The Bowdoin Orient - Vol. 149, No. 4 - September 27, 2019

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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, September 27, 2019 Volume 149, Number 4

Eight students
cited for providing
alcohol to minors
warning. I think it's probably
by Andrew Bastone just showing we meant what we
Orient Staff
said,” said Waltz.
Eight Bowdoin students were “What we told the students
cited early Sunday morning was, ‘if you are honest with the
for furnishing alcohol to mi- officers and you're respectful and
nors at a party at the students’ cooperative, the first time we run
off-campus residence. The party into you, you're likely to just get a
was held at 49 Pleasant Street, warning for stuff like possession,’”
known by Bowdoin students Waltz said, citing a recent meeting
as “Red Brick House.” All eight with students living off-campus.
residents of the house are mem- “On the other hand, you don't
bers of the men’s Ultimate Fris- want to be the one providing the
bee team. alcohol or the place to drink the
The Brunswick Police Depart- alcohol because that's a criminal
ment (BPD) issued court sum- thing. And we really can't look the
monses requiring the students to other way on that, so you're likely to
appear in court in mid-November. get charged,” Waltz continued.
A 20-year-old student, who is not Officers initially responded
a resident of the house, lied about to an area adjacent to the home, ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
their age and was cited for pos- near the St. John the Baptist Cath- DIGGING FOR GOOD: Audrey Tsai '22 picks out weeds from the campus of the Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program for the College's 21st annual
sessing alcohol as a minor—a civil olic Church, after receiving a noise Common Good Day. Every year, around 500 Bowdoin students volunteer from morning till noon. Some prospective students who were visiting for 'Explore
violation. The house residents may complaint from a neighbor, accord- Weekend,' also participated in Common Good Day.
face more severe consequences. ing to a police report.

IT resolves email hackings and WiFi issues

Furnishing alcohol to minors is Around 1 a.m. Sunday morn-
a class D misdemeanor punishable ing, police stopped and ques-
by a maximum of one year in jail tioned four students who were
and/or a $2,000 fine. walking on a sidewalk near the
BPD Commander Mark residence. In interviews with the
Waltz said that the police action Orient, three of the students said has further resolved the issue email service. This fall, other Bowdoin
was not intended to serve as a they performed breath tests at the by Aadhya Ramineni by prohibiting off-campus ac- IT has notified the students community members in addi-
Staff Writer
warning to students. cess to the old email service. whose accounts were hacked, tion to Fosler-Jones have expe-
“I wouldn't say so much a Please see RED BRICK, page 3 Last Friday, Michael Cato, Cato compared SMTP to a and the next time they log into a rienced problems connecting
senior vice president and chief U.S. Postal Service mailbox on Bowdoin system or service, they to the WiFi network. Having

Faculty and staff attend

information officer of Infor- the sidewalk—anyone can walk will first be required to change resolved the email hack, IT
mation Technology (IT), sent up to it, drop a message in and their password. Cato said that is now focused on resolving
a campus-wide email detail- have it sent. Bowdoin’s SMTP if the students who were hacked problems with a new WiFi

privilege workshop
ing email hacks that occurred mailbox required a name and reset their passwords the securi- system that was installed this
through Chegg, Bowdoin’s password to send an email but ty breach should be resolved. IT summer.
previous online textbook ven- was accessible from anywhere. also recommends that affected With the new system, Aru-

Wednesday evening
dor, as well as continuing WiFi Effectively, IT has now moved students change their passwords ba, devices temporarily lose
connectivity issues. According the mailbox inside of a building, for any other accounts with the their ability to ‘communicate’
to one email, the breach con- so you need to be in the build- same password and that stu- even though they are still
tained email addresses, ship- ing—on campus—to use the dents not use their Bowdoin connected to the network.
ping addresses, usernames and mailbox. email passwords for other ac- When the College discovered
engage with people around issues passwords. “Last year hackers stole over counts. the problem, IT started work-
by Artur Kalandarov of whiteness, white privilege, Although IT never released 40 million records from Chegg,” Elizabeth Fosler-Jones ’20, ing remotely with engineers
Orient Staff
what that means [and] how that passwords or other personal Cato wrote in an email to the who was affected by the breach, from Aruba to troubleshoot
Last Wednesday evening, manifests itself in systems and information to Chegg, some Orient. “The SMTP service is went to the IT Help Desk after and resolve these issues. Ear-
Frances Kendall, renowned ex- institutions.” customers incidentally used still used by some systems, but changing her password because lier this week, the engineers
pert on diversity and privilege, Associate Dean of Students their Bowdoin account pass- no longer needs to be accessible she was unable to login to the arrived on campus to work
visited campus to lead two work- for Inclusion & Diversity and words for their purchases. to the entire Internet.” Bowdoin WiFi network or to her further in-person.
shops on white privilege. The first Director of the Center for Sexu- Hackers then used those pass- Cato clarified that turning Bowdoin email on her phone. Cato said there are cur-
four-hour morning workshop ality, Women, and Gender Kate words to access Bowdoin’s old off this old service would have “It isn’t a big issue, just in- rently no plans for large scale
was held in Daggett Lounge for Stern said the need for an event email service called SMTP. IT no effect on the new Office 365 convenient,” she said. changes to Bowdoin's WiFi.
approximately 70 faculty and staff on white privilege and racism

Bowdoin Votes leads registration campaign

members, while the evening ses- came from discussions with the
sion for students was cancelled a Intergroup Dialogue on Race and
couple hours before it was sched- Inclusion, Diversity and Student
uled to start. Affairs team.
Students who had signed up She hoped the event would
to participate received an email allow faculty and staff to gain a lots, find out if they were reg- drew Lardie founded Bowdoin questing absentee ballots [was
from Benjamin Harris, director new understanding about their by Tianyi Xu istered, [and] decide where to Votes in 2016 with the goal of almost as much] as [the total
Staff Writer
of the student center for multi- privilege and position. register,” said Will Donaldson promoting a culture of civic en- registrations] we had last year
cultural life, citing “unforeseen “I'm hoping [the] staff and Clad in red and blue col- ’20, one of Bowdoin Votes’ de- gagement on campus and help- in the midterms,” said Lardie.
circumstances” as the reason for faculty develop some confidence ored top hats, student workers mocracy ambassadors. “I was ing students vote in elections. “The appetite is there among
the cancellation. and competence and skills in and volunteers congregated pleasantly surprised by how After Tuesday’s events, or- students to participate.”
Harris decided to bring Ken- thinking about what each of our in David Saul Smith Union many people [went] out of ganizers felt optimistic about Elections this year are most-
dall after meeting her at the Na- roles are on campus related to and Thorne Hall on Tuesday their way to sign up.” future student engagement in ly municipal and tend to have
tional Conference on Race and race and racism,” Stern said. for National Voter Registra- Over the past few years, voting at Bowdoin. According lower turnout. Lardie noted
Ethnicity in Higher Education, Rachel Reinke, associate di- tion Day. Bowdoin Votes, a voter registration has been to the group, 129 Maine voter that Bowdoin Votes’ Tuesday
an annual five day event featuring rector of the Sexuality, Women non-partisan voting advocacy low among Bowdoin students: registration forms were filled event aimed to address voters’
workshops and presentations by and Gender Center, attended initiative on campus, tabled at turnout was as low as 36 and out and 84 absentee ballots for misconceptions about this
leaders in the diversity and edu- the workshop and found it to be both sites to spread awareness 53 percent in the 2012 and out-of-state registrations were year’s cycle.
cation fields. thought-provoking and engag- and assist students with voter 2016 presidential elections, requested. “Most people think of odd
“I've been in day-long work- ing. registration. respectively. Associate Direc- “What we saw was a great years as being not election
shops with her and I think she “I think that it was [a] really a “We had all the resources tor of Service and Leadership deal of interest. [The number years, which is not correct,”
has a powerful message,” Harris that people needed to register of the Joseph McKeen Center of] students who we assisted
said. “She finds a way to really Please see WORKSHOP, page 3 to vote, request absentee bal- for the Common Good An- yesterday in registering or re- Please see VOTES, page 3

Lobby Danny Richter speaks to students Bowdoin welcomes new Dean of Students, Broken Box Mime Theater comes to Men's and women's cross country season Why not all students should have to pay
about carbon tax. Page 3. Kristina Bethea Odejimi. Page 6. Bowdoin to perform and workshop. Page 7. begins in stride. Page 9. for an outdoor education. Page 11.
2 Friday, September 27, 2019

9/19 to 9/26 STUDENT SPEAK:
What is the craziest thing you did as a child?
Friday, September 20 transported to Mid Coast Hospital.
• Security officers checked on the well-being • Brunswick police responded to a neighbor-
of an intoxicated student at Osher Hall. hood noise complaint at Red Brick House on
Pleasant Street. As a result, eight students Alex Baselga-Garriga ’21
who live at the house were cited for furnish-
Saturday, September 21
• A student requested that Security check on
ing a place for minors to consume, one stu-
dent was charged with possession of alcohol
"I cut a cable and accidentally caused a
the general well-being of another student.
• A student using a hair dryer accidentally
by a minor after first refusing to provide a
correct date of birth to a police officer, and
power outage in the neighborhood."
set off at smoke alarm in Chamberlain fifteen other students received warnings for
Hall. possession of alcohol by a minor.
• A student reported finding damage to his • A television blaring at 5 a.m. resulted in a
vehicle that was parked in the Farley park- noise complaint at Brunswick Apartment B.
ing lot near the tennis • Burnt microwave
courts. popcorn caused a smoke Irene Lunt ’21
• A trespass warning was alarm at Moore Hall.
issued to a man loitering
near MacMillan and
"I tried to do a cartwheel off a seesaw
Quinby houses falsely
claiming to be a Bowdoin
Tuesday, September 24
• A fire alarm at Jewett
and cracked my head open. I was in
• A silver Razor scooter
Hall was caused by a
detector malfunction.
Wales. They superglued it shut."
(with blue handles and • A mischievous toddler
light-up wheels) was pulled two separate fire
stolen from near the east alarms at the Children’s
entrance to Coles Tower. Center. Jared Foxhall ’22
• At 1 a.m., students • A bedroom smoke
inadvertently let a group
of eight unidentified men
alarm was activated on the
10th floor of Coles Tower.
"I used to cry deeply and frequently at
into Hyde Hall. Four
of the men entered a
the fact that I didn’t have superpowers
student’s room looking for a place to party.
Students eventually asked the uninvit-
Wednesday, September 25
• A football player was taken to Mid Coast Hos-
like Shark Boy."
ed guests to leave the building. Shortly pital for treatment of a finger that was broken
afterwards, Apple Airpods were noticed during practice.
missing from the same room the men • A student reported being followed by a mid-
entered. The matter is under investigation. dle-aged man on a bicycle near the Edwards Amie Sillah ’20
Center for Art and Dance and Longfellow

Sunday, September 22
• A student at Thorne Hall reporting chest dis-
"I used to have a jewelry bead stuck
• A student accidentally pulled the fire
alarm in the Coles Tower lobby, resulting
comfort was transported to Mid Coast Hospi-
in my left ear. I shoved it there when I
in a building evacuation.
• An intoxicated student at Maine Hall was
• A student reported the theft of a Sector 9 long-
board from the west entrance to Sargent Gym.
was six ... one day it came out of my ear
sophomore year."


*The starred clues all relate to a
common theme.

ACROSS 59. ___ and outs

60. Iconic Supreme Court justice
*1. Thurston’s surname on “Gilligan’s Island” 61. Before, in poetry
7. Ballet class wear *62. The most vulgar sounding one, honestly
11. To loathe
12. Unusual DOWN
14. Signup times on the golf course
*16. Overcook on the grill 1. Bowdoin library
17. College of Saint Elizabeth (Abbr.) 2. Having a high BMI, say
18. Come again 3. Car parts
*21. Ship’s steering gear 4. Major at Bowdoin (Abbr.)
22. Bullets for short 5. Marching directions (Abbr.)
23. 2019 Women’s World Cup champion 6. Formal name for Uncle Sam I guess
25. Young ‘___ (kids, slangily) 7. President Taft is rumored to have gotten stuck in one
26. Locus plural 8. Big rock in Australia also known as Ayers Rock
30. End of a nonprofit url, maybe 9. Sticky stuff on the road
*32. Katahdin’s state park 10. Ashes carrier
*34. What the starred clues are 12. “Times” anagram
*38. Grassy stem 13. Spain’s abbreviation
39. _____ Boulevard (LA street) 15. If squeezed, they make juice
40. Cash source 19. Krakow’s nation (Abbr.)
42. Car rental company 20. French name for the Scheldt river
44. Everest and K2, to name two (Abbr.) 24. Afternoon nap in Pamplona
*45. It’s “big” at McDonald’s 25. Website link
46. Oregon Institute of Technology (Abbr.) 27. Wind instrument
48. Gentlewoman’s address 28. 9s in Ancient Rome
37. QVC competitor 50. Character in the Sound of Music that lives in the
50. Second husband, say (2 wrds.) 29. Popular slushie brand
38. Greek letter that follows pi Abbey
52. Examination taken by boarding school hopefuls 30. Famous road described by Lil Nas X
41. Famous Pixar car Lightning 51. Ice in Munich
54. ___ Dhabi 31. Tooth care
43. Country north of South Africa (Abbr.) 53. Field of study like math or history for short
*56. Very small, coastal Virginia town 33. Antetokounmpo and Bledsoe, for an example
47. “___ ___ see it my way!” 55. Laszlo _____, Hungarian journalist who patented the
57. Fish for salad 35. National anthem contraction
48. Tropical fruit first practical ball-point pen
58. No winner or loser 36. Chewing substance
49. One ___ __ time 56. First dynasty to unify China
Friday, September 27, 2019 NEWS 3

Lobbyist talks importance of bipartisan climate legislation

convey that there is a strong tions that have swift payoffs,
by Dani Quezada expert preference for carbon such as LED lighting projects
Orient Staff
pricing. that could pay for themselves
On Wednesday, Danny “What economists really within two years. She felt that
Richter, vice president of like about carbon prices in Richter advocates for a quick-
government affairs for Cit- general is efficiency and get- er approach to long term
izens' Climate Lobby, an in- ting the desired outcome [at solutions that would be more
ternational environmental the] lowest cost. This is what financially affordable.
lobbying group, held a lec- Congress really cares about,” “It's getting more chal-
ture in the Roux Center for Richter said. lenging because the invest-
the Environment about his Noal Leonetti ’22, who ments we need to make don't
proposals for solutions to cli- attended the lecture, agreed have such a quick payback,”
mate change which center on with the basis of Richter’s ar- said Payson. “[If ] there was
implementing a carbon tax. gument. a carbon tax, [it] would lev-
Citizens Climate Lobby “We do need more biparti- el that playing field between
works with members of Con- san work on this issue as well the various energy sources:
gress on both sides of the aisle as the states stepping up,” [fossil] fuels versus renew-
to reach compromises and Leonetti said. able.”
pass bipartisan legislation ad- Holden Turner '20, on the When asked about how a
dressing climate change. other hand, appreciates the current carbon tax bill fits into
The lecture was funded by effort Richter puts into ne- the Green New Deal, Richter
the Climate Action Speaker gotiating the ecosystem of explained the deal’s flaws.
Initiative, created through lobbying on Capitol Hill, but Bipartisan support is
the donations of John Flinn is more weary. needed to pass such a deal,
’05 and Luke Flinn ’10. This “It's too easy to consider and Richter claims the Green
fund is meant to connect the carbon taxes as a silver bullet New Deal has no compo-
College’s climate action work for climate action, especially nents that appeal to Republi-
with what students are learn- after an expert describes the cans. He added that given the
ing in the classroom. Richter’s possibilities so thoroughly,” inclusion of polarizing issues
visit to campus was sponsored Turner said. “I came away such as universal health care
by the Office of Sustainabili- from Dr. Richter's talk seeing and immigration in the deal,
ty, the Environmental Studies lobbying for carbon pricing it may be too sweeping to
program and Career Explora- as just one of many avenues pass. He suggests that the
tion and Development. forward. We can't put all of Green New Deal solely fo-
Richter, who has been in- our eggs in one basket.” cus on addressing climate
tegral in three major bipar- After former Bowdoin fac- change.
tisan bills that advocate for a ulty member Michael Jones Samara Nassor ’22, who
carbon tax, wanted to famil- recommended Richter to attended the dinner, wonders
iarize people with the current Keisha Payson, the assistant how plausible such action will
bipartisan bills for the U.S. director of sustainability, she be.
Congress and to create an reached out to Richter in June “I was just asking myself,
awareness of some of the di- and orchestrated his visit. how are we going to get there
verse political considerations When choosing a speaker as fast as we need to?” Nas-
surrounding this particular for campus, Payson wanted sor said. “Consequences for ISABEL ALEXANDER, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
moment in the United States. to invite someone who advo- climate change can come TAX TO THE MAX: Vice President of Government Affairs for Citizens' Climate Lobby Danny Richter presents his
He also wanted his lecture to cated for climate change ac- tomorrow.” lecture in the Roux Center, advocating the benefits of a carbon tax.

RED BRICK dents. Two of those cited are 22,

five are 21 and one is 20.
“The eight people that were
request of police. summonsed admitted they were
Waltz explained the devices tenants of the apartment,” said
were Preliminary Breath Tests, or Chief of Police Richard Rizzo.
PBTs, the results of which are not The responding officers also
admissible in court as evidence of issued warnings to some of the
intoxication. The department’s only underage students who were in
Intoxilyzer, which produces results the house.
that are admissible in court, is locat- “I’m sorry to everyone who
ed at BPD headquarters. was at the house when the police
The questioning lasted approx- showed up. [It’s] not an easy situ-
imately 30 minutes, and one of the ation for anyone,” said one of the
students described the officer’s residents in an email to the Orient.
demeanor as “hostile.” “I hope other off-campus houses
“While [one officer] was writing can use us as a wake-up call just to
things down and asking us individ- be safe and careful going forward.”
ually where we were from and what “Obviously there won’t be par-
our birthdays were, the other offi- ties at Red Brick in the foreseeable
cer was kind of reinforcing these future, and the bottom line is we’re
threats of ‘if you do not comply going to protect ourselves,” said
it will be a lot worse for you, so it the same student in a subsequent
would be much easier if you were interview.
just honest with us,’” said another of Of the seven other residents,
the students interviewed. three declined to be interviewed,
Waltz said the responding while the other four did not re-
officers then proceeded to the spond to a request for comment.
residence after they saw students Editor’s Note: It is the policy
leaving the house. of the Orient not to publish the
After entering the Pleasant names of students accused of a
Street residence, police issued the crime until they have been formal-
ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT summonses to each of the resi- ly charged.
REGISTER TODAY: Maria Garcia '23 (LEFT) and Jada Scotland '23 (RIGHT) register to vote with Bowdoin Votes on Tuesday, National Voter Registration Day.

VOTES voting processes can hinder

voter registration.
“We pay for postage, we
provide envelopes, [and] we
be confronted with all these
different choices to make, but
PRIVILEGE workshop was the opportunity
to interact with members of the
“It is very difficult to regis- make sure that they fill out the you can get prepared, and it Bowdoin community.
said Lardie. “Municipal and ter in some states. You have to forms correctly before they get won’t take up a ton of your good chance to talk about things “It was nice to talk to other
local elections [have] high- find out who your clerk is, you submitted,” said Lardie. time,” said Lardie. that we don't talk a lot about at colleagues. There was a really wide
stake[s]. Control of education have to find out their address, Lardie also expressed con- This year, the group also Bowdoin,” said Reinke. “[Ken- representation throughout cam-
on the ground is done by your you have to contact them to cerns over students’ apathetic acted in association with NES- dall] lectured a little bit, but we pus,” she said. “There were faculty
city or town; control of your get a form,” said Muhameiti. attitudes toward voting. He at- CAC Votes, an initiative among also talked a lot at tables … she and staff from Student Affairs,
police is done by your city or “It's a very complicated pro- tributes Bowdoin’s low turnout NESCAC colleges that routinely would pose questions, and then Academic Affairs and there [were]
town.” cess.” rates primarily to this apathy. holds conventions for helping we would reflect on them. We also folks from housekeeping [and
Aoguzi Muhameiti ’23, one For those who choose to “A part of our educational students plan events for the year [also] did some individual writing the] Organic Garden. It was a real-
of Bowdoin Votes’ student vol- register in their home state, outreach is to promote the ahead. exercises.” ly amazing opportunity to connect
unteers, described how pro- Bowdoin Votes helped stu- idea that [voting] is manage- Editor's Note: Will Donaldson Reinke said that an added with folks that I don't usually get to
cedural complexity in states’ dents fill out absentee ballots. able. It might be stressful to is a columnist for the Orient. benefit for participants of the on an everyday basis.”
4 Friday, September 27, 2019


Visiting mimes defy traditional conventions of theater
In fact, BKBX is the newest Lucy Sydel ’22 can attest to
by Cole van Miltenburg American mime ensemble to this feeling after having the
Orient Staff
emerge in the past 50 years. chance to intern with BKBX
Theater productions with- For this reason, few people are two summers ago and watch
out dialogue, props or scene familiar with the art of miming several of their productions.
changes may seem unthinkable, and think only of its stereotyp- “I came in with all of these
but miming is a traditional art ical depictions in the world of preconceived ideas about what
with a new look in the 21st comedy and satire. [BKBX] would be based on
century. Tonight, three mimes BKBX is working to push contemporary theater in New
from Broken Box Mime Theater these boundaries and revitalize York,” Sydel said. “And I just
(BKBX) will arrive on campus the art form of miming. To- remember being really blown
to present students with an up- gether, members write a series away by how immediate and
close insight into this complex of short plays and productions, simple the stories are and how
and underrepresented form of giving them the flexibility to much I felt connected to the
storytelling. craft narratives that display a other audience members, who I
BKBX is a non-profit pro- wide range of emotions and ar- didn’t know, after the show.”
duction company based in New tistic creativity. Over Winter Break last year,
York City that was founded “We tell really complex Sydel saw BKBX perform again
in 2011 by former members stories and they run the gam- and had the chance to recon-
of HYPE! Mime Troupe from ut from really funny to really nect with the group’s members
Tufts University. Over the past heartfelt to dramatic, cinematic, after the show, sparking the idea
eight years the group has grown metaphorical, abstract—we can of bringing them to campus to
to welcome 13 members and do all of it,” Baumwoll said. perform. COURTESY OF BJORN BOLINDER
has performed on various stag- Baumwoll argues that the Baumwoll will be joined this BLACK , WHITE AND REED ALL OVER: Three mimes from the Broken Box Mime Theater will give an intimate
es, in New York and elsewhere, stripped-down nature of BKBX weekend by company members performance in Reed House tonight, followed by a workshop and dinner with students on Saturday.
under the artistic direction of productions and its deviation Tasha Milkman and Matt Zam-
Becky Baumwoll. from traditional theater allow brano, who both have diverse ing. Students will also have the ing can be an opening into lots I would say [is] just as relevant
Baumwoll points to her ex- for a more intimate perfor- backgrounds as teachers and chance to engage with Baum- of other lots of other points of to a student who’s in any field
perience performing in school mance and connection to view- artists. After performing ten woll, Milkman and Zambrano inquiry,” said Baumwoll. trying to figure out why they
as inspiration to continue mim- ers. short pieces, they will remove in a casual dinner in Thorne While BKBX’s stay in Bruns- want to be where they are [and]
ing as a young actress. “[Traditional techniques] their makeup and engage with Hall on Saturday before their wick is limited, Baumwoll doing what they are,” she said.
“It seemed like an obvious miss something in the potential the audience in a talkback facil- departure on Sunday morning. hopes that bringing this unique Baumwoll, Milkman and
choice—when thinking about of what mime is, which we find itated by Sydel. “Lucy helped us design this art form to a small community Zambrano will perform in Reed
what kind of work I wanted to is the distilling of theater down The next day, the trio will stay [so] that all three of the like Bowdoin will expand the House on Friday night at 8 p.m..
make on my own—to do some- to its absolute essential and in- host a workshop open to stu- engagements that we have this mindset of students far beyond The workshop will be on Satur-
thing that no one else is doing. troducing the audience’s imag- dents of all backgrounds and weekend [are] about starting theater itself. day from 1-3 p.m. in Memorial
And mimes have been really ination as the final playwright experiences aimed at increasing discussion, and figuring out “Those questions of: why are Hall Room 601, followed by a
out of fashion for the last few and as the heart of the medium,” awareness of body language and how this seemingly niche idea we doing what we’re doing? And dinner at 5:30 p.m. in Thorne
decades,” she said. she said. physical movement in storytell- of performance and storytell- why must it be in this medium? Hall’s Pinette Room.

Prof. Abigail Killeen stars

in ‘The Clean House’
directed as a student at Bowdoin. tionship to the work itself.”
by Esther Wang Compared to that production, The Portland Stage Compa-
Orient Staff
Killeen thinks she has grown even ny is a member of the League of
From September 24 to Octo- more thoughtful about her work Resident Theatres (LORT), an as-
ber 13, Abigail Killeen, associate after gaining post-college experi- sociation that makes productions
professor of theater and chair of ence and interning at the Portland specific to the context of its com-
the Department of Theater and Stage Company. munity.
Dance, will star in a production of “She’s still herself, but deeper,” “We are a diverse nation in
“The Clean House” at the Portland Killeen said. “Experience gives you every sense of [the] word and
Stage Company, directed by Cait depth and I see that depth.” communities are distinct. [LORT
Robinson ’08. “This is less an experience of members] are local, geologically
“The Clean House” is written by discovery and more a process of precise and the stories that come
Sarah Ruhl, a playwright known satisfaction of seeing this big step out of the geography of a region
for her theatrical imagery and non- in [Robinson’s] career and it feels need to be told in a particular way,”
linear storytelling that transcends like an honor to be taking that step Killeen said.
traditional narratives and themes. next to her.” Killeen is a strong supporter of
The production is centered on a Killeen is still teaching three the local theater community and
Brazilian maid, Matilde, and how courses at Bowdoin this semester. looks to help it thrive. She feels that
her life becomes entangled with Although this dual responsibility while shows on Broadway might
three other women. Matilde’s hate of teaching and acting has proved be a once in a lifetime experience,
for cleaning and love for comedy to be difficult, Killeen finds the the Portland Stage Company is
drives the play through moments process rewarding. able to form an enhanced relation-
of poignancy and hilarity. Killeen “My work [at Bowdoin] is about ship with its audience.
will play the role of Lane, a mid- acting so it’s really gratifying to “One of the greatest pleasures
dle-aged doctor who employs stay consistently engaged with of living and working in Portland
Matilde. the rehearsal room,” said Killeen. is work[ing] with a number of the
Killeen holds an extensive back- “Whenever I do a play, I would same people,” Killeen said. Because
ground as an actor and was invited remember all that I am asking my I have a relationship with [them],
to audition for the role. It wasn’t students to do in class.” we can get to deeper work faster.”
until after her audition that she Killeen has found that her role Killeen’s theater classes will be
learned the production would be in “The Cleaning House” has en- attending the play this Saturday
directed by Robinson. abled her to speak directly about afternoon. Although she is ner-
“What I admire [about] her the production process with stu- vous about acting in front of her
most in the rehearsal room is dents, particularly those in her students, this opportunity is one
[Robinson’s] intelligence and the advanced studio course. which also excites her.
way she is really thinking about the “It’s a very vulnerable and diffi- “It’s scary for me because I’m
text in a way that I credit, in part, to cult thing. Self-doubt is part of the being held accountable to what
her education at Bowdoin,” Killeen vulnerability of creating work, and I’m teaching,” Killeen said. “I think
said. it’s very uncomfortable,” she said. one of the strongest things about
Although Killeen did not per- “[But] if you’re engaged with the our department is that we’re all en-
sonally teach Robinson, she did field as your teaching, you have an gaged artistically … It’s a question
attend the first play Robinson authentic and fertile and lively rela- of integrity.”
Friday, September 27, 2019 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 5

Printmaking fellow explores nature and feminism

printmaking practices.
by Sophie Burchell Fieo’s current project,
Staff Writer
which she hopes to continue
Throughout the vast array working on during her fellow-
of her life’s work, Visiting ship, is a darkly comedic book
Artist Claudia Fieo P’21 has including text by Wheaton’s
focused on the idea of re- Playwright-in-Residence,
spect—be it to the forces of Charlotte Meehan which
nature, women overlooked by captures a deep friendship
society or the process of cre- between two aging women.
ating itself. On Wednesday, It is meant to represent the
Fieo gave her talk, “The Na- friends’ common experience
ture of Printmaking: Process of disappearing from society’s
and Possibility” as part of the eye.
Martin Bileck Printmaking “In our society where wom-
Project. en are so often objectified …
Fieo, a professor of visual you’re invisible, in a certain
art at Wheaton College, uses way,” she said. “And then as
media range from lithograph you get older you’re just in-
and woodcut prints to collage. visible. It’s interesting how
Representations of nature overlooked sometimes an
have consistently been a focal older woman, especially in ac-
point of her work. She strives ademia, can feel.”
to capture the environment Although the book is un-
in both detailed, sketch-like finished, it has already found
prints and colorful, abstract an audience. Fieo shared the
forms. work in progress with mem-
“I see the divine in nature,” bers of a non-profit group.
she said. “[My process] is not “The older women who
prayer per se, but an act of EMILY FULLER, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT were present were like ‘Oh
reverence, an act of honor- THE POWER OF PRINT: Visiting artist Claudia Fieo P’21 gave a talk on Wednesday discussing her career as an artist, particularly highlighting her work’s my gosh, I could just cry,’ so it
ing something that cannot be connection to the environment. Fieo plans to contribute to continue work on a printmaking book during her time on campus. struck a chord.”
separated from who we are as Fieo wants women of all
humans.” way to move forward. beauty of nature. She empha- recognize that there’s a sort this semester on sabbatical at ages to resonate with the mes-
Fieo believes that nature’s After high school, Fieo sizes nature’s complexity as a of harmony that’s going on in Bowdoin, where she is teach- sage of the book, which she
cycles of life and death rep- planned on becoming a med- way of paying respect to life terms of the different life cy- ing Printmaking I. hopes to display at Bowdoin
resent rejuvenation, but also ical illustrator to give back to and its precariousness. cles.” Fieo came to Bowdoin by upon its completion.
loss—a topic which contrib- the medical community. She “I’m continually in awe, and After working in a variety invitation of Associate Profes- “I think it’s really import-
uted to her early connection then chose to pursue graphic I tried to find beauty in the of graphic design and print- sor of Visual Arts Carrie Scan- ant for women to have wom-
to art. She was in her mid- design and printmaking in- world I see around me,” she making teaching positions, ga, whom she met at the Zea en friends and to support one
teens and early twenties when stead and went on to earn a said. “I did a bunch of draw- Fieo was hired at Wheaton Mays Printmaking workshop another. We’re not in com-
she lost two of her brothers to masters degree in printmak- ings where the places were College as a professor in both and gallery in Northampton, petition with one another,”
blood disorders. Fieo said she ing. Like medical illustration, not very beautiful at all, but disciplines. This academic Massachusetts. Zea Mays said Fieo. “I think we’ll make
used art from then onwards to her early print career focused I was trying to call attention year marks her 28th at Whea- Printmaking is hub for print- progress for you guys, for the
search for self-purpose and a on the precise, scientific to those discarded places and ton, though she is spending makers dedicated to non-toxic next generation.”

Points of View: A gallery for artists of all ages

“I promised myself I
by Natsumi Meyer would take some art classes
Staff Writer
when I retired,” said Snapp.
After traveling between “I thought being able to
the same four buildings represent what you see and
across one main quad for put your emotions into it …
the first two weeks of school, sounded neat to me.”
it’s easy to forget that there’s Snapp, a former teacher
a town beyond Bowdoin. of Advanced Placement (AP)
Brunswick is home to over Biology in Palo Alto, Cali-
20,000 residents who live, fornia, soon found herself in
work and, sometimes, make Kathie Boldt’s drawing class
art here. at Merrymeeting Adult Edu-
The Brunswick Business cation in Topsham.
Center, located at 18 Pleasant Between 2003 and 2004,
St., looks like a traditional a group of graduates from
red brick home. Today, how- Boldt’s art classes decided to
ever, it serves as an office continue meeting regularly
space for many individuals to critique each other’s work
and small businesses—as and practice art together.
well as the gallery space for This group of former novices
a group of Brunswick-based have gone on to show and sell
artists who call themselves their work in the halls of the
the Points of View Artists. Brunswick Business Center
The Points of View Art- after one of their members
ists is primarily composed of was asked to do so by the
retirees; some have lived in owner of the building, Art
Brunswick their whole lives Boulay. GRAHAM BENDICKSON, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
while others, like Barbara If you were to enter the LOCALLY SOURCED: Points of View Gallery, located blocks from campus in the Brunswick Business Center, features an array of pieces from local artists.
Snapp, have permanently re- Brunswick Business Center
tired to their former summer expecting to find an airy, these hallways from the first rative process in itself, Snapp the summer, once Septem- is becoming increasingly dif-
homes. Snapp is one of the well-lit gallery space, you to third floor of the center said. ber hits, pieces will only be ficult to reach.
original members of Points would be surprised to instead are a great number of art “People bring their work changed once or twice before Snapp joked, “Running
of View Artists and now runs find a number of individual pieces, including paintings, in, and we spread it all over May. our monthly meetings is kind
the group’s website and much office rooms that shoot off prints and pottery. the table. We make a show The artists must also nav- of like herding cats.”
of their public relations. a narrow hallway. But lining By simply walking through out of what people bring in,” igate a variety of challenges, Snapp remains grateful for
the gallery, Snapp can identi- she said. the most important of which Boulay’s generosity in pro-
fy the works of each artist— There is no curator or is their advancing age. viding a space for the artists
“I thought being able to represent for example, the woman who owner of the Points of View One member of the group to show and sell their work
what you see and put your emotions primarily works with pens, Gallery. The artists gather needs hearing aids and will for free.
into it ... sounded really neat to me.” and the woman who does ab-
stract pottery.
together and go through the
process of deciding on a new
speak out in the middle of
a conversation, and one is a
“We’re continuing to be
creative,” said Snapp. “The
–Barbara Snapp, Points of View artist Putting together the dis- theme. While displays are 90-year-old woman who lives main thing is that we have
play is a creative and collabo- changed every month during further from Brunswick and fun.”
6 Friday, September 27, 2019

One name at a time, Kristina Bethea Odejimi finds her groove
Health and Fitness or installed in their own, so really trying to make meticulously packed schedule. “Alyce. Alyce. Alyce,” she said, says, has been smooth: staff mem-
by Alyce McFadden her Moulton Union corner office, sure that students understand we She tries to see the individuals deliberately. “What’s your last bers are welcoming, students are
Orient Staff Odejimi’s conception of what it have a lot of resources that we offer that make up her constituents, to name? I try to make these associ- competent and Brunswick has ex-
Last Tuesday, newly-appointed means to be Dean of Students is [and] we want to make sure that see students as complicated and ations because I think names are actly what she needs—a Five Guys.
Dean of Students Kristina Bethea hands-on, individualistic and in- students are aware of them … that singular people rather than mere important.” “Look. I love french fries—re-
Odejimi led a morning spin class tensely student-focused. Odejimi’s is really important to me,” Odejimi members in the crowd. Her name, in case you were ally good french fries. It’s kind of
while the regular instructor was job, which she began August 1, said. “Even as I move up in differ- For Odejimi, the key to this wondering, is pronounced my weakness,” she said. “But I’ve
on vacation. Why? Because there is to oversee the Title IX office, ent capacities, I think that the stu- task is names. She learns students “o-DAY-jimi.” visited Five Guys only three times
was a problem to be solved, be- Health Services, Counseling Ser- dent interactions are at the core. It since I’ve been here.”
cause Odejimi really likes to cycle
and because the class gave her the
vices and the Student Accessibility
office—in other words, the ser-
is why we are doing this work.”
To this end, Odejimi is making Her name, in case you Odejimi advises students to
follow her example and find their
chance to do what she enjoys most:
meet the individuals who make up
vices and professionals that help to
shape our experience as students
an effort to designate times for stu-
dents to meet with her, just to talk,
were wondering, is pro- “thing”—something in their daily
life that brings them joy, whether
the community she has been hired
to serve, while getting in a tough
of the College.
Odejimi knows that building
as she put it, “eyeball to eyeball.”
Around a dozen have taken her up
nounced “o-Day-jimi.” it’s spin class or french fries.
“If you don’t have joy, it’s
workout. relationships with students is on this offer. hard to navigate the ins and outs
“I think they were all dead by essential to her job, but also em- “They are able to come and names by repeating them over and Odejimi comes to Bowdoin of every day,” she said. “So just
the end of the class,” Odejimi said. phasizes the need for students to meet and to just chat and exchange, over: a technique that is effective, from Tappahannock, Virginia, finding that peace that keeps
“But that’s OK. That’s maybe how engage with her. nothing serious in nature—just for if a bit unsettling. To demonstrate, where she was the Dean of Stu- you motivated, whether it’s one
you need to start off a Tuesday.” “I recognize that the second [me] to meet them,” she said. she leaned toward me, across the dents at St. Margaret’s School—a thing or one activity, but fig-
Whether she is clipped into bike floor of Moulton Union is not a These interactions can be the circular table in her office and private boarding school, as well as uring that out for yourself is, I
pedals in the Peter Buck Center for place where people just come on highlights of Odejimi’s tightly and opened her eyes wide. her alma mater. The transition, she think, critically important.”

Students dive into Bowdoin Marine Science Semester


THE DEEP END: (LEFT): Sophie Walton ‘21 conducts research at the Coastal Studies Center as part of the Bowdoin Marine Sciene Semester, an intimate, semester-long program focused on an interactive study of marine science.

department. “They have to come to pursue their passions. While the benefits of an in- oratory, residence hall and dining to come back to campus to have
by Aura Carlson up with original projects, so we “I’ve never seen people get so timate learning experience are facility began this summer at the their social life.”
and Emma Sorkin want to provide an opportunity excited about getting in the mud evident, the program can also be Coastal Studies Center and is on- Some of that time is spent on
Orient Staff
for them to think about the ex- with giant boots and then getting isolating due to the time and en- going this fall. Besides some extra field trips. This past weekend,
Every weekday morning this isting scientific literature in fields these samples of things that you ergy BMSS demands. noise and safety precautions, BMSS students traveled to Kent
semester, nine Bowdoin stu- that are particularly interesting.” can’t even see with your eyes,” “It is a huge time commitment. participants said construction Island, a Bowdoin-owned island
dents pile into minivans to travel Due to the small class size, dai- Benjamin Felser ’22 said. “[They] I would call it a kind of semester has not negatively impacted the in the Bay of Fundy in Canada.
to their classroom: the Schiller ly assignments are largely driven light up when they’re talking away from Bowdoin. Not a se- program. In October, they’ll snorkel in the
Coastal Studies Center. Swapping by student interests. This allows about microbes.” mester abroad or overseas, but “It hasn’t impacted our re- coral reefs of Hawaii—for re-
laptops for test tubes and sneak- instructors to engage directly with The program also emphasizes it’s definitely a semester away,” search, and it hasn’t impacted search purposes, of course.
ers for rubber boots, students in students and provides more free- field work and hands-on learning. Kuhnle said. the way that the classes run at all, “We’re not tanning on the
Bowdoin Marine Science Semes- dom regarding the content and “We’ve been doing more Felser also noted that partic- except we wear yellow vests when beach in Hawaii, [we are] mem-
ter (BMSS) explore coastal envi- structure of classes. fieldwork than I’ve done in my ipating in BMSS can limit the we walk to the dock,” Felser said. orizing hundreds of Latin names
ronments through a hands-on, in- “There’s definitely a structure entire life in [the] weeks we’ve amount of time dedicated to Walton joked about one of the and taxonomy for the species and
timate semester-long experience. to [the classes], but if there’s a re- had,” Felser said. “It’s much more on-campus activities. recent effects of construction. stuff like that,” Kuhnle said.
From Monday through Friday, ally good tide, and we need to hit about experiential learning [and] “I have to make sacrifices. I “We were outside eating lunch, From independent projects to
BMSS students spend six hours it, we’re going to hit that and then modeling what it’s like to be a can’t be as much a part of my and they were digging up the sew- local fieldwork and cross-country
at the College’s 118-acre facility we’ll get back to what we’re doing. scientist.” extracurriculars that I want to age line. So they told us to leave trips, BMSS offers students the
on Orr’s Island, taking classes If something with our research Students collect data and con- be a part of, and I can’t see all for that.” opportunity to deeply immerse
on benthic ecology, methods in comes up, we’re going to do that,” duct labs and observations direct- my friends that I want to see all Ellers, the biology research themselves in marine biology.
ocean change ecology, history and Sophie Walton ’21 said. “It’s just ly from the Maine environment. the time,” Felser said. “What I associate, predicts that BMSS stu- “It’s really cool. You have to be
marine science. Students take one one thing you’re focusing on at “It’s a very intimate learning keep reminding myself is that I dents won’t use the residence hall into what we’re doing [because]
course at a time, with each lasting a time, with an independent re- experience, where you are contin- would have been much less hap- and that they will most likely be it’s a big commitment, but if you
about a month. Instead of a final search project woven throughout ually working with data, working py knowing that I passed up this used solely by students conduct- are into it, it’s really fun,” Walton
exam, the semester culminates in [that] ties everything together.” with your own data [and] working opportunity. I am now wrestling ing summer research. said. “You don’t have to be a biol-
an independent study project. Research projects vary from with local species and ecosystems. with some of the difficulties that “Many students don’t want to ogy major. The only requirements
“A large component of the student to student, ranging That’s really fun,” Scott Kuhnle ’22 accompany doing an intensive live out there [during the school are that you’ve taken intro bio
Marine Science Semester is stu- from clam filter feeding to mi- said. “[There is] a really strong program like this, but it feels very year]. They spend all day there and a math class. Theoretically,
dents’ projects,” said Olaf Ellers, croscopic colony organisms. connection to the land and the worth it.” and all weekend with us,” Ellers anybody could be in it. You just
a research associate in the biology Participants are given free rein locality of it.” Construction of a new dry lab- said. “Many people said they’d like have to have a passion for it.”
Friday, September 27, 2019 FEATURES 7

Beloved Brunswick
staple finds new home
that, though the trip may take
by Keyna Mecias Quiñonez longer, ensuring that Bowdoin
Orient Staff
students would still have easy
Whether it’s thanks to the sun- access was one of the priorities in
light seeping through the skylight, selecting a location.
the endless display of cookies and “I can be honest with you—one
cupcakes or the freshly baked of our biggest concerns was the
bread, Bowdoin students and the Bowdoin students,” she said. “We
greater Brunswick community don’t want to lose that communi-
gravitate toward Wild Oats Bak- ty, and we don’t want to lose that
ery & Cafe, a long-time Brunswick walkability, but from the Bowdoin
staple. After 28 years at the Tontine perspective, it’s definitely going to
Mall in downtown Brunswick, be bikeable.”
Wild Oats will move to Brunswick Though Shepherd is steadfast
Landing at the end of next year. in her belief that the move will
David and Becky Shepherd, the not pose much of a challenge for
owners of Wild Oats, have been Bowdoin students, the commute
planning the move for years with to Wild Oats may be too lengthy
the goal of expanding the business for some.
in ways that are not possible at the “If they’re two miles away, I
Tontine Mall. don’t think I’ll ever go. I think
“We’ve outgrown it,” Becky there are other places to get coffee
Shepherd said. “Small things like nearby, and the dining halls are DEVAKI RAJIV, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
we have no heating or cooling in closer,” said Cirque Gammelin ’20. LET’S GET THIS BREAD: After
our kitchen and our whole down- While the goal was not to cre- 28 years in the Tontine Mall in down-
stairs. A lot of those practical things ate distance between Wild Oats town Brunswick, Wild Oats Bakery
I’m really excited about. I’m also and Bowdoin, it proved nearly im- & Cafe will be moving to Brunswick
excited to be able to produce more possible to find a place downtown Landing at the end of next year.
of the products that we want to.” that had everything the business
According to the Wild Oats needed. dustrial park right now … I think
Facebook page, “the new location “We’ve been looking for about a that we will be able to create some
will have loads more parking, year. We scoured downtown to try community.”
additional indoor and outdoor to find a location because initially, With the move, Wild Oats
seating and more retail and pro- I planted my feet and said, ‘We’re is committed to maintaining its
duction space,” addressing several not moving out of downtown,’” fundamental values: comfort and
frequent customer complaints. Shepherd said. “There was just no community. Despite a newer, larg-
“Imagine never having to wade place that offered us a chance to er location, Shepherd hopes that
through a sea of people to get your expand and a chance to have un- Wild Oats will retain the charm
soup, not having to explain to a limited parking.” that people are often drawn to.
stranger where to pay, not being Shepherd hopes that this move “For me, it’s all about the cul-
forced to eat with a family you’ve benefits not only the business, but ture and the community that
never met, and finding a parking Brunswick residents as a whole. we’ve created that makes the bak-
spot on your very first try!” “I think that we created a com- ery what it is. I want to conduct
While parking will be more munity, and we made [a com- business in that same culture of
convenient, most Bowdoin stu- munity in] the Tontine and the people feeling like they’re being
dents do not have cars and may downtown, and the downtown is nurtured,” Shepherd said. “That’s
have difficulty getting to the new now thriving,” she said. “[Bruns- something that I want to bring
location. Shepherd emphasizes wick Landing is] essentially an in- forth in our new space.”

Looking back: women make a place for themselves in Bowdoin Greek-life

Chamberlain. in 1927, records that the Col- difference. scene. Laura Carl ’84 pledged Including, if not especially, in
Bowdoin’s nine College lege had 11 fraternities, but this While Bowdoin’s first frater- Alpha Delta Phi during the fall the realm of Greek life. Some
Poke the Bear Houses all once belonged to number eventually fell to nine nity was founded in 1841, the of her freshman year and be- fraternities only allowed wom-
by Sela Kay nationally-recognized fraterni- full-time fraternities complete College did not become coed- came one of a growing number en to join as “eating members”
ties, with the exception of Alpha with live-in members, dining ucational until 1971, 130 years of women to challenge historic or social members and did
It’s officially fall. Apple pick- Rho Upsilon, Bowdoin’s sole contracts and house duties. later. Women had to force their fraternity rules. She would later not permit women to vote in
ing season has descended upon local fraternity. Fraternities em- These nine fraternities grew in way into the institution’s social become her chapter’s in-house house matters, while two other
us, frisbees litter the quad and ployed well-known rushing and size and popularity as Bowdoin scene. Many did so by joining historian. fraternities maintained their
College House residents are recruiting practices for potential expanded, and by the mid-1960s Bowdon’s historically all-male In a phone interview, Carl all-male status years after other
finally settling into their cas- new members and took part in more than 95 percent of the stu- fraternities. said that even though Bowdoin fraternities became coed. And
tles on Maine Street. The same standard features of common- dent population identified as That’s right. Women joined was mostly male when she at- while some fraternities allowed
houses, I might add, which place Greek-life such as throw- fraternity members. fraternities. tended, ranks of women pledged female members to hold office,
many years ago were home to ing campus-wide parties, host- That is to say, Bowdoin’s Sixty-five women joined 254 fraternities and just about half of the number of female presidents
fraternities; famous members ing meals and even hazing. model looked nearly identical male first-years (and roughly the officers in her fraternity were during this time was discourag-
of these organizations include Louis Hatch’s “The History to our country’s standard Greek 900 male students total) at Bow- women. Bowdoin was experi- ingly low.
William S. Cohen and Joshua of Bowdoin College,” published life narrative—with one major doin’s matriculation ceremony encing a significant shift in its Taking this history into
in 1971, becoming members of culture, and multiple fraternities consideration, the only sure
the College’s first coeducational began accepting women despite conclusion seems to be that
class. Among them was a young national chapters being all male. Bowdoin Greek life defies our
woman named Patricia “Bar- Alpha Rho Upsilon, another country’s traditional Greek life
ney” Geller ’75. popular fraternity, established narrative due to strong and
Geller began as a dishwasher itself as completely accepting early female involvement in
in Psi Upsilon but would become of all genders and races and de- the social scene. While Geller
chapter president of that same clared its Greek letters to be an broke down barriers for wom-
fraternity in the spring of her acronym for “All Races United.” en countrywide, Alpha Rho
first year at Bowdoin. Not only The point here is that Bowdo- Upsilon reinvented itself on
was Geller the first female pres- in’s history of Greek life was not unprecedented principles,
ident of a fraternity at Bowdoin, the norm. Women in the United and the Bowdoin community
but she was also one of the first States were rarely presidents of took coeducational expansion
female presidents of a national- nationally-recognized Greek or- (somewhat) in stride.
ly affiliated fraternity. Once the ganizations, they did not often So as we continue through
national chapter caught wind of sit at the dinner tables of their the school year, walking the
the fact that Barney Geller was, own fraternity houses and enjoy same paths that many of these
in fact, a woman, Bowdoin’s meals with their brothers and female leaders from decades ago
chapter became embroiled in a they were not usually tasked with walked, the question is, how can
national scandal. inviting dates to frat dances. we expand upon the ground-
Geller was not the only wom- This is not to say that gender breaking work of women in the
an to forge her own path in Bow- discrimination did not exist Bowdoin community and blaze
doin’s male-dominated social at Bowdoin. It certainly did. our own path to change?
8 Friday, September 27, 2019

Don’t forget the name Sayar Khoyadari
SEVENTH HEAVEN: of her life—firstt and fore- and watch footb football, at to the family and friends of
After a string of three The Sideline most as a woman, n, but also as times in the th face [Khodayari] and reiterate
straight ties, the men’s Story mid the gen-
a soccer fan. Amid of stron
strong stig- our calls on the Iranian au-
by Julius Long gregation
eral social segregation ma. thorities to ensure the free-
soccer team (3-1-3,
and repression, women Open dom and safety of any wom-
NESCAC 0-1-3) got back
If you haven’t heard the were barred from m enter- Stadium
Stadiums, a en engaged in this legitimate
to its winning ways with an
story of Iran’s “Blue Girl,” it’s diums.
ing football stadiums. movem
movement fight to end the stadium ban
emphatic 6-1 win at home
not your fault. It has been a The Republic, and of Iranian for women in Iran.”
over the University of
blip in a news cycle dominat- ollah
its leader Ayatollah women seek- In the past, Iran has re-
Southern Maine (0-7-2).
ed by Brexit, Antonio Brown Khoemeini, would e
ing to end the sponded to global pressures
Jason Oliver ’20 opened and the Global Climate Strike to ev-
dig their nails into ban, has gained by temporarily lifting the
his collegiate scoring that many within the Bowdo- ic life,
ery aspect of civic prominenc
prominence and ban for particular matches,
account less than a minute in community participated ation’s
including the nation’s recognition over particularly when it knows
into the game and Charlie in. But if you are one of the most decorated soc- the last decade. the world is watching. On
Ward ’22 netted a hat- few who has heard the news cer team. Posters call
calling for October 10, women will be
trick, scoring three goals in about this 29-year-old activ- In 1970, Taj Teh- the ban to be b lifted admitted to watch the World
the first 20 minutes of the ist’s death, you’re probably ran Football Club were visible in St. Cup qualification match be-
second half. wondering why it has gotten became the first club Petersburg during tween Iran and Cambodia,
so little attention. ablish
in Iran to establish the 2018 World
Wor Cup according to Iran’s Football
In March, Sahar Khoda- a women’s footballootball in Russia an and out- Federation. While FIFA has
NO BLUES AGAINST yari attempted to sneak into team. No aspectss of the side of domestic
domes sta- mandated that women have to
THE BLUES: Azadi Stadium in Tehran. She previous monarchistchist re- diums during league be allowed into football stadi-
The field hockey team disguised herself as a man, gime were toleratedted in Iran play as well. ums for all matches, holding
cruised to a dominant cloaked behind the blue and lution, and
after the Revolution, Khodayari’s acts of the government to that will
5-0 victory at Wellesley white colors of her beloved Taj—which means ans “crown” resistance have been take much more than a dec-
(4-4-0) on Tuesday, Esteghlal Football Club. She in Farsi—was put ut under the celebrated by Es Esteghlal laration.
bringing their record was confronted and arrested control of the government and swaths of Iranian soccer This isn’t the kind of sports
to 6-1 for the season. after security guards dis- eghlal—“in-
and renamed Esteghlal—“in- fans throughout the coun- news that people like to re-
Coming off a weekend covered she was a woman. dependence” in English. try. Despite pressur
pressure from member or talk about. It isn’t
victory over Wesleyan Earlier this month, when she While the myth th of passive the government tto not a matter of equal pay, goal
(4-4-0, 0-4-0 NESCAC), appeared in court, she was compliance has dominat- acknowledge her death, celebrations or rule changes.
the Polar Bears jumped told she could face six months ed the Western n percep- “Blue Girl”—as she s has This is far outside the bounds
to an early lead off a goal to two years in prison for tion of Iranian women, been dubbed by social we know as sports activism.
from Manveer Sandhu ’22 “appearing in public without Khodayari’s death ath has and international
internation me- But just like we have etched
and never looked back. a hijab.” Upon learning that, highlighted and reinvig- dia—was print printed on names like Megan Rapi-
Bowdoin held an 18-1 shot she doused herself with gas- orated a movementment for the Esteghlal jerseys noe, Alex Morgan and Abby
advantage, and Emma oline outside the courthouse social reform thathat has in their first match
mat fol- Wambach in the lexicon of
Stevens ’20 padded her and set herself on fire. She manifested itself in soc- lowing her death.
death champions for gender equal-
stat sheet with two goals died days later in the hospital. utset of
cer from the outset FIFA, soccer’s
soccer in- ity, we shouldn’t forget the
and an assist to complete The events that led to her oughout
the regime. Throughout ternational governing
gov name Sahar Khodayari or the
the victory over the Blues. horrific death began to un- the 40 years thatt wom- body, released a state- names of the countless oth-
fold well before she was born. en have been bannedanned ment saying, “W “We are er Muslim soccer fans who
The declaration of an Islamic from stadiums, girls aware of the tragedy
trage and choose to stand up in some

OVER THE HUMP: Republic in Iran in April of and women have ve deeply regret it. FIFA of the most difficult of cir-

Following a shaky start to 1979 would shape the course continued to playy conveys our condolences
cond cumstances.
this fall’s campaign, the
volleyball team got back in
the win column with a 3-0
victory over Connecticut
College (4-6-0, NESCAC
0-3-0) last Saturday.
Following a 3-5 start to the
season, the Polar Bears
generated momentum
early and carried it all the
way through against the
Camels, earning a crucial
first NESCAC win to
bring their conference
record to 1-1. Emily King
’21 dominated with 19 digs,
and Caroline Flaharty ’20
added 11 of her own in
addition to 10 kills.

Joe Gowetski ’20, a
captain of the football
team, was named a
semifinalist for the
William B. Campbell
trophy on Wednesday.
The trophy honors
college football players
on the basis of their
athletic performance,
academic achievements
and community service.
Gowetski is one of 185
semifinalists from across
the nation. Of the
semifinalists, a dozen
finalists will be announced
on October 30, each of
whom will win an $18,000
postgraduate scholarship. JACK BURNETT, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
TRIPLE THREAT: Charlie Ward ’22 controls the ball during the men’s soccer team’s 6-1 home victory over the University of Southern Maine on Wednesday. Ward recorded his first career hat-
COMPILED BY DYLAN SLOAN trick, and three other teammates found the net to round out the Polar Bears’ scoring. Bowdoin will seek to continue its momemtum when the team plays at Trinity on Saturday.
Friday, September 27, 2019 SPORTS 9

Under new leadership, women’s tennis starts

fall competition with a resounding victory
“The [Brandeis] program each person. That’s been dif- always show ... but it did,” much respect Tasha and Ken- time to adjust to a new system
by Dylan Sloan was in great spirits, it was in ferent, and I think it showed said Lamanna. “We got to see nedi and all the effort they’ve and lay the groundwork for
Orient Staff
a great spot and I left at the last weekend that it’s effective,” some grit, we got to see some been putting in so far, so we’re the more competitive spring
Despite the facts that the height of the program,” said said Sasa Jovanovic ’20, who fight [and] some clutch shots going to go out there and play season.
tournament was the first un- Lamanna. “And that goes to was one of the tournament’s in some big moments. Those our hardest and they’ll play “The way that we approach
der a new head coach and show you how highly I think co-champions. things were fun to see.” their hardest and whatever the fall is seeing it as a practice
the roster featured only six of the Bowdoin College rep- If last week’s performance Because all three Bowdoin happens is for the team.” run, in the sense that we want
players, the Bowdoin women’s utation and the way that the is any indication of what fans teams advanced to the final With a roster of only six to be building up skills now
tennis team started strong last student athletes are supported should expect going forward, four, two Polar Bear teams players this fall, the team is that would be most effective
weekend, with all three dou- [here].” the team—small as it is—is met in the semifinal, where about as small as it has ever for the spring,” explained Jo-
bles teams placing in the top As with any coaching one to watch for the remainder Jovanovic and Landau took been. However, this intimacy vanovic. “There are [not] any
four at the Wallach Doubles change, the adjustment to a does come with its benefits. results-oriented expectations
Invitational at Bates. With all new school and new team cul- “The way that we approach the fall is seeing “[I’ve] never had this small attached to the fall besides just
starters returning from last ture has taken time. Notably, it as a practice run ... we want to be building of a team, [but] I kind of like getting better at these skills
spring and a new but experi- Lamanna arrived on campus up skills now that would be most effective for it. We can really improve at a we’ve been working on in
enced coach at the helm, this late in the summer and annual the spring.” greater rate than other teams,” practice, and of course going
early success has set the stage recruiting cycle, which meant said Lamanna. “It’s great be- out there and battling like we
for an exciting fall season. he and the team had little time –Sasa Jovanovic ’20 cause everybody knows that always try to do.”
Following the resignation to get to know each other be- they’re going to be playing or The team will continue
of longtime head coach Paul fore their first match. Never- of the year. Out of a 23-team an 8-2 victory over teammates they’re one injury away from along that learning curve this
“Hobie” Holbach in August, theless, players have already field, all three doubles teams Kennedi Carter ’23 and Tasha playing. There’s not a lot of weekend at the ITA New En-
Ben Lamanna was announced noticed the impact a new that the Polar Bears fielded Christ ’20. room for error.” gland Regional Championship
as his replacement. Lamanna coaching style has had. placed in the top four, with Jo- “We have a team culture of Lamanna is clear about his at Middlebury. Just a few weeks
formerly coached the men’s “Coach Lamanna is more vanovic and Fleming Landau you respect your opponent by objectives for the team: “We into the fall season, the Polar
and women’s teams at Brandeis focused on building up rela- ’22 taking the top spot. playing your hardest,” said Jo- can win a national title here.” Bears have months to go before
University, where he built both tionships ... between players “Everyone knew we were vanovic. “We ... took that ap- And while that remains the the spring season starts, but
programs into true national and more [focused] on the the highest-ranked team going proach for playing our team- greater goal, the fall season these promising early results
contenders. team as a whole rather than on into the tournament. It doesn’t mates, too. Obviously, I very is still, first and foremost, the make them a team to watch.

With faces new and old,

cross-country teams hit
the ground running
uated last year.
by Seamus Frey “Coming into this year, we
Staff Writer
graduated our entire scoring
After finishing the last team from last year,” said
season with both teams in Meredith. “So there was cer-
the top 10 at the NCAA tainly not very high expecta-
Division III New England tions from people who like to
Regional Competition, the make projections about where
Bowdoin women’s and men’s NESCAC teams will finish at
cross-country teams kicked the conference champion-
off a fresh season with a ship.”
strong performance at the Slovenski appeared to be
first Bowdoin Invitational last unworried about the loss of
weekend. With a mixture of these core runners.
seasoned scorers and promis- “The men’s team will be
ing new members stepping up younger. We are likely to have
to fill the shoes of graduated only one senior in the top six
seniors, the two teams are of the men’s team. It will be
poised for success. exciting to see the younger
On the women’s team, runners get to participate in
Delaney Bullock ’22, Claire the championships and gain a
Wolff ’21 and Leila Trummel lot of varsity race experience,”
’23 finished fourth, 19th and wrote Slovenski in an email to
21st overall, respectively. On the Orient.
the men’s side, Andrew Mer- Meredith doesn’t view
edith ’22 led the way with a this as a problem either—in
fifth place finish overall, fol- fact, he sees it as a potential
lowed by Luca Ostertag-Hill strength.
’20 in seventh and Ted Fuell “Every year, I think we’re
’23 in eighth. going to get better, but seeing
Head Coach Peter Slov- how those guys did on Satur-
enski attributed this strong day and knowing we can con-
showing to team members’ tinuously build in two years
extensive preseason efforts. when we’re all upperclassmen BEN MATHEWS, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
Unlike other sports teams, ... I think we’re going to have POETRY IN MOTION: Nicholas Maniatis ’22 sets the pace in last weekend’s Bowdoin Invitational, hosted on campus. It was the first meet for
members of the cross country a very good team, which is ex- both the women’s and men’s cross-country teams. They put up strong performances, showing promise for the remainder of the season.
teams must train individually citing,” said Meredith.
over the summer in prepara- On the women’s side, a track or totally new, and it’s the women’s team.” tion and cautious optimism. two more meets at home, one
tion for the season. strong core of runners re- made for a really strong … As the first meet of the sea- “I think I had a good start, of which is the NCAA New
“We have a lot of freedom turns from last year, and Car- senior class.” son, both teams were looking but I faded in the end. And I England Regional Champion-
in the preseason. We don’t oline Shipley ’20 believes that Slovenski agreed, pointing forward to the Bowdoin Invi- think that as a team, that’s the ship, which they are definitely
have a formal preseason. Our the senior class is one of the to the experienced runners of tational but view it as just a general sentiment: we have a looking forward to.
season starts on the first day team’s greatest strengths. the women’s team as admira- starting point for the rest of lot more in us,” said Meredith. “I think [we can] surprise
of classes, technically,” said “I think what’s been really ble leaders. the season. “I think our whole scoring some people at the conference
women’s captain Sadie Saxton cool about our senior class “Our women’s team in- “[This is] a practice race of team can be a minute faster race [and] beat some teams
’20. is it’s actually grown pretty cludes a lot of veterans who just trying out your race strat- than we were on Saturday, that aren’t even thinking
The Polar Bears will hope substantially since freshman are ready to step up into the egy, seeing who you can run easily. … If that happens, I about [us] right now,” Mere-
to build on last year’s nota- year,” Shipley said. “I think varsity scoring positions,” with and just kind of figuring think we can be a pretty solid dith said.
ble success. For the men, that every year different people wrote Slovenski. “We are things out,” said Saxton. team.” The Polar Bears will race
means replacing six of the have joined on to the cross likely to have three seniors Reflecting on his race, Mer- This season looks bright for again in the Maine State Meet
seven core runners who grad- country team, whether from among the top six runners on edith expressed both frustra- the Polar Bears as they host at Colby on October 5.
10 SPORTS Friday, September 27, 2019


BALANCING ACT: Jamie Lau ’22 reacts to a loose ball in an early-season tie with Colby. The Polar Bears have faced an uphill battle in the first month of the season, but will look to find their groove in the next weeks of NESCAC competition.

Women’s soccer seeks to bounce back after early setbacks

Wesleyan (5-1-1, NESCAC its early-season rut. The Polar and first years compared to us.” ing able to field a consistent
by Sebastian de Lasa 2-1-1)) were decided by goals Bears’ only draw of the season 12 upperclassmen, only five This depth is already prov- lineup—have put Bowdoin in
Orient Staff
within the final five minutes came against Colby (2-2-2, 1-2- of whom are seniors. Howev- ing valuable as younger play- early jeopardy.
After losing three conference of the game. 2 NESCAC), a team that beat er, the lack of senior women ers establish their roles on the The team is choosing to
games, the Bowdoin women’s With limited time to pre- Trinity 2-0. on the team is even less severe team. For example, Rachael look on the bright side going
soccer team (2-4-1, NESCAC pare, the team had to hit the Bowdoin will also be pro- than last year, when there Peacock ’23 has already ce- forward.
0-3-7) has had an underwhelm- ground running from day one pelled by its recent hot streak, were only two seniors on a mented her position as a reg- “We have just come off of
ing start to its season. Though of preseason. coming off of a 6-0 win against team of 31 players. ular starter; in fact, Peacock two good team wins, and the
the team lost only two seniors “Our schedule poses a seri- the University of Maine-Farm- Although the team’s up- co-leads the team in goals, with team is committed to build-
last spring, preseason expec- ous challenge, and this year was ington (1-6-1) and a 2-0 win perclassmen are small in two scored so far this season. ing off of everything we have
tations were high for the core perhaps the toughest of all. We against the University of New number, their impact cannot The team also returns six regu- learned so far,” wrote Smithson.
of returning starters. However, had one full team practice, then England (3-2-2). Whether be underestimated. lar starters (players who started “The team has put forth a tre-
the Polar Bears have yet to win opened with [number] 12 in these wins can be converted “We have a[n] … experi- more than 10 games) from last mendous amount of effort in
a NESCAC game this season. the country the next day,” wrote into in-conference successes enced group of returners, in- season, as well as goalkeeper spite of the rigorous schedule
With six in-conference games Head Coach Brianne Smithson remains to be seen. cluding five seniors who have Penny Rocchio ’22, who has and injuries, which says a lot
still to play, time remains to in an email to the Orient. “We Smithson stated that So- given so much to this program proven herself to be extremely about [its] character.”
shift their trajectory. then faced [number] 5 in the phia Lemmer ’20, Morgen and are strong role models and effective this season, with 22 That character and the
Despite its lackluster re- country within a week … that is Gallagher ’20 and Lynn Far- leaders,” wrote Smithson. “The saves and only six goals al- team’s experience is there, and
cord, the team has shown a tall order for any team. ” quhar ’21 were the appointed team has already made huge lowed over seven starts. the roster is still loaded with
promise in the early stages The team will face Trinity “team leaders” (the women’s strides in just a few short weeks. The challenges the team talent. For the next few weeks,
of the season. Of the Polar College (2-3-1, NESCAC 1-1- soccer team does not have As the season progresses and has faced so far—a challeng- Bowdoin’s NESCAC fate will
Bears’ four losses this sea- 0) this Saturday, which will be captains). They lead a team each team member finds their ing schedule, limited time to truly be a test of whether the
son, two (against Middlebury a crucial match with the po- with a good deal more young- unique way to contribute, our prepare and injuries that have Polar Bears can convert those
(5-0-1, NESCAC 2-0-1) and tential to get the team out of er players—18 sophomores depth will become an asset for prevented Smithson from be- close losses into wins.

Football suffers historic loss

bing (63-7) in 1993. passes. Wide receiver DeVante Reid passes for 121 yards and one touch- Hammer said. “You put it behind
by Ian Ward “They’re better than us. That’s life. ’22 caught six passes for 246 yards down. Brendan Ward ’22 led the Po- you and you move on to next week,
Orient Staff
They’re better than us physically,” and four touchdowns. lar Bears in rushing with 48 yards on ‘cause you can’t let anything linger
Bowdoin football (0-2, 0-2 NES- said Head Coach BJ Hammer. “In Bowdoin’s offense posted 197 nine carries, and Bo Millett ’21 led week to week.”
CAC) suffered one of the most a rebuilding process, when you get yards of offensive while surrender- the team with three receptions for 48 Bowdoin faces off against Wil-
lopsided losses in program history beat physically, it shows you where ing 572 yards to the Bantams. The yards. liams on Saturday at 1 p.m. in Wil-
on Saturday, falling to Trinity (1-1, you have to get to get to that level.” Polar Bears recorded their only score Running back Nate Richam-Odoi liamstown. The Ephs sit at 1-1 after
NESCAC 1-1) 61-7. After scoring only once in the first of the game in the third quarter on ’20 had 15 carries for 32 yards, but falling to Middlebury in the first
The 54-point margin of defeat is quarter, the Bantams broke the game a one-yard touchdown pass from sat for most of the second half as a week of NESCAC play and beat-
the third largest in the team’s history open in the second quarter, posting Austin McCrum ’21 to Patrick Zepf precautionary measure after taking ing Tufts in the second. Williams
during the modern record era, which 27 points in a span of just under 12 ’22, which came only after a flag on several big hits in the first half, Ham- holds a 53-15-6 edge in the all-time
began in 1921. Trinity is also respon- minutes. Trinity’s quarterback, Sea- a personal foul saved Bowdoin from mer explained. series between the two teams and
sible for Bowdoin’s largest margin of mus Lambert ’22, ended the game having to punt. “You can put a win or you can put has won the last six contests, dating
defeat on record, a 56-point drub- with 391 yards and five touchdown McCrum completed 16 of 30 a loss behind you, it don’t matter,” back to 2007.
11 Friday, September 27, 2019

O OPINION BOC, due better

The outdoors have a financial accessibility problem. The College touts Maine as a
Introducing the American
valuable resource that professors and students should use as a forum for discovery and
experiential learning, and the Bowdoin Outing Club (BOC) is part of that. Assuming
we value an outdoor education, this resource must be available to all students without
Association of University Professors
hindrance, regardless of their financial situation. To the Bowdoin Community, dent organization that is “beholden that I care about and interventions
The BOC should lessen the burden on students receiving financial aid—about half to no person and no other entity; it in areas that concern me in higher
of our campus community—by creating an easier system to waive its $50 membership In the first faculty meeting of the is beholden instead to the principles education. I pay similar dues to or-
fee that doesn’t require a face-to-face request. year, I had the pleasure of announc- and standards of the profession,” es- ganizations that support my work
As of now, students get one “free trip card” at the start of the year. After that, with ing that Bowdoin now has an active pecially to the principles of academ- as a scholar; I see the AAUP as an
the current system’s paper form, waiving dues requires a conversation with either of chapter of the American Association ic freedom and shared governance. advocate for my work as a profes-
the Outing Club Assistant Directors, Tess Hamilton ’16 or Anna Bastidas. Students in of University Professors (AAUP). I In words that have special resonance sional.”
need of financial aid shouldn’t have to navigate Bowdoin differently than those who am writing here to offer a bit more for those of us here at Bowdoin Col- Yet another new member reminds
aren’t—this system forces them to do exactly that. detail about our mission, to invite lege, it seeks “to ensure higher edu- us that “we are fortunate to be at
A student could be facing this situation as early as September of their first year, when those who are eligible for member- cation’s contribution to the common Bowdoin in an era when large pub-
they may not feel comfortable approaching authority figures on campus about their ship to join us and to invite all mem- good.” lic universities are under political
needs. Students may also be uncertain whether their financial circumstances would be bers of the Bowdoin community to Those of us who have joined to- assault, and smaller private colleges
sufficient to allow for exemption. consider the AAUP as a partner and gether to open this Bowdoin chapter are watching their assets disappear.
Like the recently discontinued Out of the Zone program (OZ), the current process an ally. believe that it will provide us all with But our good fortune doesn’t mean
for waiving dues exemplifies a system that fails to expand access to a traditionally inac- Despite its formal title, the AAUP a valuable forum for reaffirming and we shouldn’t be vigilant and, when
cessible space, in the same spirit as the effort to compensate LT participants for missed is not just “for” professors. As we for acting on our deep commitment necessary, vocal in the defense of
work-study hours during trips. The next step is bridging the gap between the resource state in our new bylaws, all current to the principles of academic free- shared governance. The AAUP
and its actual availability. and retired faculty members and in- dom and shared governance here chapter is one way we can help
The precedent for rectifying the current system exists already. The BOC could utilize structional staff, whether full-time at Bowdoin, and to the ideal of en- maintain Bowdoin’s excellence—
a private opt-in system, with an in-email check-box indicating whether or not a student or part-time—including visiting gaged, optimistic, forward-looking today, tomorrow, and in the years
requires financial assistance. This self-reporting, followed up by verification with Col- and adjunct instructors, post-doc- citizenship. ahead.” Being vigilant, being vocal,
lege records, is the same structure that the Office of the Dean of Students uses to deal toral fellows, librarians and muse- And this model of citizenship also being engaged, on a local and on a
with financing meals over breaks. um staff—are invited to join us by extends beyond Bowdoin itself. As national level: these are our shared
Here’s our math: becoming members of the national members of the national chapter, we commitments.
According to an article published by the Orient in October 2018, the BOC receives chapter of the AAUP. affirm our support for those work- We are holding an Open House on
9.2 percent of the SAFC’s roughly $700,000 budget, or about $64,400. This money I urge anyone who is curious ing and struggling on other campus- Friday, October 4, from 3-4:30P.M.,
comes directly from a student activity fee paid by every student at the College. In effect, about the AAUP to spend a few es across the nation. One new mem- in the Shannon Room on the second
9.2 percent of that $528 fee goes to the BOC, meaning each student contributes about minutes on its website (www.aaup. ber writes, “I signed up to support floor of Hubbard Hall. We invite you
$50 regardless of their involvement. org/about-aaup). There you can all the good work that this organi- all to drop by, to learn more about us
Roughly half of Bowdoin students are on financial aid. Assuming the same fraction find detailed information about the zation is doing—negotiating for fair and to hear about some of our plans
of BOC members are on aid (which, demographically, is a generous assumption given work that it engages in, through its wages for adjuncts, protecting aca- for the coming year.
the lack of accessibility in outdoor recreation), 200 of the BOC’s 400 members are on tireless commitment to the core val- demic freedom, and advocating for
financial aid; in short, the BOC collects $50 from roughly 200 members, meaning they ues that sustain all academic insti- shared governance” nationwide. An- Sincerely,
receive an additional $10,000 from dues. Given that some students already have their tutions. I would just like to quote a other writes, “I looked at the issues Ann Kibbie
dues waived, this number is likely even lower. couple of passages here to sum up its and updates on the AAUP page and Associate Professor, Department of
In the larger scheme of Bowdoin finances, this is a fraction of the resources on this mission. The AAUP is an indepen- saw their support for many things English
campus. The capital for the $8 million renovations of the Whittier Football Field was
sourced “entirely through private donations from several individuals.” Many of the
College’s scholarships and projects are funded by the donations of generous alumni. To
gather enormous amounts of money for a football field renovation but allow financial QUESTION OF THE WEEK
need to inhibit some students from participating in their recreation of choice is an op-
tically unfortunate juxtaposition.
If we value our outdoor spaces and strive to equalize the way students approach all
aspects of life on campus, we should enact a policy that puts in practice the idea that the DO YOU FEEL SAFE GOING TO AN OFF-CAMPUS PARTY?
BOC should be accessible to students of all financial backgrounds.

This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial board, Answer at
which is composed of Emily Cohen, Brianna Cunliffe, Roither Gonzales, Alyce Mc-
Fadden, Nina McKay, Reuben Schafir and Jaret Skonieczny.

Last issue’s response:

Q: DO YOU APPROVE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES? [email protected] 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and information 43% YES
relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College and its administrators,
the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following professional journalistic standards in 57% NO
writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse Based on answers from 149 responses.
discussion and debate on issues of interest to the College community.

Emily Cohen Alyce McFadden

Editor in Chief Editor in Chief
Digital Director Managing Editor News Editor
Steven Xu

Photo Editor
Maia Coleman
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Roither Gonzales
Andrew Bastone
Aura Carlson
Features Editor
HATE THE Don’t have
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Nina McKay
Ian Ward
Emma Sorkin
Sports Editor
ORIENT? your Epicuria
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Emma Bezilla
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Tell us about it. toga yet?
Jaret Skonieczny Kate Lusignan
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Head Illustrator Devin McKinney Senior News Reporter Epicuria at
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Nate DeMoranville
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The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.
12 Friday, September 27, 2019

“Does the Constitution Need Fixing?”
Government Faculty Discuss the
United States Constitution
Faculty members of the Department of Government and
Legal Studies will lead a discussion about amending the
United States Constitution for modern times.
Shannon Room, Hubbard Hall. 3 p.m.

Anyssa Neumann, Piano
Anyssa Neumann, a graduate of the Manhattan School of
Music, Oxford University and King’s College London will hold
a lecture and recital entitled “Sound, Act, Presence: Classical
Music in the Films of Ingmar Bergman.”
Kanbar Auditorium, Studzinski Recital Hall. 7:30 p.m.

EVENT GOOD BOY: Students decompress after a long week by spending an evening with therapy dogs and enjoying Frosty’s donuts at the Doggies and
Mimes at Reed Donuts event last Friday.
Broken Box Mime Theater, a New York City-based

nonprofit initiative, will present a contemporary mime
performance and allow students to meet the company. The
event will be followed by a discussion between students
and performers.
Reed House. 8 p.m. LECTURE
An Evening with Daniel Alarcón: “How to Journalism and War Games: Public
Listen: Telling Latin American Stories in Service Profiles
Sound and Print” Fred Hill ’62, founder of the State Department’s Office of
Daniel Alercón, an award-winning Peruvian-American novelist,

Special Programs, will lead a discussion about his currrent
journalist and executive producer of an NPR Spanish language work in the State Department and his experience as a
podcast will give a multimedia presentation of stories pertaining foreign correspondent.
to Latin American culture as well as his own work. Shannon Room, Hubbard Hall. 4:30 p.m.
EVENT Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center. 7:30 p.m.
Glow Like a Greek God: Self Love Night

Quinby House will host an evening of movies, face masks
and snacks.
Quinby House. 9 p.m.

2019 Manhattan Short Film Festival
Citizen Affects and Narratives: The
Frontier will join 350 cities across six continents in
Voices of Others
showing the ten finalist films for the 22nd Annual Mexican artist and cultural activist Lorena Wolffer will present
Manhattan Short Film Festival. Movie-goers will have the Gallery Conversation: “Getting the her recent projects pertaining to the stories of individuals who
chance to vote for their favorite film. General admission Art Idea” have been marginalized in Mexican society.
tickets are available online. Art historians Mary McGuigan and John McGuigan Shannon Room, Hubbard Hall. 5:30 p.m.
Frontier. 3 p.m. will lead a discussion on works by nineteenth-century
American artists Elihu Vedder and John Adams Jackson EVENT
alongside the exhibition “The Nineteenth Century: Associate Professor of English Ann
American and European Art.”
Museum of Art. Noon.
Kibbie with “Transfusion: Blood and
Sympathy in the Nineteenth-Century
Open Writing Hours and Workshop
Literary Imagination” Book Launch and
Associate Professor of English Ann Kibbie and Professor
EVENT The Stowe Writers Collective will host an evening of
Vinyasa Power Flow collaborative writing and snacks. They will dedicate the first of English and Cinema Studies Aviva Briefel will discuss
Yoga instructor Hailey Aronson ’22 will lead an evening half of the evening to open writing hours and the second half Kibbie’s newly published monograph, “Transfusion: Blood and
Vinyasa session. to a writing worskhop. Sympathy in the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination.”
Room 301, Peter Buck Fitness Center. 5 p.m. Stowe House. 6 p.m. Faculty Room, Massachusetts Hall. 5:00 p.m.

4 5 6 7 EVENT 8 LECTURE 9 10
Henni and Harry
Friedlander Award “Chance
for the Common Encounters”

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