Bike Rental (Project)
Bike Rental (Project)
Bike Rental (Project)
1. Problem Statement
2. Data
2. Methodology
1. Data Preparation
2. Exploratory Data analysis
I. Distribution of categorical variable with target variable
2. Distribution of continuous variable with target variable
3. Distribution of continuous variables.
3. Missing Value Analysis
4. Outlier Detection
5. Outlier Removal
6. Feature Selection
7. Sampling
8. Modelling
9. Evaluation
3. Conclusion
4. Appendix A
Problem Statement
The objective of this Case is to Predication of bike rental count on daily based on the
environmental and seasonal settings. Using statistics we need to read the data and
develop a machine-learning algorithm to predict the number of bikes hired based
according to the given condition.
The data given has 731 rows and 16 columns which includes
Here our target is the cnt variable which is the count of no. of bikes hired. We can see
from the above data that cnt variable is the sum of casual and registered variables. The
casual represents casual no. of users who are random travellers and registered
represents the no. of users who are registered by the company as bike users.
Data preparation
We need to change the numerical value to the categorical value of the variable
season: Season
1: Spring
2: Summer
3: Fall
4: Winter
yr: Year
0: 2011
0: Working Day
1: Holiday
0: Holiday
1: Working Day
1: Clear, Few clouds, Partly cloudy, Partly cloudy
2: Mist + Cloudy, Mist + Broken clouds, Mist + Few clouds, Mist
3: Light Snow, Light Rain + Thunderstorm + Scattered clouds, Light Rain
4: Heavy Rain + Ice Pellets + Thunderstorm + Mist, Snow + Fog
And changing the variables to proper name to increase the readability of the data
season : Season
yr : Year
mnth : Month
holiday : Holiday
weekday : Weekday
workingday : Working Day
weathersit : Weather Condition
temp :Temperature
atemp : Feeling Temperature
hum : Humidity
windspeed : Wind Speed
casual : Casual Users
registered : Registered Users
cnt : Count
Fig. Bar graph showing the number of bikes (Count) hired season-wise based on
weather condition.
Fig. Bar graph showing the no. of bike hired yearly.
Fig. Bar graph showing no. of bikes hired month wise.
Fig. Bar graph showing no. of bikes hired weekly with separation based on weather the
day was a holiday or working day.
It is observed from these graphs that most of the bikes were hired in the fall season
followed by fall. Users were active when the sky was clear or with little rain. In 2012
there are more numbers of users, that is because of the increase in the number of
registered users.
Distribution of continuous variables
Here we can see the outliers in Humidity, Wind Speed and Casual Users.
Outlier Removal
Outliers can be removed Inter Quarentile Range. IQR is calculated with min and max
value of a variable. Any value outside the min and max is considered an outlier.
Feature Selection
Here we need to select the feature which is valuable for the prediction task. Any
variable with high collinearity should be discarded. From the above image, we can see
that Temperature and Feeling Temperature are highly correlated so dropping Feeling
Temperature. Also, Registered users is highly correlated and casual users is of no use so
dropping these two variables.
Split the dataset into 80 per cent training data and 20 per cent test data.
The target variable is continuous therefore the models should be regression type.
Tested with three algorithms:
1. Linear Regression
2. Decision Tree Regressor
3. Random Forest Regressor
For score evaluation below are calculated
1. Mean Absolute Error
2. Mean Squared Error
3. Mean Absolute Percentage Error
4. R squared value
And the value of these scores are:
1. Mean Absolute Error
a. LR : 24.75
b. DTR : 24.42
c. RFR : 21.72
2. Mean Squared Error
a. LR : 818.01
b. DTR : 867.84
c. RFR : 667.70
3. Mean Absolute Percentage Error
a. LR : 22.05
b. DTR : 23.09
c. RFR : 20.00
4. R Squared value
a. LR : 0.76
b. DTR : 0.73
c. RFR : 0.82
Calculation of the different scores tells us how often an algorithm can predict future
cases. These are the definition of how these scores evaluate on the data provided.
MAE measures the average magnitude of the errors in a set of predictions, without
considering their direction. It’s the average over the test sample of the absolute
differences between prediction and actual observation where all individual differences
have equal weight.
MSE is a quadratic scoring rule that also measures the average magnitude of the error.
MAPE is a measure of prediction accuracy It usually expresses accuracy as a percentage
and is defined by the formula.
R-squared is a statistical measure of how close the data are to the fitted regression line.
It is also known as the coefficient of determination, or the coefficient of multiple
determination for multiple regression.
So considering these different scores of evaluation and comparing them among
different algorithms it concludes that Random forest is the best fit for the dataset.
Appendix A
Distribution of categorical variable with the target variable
Fig. Bar graph showing the number of bikes (Count) hired season-wise based on
weather condition.
Fig. Bar graph showing the no. of bike hired yearly.
Fig. Bar graph showing no. of bikes hired month wise.
Fig. Bar graph showing no. of bikes hired weekly with separation based on weather the
day was a holiday or working day.
Distribution of continuous variables
Outlier detection
Fig. Boxplots for outlier detection
Feature Selection
Fig. Correlation matrix