Estimating-And-Costing - Questions and Answers
Estimating-And-Costing - Questions and Answers
Estimating-And-Costing - Questions and Answers
Height = 0.80m
Length = 1.20m
Width = 1.80m
Rise = 0.20m
Tread 0.30m
2. Calculate the quantity of materials and analyze the rate required for lime concrete in
foundation with 25mm size stone ballast, lime and sand. Proportions 1:2:4 for 1 cu.m
3. Prepare a detailed estimate if a R.C.C beams of 8 meters clear span and 75cm x 40cm in
section from the given drawing. Steel in detail and RCC work shall be calculated separately.
Also prepare the schedule of bars.
4.Sinking fund
A sinking fund is a fund established by an economic entity by setting aside revenue over a
period of time to fund a future capital expense, or repayment of a long-term debt.
In North America and elsewhere where it is common for public and private corporations to raise
funds through the issue of bonds, the term is normally used in this context. However, in the
United Kingdom and elsewhere where the issue of bonds (other than government bonds) is
unusual, and where long-term leasehold tenancies are common, the term is only normally used
in the context of replacement or renewal of capital assets, particularly the common parts of
Two Marks Questions with Answers
1. What is meant by estimating and costing and state its need?
Ans: -
Estimating and costing in construction management is the calculation of quantities of materials,
tools, equipments, labors etc. and cost associated with them.
2. Write a short note on types of estimates and their purpose?
Ans: -
Before constructing any project we should need to plan for cost and time.
Then only that project could be get success.
3. What is specification and mention its necessity.
The estimation of building quantities like earth work, foundation concrete, brickwork in plinth and
superstructure etc. can be worked out long wall short wall method and centerline method.
Following are the three different methods used for estimating building works:
a. Long wall – short wall method
b. Centerline method.
Abstract Estimate:
It is actually last thing or method to do in the completion of detailed estimate .All the rates
as well as the quantities of the of every type of work item is made in the abstract form in
5. Explain the following general items of work involved in the estimation for a building
along with the process of calculations.
(a) Earthwork in excavation: - Earth work is filling the soil and excavating the soil.
(b) Earthwork in filling: - The unit of earth work is cum.
(c) Brick at soling.
(d) Cement concrete in foundation: - The concrete is used as bed in foundation.
(e) Masonry work in superstructure.
(f) 10 cm thick brickwork.
(A) The estimated value of the work excluding the amount for contingencies, work charged
establishment, tool and plants, is called work value
(B) The actual expenditure involved to complete a work including incidental, establishment and
travelling charges, is called actual cost
(C) The formal acceptance by the administrative department for incurring an expenditure on the
work, is called administrative approval
(A) 10 cm
(B) 15 cm
(C) 20 cm
5. While estimating a reinforced cement structure, the omitted cover of concrete is assumed
(A) At the end of reinforcing bar, not less than 25 mm or twice the diameter of the bar
6. A cement concrete road is 1000 m long, 8 m wide and 15 cm thick over the sub-base of 10
cm thick gravel. The box cutting in road crust is
(A) 500 m3
(B) 1000 m 3
(C) 1500 m3
(D) 2000 m3
7. While estimating the qualities for the construction of a building, the correct metric unit is
(A) In order to check up the average depth of excavation, ‘Dead man s’ are left at the mid-widths of
borrow pits
(B) The earthwork calculation in excavation is made from the difference in levels obtained with a
(C) The earth work in excavation to form the road embankment includes the formation of correct
profile and depositing the soil in layers
(B) The lead is calculated for each block of the excavated area
Q.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans D D A D D C D D C D
7. Pick up the excavation where measurements are made in square meters for payment…….
8. The expected out turn of 2.5 cm cement concrete floor per Manson per day….
10. The expected out turn of cement concrete 1: 2: 4 per mason per day is……..
Q.NO Answer
1 cement
2 0.25%
3 Di-calcium silicate
4 Tricalcium aluminate
5 120 minutes
6 be durable
7 surface dressing up to 15 cm depths
8 7.5 sqm
9 Length, breadth, height
10 5.0 m3
1. The following width of road embankment is 10m. The side slopes are 2:1 The depth along
the centre line road at 50m intervals are 1.25, 1.10, 1.50, 1.20, 1.0,1.10, 1.15m calculate the
Quantity of earth work by a) Mid sectional rule b) Trapezoidal rule c) Prismoidal rule a)
Mid Sectional rule : b=10m, n=2.
Chainage Depths Mean depth Area of Length b/w Quantity (m3
(dm) (bdm+sdm Chainages ) Am×L
0 1.25
50 1.10 1.175 14.51 50 725.56
100 1.15 1.125 13.78 50 689.06
150 1.20 1.175 14.51 50 725.56
200 1.00 1.10 13.4 50 671.00
250 1.10 1.02 12.70 50 635.25
300 1.15 1.125 13.78 50 689.06
Total 4135.49m3
2. Reduce level (R.L) of ground along the centre line of a proposed road from chainage 10
to 20 are given below .The formation level at the 10 th chainage is 107 and the road is in
downward gradient of 1 in 150 up to the chainage 14 and then the gradient chainage to 1 in
100 downward. Formation width of road is 10meter and side slopes of banking are
2:1(horizontal: vertical). Length of the chain is 30metre.
Draw longitudinal section of the road and a typical cross section and prepare an estimate of
earth work at the rate of Rs.275%cu m.
Find also the area of the side slopes and the cost of turfing the side slopes at the rate of
Rs.60.00% sq.m.
Chaina 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
R.L.of 105. 105. 105. 105. 105. 104. 105. 104. 104. 104. 103.
grou 00 60 44 90 42 30 00 10 62 00 30
R.L. of formation 107.00
I….Downward gradient…. 1 in 150….......I…………downward gradient 1 in 100………
2. If the formation level of a highway has a uniform gradient for a particular length, and the
ground is also having a longitudinal slope, the earthwork may be calculated by
3. A cement concrete road is 1000 m long, 8 m wide and 15 cm thick over the sub-base of 10
cm thick gravel. The box cutting in road crust is
(A) 500 m3
(B) 1000 m 3
(C) 1500 m3
(D) 2000 m3
(B) The mid-area of a pyramid is half the average area of the ends
(C) The volume of the Prismoidal is over-estimated and hence a Prismoidal correction is applied
(A) The mean depth is the average of depths of two consecutive sections
(D) The volume of the earth work is calculated by multiplying the mid-section area by the distance
between the two original sections
(A) The earth work of cutting in trenches or borrow pits in fairly uniform ground is measured with
the help of average depths of the dead men
(B) The earth work in trenches or borrow pits in irregular ground is measured by taking the
difference in levels before and after completion of work
(C) The earth work in trenches or borrow pits, where neither a nor b is feasible, are measured from
the fillings after deduction of voids
8. Referring of given figure, pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) In order to check up the average depth of excavation, ‘Dead man s’ are left at the mid-widths of
borrow pits
(B) The earthwork calculation in excavation is made from the difference in levels obtained with a
(C) The earth work in excavation to form the road embankment includes the formation of correct
profile and depositing the soil in layers
(A) Excavation
(C) Cutting
S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans D D C D B D D D D B
2. The area of the cross-section of a road fully in banking shown in the given figure, is
3. The reduced levels of points, 30 metres apart along the longitudinal section of a road portion
between chainages 5 and 9 are shown in the given figure. If there is a uniform up-gradient of the
road 120 in 1, the chainage of the point with no filling or cutting is
5. A cement concrete road is 1000 m long, 8 m wide and 15 cm thick over the sub-base of 10 cm
thick gravel. The box cutting in road crust is……
6. A cement concrete road is 1000 m long, 8 m wide and 15 cm thick over the sub-base of 10 cm
thick gravel. The box cutting in road crust is………….
9. If B is the width of formation, d is the height of the embankment, side slope S : 1, for a highway
with no transverse slope, the area of cross-section is………
10. The slope of the outlet of 'P trap' below the horizontal is kept…..
3 (6 + 12) chains
4 right angle to the centre line
5 1500 m3
6 1500 m3
9 Bd + Sd 2
10 14°
f. Ans:-
2. Market rate
The rates worked out based on market enquiry/ quotations and applying the percentage
above/ below for similar quoted trade items plus overheads and profit. Alternately rates
worked out for material/ labour based on paid bills/ vouchers produced by contractor plus
3. Work-charged establishment
During the construction of a project considerable number of skilled supervisors, work
assistance, watch men etc., are employed on temporary basis.
The salaries of these persons are drawn from the L.S. amount allotted towards
The work charged establishment. That is, establishment which is charged directly
to work. An L.S.amount of 1½ to 2% of the estimated cost is provided towards
the work charged establishment.
Lump-sum:- A lump sum is a single payment of money, as opposed to a series of payments made
over time (such as an annuity).
5. The cross -section of a road partly in banking and partly in cutting is shown in the given
figure. The area of the shaded portion is
(A) b – rd)²/(r – s)
(B) b – rd)²/(r + s)
(C) ½ × (b + rd)²/(r – s)
(A) If the bed level is above N.S.L. the canal is called fully in baking and the berms are designed
as 3 d where d is full supply depth of water (F.S.D.)
(B) Area of canal in cutting = BD + Sd2 where B = bed width, d = depth of cutting and S is the
side slope
(C) If F.S.L. is above N.S.L the canal is called partly in cutting and partly in filling and berms are
designed as 2d where d is full supply depth
(C) No deduction is made for volumes occupied by pipes, not exceeding 100 in cross-
8. The expected out turn of cement concrete 1: 2: 4 per mason per day is
(A) 1.5 m 3
(B) 5.0 m3
(C) 2.5 m3
(D) 3.5 m3
9. The value of ‘C’ of Indian type W.C. shown in the given figure is:
(A) 400 mm
(B) 450 mm
(C) 500 mm
(D) 550 mm
10. As per Indian Standard Specifications, the peak discharge for domestic purposes per
capita per minute, is taken
Q.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans D D D D A D D B C D
5. According to Indian Standards Institute, the actual size of modular bricks is……..
6. While estimating the qualities for the construction of a building, the correct metric unit
8. Due to change in price level, a revised estimate is prepared if the sanctioned estimate
9. The expected out turn of brick work in cement mortar in foundation and plinth per mason per
day, is………..
The diameter of a domestic sewer pipe laid at gradient 1 in 100 is recommended…………..
Q.NO Answer
1 75 cm
2 Specifications of works
3 3.00 cum
4 2.0 m3
5 19 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm
6 Liter for capacity
7 M.S. reinforcement of R.C.C. works
8 5.0%
9 1.25 m3
10 150 mm
3. Discuss different categories of contract in detail and differentiate them with respect to
their important characteristics.
There are different types of construction contracts and their comparison is presented in this
article. A construction contract is an agreement between two or more parties to execute the
construction works as per certain terms and conditions.
A construction contracts contains general and special conditions of agreement, details of
construction project work, their specifications, time limits, payments and penalties for delivery
delays etc. and ensures every party’s rights and obligations.
2. State and explain various types of contracts for execution of works in government
Termination of contract is considered to be lawful when a legitimate reason exists to end the
contract before performance has been completed. Some of the more common reasons for
termination of contract may include:
Impossibility of Performance: Fulfilling contract terms is called “performance”. Some situations
may make performance of contract terms impossible. For example, in a contract for a musical
concert, the contract may sometimes be terminated if the performer becomes incapacitated.
Instances of Mistake, Fraud, or Misrepresentation: If the contract was formed under conditions
involving mistake, misrepresentation, or fraud, the contract may be terminated, since it was not
formed according to sound contract principles.
Breach of Contract: In a contract, both parties usually have duties to fulfill. If one party fails to
perform their duties, the contract may be terminated, and the non-breaching party may be able
to recover losses caused by the breach.
3. Prepare a detailed estimate if a R.C.C beams of 8 meters clear span and 75cm x 40cm in
section from the given drawing.
Steel in detail and RCC work shall be calculated separately. Also prepare the schedule of
(A) L + 0.42 d
(B) L + (2 × 0.42 d)
(C) L – (0.42 d)
(D) L – (2 × 0.4 d)
(A) 0.25 kg
(B) 0.50 kg
(C) 0.75 kg
(D) 1.00 kg
(A) 60 cm
(B) 70 cm
(C) 75 cm to 80 cm
(D) 80 cm
8. For 12 mm thick cement plastering 1 : 6 on 100 sq.m new brick work, the quantity of
cement required, is
(A) 0.200 m3
(B) 0.247 m3
(C) 0.274 m3
(D) 0.295 m3
(A) 70 cm
(B) 75 cm
(C) 80 cm
(D) 90 cm
10. Pick up the item whose weight is added to the weight of respective item, is
(A) Cleats
(B) Brackets
(C) Bolts
Q.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans D B D D B D C C B D
5. For 12 mm thick cement plastering 1: 6 on 100 sq.m new brick work, the quantity of cement
required, is…….
10. According to Indian Standards Institute, the actual size of modular bricks
Q.NO Answers
1 Partly in excavation and partly in embankment
2 75 cm
3 1.00 kg
4 75 cm to 80 cm
5 0.274 m3
6 M.S. reinforcement of R.C.C. works
7 1.00kg
8 Half brick wall
9 Specifications of materials, Specifications of works
10 19 cm x9 cm x9 cm
Two Marks Questions with Answers
1. Define valuation of building and its purpose?
Ans: -
To find out the exact cost of particular asset and know the present price of that asset.
5. Types of valuations?
a. Rental Method of Valuation
b. Direct Comparisons of the capital value
c. Valuation based on the profit
d. Valuation based on the cost
e. Development method of Valuation
f. Depreciation method of Valuation
(A) 0.90 m3
(B) 0.94 m3
(C) 0.98 m3
(D) 1.00 m3
5. The expected out turn for earth work in excavation in ordinary soil per workman per day is
(B) 75 cm
(C) 80 cm
(D) 90 cm
7. Pick up the item whose weight is added to the weight of respective item, is
(A) Cleats
(B) Brackets
(C) Bolts
8. A cement concrete road is 1000 m long, 8 m wide and 15 cm thick over the sub-base of 10
cm thick gravel. The box cutting in road crust is
(A) 500 m3
(B) 1000 m 3
(C) 1500 m3
(D) 2000 m3
9. The plinth area of a building not includes
10. According to Indian Standards Institute, the actual size of modular bricks is
(B) 25 cm × 13 cm × 7.5 cm
(C) 19 cm × 9 cm × 9 cm
(D) 20 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm
Q.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans B C D B C B A C D C
f. The excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sq.m in plan area with a depth not
exceeding 30 cm, is termed as……..
Q.NO Answers
1 75 cm
2 50 %
3 8.0 sq m
4 Sq m
5 Surface excavation
6 50%
7 150 mm
8 1.00 kg
9 partly in excavation and partly in embankment
10 Half brick wall