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Texture and Microstructure of Gelatin/Corn Starch-Based Gummy


Article  in  Food Biophysics · September 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s11483-012-9262-3


34 2,293

3 authors, including:

Ana Carolina Borella Marfil Anhê Vania Regina Nicoletti

Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro (UFTM) São Paulo State University


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Food Biophysics (2012) 7:236–243
DOI 10.1007/s11483-012-9262-3


Texture and Microstructure of Gelatin/Corn Starch-Based

Gummy Confections
Paulo H. M. Marfil & Ana C. B. M. Anhê &
Vania R. N. Telis

Received: 27 July 2011 / Accepted: 28 May 2012 / Published online: 12 June 2012
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

Abstract Texture of gummy gels prepared with gelatin and number of hollow zones including starch granules inside
acid modified corn starch (AMCS) was quantified by instru- them. In addition, introduction of AMCS in the samples of
mental techniques and the gel microstructure was examined Group 2 caused an increase in hardness and opacity and a
by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and scan- decrease in stringiness and adhesiveness. On the other hand,
ning electron microscopy (SEM). Gelatin:AMCS gummy results from TPA tests showed that the addition of AMCS to
gels were divided in two groups: Group 1, containing dif- gelatin gels in suitable proportions can be a feasible alter-
ferent gelatin (0–10 wt%) and AMCS (0–10 wt%) concen- native in the formulation of gummy confections.
trations, totalizing 10 wt% solids; and Group 2, which was
prepared with a fixed gelatin concentration (8 wt%) and Keywords Acid modified corn starch . Gelatin . TPA .
varied AMCS concentrations (0–5 wt%). All gummy gels Scanning electron microscopy . Confocal laser scanning
were formulated with maltitol syrup and xylitol, shaped in microscopy . Gels
cylindrical molds and submitted to instrumental texture
profile analysis (TPA) tests and colorimetric analysis. Group
1 pure starch gels (10 % AMCS) presented the highest Introduction
stringiness and adhesiveness. In samples of Group 2 the
introduction of AMCS dramatically changed the structure Proteins are often used in the formulation of products such as
of the gelatin gels. Thermodynamic incompatibility was coatings, capsules in pharmaceutical and food industries,
evident even at the lowest AMCS concentration. Moreover, adhesives, surfactants and plastic items. Nevertheless, the
increasing AMCS concentrations lead to an increase in the higher price of proteins and proteinaceous materials when
compared with other biopolymers, especially starch and cel-
lulose, has limited research on their technical applications.1
Financial support CAPES (scholarship) and FAPESP (Process 2006/ Gelatin is the biopolymer obtained by hydrolytic degra-
dation of the most abundant mammalian protein, collagen. It
P. H. M. Marfil : V. R. N. Telis has wide-ranging industrial applications, especially in the
Department of Food Engineering and Technology,
São Paulo State University (UNESP),
food industry.2 Native conformation of collagen is a triple
15054-000 São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil helix held together by interchain hydrogen bonding. In
dilute aqueous solutions above 37 °C, gelatin molecules
P. H. M. Marfil (*) exist as separate disordered chains (coils). On cooling,
Department of Food Engineering,
regions of the molecules start to revert to an ordered helical
Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM),
38064-200 Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil collagen-like conformation (“frustrated renaturation”).
e-mail: [email protected] When a solution containing around 1 wt% gelatin is cooled
to room temperature, the gelatin molecules form an infinite
A. C. B. M. Anhê
network cross-linked by hydrogen bonding, i.e., a thermor-
Laboratory of Medical Entomology,
René Rachou Research Institute (CPqRR - FIOCRUZ), eversible gel. The role of the coil-helix transition in this
30190-002 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil mechanism has been thoroughly investigated.3–5 Gelatin gel
Food Biophysics (2012) 7:236–243 237

strength is dependent on gelatin concentration, with little The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence
effect of ionic strength and pH.6,7 of acid modified corn starch (AMCS) addition in gelatin
The behavior of mixtures of gelatin with various polysac- based gummy confections. Mechanical and optical proper-
charides such as alginate, pectin and starch has been widely ties (assessed by instrumental texture profile analysis [TPA]
studied.8–12 Knowledge about protein-polysaccharide interac- tests and colorimetric analysis) and microstructure (evaluat-
tions is important in food formulations since these mixtures ed by scanning electron microscopy [SEM] and confocal
generally lead to phase separation. Phase separation occurs laser scanning microscopy [CLSM]) were analyzed in order
due to thermodynamic incompatibility or complex coacerva- to better understand the interaction between these two bio-
tion, depending on the affinity between the different biopol- polymers (AMCS and gelatin).
ymers and the solvent.13
In addition to its role in plant physiology, starch is the
most important carbohydrate source in human nutrition.14 It Material and Methods
is also widely used, alone or with other gelling agents, to
provide a wide range of jelly and gum products. Native and Material
modified starches are important ingredients in many formu-
lated foods.15 The gummy gels were formulated using gelatin, AMCS,
The role of starch in gummy confections is to provide maltitol syrup, xylitol and distillated water. Food-grade,
their base structure and many of their textural character- type B, bloom number 240 gelatin, extracted from bovine
istics. Acid modified starches are formed by adding a small hides by alkaline treatment was supplied from Gelita
amount of acid to a starch suspension and heating to a (Mococa, Brazil). Commercial food-grade acid modified
temperature below the starch gelatinization temperature, corn starch, Candymil® (moisture content 12.2 wt%, ash
producing hydrolyzed starch.16 When the desired degree of content<2 wt%, pH 5.4) was provided by Corn Products
hydrolysis is achieved, the mix is neutralized and the starch (Mogi Guaçu, Brazil). Maltitol syrup (Lycasin®) and xylitol
is filtered, washed and dried. The acid hydrolyses some were supplied, respectively, by Roquette (Lestrem, France)
bonds within the starch granule, leading to a less linked and Tovani Benzaquen (São Paulo, Brazil). These materials
structure and a reduction in molecular weight of some were used without any chemical treatment.
chains. This causes the starch granules to be readily soluble
in boiling water and disintegrate when cooked to give a Preparation of Gelatin/Corn Starch Gels
lower hot paste viscosity and higher gel viscosity than
native starches.17–19 The gelatin/corn starch gels were prepared in order to give two
In many food products, such as processed meats, cheese, sample groups. In the first one (Group 1), samples contained
yogurt and confectionary products, texture is primarily de- different proportions of gelatin:AMCS, always totalizing
pendent upon formation of a gel network, which can be 10 wt% gelling agents in the final formulation. The mass ratios
strongly affected by the nature of biopolymers present in of gelatin and AMCS were 10:0; 9:1; 8:2; 7:3; 0:10 gelatin:
the formulation. Gelatin is commonly used in gummy con- AMCS. In the second group (Group 2), samples contained a
fection because the final product shows suitable hardness fixed amount of gelatin (8 wt% of the final formulation) and
and transparency, two characteristics that are desirable by different proportions of AMCS, varying from 0 to 5 wt%.
consumers. In order to keep a constant proportion between the addi-
A gummy confection consists of high proportions of tional formulation ingredients, the following procedure was
sucrose and glucose syrup, combined with gelling compo- adopted: the amount of gelling agents was subtracted from a
nents such as starch, gelatin, or pectin, along with food acid, total of 100 wt% and the remaining amount was divided into
flavourings and colourings. Common confectionery gel nine portions, which were composed by six portions of
products form a portion of the lucrative confectionery mar- maltitol syrup, one portion of xylitol and two portions of
ket and there are continual consumer demands for more distilled water, according to Table 1.
interesting and innovative products that have new and ex- The aqueous gelatin solution was prepared by dissolving
citing textures, flavors and appearances. Improving or mod- gelatin granules in distilled water (80–90 °C). In order to fully
ifying confectionery gel textures can meet these demands, dissolve all granules, the gelatin solution was kept for 30 min
but first an understanding of how the behavior and structure in a water bath at 60 °C, with regular manual stirring. A
of the gel is developed must be achieved.20 In addition, an similar procedure was used to prepare the starch solution,
increase in the demand for low-sugar products has been seen but in this case the water bath was kept at 90 °C, with manual
in recent years, in such a way that a gummy confection free stirring for 9 min (until starch suspension became transparent).
of sucrose and glucose syrup could be a new and attractive Maltitol syrup and xylitol were mixed and heated over a
alternative for consumers. metal sheet at 125 °C and cooled to 90 °C. This syrup and
238 Food Biophysics (2012) 7:236–243

Table 1 Formulations of gelatin and AMCS gels of groups 1 and 2. Group 1 containing different gelatin (0–10 wt%) and AMCS (0–10 wt%)
concentrations, totalizing 10 wt% solids. Group 2 containing a fixed gelatin concentration (8 wt%) and varied AMCS concentrations (0–5 wt%)

Sample Gelatin (wt%) AMCS (wt%) Maltitol syrup (wt%) Xylitol (wt%) Water (wt%)

Group 1 7G3S 7.00 3.00 60.00 10.00 20.00

8G2S 8.00 2.00 60.00 10.00 20.00
9G1S 9.00 1.00 60.00 10.00 20.00
10G0S 10.00 − 60.00 10.00 20.00
0G10S − 10.00 60.00 10.00 20.00
Group 2 8G0S 8.00 0.00 61.34 10.22 20.44
8G1S 8.00 1.00 60.67 10.11 20.22
8G2S 8.00 2.00 60.0 10.00 20.00
8G3S 8.00 3.00 59.33 9.89 19.78
8G4S 8.00 4.00 58.67 9.78 19.55
8G5S 8.00 5.00 58.00 9.67 19.33

the gelatin solution were then added to the starch solution, The cylindrical-shaped gels (20 mm length and 31 mm
under manual stirring for 1 min in a water bath at 90 °C diameter) were kept at ambient temperature (25 °C) for 24 h
(Figure 1). The final formulation was subjected to pH mea- and then were subjected to instrumental texture profile anal-
surement, which varied between 5.9 and 6.2. A portion of ysis (TPA) tests. Samples were compressed twice at 1 mm/s
the final formulation was placed into cylindrical silicon to 40 % of their original height and measurements were
molds for texture and color analysis, whereas the remaining performed in triplicate. The textural parameters recorded
material was processed for microstructure analysis. during the analysis were: hardness (force at maximum com-
pression during first bite), fracturability (force at the first
major drop in force curve), stringiness (distance to which
Mechanical Properties food extends before it breaks away from the compression
plates), adhesiveness (area under the zero force line that
Mechanical properties of the gels were determined by com- represents the work caused from a tensile force, needed to
pression using a TA-XT2i Texture Analyzer (Stable Micro- pull food apart and separate it from the compression plates)
systems Ltd., Godalming, UK) with an acrylic cylindrical and springiness (distance or length of compression cycle
plate probe (49.2 mm of diameter) lubricated with canola oil. during the second bite), defined according to Steffe21 and
calculated by the Texture Expert software (Stable Micro-
systems Ltd., Godalming, UK).


Opacity (Y) was measured in a colorimeter (Hunterlab/Col-

orflex, Reston, USA). The Y value was calculated by the
Universal software 3.2 (Hunter Lab Associates Laboratory,
Reston, USA, 1997), according to Eq. (1).
Y ¼ ðYB =YW Þ  100 ð1Þ
where YB and Yw are the opacity under black and white
standard, respectively. Opacity values were expressed using
an arbitrary scale (0 to 100 %).

Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM)

For scanning electron microscopy (SEM), samples were fixed in

a 2.5 % glutaraldehyde solution overnight, dehydrated in a
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram showing processing steps used to prepare graded ethanol solution series and dried by the critical point
gelatin and AMCS gel samples method using liquid CO2 and acetone. The gels were fractured,
Food Biophysics (2012) 7:236–243 239

mounted on stubs using double-sided stick tape and coated with adhesive force (maximum negative force). There were no
gold. Samples were analyzed in a JEOL 560 SEM (Scanning significant differences in springiness between samples of
Electron Microscope JEOL JSM 560, Tokyo, Japan). Group 1, although a trend of maximum springiness was
observed for sample 7G3S.
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) Gels containing only AMCS as gelling agent (0G10S) did
not result in a self-supporting structure - i.e., a protein network
For confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), the fluores- strong enough to be able to support its own weight and to
cent marker Rhodamine B was used for non-covalent labeling. maintain its shape without flowing when removed from the
Two drops of an aqueous 0.05 % Rhodamine B solution was mold - even in the presence of maltitol syrup, which behaves as
added to 100 g of sample at 70 °C. At this temperature, and a body agent, and xylitol, which is an edulcorant. Nevertheless,
taking into account that all sites in the samples were in liquid the replacement of only a small fraction of gelatin by starch
state, they could be considered to be accessible to Rhodamine (9G1S) did not result in a statistically significant difference
at a fast diffusion rate. Samples were mounted on microscope when compared with pure gelatin gel (10G0S).
slides, covered with glass cover slips and sealed with nail polish In order to study the influence of AMCS on the texture of
to prevent evaporation. Slides were analyzed in a LSM-510 gelatin gels, some experiments were carried out on samples
(Zeiss Laser Scanning Microscope 510, Carl Zeiss, Konig- of Group 2 (Table 1). Results of TPA tests applied in these
sallee, Gottingen, Germany) using a 543 nm wavelength. The samples are presented in Table 3.
key feature of CLSM is the ability to image a single focal plane The highest hardness values were observed in samples
in the sample. This enables visualization of cross-sections of the 8G4S (51.67 N) and 8G5S (53.63 N), which were higher than
blended systems. Cross-sections were taken at 2 μm intervals. those that would be obtained by summation of hardness values
of samples prepared with the individual biopolymers as, for
instance, in samples 10G0S (40.08 N) and 0G10S (1.10 N). It
Results and Discussion should be pointed out that the total gelling agents’ concentra-
tion in samples 8G4S and 8G5S were higher than in samples
Mechanical Properties 10G0S and 0G10S. Taking into account sample 8G2S, which
was prepared with a total of 10 wt% gelling agents, the
TPA analysis showed that gelatin plays an important role in all resulting hardness (35.06 N) was lower than for the sample
textural parameters studied. Considering the samples of Group containing only gelatin. The lower hardness of 8G2S com-
1, 10G0S and 9G1S gels did not show significant difference pared to 10G0S can be regarded as an antagonistic effect.
(p>0.05) in hardness and fracturability (Table 2). On the other Contrary to what had been observed for samples of Group
hand, these parameters, mainly hardness, decreased with an 1, samples of Group 2 showed a trend of less stringy and
increase in AMCS proportion (8G2S, 7G3S, 0G10S). DeMars adhesive gels being obtained with increasing starch concen-
and Ziegler9 studied gelatin/pectin-based gummy confections tration (Table 3 and Figure 3). Nevertheless, this result could
and observed that hardness decreased with increasing pectin be reflecting the increase in the total content of gelling agents.
concentration. Gelatin also showed a great influence in string-
iness and adhesiveness, since a decrease in gelatin concentra- Opacity
tion resulted in stringy and adhesive gels, as can be observed
in Figure 2. In this figure, the negative area that appears in the In general, the transparency of gelatin gels decreased with
detailed area corresponds to adhesiveness, while the horizon- the increase in gelatin concentration, as can be concluded by
tal and vertical arrows represent, respectively, stringiness and comparing samples 10G0S (Table 2) and 8G0S (Table 3).

Table 2 Hardness, fracturability, stringiness, adhesiveness, springiness and opacity values of gelatin and AMCS gels (Group 1)

Gelatin (wt%) AMCS (wt%) Hardness (N) Fracturability (N) Stringiness (−) Adhesiveness Springiness (%) Opacity (%)

10.0 − 40.08±2.10a 0.200±0.001a 0.86±0.14a −0.35±0.13a 95.5±0.3a 90.03±0.34a

9.0 1.0 42.69±1.19a 0.200±0.001a 0.96±0.11a −0.55±0.05a 94.6±4.2a 96.24±0.44b
8.0 2.0 33.89±1.71b 0.177±0.005b 1.12±0.15a −0.68±0.18a 96.5±3.0a 97.76±0.29c
7.0 3.0 18.26±0.07c 0.180±0.005b 1.98±0.25b −1.10±0.14b 97.5±2.5a 98.02±0.21c
− 10.0 1.10±0.08d 0.134±0.004c 3.82±0.21c −2.08±0.19c 95.4±0.9a *
Means ± standard error, values with different letters in same column are significantly different, P<0.05.
*The low consistence of sample 10A0G did not permit the use of the colorimeter.
240 Food Biophysics (2012) 7:236–243

Fig. 2 Texture profile analysis of gelatin:AMCS gels (10 wt% solids) in different proportions, respectively: 10:0 (closed squares); 9:1 (open triangles);
8:2 (closed circles); 7:3 (open stars); 0:10 (cross)

Table 2 shows that addition of a small concentration of permitting visualization of cross-sections of the sample.
AMCS (1 wt%) reduced transparency, but resulted in a gel This enabled observation of the gel inside, without
with mechanical proprieties similar to pure gelatin gels. In destroying its original shape.
Table 3, the influence of AMCS on gel opacity can be For CLSM, rhodamine B was used. It is a fluorescent
clearly observed, since in these samples gelatin concentra- probe for non-covalent labeling, known for its capacity to
tion was kept constant (8 wt%): increasing AMCS caused a interact with protein phases in mixed biopolymer systems.12
decrease in transparency. For instance, the initial opacity In addition, Van de Velde et al.22 showed that, in the absence
value of 81.33 % (8G0S) increased to 97.28 % (8G2S) with or at low protein concentration, the fluorescent probe binds
the addition of only 2 wt% starch. to starch granules. This situation was observed in this work,
where rhodamine B stained the starch granules as well as the
Microscopy Structure gelatin network. The fluorescence appeared at the periphery
of the swollen starch granules, suggesting that the fluores-
In order to evaluate the mechanical properties and mi- cent probe was adsorbed onto these zones, as previously
crostructure of gels, samples were subjected to analysis observed by Van de Velde et al..22
by SEM (Figure 4) and CLSM (Figures 5 and 6). SEM SEM and CLSM showed that, in the absence of AMCS,
(Figure 4) permitted visualization of the gel three- gelatin exhibited a thin spongy and regular aspect
dimensional structure. In CLSM (Figures 5 and 6), a (Figures 4a and 5a). Addition of 1 wt% of AMCS dramat-
single focal plane of the gel was analyzed at each time, ically changed the gel morphology, since gelatin formed a

Table 3 Hardness, fracturability, stringiness, adhesiveness, springiness and opacity values of gelatin and AMCS gels containing 8 wt% gelatin and 0–
5 wt% AMCS (Group 2)

Corn Starch (wt%) Hardness (N) Fracturability (N) Stringiness (mm) Adhesiveness (N.s) Springiness (%) Opacity (%)

− 31.94±1.23a 0.195±0.001a 2.10±0.03a −2.97±0.52a 92.3±3.3a 81.33±0.59a

1.00 33.30±0.23a 0.195±0.005a 1.36±0.22b −0.70±0.41b 96.5±0.4b 89.93±0.54b
2.00 35.06±3.11a 0.178±0.004b 1.48±0.01b −1.24±0.20b 90.0±0.9a 97.28±0.68c
3.00 35.87±2.77a 0.178±0.004b 1.22±0.02b −0.56±0.25b 90.6±3.3a 97.57±0.20c
4.00 51.67±1.62b 0.188±0.010ab 0.91±0.25bc −0.47±0.46b 90.5±1.5a 97.64±0.23c
5.00 53.63±0.50b 0.186±0.009ab 1.05±0.01c −0.58±0.10b 92.8±2.1a 96.04±0.37d
Means ± standard error, values with different letters in same column are significantly different, p<0.05.
Food Biophysics (2012) 7:236–243 241

Fig. 3 Texture profile analysis of gelatin:AMCS gels containing 8 wt% gelatin and different AMCS contents: 0 % (closed squares); 1 % (open
triangles); 2 % (closed circles); 3 % (open stars); 4 % (cross); 5 % (plus signs)

fibrillar framework containing some swollen AMCS The addition of 2 to 5 wt% AMCS (Figures 4c–d and 5c–f)
(Figures 4b and 5b). These fibers were randomly distributed resulted in a polygonal network of gelatin with many hollow
and connected to one another and the swollen AMCS gran- zones where starch granules were localized, but contrary to
ules appear as if embedded by the gelatin network. Heating what have been observed in Figure 4b, swollen AMCS gran-
of AMCS suspensions leads to swelling and finally disrup- ules were disconnected from the network. Higher AMCS
tion of starch granules, the so-called gelatinization process. concentration in the mixed systems resulted in a more com-
Therefore, it could be concluded that the presence of gelati- pact appearance, which was related to the higher hardness
nized starch would significantly affects the morphology of found in TPA tests. The network was predominantly com-
gelatin network. In many applications and in almost all food posed by gelatin, which explained the self-supporting struc-
applications, starch granules are heated before use. ture of the systems.

Fig. 4 SEM images of blended

systems containing 8 wt%
gelatin and zero (a), 1 wt% (b),
3 wt% (c) and 5 wt% (d)
AMCS. Figures C and D show
the starch granules inside the
hollow zone in the gelatin
242 Food Biophysics (2012) 7:236–243

Fig. 5 CSLM images of

blended systems containing
zero (a), 1 wt% (b), 2 wt% (c),
3 wt% (d), 4 wt% (e) and 5 wt%
(f) AMCS. Grayish (or reddish)
networks are rich in gelatin.
Starch granules are embedded
by the gelatin network

In addition, increased AMCS concentration also single phase or a phase separation (associative or
resulted in a higher number of hollow zones and starch segregative).13,25–27 Single phase behavior occurs in
granules disconnected from the network, showing the some rare cases or with low polymer concentrations,
incompatibility of these biopolymers. Depending on the when biopolymers are miscible and co-exist. This situ-
nature of the biopolymer and the solvent conditions, protein ation was not identified in the analyzed samples
and polysaccharide interactions can be attractive or repulsive, (Figure 6b–d).
leading to complexation or thermodynamic incompatibility, Increased AMCS concentration modified the struc-
respectively.23 Thermodynamic incompatibility is a widely ture of the gels, showing thermodynamic incompatibil-
observed phenomenon in protein and polysaccharide mixtures ity. This behavior became evident from the hollow
and occurs mainly due to the low entropy of mixing.24 zones that segregated starch granules from the gelatin
When two biopolymers (proteins and/or polysacchar- matrix. The network was more compact, whereas gela-
ides) are mixed together, it is possible to observe a tin was repulsed by starch. Thermodynamic unstable
Fig. 6 CSLM images of cross-
sections of 8G1S (a, b, c) and
8G5S (d, e, f) samples showing
some AMCS embedded by the
gelatin network (distance be-
tween cross-sections: 2 μm)
Food Biophysics (2012) 7:236–243 243

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