The Challenge of Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus Comorbidity

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Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus

Unraveling the causal link, and improving care

The challenge of tuberculosis and

diabetes mellitus comorbidity
Hazel M Dockrell
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
TB and diabetes- getting better or worse?

• We hope that we may be able control TB- but things

do not look good for diabetes which is increasing
• The number of people with diabetes rose from 153
million in 1980 to 347 million in 2008 and is expected
to rise to 592 million by 2035
• 80% of those with diabetes currently live in low or
middle income countries, where there is a lot of
• Does co-morbidity with TB and diabetes matter?

18.03.2015 2
Diabetes can increase the risk of tuberculosis
3-fold, and many TB patients have diabetes

The Indian State of Kerala

has reported that 44% of
its TB patients have
diabetes – another study
by Nandakumar et al
(PlosOne 2013) found
24% of the TB patients
had type 2 DM
Morbidity for hypertension, HIV, Type 2 diabetes and TB in
Khayelitsha, Cape Town
( based on prescriptions given to 32,474 patients over 9 months)

Oni4 et al, BMC Infect Dis , 2015
Projected diabetes changes from 2010-2030
data from WHO and International Diabetes Association (Lancet Infect Dis 2009, 9:737)

18.03.2015 5
The impact of diabetes on tuberculosis infection

Hodgson et al, Immunology 2014, 144:171

12.03.2013 6
WHO and the International Union against Tuberculosis
and Lung Diseases Collaborative Framework

12.03.2013 7
Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus
Unraveling the causal link, and improving care
Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus
Unraveling the causal link, and improving care
What needs to be done?

The Facts… Questions…

• 15% TB also with DM 1. How to screen?

• TB-DM: Poor outcome 2. How to manage?

• Little is known about why worse 3. What is the basis for the poor
outcome of TB in DM outcome?

• Even less known about basic 4. What is basic mechanism for

mechanism for susceptibility susceptibility?


1. Feasible, accurate & cost-effective ways of screening TB DM

2. DM management during and after TB treatment

• effect of glucose control on TB treatment outcome.

3. Pathways that enhance susceptibility to, and poorer treatment

outcomes of TB-DM

4. Cellular & molecular basis for the causal link between DM & TB
• the effect of hyperglycemia and genetic variation on the host protective
response to Mtb.

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Central hypotheses:

1. Screening and management of DM among TB patients can be

greatly improved and simplified with a major impact on control of
TB-DM co-morbidity.

2. The effect of DM on TB susceptibility and outcome is regulated,

at least partly, by hyperglycemia, which dysregulates the cellular
response to M. tuberculosis (Mtb), and by genetic variation
common to both diseases

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2000 2000


6/3/2015 13
Screening TB patients for DM and DM
patients for TB
All newly diagnosed TB patients (N=2000)
• history of DM
• HbA1c (gold standard)
• POC HbA1c, rcg, fpg, urine dipstick, diabetes risk score

Feasibility, accuracy, and cost of those modalities

Previously known DM patients (N=2000)

•Symptom screen
•and followed by sputum examination

•Most DM identified in TB patients is pre-existing not newly diagnosed DM

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Screening diabetes patients for active and
latent TB…
Data from 4 sites (n: 807 )
• History of TB: 6.4 – 25.5%
• Very low prevalence of active TB
• …

Data from Indonesia (n: 375)

• IGRA test
• Prevalence: 38%
• …

Ruslami/TANDEM consortium, unpub. data

6/3/2015 15
Pragmatic trial in TANDEM

• Objective:
• To evaluate the effect of enhanced glycemic monitoring of DM during TB
treatment on clinical & microbiological outcomes.

• Study design:
• 350 TB-DM patients across the sites (Romania, Peru and Indonesia)
• Randomization for the clinical monitoring strategies
• Normal practice (standard)
• More intensive monitoring (intensive)

6/3/2015 16
Gene expression changes occurring during tuberculosis
treatment: will these be different in TB-DM?
hybridization intensity
Average normalized

4,151 gene
entities >2-fold
between time-
points, P<0.05
Diagnosis Week 1 Week 2 Week 4 Week 26

Patients after 1 week of

Patients at diagnosis treatment Treatment duration
4 weeks 26 weeks
Early changing gene entities

•Marked changes in gene expression (Affymetrix) early and late during

treatment (Cliff et al J Infect. Dis, 20123, 207:18)
Diabetes affects different tissues and cells….

For example, can

Mtb infect

12.03.2013 18
Hodgson et al, Immunology 2014, 144:171
Immune mechanisms that might contribute to the
greater susceptibility of diabetes patients to Mtb

12.03.2013 19
Hodgson et al, Immunology 2014, 144:171
T cell and macrophages interactions in TB: Impact of
type 2 diabetes mellitus and HIV

Ronacher, Joosten, van Crevel, Dockrell, Walzl, Ottenhoff Immunological

12.03.2013 Reviews 2015, 264: 121–137 20
Effect of hyperglycaemia on macrophages infected with M.tb

M0 M2

M2 M2

12.03.2013 Lachmandas
21 et al PloS One 2015
Comorbidity with TB and diabetes does matter:

• Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have a 3-fold

increased risk of developing TB
• Diabetes may alter the clinical presentation of
• Diabetes may make TB harder to treat successfully
• Diabetes may increase the rates of TB relapse following
apparently successful treatment
• Hopefully our ongoing studies will help identify the most
effective ways of bidirectional screening, of managing TB-
DM patients and bring greater insights into the
mechanisms underlying these interactions

18.03.2015 22
Thank you…

TANDEM: Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus

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