean or director of the
college or school in which he is primary enrolled. A UPLB Form is
accomplished for cross-registration purposes. A student who requests
permission to cross-register for courses in another college should first
complete his registration (including payment of fees) in the college where he
is primary enrolled. The total number of units of credit for which a student
may register in two or more colleges in this University should not exceed the
maximum number allowed in the rules on academic load.

 From another institution. A student who registered in another institution

and who wishes to cross-register in UP must present a written permit from his
Dean or Registrar. The written permit should state the total number of units
for which the student is registered and the subjects that he is authorized to
take in the University.

 To another institution. The University gives no credit for any course taken
by any of its students in any other institution unless taking such course was
duly authorized by the Chancellor upon recommendation of the Dean
concerned. The written authorization is to be recorded by the University
Registrar and should specify the subjects authorized.

Academic load. For undergraduate students, the academic load is a maximum of 18

non-laboratory units or 21 units including laboratory except in courses where the
normal semestral load is more than 18 units. However, a graduating student with
very good academic record may be permitted to carry a heavier load in his last year.
During the summer session, the normal load is 6 units, but in justifiable cases, the
Dean may allow up to 9 units.

Required courses which a student failed take precedence over other courses in his
succeeding enrolment.

On the graduate level, full-time students are allowed the normal load of 12 units or
a maximum load of 14 units. During the summer session, the normal load is 6 units.

A graduate student employed on a full-time basis is allowed an academic load of not

more than 10 units in any semester, whether in formal courses or in thesis, unless he
has the prior approval of his Dean for a heavier load.

3. Medium of Instruction

English is generally used as a medium of instruction. The University Council of UP

Los Baños approved on December 17, 1988 the adoption of the full use of Filipino
as a medium of instruction for undergraduate courses which was implemented
beginning June 1989 for a period of ten (10) years.

In the graduate level, Filipino is initiated and/or sustained as a non-exclusive

medium of instruction. English is maintained as a medium of instruction.

4. Attendance

Any student who, for unavoidable cause, absents himself from class must obtain an
excuse slip from the Dean. The slip must be presented to the instructor concerned
not later than the second class session following the student's return. In addition, a
certificate must be secured from the UPLB Health Service in case the absence is due
to illness.

Excuses are for time missed only. All work covered by the class during the absence
shall be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor within a reasonable time from
the date of absence.

When the number of hours lost by absence of a student reaches 20 percent of the
hours of the scheduled work in one subject, he shall be dropped from the subject.
However, a faculty member may prescribe a longer attendance requirement to meet
special needs.

Time lost by late enrollment shall be considered as time lost by absence.

Excessive Absences. When the number of hours lost by absence of a student

exceeds 20% of the class hours, he shall be automatically dropped by the instructor
from the subject. The table below gives the number of absences for the 20% rule to

No. of meetings per week No. of absences

(regular semester)

3 10 or more
2 7 or more
1 4 or more

Certificate of Illness. Students absent from classes due to illnesses are required to
get excuse slips from the University Health Service. These certificates are issued to
students who consulted or were confined in the Health Service. Illnesses attended
to elsewhere causing absences from classes shall be reported to the Health Service
within three days after the absences have been incurred. Excuse slips for the above
illnesses as well as for other illnesses of which the Health Service has no records are
issued only after satisfactory evidences have been presented to the Health Service.

However, a faculty member may prescribe a longer attendance requirement to meet

the special needs of a course. In such a case, the students must be informed.

If the majority of the absences are excused, the student shall not be given a grade of
„5‟ upon being thus dropped. But if the majority of the absences are not excused,
he shall be given a grade of „5‟ upon being thus dropped.

Leave of Absence. Leave of absence should be requested in a written petition to the

Dean. The petition should state the reason for which the leave is desired and
should specify the period of the leave. The leave should not exceed one year but
may be renewed for at most for another year. When not taken in two (2) successive
years, the aggregate LOA should not exceed two (2) years.

A student who needs to go on leave of absence (LOA) beyond the allowable period
of two years should be advised to apply for an honorable dismissal without
prejudice to readmission.

The college, through the Dean or his duly authorized representative, shall inform the
University Registrar and the parents/guardian of every student granted the leave of

absence about such leave, indicating the reasons for the same and the amount of
money refunded to the student.

For leave of absence availed of during the second half of the semester, the faculty
members concerned shall be required to indicate the class standing of the student
(passing or failing) at the time of the application for the leave. No application for
leave of absence shall be approved without indicating the student's class standing by
the instructors concerned. This, however, should not be entered in the official
Report of Grades.

If a student withdraws after 3/4 of the total number of hours prescribed for the
course has already elapsed, his instructor may give him a grade of 5 if his class
standing up to the time of his withdrawal was below 3.

No leave of absence shall be granted later than two weeks before the last day of
classes during the semester. If the inability of the student to continue with his
classes is due to illness or similar justifiable causes, his absence during this period
shall be considered excused. In such case, the student shall be required to present
an excuse slip to the faculty members concerned.

A student who withdraws from the college without formal leave of absence shall
have his registration privileges curtailed or entirely withdrawn.

Maximum residence rule. A student must finish the requirements of a course of any
college within a period of actual residence equivalent to 1 ½ times the normal
length prescribed for the course. Otherwise, he shall not be allowed to register
further in that college.

This rule shall not apply to graduate students who are covered by specific rules or
students governed by existing rules regarding a maximum period. Furthermore,
account shall be taken of the provision of Article 243 of the Revised University Code
which states that members of the faculty, officers and employees of the University
have a privilege of enrolling in the University for not more than 6 units a semester at
reduced rates of fees.

5. Curricular Change
a. Waiver of prerequisite. Courses approved by the University Council as
prerequisites to other courses may not be waived. However, in meritorious
cases, a student who has previously enrolled and fully attended a course that is a
prerequisite to another may be allowed to enroll and attend the latter course for
credit, without having passed or earned credit for the prerequisite course.

Permission shall be granted only upon application by the student. The

application shall be accompanied by a certification from the student‟s instructor
in the prerequisite course that the student had fully attended the said course.
The application furthermore, shall be accompanied by a certification from the
Dean of Students that the student‟s failure to pass or earn credit in the
prerequisite course was not due to disciplinary action imposed upon him.

Each college shall be authorized to grant the permission, and shall act through a
Dean‟s committee which shall determine the merit of the application.

The student who is granted permission under these rules is required to enroll in
the prerequisite course simultaneously with the course to which the former is a
prerequisite, or immediately in the next semester.

The permission which may be granted under these rules does not apply to
courses in the General Education Program.
b. Changing of classes. All transfers to other classes shall be made only for valid
reasons. No change of matriculation involving the taking of a new subject shall
be allowed after 6% of regular class meetings have been held. The UP Form 26
is filled out for a change of matriculation.
c. Dropping of courses. A student may, with the consent of his instructor and the
Dean, drop a course by filling out the prescribed UP Form before 3/4 of the
hours prescribed for the semester term have elapsed, and not later. Any student
who drops a course without the approval of the Dean shall have his registration
privileges curtailed or entirely withdrawn.

If a course is dropped after the middle of the term, the faculty member
concerned shall indicate the date and the class standing of the student at the
time of dropping as either Passing or Failing solely for administrative guidance.
d. Substitution of courses. Every substitution of subjects must be based on at least
one of the following:

 when a student is pursuing a curriculum that has been superseded by a new

one and the substitution tends to bring the old curriculum in line with the

 conflict of hours between two required subjects; or

 when the required subject is not offered during the semester when the
student needs it.

Every petition for substitution:

 must involve subjects within the same department, if possible; if not, the two
subjects concerned must be allied to each other;

 must be between subjects in which the subject substituted carries a number

of units equal to or greater than the units of the required subject.

All petition for substitution must be submitted to the Office of the Dean
concerned before 12 percent of the regular class meetings have been held. Any
petition submitted thereafter shall be considered for the following semester.

No substitution shall be allowed for any subject prescribed in the curriculum in

which the student has a failing grade, except when, in the opinion of the
department offering the prescribed subject, or of the faculty in units without any

department, the proposed substitute covers substantially the same subject matter
as the required subject.

All applications for substitution shall be acted upon by the Dean concerned. In
case the action of the Dean is adverse to the recommendation of the adviser and
the head of the department concerned, the student may appeal to the Vice
Chancellor for Instruction whose decision shall be final.
e. Enrollment of Thesis/Practicum/Dissertation. The UPLB University Council
approved the following policies on enrollment of thesis/practicum/dissertation:91

i. For undergraduate thesis/practicum (course 200/200a) and master‟s thesis

(course 300), the six (6) units total credit should be broken down for
registration each term in equal fractions of 2-2-2 or 3-3. For doctoral
dissertation (course 400), the semestral distribution of the 12 units total credit
should be 3-3-3-3 and 4-4-4.
ii. A grade of “S” or “U” should be given at the end of each term while work is
in progress. Upon completion of the work (when the student is ready to
submit the required number of copies of the approved manuscript), a
numerical grade should be given instead of “S” or “U”.
iii. A student who has already registered a total of 6 units for undergraduate
thesis/practicum or master‟s thesis, or 12 units of doctoral dissertation but still
unable to finish the work, should continue registering one (1) unit per term
until he/she is able to submit the copies of approved manuscript, but only up
to a maximum of 3 terms (2 semesters, 1 summer) for undergraduate
thesis/practicum and 6 terms (4 semesters, 2 summers) for graduate

If at the end of this time limit, the student is still unable to submit copies of
the approved manuscript, he/she shall be given a grade of “U” and should re-
enroll all the 6 or 12 units. The same policies as in the first enrollment will
apply in this case.

6. Examinations and Grades

a. Integration period. A division or department chairman, with the approval of the

Dean, may authorize any member of his unit to suspend formal classes for a
period not exceeding three days before the final examinations to enable students
to review. In case of colleges with no divisions or departments, the suspension
may be done by any member of the faculty but also subject to the approval of
the Dean.

Faculty members who have been authorized to suspend their classes shall keep
regular hours for consultation work.

As approved by the University Council in its meeting held on 7 December 2001. Embodied also in
Memorandum NO. 57 from the Office of the Chancellor issued on 23 April 2002.

b. Examinations. The maximum period for each final examination shall be four
hours. [Art 368] Students are no longer required to present a final examination
permit to their instructors [UPLB University Council, May 20 1980]

A student who has received a passing grade is not allowed re-examination for the
purpose of improving his grades. [Art 371]

c. Grading system. The performance of the students shall be rated at the end of
each semester in accordance with the following grading system:

1 - Excellent
1.5 - Very Good
2 - Good
2.5 - Satisfactory
3 - Passed
4 - Conditional Failure
5 - Failed
Inc - Incomplete
Drp - Dropped

Grades of '1.25', '1.75', '2.25' and '2.75' may also be given but in no case shall
they be more detailed than in multiples of 0.25 [Art 368]

For courses not requiring numerical grades:

S - Satisfactory
U - Unsatisfactory

A grade of „4’ means conditional failure. It may be made up for by successful

repetition of the course, or by passing a reexamination. If the student passes the
reexamination, he is given a grade of „3’, but if he fails, a „5’. Only one
reexamination is allowed which must be taken within the prescribed time. If a
student does not remove the grade of „4’ within the prescribed time, he may
earn credit for the course only by repeating and passing it. A grade of „4‟ given
for the first semester work of a two-semester course shall be converted to a grade
of „3‟ if the student passes the second semester part of the same course in the
same academic year; if he fails, the grade of „4‟ which he received for the first
semester work shall be converted to a grade of „5’. (Please see New Policies on the
Grade of ‘4’ on page 43.)

The grade of Inc. is given if a student whose class standing throughout the
semester is PASSING, fails to take the final examination or fails to complete other
requirements for the course, due to illness or other valid reasons. In case the
class standing is not passing and the student fails to take the final examination for
any reason, a grade of 5 is given. Removal of the Inc. must be done within the
prescribed time by passing an examination or meeting all the requirements for
the course, after which, the student shall be given a final grade based on his
overall performance.

d. Grades. If a student withdraws after three-fourths of the semester has already

passed (this coincides with the last day for dropping of courses), the Instructor
shall indicate in the grade sheet under Final Grade „DRP‟ under Remarks „LOA‟.

However, if a student withdraws after three-fourths of the semester has already

elapsed, the instructor may give him a grade of „5‟ if his class standing up to the
time of his withdrawal was below „3‟. If the instructor does not want to give him
a grade of „5‟, he merely indicates in the grade sheet under Final Grade „DRP‟
and under Remarks, „LOA‟. [Art 402]

„LOA‟ is not a grade and should appear only under Remarks.

e. Removal of grades of ‘INC’ or ‘4’. There shall be a regular period for removing
grades of 4 and Inc. before the start of each semester.

Examinations for the removal of grades of Inc. or 4 may be taken without fee: (1)
during the regular examination period, if the subject is included in the schedule
of examinations, and (2) during the removal examination period, viz., the period
covering ten days preceding the registration in each semester during which
period, the examination is taken at the time that it is scheduled.

Removal examinations may be taken at other times on the recommendation of

the Dean and upon payment of a required fee per subject. Students not in
residence shall pay the registration fee on top of the examination fee (where
required) in order to be entitled to take the removal examination.

A grade of 4 or Inc. may no longer be improved after the end of the third regular
removal period immediately following the semester/term in which the grade was
incurred. A grade of 4 received after removing a grade of Inc., however, must
be removed within the remaining portion of the prescribed period for the
removal of the original grade of Inc.

Removal of ‘4’ in a Language Sequence course. A student who obtains a grade of

4 in a basic sequence in languages (English, Filipino, Spanish) may enroll in the
next higher course, subject to the following conditions:

1. If he passes the higher course, he automatically removes the 4 in the

lower course. His teacher in the lower course submits a removal grade of
3 for him.

2. If he fails in the higher course, he may still remove the 4 in the lower

3. If he gets a 4 in the higher course, he should take first a removal

examination in that course before taking a removal examination in the
lower course. If he fails the removal examination in the higher course, he
may take the removal examination in the lower course.

New policies on the grade of ‘4’. The UPLB University Council in its meeting
held on June 27, 2000, approved the revision of the computation of the General
Weighted Average (GWA) with a grade of „4‟. This was subsequently approved
by the President and presented by Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Ma.
Serena I. Diokno to the 178th meeting of the President‟s Advisory Council (PAC)
held on March 22, 2001. The new guidelines shall take effect in the First
Semester 2001-2002. This will apply initially to the new freshmen of SY 2001-
2002. The revised guidelines are summarized below:

1. To compute GWA with a grade of „4‟, use actual grade on the

premise that „4‟ is conditional.

2. Remove „4‟ only by passing removal exam; no re-enrolment in course

is allowed unless student fails removal exam.

3. If not removed within the prescribed period (one year), grade of „4‟
automatically becomes „5‟. Grade will be changed by the Registrar
upon prior information to the concerned teacher and adviser or in
their absence, the department chair or institute director.

4. Use actual grade („3‟, „4‟ until it is removed, or „5‟) to compute GWA,
counting the subject once. This means that if the student gets a
removal grade of „5‟, this grade is included in the computation of the
GWA; the grade the student gets after re-enrolling the course shall
also be included in the computation of the GWA.

f. Change of grades. A student who has received a passing grade in a given course
is not allowed reexamination for the purpose of improving his grades.

No faculty member shall change any grade after the report of grades has been
filed with the Secretary of the college or with the University Registrar. In
exceptional cases, as where an error has been committed, the instructor may
request authority from the faculty of his college to make the necessary change. If
the request is granted, a copy of the resolution of the faculty authorizing the
change shall be forwarded to the Office of the University Registrar for recording
and filing.

Notwithstanding the foregoing provision and to avoid any injustice, the grade on
a final examination paper may be revised by a committee of the Dean of the
college if it should clearly appear, on the basis of the quality of the scholastic
record of the student, that such grade is the result of an erroneous appreciation
of the answers or of an arbitrary or careless decision by the faculty member
concerned. Should the change of the grade on said paper affect the final grade
of the student, the committee may request authority from the faculty of the
college to make the necessary change in the final grade. The request for
reconsideration shall be made within 30 days after the receipt of the final grade
by the student concerned.

No student shall directly or indirectly ask any person to recommend him to his
professor/s for any grade in his class record, examination paper or final report of
grades. Any student violating this rule shall lose credit in the subject/s where
such recommendation is made. The fact that a student is thus recommended
shall be prima facie evidence that the recommendation is made at the request of
the student concerned.

g. Submission of grades. Every faculty member shall submit his report of grades as
soon as possible after the final examinations at the end of each term. A period
of five days is ordinarily allowed for each section for the grading of papers and
the preparation of the report of grades. In case an instructor handles several
sections and the interval between the examinations is less than five days, he shall
submit the reports of grades for the various sections at the rate of one report at
the end of every five-day period after each day after the last day of the
examination period. In justifiable cases, deviation from the above rules may be
authorized by the Vice Chancellor for Instruction.

h. Release of grades. Report of a student‟s grades are routinely released to the

student and mailed to his/her parents at the end of every semester.

i. Penalties for late submission of grades

The following implementing rules and regulations shall govern penalties

applicable to faculty members who, without good reason, fail to submit grades of
students within the deadline prescribed above:

i. Since the prompt submission of grades is in large part a matter of good

management, discipline and enforcement of University regulations,
Department Chairmen, College Secretaries and Deans are enjoined to
bend all efforts towards compliance with codal provisions regarding
deadlines for submission of grades as well as recommendations for
graduation of students.

ii. Faculty members who fail to meet deadlines for the submission of grades
should be reported to the appropriate authorities in the University. The
delinquencies should be entered in the personnel records of the erring
faculty members.

iii. Upon recommendation of the Dean and subject to the approval of the
Chancellor, a faculty member who, without justifiable cause, fails to
submit grades on time, shall be liable to any of the following penalties.

a. Warning;
b. Reprimand;
c. Fine of not more than his salary per day for each day of
delay; or
d. Suspension without pay for a period not exceeding one
semester in case of repeated delinquency.

iv. The procedure for the imposition of any penalty shall consist of the
following steps:

a) Notification of deadline, including request for an explanation.

b) Report of delinquency; and
c) Order imposing the penalty.

7. Honorific Scholarships from the University

a. University Scholarship. Any undergraduate or graduate student who obtains at

the end of the semester a weighted average of 1.45 or better, or 1.25 or better,
respectively, is given this honorific scholarship. University scholars are listed in
the Chancellor's List of Scholars.

c. College Scholarship. Any undergraduate or graduate student who, not being

classed as University scholar, obtains at the end of the semester a weighted
average of 1.75 or better, or 1.5 or better, respectively, is given this honorific
scholarship. College Scholars are listed in the Dean's List of Scholars.

d. Additional requirements for honorific scholarship. In addition to the general

weighted average prescribed, a student must have taken during the previous
semester at least 15 units of academic credit or the normal load prescribed (in
the case of graduate students, not less than 8 units); must be up-to-date with all
the non-academic requirements (PE and MS); and must have no grade below 3
in any academic or non-academic subject. Honorific scholarships do not entitle
the holders to any tuition fee waiver, either partial or full.

8. Scholastic Delinquency. The faculty of each college or school shall approve

suitable and effective provisions governing undergraduate delinquent students,
subject to the following minimum standards:

a. Warning. Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades
below 3 in 25 percent to 49 percent of the total number of academic units for
which he is registered will receive a warning from the Dean to improve his work.

b. Probation. Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades
below 3 in 50 percent to 75 percent of the total number of academic units in
which he has final grades shall be placed on probation for the succeeding
semester and his load shall be limited to the extent to be determined by the

Probation may be removed by passing with grades of 3 or better in more than 50

percent of the units in which he has final grades in the succeeding semester.

c. Dismissal

i. Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades below 3 in
more than 75 percent but less than 100 percent of the total number of

academic units in which he receives final grades shall be dropped from the
rolls of the college.
ii. Any student on probation who again fails in 50 percent or more of the total
number of units in which he receives final grades shall be dropped from the
rolls of the college, subject to the provisions of the following article.
iii. Any student dropped from one college shall not ordinarily be admitted to
another unit of the University unless, in the opinion of the Dean of Students,
his natural aptitude and interest may qualify him in another field of study in
which case he may be allowed to enroll in the proper college or department.

d. Permanent Disqualification

i. Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains final grades below 3 in
100 percent of the academic units in which he is given final grades shall be
permanently barred from readmission to any college or school of the

ii. Any student who was dropped in accordance with Item (iii) above of the
rules on Dismissal and again fails which make it necessary to drop him again,
shall be not eligible for readmission to any college of the University.

iii. Permanent disqualification does not apply to cases where, on

recommendations of the instructors concerned, the faculty certifies that the
grades of 5 were due to the student's unauthorized dropping of the subjects
and not to poor scholarship. However, if the unauthorized withdrawal takes
place after the mid-semester and the student's class standing is poor, his
grades of 5 shall be counted against him for the purpose of this scholarship
rule. The Dean shall deal with these cases on their individual merits in the
light of the recommendations of the Vice Chancellor for Instruction;
provided, that, in no case of readmission to the same or another college,
shall the action be lighter than probation.

A grade of Incomplete is not to be included in the computation. When it is replaced

by a final grade, the latter is to be included in the grades during the semester when
the removal is made.

Required courses in which a student has failed shall take precedence over other
courses in his succeeding enrollment.

Students who are dropped for reasons of double probation, dismissal or permanent
disqualification must first qualify for readmission before they are allowed to register
during the succeeding semester. Applications for readmission are processed at the
Office of Student Affairs.

No readmission of dismissed students or disqualified students shall be considered by

the College deans without the favorable recommendation of the Dean of Students.
Cases in which the action of the College Dean conflicts with the recommendation of
the Dean of Students may be elevated to the Vice Chancellor for Instruction. His
decision shall be final.

9. Honorable Dismissal. A student in good standing who desires to sever his

connection with the university shall present a written petition to this effect to the
University Registrar, signed by his parent or guardian. If the petition is granted, the
student shall be given honorable dismissal.

Generally, honorable dismissal is voluntary withdrawal from the University with

consent of the University Registrar or his representative. All indebtedness to the
University must be settled before a statement of honorable dismissal will be issued.
The statement indicates that the student withdrew in good standing as far as
character and conduct are concerned. If the student has been dropped from the
rolls on account of poor scholarship, a statement to that effect may be added to the
honorable dismissal.

A student who leave the university for reason of suspension, dropping or expulsion
due to disciplinary action shall not be entitled to honorable dismissal. Should he be
permitted to receive his transcript of record or the certification of his academic
status in the university, it shall contain a statement of the disciplinary action
rendered against him.

10. Graduation Requirements. No student shall be recommended for graduation

unless he has satisfied all academic and other requirements prescribed thereto.

Candidates for graduation who began their studies under a curriculum which is
more than 10 years old shall be governed by the following rules:

i. Those who had completed all the requirements of the curriculum but did
not apply for, nor were granted the corresponding degree or title shall
have their graduation approved as of the date they should have originally

ii. Those who had completed all but two or three subjects required by a
curriculum shall be made to follow any of the curricula enforced from the
time they first attended the University to the present.

During the first three weeks after the opening of classes in each semester, each
Dean or his duly authorized representative shall certify to the University Registrar a
list of candidates for graduation at the next commencement. The University
Registrar, in consultation with the chairmen of divisions or departments
concerned, in the case of students majoring in their respective departments or
divisions, shall then inquire into the academic record of each candidate with a
view of ascertaining whether any candidate in such a list has any deficiency to
make up for and whether he has fulfilled all other requirements which qualify him
to be a candidate for graduation. However, footnotes to that effect should be
given. Ten weeks before the end of a semester, the Registrar shall publish a
complete list of duly qualified candidates for graduation for that semester.

a. Guidelines in connection with graduation. The requirements for graduation

include the completion of all academic as well as non-academic requirements
such as submission of bound copies of the thesis, if thesis is required.

Students who have completed all requirements for graduation on or before the
deadline set for this purpose are listed as candidates for graduation as of the
end of that semester.

If however, some graduation requirements are completed beyond the

deadline, the student must register during the succeeding semester in order to
be considered a candidate for graduation as of the end of that semester. The
deadline for completion of the requirements for graduation are:

i. For those graduating as of the end of summer, the deadline is the day
before the first day of regular registration for the first semester.
ii. For those graduating as of the end of the first semester, the deadline is the
day before the first day of regular registration for the second semester.
iii. For those graduating as of the end of the second semester, the deadline is
the day before the college/school faculty meeting to decide the
graduation of students.

All candidates for graduation must have their deficiencies made up and their
records cleared not later than five weeks before the end of their last semester
except those in academic subjects and in Physical Education and Citizen Military
Training in which the student is currently enrolled during that semester.

No student shall graduate from the University unless he has completed at least
one year of residence work which may, however, be extended to a longer
period by the proper faculty. The residence work referred to must be done
immediately prior to graduation.

No student who fails to pay the required graduation fee within the specified
period set by the University Registrar shall be conferred any title or degree. Such
a student may, however, upon his request and payment of the necessary fees, be
given a certified copy of his credentials without specifying his completion of the
requirements toward any title or degree.

b. Formal application for graduation. Instead of a separate application for

graduation, graduating students should check the appropriate box in their
registration Form 5 to indicate whether they are graduating or not at the end of
the term. This information shall serve as the basis for identifying candidates for
graduation so that their records can be checked early enough.

c. Clearance as requirement for graduation. Students who have completed all

the academic requirements for their respective degrees may be recommended
for graduation even if they have not processed their clearance. However, the
granting of honorable dismissal and the issuance of the transcript checklist and
diploma shall be withheld pending submission of clearance by the student.

11. Graduation With Honors

Students who complete their courses with the following absolute minimum
weighted average grade shall graduate with honors:

Summa cum laude 1.20

Magna cum laude 1.45
Cum laude 1.75

All the grades in all subjects prescribed in the curriculum, as well as subjects that
qualify as electives, shall be included in the computation of the weighted average

Furthermore, in cases where the electives taken are more than those required in
the program, the following procedure will be used in selecting the electives to be
included in the computation of the weighted average grade;

1. For students who did not shift programs, consider the required number of
elective in chronological order.
2. For students who shifted from one program to another, the electives to be
considered shall be selected according to the following order of priority:

a) Electives taken in the program where the student is graduating will be

selected in chronological order.
b) Electives taken in the previous program and acceptable as electives in the
second program will be selected in chronological order.
c) Prescribed course taken in the previous program but qualify as electives
in the second program will be selected in chronological order.

Additional rules. Candidates for graduation with honors must have completed in
the University at least 75 percent of the total number of academic units or hours for

In the computation of the final average of candidates for graduation with honors,
only resident credits shall be included.

Students who are candidates for graduation with honors must have taken during
each semester not less than 15 units of credit or the normal load prescribed in the
curriculum. In cases where such normal load is less than 15 units, unless the lighter
load was due to justifiable causes such as health reasons, unavailability of courses
needed in the curriculum to complete the full load, or the fact that the candidate is
a working student, students cannot be considered for graduation.

To justify underloading, the submission of the following documents is required:

1. For health reasons - medical certification to be confirmed by the University

Health Service.
2. For unavailability of courses - certification by the major adviser and copy of
schedule of classes.

3. For employment - copy of payroll and appointment papers indicating among

others duration of employment.

It is the responsibility of the student to establish beyond reasonable doubt the

veracity of the cause(s) of his light loading. It is required in this connection that
documents submitted to establish the cause(s) of his loading, such as certificate of
employment and/or medical certificate, must be sworn to. These documents must
be submitted during the semester of underloading.

12. Commencement Exercises

Attendance in the general commencement exercises shall be optional. Graduating

students who choose not to participate in the general commencement exercises
must so inform their respective deans or their duly designated representatives at
least ten days before the commencement exercises.

Graduating students who absent themselves from the general commencement

exercises shall obtain their diplomas, or certificates and transcripts of records from
the Office of the University Registrar provided that they comply with the above
provision and upon presentation of the receipt of payment of the graduation fee
and student's clearance.

Academic costumes. Candidates for graduation with degrees or titles which require
no less than four years of collegiate instruction shall be required to wear academic
costumes during the baccalaureate service and commencement exercises in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the University.

13. University Policy on Student Records

The University maintains various records of students to document their academic

progress as well as to record their interaction with University staff and officials.
Students‟ records are generally considered confidential except the directory of
currently registered students which is open to the public. The directory provides
information on each student‟s name, I.D. number, college, course, classification
and college address.

a. Transcript of records. Student records are confidential and information is

released only at the request of the student or of appropriate institutions.
“Partial” transcripts are not issued. Official transcript of records obtained from
other institutions and submitted to the University for admission and/or transfer
of credit become part of the student‟s permanent record and are issued as true
copies with the UP transcript.

Application for transcript of records shall be filed at the Office of the University
Registrar upon presentation of the student clearance. A certain fee for
transcript preparation will be charged to the concerned party. Graduates are
encouraged to request for their transcripts as early as possible to avoid
unnecessary delay.

b. Withholding of records. When a student has pending financial obligations to

the University, or when he has been charged with an official disciplinary
action, the appropriate University official may request that the student's record,
e.g., transcripts, registration forms, be withheld. Departments and offices for
example, submit before the end of each semester the names of students with
financial accountabilities to the students' respective College Secretaries so that
the action may be rescinded. The Office of the College Secretary concerned
or University Registrar must receive written authorization from the official who
originally requested the action, indicating that the student has met the

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