Design, Fabrication and Testing An Electrical Groundnut Roaster
Design, Fabrication and Testing An Electrical Groundnut Roaster
Design, Fabrication and Testing An Electrical Groundnut Roaster
Ground nut roasting is one of the most important stages in groundnut processing .It is a process
of pyrolysis (time temperature dependent) which, by increasing the temperature of the groundnuts
from room temperature to 150oC and above, brings about marked physical and chemical changes
in the groundnuts that improve the quality of the groundnuts.
The purpose of this project proposal was to design and construct an electrical groundnut roaster
machine for helping groundnut farmers improve on the quality of their products which would yield
high market prices hence improving their economic wellbeing and this was achieved by roasting
under controlled time and temperature conditions in order to reduce loss of desired aromas to the
environment and attain uniform roasting of the groundnuts.
The design of the various machine parts was carried out by analyzing forces acting on them. Force
analysis led to selection of proper materials to withstand the forces to avoid failure. Stainless steels
of various grades were the main materials recommended to be used because they are food grade,
strong and durable. Engineering drawings of the various components were drawn before the
various components were constructed and then machine parts fabricated. A fully functional
prototype resulted after all the above operations. Testing of the prototype was carried out and the
figures revealed that the machine was 72.7% efficient. The groundnut roaster has a total cost of
1,605,000 UGX which includes all the taxes, cost of material, machinery and hired labor to
construct the machine plus overhead costs. The cost evaluation analysis of the project was based
on the payback period method, the project was evaluated to breakeven in 1.23 years and on net
present value method with NPV of 1,000,739 UGX over a period of five years.
ted beauty. They are a major source of
1.1BACK GROUND proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and fats
Groundnuts (Arachis hypogea L.) , are an since they contain about 40-50%fat, 20-50 %
ancient crop that originated from south protein ,10-20% carbohydrates depending on
America (southern Bolivia) where it was the variety(Okello, Biruma, & Deom, 2010).
cultivated as early as 1000 BC. Cultivated as
Uganda produced 140.000 metric tons in
early as 1000 B.C. This crop was spread to
2005 from 250.000 hectares of land with
Africa, Asia, Europe, and other places in the
most of the crop being grown in the northern
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
and eastern part of Uganda (Okello D.K.,
Global peanut production in 2014-2015 was Biruma M. 2010)
39.98 million tons, which was slightly
About two thirds of world production is
less than the record crop for 2013-2014 year
crushed for oil, which makes it an important
of 40.16 million tons (USDA, 2015). With
oilseed crop. The oil is used primarily for
china, India and the united states being the
cooking, manufacture of margarine,
leading producers(Crop, 2001). They account
shortening and soaps. Seeds are consumed
for 70% of the world's production. China
directly either raw or roasted, chopped in
produces about 17 million tones and India
confectioneries, or ground into peanut butter.
producing about 9.5 million tones (USDA
Young pods may be consumed as a vegetable,
2015). Today, it is grown in areas between 40
while young leaves and tips are utilized as a
degrees South and 40 degrees north of the
cooked green vegetable. Scorched seeds may
equator, where average rainfall is 500 to 1200
serve as a coffee substitute.
mm and mean daily temperatures are higher
(“INTRODUCTION Groundnut (” 2001).
than 20 degrees. (Crop 2001)
Groundnut roasting is carried out at
Ground nuts are the second most important
temperatures above 150 °C in order to
legume in Uganda after beans. It’s mostly
produce the required flavors and to start the
grown in the Northern and Eastern Uganda.
browning chemical reactions. Roasting of
(Okello et al. 2012). The ground nut varieties
groundnuts can be categorized into dry
are the red Valencia type but of a very mixed
roasting and oil dry roasting, heat
nature ranging from large seeded manyema
is transferred by hot air while in oil roasting,
group e.g. Roxo to small seeded group e.g.
and heat is transferred by the hot oil.
(Davidson, et al., 1999)
This was made from mild steel plate of 4.4. Roasting efficiency.
1.5mm thickness.
The roasting efficiency was calculated using
A plate of length 920mm and width 180 mm
was bent and welded into a cylinder of the equations below:
29.3mm diameter.
𝑚𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
RE = ∗ 100% =
2.3.4 Design of the frame. 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑜𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
∗ 100
4 angle bars of length 1162mm and width 19.7
labor cost, power, machinery used in the 4.0 Results and Discussion Effect of the
construction of the thresher. feed sample on the performance of the
Net present value is the sum of the present machine
values of incoming and outgoing cash flows
Roasting efficiency decreased with
over a period of time. Incoming and
increasing feed sample, increasing the feed
outgoing cash flows can also be described as
sample from 2.5 to 4.0kg/min decreased the
benefit and cost cash flows respectively,
roasting efficiency from 78.0 % to 73.0%.
discounted at the project's cost of capital, r
The low roasting efficiency with the
and deducting the initial investment, i0.
increasing feed sample was due to the thick
Decision criteria are to accept a project with
layer of material formed at the bottom of the
a positive net present value (i.e. NPV > 0)
roasting vessel that constrained the agitation
Advantages of NPV method
of the groundnuts by the motor. Higher feed
samples also take a longer period of time to efficiency of 72.7%. From the results the
be roasted because they react slower to following conclusions were made:
temperature changes compared to the 2.5kg
1. The machine efficiency was influenced by
since most of the groundnuts are exposed to
the pre-heat temperature and the feed rate.
2. The heating unit was able to roast the
Effect of pre-heating temperature on the
groundnuts though there were also cases of
performance of the machine.
few burnt beans.
The charge temperature (the temperature at
The prototype can be constructed from any
which the roaster is pre-heated) changed with
workshop since the materials used are readily
every groundnut kernel because the size,
available and cost of the machine is
density and water content of each groundnut
affordable since the initial investment can be
sample were different and a different charge
recovered in seventeen days .The developed
temperature made a big difference in the final
machine can help groundnut farmers improve
product. For example not getting the kernels
on the quality of their products which yield
up to roast temperature quickly enough
high market prices hence improving their
resulted in burnt kernels instead of roasted
economic wellbeing. It also saves time for the
ones. This results in a grassy, earthy flavor
farmer to carry out other activities thus
and when the charge temperature was too
improving labor productivity
high (1600c), scorching of the groundnuts
occurred and ended up giving a burnt flavor. Conceptual diagram.
The results obtained from the design and
performance evaluation showed that, the
groundnut roasting machine was designed,
fabricated, tested and found to have a
throughput capacity 10.47kg/hr. and
future, 9(39), 6448–6459.
Crop, H. E. G. (2001). The cultivated
groundnut (, 6–38.