Correlation Between Aggregate Crushing Value of Coarse Aggregate and Compressive Strength of Concrete

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Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-23 December 2016, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Islam, Imam, Ali, Hoque, Rahman and Haque (eds.)



M. Nishat1*, Z. M. Dalia1 & R. Ahsan2

Department of Civil Engineering, Presidency University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka,
Corresponding Author: [email protected]

Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) is an index of loss of coarse aggregate (CA) under sustained loading.
However, ACV is not considered in concrete mix design according to ACI 211.1(ACI 211.1, 2009). In
this paper effect of ACV of CA on compressive strength of concrete has been explored. Coarse
Aggregate was collected from five different sources. Concrete mix design was conducted for target
strengths of 3000, 4000 and 5000 psi according to ACI. Total 135Concrete cylinders were tested for
compressive strength at 7, 14 and 28 days. ACV test for each type of Coarse aggregate was performed.
Achieved strength Vs. ACV was plotted for each sample. It is observed that, compressive strength is
inversely related to the ACV. Higher strength concrete is more dependent on ACV. To achieve target
strength at 28 days, ACV should be less than 30, 29, and 28 for 3000 psi, 4000 psi and 5000 psi

Keywords: Aggregate crushing value; compressive strength; target strength; mix design

Concrete is a versatile engineering material consisting of cementing substance, aggregates, water and
often controlled amount of entrained air. It is initially a plastic, workable mixture which develops
strength from hydration due to reaction between cement and water. Concrete is said to be as man-made
rock. Reason behind its popularity is its high strength, fire resistance, durability and workability.
Compressive strength of concrete is the most important property of concrete. This property depends on
various factors (constituting material properties and their proportion, method of preparation, curing, test
condition). Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) is one of the important properties of coarse aggregate.
ACV gives a relative measure of resistance to crushing under gradually applied compressive load. Thus
ACV is inversely related to strength of coarse aggregate.
In concrete pavement design ACV of coarse aggregate is given much importance. In concrete mix
design ACV of coarse aggregate is not considered. ACV may have effect on the strength gaining of
The objective of the study is to observe the variation of compressive strength of concrete with different
coarse aggregates, the variation of aggregate crushing value of different coarse aggregates, strength
gain of concrete with time for different coarse aggregates and to establish a relation between aggregate
crushing value of coarse aggregate and compressive strength of concrete.
In the study, Portland Composite Cement (PCC) has not been used. Only Ordinary Portland Cement
(OPC) has been used. Same type of fine aggregate has been used for all tests. Admixture has not been
used for concrete mix.

Concrete cylinder test was performed in the laboratory using cylindrical molds (4”× 8”) according to
ASTM standard C 470(ASTM C470, 2009).Total 135 concrete cylinders were tested. Five different CA
samples were collected from different sources named Fazilpur, Meghalaya, Volagonj, Priggable and
Aluvutu. Two sizes of aggregates were used. One is ½” and the other is ¾”. Total fifteen sets of mix
design was conducted using the five samples of aggregate for three different target strength 3000 psi,

Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-23 December 2016, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Islam, Imam, Ali, Hoque, Rahman and Haque (eds.)

4000 psi, 5000psi. The process of concrete mix design and determination of Aggregate Crushing Value
according to ACI 211.1(ACI 211.1, 2009) and BS 812-110 standards (BS 812-110, 2009)was used in
our project work respectively. For ACI mix design procedure required material information are Sieve
analyses of both fine and coarse aggregates (ASTM C136, 2006), unit weight (ASTM C29, 2009),
specific gravities, and absorption capacities of fine aggregates (ASTM C128, 2009) and coarse
aggregates (ASTM C127, 2007).

Properties of coarse aggregate

The aggregate properties that were determined during the study are given in the following Table.

Table 1: Properties of Coarse Aggregates of Five Sources

Properties of Aggregate Name of Aggregate
Meghalaya Fazilpur Volagonj Priggable Aluvutu
Bulk Specific Gravity(OD Basis) 2.6 2.5 2.6 2.52 2.52
Bulk specific Gravity(SSD Basis) 2.67 2.6 2.64 2.6 2.6
Apparent Specific Gravity 2.79 2.76 2.71 2.73 2.74
Absorption Capacity (%) 2.6 3.7 1.6 3.2 3.2
Unit weight (kg/ m3) 1480 1560 1560 1690 1700
Moisture content (%) 1.197 3.17 0.42 1.24 2.98
Aggregate Crushing Value(ACV) 23 24 23 30 26


In this study, compressive strength and ACV of various samples has been determined. The results are
shown in Figures 1 to 3.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-23 December 2016, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Islam, Imam, Ali, Hoque, Rahman and Haque (eds.)

Fig. 1 shows that, Compressive strength has an inverse relationship with the ACV. It also shows that all
stones have reached 3000 psi in 28 days. Aluvutu, Fazilpur and Volagonj have reached greater than the
target strength 3000 psi. To achieve 3000 psi, ACV should be less than 30.
Fig. 2 shows that, all the stones except Priggable have reached strength beyond 4000 psi in 28 days. For
4000 psi, deviation from the points of the curve is lesser than that of 3000 psi strength curve. To achieve
4000 psi, ACV should be less than 29.
Fig. 3 shows that, all the stones except Priggable have reached strength beyond 5000 psi in 28 days. For
5000 psi, deviation from the points of the curve is lesser than that of 4000 psi strength curve. To achieve
5000 psi, ACV should be less than 28.

Differences in Pattern in Strength Gain of Concrete with Time

Strength gain of concrete cylinders at 7, 14 and 28 days have been shown in the same graph for 3000
psi, 4000 psi and 5000 psi.

Fig. 4 Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 4 shows that, with the increase of time, the nature of graph tends to be more erratic. Fig. 5 shows
that, the curves at 7, 14 and 28 day follow almost similar pattern. Fig. 6 shows that, the curves at 7, 14
day follow almost similar pattern. But the 28 day curve is slightly of different pattern.
From Fig. 5 to 6, it is observed that-
 Graphs for 3000 psi and 4000 psi strengths are more erratic in nature than 5000 psi strength.
 Though Volagonj and Meghalaya have same ACV, but they have different compressive

This study gives a general scenario of strength development characteristics of concrete for different
coarse aggregates having different ACV. It can be expected that these findings will be useful for
construction of concrete structure.

Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, 21-23 December 2016, CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Islam, Imam, Ali, Hoque, Rahman and Haque (eds.)

Observing the obtained experimental results for concrete with different coarse aggregate having
different ACV, the following conclusion can be drawn:
 Higher strength (4000 psi & 5000 psi) concrete is more dependent on ACV than lower strength
(3000 psi).
 To achieve 3000 psi, 4000 psi and 5000 psi strength at 28days, concrete should have coarse
aggregate having ACV less than 30, 29 and 28 respectively.
 For higher strength concrete, differences between strengths for various coarse aggregate are
decreased. So Compressive Strength Vs ACV curve is smoother for higher strength concrete.
 For 7days, all the samples have achieved 65% of target strength.
 For 14days, all the samples have achieved 90% of target strength for 3000 psi target strength.
But in case of 4000 psi and 5000 psi target strength, only Priggable could not achieve 90% of
target strength.

Thanks to Almighty Allah for His graciousness, unlimited kindness and with the blessings of whom the
good deeds are fulfilled.
We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to all who have contributed to the study especially:
 Our thesis supervisor, Dr. Raquib Ahsan, professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BUET
 Concrete lab assistants of Department of Civil Engineering, BUET
 Our parents and family
 NDE, the aggregate supplier
 The Civil Department of BUET

American Concrete Institute (ACI). 2009.Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal
Heavy Weight and Mass Concrete, ACI 211.1
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2009. Standard Specification for Molds for
Forming Concrete Test Cylinders Vertically, ASTM C470.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2006. Standard Test Method for Sieve Analysis of
Fine and Coarse Aggregate, ASTM C136.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2003. Standard Test Method for Bulk Density
(“Unit Weight”) and Voids in Aggregate, ASTM C29.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2007. Standard Test Method for Density,
Relative Density and Absorption of Fine Aggregate, ASTM C128.
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 2007. Standard Test Method for Density,
Relative Density and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate, ASTM C127.
British Standards (BS). 2009. Testing Aggregates-Methods for Determination of Aggregate Crushing
Value (ACV), BS 812-110.


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