Pabello, Rhaiza P. WS 10:30 AM - 12:00 NN HUM SEPTEMBER 14, 2019 Artistic Periods A. Ancient Art
Pabello, Rhaiza P. WS 10:30 AM - 12:00 NN HUM SEPTEMBER 14, 2019 Artistic Periods A. Ancient Art
Pabello, Rhaiza P. WS 10:30 AM - 12:00 NN HUM SEPTEMBER 14, 2019 Artistic Periods A. Ancient Art
WS 10:30 AM – 12:00 NN
Realism, sometimes called naturalism, Fauvism is the style of les Fauves, a group
in the arts is generally the attempt to of early 20th century modern artists
represent subject matter truthfully, whose works emphasized painterly
without artificiality and avoiding artistic qualities and strong color over the
conventions, or implausible, exotic, and representational or realistic values
supernatural elements. retained by Impressionism.
Impressionism is a 19th-century art Expressionism is a modernist movement,
movement characterized by relatively initially in poetry and painting,
small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, originating in Germany at the beginning
open composition, emphasis on accurate of the 20th century. Its typical trait is to
depiction of light in its changing qualities present the world solely from a
(often accentuating the effects of the subjective perspective, distorting it
passage of time), ordinary subject radically for emotional effect in order to
matter, inclusion of movement as a evoke moods or ideas.
crucial element of human perception and
experience, and unusual visual angles. O. CUBISM
Cubism is a highly influential visual arts
K. POST-IMPRESSIONISM style of the 20th century that was created
Post-Impressionism is a predominantly principally by the artists Pablo Picasso
French art movement that developed and Georges Braque in Paris between
roughly between 1886 and 1905, from 1907 and 1914. The cubist style
the last Impressionist exhibition to the emphasized the flat, two-dimensional
birth of Fauvism. Post-Impressionists surface of the picture plane, rejecting
extended Impressionism while rejecting the traditional techniques of
its limitations: they continued using vivid perspective, foreshortening, modeling,
colors, often thick application of paint, and chiaroscuro, and refuting time-
and real-life subject matter, but were honored theories that art should imitate
more inclined to emphasize geometric nature.
forms, distort form for expressive effect,
and use unnatural or arbitrary color. P. FUTURISM
Futurism was an artistic and social
L. SYMOBOLISM movement that originated in Italy in the
As opposed to Impressionism, in which early 20th century. It emphasized speed,
the emphasis was on the reality of the technology, youth, violence, and objects
created paint surface itself, Symbolism such as the car, the airplane, and the
was both an artistic and a literary industrial city.
movement that suggested ideas through
Abstract art uses visual language of Pop art is an art movement that
shape, form, color and line to create a emerged in the United Kingdom and the
composition which may exist with a United States during the mid- to late-
degree of independence from visual 1950s. The movement presented a
references in the world. challenge to traditions of fine art by
including imagery from popular and mass
R. DADAISM culture, such as advertising, comic books
Dadaism is an artistic movement in and mundane cultural objects.
modern art that started around World
War I. Its purpose was to ridicule the W. PHOTOREALISM
meaninglessness of the modern world. Photorealism is a genre of art that
Its peak was 1916 to 1922, and it encompasses painting, drawing and
influenced surrealism, pop art, and punk other graphic media, in which an artist
rock. It went against the standards of studies a photograph and then attempts
society. to reproduce the image as realistically as
possible in another medium.
Precisionism is a style of representation X. CONCEPTUAL ART & INSTALLATION ART
in which an object is rendered in a Conceptual art is art for which the idea
realistic manner, but with an emphasis (or concept) behind the work is more
on its geometric form. important than the finished art object. It
emerged as an art movement in the
T. SURREALISM 1960s and the term usually refers
Surrealism is a 20th-century avant-garde to art made from the mid-1960s to the
movement in art and literature which mid-1970s.
sought to release the creative potential
of the unconscious mind, for example by
the irrational juxtaposition of images.
The distinguishing features of the style
are simple, clean shapes, often with a
“streamlined” look; ornament that is
geometric or stylized from
representational forms; and unusually
varied, often expensive materials, which
frequently include man-made
substances (plastics, especially Bakelite;
vita-glass; and ferroconcrete) in addition
to natural ones (jade, silver, ivory,
obsidian, chrome, and rock crystal).