Grade 10 Science Quiz

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Grade 10 Science Quiz

______10. How will you describe the magnetic field

Name:___________________________________ around a straight current-carrying wire?
Score: _______________
a. The magnetic field is strongest near and
Choose the letter of the correct answer on the space around the wire.
provided. b. The magnetic field consists of straight
EASY lines parallel to the wire.
______1. Which of the following Electromagnetic c. The magnetic field consists of straight
Waves has the shortest wavelength? lines parallel to the wire.
a. Radio Wave d. The magnetic field gets stronger with
b. X-Rays increasing distance from the wire.
c. Micro Wave
d. Gamma Ray AVERAGE
______2. Which device converts electrical energy to ______ 1. Which is the most energetic among the
mechanical energy? Electromagnetic Waves?
a. Alternator c. Motor a. Gamma Rays
b. Generator d. Transformer b. Microwaves
c. Radio Waves
______ 3. In the Electromagnetic Spectrum, which d. X-Rays
EM wave has the longest wavelength? ______ 2. A certain radio station broadcasts at a
a. Microwave frequency of 675 kHz. What is the wavelength of
b. Radio Wave the radio waves?
c. Ultraviolet Rays
d. Gamma Rays a.324 m c. 480 m
______ 4.A doctor who specializes in medical and b.444 m d. 510 m
surgical care of the eye is called _______.
a. Iridologist ______ 3. What kind of mirror is used in automobiles
b. Ophthalmologist and trucks to give the driver a wider area and
c. Optician smaller image of traffic behind him?
d. Optometrist a. Plane mirror
______ 5. In radio broadcasting, AM stands for b. Convex mirror
_______. c. Concave mirror
a. After Morning d. None of the above
b. Amplitude Modelling
c. Amplitude Modulation ______ 4. A white sheet of paper cannot act as a
d.. Ante-Meridian mirror because it _____ the rays of light.
______ 6. Which property spells the difference a. Diffracts
between infra-red and ultraviolet radiation? b. Diffuses
a. Color c. Interferes
b. Speed in vacuum d. Refracts
c. Wavelength
d. None of the above ______ 5.What do we call the process whereby
______ 7. In the visible spectrum, which color has radioactive material is implanted in a tumor?
the longest wavelength? a. Endoscopy
a. Blue c. Green b. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
b. Red d. Violet c. Brachytherapy
d. Computed Axial Tomography
______ 8. This optical instrument uses 2 convex ______6. In which case can a magnetic field be
lenses to make a smaller object larger. produced?
a. Camera a. a charged comb c. a welder’s arc flash
b. Microscope b. a falling glass rod d. a rolling plastic cylinder
c. Oscilloscope
d. Telescope ______7. Which of the following is NOT true about
______9. What transformation can take place in an Electromagnetic Waves?
improvised generator? a. They travel through a vacuum.
a. mechanical energy into electrical energy b. They travel at the speed of 4x108 m/s.
c. They form when moving charged particles
b. electrical energy into mechanical energy transfer energy through a field.
d. Most of them are invisible to the eye but
c. alternating current into direct current detectable.
d. direct current into alternating current
______ 8. Which two waves lie at the ends of the c. Colors do not distinctly separate but they
visible spectrum? continuously change from red to violet.
a. Infra-red and Ultra-violet rays d. This EM wave enables us to see the physical
b. Radio waves and Microwaves world around us.
c. Radio waves and X-rays
d. X rays and Gamma rays 6. Which of the following is one of the uses of Ultra
Violet Rays?
_______ 9. Which of the following is an application a. Used to kill cancer cells
of Infrared? b. Used in sterilizing medical equipment.
a. Camera autofocusing c. TV Transmission
b. Radio broadcasting d. Identifying original from fake banknote
c. Diagnosis of bone fractures
d. Sterilization of water in drinking fountains 7. What is the range of frequencies are our eyes
_____ 10. What electromagnetic wave is sometimes sensitive to?
called heat rays? a. 3 x 109 - 3 x 1011 Hz
a. gamma rays b. 3 x 1011 - 4 x 1014 Hz
b. infrared c. 4 x 1014 - 7.5 x 1014 Hz
c. radio waves d. 7.5 x 1014 - 3 x 1016 Hz
d. visible light
8. What is the mathematical relationship between
DIFFICULT frequency and wavelength?
_____ 1.A ray of light is incident at 45 degrees. What a. Directly proportional
is its angle of reflection? b. Inversely proportional
a. 22.5 degrees c. No relationship at all.
b.30 degrees d. None of the above
c.45 degrees
d.90 degrees 9. What is the function of a tower in cell phone
_____ 2. How can induced voltage be increased? a. Attaches information about the sound to the radio
a.Rotate the coil slowly. signal by modulating the waves slightly.
b.Decrease the area of the coil. b. Receives signals from a cell phone and sends it to
c.Decrease the magnetic field. a wirebased telephone system or to another cell
d.Increase the number of turns of coils. phone.
c. They are produced by making electrons vibrate in
______ 3. Which statement about an an antenna.
electromagnetic nail is NOT true? d. Sends out a narrow beam of microwaves in short
a.Steady magnetic lines of induction surround a pulses.
battery-powered electromagnetic nail.
b. The current in the electromagnetic nail 10. Which of the following is true about
demagnetizes the iron nail. Electromagnetic Spectrum?
. The magnetic field lines produced resemble that of a. Radio waves rays have photons of high energies
a bar magnet. while Gamma rays have photons with the lowest
d. The magnetic field strength is proportional to the energies.
nail’s current. b. It is a gradual progression from the waves of
lowest frequencies to the waves of highest
______ 4. Which law states that induced current frequencies.
flows in such a way as to oppose the charge causing
it? c. The electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum of
electromagnetic waves arranged according to
a. Faraday’s Law c. Lenz’s Law
frequency alone.
b. Law of Induction d.Ohm’s Law
d. All of the above.
______ 5.Which of the following statements is NOT
true about Visible Spectrum?
a. When white light passes through a prism, it
is separated into its constituent colors: the
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and
b. Red color has the shortest wavelength and
violet has the longest.

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