35. America dropped Atom Bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
36. The Non-Aligned countries are also known as Third World countries.
37. Truman Doctrine is meant for the America’s support for the anti-Communist forces in Green and
38. Congo was the colony of Belgium. Congo got independence from Belgium in 1960.
39. In Congo, the communist leader Patrice Lumumba was killed in 1961.
40. It was believed that behind the murder of Lumumba, there was the hand of US spy agency called CIA.
41. Angola was the colony of Portugal. Angola got independence from Portugal in Nov, 1975.
42. The Communists in Angola captured power with the help of USSR and Cuba.
43. Fidel Castro led the revolution in Latin America.
44. Cheguvera was the communist leader in Latin America.
45. In Chile, the US backed army generals toppled the government led by S. Allende.
46. USSR attacked Afghanistan in 1971.
47. Talibans formed government in Afghanistan. Talibans are the religious extremists in Afghanistan.
48. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed by USA.
49. Russia signed the Warsaw Pact as a counterpart of NATO.
50. All the communist countries signed the Warsaw pact.
51. SEATO and CENTO are the regional military and strategic alliances formed by USA.
52. Sputnik was the first satellite launched into the space. It was launched by USSR.
53. The first human entered into space was Yuri Gagarin from Russia.
54. Neil Armstrong is the first man who stepped on the Moon. He stepped on the Moon in 1969. He
belongs to America.
55. Bandung Conference was held in 1955. Bandung is the city in Indonesia.
56. Bandung Conference was the first Asio-African conference. It was attended by 29 nations.
57. The most important persons who attended the Bandung Conference was: Jawaharlal Nehru from
India, Abdul Nasser from Egypt, and Jasip Bronz Tito from Yugoslavia.
58. Chief spokes person in the Bandung Conference was Jawaharlal Nehru.
59. Bandung Conference paved the way for non-Alignment Movement (NAM).
60. The first NAM summit was held at Belgrade in Yugoslavia in Sept,1961.
61. About 25 countries attended to the first NAM summit.
62. By 2012, the number of members of NAM was 120.
63. West Asia refers to the region between Europe and Asia.
64. Jerusalem in Palestine is a holy city for Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.
65. Israel was created for Jews.
66. West Asian crisis is between Palestine and Isreal.
67. Gamel Abdel Nasser was the president of Egypt.
68. President of Egypt Nasser made an effort to unite the Arabs.
69. Nasser formed fidayeens for causing explosions in public places in Israel.
70. Fidayeens means suicide squads.
71. Nasser nationalized Suez Canal with the support of USSR.
72. In 1956 and 1967, Israel attacked on Egypt.
73. Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was established in 1964 in Jordan.
74. A fraction of PLO attacked and killed the Israeli sportsman at Munich Olympics in 1972.
75. Yasser Arafat was killed in 2004 due to suspected poisoning.
76. Saddam Husain came to power in Iraq in 1968.
77. In 1979, a revolution took place in Iran through which the old king of Iran was removed.
78. Arab terrorists hijacked two aircrafts in US and crashed the World Trade Centre in New York.
79. USA fought a war against Talibans.
80. Mikhail Gorbachev was the president of USSR.
81. The reforms introduced by Gorbachev are known as Glasnost and Perestroika.
82. Boris Yelstin announced the disbanding of USSR in 1991.
83. USSR was collapsed in 1991.
84. India was the founder of the NAM.
85. Jawaharlal Nehru formulated the Panchasheel principles.
86. China became a Communist Republic in 1949.
87. China and India signed the Panchasheel pact on 29th April 1954.
88. The border line between India and China is Mac Mohan Line.
89. China annexed Tibet in 1950.
90. The buffer zone between India and China is Tibet.
91. The border dispute between India and China is Aksai-Chin.
92. China invaded India in October, 1962.
93. China and India are called as the rising powers of Asia.
94. The bone of contention between India and Pakistan is Kashmir.
95. So far war occurred between India and Pakistan three times: in 1948, 1965 and 1971.
96. The first war between India and took place in 1947-48.
97. In 1965, Lal Bahadur Shastri was the Prime Minister of India.
98. General Ayub khan was the military dictator of Pakistan.
99. Tashkent agreement was signed between India and Pakistan in 1966.
100. In East Pakistan, Awami League led by Mujibur Rahman won in the elections.
101. In West Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto won in the elections held in 1970.
102. In East Pakistan, the supporters of Mujibur Rahman started a liberation struggle in the form of Mukti
103. On the issue of Bangladesh, war started broke out India and Pakistan in Dec, 1971.
104. Bangladesh was created in 1972.
105. The old name of Bangladesh is East Pakistan.
106. Simla agreement was signed between Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Indira Gandhi.
107. Kargil military operation took place in 1999.
108. Bangladesh was liberated from Pakistan with the help of India in 1972.
109. Bangladesh signed a 25 year peace treaty with India.
110. Bangladesh treated India as their big brother.
111. There are disputes between India and Bangladesh over the use of Ganga and Brahmaputra river
112. The membership of UNO in 2014. ( C )
A. 154 B. 120 C. 193 D. 190
4. So, they formed Non-Alignment policy to promote cultural and economic cooperation between
4. “Giving special powers to the permanent members of the UNO is undemocratic”. Explain.
Given the idea of democracy do you think a few countries should have special powers in making the
A. The permanent members of the UN Security Council – America, Russia, France, UK and China – have
special powers. This is undemocratic and they should not have special powers because -
1. It is impossible to establish world peace and security.
2. Existence of democratic countries depends on the decisions of these nations.
3. They interfere and force the UNO to accept their opinions.
4. There will be no chance to the developing countries to raise their voice.
5. Write about the features of Cold War.
A. Features of Cold War:
1. During 1945-1991, Cold War was fought between USSR and USA.
2. It was a war in which principle contenders did not physically attack each other or fight each other
directly, and hence, it was not hot war.
3. Instead, it was fought behind closed doors through propaganda and words.
4. It is called the Cold War simply because of the absence of a real fighting as in traditional wars.
5. This was characterized by intense tension between the USSR and USA.
6. Cold war influenced and shaped everything that happened in the world during 1945-1991.
6. How the super powers benefited by military alliances?
A. Formation of military alliances – benefited the super powers to gain access to ……..
1. The vital resources like oil and minerals.
2. Markets for their products and places to safety invest their capital.
3. Military bases to launch their troops and weapons.
4. Spread their ideology and
5. Gain economic support, to pay huge military expenses.
7. What is Non-Alignment Movement (NAM)? What are its objectives?
A. The newly independent countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America did not join either the power
blocs led by USA and USSR. They wanted to maintain an equidistant and independent position in
foreign affairs. This is called Non-Alignment Movement (NAM).
1. To promote cultural and economic cooperation among the NAM countries.
2. To decrease cold war tensions and insecure atmosphere.
3. Decolonization of countries.
8. What are the major concerns of first NAM summit?
A. The first NAM summit concerned the following:
1. Cooperation among the member nations of NAM most of them who had newly emerged as free
2. Growing Cold War tensions and its impact on the world at large.
3. Lastly to prevent any of the newly decolonized nations from joining any of the military blocs.
9. What was the main purpose of 1955 Bandung Conference?
A. 1. The newly independent countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America did not join either the power
blocs led by USA and USSR.
2. They wanted to maintain an equidistant and independent position in foreign affairs.
3. The leaders of these countries felt the need for change from the insecure and tense situation.
4. The heads of 29 Afro-Asian nations attended the Bandung Conference in 1955.
5. They decided to form an international organization called Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) for
the economic and cultural cooperation of newly independent nations.
10. How did the super powers react for the principles of Non-Alignment?
A. 1. The newly independent nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America formed the Non-Alignment
2. Non-interference of other’s internal affairs, mutual cooperation and solving problems through
discussions are some of the principles of Non-Alignment Movement.
3. The super powers – USA and USSR – look at NAM with suspicion.
4. US regard the NAM as being closer to the USSR on wider international issues.
11. Why non-aligned nations were called as Third Countries?
A. The newly independent countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America did not join either the power
blocks led by USA (First World) or USSR (Second World). They wanted to maintain an equidistant and
independent position in international affairs. They formed the Non-Alignment Movement. These
non-aligned countries -
1. Supported the liberation struggles of many countries.
2. Promoting the economic and cultural cooperation.
3. Decreasing the cold war tensions and its atmosphere to another world war.
4. Preventing the newly independent nations not to join the super powers.
So, these non-aligned countries are called ‘Third World Countries’.
12. Why West Asia became a centre of tensions in the world?
A. West Asia refers to the region between Europe and Asia.
1. In West Asia, conflicts arose between Arabs and Jews about the occupation of Palestine.
2. The Palestine was inhabited by Arabs.
3. The Jews traditionally considered that Palestine was their ‘Promised Land’ from where they had
been exiled in ancient times and pushed across Europe and Asia.
4. Jews started the Zionist Movement to unite the Jews spread across the world and regain
Palestine as their home land and build a separate state of Jews.
5. In 1946, the UNO intervened and created a separate state of Israel for Jews by dividing Palestine
into two parts.
6. But, the Arabs refused to recognize Israel as a legitimate state.
7. Egypt supported the Palestinians to regain their homeland. Israel attacked Egypt in 1956. In
1967, Arabs attacked Israel once again.
8. There were retaliation and counter retaliations between Egypt and Israel.
Thus, West Asia became a centre of tensions in the world.
13. Why do you think some Palestinians adopted the path of terrorism? What was its outcome?
A. 1. There were conflicts between Arabs and Jews on the occupation of Palestine.
2. The UNO intervened and divided Palestine into two parts – Arab and Jewish states. But, the Arabs
did not recognized Israel as a legitimate state.
3. Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed to regain the land it lost, without violence.
4. A fraction of PLO lead by Arafat carried out terrorist attacks like plane hijackings, holding hostage
the Israeli Olympic Squad at the Munich Olympics in 1972 and killing many of the sportsmen, etc.
5. Israel used such attacks by the Palestinians to mount further attacks on them and refused to
implement the promises it had made.
14. Find out about the condition of Palestinians who are living in refugee camps and constantly facing
warfare and poverty?
A. 1. The condition of Palestinians living in refugee camps is so pitiable.
2. They denied basic rights of living, lack of own houses, do not have citizenship and restricted in
work to do.
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7. Control of terrorism.
19. Why is peace between India and Pakistan necessary for the development of both the countries?
A. 1. Peace and security is essential for the development of any country.
2. If there is threat to peace the capitalists do not come forward to establish factories.
3. MNCs also do not invest in these countries.
4. So, being the developing countries, India and Pakistan need to end their conflicts.
5. They have to settle the disputed through discussions and mutual understanding.
20. What was the nature of shift in power in the world after World War?
A. 1. Due to ideological differences, after the World War-II, the world was divided into two power blocs.
2. USSR to promote the idea of equality and state controlled development formed the Communist
3. USA to promote the idea of multiparty democracy and private capitalist controlled process of
development formed Capitalist bloc.
4. The newly independent countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America formed into Non-Aligned
Nations (NAM) for the cultural and economic cooperation among them.
21. “Formation of NAM was not merely in the context of military alliances but also in the context of
economic policies”. Justify the answer.
A. 1. Yes, the formation of the Non-Alignment movement was to help one another in order to protect
their economic need.
2. The aim of NAM is to render help to all its members in strengthening the economic conditions of
3. The economic assistance is done among the countries when there are any natural calamities ro
support needed.
4. So, the formation of NAM was not merely in context of military alliances but also in the context of
economic policies.
4 Mark Questions
1. What are the reasons for the conflicts between Arabs and Israelites?
A. Reasons for the conflicts between Arabs and Israelites:
1. Jerusalem in Palestine is the holy city for Jew, Christians and Muslims alike. This was inhabited by
2. The Jews traditionally considered that Palestine as their ‘Promised Land’ from where they had
been exiled in ancient times and pushed across Europe and Asia.
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3. In Europe, they were a persecuted community as Christians considered them responsible for the
crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
4. Jews started the Zionist Movement to unite the Jews spread across the world and regain Palestine
as their homeland and build a separate state of Jews.
5. In 1946, United States intervened and created a separate state of Israel for Jews by dividing
Palestine into two parts.
6. But, the Arabs refused to recognize Israel as a legitimate state.
7. Egypt supported the Palestinians to regain their homeland. Israel attacked Egypt in 1956. In 1967,
Arabs attacked Israel once again.
8. There were retaliation and counter retaliations between Israel and Egypt.
Thus, conflicts arose between Arabs and Israelites.
2. What are the different roles done by UNO in order to build peace in the world?
A. The United Nations Organization from its inception in 1945 had played a very positive role in avoiding
quarrels and near wars and thus helped in preserving peace.
1. Succeeded in getting independence to Indonesia from the Dutch.
2. Solved the dispute in Palestine between Arabs and Jews and created separate state of Israel for
3. Stopped the aggression of North Korea over South Korea by military action.
4. Succeeded in averting war between England and Egypt over Suez Canal crisis.
5. When Pakistan restored to aggression over Kashmir, it intervened and tried to avert the war
between India and Pakistan.
6. It helped in Cyprus to avert conflict between Greeks and Turks.
7. It also helped about 40 nations in getting liberated from imperialist controls.
3. How did the Cold war produce arms as well as arms control?
A. 1. After the world war-II, the world was divided into two power blocs – one led by capitalist America
and another by communist Russia.
2. Cold war was fought between Russia and America behind closed doors through propaganda and
3. Suspecting war from others, every country began building arsenals of nuclear weapons.
4. It was feared that if a war broke out and nuclear weapons were used entire mankind would be
wiped out of the earth.
5. Slowly peace movements started in many countries. Massive protests took place against making
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Afghanistan …… Greece ……. Belgium ……. Congo …….. Latin America …….. Chile …… Czechoslovakia ….
Belgrade …… Palestine …… Jerusalem …….. Israel ……. Libya ….. Tibet …… Mc Mohan Line ….. Pakistan…