Effect of E-Service Quality On Consumer Interest B
Effect of E-Service Quality On Consumer Interest B
Effect of E-Service Quality On Consumer Interest B
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2 authors, including:
Vincent Soltes
Technical University of Kosice - Technicka univerzita v Kosiciach
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All content following this page was uploaded by Vincent Soltes on 01 December 2017.
Abstract: Internet users in Indonesia are increasing, creating an opportunity for business people to do business
through e-commerc on the company website. Each company would have the marketing strategy to attract
consumers, one of them by providing electronic services facility called or e-servi ce on the website. Through the
role of e-service on e-commerce, companies can improve quality service through reliability aspect (X1), website
design (X2), security / privacy (X3) and customer service (X4) to attract consumers interest buying (Y) so that
the quality of online services can improve consumer buying interest through the company's website. This
research was aimed to analyze the influence of e-service quality to consumers buying interest on Korean
Denim's website, through purposive sampling of 150 respondents and analyzed by using multiple regression
analysis on. The result showed that the e-service quality had a positive influence on co nsumers buying interest
at 38% with a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05), indicating that H1 was accepted and generated the
regression equation Y = 5,035 + 0. 440 X1 X2 + 0.187 + 0.296 + 1.820 X3 X4.
Keywords: e-commerce, e-service, quality of service and buying interest.
I. Preliminary
Internet users in Indonesia is estimated to reach 57.8 million in 2010, with increasing use of the service
via broadband technology. Today, the internet has become a medium for marketing and sales of cheap, fast and
has a wide range to penetrate national borders. Along with the widespread use of the internet in the late 90s, the
rise of online shop offering a variety of products or services through a website that is designed to be able to
conduct online transactions, and lahirl ah term e-commerce (http://inet.detik.com/index.php/detik.read/
174121/idnews /884242/idkanal/398).
it, it is an effort to Anticipate market competition strategy e-commerc e were recently used by businesses via the
Internet. According Supranto (2006: 227), the service or services (e-services) is a fw kine appearance, intangible
and disappear quickly intervening, it can be felt rather than owned, and the customers can more participate
active in the process of consuming reviews these services.
One distinctive service facility Korean website namely Chat Denim Flow (communication goes), this
facility is indirect communication services between the buyer (buyer) and seller (the seller) for the purchase or
means of information about the product Korean Denim. Layan's flow chat is accessible anywhere and anytime
with internet facilities m through tablet PC, laptop, PC, mobile phone, through the application ym (yahoo
messenger), g-talk (google talk), and k-talk (Korean talk). In addition there is also the facility of chat flow more
services namely, Custom Design Denim (jeans design Reviews their own making). Buyers can the make the
design of jeans as they wish, from the selection of underwear models, color materials, stitching, and size.
Applications such is a means to implement the ideas and tastes of consumers dar i quality of service provided by
Korean Denim.
According Tjiptono (2005: 121), the quality of j hope can be Tirrenus through the fulfillment of
customer needs and desires as well as the accuracy of delivery to keep pace with customer expectations, Thus
there are two the main factors that Affect the quality of expected service and services were perceived service.
Excellence ch facilities at flow and design customized website Korean Denim on denim is expected to influence
consumers to buy. Buying interest According to Kotler (2009: 200), is a desire that comes from within ourselves
a video or from an originator in the purchasing decision, in the which the person who first proposed the idea to
others for m embroider a product or service.
For bussiness that faces competition in e-commerce, e-commerce, each company needs to have
distinctive e-service as a point of differentiation to Attract the consumers buying interest. Addressing the needs
and desires of consumers through Appropriate delivery is expected to encourage consumers to buy and generate
customer life time value is longer for the company. This study compiled to analyze the influence of the quality
of e-services on consumer buying interest, me through reliability factor, Web site design, security or privacy and
customer service.
The above is a service in given by Korean Denim to customers / potential customers who Transact via
the website services. Each company's e-commerce would have a strategy in marketing to attract consumers, one
with a facility of electronic services or so-called e-service on the website. According to Hoffman et al. (2006:
69), e-service is electronic services or electronic services roomates connect over the Internet and can assist in
solving the problem, the task of a tau transaction. E-services can be used by individuals, companies, and other e-
service can be accessed through a broader network than the traditional services.
According to Bateson (2006: 333), e-service is a business concept which was developed by e-
commerce where do a service relationships with customers through a world wide web (WWW) and Also
completed the sale of the products and services of Reviews These companies, While the service electronically
by Jeong (2007), the online services available on the Internet, where the transaction is valid for buy and sell
(ISC) is possible, as opposed to a website tradi tional, the which is only descriptive information was available ,
and no transak the online is possible. From some of the above statement, can condition collect that e-service is a
service provided by the provider of e-commerce website (profit) and non e-commerce (non-profit) to the
consumer to access the website when doing online transactions or just looking for information, and the merits of
an e-service (electronic service) can be felt from the consumer experience.
According to Kotler; Keller (2009: 54), the quality of online services can be judged from:
1. Reliability / Compliance
a) Products that come presented accurately through a website.
b) Obtain customer orders from this website.
c) The products delivered on time permitted by the company.
2. Web Site Design
a) The website provides in-depth information.
b) The site does not waste time.
c) Transactions can be done easily and quickly on the website.
d) The level of site personalization right, not too much or too little.
e) trusted website has a good selection.
3. Security / Privacy
a) Feeling that consumer privacy is protected at this site.
b) Feel securely transact with this web site.
c) the Web is quite safe for the transaction.
4. Customer Service
a) The company is willing and ready to respond to customer needs.
b) When it has a problem, the website showed a genuine interest
to complete.
From the e-service description above, the expected quality of online services can improve consumer
purchase interest in Korean Denim website. According buying interest Bettman & Evans (2007: 202), is a sense
of interest experienced by consumers of a product (goods and services) that influenced by the attitude outside of
the consumer and in the consumer itself. Meanwhile, According to Lamb, Hair, Mcdaniel, (2007: 34), interest in
buying consumerism n of a product is influenced by factors several model hierarchy based consumer response,
among others:
1. Attention : Attention is a degree of sensitivity to the product that is being experienced by consumers, as well
as knowledge of new products, which the salesperson can provide a benefit to the consumer when using the
2. Interest Presentation of sales Began to Attract the attention of potential customers, the which the salesperson
should be trying to lure the interest of potential buyers who can turn his desire for the product. Salespeople
can use the word - a word that is easy to understand, and Also had to choose the time and the right location
to make a presentation.
3. Desire After catching the attention of prospective buyers, salespeople can Captivate his interest so as to
create a need for products through sales blurb where it is the salesperson can do demonstrations. Salespeople
can also offer a proving by conducting a test to give knowledge to the customer.
4. Action After explaining the product and its benefits, the salesperson should try to close the sale and take
orders. Experiments closure can also be done by issuing an objection buyer, so the salesperson can have the
opportunity to answer any questions or objections raised by the potential consumers. Additionally
salesperson can offer products, presenting product features, advantages, benefits, and value of the products
Model Research
Source: E-Service (Philips Kotller and Kevin Lane 2009: 54), Interests Buy (Lamb, Hair, Mcdaniel,
2007: 34)
According Sugiyono (2007: 51), come into one's vision for an answer hypothesis as to the formulation
of research problems. It is said, Temporarily, Because new answers given are based on relevant theory, yet is
based on empirical facts Obtained through the data collection. So hypothesis can also be Expressed as a
theoretical answer to the formula research ah mass. The hypothesis of this study is based on the formulation of
the problem items, namely:
1. Ho: e-service quality has no effect on consumer interest buying.
2. H1: e-service quality has effect on consumer interest buying.
Research Methods
This type of research carried out in research in predictive research. Predictive research is research that
tried to explain what will happen from a phenomenon that no (Hartono 2004). Researchers are trying to explain
what will happen to relationship between e-services quality on consumers interest buying.
Sampling Methods
The sample in this study are the consumers of Denim city in Bandung that make purchases through the
website Korean Denim. Sampling was done by non-probability sampling method y, using purposive sampling
technique. Sampling se how non-probability sampling meant that much chance the elements to be chosen as a
research subject is unknown while is a purposive sampling method is sampling that limited to Certain types of
goods and be able to provide the desired information for the sample it is the only one that has or meets the
criteria specified by the researchers. Number of respondents d nature of this research was 150 respondents.
According to Hair et al (2006), this amount meets the minimum standard sampling criteria, the which is five
times greater than a number of parameters be estimated, in this study the authors use multiplication 6 to
minimize the error occurred. The parameters in this elitian pen is as much as 22 questions x 6 = 132
respondents, then rounded to 150 respondents.
E-Service Quality
1. Reliability / Compliance
2. Design website.
3. Security / Privacy.
4. Customer service.
Interests Buying
1. Awareness
2. Interest
3. Desire
4. Action
Operational Variables
In accordance with the research title is "cauldron effect of e-service bag on consumer buying interest
on the website Korean Denim", then the variable operational op is as follows:
Table 4 shows the correlation (r) of 0616, the which means there is a positive relationship between the
two variables. A positive relationship means that if the variable X (quality e-service) Increase will be
accompanied by the Increase of the variable Y (interest buying), while the value Outcome kore (r) can be
Obtained by the coefficient of determination (r square) done to quantify the percentages of the quality of service
on the interests buying is 38%, while the remaining 62% are influenced by other factors not discussed in this
study. Judging from the type of industry that run by Korean Denim, the authors assumed 62% of other factors
are derived from the risk of online transactions such as fashion industry. Jones and Vijayasarathy (1998: 141), in
2004 revealed that people Sularto Consider online shopping more at risk dib anding shopping through print
catalogs. Chang, Cheung and Lai (2005) in (Katos 2009: 30), says ba hwa risk in e-commerce are distinguished
in two categories namely product risk and transaction risk. Risk Refers to ketida kpastian products or services
purchased product will be as expected, sed balustrades transaction risk is the uncertainty the which would be
detrimental to consumers in the transaction process.
Table 5
Model Sum of Squares df mean Square F Sig.
Regression 1796.601 4 449 150 22 202 0 .000a
residual 2933.399 145 20 230
Total 4730.000 149
a. Predictors: (Constant), LP, K, PRI, DSW
b. Dependent Variable: MB
Source: Data are processed using Spss 17.0 for Windows
Table 5 shows that the value of significance is 0.000 (<0.05). This means that the model in this study
right to assert a real picture of the influence of the quality of e-services to consumers to buy.
Table 6
Coefficients a
Model unstandardized Coefficients standardized coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error beta
1 (Constant) .035 .2717 1853 .066
Reliability 440 .261 .150 1685 .094
Web Site Design 296 .216 .137 1,372 .172
Privacy 187 .271 .064 .692 .490
Customer service .820 .449 .371 4059 .000
a. Dependent Variable: MB
Source: Data are processed using Spss 17.0 for Windows
Table 6 shows the values of regression (regression equation) is Y = 0.035 + 0.440 X1 + 0.296 X2 +
0.187 + 1.820 X3 X4, where a = 0,035 has meaning when the reliability, web site design, privacy and lay anan
customers do not experience Increase = 0 (zero), the buying interest of 0,035. While b1 = 0.440 then has
meaning when Increased reliability by 1 and other factors have Increased the Increased buying interest at 0.035.
Value b2 = 0.296 then has meaning at the time of web site design increasing at 1 point and other factors there is
no increase is in the buying interest Increased by 0.035. Value b3 = 0.187 then has meaning when the privacy or
security Increased by 1 point and the other factors there is no increase is in the buying interest Increased by
0,187. Value b4 = 0.820 then has meaning when the customer services increased by 1 point and the other factors
there is no increase is in the buying interest increased by 0.820. values obtained from the significant value of
0.000 (<0.05). this means that e-service quality Affect the buying interest. By all implementation of e-service
quality that has been done by Korean Denim has been rated by customers. The reliability factor, web site design,
privacy, an d customer service is Believed to have a positive impact and significant influence for consumers to
buy the product Korean Denim.
Based on the Conclusions drawn, then the next can be proposed some suggestions that may be useful
for the sealed uk and Korean Denim. The suggestions proposed are as follows:
1. Give a quick response and precise. In conducting business online, of course Korean Denim required to be
active and dynamic when serving the demands of consumers. In serving the demand of consumers, ensure
that Korean Denim always maintain the quality of goods and timely submit the company so that it can push
further towards customer repurchase Korean Denim products.
2. Offer a payment service with the cooperation of banks in Indonesia which has a network of Visa,
Mastercard, etc. Inconvenience consumers against online business can arise when they me nghadapi
purchase process that does not provide the security of transactions, so as to establish the credibility of e-
service Korean Denim, it is necessary to support the banking as a business partner Korean Denim.
3. Completeness of the product information on the website Denim Korean needs to be improved and cared for
as a medium of e-commerce transactions, the website is a medium to improve consumer product
knowledge, so that the completeness of product information will greatly assist consumers in deciding the
choice of products in the purchase decision process.
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