Detailed Lesson Plan Grade 9 Biology Heredity: Inheritance and Variation

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Pavia National High School

Science Department
Department of Education

Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives
At the end of the class discussion, the Grade 9 learners must have:
 Defined Sex-linked trait
 Identified genes located on the X and Y chromosomes.
 Illustrate the inheritance of an X-linked trait.
 Distinguish the genotype and phenotype in a color-blind human.
 Examined the inheritance of Y-linked trait.
 Constructed a Punnett square to solve problems related to sex-linked traits.
II. Learning Content
A. Subject Matter
 Heredity: Inheritance and Variation - Sex-linked Traits
B. Content Outline
 Review Sex chromosomes and Sex  Distinguish the genotype and phenotype in a
determination color-blind human
 Introduce method of testing color-blSindness  Crossing of traits involving sex-linked traits
using a punnett square
 Define sex-linked traits

C. Science Concept
 Sex chromosomes are chromosomes that is inherited in the two sexes, that is concerned directly with the
inheritance of sex.
 Ishihara test is a test determining color blindness by means of a series of cards each having colored dots that
form one pattern to the normal eye and a different pattern to the eye that is color-blind.
 Sex-linked traits are traits that are controlled by genes located on the same sex chromosome.
 Color-blindness is a trait inherited through the sex chromosomes. This trait is a recessive trait, thus if males
inherit the affected trait, they will have the disorder. While females can still be normal if they inherit only one
affected trait in their chromosomes but they will be a carrier of the trait in which they can pass this on to their
 Genes that are located in the X chromosomes are called X-linked genes. Genes that are located in the Y
chromosomes are called Y-linked genes.
D. Science Process Skills
 Inferring
 Predicting
 Analyzing
E. Value Focus
 Participates in the class discussion
 Shows interest in doing activities
III. Instructional Materials
A. Visual Aids
 Printed images,
 Key Concepts written in Manila paper
Pavia National High School
Science Department
Department of Education

 Blank Punnett squares in cartolina

B. References
 Science 9 Learner’s Module, Module 2 pp. 13-15
 Science 9 Teacher’s Guide, pp. 27-28
IV. Lesson Development
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Teacher’s Note/Remarks

“Please stand, let’s pray.” The students will stand The teacher will ask a volunteer to
in attention to pray. lead the prayer.

“Good morning class” “Good morning


“Last meeting, we discussed about what is a sex “Sex chromosomes are The teacher will call a name to answer
chromosome and how sex is inherited. Who can chromosomes that is the question.
tell me what a sex chromosome is?” inherited in the two
sexes, that is
concerned directly
with the inheritance of

“It depends on whether

what type of sex
chromosome the sperm
“And how is sex inherited” carry on fertilizing an
egg. A combination of
XX chromosome will
produce a female child
and a combination of
Engagement XY will produce a male
15 mins child.”
The teacher will show pictures used in
The students may have
varied answers. color colorblindness test. (Dots with
“Very good.” different colors and shows the figure
“Let us now proceed to the next lesson. But of a specific number. If the student see
before that, I have here some pictures. What a different number to what is supposed
number can you see in here?” showed in the image, it means he/she
is colorblind to that specific color.)
The teacher will then tell what number is shown.

“This is one of the methods used to identify if a

person is colorblind to specific color or not. So,
if you can’t identify the number shown means “It is carried by the sex
that you are colorblind.” chromosomes.”
“Color blindness is an inherited trait. How do
you think it is inherited?”

“Very good. It is linked on the X or Y

chromosome which is inherited by the child.”

“This is a pattern of inheritance is called Sex-

linked traits.”

10 mins “Let’s know about it more by doing the activity Since not everyone has a book, the
on your books, Activity 5: When Gender teacher will post the activity on the
Matters.” board.

“The problem is: A color-blind man has a child

Pavia National High School
Science Department
Department of Education

with a woman who is a carrier of the disorder.

Illustrate using a Punnett square the probability
of having children who will have normal vision
and children who will be color-blind.”

“The genotypes and the corresponding

phenotypes are already given on your books.
What you’re going to do is just to cross the
alleles of the two parents and answer the guide
questions afterwards.”

“Understood?” “Yes Ma’am”

“Answer it on your one whole sheet of paper.”

“Finish it in 10 mins.”

20 mins “The inheritance of some characters does not Expected answer on the punnett
strictly follow Mendel’s Law of Independent square:
Assortment. There are many traits that are XC X
inherited together more frequently. For example,
the expression of certain traits depends on XC XCXC XCX
whether one is male or female. Apparently, the
expression of the trait is determined by or related
to one’s sex.”
The teacher will discuss the answers to
“And the genes located on the X chromosomes the guide questions and at the same
are called X-linked genes. This is called sex- time, students will check their
linked traits” activities.

“What are sex-linked traits?” “Sex-linked traits are

traits that are
controlled by genes
located on the same
sex chromosome.”
“An example of this is color-blindness.”

“Based on the cross you made, what is the A student will answer.
genotype of the male?” “XCY and XY Ma’am”

“Which of the genotype shows color-blindness?” “The XCY”

“Very good.”

“And the XY is a normal male.

“What is the genotype of the female?”

“Which of the genotype shows color-blindness?” “XCXC and XCX”

“How about the XCX, what is its phenotype?” “XCXC Ma’am”

“A female who has an XCX is a carrier female “A normal female but is

only because the trait for color-blindness is a carrier of the gene for
recessive.” color-blindness.”

“Since the females have two X chromosomes

they can either inherit or carry the trait.”

“Males will automatically express the trait if

their X chromosome carries the gene for color-
blindness since there is no another X
Pavia National High School
Science Department
Department of Education

chromosome to hide the trait.”

“Understood?” “Yes Ma’am”

“Very good.”

“Now, what is the chance that the child will be “50 % Ma’am”

“What is the chance that a daughter will be “25 %”


“What is the chance that the son will be color- “25 %”


“There are also genes that are also linked to the

Y chromosome, they are called Y-linked genes.
Best example of this is a condition called
hypertrichosis pinnae auris, a genetic disorder in
humans that causes hairy ears. Since the trait is
10 mins
found in the Y chromosome, then only males can
have the trait. A father who has the condition
will pass it on to all his sons, and they, in turn,
will pass it on to their own sons.”

Identify what is being described in the The teacher will give a short quiz to
following: evaluate students’ learning.

1. A pattern of inheritance in which the gene Answer key:

controlling a trait is located in the sex 1. Sex-linked
chromosomes. 2. X-linked gene
Evaluation 2. A gene located on the X chromosome. 3. Y-linked gene
5 mins 3. A gene located on the Y chromosome 4. Normal female, carrier of the trait
4. What is the phenotype of XCX? 5. XCY
5. What is the genotype of a color-blind male?

For your assignment, read in advance about sex-

limited traits. That will be our next lesson for

Prepared by:
Louise Meara Severo

Noted by:
Pavia National High School
Science Department
Department of Education

Mrs. Kriemehilda Gajo

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