Al Muntaqim
Al Muntaqim
Al Muntaqim
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The word Al Muntaqim is derived from the noun Intiqaam which means avenging or
retribution against someone. Allah punishes those who persist in revolting, those
who create disharmony and who tyrannise His creation. They are the ones who do not
have eiman and attribute partners to Allah. The best way to understand Al Muntaqim
is when we can see how Al Muntaqim manifests itself in the body. In the means for
its natural defence system when a germ violates the sanctity of the body it is Al
Muntaqim which provides the means to kill the germ as a penalty for the violation
and purge the body from it. Al Muntaqim therefore facilitates the removal of what
is bad, harmful or dangerous. The worst of all foes of humankind is really their
own insinuating selves, the part of the nafs which is within each and every one of
us. Allah gives time and occasion to realise and repent for wrong doing. He warns
with repeated warnings and He accepts excuses and delays punishment.
Repeat Ya Muntaqim to be victorious against your enemy. To remove a tyrant from
power, recite Ya Muntaqimu and Ya Qahhaar 1000x.
Home About Us
The word Al Muntaqim is derived from the noun Intiqaam which means avenging or
retribution against someone. Allah punishes those who persist in revolting, those
who create disharmony and who tyrannise His creation. They are the ones who do not
have eiman and attribute partners to Allah. The best way to understand Al Muntaqim
is when we can see how Al Muntaqim manifests itself in the body. In the means for
its natural defence system when a germ violates the sanctity of the body it is Al
Muntaqim which provides the means to kill the germ as a penalty for the violation
and purge the body from it. Al Muntaqim therefore facilitates the removal of what
is bad, harmful or dangerous. The worst of all foes of humankind is really their
own insinuating selves, the part of the nafs which is within each and every one of
us. Allah gives time and occasion to realise and repent for wrong doing. He warns
with repeated warnings and He accepts excuses and delays punishment.
Repeat Ya Muntaqim to be victorious against your enemy. To remove a tyrant from
power, recite Ya Muntaqimu and Ya Qahhaar 1000x.
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The word Al Muntaqim is derived from the noun Intiqaam which means avenging or
retribution against someone. Allah punishes those who persist in revolting, those
who create disharmony and who tyrannise His creation. They are the ones who do not
have eiman and attribute partners to Allah. The best way to understand Al Muntaqim
is when we can see how Al Muntaqim manifests itself in the body. In the means for
its natural defence system when a germ violates the sanctity of the body it is Al
Muntaqim which provides the means to kill the germ as a penalty for the violation
and purge the body from it. Al Muntaqim therefore facilitates the removal of what
is bad, harmful or dangerous. The worst of all foes of humankind is really their
own insinuating selves, the part of the nafs which is within each and every one of
us. Allah gives time and occasion to realise and repent for wrong doing. He warns
with repeated warnings and He accepts excuses and delays punishment.
Repeat Ya Muntaqim to be victorious against your enemy. To remove a tyrant from
power, recite Ya Muntaqimu and Ya Qahhaar 1000x.