Pe Lesson Plan Teachers Name: Lachlan Hennig

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PE LESSON PLAN Teachers Name: Lachlan Hennig

Date: Topic:
27/05/2019 Physical Education – Table Tennis
Year Level: Performance Description:
10 By the end of this lesson, students will understand the rules and regulations
involved in table tennis and be developing their serving skill.

Learning Intentions:
Content Descriptors:
- Rules and
- Serving (ACPMP099) – Provide and apply feedback to develop and refine
As a result of actively engaging
specialised movement skills in a range of challenging movement
in this lesson students will situations.

• Understand (Concepts):
(ACPMP101) – Develop, implement and evaluate movement
Understand the rules and
concepts and strategies for successful outcomes with and without
regulations in table tennis. equipment.

Understand the ‘legal’ sequence

in a table tennis serve in singles (ACPMP103) – Demonstrate and explain how the elements of
and doubles. effort, space, time, objects and people when composing movement
• Know (Facts):

Know the rules and regulations

(first to 11, 2 serves each)

Know what is allowed when

serving the ball.

• Do (Be able to):

Be able to play a game using the

correct rules and regulations.

Be able to practically implement

the correct serve with variation.

Lachlan Hennig Table Tennis Unit Student ID: 2165587

Safety Considerations: Consideration for Equipment requirements:
students with special
needs or abilities:
• Demonstrate correct set up • Table Tennis Tables
and pack away procedure • Bats
before students start bringing The only
• Whistle/s
out tables themselves. consideration is for
• Ensure all students are students who are • Whiteboard for lesson outline
wearing appropriate footwear gifted and talented
in the sport of table
• Ensure all students are
wearing appropriate clothing
• Have these
• Check the playing area for
students assist in
any hazards coaching, they can
• Give them appropriate umpire and help
breaks during play for a drink coach one court
of water whilst you coach the
• Number off the table tennis other court
bats so students are • These students can
accountable for their bat over also have more
the course of the unit. complex tasks
(smaller area on the
table to aim for)
(only get 1 point for
every 2 points they
win) etc
Time: Introduction to Task (Routine matters/Statement of learning Outcome/Connection to previous

Tactical Problem: How to use serve variations as an attacking strategy.

Lesson Focus: Serving improvement

State learning outcome to students: The learning outcome is that students will know the rules
and regulations in a game of table tennis, and know what is allowed and what is not allowed
when serving the ball. We will develop our serving skill with different game type drills.

Relate this learning outcome to the learning outcome of the previous lesson: The first lesson we
looked at the basic grip. We are now expanding on that to introduce the serve using that same
grip, whilst implementing different serving strategies.

Lachlan Hennig Table Tennis Unit Student ID: 2165587

Time: Main learning Task/s (Task Key questions/Cues

1st Task:

Discuss Rules and Regulations

Mini tournament
 Go through the rules and
regulations in table tennis
 Allocate bats to students
after this

2nd Task:
10 Serve in a bucket game
Min  Students in groups of 3 take Questions/Cues:
it in turns on having 5 serves C. Walk around and look at students grip and trajectory of
into the bucket keeping score the ball.
on how many they get in.
C. Walk around tables and assist where necessary
 Once everyone has had there
shot, go around and change
up where the bucket it.

3rd Task:
Groups of 3 King of the Court Questions/Cues:
 Have students in groups of 3 Q. Did changing where we served the ball help set up the
play point?

4th Task:
Pool A Questions/Cues:
Serve to hit the sticky note game C. Go around the room and ensure all students are serving
10 legally.
Pool B
Min C. Bring groups in separately and have them discuss how
Serve to hit the cone game
they went

5th Task:
Remaining Questions/Cues:
In their Pools, Students play king
Time Q. Why is adding variation to our serves effective?
of the court tournament

Lachlan Hennig Table Tennis Unit Student ID: 2165587

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