Azure 103 HandBook

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The document discusses various ways to manage Azure subscriptions and resources including managing resource groups, role-based access control, and analyzing utilization and consumption.

The main topics covered include managing Azure subscriptions and resources, analyzing Azure utilization and consumption, managing resource groups, role-based access control, and implementing multi-factor authentication.

Some ways to implement multi-factor authentication discussed in the document include cloud-based MFA, server settings, and applying it to users using conditional access.

Preparation Handbook

Eng. Abdulhadi Bakhash

[email protected]

Version 1.0

1/10/2019 Utrecht

1 Manage Azure subscriptions and resources (15 -20%) ................................................................. 1
1.1 Manage Azure Subscription ..........................................................................................................1
Azure Account, Manage Group, Tenant and Subscriptions...................................................1
Azure Deployment Models: ...................................................................................................2
Assign Administrative Permissions ........................................................................................2
Configure Cost Center Quotas and Tagging...........................................................................3
Configure Subscription Policies .............................................................................................4
Scripting: ................................................................................................................................5
PowerShell Basics ..................................................................................................................6
Azure CLI ................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Analyse Azure Utilization and Consumption:................................................................................7
Configure Diagnostic setting on Resources ...........................................................................7
Create baseline for resources ..............................................................................................11
Create Action Group ............................................................................................................13
Create and test Alert............................................................................................................13
Analyse metrics across subscription ....................................................................................14
Logs in Azure Monitor ..........................................................................................................15
Monitor Spend .....................................................................................................................16
Azure Advisor .......................................................................................................................16
Utilize Log Search query functions: .....................................................................................17
View Alerts in Log Analytics .................................................................................................18
Spending ..............................................................................................................................18
1.3 Manage Resource Group ............................................................................................................18
Use Azure policies for resource groups ...............................................................................19
Configure Resource Locks ....................................................................................................19
Move resources Across resources groups ...........................................................................20
Remove A resource Group ...................................................................................................20
1.4 Manage Role- Based Access Control (RBAC) ...............................................................................21
Build A custom Roles ...........................................................................................................21
Configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles .....................................................22
Assign a user as an administrator of a subscription ............................................................23
Configure management access to Azure .............................................................................23

1.5 Exam Questions for Part 1: .........................................................................................................24
2 Implement and manage storage (15-20%) ................................................................................ 24
2.1 Create and configure storage accounts ......................................................................................24
Configure network access to the storage account ..............................................................26
Generate Shared Access Signature (SAS) ............................................................................27
Install and use Azure Storage Explorer ................................................................................28
Manage access keys .............................................................................................................28
Monitor activity log by using Log Analytics .........................................................................28
Implement Azure storage replication ..................................................................................29
2.2 Import and export data to Azure ................................................................................................30
Create export from Azure job ..............................................................................................31
Use Azure Data Box..............................................................................................................32
Blob Storage .........................................................................................................................33
Configure Azure content delivery network (CDN) endpoints ..............................................35
2.3 Configure Azure file:....................................................................................................................36
Create Azure file share: .......................................................................................................36
Azure file sync: .....................................................................................................................37
2- Azure File Sync troubleshooting .................................................................................................38
2.4 Implement Azure Backup ............................................................................................................38
Configure and review backup reports: ................................................................................39
Perform Backup operation ..................................................................................................40
Create Recovery service vault..............................................................................................41
Backup policy .......................................................................................................................42
Perform a restore operation:...............................................................................................42
On-premises Backup: ...........................................................................................................42
The Microsoft Azure Restore Service (MARS) agent ...........................................................42
AzCopy Command Line Interface.........................................................................................43
2.5 Virtual Machine Storage: ............................................................................................................43
2.6 Table storage ...............................................................................................................................44
2.7 Queue Storage: ...........................................................................................................................45
3 Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) (15-20%) .............................................................. 46
3.1 Create and configure a VM for Windows and Linux ...................................................................46
Create a virtual Machine .....................................................................................................46

Configure high availability, Windows, Linux ........................................................................47
Monitoring, Networking, and Virtual machine size .............................................................49
Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) .......................................................................................54
3.2 Automate deployment of VMs ...................................................................................................55
Create VM in PowerShell .....................................................................................................55
Start and Stop a VM in PowerShell ......................................................................................55
Modify Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template .............................................................55
configure location of new VMs ............................................................................................58
Configure VHD template ......................................................................................................59
Deploy from template .........................................................................................................59
Save a deployment as an ARM template.............................................................................60
Deploy Windows and Linux VMs .........................................................................................60
3.3 Manage Azure VM.......................................................................................................................60
Add Data Disk to VM ............................................................................................................60
Add Network interface to the VM .......................................................................................61
PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) ....................................................................62
Automate Configuration Management with VM agent using Custom Script Extension.....64
manage VM sizes; move VMs from one resource group to another ..................................65
Redeploy VM........................................................................................................................66
3.4 Manage VM backups ...................................................................................................................66
configure VM backup ...........................................................................................................66
Define backup policies .........................................................................................................67
Restore a Virtual Machine ...................................................................................................68
Azure Site Recovery .............................................................................................................69
4 Configure and Manage a Virtual Network (30-35%) .................................................................. 70
4.1 Create connectivity between Virtual Networks (VNET to VNET)................................................71
Create and configure VNET to VNET ....................................................................................72
Create and configure VNET peering ....................................................................................74
Verify virtual network connectivity .....................................................................................75
Create virtual network gateway ..........................................................................................76
4.2 Implement and manage virtual networking ...............................................................................77
Configure private and public IP addresses ..........................................................................77
Configure network routes:...................................................................................................78

Network interface (NIC) .......................................................................................................80
Configure Subnets................................................................................................................81
Configure Virtual Network ...................................................................................................82
4.3 Configure name resolution .........................................................................................................83
Understanding DNSs ............................................................................................................83
Configure Azure DNS ...........................................................................................................84
Configure private and public DNS zones .............................................................................85
Configure custom DNS settings ...........................................................................................86
4.4 Create and configure a Network Security Group (NSG) .............................................................88
Application Security Group (ASG) ........................................................................................88
Create security rules ............................................................................................................89
associate NSG to a subnet or network interface .................................................................91
identify required ports .........................................................................................................91
evaluate effective security rules ..........................................................................................91
4.5 Implement Azure load balancer ..................................................................................................91
General Understanding........................................................................................................91
Configure internal load balancer .........................................................................................92
Configure load balancing rules ............................................................................................93
configure public load balancer ............................................................................................93
Configure Frontend IP ..........................................................................................................93
4.6 Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking............................................................................94
Monitor on-premises connectivity ......................................................................................94
Network Watcher: ...............................................................................................................95
Monitoring tools in Portal....................................................................................................96
4.7 Integrate on premises network with Azure virtual network ......................................................98
Hybrid cloud .........................................................................................................................98
Create and configure Azure VPN Gateway, .......................................................................100
Create and configure site to site VPN ................................................................................102
Configure Express Route ....................................................................................................103
Network Watcher - VPN troubleshoot ..............................................................................104
5 Manage Identities: (15 -20%).................................................................................................. 105
5.1 Manage Azure Active Directory (AAD) ......................................................................................105
Azure Active Directory (AAD).............................................................................................105

Add Custom Domains: .......................................................................................................107
Azure AD Join .....................................................................................................................108
Configure self-service password reset (SSPR) ...................................................................109
Manage multiple directories .............................................................................................111
Configure Azure AD Identity Protection (AAD-IP) .............................................................111
Access Reviews ..................................................................................................................113
5.2 Manage Azure AD objects (users, groups, and devices) ...........................................................114
Azure Roles type ................................................................................................................114
Create users and groups ....................................................................................................115
manage user and group properties ...................................................................................116
manage device settings .....................................................................................................117
Perform Bulk User Updates: ..............................................................................................117
Manage guest accounts .....................................................................................................118
5.3 Implement and manage hybrid identities.................................................................................118
install Azure AD Connect ...................................................................................................119
Password hash synchronization with Azure AD ................................................................121
Azure Active Directory Pass-through Authentication........................................................122
federation with Azure AD ..................................................................................................123
Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) .....................................................124
Manage Azure AD Connect ................................................................................................126
manage password sync and password writeback .............................................................126
5.4 Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) .........................................................................128
Configure user accounts for MFA ......................................................................................128
enable MFA by using bulk update .....................................................................................129
configure fraud alerts ........................................................................................................129
Configure bypass options ..................................................................................................130
Configure Trusted IPs and configure verification methods ..............................................130
6 Hands-on Labs ....................................................................................................................... 131
7 References ............................................................................................................................. 131

1 Manage Azure subscriptions and resources (15 -20%)
1.1 Manage Azure Subscription
Azure Account, Manage Group, Tenant and Subscriptions1

- Azure Account is the email and password that allow you to login into Azure.
- An Azure account is a user identity, one or more Azure subscriptions, and an associated
set of Azure resources.
- The person who creates the account is the Account Administrator for all subscriptions
created in that account. That person is also the default Service Administrator for the
- Azure subscriptions help you organize access to Azure resources.
- Each subscription can have a different billing and payment setup, so you can have
different subscriptions and different plans by office, department, project, and so on.
- Every service belongs to a subscription, and the subscription ID may be required for
programmatic operations.
- Multiple subscriptions can trust the same Active directory,
but each subscription trusts only one Active directory.
- A Tenant is a dedicated Azure AD service instance that an
organization receives and owns when it signs up for a
Microsoft cloud service such as Azure, Microsoft Intune, or Office 365.
- Each Azure AD tenant is distinct and separate from other Azure AD tenants.
- A tenant is an instance of Azure Active Directory. is an
example of a tenant.
- Billing for Azure services is done on a per-subscription basis. If your account is the only
account associated with a subscription, then you are responsible for billing.
- Azure AD is identity system for Microsoft business services.
- If you create a subscription with a personal account, an Azure AD tenant is created for
- Subscriptions can be transferred between Azure AD tenants.


Azure Deployment Models2:

- There are two way to deploy your resources is Azure: The Classic and the Resource
Manager Model.
- For this exam (Azure 103) and due to MS recommendations, we are only interested in
Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Deployment Model.
- In classic Model, each resource is independent, no way to group resources.
- In ARM Model, you can use Resource Group to group all the dependent resources
- Terminology:
i. Resource: The Azure service that you create: VM, VNet …
ii. Resource Group: Container that hold the related resources for an Azure solution.
iii. Resource Provider: A service that supply the resources: Microsoft.compute,
iv. Resource Manager Template: A Java Script Object Notation (JSON) file that define
azure resources.
- You can't unregister a resource provider when you still have resource types from that
resource provider in your subscription.
- The resources in a Resource Group can allocated in different regions. But each resource
can only be a member in one resource group.
- In PowerShell, to list all the available resource provider:
i. Get-AzResourceProvider -ListAvailable
ii. Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.compute
- Bu using a JSON file you can deploy the whole Azure Solution together, whereas in the
PowerShell or Power CLI you need to deploy each resource individually.
- : here you can find many prebuild
JSON file for Azure solutions.

Assign Administrative Permissions3


- We need to distinguish between the role granted to the user through the Directory
rules in the Azure AD and the RBAC roles for granting administrative permissions to the
- Granting Directory Rules:
i. Add users/Guest users to Azure AD and give them through Directory Role the Global
Administrative roles.
ii. All users’ names in the Azure AD will be formed like:
[email protected].
you can add you own domain name by using: Add custom domain feature within the
Azure AD blade.
iii. Giving a user the role of Global Administrator and then the owner
1. Owner User → AD → New User → Add roles → Global Administrator

2. From the new User Account→ AD → Probertites → Yes (Access management for
Azure resources) 4

- RBAC roles:
i. Subscription → Access control (IAM) → Add → Role (Owner) for the wanted user.

Configure Cost Center Quotas and Tagging5

- The most used ways to manage costs in Azure:

i. Filters inside Subscription → Cost Analysis → Resource groups
ii. Filters inside Subscription → Cost Analysis →Tag


iii. Multiple Subscriptions
- Tag is used to logically organize resources for billing purpose: the form of the tag is:
[Name] : [Value]
- You could add a policy to force adding tags to Subscriptions and Resource groups.

Configure Subscription Policies6

- Azure Policy is a service in Azure used to create, assign and manage policies.
- These policies will enforce rules to the resources to stay compliant with the corporate
standard. Examples:
i. Allow only a certain SKU size of virtual machines in your environment
ii. Ensure that all SQL servers use version 12.0
iii. Restrict the locations to use when deploying resources
iv. Enforce resource tagging,
v. Allow creation of the resources only within West Europe.
- After applying a Policy, azure will evaluate the whole subscription and exam the
procreated resources to evaluate their compliant and will prevent any new resources to
be created without the complaint to the new policy. Evaluations happen about once an


- A policy can only assigned to Management groups, subscription and resource group
- From Policy Definition → Build in/Custom policies (currently 294 policy)

- Apply multiple policies and aggregate policy states with policy initiative
- Each Policy has its own Parameters that need to be assigned.
- The policy evaluation needs around one hour.
- And if the compliance blade did not give a report, make sure that the subscription is
registered to: Microsoft.policyInsight resource provider:
i. Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.policyInsights
ii. Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.PolicyInsights
- You could use the built-in policies or great your own policy:
i. In PS
1. To defined a Policy: New-AzPolicyDefinition …
2. To Assign a Policy : New-AzPolicyAssignment …
ii. In Bash (CLI)
1. To defined a Policy: az policy definition create …
2. To Assign a Policy : az policy assignment create …
- When a Policy is evaluated, the Disable effect is evaluated first to decide whether the
rule should be evaluated afterwards.


- There are many ways for scripting in Azure

i. Cloud Shell
ii. PowerShell Az
iii. Bash /CLI
iv. JSON for template

- In both PowerShell and CLI, you need to download the Azure model inside them.
i. Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber
ii. Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Force
- Updating the Az is not possible, so to get the latest update, you need to reinstall.
- CLI command works in PowerShell and Cloud Shell

PowerShell Basics7

- If you already have AzureRM Modules installed on your computer, you’ll need to
uninstall the existing AzureRM Modules before installing the new AZ Modules, as the
modules cannot function side-by-side.
- To connect to Azure from PS:
- Connect-AzAccount
- For VM
- Get-AZ VM (New/Remove…)
- For VNet
- Get-AZVirtualNetwrok (New/Remove…)
- Get-AZVirtualNetwrokSubnetConfig (New/Remove…)

Azure CLI8

- Azure CLI is cross-platform tool available for Windows, OSX and Linux
- For VM
i. Az vm list / create/delete …
- For VNet
i. Az network vent list / create/delete …
ii. Az network vent subnet list / create/delete …


1.2 Analyse Azure Utilization and Consumption:
- Azure Monitor collects and aggregates data from a variety of sources into a common
data platform where it can be used for analysis, visualization, and alerting.

- Data platform is Storage and we have 4 types of storage in Azure Storage Account:
i. Blobs
ii. Files
iii. Tables
iv. Queues
- Storage analytics metrics are available for blobs, files, tables, and queues.
- Storage analytics logging are available for blobs, tables, and queues.
- All metrics data is written by the services of a storage account. As a result, each write
operation performed by Storage Analytics is billable.
- By default, storage analytics retention is set to zero (0) days. This means storage metrics
and logs are kept indefinitely and you are responsible for cleaning up the storage.

Configure Diagnostic setting on Resources9


- Azure Resource logs are platform logs emitted by Azure resources that describe their
internal operation.
- All resource logs share a common top-level schema with the flexibility for each service to
emit unique properties for their own events.
- Resource logs are automatically generated by supported Azure resources, but they aren't
collected unless you configure them using a diagnostic setting.
- Create a diagnostic setting for each Azure resource to forward the logs to the following
Destination Scenario
Log Analytics Analyze the logs with other monitoring data and leverage Azure
workspace Monitor features such as log queries and log alerts.
Azure storage
Archive the logs for auditing or backup.
Event hub
Stream the logs to third-party logging and telemetry systems.

- Resource logs were previously known as diagnostic logs.

- Resource logs Vs Activity logs:
i. Activity logs: provide information about the operations on a resource from the outside.
ii. Resource logs: provides information about the operation in the resource from the
- To collect the Diagnostic Log, we need to turn on the diagnostic setting feature from the
resource blade.
- Retrieving Diagnostic data differ between Azure resources, we will cover three different
i. Storage Account → Diagnostic logs
ii. Web App service → App service logs
iii. Virtual Machine → Diagnostic logs

- From Storage account blade:
Diagnostic settings (classic) →
i. We can diagnose metrics
data and logging data for
Blob, Table and Queue.
ii. For the File properties, we
can only diagnose the
metric data.
iii. Metric information is
captured within the table
storage in the same storage account.
iv. From storage account → Overview → Tables. here you can’t see the metric data
because Azure portal does not show data for metric data. You need to install Azure
Storage Explorer.

v. The Logs information is captured within the Blob storage. And also, you only can see it
through the Azure Storage Explorer.

- To recap: In Storage Account:

i. Metric data is storage in Tables, can be only seen in Azure Storage Explorer
ii. Logs data is storage in Blobs, can be only seen in Azure Storage Explorer

- From Web App service blade → App service logs →
i. Web App service is PaaS.
ii. We can capture both the Application and Web server
logging. And for both of them the storage type should be
1. Blob storage is uses for keeping history
2. File system is used for streaming logging.
iii. One of the options in the Access level of the Application logging is Verbose, which
means that you want to capture the whole information.

iv. You can see the logs information through the Log Stream feature within the Web App
- From Virtual Machine blade → Diagnostic setting

i. Azure Monitoring collects two levels of metrics:

1. Host-level metrics: Done by default, like CPU utilization, disk and network
usage – for all virtual machines without any additional software.

2. Guest-level metrics: For more insight into VM, you can collect, logs, and
other diagnostic data using the Azure Diagnostics agent. You can also
send diagnostic data to other services like Application Insights.
ii. We need to install the Azure Diagnostic agent on the Virtual machine to enable the
VM’s Guest-level metrics diagnostic in Azure.
iii. The Diagnostic require a storage account that cost money.
iv. Performance counters:

v. Logs: Similar to Windows Event logs in the Windows Systems:

vi. Crash Dump: To investigate the context of the memory and other advanced metrics, its
disabled by default.
vii. Sink: External services, like Application Insights.
- From Monitor service, you could check the Virtual Machine from Insight→ Virtual Machines
on the left side of the blade.

Create baseline for resources10

- A baseline is used to keep your resources operating within specified limits. This can be done by:
o A script (PS, CLI)
o An ARM templates.


- Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the deployment and management service for Azure.
- It provides a consistent management layer that enables you to create, update, and delete
resources in your Azure subscription.
- You could reach the deployment for most of the resources in the RG from the Overview blade
and see the Deployments.

- The Template deployment are saved as JSON files. For resource Groups

- The first 2 tabs are the most important (Template and Parameters), the other 4 tabs(scripts)
are only to redeploy the JSON file.
- These files can be saved or download or Re-deploy.
- For individual resources, you can find the deployment under the tab Automation Script or
Export Template. But the JSON file is more readable than the files in the Deployment section in
the RG.
- Not all resources can be deployed in a JSON file like RG.
- You can check the created template from the Template resource.

Create Action Group11

- Azure resources like: Azure monitor and service health alert are
configured to use specific action group whenever an alert is triggered.
- We can add multiple actions groups for one Alert
- Monitor blade → Alerts → Manage Action → Add action group
- One of the Action types is Runbook: Which give some option to
control the Azure VMs.

Create and test Alert12

- After collecting the data in Monitor service, the logical things to do is define some alerts
- You can configure Alerts either in individual resource level or in Azure Monitor blade.
- Azure Monitor is the core monitoring service in Azure, other monitoring services like Log
Analytics and Application Insights are part of Azure monitoring.
i. Log Analytics: Provide infrastructure monitoring level, stores the data from Application
insights, Azure security centre and other log data and provide Analytics capabilities.
ii. Application Insights: provide application level monitoring for the Web Application.
- Alerts Types are:
i. Metric Alerts: Evaluate at regular intervals.
ii. Activity Log Alerts: They activated when new activity log is accrues that matches the
conditions specified in the alert.
iii. Log Alerts: Consist of log search rules created for Azure Log Analytics or Application


- Creating an Alert consist of 3 steps:

i. Define a RESOURCE: Subscription, VM, RG ….

ii. Define a CONDITION: Available signal types depends on the chosen recourse
iii. Define an ACTION. The Action Group Name
- When Selecting the resource(s) you want to monitor. Available signals for your selection
will show up on the bottom right.
- For Log Alert: you need to choose either Log Analytics or Application Insight as a source in
the first step of creating an Alert.

Analyse metrics across subscription13

- The Azure Monitor data platform is based on two fundamental data types: Metrics and
- Metrics are numerical values that describe some aspect of a system at a particular time.
- Metrics are collected at regular intervals and are useful for alerting because they can be
sampled frequently, and an alert can be fired quickly with relatively simple logic.
- Basically, metrics are used when creating charts is needed.


- If you want to save your charts, you need to Pin to dashboard.

Logs in Azure Monitor14

- All data collected by Azure Monitor fits into one of two fundamental types, Metrics and
- Logs in Azure Monitor contain different kinds of data organized into records with different
sets of properties for each type.
- Logs in Azure Monitor are especially useful for performing complex analysis across data
from a variety of sources.
- Logs can contain numeric values like Azure Monitor Metrics but typically contain text data
with detailed descriptions.
- They further differ from metric data in that they vary in their structure and are often not
collected at regular intervals.
- Data in Azure Monitor Logs is retrieved using a log query written with the Kusto query
language, which allows you to quickly retrieve, consolidate, and analyze collected data.
- Use Log Analytics to write and test log queries in the Azure portal.
- You can start Log Analytics from several places in the Azure portal. The scope of the data
available to Log Analytics is determined by how you start it.


- Azure Monitor → Logs →

Monitor Spend15

- Subscription → Overview → Spending rate and forecast.

- Cost Management + Billing blade shows the cost for the whole account.
- Some factures are only available for special type subscription: Cost Analysis and Budget.
- Cloudyn was bought by Microsoft.

Azure Advisor


- Advisor is a personalized cloud consultant that helps you follow best practices to optimize
your Azure deployments
- Its stand-alone service or integrated within different services
- The recommendations are divided into four categories as shown:

Utilize Log Search query functions:

- Log queries help you to fully leverage the value of the data collected in Azure Monitor Logs.
- Define a Log analytics workspace (standalone resource) and then connect the resource to it.
And from Monitor → Logs→ you can apply the Query Functions.

- Log Analytics and Application Insight are part of Azure Monitor

- Log Data collected by Azure Monitor is stored in Log Analytics which provide a query
language for advance analytics of the Log data.
- Log Analytics is a part of the Microsoft’s Operations Management Suits (OMS) and require
OMS workspace.

- Log Analytics is a storage space and to collect data you need to define the data resource
within the blade: An agent will be installed on the chosen resource that will send the log
data to the Log Analytics workspace.
- The Query language is Kusto Query Language (KQL).
i. The KOL is case sensitive, some Data types: t: text, #: integer, Watch Symbol: date/time.
ii. The query usually starts with Table name or search command.

View Alerts in Log Analytics16

- Log Analytics requires a container called Workspace.

- To add resources to the Workspace it needs to be
we have two type of connection:
i. Metric
ii. Diagnostics
The type of the resource will determine which type of connection is more important
- How to convert the Search Query using (KQL) into Alert Conditions.
- Log Analytics workspaces → Logs → (The upper right corner) Query explorer. Here you can
find many written queries to be used as Alert.
- After creating the Query, you need to save it. After choosing Log Analytics as Source. Then
Log Analytics workspaces → Alerts→ Add → condition (inside the signal name list)


- Create reports, download prior invoices, unused resources (deallocate)

- Cost Management + Billing → Invoices
- Unused disk can be detect using Azure Storage Explores.

1.3 Manage Resource Group

- Every resource must exist in one and only one resource group
- Resource groups can span regions
- Nesting of resource groups is not supported


- Only Subscription Owners can create resource groups
- The RG name have to be unique for the account, even if they exist in two different

Use Azure policies for resource groups17

- Azure Policy is a service in Azure that you use to create, assign, and manage policies.
- Azure Policy's compliance evaluation is now provided for all assignments regardless of
pricing tier.
- If your assignments do not show the compliance data, please ensure that the
subscription is registered with the Microsoft.PolicyInsights resource provider.
- Policies can be implanted on RM, subscription and RGs level only.
- Policies Vs RBAC
i. RBAC focuses on user actions at different scopes.
ii. Azure Policy focuses on resource properties during deployment and for already
existing resources.
- Azure Policy is a default allow and explicit deny system

Configure Resource Locks18

- Locks are used to prevent accidental modifying or deleting resources.

- We have 2 locks level: CanNotDelete and ReadOnly
- The lock in inherited.


- The lock can only apply to operations in the management plane. For example, if you lock a
SQL database, the data inside it can be updated or deleted.

Move resources Across resources groups19

- Azure resources can be moved to either another Azure subscription or another resource
group under the same subscription.
- Important steps to do before moving a resource:
i. The resources you want to move must support the move operation.
ii. Some services have specific limitations or requirements when moving resources.
iii. The source and destination subscriptions must be active.
iv. The source and destination subscriptions must exist within the same Azure Active
Directory tenant.
- By moving resources, both resource and the target resource groups are locked during the
operation. But neither of them is frozen.
- You can’t Move Azure resources between different regions useless you use Site Recovery
- Moving a resource can only be achieved on the RG level
- If you want to move a Manged disk, we should register the resource provider: CLI
i. az feature register --namespace Microsoft.comput --name ManagedResourcesMove

Remove A resource Group20

- In PS: Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name “RGName”


- By removing an RG, you delete all the resources inside it.
- Using PS:
i. Example 1: Remove a resource group
Remove-AZResourceGroup -Name "ContosoRG01"
ii. Example 2: Remove a resource group without confirmation
Get-AZResourceGroup -Name "ContosoRG01" | Remove-AZResourceGroup -Verbose -
iii. Example 3: Remove all resource groups
Get-AZResourceGroup | Remove-AZResourceGroup

1.4 Manage Role- Based Access Control (RBAC)

- Known also as: Identity and Access Management (IAM)
- Provide a mechanism to provide access to resources.
- There are many inbuilt roles available.
- The role can be assigned to

Build A custom Roles21

- If the built-in roles for Azure resources don't meet the specific needs of your organization,
you can create your own custom roles.
- Custom roles are stored in an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) directory and can be shared
across subscriptions.
- Each directory can have up to 5000 custom roles, (For specialized clouds, such as Azure
Government, Azure Germany, and Azure China 21Vianet, the limit is 2000 custom roles.)
- Custom roles can be created using Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or the REST API.
- When you create a custom role, it appears in the Azure portal with an orange resource icon.


- You can Build a role from the in-built roles that are already available.
i. Get-AzRoleDefinition
ii. Use ConvertrTo-Json to get the Json content so that you can build your own role.
iii. Use New-AZRoleDefinition. to create your own role
- Example: Cosmos DB Operator
i. Get-AzRoleDefinition "Cosmos DB Operator" | ConvertTo-Json

Configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles22

- Role-based access control (RBAC) is the way that you manage access to Azure resources.
- RBAC is also known as identity and access management and appears in several locations in
the Azure portal.

- View role assignments for a single user

i. Access control (IAM) → Check access

- View all role assignments at a scope

i. Access control (IAM) → Role assignments
ii. On the Role assignments tab, you can see who has access at this scope.


iii. Some roles are scoped to This resource while others are (Inherited) from another
iv. Access is either assigned specifically to this resource or inherited from an assignment to
the parent scope.
- Add a role assignment
i. Access control (IAM) → Role assignments → +Add

Assign a user as an administrator of a subscription

ii. Subscription → Access control (IAM) → Role assignments → +Add

iii. In the Role drop-down list, select the Owner role.
iv. In the Select list, select a user.

Configure management access to Azure23

- Conditional Access
i. Premium P1 and P2 feature

ii. Can be access within the AD blade or as a standalone service.

iii. Conditional Access is basically a policy that you can set that will turn on security feature
(like: MFA) only under specific circumstances.
iv. Conditional Access in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) controls access to cloud apps
based on specific conditions that you specify.
v. To allow access, you create Conditional Access policies that allow or block access based
on whether or not the requirements in the policy are met.
vi. Conditional Access policies at their simplest are if-then statements, if a user wants to
access a resource, then they must complete an action


vii. Resources → Conditional Access → + New Policy

1.5 Exam Questions for Part 1:

- To monitor device telemetry for IoT hub, Enable Azure Monitor
Resource diagnostic logs on the IoT Hub.
- To enable quest OS diagnostic using PS: Guest-Level Diagnostic
Set-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension -ResourceGroupName $RGName -VMName $VmName -
DiagnosticsConfigurationPath $Path

2 Implement and manage storage (15-20%)

2.1 Create and configure storage accounts24
- An Azure storage account contains all of your Azure Storage data objects: blobs, files,
queues, tables, and disks.
- The storage account data is accessible through HTTP or HTTPS.
- Data in your Azure storage account is durable and highly available, secure, and massively
- New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $RGname -name $SAname -SkuName
Standard_ZRS -Location 'West Europe' -Kind Storage

- az storage account create --location 'West Europe' --name 'SAname' --resource-group

'RGname' --sku 'Standard_ZRS'


- Azure portal → Storage Account → +Add
- The name should be globally unique.
- Azure provide 4 data services: Blobs, Files,
Queues, Tables
- Blobs: It’s the Microsoft’s object storage solution
for the massive unstructured data
- Files: Enable to setup File Network Share that can
be access using Server Message Block (SMB)
i. Multiple VMs can share the same file
- Queues: use to store and retrieve messages, each message can be up to 64 Kb. (FIFO)
- Table: Its now part of Azure Cosmo DB and stored NoSQL data in cloud.
- Performance types:
i. Standard storage accounts are backed by magnetic drives (HDD) and provide the lowest
cost per GB.
- Premium storage accounts are backed by solid state drives (SSD) and offer consistent low-
latency performance.
- Account Type: Blob storage, Storage(V1), Storage (V2)

Type Services Performance Tiers Access Tiers Replication options

Blob, File, Queue, Table, and

General Purpose v1 Standard, Premium N/A LRS, GRS, RA-GRS
Page Blobs

Blob, File, Queue, Table, and Hot, Cool,

General Purpose v2 Standard, Premium LRS, ZRS, GRS, RA-GRS
Page Blobs Archive

Hot, Cool,
Blob Blob only Standard LRS, GRS, RA-GRS

Premium Blob Blob only Premium N/A LRS

- Microsoft recommends using a general-purpose v2 storage account for most scenarios.

- You can easily upgrade a general-purpose v1 or Blob storage account to a general-purpose
v2 account with no downtime and without the need to copy data.
- Access Tier: Hot, Cold:
i. Changing the access tier for an existing storage account or blob may result in additional

- The data in your Microsoft Azure storage account is always replicated to ensure durability
and high availability. When you create a storage account, you have four replication options:
i. LRS: Locally (3 copies, 1 Data centre, 1 region)
ii. ZRS: Zone (3 copies, 2-3 Data centres, 1 region)
iii. GRS: Geo (6 (3*2) copies, 3 in primary region and 3 in secondary region)
iv. RA-GRS: Read-Access (we can read from the secondary region)

- Azure Storage Offerings:

Queues Tables Blobs Disks Files
Reliable messaging at Massive auto scaling Highly scalable, REST Persistent disks for File share like access to
scale for cloud services NoSQL data store based cloud object store Azure IaaS VMs Azure storage”

Configure network access to the storage account25

Create a Storage account → Networking

- Here we can define who have the permission to access our storage account.


- After chosen the allowed VNETs, By Default, all resources in
the same VNET can communicate with each other, the
public internet and the on-prims. But they can’t
communicate with the Azure outside services, such as Azure
Storage Account. So, to allow VNet to communicate with
storage account, we need to create a service endpoint in our
- VNet → Service Endpoints → +Add → Service [Microsoft.Storage] → Add

- The VMs inside the VNet will still have access to the Storage account even if we did not
configure the Service Endpoint, but this will be similar to access through public internet.
- The Storage Account should be on the same region as the VNet

Generate Shared Access Signature (SAS)26

- A shared access signature provides delegated access to resources in your storage account.
- With a SAS, you can grant clients access to resources in your storage account, without
sharing your account keys.
- Storage Account → Access Keys


- Account storage keys are similar to the root passwords for your storage account. So, you
should never share is with others. The solution is shared access signature (SAS).
- An account-level SAS can delegate access to multiple storage services (i.e. blob, file, queue,
- Note that stored access policies are currently not supported for an account-level SAS.
- Whit SAS we can grant restricted access to our storage account.

Install and use Azure Storage Explorer


Manage access keys

- We have two keys is the Access keys, so when you regenerate one of the keys, you can
make the connection using the other keys. Key 1 is Primary, Key 2 is Secondary.

Monitor activity log by using Log Analytics

- Metrics and Activity logs are gathered inside azure from resources/services. And then they
can be analyse using Log Analytics.
- The diagnostic data from application/web app is collected inside the Application Insight
- Azure Monitor → Activity log

- We can create alerts from the activity logs:
Alert→ New Alert Rule → Condition (we can here choose the Activity log signal type)

Implement Azure storage replication27

- We have 4 different replication options:

i. Locally redundant storage (LRS) (3 copies/ 1 data Center/ 1 region)


ii. Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS) (3 copies/ (2-3)Datacenters/ 1 region)

iii. Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS) (6 copies/ 2 data centers/ 2 region ‘Primary and
In GRS, the secondary region is only availbale to be read only if Microsoft initiate a fail
over from the primary region to the secondary region.

iv. Read Access Geo-Redundant Storage (RA-GRS)

In RA-GRS, you can read the data from the secondary region regardless even if Microsoft
did not initiate a fail over from the primary region to the secondary region.
- Suppose Primary storage is:
Then the Secondary storage will be:
And the Access keys will be the same for both storages.

2.2 Import and export data to Azure

- Azure Import/Export data are used to securely import/export large amount of data to Azure
blob and Azure files by using Disk drives.
- We can use our own disk drives or the ones provided from Microsoft.
- Import/Export components:
i. Import/Export service: Azure portal
ii. WAImportExport tool: installed on-premises side, Command line tools that encrypt data
with BitLocker, copying data to the drive, generate journal files…

iii. Disk drive itself.

Create export from Azure job28

- Export from Azure:

i. Securely export large amounts of data from Azure Blob storage.
ii. The service requires you to ship empty drives to the Azure datacentre.
iii. The service exports data from your storage account to the drives and then ships the
drives back.
- Import to Azure: Send my data inside a disk to Azure.
- We need a Journal file so we need to download the WAImportExport tool on-premises
which will generate the Journal file.
- If the blob to be exported is in use during data copy, Azure Import/Export service takes a
snapshot of the blob and copies the snapshot.
- Export from
- 4 steps to export from Azure:
i. Step 1: Create an export job
Import/export jobs→ create new job → 1 basics -Type: Export from Azure
ii. Step 2: Ship the empty drives
iii. Step 3: Update the job with tracking information
1. After shipping the disks, return to the Import/Export page on the Azure portal.
2. If the tracking number is not updated within 2 weeks of creating the job, the
job expires.
iv. Step 4: Receive the disks


1. When the dashboard reports the job is complete, the disks are shipped to you
and the tracking number for the shipment is available on the portal.

Use Azure Data Box29

- The Azure Data Box family offers products of differing storage capacities to help send
terabytes (TB) of data to Azure in a quick, inexpensive, and reliable way.
- To transfer large amount of data from/to Azure.
- Offline data transfer: For limited to no network bandwidth
i. Azure Data Box Disk: < 40 TB
ii. Azure Data Box: 40 – 500 TB
iii. Azure Data Box Heavy: > 500 TB
- Online data transfer: Over the network transfer
i. Azure Data Box Gateway30: Install
1. It is a storage solution that enables you to seamlessly send data to Azure.
2. The i.Azure Data Box Gateway resides in your premises and you write data to it
using the NFS and SMB protocols.


3. The device then transfers your data to Azure block blob, page blob, or Azure
ii. Azure Data Box Edge:
1. This is a Hardware-as-a-service solution device provided by Microsoft installed
on-promises environment.
2. NFS and SMB protocols are used to write to the device.

Blob Storage31

- Azure Blob storage is a service that stores unstructured data in the cloud as
- Blob storage can store any type of text or binary data, such
as a document, media file, or application installer. Blob
storage is also referred to as object storage.
- Highly scalable, REST based cloud object store.
- Data sharing, Big Data, Backups
- Unstructured storage of binary and text data
- Storage Account → Blobs → +Containers (folder for the
Blob) → Access level (Private, Blob, and Container)


- Container: A container provides a grouping of a set of blobs. All blobs must be in a
- An account can contain an unlimited number of containers. A container can store an
unlimited number of blobs. Note that the container
name must be lowercase.
- Inside the containers we can upload blobs.
- Blob Types are:
i. Block Blob: Read and write data in blocks. Optimized for sequential IO. Most cost-
effective Storage. Ideal for files, documents & media, the Maximum size is: 4.7 TB. The
blocks can be managed individually and have
different sizes.
ii. Page Blob: Random access files, 8 TB. It stores the
VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) files that backup the VMS.
The disks attached to the VMs are page blob.
Optimized for random access and can be up to 8
TB in size. IaaS VM OS & data disks are of this type.
iii. Append Blob: similar to Block blobs but for append
operations (like, logging data from VM)
- Container nesting is not available. But we can upload a file to a specific folder inside the
- There are two Azure PowerShell cmdlets of interest, both provide a very efficient way for
moving these large files.
i. Add-AzVHD - Uploads a virtual hard disk from an on-premises virtual machine to a
blob in a cloud storage account in Azure.
ii. Save-AzVHD - Saves downloaded .VHD images locally. From on-prem to Azure.
- Inside the blob → Snapshots will take a snapshot of the blob (read only version)

Configure Azure content delivery network (CDN) endpoints32

- CDN is a distributed network of Edge servers that deliver contents to the end users. Is
mostly for delivering static files to the user.
- CDNs store cached content on edge servers in point-of-presence (POP) locations that are
close to end users, to minimize latency.
- You can’t choose the CDN region because CDN is a global resource.

- Purge is used to update the files in the endpoint

- Azure has given the domain name [filename.] to all CDN endpoints.
- The DNS is responsible for routing the request to the best performance edge server
which usually is the closest geographical one.
- The cashed file inside the edge servers will stay until the TTL end, the default TTL is 7
- Azure (all services) → CDN profiles →


2.3 Configure Azure file33:
Create Azure file share34:

- Simply, this means creating a drive on you on-premises PC connected immediately to the
Azure cloud.
- Azure File shares support the industry standard SMB protocol, meaning you can seamlessly
replace your on-premises file shares with Azure File shares without worrying about
application compatibility.
- Being able to share a file system across multiple machines, applications/instances is a
significant advantage with Azure Files for applications that need shareability.
- Blob storage can’t be amount to a computer/VMs, but Files storage can.
- Storage Account → files → +File Share New-AzureStorageShare

- The maximum Quota is 5 TB.

- To use Azure file share outside the Azure region (On-
prem), we need to have OS that support SMB protocol
and the port 445 is open because SMB use it for
- Many ISP block port 445 (TCP port 445, Server Message
Block SMB Protocol) for security purposes, this port is
used by Microsoft for file share, so it’s difficult to connect
our file and give it a drive letter on our local PC.
- To use the created file in Azure in the VMs, we need to
mounted it to a drive letter inside the VMs. This is being
done through the connect bottom in the File blade.


- From within the VMs/ PC → Map network drive

All details are being driven from the Connect blade:

Folder Path, User name and Password. In our Example:
from the net use command:
net use Z: \\\abdulhadifile /persistent:Yes

- The previous steps will result in a disk drive letter Z allocated in the VM/PC, and any file that
will be copied/created in it will automatically be seen in the Azure File inside Azure.
- We can create Directories inside the File share storage.
- You would like to use PowerShell to upload a local file to a file share directory. Which cmdlet
can you use?
i. Set-AzureStorageFileContent

Azure file sync35:

- Azure File Sync in combination with Azure file shares allows you to centralize your
organization's file shares in Azure, while keeping the flexibility, performance, and
compatibility of an on-premises file server.

- Azure file Sync required two resources: Storage Account and Azure file Sync resource.


- We use Azure file sync agent which work on Windows server OS.
- Azure File Sync can be found in the Markplats, All resources.
- The location of the Azure file sync should be
the same as the storage account.
- +Sync Group: we defined the file to be
synchronised inside it.
- Cloud endpoint for the Sync group is the
Azure file share.
- Server endpoint is the on-promises windows server.
- We can’t add cloud points to our Sync group but we can Add multiple server endpoints
- You can only add the registered servers as endpoint servers
- To register an endpoint server, we need to download the Azure file Sync agent at the server.

2- Azure File Sync troubleshooting36

- Azure file share can only be used by one cloud endpoint. To solve this problem, delete the
metadata for the Cloud endpoint file share.
- To create Cloud end point, you should be the Owner or User Access Administrator.
- Azure File Sync requires AzureRm 5 and above to be installed on the servers.
- Should I remove my endpoint when I had problems? NOOOO.
- Unable to delete a server from the Server Endpoint, go to Registered servers’ blade and
choose unregistered server and then try to delete the server again.

2.4 Implement Azure Backup37

- Azure backup solution is a straightforward process:
o the first step is the creation of a recovery services vault.
o With the vault created it can then be prepared to host backups.
o Once the vault is deployed and prepared, backup policies can be created and deployed
o with policies deployed backups can begin.


- Recovery service vault is the storage entity for the backup resources such as: VMs and SQL
data basis.

- Azure backup uses cached files. You should allow at least 10% of the production server disk for
caching. Azure will encrypt and decrypt your files using a passphrase that you supply. If you
lose the passphrase your backup cannot be recovered.

Configure and review backup reports38:

- Backup operation is presented in Azure as Recovery Service Vault.


- Recovery Service Vault require a storage account which can be connected to PowerBI for
analysing and generating reports. Both the Service Vault and the storage account should be in
the same region.
- By default, the recovery service vault has the Geo-redundant storage (GRS), you can change
the replication type but only before configuring any backup to the backup recovery service
- The recovery service vault and the virtual machine / resources should be in the same region.
- Backup Reports data will be fully available in the storage account after 24 hours from
- Backup reports are supported only for VM and file and folder backup.
- The resource provider for reports is Microsoft.insights
- All service → Recovery Service Vault → +Add
- From the Vault → Backup reports → Link to Diagnostics Setting

Perform Backup operation39

- Azure Backup is used to backup and restore data in Azure.

- Azure Backup can be implemented by downloading multiple components for on-prom and the
cloud. Such as: MARS, System Center DPM, Azure Backup server and Azure IaaS VM Backup.
- Backup Types:
i. Full Backup
ii. Differential Backup
iii. Incremental Backup
- Azure backup in default perform an incremental backup as a backup type.
- Recovery service Vault stores all the Backup data and recovery points (there are a limited
number of recovery vault allowed for each recovery vault)
- Site Recovery is for disaster recovery, Backup is for governance purposes or restore a specific
- Azure Backup Vs Azure site recovery


i. site recovery: To replicate the configuration of a VM across data centre (keep the
workloads running in case of outage)
ii. Azure Backup: If a file on a system gets corrupted (keep the data safe and recoverable).
- Backup a VM:
i. VM → Backup → … Enable Backup
VM backup consists of two steps:

ii. After Enable Backup:

Create Recovery service vault

- Home → Recovery Services vaults →

- You cannot delete a Recovery Services vault that
has dependencies such as protected servers or
backup management servers associated with the
- We can use all the different components such as:
MARS, System Center DPM, Azure Backup server
and Azure IaaS VM Backup.

- Recovery Service Vault contains RBAC

Backup policy

- You can configure the policy in either VM (will be apply only on

the current virtual machine) or in the Azure recovery service vault
(the policy then will be applied to all virtual machines or file
shares or SQL server).

Perform a restore operation:

- When backup a resource, a recovery point will be created. From which we can restore our
- Recovery Vault→ Backup Items→ VMs→ Restore VM → Create new/Replace existing

On-premises Backup:

- We need to install recovery service agent on our on-premises environment.

- To back up the Bare Metal Recovery (everything below the OS upwards) then we need to
download the Backup server

The Microsoft Azure Restore Service (MARS) agent

- MARS agent can Backup files and system state directly to Azure without the need for any local
- Backing Windows Server is a 4-step process:

AzCopy Command Line Interface

- AzCopy is a Windows command-line utility designed for copying data to and from Microsoft
Azure Blob, File, and Table storage using simple commands with optimal performance. You
can copy data from one object to another within your storage account, or between storage
- AzCopy uses case-sensitive matching when the /Source is a blob container or blob virtual
directory, and uses case-insensitive matching in all the other cases.
- The basic syntax for AzCopy commands:
AzCopy /source:C:\Azcopy_data /dest: /destkey:”container access
key” /s.
Let’s break down the command:
i. Azcopy = the action
ii. /Source = the local folder
iii. /Dest = the blob container
iv. /Destkey = the blob access key
v. /s = copies the directory structure

2.5 Virtual Machine Storage:

- Disks are how virtual machines store their VHD files. Whether it's Premium (SSD), Standard
(HHD), Managed or Unmanaged.
- Disks used by VM’s:

i. Operating system disk (Automatic)
• 2 GB disk mounted as C.
ii. Temporary Disk (Automatic)
• Temporary disk for page file
iii. Data Disk (User Defined)
• VHD used to store application data
• Max 4 GB in size
• Number of disks determined by size of VM

- Which two of the following virtual machines can support premium storage?
i. DS-series
ii. FS-series

2.6 Table storage

- The Azure Table storage service stores large amounts of structured data.
- The service is a NoSQL data store which accepts authenticated calls from inside and outside
the Azure cloud.
- Azure tables are ideal for storing structured, non-relational data. Think of tables more as a
spreadsheet of information where there is no linkage or relationship (joins) between the
- Table storage supports transactions for entities in the same table and table partition, but not
across tables or partitions.
- An Azure table entry can have a maximum of 255 properties?
- A table is a collection of entities and the entities are a collection of properties.

- We can’t add entities or manipulate the table content within Azure portal, but this is possible
within Azure Storage Explorer.

2.7 Queue Storage:

- Azure Queue storage is a service for storing large numbers of messages that can be accessed
from anywhere in the world via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS.
- A single queue message can be up to 64 KB in size, and a queue can contain millions of
messages, up to the total capacity limit of a storage account.
- Common uses of Queue storage include:
i. Creating a backlog of work to process asynchronously
ii. Passing messages from an Azure web role to an Azure worker role

- How many days can a message remain in the queue? 7 days.
- Get-AzureStorageQueue
display the approximate number of messages in a storage queue associated with an Azure
Storage account.

3 Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) (15-20%)
3.1 Create and configure a VM for Windows and Linux
Create a virtual Machine

- An Azure Virtual Machine is an on-demand, scalable computing resource deployed on Azure

through various methods.
- Home → Virtual machine → +Add

- Not all regions have the availability zone option.

- Accelerated networking: means that two virtual machines at the same VNet can
communicate much faster than the standard networking, it provides Ultra-low network
i. Not all VMs sizes support this option.
ii. This connection is between the NIC and the VM.
iii. Single Root – Input/output visualization (SR-IOV)
- The public IP address is not directly connected to the VM, rather its connected to the
Network Interface Card NIC. And the NIC connected to the VM.
- You can connect to the virtual machine by using the
Connect button In the Azure portal or by copying the
Public IP address or DNA name and past it in the RDP
- RDP is used for windows machines, SSH is used for Linux.
- Connect to the Virtual Machine: We can connect VMs through either RDP (3389) or SSL (22).
- Create Multiple VMs using PS:

2- # Great a resource group
3- New-AzResourceGroup -Name testPS -Location westeurope
4- #capture the input parameter in a variable
5- # prompt for a username and password for the VMs admin account and
capture the result in a variable
6- # We use Get-Credentia to save the chosen user name and password
7- $adminCredential = Get-Credential -
8- Message "Enter a username and password for the VM administrator."
9- # Add a loop that executes three times to create a new VM for each
loop iteration
10- For ($i = 1; $i -le 3; $i++) # I = 1 & 2 & 3
11- {
12- # create a name for each VM, store it in a variable and output i
t to the console
13- # We will get: Azdemo1, Azdemo2, Azdemo3
14- $vmName = "AzDemo" + $i
15- Write-Host "Creating VM: " $vmName
16- # create a VM using the $vmName variable
17- New-AzVm -ResourceGroupName testPS -Name $vmName -
Credential $adminCredential -Image "UbuntuLTS"
18- }

Configure high availability, Windows40, Linux41

- The Downtime for a VM can happens in three scenarios:

i. Unplanned Hardware Maintenance Event: Azure predict a failure, then use Live Migration
Technology (A feature of Hyper-V) to migrate the VM from the failure HW to a healthy
HW. In this scenario VM will not experience downtime, but the performance might change
for a while.


ii. Unexpected downtime: The HW fail unexpectedly, the Live migration technology can’t be
used, Azure Automatically migrate the VM to a healthy HW in the same Datacentre, the
VM will experience downtime during migration and all data on the temporary disks (D
drive) will be lost.
The aforementioned two scenarios are solved in Azure using Fault Domain (FD) within the
Availability set solution.
iii. Planned Maintenance Events: periodic update planned by Microsoft for the
infrastructure, this is handled by Update Domain (UD).

- Four tasks should be performed to maintain the VM in high availability:

i. Add multiple Virtual Machines in an availability set (AS)
ii. Use managed disks for VMs in AS
iii. Add each app tier in a separate AS
iv. Configure a Load Balancer.
- In Azure we have two features of VMs to configure high availability:
i. Availability sets: (SLA 99.95%) An availability set is a logical grouping of VMs within one
datacentre that allows Azure to understand how your application is built to provide
redundancy and availability. Its only protect your VMs from HW outages, not OS’s or
specific app failure.
An availability set is composed of two additional groupings that protect against
hardware failures and allow updates to
safely be applied:
• Fault domains: A fault domain is a
logical group of underlying hardware
that share a common power source
and network switch, similar to a rack
within an on-premises datacentre.

• Update domains: An update domain is a logical group of underlying hardware that
can undergo maintenance or be rebooted at the same time.
ii. Availability zones (AZ):42 (SLA 99.99%)
• Each zone is made up one or more datacentres and is logically separated from
other AZ in the same region.
• An Availability Zone is a physically separated zone within an Azure region.
• There are three Availability Zones per supported Azure region.
• Each Availability Zone has a distinct power source, network, and cooling.
• Availability zone provide resiliency across the entire region.
• Availability zone required a managed disk.

- Neither availability set nor Availability zones provide load balancing.

- Deploying VMs in Availability set/zones will increase the SLA.
- During any planned maintainous events the VMs in a single update domain are rebooted
and they might be unavailable.
- Managed disks (SLA 99.9%). increase the availability through isolating the disks from each
other to prevent single point of failure. Each disk has his own storage account.
- Not all azure regions have support for availability zones.
- Availability zone requires manage disks, and a public IP address.
- If you deploy either availability set or availability zone, you are not going to get load
balancer, you need to deploy a load balancer to be sure that the traffic is evenly distributed.

Monitoring, Networking, and Virtual machine size


- Monitoring43:

- Azure Monitoring collects host-level metrics – like CPU utilization, disk and network usage –
for all virtual machines without any additional software.
- For more insight into this virtual machine, you can collect guest-level metrics, logs, and
other diagnostic data using the Azure Diagnostics agent.
- We need to collects the logs/data for a virtual machine, we need to install the Azure
Diagnostic Agent at the Diagnostic setting blade. This can be done automatically by
enabling monitoring. This should be done per VM.
- In Sinks blade, you can send the collected data to other service for more analytics, like
Application insight, this will cost money.

- Azure VMs are located within a subnet within a VNet.


- Azure virtual machines use Azure networking (VNet) for internal and external network
- Azure virtual networks enable secure network connections
between virtual machines, the internet, and other Azure
services such as Azure SQL database.
- Virtual networks are broken down into logical segments
called subnets.
- Subnets are used to control network flow, and as a security
- Most of the VMs can have more than one NIC (not all VM sizes support multiple VMs).
- Public IP: is standalone source to connect the virtual machine with sources out of the VN.
It’s not connected directly to the VM, instead its connected to the NIC which in role
connected to the VM.
Top-level resource IP Address association Dynamic Static
Virtual machine Network interface Yes Yes
Internet-facing Load balancer Front-end configuration Yes Yes
VPN gateway Gateway IP configuration Yes No
Application gateway Front-end configuration Yes (V1 only) Yes (V2 only)

Private IP: to communicate with other VMs in the same VNet or on-premises network but
then using VPN gateway.
- Network Security Group NSG can be assigned to a subnet or an Individual NIC (Individual

- Virtual Machine size: 45

- Get-AzVMUsage -Location "West Europ"

- Not all series of the VMs are available in all the regions.
- VM Storage46
- Each VM has by default two disks, OS disk (stored in Azure storage account “C drive by
default”) and temporary disk drive “D drive by default” which is a part of the host machine.
- In case of failures in the Host machine, Azure will move the VM to another Host Machines,
this will cause the loose of all the data in the temporary disk but not the data within the OS
- The OS disk is a SATA drive
- Data disk and OS disk are VHD (virtual hard disk) stored in an Azure storage account.
- The size of the VM determine how many Data Disks you can attached to the VM and the
type of storage you can use to host the disks.
- Types of VM disks:
i. Standard HDD: Low Performance, reliable
• Use Cases:
a. Dev/Test
b. Less critical workloads
c. Data Storage (file servers)


ii. Standard SSD (recommend by Microsoft): Consistent Performance, lower latency, Better
reliability and better availability.
• Use Cases
a. Web Servers
b. Low IOPS application servers
c. Light to medium use enterprise applications
iii. Premium SSD: High Performance, Low latency, capacity guarantee, available on most VMs
and 99.9%SLA
iv. (Ultra-SSD): High throughput, High IOPS. Extremely expensive.
• Limitations
a. Only available as data disk
b. Only supported on ES/DS V3 VMS
- Temp Disk:
i. Physical SSD on the Hyper-V host
ii. Subject to potential loss at any time
• Deallocation. Redeploy, Restart, Service healing related moves
iii. No data recovery possibility
iv. Used to save the system paging file
• Can also be used for
a. DB caching
b. Swap files
c. Processing data
- Managed Vs Unmanaged Disk
- When deploying several
unmanaged disks in 1
storage account we will
face the scalability target
problem, since each
Storage Account can handle
only around 20,000 IOPS.

Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS)47

- VMSS allow you to scale out/in your infrastructure on demand.

- Used for VMs and Web App
- It creates identical VMs / Web Apps
- VMs or Web App can be placed behind Load Balancer or Application Gateway.
- All the VMs in the VMSS are identical and have the same image.
- Deploy as low priority option during the creation of the VMSS means that the azure
platform will take back these VMs at any time whenever it need capacity, this will low the
cost up to (80%). In this case all VMs are located in the same Fault Domain and azure will
not guarantee High Availability.
- By default, VMSS are deployed in an Availability set, but we have the option to deploy it in
availability zone.
- When creating a load balancer (LB) inside the VMSS, both the LB and the VMSS will have
the same Public IP. We could create a different PIP for each VM, but this is not
- To communicate with each VM individually, we use the Inbound NAT rules from the LB

- The LB uses Health prob to check the state of the VMs on the Backend pool


3.2 Automate deployment of VMs
Create VM in PowerShell

New-AzResourceGroup -Name myResourceGroup -Location EastUS

New-AzVm `

-ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `

-Name "myVM" `

-Location "East US" `

-VirtualNetworkName "myVnet" `

-SubnetName "mySubnet" `

-SecurityGroupName "myNetworkSecurityGroup" `

-PublicIpAddressName "myPublicIpAddress" `

-OpenPorts 80,3389

Start and Stop a VM in PowerShell

Stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName "RG-name" -Name "VM-name"

Start-AzVM -ResourceGroupName "RG-name" -Name "VM-name"

Modify Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template48

- Azure Resource Manager is the deployment and management service for Azure.
- It provides a management layer that enables you to create, update, and delete resources in
your Azure subscription.
- Resource Manager templates are JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files that define the
resources you need to deploy for your solution.


- An ARM template is idempotent, which means it can be executed as many times as you
wish, and the result will be the same every time. The user declares the type of resources
and its properties and then the API will either great a new object that either matches those
details or if the object already exists with the same name and type then it will just update its
- ARM template Syntax:

- JSON syntax: JavaScript Object Notation.
i. Objects are unordered sets of name and value pairs
ii. An object begins with left curly brace and ends with right curly brace
iii. Each name and value are enclosed by double quotes
iv. Names and values are delimited by a colon
v. Name and value pairs are delimited by a comma
- Generate an ARM template in Azure portal

i. After finishing configuring most of the resources and before the final create execution, you

will get the option “Download a template for automation”

In the template blade, the CLI, PowerShell, .Net, Ruby only exist to execute the template,
they are not the equivalent of the template.
ii. To update a downloaded template, use Template Deployment service.

iii. Different resources have different ways to reach their ARM template:
• Resource blade→ Export Template: will give us an unfriendly code.

• RG → deployment (for the resources deployment inside the RG): this is more

readable and contains the latest changes in the resource.

- In JSON template, variables are similar to parameters, but they are computed values.
- DSC: Desired State Configuration. Happens when you deploy a JSON template with similar
configurations and then Azure will not do nothing. (see 3.3.3)
- Deploying a template:
i. From Template Deployment service within Azure and deploy the JSON file
ii. Using PowerShell → cd (to the PS file location on the hard disk) → ./file.ps1
iii. Some templates founded in GitHub and can directory deploy to Azure.


configure location of new VMs

- An existing VM → Export Template → Download

- Template Deployment → Load File (load the downloaded template and parameters file
step) –

update the template and press save → the Template Purchase blade will be shown: Here
you can update the Location

- We could also update the Template.Json file:

"type": "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines",
"apiVersion": "2019-03-01",
"name": "[parameters('virtualMachineName')]",
"location": "[parameters('location')]",

- And Also, we could update the Parameter.json file.

"parameters": {
"location": {

"value": "westeurope"


Configure VHD template49

- VHD: Virtual hard disk

- Using PS:
i. Create the virtual machine with New-AzVM.
ii. Create the initial configuration with New-AzDiskConfig.
iii. Create the data disk with the New-AzDisk.
iv. Get the virtual machine that you want to add the data disk to with the Get-AzVM.
v. Add the data disk to the virtual machine configuration with the Add-AzVMDataDisk.
vi. Update the virtual machine with the Update-AzVM.

Deploy from template50

- From Template Deployment service within Azure and deploy the JSON file
- Using PowerShell → cd (to the PS file location on the hard disk)→ ./file.ps1


- Some templates founded in GitHub and can directory deploy to Azure.

Save a deployment as an ARM template51

- Any template blade has the download button, which will download the 6 files:
Template.Json, Parameter.json, CLI, …
- Within the template blade, we have Add to library

- To view the template: Template service. And then you can Edit and Deploy.

Deploy Windows and Linux VMs52

- First, we create the Template.Json file using any of the different editors available (Azure
Template Deployment, VS code…) and save it.
- Create the Parameter.json file
- Deploying the file can be done in different ways. Some them are explained in 3.2.6 Deploy
from template section.

3.3 Manage Azure VM

Add Data Disk to VM53

- The size of the VM determined how many data disks you can attach.
- The managed disk blade inside the VM is a separate resource.


- When crating a disk from the VM, by default the location of my disk is the same as the VM.
- Host caching will give better performance for your Disks, host caching can be for Read
operation or for Read/Write operations.
- After creating a Disk, you should initialize it to the VM, this can be inside the VM image
operating system, in Windows by using Disk Management tool.
- Each Disk can be attached to only on VM at a time, you can de-attached a disk and attach it
to another VM.

Add Network interface to the VM54

- Each VM can have multiple NICs, where each have its own public IP address.
- But all of them should be at the same VNet. And they can be attached to different Subnets.
- The number of possible NICs attached to VM depends on the size of the VM.
- NSG used to filter network traffic and work on either subnet level or NIC level.
- NIC should be in the same location as the VM and the VNet
- NIC should not be in the same resource group for the VM and the VNet.
- We need to stop the VM before attaching the NIC.
- Azure only create a Default gateway (Public IP) to the first NIC, but it doesn’t do that for the
second one. Therefore, you are unable to connect to the resources outside the subnets
from the second attached NIC by default.
- Once you have multiple NICs, you need to configure the OS within the VM to use them


PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)5556

- Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a management platform in Windows PowerShell that
enables deploying and managing configuration data for software services and managing the
environment in which these services run.
- DSC provides a set of Windows PowerShell language extensions, Windows PowerShell
cmdlets, and resources that you can use to declaratively specify how you want your
software environment to be configured.
- It also provides a means to maintain and manage existing configurations.
- DSC centers around creating configurations. A configuration is an easy-to-read script that
describes an environment made up of computers (nodes) with specific characteristics.
- In this example we are installing IIS on the localhost. The configuration will be saved as a
.ps1 file.

configuration IISInstall

Node “localhost”
WindowsFeature IIS
Ensure = “Present”
Name = “Web-Server”

- The DSC script consists of the following:

i. The Configuration blocks.
ii. One or more Node blocks.
iii. One or more resource blocks.


- DSC: Desired State Configuration. Happens when you deploy a JSON template with similar
configurations and then Azure will not do nothing.
- The location in the Automation might be in different location as the resources (VM, DB …)
but it prefers to have all in the same location for performance considerations.
- Built-In Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration Resources -
- Example:
Your company has Windows Server 2012 R2 VMs and Ubuntu Linux VMs in Microsoft Azure.
The company has a new project to standardize the configuration of servers across the Azure
environment. The company opts to use Desired State Configuration (DSC) across all VMs.
You need to ensure that DSC can be used across all the VMs. What two things should you
i. Deploy the DSC extension for Windows Server VMs.
ii. Deploy the DSC extension for Linux VMs.
Desired State Configuration (DSC) is available for Windows Server and Linux-based VMs.
In this scenario, you just need to deploy the extensions to the existing VMs to start using
- Azure Automation: is a service in Azure that is used to configure the DSC resources.
- Azure → Automation Accounts→ +Add → name (TestDSC)
i. TestDSC → State Configuration: we add the node and the configuration her.

ii. After writing the DSC file, add it in the configuration tab:

iii. Before applying a DSC file to a specific node, the file should be compiled to node
configuration document known as: MUF document and paled on the automation pull
server. This can be done with the DSC file blade→ Compile

Automate Configuration Management with VM agent using Custom Script Extension

- VM agent:
i. VM agent is secure lightweight process that manages VM interactions with the Azure
Fabric controller.
ii. It enables executing Azure VM extensions.

iii. VM agent is installed by default in Windows.

- VM extensions:
i. Small application that provide post-deployment configuration and automation task over
the VM.
ii. There are many inbuild extensions in Azure and you can also build a customise script
iii. Create an extension:
VM→ Extensions → +Add

manage VM sizes; move VMs from one resource group to another57

- VM size:
i. We can see the VM size and change it from the VM blade VM → Size


ii. Changing the VM size will cause the VM to stop and will cause a downtime.
- Moving VMs: Two ways
i. RG level → Move → Move to another resource group
ii. VM blade → Overview → Resource group (change)

iii. Using PS:


Redeploy VM

- When deploying VM, Azure will shut down the VM and move it to a new node.
- In redeploy you will keep all you setting, but all data in temporary (D drive) will be lost.
- VM blade → Redeploy
- Using PS
set-azvm -Redeploy

3.4 Manage VM backups

configure VM backup

- There are many ways to backup the VMs:

i. Recovery Services Vault (RSV) holds the backup copies and you can monitor backup using
this vault. The RSV should be in the same region as the VM.
• Home → Recovery Services Vault (RSV) → +Add

a. Recovery Services Vault (RSV) → [Vault name] → Backup → Virtual Machine

- From the VM blade:

i. VM blade → Backup → Backup now

ii. The recovery service vault has to be in the same region as the VM.

Define backup policies

- Backup policy specifies frequency and time at which items will be backed up and how long
backup copies are retained.
- Backup Policies can be configured during the creation of the backup.
- You can use the default policy or create your own ploicy
- If you need to change the backup policy for a VM after creation the backup, you can do thos
from the Recovery service vault

i. Recovery service vault → Backup policies → DefaultPolicy

The changes will apply to all the existing and new recovery points. Existing recovery points
will be affected and now retained as per the modified retention range.
ii. Associated Item → +Add →

- Retention ranges is important

Restore a Virtual Machine

- Of taking a backup of a VM, we can restore it using the various restore points.

- After creating the backup → backup → Restore VM

- Restore options:
i. Create new
ii. Replace existing
- Restore Type
i. Create virtual machine
ii. Restore disks

Azure Site Recovery58

- Azure Site Recovery orchestrates and manages disaster recovery for Azure VMs, and on-
premises VMs and physical servers.
- You can use Azure Site Recovery to replicate on-premises physical or virtual machines
running Windows or Linux.
- You can replicate data from your on-premises datacentre to Azure or to a secondary site.
- For example, should a virtual machine or service fail in your datacentre, you can use Azure
Site Recovery to failover to the replicated resource in either Azure or your secondary site.
- Orchestration is built in with Azure Site Recovery, which means that the management of
replication, failover, and recovery is included.


4 Configure and Manage a Virtual Network (30-35%)59
- Virtual network (VNet): Is a communication and security boundary that enables Azure
resources (VMs, Storage Accounts, App Services apps, Azure SQL database instances) to
communicate with each other securely.
- Each Subscription is limited to a 50 VNets and can be extended to 100.
- VNets provides network isolation and segmentation.
- All VMs within VNet can communicate with each other by default, except any rules you
implement using user-defined routes and NSGs. VMs in different VNets can’t communicate
with each other.
- Azure Provided DNS enables VMs within VNets to automatically resolve each other names.
- We can do traffic filtering using NSGs and network virtual appliance NVA. An NVA is any VM
that performs one of the network functions (such routing).
- Virtual Private Network (VPN): A secure connection over an unsecure medium. Azure site-
to-site VPNs use IPsec/IKE tunnels.
- In Azure VNets, you can add an Address space to an existing VNet address space and you
can delete one, but you can’t modify it.
- In VNet connections, VNet-to-VNet or On-prem-to-Azure, Addresses ranges should never


- Subnets
i. Must be unique address rang within VNet.
ii. VMs can communicate in and cross subnets.
iii. Some Azure services create/need their own subnets. Like gateways, they are placed in
gateway subnet.
iv. Understand Default routing behaviour.
v. Can limit traffics out of Azure service.
vi. Allow or deny Traffic with NSGs.
vii. By default, each VNet has outbound internet access (NAT).

4.1 Create connectivity between Virtual Networks (VNET to VNET)

- Connection Options in Azure:
i. Site to Site VPN (S2S VPN): to connect Azure VNET to the on-premises network, we use
VPN gateway, the data is travelling over the internet but the connection is secure and
encrypted, a VPN device with a Virtual IP (VIP) should be installed on the on-premises
side. All the PC’s on-premises will use the VIP to communicate with Azure.

ii. Point-to-site VPN (P2S VPN): Used to connect the Azure VPN with individual devices in
different locations all over the word, each device has a VPN client installed on it.
The VPN Gateway in Azure is a Route-based VPN (this means it has a routing table to
decide how to route the data to the different connected devices).

The other type of the VPN Gateway is the Policy-based VPN in which it takes the address
prefix (X.X.X.X/Y) for the source and the destination and then decide how to route the
data to the destination.

iii. VNET to VNET: You can connect two VPNs from different location and different
subscriptions and deployed differently in the Azure cloud.

Create and configure VNET to VNET60

- You can connect two VPNs from different location and different subscriptions. And also,
have been deployed differently.

- To create a VPN to VPN connection:

i. Create two VNets and make sure the address space doesn’t overlap.
Create a resource → Virtual networks → +Add


ii. Create a Gateway subnet within the two VNETs, it contains
the IP addresses that are used by the VPN Gateway.
VNet→ Subnet → + Gateway Subnet
• The name of the Gateway subnet has to be
iii. Create a VPN Gateway and deployed within the Gateway
Create a resource →Virtual network gateway → + Add
• Gateway type:
a. VPN: The traffic in VPN travels over the internet
b. ExpressRoute: The traffic travels over a private network.
• VPN type:
a. Route Based: It has a routing table to decide how to route the data to the
different connected devices
b. Policy-Based: it takes the address prefix (X.X.X.X/Y) for the source and the
destination and then decide how to route the data to the destination.
• Public IP address: we need to attach a PIP address to
our VPN Gateway; the VPN gateway will only support
a dynamic IP address.
- Each VNet can have only one VPN gateway.
- VNet → Connected Devices (you should see her the
attached GW)
- At this stage I have 2 VNets, 2 VPN GWs and 2 PIP address,
now I can connect the two VNets together:
i. GW1 → Connections → +Add
ii. Coneection type :
• VNet-to-VNet
• Site-to-Site (IPsex)
• ExpressRoute
They all require VPN Gateway

iii. In shared Key (PSK): Just type the same key for both VNets, this key will also be used for
inceyption purboses.
iv. We need to define the connection individually for both sides.

Create and configure VNET peering61

- Network Peering: A seamless connection between two VNets. Logically, the peered networks
appear as one, for connectivity purposes.
- It is a way to connect two VNets over the backbone of Azure’s network rather than creating
an Azure VPN Gateway between the two.
- Some good points about using VNet peering over a Gateway are:
i. the cost saving, bandwidth limitations and latency.
ii. VNet peering also fully supports, NSG (Network Security Groups), NVA (Network Virtual
Appliances), UDR (User defined Routes), Internal Load Balancers, and probably more.
- Virtual machines (VM) in the peered VNETs can communicate with each other directly by
using private IP addresses.
- The Domain name resolution (DNS) does not flow through the peering relation, which mean
that creating a private Azure DNS zone is needed.
- VNet peering is an alternative for VNET to VNET because it doesn’t require to create two

- VNets peering types:


i. Global VNet Peering: In two different locations.
ii. VNet peering: In the same region: VNet peering.
- Once the connection is established, resources from both sides can communicate with each
other with the same latency and bandwidth.
- In VNet peering, the traffic is kept on the Microsoft Backbone network, and there is no used
of the public internet.
- You can’t peer two VNets if they have the same IP address range.
- In VNet peering, you pay per GB, In VNet to VNet gateway you pay on the Bandwidth
- To establish peering:
i. VNet1 → Peerings → + Add → Virtual Network (VNet2)
ii. VNet2 → Peerings → + Add → Virtual Network (VNet1)
- Configuration Options:
i. Configure virtual network access settings
This is usually used for trouble shooting
issue, so you might want to temporarily
pause the peering relationship.
ii. Configure forwarded traffic settings
using scenario: We have 3 VNets, 1 – 2 are
peered, 2 -3 are peered. Enable/Disable 1 –
3 to connect in peered relation through 2.
iii. Configure gateway transit settings
Gateway transit is a peering property that
enables one virtual network to utilize the VPN gateway in the peered virtual network for
cross-premises or VNet-to-VNet connectivity. To simplify it, Enable/Disable other VNet to
use my VNet gateway as a remote gateway.
- Global VNet Peering is not only across region, is also across subscription.

Verify virtual network connectivity62

- Many ways to verify your connectivity:


i. Create VM in each VNet and test connectivity using Ping.
ii. VNet to VNet: go to one of the Gateway:

Gateway → Connections

Create virtual network gateway63

iii. Create a resource →Virtual network

gateway → + Add
• Gateway type:
a. VPN: The traffic in VPN travels
over the internet
b. ExpressRoute: The traffic travels
over a private network.
• VPN type:
a. Route Based: It has a routing
table to decide how to route the
data to the different connected
b. Policy-Based: it takes the address
prefix (X.X.X.X/Y) for the source
and the destination and then
decide how to route the data to
the destination.
• SKU:
a. Basic, VpnGw1 ..., VpnGw1AZ…


• Public IP address: we need to attach a PIP address to our VPN Gateway; the VPN
gateway will only support a dynamic IP address.

4.2 Implement and manage virtual networking64

Configure private and public IP addresses

- Private IP addresses:
i. Used for communication within an Azure VNet, it can be used also for connecting the on-
prem network whenever you have a VPN gateway or ExpressRoute.
ii. It can associate to:
• NICs
• Internal Load Balancer ILB
• Application Gateway
iii. Azure reserve the first 4 addresses and the last one in each subnet
iv. Two types of Private IP:
• Dynamic: Azure assign the next unallocated private IP address to resource Private
• Static: Static addresses are only releases if only the VNet is deleted
- Public IP addresses
i. Used to communicate with the Internet
ii. A separate instance/service. It can assign to: NICs, LB, VPN
Gateway, Application Gateway.
iii. When choose Both in the Public IP creation blade, Two IP
addresses will be created: one IPv4 address and one IPv6 address.
iv. Azure resources can still communicate outbound without the
Public IP, and then azure will assign a dynamic IP address to the


v. The SKU (pricing) of the Public IP must match the SKU of the load balancer.

Standard SKU Basic SKU

In Standard SKU, zone-redundant and zonal frontends for inbound and outbound,
Availability Zones Not available.
outbound flows mappings survive zone failure, cross-zone load balancing.
SLA 99.99% for data path with two healthy virtual machines. Not applicable.
Charged based on number of rules, data processed inbound
Pricing No charge.
and outbound associated with resource.
- Public IP types:
• Dynamic: IP address will be released after stop using the resource and we refer to
the IP by using its name.
• Static: PIP will not change and used for specific situation, such as
a. DNS name resolution
b. IP address-based security model
c. SSL certificate linked to an IP address
d. Firewall rules that allow and deny IP addresses
e. Role-based VMs such as Domain Controllers

Configure network routes:

- Route Table is a standalone resource.

- Azure uses System route to direct network traffic between VMs, On-prem networks and the
- A Rout table contains a set of rules (IP addresses ranges) called route that specified how a
packet should be routed in a VNet.
- Using cases:
i. Traffic between VMs in the same/different subnet
ii. Traffic from the VM to the Internet
iii. Traffic between VMs in VNet to VNet, Site to Site and ExpressRoute.
- Routes are stored in a Route table which is associated to a subnet or a NIC and each packet
leaving a subnet is handled based on the Route table.
- By default, Azure manage all the traffics, but you can create User-defined routes (UDRs) by
specifying the next hope of the traffic flow.
- UDRs controls network traffic by defining route that specifying the next hope of the traffic

- Each route table can be associated to multiple subnets, but a subnet can only be associated
to one route table (as NSG).
- When outbound traffic is sent from a subnet, azure select a route depending on the
destination IP address using the longest prefix match algorithm.
- Example: → Virtual Network Gateway.

- The prefix length is the number of bits set in the subnet mask; for instance, if the subnet
mask is, there are 24 in the binary version of the subnet mask, so the prefix
length is 24 bits.
- If multiple route contains the same address prefix, Azure select the route type based on the
following priorities:
i. User-defined route (UDR)
ii. BGP route
iii. System Route
- Create a Route Table:
Azure resource → Route tables → +Add
Building the Routes
Route table → Routes (to add routes)

Associate Route table to a Subnet
VNet→ Subnets → (Default) → Route table
- In the Route table blade, distinguish between Address prefix
(X.X.X.X/Y) and Next hope address (X.X.X.X)

Network interface (NIC)

- NIC is a standalone resource.

- Some VMs (Depends on the size) can have a multiple NICs, but
each NIC should be associated to one VM.
- NIC can have:
i. 1 Private IP Static or Dynamic
ii. 1 Public IP Static or Dynamic
iii. 1 LB VIP Static or Dynamic

- The public IP is connected to NIC which in turn connected to the VM.

- Most of the operations regarding NIC require the VM to be Restarted.
- NIC allows Azure virtual machines to communicates with Internet, Azure or on-prem
- We can change the Subnet for a NIC, and also the DNS servers for the NIC.

- NSG can be attached either to a Subnet or to NIC.

Configure Subnets

- VNet → Subnets → + Subnet

- The address range (CIDR block) must be contained within the address range of the VNet.
- NSG & Route table can be associated to either Subnet or NIC, as best practice its preferred to
associate them to the Subnet.
- Service endpoints:
i. A subnet can have zero service endpoint or Multiple service
ii. For example: if I chose as service endpoint,
then I can control and restrict the access to the storage to be
only within this subnet.
iii. It’s a way to secure access to your azure services and limited only to a specific subnet
within a VNet.
- Subnet Delegation:
i. A subnet can have zero or one delegation enabled for it.
ii. It gives explicit permission to Azure services to create service-
specific resources in the subnet by using some unique

iii. For example: if I want to use this subnet only to deploy containers group, then I will select
containerGroups. By doing this, none of the other Azure service will be allowed to be
deployed within this particular subnet and only the containerGroups can be deployed.

Configure Virtual Network

- From VNet blade: Address space, Connected device …

- DDoS protection: Basic and Standard
i. Basic: Automatically enabled, traffic monitoring and real time
protection of common network attacks
ii. Standard: Real time telemetry, rich attack mitigation analytic.
- Firewall: Expensive.
i. It’s a managed cloud base Network security service that protect
your Azure VNet service.
ii. It uses a static public IP address for you VNet resources that
allows outside firewalls to identify traffic generated from your
iii. Fully integrated with Azure monitoring for logging and analytics.
iv. Will located on an induvial Subnet called AzureFirewallSubnet
- NSG Vs Firewall:
i. Azure Firewall service compliment NSG functionality.
ii. NSG provide distributed Network layer traffic filtering to limit traffic to resources within
the VNet whereas Azure firewall provide both network and application level protection
across VNet.
- DNS servers:
i. By default, you can use an Azure provided DNS server, or you can specify your own.
ii. DNS server is used to resolve names within the VNet.
iii. Connecting VNet to other VNet, using VNet peering or VNet to VNet, require using of
Custom DNS server. And also, this is needed when connection Azure to on-prem
network, either by site to site or ExpressRout.

4.3 Configure name resolution
- Name Resolution on VNet
i. Azure creates name resolution automatically to all VMs within a VNet.
ii. It does not work outside the VNet or in peering’s.
iii. For that you need Azure DNS or a custom server.
- Azure DNS
i. Manage DNS seamlessly with your Azure services.
ii. Globally distributed architecture, resilient to multiple region failure.
iii. Fast global DNS name resolution.
iv. 99.99% Availability SLA for all common DNS record types.

Understanding DNSs65

- DNS (Domain Name System) is one of the most important technologies/services on the
internet, as without it the Internet would be very difficult to use.
- DNS provides a name to number (IP address) mapping or translation, allowing internet users
to use, easy to remember names, and not numbers to access resources on a network and the
- Domain Names Structure Vs File System Structure


Configure Azure DNS66

- Azure Private DNS zone

i. A Private DNS zone provides name resolution
services within virtual networks.
ii. A Private DNS zone is accessible only from the
virtual networks that it is linked to and can’t be
accessed over internet. For example, you can
create a Private DNS zone named
and then create DNS records like in this zone. You can then link the
zone to a one or more virtual networks.
iii. The private DNS zone provides secure and reliable name resolution for VNets in Azure.
iv. Private DNS zones prevent the need to setup and manage custom DNS servers. Some of
the advantages of using Private DNS zones are:
• They provide name resolution both within a VNet and across VNets.
• The Private DNS zones can cross different regions and subscriptions.
v. Two main concepts in the DNS zones:
• Resolution Virtual Networks: the list of the VNets that are allowed to resolve
records the DNS zone.
• Registration Virtual Networks: in which Azure DNS maintains host name records
whenever adding/deleting a VM, automatically, the DNS record will be added to
the DNS zone.
- In PowerShell:

New-AzResourceGroup -Name dnsgroup -Location westeurope

New-AzDnsZone -name -ResourceGroupName dnsgroup

New-AzDnsRecordSet -name www -RecordType A -ZoneName -


dnsgroup -Ttl 3600 -DnsRecords (New-AzDnsRecordConfig -

Ipv4Address "")


Get-AzDnsRecordSet -ZoneName -ResourceGroupName dnsgroup

- In Azure Portal we have two different DNS services, DNS zone and Private DNS zone
- DNS zone: A DNS zone is used to host the DNS records for a particular domain. For example,
the domain '' may contain a number of DNS records such as ''
(for a mail server) and '' (for a web site). Azure DNS allows you to host your
DNS zone and manage your DNS records, and provides name servers that will respond to DNS
queries from end users with the DNS records that you create.

Configure private and public DNS zones67

• Public DNS is what most people are familiar with. They are generally provided to your
business by your ISP. A public DNS maintains a record of publicly available domain names
reachable from any device with internet access.
VM → Overview → DNS name: Configure
• Private DNS resides behind a company firewall and maintains records of internal sites.
Employees of the company use the private DNS to access internal sites and services without
having to remember IP addresses.
Home → DNS zones → +Add


Configure custom DNS settings

- A small scenario:
i. You have a web application that have the domain name: this is a very long name to be used by the end
ii. You want the end user to enter only
iii. You can achieve that by using the Azure DNS.

- Create DNS server:

i. Create DNS zone
ii. Copy the nameservers for the DNS zone to our domain register
iii. Create a resource record to ensure the main domain name in linked to a public IP address
of the server.
- Create and test a DNS service
i. Create VM with IIS, we can see the IIS through the Public IP address.
ii. The goal is to define a DNS for our VM.
iii. VM → Overview → DNS name: Configure →

iv. By adding a DNS name lable, the name will be located with the Azure domain: so, users her can use this link to connect our
VM, but still this is relatively a long name.
v. Instead you can great your own DNS name using Azure DNS service.
1- Create DNS zone
i. Home → DNS zones → +Add

ii. The domain name should be bought from a third party to be used here. We insert the
domain name in the Instance Details: Name. For Example: this will be our DNS zone, by doing this we created a DNS zone that
map our domain.

2- Copy the nameservers for the DNS zone to our domain
i. DNS zone → → overview →
Getting the name servers
ii. Mapping the DNS zone in Azure to our reserved
domain, each domain name providers has a list of
nameservers, which need to be changed to match our Azure DNS zone nameservers.
3- Create a resource record
i. DNS zone ( → Overview → +
Record set
To ensure that whenever the users are contacting, they are redirected to IIS
homepage of our VM.
ii. Insert the Public IP address for the VM in the IP
address field of the Add record blade.

4.4 Create and configure a Network Security Group (NSG)

Application Security Group (ASG)68

• We need to distinguish between the Network Security Group (NSG) and the Application
Security Group (ASG)
• ASG allows for logically grouping for VMs in the VNet and apply network security group
rules to them.
• ASGs enable you to define fine-grained network security policies based on workloads,
centralized on applications, instead of explicit IP addresses.


• This feature provides security micro-segmentation for your virtual networks in Azure.

Home → Application Security group → Create

• To associate the ASG to an NSG: when creating a rule: In both
Source and Destination you can choose the application security
• To associate the ASG to a specific VM:
VM → Networking → Application Security Group

Create security rules

• NSG is the main tool to enforce and control network traffic rules at the network level.
• NSG is a standalone resource, which can be configured during the VM creation or separately
and then associated to the specific NIC or a Subnet
• If we create the NSG during VM creation, it will be then automatically associated to the NIC.
You can later associate an NSG to the subnet.
• NSG is essential for VM connectivity.
• Used to control traffic into subnets or virtual machines.
• Consist of rules for Inbound and Outbound traffic.

• By default, the NSG will be created automatically with the VM and associated to the NIC.
• The allowed ports (HTTP, HTTP, SSL, RDP) during the creation of the VN are Inbound security
• The change in the NSG’s rules have an immediate effect.
• In VNet, traffic is allowed automatically, but you need to explicitly allow traffic from the
• We can assign the NSG to either NIC or
• When associating the NSG to a subnet then
the rules are applied to all the VMs and
NICs in the subnet. Application Security Group (ASG): allow you to logically group a number
of VMs in the same VNet and apply on them a NSG rules.
• (HTTP: 80, HTTPS: 443, RDP:3389)
• ASG is a standalone service, which can be created first and then associate the VMs to it.
• To create Rules:
VM → Networking →Add inbound port rule

Azure → Network security group → Inbound Security rules /Outbound security rules

- You can’t delete the three default rules, but you create a new rule with a lower priority.

associate NSG to a subnet or network interface

• VNet → Subnets → Network Security group →

• NSG → Network Interfaces / Subnets → + Associate
• NIC →Network Security group → Edit

identify required ports

• HTTP: 80, HTTPS: 443, RDP:3389, SSH:22

evaluate effective security rules

• Select a network interface to see the effective

security rules and network security groups
associated with it.
• VM → Networking → Effective security rules
• NIC → Effective security rules

4.5 Implement Azure load balancer

General Understanding

• LB provide high availability, fully managed service by azure and distribute traffic to the
Backend VMs.
• It’s called also Layer 4 Load Balance. Where Application gateway is Layer 7 load balancer.
• LB ensure an equal distribution of the requests from the users to the backend VMs.
• Health Probe is used to determine whether the VM at the Backend of the LB is healthy or
not. An example for that is the Heart Beat which can be: Protocol TCP, Port number or
Interval for the health probe.
• LB SKUs: Basic and Standard.
• The Backend pool could be a single VM, VMs scale set or Availability set, and in the
standard LB the backend pool can be also multiple VMs or combination of the
aforementioned options.
• Session Persistence: the request from the same client (IP or IP and protocol) can be directed
to the same backend VMs.

• NAT (Net address Translation) forwarding Rules: allow you to remotely connect to the
backend VMs.
• The public IPs for the VMs in the backend should have the same type as the load balancer:
Basic or standard.

• Load Balancer make decisions depending on 5 factors: Source/ Destination IP/Port and
• Load Balancer support IP V6.
• The backbone recourses (VMs, Availability set, scale set) must exist in the same region as
the LB.
• There are two typed of LB:
i. Internal Load Balancer: Only balance traffic inside resources in a VNet.
ii. Public Load Balancer: This can be used to load balance internet traffic to VMs.
• We can Add a public IP addresses to the LB frontend IP. And then we can create specific LB
rules for each Frontend IP address.

Configure internal load balancer69

1. Create a virtual network with a subnet

2. Create VMs
3. Create a Basic load balancer
a. Azure resources → Load Balancer → create
b. Type: internal
c. We don’t have to choose a Public IP address, since this is an Internal LB.


d. If I choose IP address assignment: static then the Private IP address: Type an address
that is in the address space of your virtual network and subnet
4. Create Basic load balancer Setting:
a. LB → Backend pools → +Add
b. Backend pools → + Add
c. Health Probe → + Add

Configure load balancing rules

- A probe health must exist before creating a rule.

- This determine how the request will flow from the LB to the Backend
- LB → Load Backend rules → +Add
- You can read this blade like this:
i. When ever a request in coming to the Frontend IP address
of the LB on the specific Protocole (TCP) and Port (80)
ii. Then they should be directed to the Backend port (80) and
Backend pool (LBBackendPool)
iii. Then we have the health Probe and we can enable the
session persistence.

Configure public load balancer

- This can be used to load balance internet traffic to VMs.

- In the type: Public and we need to specify the Public IP address
- Public IP address name: we need to use an unused PIP or
create new, because after creating LB the requests will come
to the LB instead of the VMs on the Backend pool.

Configure Frontend IP

- By default, the Frontend IP address for the LB is the same as the specified Public IP address or
the Private IP address which was configured during the creation stage.
- Frontend IP is the Public IP (if it’s a Public LB) or the Private IP (if It’s a private LB)

- We can Add a second public IP addresses to the LB frontend IP. And then we can create
specific LB rules for each Frontend IP address. All these rules could be affecting the same
Backend Pool.

4.6 Monitor and troubleshoot virtual networking

- Azure Monitor lets you collect data from multiple sources, including Azure and on-premises
- Behind the scenes, Log Analytics performs log collection and searching, which is now part of
Azure Monitor along with Application Insight, Azure Advisor, and other services.

Monitor on-premises connectivity

- Network Performance Monitor (NPM)70

i. NPM is a cloud-based monitoring solution allows you to monitor various parts of the
network infrastructure.
ii. NPM allows you to monitor Service-endpoints, Application-endpoints and the
performance of ExpressRoute.
iii. NPM includes on-promises monitoring.
iv. The on-prem monitoring requires Microsoft Monitoring Agent installing on the on-prem
v. NPM is a part of Operation Management Suite (OMS) and it require an OMS workspace.
- Home → Marketplace → Network Performance Monitor →Create


Network Watcher:

• This service provides tools that can be used to monitor and diagnose network connectivity.
• It’s also used to enable/disable logs for resources in Azure VNet.
• To use monitor Watcher, we need to install the Network watcher agent in the machines
that will be connected to be watched.
• To install this agent in the VM, from the Extensions on the left side of the VM blade, search
for Network Watcher Extension.
• Also, before using the Network watcher, we need to enable it for the particular region.

• The most important tools in the Network watcher are:

1. Connection Monitor: Continuous Checking
i. To check the connectivity between two endpoints.
ii. The source endpoint is a VM in Azure
iii. The destination endpoint is: VM, URI, IP address or FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain
Name). We use the Port number.
2. Connection Troubleshoot: Instance Checking
i. The same as Connection Monitoring, but it can be only defined from one side.
3. IP flow Verify:
i. Check if Packets are allowed or denied to/form VM, usually to check security rules
ii. You can her mention the Local/Remote IP address/Port

4. Next Hop:
i. What is the next hop to a destination IP?
5. Packet Capture:
i. Capture the detailed network placket that are send/received from VM.

Monitoring tools in Portal

1- Within the VM, we have two tools

i. Connection Monitor
ii. Connection troubleshoots

- Connection Monitor
i. It provides a continuous connectivity
troubleshooting at particular intervals
between a source VM and a destination
ii. The default Probing interval is 60 seconds
iii. Network Watcher Connection Monitor
enables you to configure and track
connection reachability, latency, and network topology changes.
iv. If there is an issue, it tells you why it occurred and how to fix it.
v. It will check the connection between a source machine and a destination machine.
vi. VM → Connection monitor → + Add.
vii. We can choose a different VM as source VM than the one we are doing the creation
within it.
viii. In the destination , you can select a VM or specify mannualy (URI, FQDN or IPv4)

ix. For the port: we choose the port that is being used by the service inside the
destination VM, for example, if I have IIS working on my desination VM, I will choose
then the port 80.
- Connection troubleshoots
i. It provides Instance connectivity troubleshooting
between a source VM and a destination VM.
ii. Network Watcher Connection Troubleshoot
provides the capability to check a direct TCP
connection from a virtual machine (VM) to a VM,
fully qualified domain name (FQDN), URI, or IPv4
iii. To start, choose a source to start the connection
from, and the destination you wish to connect to
and select "Check".
iv. VM→ Connection troubleshoots
v. The source type and VM can’t be changed, the
source is the VM that we check the connection from
2- For other tools, we need to go to the Network watcher it itself:
- Azure services → Network watcher
- IP flow verify:
i. Network Watcher IP flow verify checks if a packet is
allowed or denied to or from a virtual machine
based on 5-tuple information.
ii. The 5-tuple of the flow (source IP address, source
port, IP transport protocol, destination IP address,
destination port) must be unique.
iii. The NSG decision and the name of the rule that
denied the packet is returned.
iv. Specify a target virtual machine with associated
network security groups, then run an inbound or

outbound packet to see if access is allowed or denied.
- Next Hop
i. Provides the next hop from the target virtual machine to the destination IP address.
ii. Specify a target virtual machine and destination IP address to view the next hop.
- Packet Capture:
i. Allows you to capture all the packet that are moving to/from a VM
ii. It’s used when you need more details over the moving packets
iii. The packet capture output file (.cap) can be stored in a storage account and/or on
the target VM.

4.7 Integrate on premises network with Azure virtual network71

Hybrid cloud

- When establishing a seamless network that combines the on-prem devices and the Azure
- Using scenarios:
i. Manage Azure VMs with on-premises infrastructure.
ii. Manage on-premises infrastructure with Azure solutions.
iii. Azure as a recovery site
iv. Secure WAN cloud between headquarters (HQs) and branch offices.
- Site to Site VPN (S2S VPN):
i. To connect Azure VNET to the on-premises network, we use VPN gateway, the data is
travelling over the internet but the connection is secure and encrypted.
ii. VPN device with a Virtual IP (VIP) should be installed on the on-premises side. All the
PC’s on-premises will use the VIP to communicate with Azure.


iii. In S2S, you need to install a gateway on-prem which is a hardware device, on the
other hand, the Gateway on Azure side is only a Software (A service).

- Point-to-site VPN (P2S VPN):

i. Used to connect the Azure VPN with individual devices in different locations all over
the word, each device has a VPN client installed on it.
ii. The VPN Gateway in Azure is a Route-based VPN (this means it has a routing table to
decide how to route the data to the different connected devices).
iii. The other type of the VPN Gateway is the Policy-based VPN in which it takes the
address prefix (X.X.X.X/Y) for the source and the destination and then decide how to
route the data to the destination.
iv. Configuring P2S is as simple as installing a software on your computer (VPN client) to
get your credential on the Azure VNet.

- ExpressRoute
i. If virtual private network
doesn't give the needed
speed, or if there are
concerned about data traffic
in the public internet, then
ExpressRoute is a solution.
ii. It’s used to connect the on-
premises network to the
Azure VNet over a private

connection. Its reliable and dedicated hybrid connection. The data will not flow over
the Internet.
iii. ExpressRoute is a very high-speed technology that uses MPLS, Multiprotocol Label
iv. You can get ExpressRoute circuits up to 10 Gbps.
v. In this diagram we are using a design pattern called Hub and Spoke where the virtual
network that's linked to on-prem is a hub, and then we take advantage of what's
called VNet peering to create a logical connection between other VNets.

Create and configure Azure VPN Gateway,72

- A VPN gateway is a specific type of virtual network gateway that is used to send encrypted
traffic between an Azure VNet and an on-premises location over the public Internet.
- You can also use a VPN gateway to send encrypted traffic between Azure virtual networks
over the Microsoft network.
- Each virtual network can have only one VPN gateway.
- However, you can create multiple connections to the same VPN gateway. And then all VPN
tunnels share the available gateway bandwidth.
- A virtual network gateway is composed of two or more virtual machines that are deployed
to a specific subnet you create, which is called the gateway subnet.
- The VMs that are located in the gateway subnet are created when you create the virtual
network gateway.
- Virtual network gateway VMs are configured to contain routing tables and gateway
services specific to the gateway.
- You can't directly configure the VMs that are part of the virtual network gateway and you
should never deploy additional resources to the gateway subnet.
- VPN gateways can be deployed in Azure Availability Zones. This brings resiliency,
scalability, and higher availability to virtual network gateways.
- Deploying gateways in Azure Availability Zones physically and logically separates gateways
within a region, while protecting your on-premises network connectivity to Azure from
zone-level failures.


- The Azure VPN Gateway connection options are:
i. On-premises connection (Local network gateway): connecting the on-prem to
another Azure resource that represents your on-premises VPN endpoint.
ii. VNet-to-VNet VPN: Its preferred to use Global VNet peering instead.
iii. Point-to-Side VPN (P2S VPN)
iv. ExpressRout Circuit: Gateways are used in the ExpressRout as they are used in the
VPN connections.
- The used protocols here are: IPsec, IKEv2, BGP to create the VPN tunnel.
- VPN Gateway Policies Configuration types:
i. Policy-based gateway that uses static routing.
ii. Route-based gateway, the preferred way, where you unlock all the feature set and
that uses dynamic routing.
- Configuring a VPN Gateway
i. Azure → Virtual network gateways
ii. Gateway type: VPN, ExpressRoute
iii. VPN type: Mostly Route-based
because we are using Dynamic
iv. Determine VNet
v. Public IP SKU: Basic and for zone
redundant we need to chose
vi. BGP: Border Gateway Protocol
vii. Configure BGP ASN: Can be only
configured with Route based VPN
Gateway with supported SKU type
of VpnGw1, VpnGw2, VpnGw3.
viii. Press Create: it will take about 45
- After creating the VPN Gateway:
i. VPN Gateway → Connection → + Add: Here we are going to make a link to a local
network gateway.

ii. VPN Gateway → Point-to-site configuration: We can configure this from the same
VPN Gateway. Address pool: they are the
address from the Gateway Subnet.
After completing the P2S configuration, the
Download VPN client will be enabled to be
givern to the users.

Create and configure site to site VPN

- S2S configuration composed of the following:

i. Configure on-prem VPN gateway
ii. Create a local network gateway in Azure (it’s the Azure representation of the on-
prem VPN device)
iii. Establish and troubleshoot VPN connection.
- Local Network Gateway
i. Create a local network gateway to represent the on-
premises site that you want to connect to a virtual
ii. The local network gateway specifies the public IP
address of the VPN device and IP address ranges
located on the on-premises site.
iii. Azure → Local network gateways → +Add
• IP Address: The public IP address of your local
• Address Space: One or more IP address ranges (in
CIDR notation) that define your local network's
address space. For example: If you plan to use this local network
gateway in a BGP-enabled connection, then the minimum prefix you need to
declare is the host address of your BGP Peer IP address on your VPN device.
• After creating the Local Network gateway, we need to go to the on-prem machine
and continue setting up.

iv. On-prem DC → Routing and Remote Access → Network Interface → External.

• We have the External interface to connect with Azure

• The Azure S2S. a demand dial connection, on the property you add the Public IP
address of the remote Gateway (Azure VPN Public IP).

• For Security we use a pre-shared key.

Configure Express Route

- Premium Add-On feature in ExpressRoute is Primarily used to allow access to the VNets
from the ExpressRout circuits, which means that customers can access to VNets all over the
world using ExpressRoute
- Premium Add-On increase the number of VNets you can connect from 10 VNets to a
number depends on the Bandwidth.
- ExpressRoute is expensive and you pay only for the Outbound traffic from Azure to your on-
prem. Another option is Unlimited Data, then its more expensive.

- ExpressRoute Direct:
i. ExpressRout require that you make an individual contract with one of the Internet
Service Provider in your region to connect with Azure cloud. But with ExpressRoute
Direct toy can directly connect with the global Microsoft backbone.
ii. ExpressRoute Direct gives you the ability to connect directly into Microsoft’s global
network at peering locations strategically distributed across the world.
iii. ExpressRoute Direct provides dual 100 Gbps or 10 Gbps connectivity, which supports
Active/Active connectivity at scale.

Network Watcher - VPN troubleshoot

- Network Watcher VPN Troubleshoot diagnoses the health of the VNet gateway or
- This request is a long running transaction, and the results are returned once the diagnosis is
- You can select multiple gateways or connections to troubleshoot simultaneously.
- We select our gateway or connection from the list and denote a location to store the
troubleshoot data. (storage Account)

5 Manage Identities: (15 -20%)
5.1 Manage Azure Active Directory (AAD)
Azure Active Directory (AAD)73

- Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s cloud-based identity and access
management service, which helps your employees sign in and access resources in:
• External resources, such as Microsoft Office 365, the Azure portal, and thousands of other
SaaS applications.
• Internal resources, such as apps on your corporate network and intranet, along with any
cloud apps developed by your own organization.
- The Subscription is created inside the AAD, so changing the Directory (AAD) will cause the
need to create a new subscription.
- Each account (email address) can contains multiple AADs
- Each AAD can have multiple subscriptions

- To create a new Active Directory (Tenant):


• Create a resource,→ Identity→ Azure Active Directory.

• Important: The person who creates the tenant is automatically the Global administrator
for that tenant. The Global administrator can add additional administrators to the tenant.
- AAD Vs ADDS (Active Directory Domain service):
• AAD is an identity solution, designed for internet-based application and use HTTP and
HTTPS communications.
• AAD uses REST API for querying not LDAP
• AAD doesn’t use Kerberos authentication.
• AAD include Federation (third party) services.
• AAD users and groups use a flat structure, there are no Organizational Units (OUs) or
Group Policy Objects (GPOs).
- AAD is a managed service, you only manage users, groups and policies. On the other hand,
deploying ADDS within a VM means that need to manage deployment, configuration, VMs …

- Azure AD pricing:
Single Sign-On (SSO) 10 apps per user 10 apps per user No Limit No Limit
Self-Service Password Reset Yes Yes Yes
Company Branding Yes Yes Yes
SLA 99.9% Yes Yes Yes
Advanced group features Yes Yes
Multi-Factor Authentication
Yes Yes
Conditional Access Yes Yes
Identity Protection Yes
Privileged Identity
Access reviews Yes

Add Custom Domains:74

- Each AAD tenant come with an initial domain name:

- You can’t change or delete the initial domain name, but you can add your organization
domain names into the list. This is called: Custom domain names.
- Adding custom domain names helps you to create user names that are familiar to your users,
such as [email protected].
- To use a specific domain name with your Azure AD, create a new TXT record with your
domain name registrar (Registrar: A company designed to provide domain registration
service to other companies or individuals that would like to own a particular web address).
- The domain name shouldn’t be already used in another directory.
- A Domain Name can only be verified in one directory (AAD)
- AAD → Custom Domain names → + Add Custom domain


- To add a domain, you must already own a domain name and have the necessary sign-in
credentials to update the DNS records with your domain name registrar.
- After click add domain, a TEXT record will be grated and you
need to verify it from the registrar.
- To verify a domain and prof to Azure that you are the owner
for this Domain Name you need to copy the TXT record and
enter it within the Domain Name registrar.

Azure AD Join75

- Join your work device to your organization's network

- BYOD: Bring your own device.
- We have two options to Add a device to AAD:
• Registering:
o Register your personal device (typically a phone or tablet) on your organization's
network. After your device is registered, it will be able to access your organization's
restricted resources.
o When a device is registered the AAD device registration provide the device with an
Identify, which is used to authenticate the device when a user is sign in to AAD.
o This identity can then be use to enable or disabled the device.
• Joining:
o It’s an extension of Registering a device, sine it also changes the local state of a
o Changing the Local State allow the users to sign in suing the work account or school
account instead of your personal account.
o Allowed users can join their unregistered devices.


• To see the listed joined devices is AAD:
ADD → Devices

- To add a device to AAD:

• From your device: Setting → Accounts→Access work or school → Connect and then
enter the Microsoft account to connect to AAD.

Configure self-service password reset (SSPR)76

- It’s a part of the AAD features, available in all AD types except the Free one.
- Enabling Self Service Password Reset means that users form AAD can freely changing their
- To enable the SSPR, you need first to upgrade your AAD type from Azure AD Free to Basic,
Premium P1 or Premium P2 type. Azure offers 1-month free trial of Premium P2.


- You could enable the SSPS to All or to AAD Group.
AAD→ Password reset → Properties →

- After Enabling the SSPS, you need to go to the Authentication Methods to

define the number of methods required to reset and choose the wanted
- In registration section, make sure that user are required to register when
signing in:

• Designates whether unregistered users are prompted to register

their own authentication information when they sign in for the first time. If set to "No,"
administrators must manually specify the necessary password reset authentication
information in the properties for each user in this directory, or instruct users to go to the
registration portal URL directly
- To test SSPR:
• Log in using the user credential, and then you will be asked to verify
the authentication details:

Manage multiple directories

- By default, an active directory will be created when you create your account is created, this is
the Default Directory.
- The subscription will be placed in the default directory.
- It’s possible to create additional AAD in the same account:

AAD → Overview →
Create a directory

- By default, a basic domain name at is included with your directory. Later,
you can add a domain name that your organization already uses, such as
- To see the created Directory,
AAD → Overview → Switch directory
- The new created AAD has no Subscription associated to it.
- You need to associate a subscription to the new AAD to be able to use Azure resources.

Configure Azure AD Identity Protection (AAD-IP)77

- PREMIUM P2 Feature, standalone service. That enables you to:

• Detect potential vulnerabilities for identities
• Automate responses to suspicious actions
• Investigate suspicious incident and take actions.
- The vast majority of security breaches take place when attackers gain access to an
environment by stealing a user’s identity. Because of that we need to:


• Protect all identities regardless of their privilege level
• Proactively prevent compromised identities from being abused
- We can within AAD Identity protection configure risk-based policies that automatically
respond to detected issues when a specified risk level has been reached.
- AAD uses ML algorithms to detect anomalies and generates a risk report determining risk
• AAD Identity Protection detects the Vulnerabilities:
o Weakness in your environment that can be detected by the attacker.
o The AAD-IP can detect several vulnerabilities, such as:
a. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) not configured

b. Unmanaged cloud app (the AAD Cloud App Discovery service is used)

c. Security Alert from Privileged Identity Management

- The Risk level of an Event:
• This will help you to priorities your actions. Azure currently select 6 types of risk events:
Event Risk Level
User with leaked credentials High
s from anonymous IP addresses Medium
Impossible travel to atypical location Medium
s from IP addresses with suspicious activities Medium
s from unfamiliar locations Medium
s from infected devices Low

- Configure Azure AD Identity Protection:

• Marketplace → Identity → Azure AD Identity Protection → Create (Premium P2 feature)

• For each Risk event or
Venerability, we need to assign
the User Risk Policy

Access Reviews78

- PREMIUM P2 feature. A standalone service.

- Ensure the right people have the right access at the right time.
- Enable organizations to manage group memberships, application access, and privileged role
- User's access can be reviewed on a regular basis to make sure only the right people have
continued access.
- Access reviews using scenario:
o As new employees join, how do you ensure they have the right access to be productive?


o As people move teams or leave the company, how do you ensure their old access is
removed, especially when it involves guests?
o Dealing with excess access rights
- Perform an Access Review:
o Resource → Identity
Governance → Create an Access
o Click on "Onboard" in the left
navigation menu to start using
Access reviews now.

5.2 Manage Azure AD objects (users,

groups, and devices)79
Azure Roles type80

- The Azure Roles types are:

• Classic subscription administrator roles
• Azure role-based access control (RBAC) roles
• Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) administrator roles
- Azure RBAC roles
• Azure RBAC is an authorization system built on Azure Resource Manager that provides
fine-grained access management to Azure resources, such as compute and storage.
• There are four fundamental RBAC roles. The first three apply to all resource types:
Azure RBAC role Permissions Notes
Full access to all resources The Service Administrator and Co-Administrators are assigned
Delegate access to others the Owner role at the subscription scope
Create and manage all of types of Azure resources
Contributor Applies to all resource types.
Cannot grant access to others
Reader View Azure resources Applies to all resource types.
User Access Administrator Manage user access to Azure resources Applies to all resource types.

- Azure AD administrator roles:


• Azure AD administrator roles are used to manage Azure AD resources in a directory such
as create or edit users, assign administrative roles to others, reset user passwords,
manage user licenses, and manage domains.
• Important Azure AD administrator roles are: Global Administrator, User Administrator
and Billing Administrator.
• AAD → Roles and administrators

- Azure RBAC roles Vs. Azure AD administrator roles81

• At a high level, Azure RBAC roles control permissions to manage Azure resources,
• while Azure AD administrator roles control permissions to manage Azure Active Directory

Create users and groups

- Azure Users:
- You can create a new user using the Azure Active Directory portal.
- Azure Active Directory → Users → + New user or + New guest user


- Users Types:
• Create user: Create a new user in your organization. This user will have a user name like
[email protected].
• Invite user: Invite a new guest user to collaborate with your organization. The user will
be emailed an invitation they can accept in order to begin collaborating.
- If a user in your organization needs permission to manage Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
resources, you must assign the user an appropriate role in Azure AD, these roles are called
Directory roles.
• Assign the roles during the user creation.
AAD → Users → UserName → Directory role → + Add Assignment

- Azure Groups
- AAD → Groups → + New group
- Group types: Security, Office 365.
- While creating groups, you need to choose the Membership
type: Assigned. Dynamic user, Dynamic device:
• Assigned: user will be assigned to this groups manually.
• Dynamic User: you will add a rule and users will be added
to this group based on this rule.
- Dynamic Device: To see a device in the device blade, the
device should be registered. In windows 10, Connect app is
used to connect your PC to Azure. You need to connect the device by using an account from
the users inside the AAD.

manage user and group properties

AAD → Users → All users → [AAD user] → AAD → Groups → All Groups → [AAD group] →

manage device settings

- To list all the devices registered to AAD

• AAD → Devices
- To add a device to AAD: From your device: Setting → Accounts→Access work or school →
Connect and then enter the Microsoft account to connect to AAD.

- After adding the device, you can Disable or Delete it from the AAD. The best practice is just to
Disable a device to keep its credentials for future re-join.

Perform Bulk User Updates:

- Update all the details of user simultaneously.

• For example: add department to all the users in a specific AAD group.
• Using Azure cloud – PowerShell

$groupname = "a43e656b-865c-4f93-a532-4582345acb9f"
$users = Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $groupname
foreach ($u in $users)
{Set-AzureADuser -ObjectId $u.UserPrincipalName
-Department "HR"
Manage guest accounts

- B2B collaboration user

- Azure Active Directory → Users → + New guest user
- Invite user: Invite a new guest user to collaborate with your organization. The user will be
emailed an invitation they can accept in order to begin collaborating.
- Note:
• The User Type has no relation to how the user signs in, the directory role of the user, and
so on.
• This property simply indicates the user's relationship to the host organization and allows
the organization to enforce policies that depend on this property.

5.3 Implement and manage hybrid identities82

- Microsoft’s identity solutions span on-premises and cloud-based capabilities.
- These solutions create a common user identity for authentication and authorization to all
resources, regardless of location. We call this hybrid identity.
- Azure AD Connect is the Microsoft tool designed to meet and accomplish your hybrid identity

- The authentication methods used to achieve Hybrid Identity, depending on your scenarios:
• Password hash synchronization (PHS)
• Pass-through authentication (PTA)


• Federation (AD FS)

install Azure AD Connect83

- Hybrid in Azure, points to a combination of on-prem services with Microsoft Azure services.
- Azure AD connect can sync the objects from on-prom AD to AAD
- The Azure AD connect provides a number of features:
• Password hash synchronization
• Pass-through authentication
• Federation integration
• Synchronization
- Health Monitoring
- Install and configure Azure AD Connect:
• Download the AAD Connect to your PC and then paste it in Azure VM:
• In Azure VM (represent the on-prem device): Install Azure Active Directory Domain
Services role. And then the AAD Connect to synchronise the users.
• In Azure VM, create a user and make him a member of Enterprise Admins. This is needed
because AAD AD connect will attach one user from the AD DS and one user from the AAD
for the synchronization.
• Download the AAD AD connect in the Azure VM, you can use either Express Setting or
• You will need to enter the credentials for both user’s side:
Azure AD and AD DS.


- Authentication Methods:
• Once you choose your authentication methods, it’s hard to change, because it will disrupt
your user sign-in experience.
• Cloud Authentication:
o Cloud-only
a. This is for Born-in cloud organizations with no
on-premises infrastructure.
b. Here you can establish user identities directly in
the cloud and Azure AD handles all of the
authentications completely in the cloud.
o Password Hash Sync:
a. Users can actually sign in to cloud-based applications using the same usernames
and passwords that they use with their on-premises Active Directory.
b. Password hash sync also provides user and password protection.
o Pass-through authentication
a. It is very similar to password hash sync, but it's for organizations where their
security policies or something that they would like
to reuse in the cloud.
• Federated Authentication: In this case Azure AD actually
hands-off the authentication to a trusted authentication
system to handle all of the authentication.
o Microsoft's AD FS

o Third-party compatible Federation providers.
- Seamless single sign-on (SSO):
o Its means that you don’t have to enter your credentials for each service or
application, one sign-in will be enough.
- In Azure AD Connect, a number of options can be setup in order to implement hybrid
identity. These options are84: Decision Tree

Password hash synchronization with Azure AD85

- Users can actually sign in to cloud-based applications using the same usernames and
passwords that they use with their on-premises Active Directory.
- Password hash sync also provides user and password protection.
- Synchronize on-prem Active Directory with ADD. In this case AAD become an extension of
your already existing on-prem AD.
- Configured via AD Connect.
- Syncs a hash, of the hash, of the user’s password.
- Password hash synchronization can:


• Improve the productivity of your users.
• Reduce your helpdesk costs
- Microsoft searches for compromised passwords on the dark web
- Can be combined with SSO.

Azure Active Directory Pass-through Authentication86

- It is very similar to password hash sync, but it's for organizations where their security policies
or something that they would like to reuse in the cloud.
- Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Pass-through Authentication allows your users to sign in to
both on-premises and cloud-based applications using the same passwords.
- This feature is an alternative to Azure AD Password Hash Synchronization, which provides the
same benefit of cloud authentication to organizations.
- However, certain organizations wanting to enforce their on-premises Active Directory
security and password policies, can choose to use Pass-through Authentication instead.
- Configured via an AD connect agent outbound connection
- Authentication is done in the cloud after a secure password verification exchange with the
on-premises authentication agent
- Does not sync the password but Azure AD validates against the on premise


- Can be combined with SSO.

federation with Azure AD87


o Federation is a collection of domains that have established trust.
o The level of trust may vary, but typically includes authentication and almost always
includes authorization.
o In this case Azure AD actually hands-off the authentication to a trusted
authentication system to handle all of the authentication.
o All user authentication occurs on-premises.
o If the federation fails or is down you will be out of Azure, to avoid it combine it with
Pass-through Authentication as a backup

Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On (SSO)88

- Its means that you don’t have to enter your credentials for each service or application, one
will be enough.
- Azure Active Directory Seamless Single Sign-On (Azure AD Seamless SSO) automatically signs
users in when they are on their corporate devices connected to your corporate network.
- When enabled, users don't need to type in their passwords to sign in to Azure AD, and
usually, even type in their usernames.
- Seamless SSO can be combined with either the Password Hash Synchronization or Pass-
through Authentication sign-in methods.
- Seamless SSO is not applicable to Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).
- Federation Vs SSO
• Federation Beyond the organization boundary whereas SSO is only within an organization
• If you are doing federation, this means you are also doing SSO. But if you are doing SSO
that doesn’t mean that you are doing Federation.
- Configuring SSO:
• AAD → Enterprise applications → Overview → + New Application: if you choose any of
the applications you can detect the SSO Mode for it:


• Single Sign-On Mode: This is the type of Single Sign-on the application supports:
o SAML/OpenID Connect based SSO will allow your users to allow apps using their
organizational accounts hosted in your Identity Provider.
o Password-based Sign-on enables administrators to securely store passwords in the
cloud, and assign those passwords to user or groups.
• After adding the specific application to the AAD, for example: BOX → Single Sign-on

Manage Azure AD Connect

- Use Azure AD Connect to integrate your Azure AD with your Windows Server AD or another
directory on your network.
- AAD → Azure AD Connect

manage password sync and password writeback89

- Password writeback is a feature enabled with AAD Connect that allows passwords changes in
the cloud to written back to the on-premises directory in real time.
- Enabling Password Writeback:


• Within the server that we installed the AAD connect in it →
Azure AD Connect → Configure → Tasks → Customise synchronization options → enter

the required information until reaching the optional Features: Check the Password

• This will enable the Password writeback on the on-prem side, we need next to allow self-
service password reset to use the Password writeback. To do that:

• AAD → Password reset → On-premises Integration

5.4 Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA)90

- MFA works by requiring two or more of the following authentication methods:
• Something you know (typically a password)
• Something you have (a trusted device that is not easily duplicated, like a phone)
• Something you are (biometrics)
- MFA is included for free in the Azure AD Premium P2, but it’s billable per user for the other
types of AAD.

Configure user accounts for MFA

- There are many ways of deploying MFA with Azure AD.

• Cloud-based MFA: when we enable the MFA to users, we will redirected to a separate
wen page.
• Server Setting: AAD → MFA→ Server Setting, where you download the server software
and make it running in your own environment.
- The best way is to use Azure MFA in the cloud and to apply it to your users using conditional


- You can only apply MFA to AAD users, not to the Guest users.
- AAD → Users → All users → Multi-Factor Authentication
This will send you to a separate web site
- Within this page, I can Enable the MFA for the AAD users.

enable MFA by using bulk update

- In the MFA web page select Bulk Update link:

configure fraud alerts

- Allow your users to report fraud if they receive a two-step verification request that they
didn't initiate.
- AAD → MFA → Fraud alert
- By Default, Fraud alert is set to
- If you set: Automatically block
users who report fraud to On,
then the blocked users will move
to Block/unblock users tab within the Fraud Alert blade.

- Block/unblock users
• A blocked user will not receive Multi-Factor Authentication requests.
• Authentication attempts for that user will be automatically denied.
• A user will remain blocked for 90 days from the time they are blocked.
• To manually unblock a user, click the “Unblock” action.

Configure bypass options

- Allow a user to authenticate without performing two-step verification for a limited time.
- The bypass goes into effect immediately, and expires after the specified number of seconds.
- This feature only applies to MFA Server deployment.
- AAD → MFA →On-Time bypass → + Add

Configure Trusted IPs and configure verification methods

- AAD → MFA → Getting Started → Configure Additional

cloud-based MFA setting
- You can determine the trusted IPs and the verification
- Enabling trusted IPs: Skip multi-factor authentication for
requests from federated users on my intranet.

6 Hands-on Labs


7 References


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