Vautid 100: Wear Plate For Highly Wear Resistant Hardfacing

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Wear plate for highly wear resistant hardfacing

VAUTID Material characteristics


Base materials All weldable steels, mostly structural steels

Material type High-chromium/ high-carbon alloy on iron base

Alloy components C – Cr – Fe

Recommended applications In case of high abrasive wear and moderate up to normal impact up to 350°C

Weld deposit properties Hardness (acc. DIN 32525-4): appr. 740 HV10, 62 HRC*

Main industries Steel industry, cement industry, power stations, mining, sand and gravel industry, concrete
industry, glass industry, recycling industry, timber wood industry, chemical industry,
petrochemical industry, etc.

Typical machine parts Chutes, screens, transfer units, bunkers, tubes, concrete mixers, mill linings, cyclones,
seperators, bucket-wheel linings, excavator bucket linings, tractor shovel front edges, dust and
ash ducts, fans, fan housings, etc.

Handling - Conventional machining possible only by grinding

- Thermal cutting using laser, plasma or water jet cutting
- Cold working from diameter 300 mm possible with hard facing inside (1)
- Cold working from diameter 450 mm possible with hard facing outside (1)
- Fixing by welding or bolting on the base material
- Constructions comparable with conventional steel construction
(1) dependent on thickness of plates

Forms of delivery * subject to common industrial fluctuations

Formats (mm) Thickness of the plates Material Layers Comments

Base material +
Hardfacing (mm)

3+3 (3), 5+3 (4), 6+4, 6+6,

Standard formats Base material ≤ 5 mm: Hardfacing 3 mm
8+5, 8+6, 8+8, 10+5, ≤ 6 mm: 1 Layer
2.400 x 1.150 (2) Base material 6 mm: Hardfacing 3 - 6 mm
10+10 > 6 mm: 2 - 4 Layers
2.900 x 1.400 (2) Base material ≥ 8 mm: Hardfacing 3-20
further combinations on

Base material 6 mm: Hardfacing 4 -6 mm

Special body on demand ≤ 6 mm: 1 Layer
Base material ≥ 8 mm: Hardfacing 4 -20
Up to 3.900 x 1.900 (2) > 6 mm: 2 - 4 Layers

(2) Hardfaced area

This data sheet corresponds to the present state of production (October 2016) and can be (3) only 2.400 x 1.150 mm
changed anytime. (4) max. 2.900 x 1.400 mm

VAUTID GROUP Phone: + 49 711 / 44 04-0 E-Mail: [email protected]

Brunnwiesenstr. 5 Fax: + 49 711 / 44 20 39 Web:
73760 Ostfildern

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