Pre-Observation Reflection 1
Pre-Observation Reflection 1
Pre-Observation Reflection 1
Please answer one question in each category (ie: Learning objectives and goals) below for a
total of 5 questions. Use complete sentences and attend to writing mechanics. Include this
sheet as the cover page for your formal lesson plan.
Observation Focus
What specific areas would you like me to focus on for my observation (ie: questioning,
teacher movement). It may help to think about a FEAP or instructional goal
o One specific area that I would like you to focus on for this observation is my
content delivery to the students. I understand how to do the math, but
sometimes I have to pause and think about how I would explain this to the
students without confusing them. I believe that this also comes with practice,
but I am certain that there will be some strategies or tips I can learn to help me.