2016 1098-MORT MORTGAGE 4868 WellsFargo
2016 1098-MORT MORTGAGE 4868 WellsFargo
2016 1098-MORT MORTGAGE 4868 WellsFargo
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. may not be fully deductible by OMB No. MORTGAGE
01/01/17 you. Limits based on the loan
Return Mail Operations
amount and the cost and value
1545-0901 INTEREST
PO Box 14411
Des Moines IA 50306-3411
of the secured property may
apply. Also, you may only
deduct interest to the extent it
was incurred by you, actually Form
paid by you, and not 1098
We accept telecommunications relay service calls. reimbursed by another person. Copy B
Phone #: 1-800-222-0238 For Payer
Fax #: 1-866-278-1179 CORRECTED (if checked) RECIPIENT Federal Identification no.
94-1347393 The information in boxes
PAYER/BORROWER'S taxpayer identification no. 1 through 9 is important
PAYER/BORROWER'S name, street address, city, state and ZIP code tax information and is
XXX-XX-4889 being furnished to the
1 Mortgage Interest received from Internal Revenue Service.
If you are required to file
payer(s)/borrower(s) $4,054.77 a return, a negligence
WILLIAM J WEBER 2 Outstanding mortgage 3 Mortgage penalty or other sanction
415 KERRWOOD DR may be imposed on you if
principal as of 1/1/2016 origination date
the IRS determines that
WAYNE, PA 19087-2133 $294,036.54 08/27/2014 an underpayment of tax
4 Refund of overpaid 5 Mortgage insurance results because you
interest premiums overstated a deduction for
$0.00 $0.00 the mortgage interest or
for these points, reported
6 Points paid on purchase of principal residence in boxes 1 and 6; or
$0.00 because you did not
report the refund of
7 The address of the property securing the mortgage interest (box 4); or
will be entered in box 8 and may be the same as because you claimed a
PAYER/BORROWER's address. non-deductible item.
See box 8 or 9 below.
Form 1098 SEE BACK SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION (Keep for your records.) Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Please consult a Tax Advisor about the deductibility of any payments made by you or others.
If you have questions about your loan, you can use the number listed at the top of this statement.
By selecting one of the options listed, you can receive information regarding:
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., believes Customers come first. You can always count on us
to provide the excellent service you've come to expect.
Retain This 1098 With Your Important Tax Records
Please consult a Tax Advisor about the deductibility of any payments made by you or others.
Account number. May show an account or other unique number the Box 7. The property address securing the mortgage and the borrower’s/Payer’s
lender has assigned to distinguish your account. mailing address will both be entered on the form 1098.
Box 1. Shows the mortgage interest received by the recipient/lender Box 8. This is the address of the property securing the mortgage.
during the year. This amount includes interest on any obligation secured Box 9. This is the description of the property securing the mortgage, if box 7 is
by real property, including a home equity, line of credit, or credit card not checked and box 8 is not completed.
loan. This amount does not include points, government subsidy payments,
or seller payments on a “buydown” mortgage. Such amounts are Box 10. The dollar amount located in the Box is the tax amount we paid on your
deductible by you only in certain circumstances. Caution: If you prepaid behalf, as billed to us by your local taxing authority, and may include items other
interest in 2016 that accrued in full by January 15, 2017, this prepaid than “Real Estate Taxes". Please consult with a tax advisor on the deductibility, as
interest may be included in box 1. However, you cannot deduct the prepaid we do not report this amount to the IRS.
amount in 2016 even though it may be included in box 1. If you hold a
mortgage credit certificate and can claim the mortgage interest credit, see Future developments. For the latest information about developments related
Form 8396. If the interest was paid on a mortgage, home equity, line of to Form 1098 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were
credit, or credit card loan secured by your personal residence, you may be published, go to www.irs.gov/form1098.
subject to a deduction limitation.
account to credit bureaus. You have the right to dispute the accuracy of the information reported by writing us at the
Correspondence Address noted on the front of this statement.