Breastfeeding The Preterm Infant: Luigi Corvaglia, Silvia Martini, Giacomo Faldella
Breastfeeding The Preterm Infant: Luigi Corvaglia, Silvia Martini, Giacomo Faldella
Breastfeeding The Preterm Infant: Luigi Corvaglia, Silvia Martini, Giacomo Faldella
Bologna, Italy
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Neonatology · Cagliari (Italy) · October 23rd-26th, 2013 ·
Learned lessons, changing practice and cutting-edge research
1/9 Open Access Journal of Pediatric and Neonatal Individualized Medicine • vol. 2 • n. 2 • 2013
membranes. With regard to preterm infants, relevant infections, urinary infections, diarrhea), as well as
ameliorative effects on neurodevelopmental and a reduction of upper respiratory symptoms during
visual outcomes have been described [24, 27, the first year of life [40], are observed in breastfed
29, 30]. Particularly, an improved retinal rod preterm infants when compared to those formula-
function was previously observed by Uauy et al. fed [6, 41-43]. Additionally, breastfed infants had
in association with breastfeeding and LC-PUFA fewer hospital readmissions for illness up to 2.5
supplementation [27], while we have firstly years after discharge [17, 19, 44].
disclosed an enhanced maturation of visual evoked Neonatal infections are known to entail poorer
potentials in both breastfed infants and those on neurodevelopmental outcome. Hence, a possible role
LC-PUFA supplemented formula [24]. Better of a lowered rate of infective events in determining
visual acuity, evaluated with the Teller Acuity Card an improved neurodevelopment in human milk-fed
procedure, was found as well in preterm infants fed preterms infants might be speculated [44].
formulas supplemented with marine oil, which is The maturation of gastrointestinal tract in
rich in DHA [29]. preterm infants is still dynamically developing.
Due to their poorer enzymatic activities, preterm Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) represents
babies are particularly vulnerable to LC-PUFA the most frightful gastrointestinal complication
deficiency; as a consequence, dietary intake of of prematurity, as it is burdened by a high rate of
LC-PUFA is crucial for this specific population to mortality.
support the ongoing structural development of brain Even though its pathogenesis is still not
and retinal membranes. completely understood, NEC might ensue from an
According to these beneficial effects of abnormal disproportion between bacterial intestinal
LCPUFAs, which are not contained in bovine colonization, immunological functions and
milk, the supplementation of infant formulas with inflammation, which is commonly observed in the
a proportion of DHA between 0.2% and 0.5% of preterm population. Preterm infants are more likely
fatty acids and amounts of AA being at least equal to develop a pathogenic intestinal microbiota [45].
to those of DHA has been recommended [31]. Several antimicrobial factors contained in human
However, as shown in two recent meta-analyses milk, as immunoglobulins, cytokines, lactoferrin,
of clinical trials [32, 33] LC-PUFA supplemented and glycoproteins with antiadhesive capacity may
formula failed to demonstrate clear beneficial effects contribute to hinder gut colonization by pathogenic
on neurodevelopment in preterm infants when organisms [34]. Additionally, the high levels of
compared to standard formulas, thereby supporting fructo-oligosaccharides within breast milk may
the advantageous role of breast milk consumption. promote intestinal colonization by Bifidobacteria
sp., therefore inhibiting the pathogenic bacterial
Infectious diseases, NEC and intestinal overgrowth [46] which is known to be involved in
maturation NEC pathogenesis [47].
NEC generally occurs after the beginning of
As far as non-nutritive constituents of breast enteral nutrition [48]. Indeed, preterm infant have
milk are concerned, peculiar immunological an excessive inflammatory response to luminal
properties are guaranteed by the provision of stimuli, which can lead to develop gut injury.
secretory IgA, oligosaccharides, leukocytes, Recently, Penn et al. [49] performed an in vitro
lysozyme, interferon-γ, lactoferrin, nucleotides, comparison between the cytotoxic effects of infant
cytokines [34], which play a key role in promoting formula versus fresh breast milk on the intestinal
gut maturation and preventing invasive infections mucosa. Due to higher levels of free fatty acids
[35-37]. (FFA) resulting from the digestive process,
Higher levels of secretory IgA, the main digested infant formula was found to provoke a
immunoglobulin contained in human milk, are found major cytotoxicity. Given the enhanced intestinal
in preterm milk [38, 39]. Due to their immunologic permeability of preterm infants, the absorption of
immaturity, preterm infants are particularly cytotoxic molecules might represent a relevant
predisposed to develop infections; therefore, the trigger for intestinal inflammation and subsequent
host defense factors provided through breast milk ischemia and necrosis. Hence, these findings chiefly
are fundamental for this specific population. As a support the protective role of breast milk towards
result, a significantly lower rate of overall infections NEC development. Furthermore, a significant,
(late onset sepsis, meningitis, upper respiratory tract dose-related reduction of intestinal permeability has
been observed in preterm infants predominantly fed Growth and nutritional adequacy of human milk
on human milk [50].
One of the major clinical trials comparing the Although the nutrient concentrations of preterm
effect of breast and donor milk versus both term and breast milk are reported to be either the same as or
preterm formula on NEC development dates back higher than in term milk, concerns regarding its
on 1990, when Lucas et al. [36] disclosed a 10-fold adequacy to support the nutritional needs of preterm
increase of NEC incidence in formula-fed preterm and VLBW infant have been raised [8].
infants; the higher was the dietary intake of human When compared with term infants, preterm
milk, the lower was the risk for NEC development. babies have limited nutrient reserves at birth.
These preliminary findings have been Moreover, they undergo a variety of metabolic
subsequently confirmed by a large number of studies and physiological stresses that contribute to boost
[6, 7, 35, 51-54]. Moreover, several evidences their nutritional requirements. Recommended
supporting the dose-response relationship between nutrient needs for preterm infants were assumed
HM intake and NEC risk have been provided [43, on the dogmatic concept that the optimal rate of
52, 53]. Although exclusive HM feeding was found postnatal growth should be almost the same as that
to be the most effective [7, 51, 52], a significant of normal, uncompromised fetuses of an equivalent
protecting effect towards NEC development was postmenstrual age [62]. In practice, however, target
observed even in those infants receiving at least levels of nutrient intakes are rarely achieved and a
50% of human milk [52]. relevant deficit in energy, protein, mineral and other
With regard to donor milk, the amount of nutrient is often accrued during NICU stay. Indeed,
immunoprotective factors may be compromised by it has been estimated that almost 50% of preterm
pasteurization. However, two recent meta-analyses infants develop an extra-uterine growth restriction
of data from randomized controlled trials have [63] unrelated to the previous fetal growth trend.
showed that, when compared to formula feeding, Breastfeeding during hospitalization and at time
donor human milk is likewise effective in reducing of discharge is shown to be associated with poorer
NEC incidence in the preterm population [55, 56]. early weight gain as well as with reduced length and
Due to the immaturity of gastrointestinal head circumference growth [20, 53, 64, 65].
functions, preterm infants frequently develop an Worse neurodevelopmental outcome and later
impaired feeding tolerance. As a consequence, cognitive dysfunction have been observed in preterm
days to achieve full enteral feeding, as well as the infants with suboptimal early postnatal nutrition
duration of parenteral nutrition and central line [66]. Lower neurocognitive scores and higher rates
access, are often increased. of cerebral palsy, evaluated in a large cohort of
HM contains specific bioactive agents, as extremely preterm infants at 18 to 22 months of
growth factors and hormones, that may promote the corrected age, were likewise found to be linked with
functional maturation of gastrointestinal tract. As an impaired growth during NICU hospitalization.
previously ascertained in several clinical trials [21, [67]. Furthermore, a relevant association between
53, 56-58], lower rates of feeding intolerance and poor head growth, higher risks of neurodevelopmental
shorter time to gain full feeding were observed in impairment and worse cognitive outcomes in later
preterm babies fed on human milk when compared childhood was previously noticed in children born
with those formula-fed. The enhancement of prematurely [68].
gastric emptying, which has been reported in Hence, on the basis of these results, the lowered
breastfed infants [53, 59], might partially explain growth rates observed in breastfed preterm infants
the underlying mechanisms [48]. The length of might potentially undermine the neurocognitive
both parenteral nutrition and central line access was development. However, some reassuring evidences
likewise decreased [58]; a possible positive role of have been recently disclosed in two independent
these findings in reducing the risk for late-onset cohorts of preterm infants. Although these breastfed
sepsis might be postulated. infants had a suboptimal weight gain during
Moreover, the enzymatic activity of lipases hospitalization, breast feeding at discharge resulted
or proteases is frequently blunted in the preterm in better neurodevelopmental assessments at 2
population. Digestive enzymes contained within and 5 years of age [20]. Indeed, this paradoxical
breast milk may allow to supply this lack, improving observation might encourage the indication to
the digestion and absorption of nutrient and thereby breastfeed preterm infants during NICU stay and at
leading to better feeding toleration [60, 61]. discharge.
Breastfed preterm infants frequently accumulate effect of breastfeeding during the first 3 months of
nutritional deficits, especially in protein, calcium life on the incidence of both atopic dermatitis [79]
and phosphate [69]. The latters, particularly, might and asthma [80] in children with a family history
entail higher risks of low bone mineralization, of atopy, the recent PROBIT study confirmed the
metabolic bone disease and subsequent poor skeletal efficacy of breastfeeding in reducing the rates of
growth [65]. atopic eczema but not of other atopic diseases (i.e.
It has been largely shown that human milk asthma, hay fever) [81].
fortification promotes short-term neonatal growth Data regarding preterm infants, however, are few.
[53, 64, 70, 71]. Indeed, breast milk supplementation To the best of our knowledge, the only prospective
with nutrient fortifiers is a valid practice to ensure randomized study comparing banked human milk
protein supply adequate for preterm infants growth versus cow milk formula was carried out in 1990 by
as well as minerals such as calcium and phosphorus Lucas et al. [82]. In this research, formula feeding
to enhance an appropriate bone mineralization [53]. resulted in an increased risk of atopic eczema
During NICU stay, preterm infants generally and cow milk’s allergy at 18 months of life in the
received their own mother’s milk via a gastric tube; subgroup of neonates with atopic heredity.
thus, human milk fortification is easy to carry out.
However, once the baby can suckle the breast or at the What about mothers? Psychological aspects of
hospital discharge, the fortification of human milk breastfeeding
is often discontinued, as it might interfere with the
breastfeeding practice [12, 72]. As a consequence, Additionally to the well-known beneficial effects
the risk of nutritional deficit is potentially enhanced exerted on the babies, breastfeeding plays a chief
[73], thereby casting some doubts on the nutritive part in the transitional process to motherhood [83].
reliability of exclusive breastfeeding in preterm The synthesis of milk components from the
infants after hospital discharge. mammary glands of pregnant women begins
before 22 weeks of gestation, so that colostrum is
Breastfeeding: the programming effects produced even in case of very premature delivery
[84]. Mothers of preterm infants, however, face
Evidence regarding the effects of early nutrition significant difficulties in establishing a proper milk
on biological programming, which may be involved expression, as a probable consequence of several
in long-term outcomes, is increasing [74]. A negative influencing factors. Among these, the main
lowered incidence of obesity, hypertension, leptin are represented by inadequacy of nipple stimulation,
resistance and insulin resistance, has been observed failure of breast emptying [84, 85], provision of
in premature infants fed on human milk [74-78]. specific medications which might interfere with
Particularly, Singhal et al. [76-78] performed a the lactation process, emotional stress that may
long-term study, enrolling premature infants into negatively interfere with oxytocin release and, not
two different arms depending on whether they were least, prolonged hospitalization and infant medical
fed on human milk or on formula. A comparison complications. As a result, the rate of breastfeeding
between preterm infants fed either breast milk in mothers of VLBW infants remains quite low [86].
or donor human milk as well as preterm or term In the last years, however, it has been observed
formula was carried out up to adolescence. Infants that a motivation to breastfeed, especially if
on the high nutrient density diet, which was provided since the beginning of pregnancy, plays a
provided by formula feeding, showed a more rapid relevant predictive role on breastfeeding initiation
growth during the neonatal period; as far as long- and duration [87, 88].
term outcomes, however, they experienced higher The experience of breastfeeding may also yield
rates of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, leptin beneficial psychological effects on mothers who
resistance, insulin resistance and hypertension, experienced a premature delivery. For instance, it
whereas the group fed on human milk showed dose- may contribute to reinforce the feeling of connection
response beneficial effects, despite a lowered rate of between the mothers and their preterm babies as well
growth noticed during the neonatal age. as the perception of the parental role [83, 88, 89].
The linkage between breastfeeding and Hence, breastfeeding practice should be largely
the development of atopic diseases is still a motivated, not only for the beneficial observed in
controversial issue. With regard to term infants, breastfed preterm infants, but even for its capability
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