April 2009 Final

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April 2009

Final Examination

MECH 315 Section 1

27 April 2009 2:00 P.M.

Examiner: Prof. Srikar Vengallatore Assoc Examiner: Prof. Marco Amabili

Student Name: McGill ID:


• This is a CLOSED BOOK examination.

• FORMULA SHEETS are provided on Page 6 and Page 7.
• You are permitted TRANSLATION dictionaries ONLY.
• This examination consists of SIX (6) questions worth a total of 60 Points. Please answer ALL
• This examination is PRINTED ON BOTH SIDES of the paper.
• Begin your answer to each question on a new page in the examination book.
• You do not have to return the question booklet at the end of the examination

Solutions are provided at the end of each question.

MECH 315: Mechanics 3  Page 1 
Question 1
The figure below shows a model for a microelectromechanical system used for scanning laser
beams in optical systems. The system has a single degree-of-freedom. The mass m1 is a
translating point mass. The mass m2 is a rigid bar; the mass moment of inertia of this bar about
an axis passing through the point O is denoted J 0 . (The rigid link connecting m1 and m2 is
assumed to be massless). The other components of the system are a linear spring k , a torsional
spring kt , and a linear viscous damper c . The springs are undeformed when
φ = 0; x1 = 0; x2 = 0; x3 = 0 .

The system is underdamped such that ζ = 0.20 and the underdamped natural frequency is 42

Assume that the effects of gravity are negligible. The system executes small angular motion such
that x1 = L2φ and x2 = L1φ . The externally-applied motion is harmonic with x3 (t ) = X cos ω t .
Assume that the response of the system is harmonic.

Question 1.a (6 Points)

Using a method of your choice, derive the equation of motion for this system in terms of the
coordinate φ .

Question 1.b (4 Points)

Find the value of ω that maximizes the amplitude of the harmonic response of the system.

MECH 315: Mechanics 3  Page 2 

First, use Newtonian mechanics or Lagrangian mechanics to derive the equation of motion of the
( 1 2 0 ) 1 (
system. This equation is: m L2 + J φ + cL2φ + k + k L2 φ = k L X cos ω t
t 2 ) 2

Next, we recognize that the equation of motion is of the form: M φ + Cφ + Kφ = F0 cos ω t , where
M, C, and K are the effective mass, damping constant, and stiffness of the system. Therefore, the
k L2 X
amplitude of harmonic response of the system is given by: Φ = H (iω )
(kt + kL22 )

dΦ d H (iω )
To find the frequency at which the amplitude is maximized, we set =0⇒ = 0.
dR dR
From this, we find the critical value of the frequency ratio to be: R* = 1 − 2ζ 2 .
Using the values given in the problem, the critical frequency is obtained to be 2.58 ×105 [rad/s].

Question 2 (10 Points)

The figure below shows a critically-damped system with a single degree of freedom consisting of
mass m, spring constant k, and damping constant c. The motion of the mass is tracked using the
inertial coordinate x, and the motion of the massless base is tracked using the inertial coordinate
y. The acceleration of the base is given by: y(t ) = a0 u (t ) , where a0 is a constant and u(t) is the
unit step function. Ignore the effects of gravity in this problem.

c k y (t )

Massless Support

Let z (t ) = x (t ) − y (t ) be the relative displacement of the mass with respect to the base.
• Given that z (0) = 0 and z (0) = 0 , obtain an expression for z(t).
• What is the limit of z(t) as t → ∞ ? Explain the physical significance of this limit.


The equation of motion of this system is: z + c z + k z = −m 

m  y = −m a0 u (t )
The initial conditions are identically zero, and therefore the total response is equal to the forced
response. To get the forced response to the unit step force, we use the convolution integral.

MECH 315: Mechanics 3  Page 3 
Hence, z (t ) = ∫ (− ma
a0 ) exp(−ωn λ ) d λ
Using thee standard in
ntegrals from g z (t ) =
m the formula sheet, we get: [1 − (1 + ωnt ) exp(−ωnt )]
mit t → ∞ , z (t ) = −(a0 / ωn2 )
In the lim

n3 (10 Points)

Considerr the longituddinal vibrations of a beaam of length L = 2.5 [m]], cross-sectiional area A of
0.2 [m2], elastic moddulus E of 2000 [GPa], annd density ρ of 8000 [kgg/m3]. Let x denote the
coordinatte parallel to
o the axis of the beam. The
T beam is fixed
f at x = 0 and free att x = L.

Assume that
t the dam
mping of the beam
b is neglligible, and that
t the effeccts of gravityy can be ignnored.

Now, a harmonic
h forrce with a coonstant frequuency of 3.5 [kHz] is appplied parallell to the axis of
the beam
m (that is, alo
ong the x-axis).

• Will the beam

W m undergo reesonant vibraation? Pleasee substantiatte your answ
wer with detaailed
derivations an
nd calculatioons.


(2n + 1)π E
The natuural frequenccies of the syystem are: ωn = , n = 0,1, 2,.....
2L ρ

For n=3, the natural frequency

f iss identical to the applied excitation frequency.
fr H
Hence, the beam
will undeergo resonan
nt vibrations in that modee.

15: Mechan
nics 3  Paage 4 
Question 4 (10 Points)

The figure below shows a system with two degrees-of-freedom. The primary system consists of
the mass m1 and spring k1 , and the vibration absorber consists of the mass m2 and spring k2 . A
harmonic force of F (t ) = F0 sin ω t is applied to the primary mass, as shown in the figure.

k2 k1
Let ωa = and ωn = . The absorber is designed such that ωa = 0.8ωn and m2 = 0.2 m1 .
m2 m1

Let X1 denote the amplitude of the mass m1 . The primary system will undergo damage if
k1 X1
> 0.5 .

• The frequency of the harmonic force is such that ω = ωn .

Will the primary system undergo damage? Please substantiate your answer with detailed
derivations and calculations.

The equation of motion for this system is:
⎛ m1 0 ⎞ ⎡  x1 ⎤ ⎛ k1 + k2 − k2 ⎞ ⎡ x1 ⎤ ⎡ F0 sin ωt ⎤
⎜ ⎟ ⎢  ⎥ + ⎜ ⎟ =
⎝ 0 m2 ⎠ ⎣ x2 ⎦ ⎝ − k2 k2 ⎠ ⎢⎣ x2 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣0 ⎥

Seeking the harmonic response, we find the response of the primary mass to be:

MECH 315: Mechanics 3  Page 5 
X1k1 ωa2
F0 ⎛ k2 ω 2 ⎞⎛ ω 2 ⎞ k2
⎜⎜ 1 + − 2 ⎟⎜ 1− −
⎟⎜ ω 2 ⎟⎟ k1
⎝ k1 ω n ⎠⎝ a ⎠

k1 X1
Using the values given in the problem, we obtain: = 2.82 .
Since this is greater than the specified value of 0.5, the system will undergo damage.

Question 5 (10 Points)

Question 5.a
Consider a linear system with 15 degrees-of-freedom. The coupled equations of motion can be
expressed in matrix form as: [ M ][ x] + [C ][ x ] + [ K ][ x] = [0] .

• Describe the step-by-step procedure that can be used to find the natural frequencies and
mode shapes for this system.
First, we check to ensure that the mass matrix is non-singular.
Next, create the dynamical matrix [D]=[M]-1[K]
This will lead to a standard matrix eigenvalue problem that can be solved using the eig function
in MATLAB (or an equivalent function in other mathematical packages).
The eigenvalues are the square of the natural frequencies of the system
The eigenvectors are the corresponding mode shapes of the system.

• After implementing your procedure, you find that one of the modes of this system has a
natural frequency of zero. In one sentence, state the conclusion that can be drawn from
this result.
This mode corresponds to rigid body motion of the system.

Question 5.b
Using Rayleigh’s method, you estimate the natural frequency of bending vibrations of a certain
structure to be 58.6 [rad/s]. This structure has negligible damping, and it is to be installed in
contact with a motor that operates at a constant angular velocity of 62.2 [rad/s]. Is there any
danger of damage due to resonant vibration of the structure? Explain your answer in a few
sentences, and state all the assumptions made in arriving at this answer.

Rayleigh’s method always provides an over-estimate of the fundamental frequency of the

system. Therefore, the true natural frequency of bending vibrations is less than 58.6 [rad/s]. So
there is a danger of exciting this mode in resonance when the motor is started up or shut down.
In addition, any structure has many different modes of vibration (torsional, longitudinal, bending,
etc). Checking only one natural frequency is not sufficient to rule out the possibility that the
motor will excite the structure in resonance. Therefore, there is danger of damage due to resonant

MECH 315: Mechanics 3  Page 6 
Question 5.c
The figure below shows a schematic illustration of a rotor mounted on a uniform steel shaft. The
rotor is a circular disc that contains a hole at the location indicated in the figure. During
operation, the rotor and shaft spin without friction about an axis parallel to the length of the

Devise a model for the vibrations of this system using lumped-parameter elements. This model
should have a single degree-of-freedom. State all the assumptions made in devising this model.

The hole in the rotor will lead to an unbalance of the rotating structure. Therefore, this structure
can be modeled as a single DOF system containing a rotating unbalance, as shown below. The
unbalanced mass m1 is negative to correspond with the hole in the rotor.

The spring constant k corresponds to the effective spring constant of a clamped-clamped beam
that is loaded at its center. The damping constant is due to the structural damping of the beam
(this can be ignored in this model and we can set c = 0).

Question 6 (10 Points)

A sensitive electronic instrument has a mass of 113 [kg]. This instrument will undergo damage if
it experiences an acceleration greater than 3.00 [cm/s2]. However, it is necessary to install this
instrument at a location where the ground acceleration is 15.24 [cm/s2] at a frequency of 20 [Hz].
Therefore, it is proposed to mount the instrument on a rubber pad in order to reduce the
acceleration experienced by the instrument.

Two types of rubber pads are available:

• The first type (Rubber Pad A) has an effective stiffness of 2,800 [N/cm] and a damping
ratio of 0.10.

• The second type (Rubber Pad B) has an effective stiffness of 1,400 [N/cm] and a
damping ratio of 0.20.

Which rubber pad would you choose and why? Please substantiate your answer with detailed
derivations and calculations.

MECH 315: Mechanics 3  Page 7 

First, we model the system as a single DOF system subjected to harmonic base excitation. A
schematic illustration is shown below.

Here, m is the mass of the instrument. The stiffness and damping constant of the rubber pad are
denoted by k and c, respectively. The motion of the ground is tracked using y(t).

The problem states that the instrument will undergo damage if it experiences acceleration greater
than 3.00 [cm/s2]. In terms of this model, this implies that damage will occur if 
x(t ) exceeds
3.00 [cm/s ].

(A common mistake is to solve this problem in terms of the relative motion z (t ) = x(t ) − y (t ) ,
and then to assume that damage will occur if 
z (t ) exceeds 3.00 [cm/s2]. )

The equation of motion of this system is: x + c x + k x = k y + c y


X = Y 1 + ( 2ζ R ) H (iω )
The amplitude of the harmonic response of the mass is:

Therefore, the maximum acceleration of the mass is: X ω 2 = Y ω 2 1 + ( 2ζ R ) H (iω )


Using Rubber Pad A, the maximum acceleration of the instrument is 3.17 [cm/s2]. This will
damage the instrument.

Using Rubber Pad B, the maximum acceleration of the instrument is 2.23 [cm/s2]. Therefore, this
pad is the appropriate choice.

MECH 315: Mechanics 3  Page 8 
Formula Sheet 1
k c x 2π ζ ω F cω
ωn = , ζ = , δ Log = ln 1 = , R= , δ st = 0 , = 2ζ R
m 2 km x2 1− ζ 2 ωn k k

⎧ dr ⎧ d 2r ⎛ dθ ⎞

⎪⎪ v r = dt ⎪ar = 2 − r ⎜ ⎟
⎪ dt ⎝ dt ⎠
⎨ and ⎨
Polar coordinates: ⎪ v = r dθ ⎪ d 2θ dr dθ
⎪⎩ θ dt a
⎪ θ = r +2
⎩ dt 2 dt dt

d ⎛ ∂L ⎞ ∂L ∂
Lagrange’s equations: ⎜ ⎟− = (Π − Δ) j = 1, 2,....N
dt ⎜⎝ ∂q j ⎟ ∂q j ∂q j

⎛a b ⎞ 1 ⎛ d −b ⎞
If A = ⎜ ⎟, then A −1 = ⎜ ⎟ for ad − bc ≠ 0 .
⎝c d⎠ ad − bc ⎝ −c a ⎠

x + c x + k x = 0 with x(0) = x0 , x (0) = v0

ƒ m 
Category Free Response
Undamped, v
ζ =0 x(t ) = x0 cos(ω n t ) + 0 sin (ω n t )
ω n
Underdamped, ⎡ v + ζωn x0 ⎤
0 < ζ <1 x(t ) = ⎢ x0 cos (ωd t ) + 0 sin (ωd t ) ⎥ exp(−ζωnt )
⎣ ωd ⎦
ω d = ωn 1 − ζ 2
damped, ζ = 1 x(t ) = [x0 + (v 0 + ω n x0 )t ] exp(−ω n t )
Overdamped, ⎡ v + ζω n x0 ⎤
ζ >1 x(t ) = ⎢ x0 cosh⎛⎜ ω n t ζ 2 − 1 ⎞⎟ + 0 sinh⎛⎜ ω n t ζ 2 − 1 ⎞⎟⎥ exp(−ζω n t )
⎢ ⎝ ⎠ ω ζ 2 −1 ⎝ ⎠⎥
⎣ n ⎦

x + c x + k x = F (t ),
m  x (0) = x (0) = 0

Impulse Response is the free response with x0 = 0 and v 0 = (1/ m) .

t t

∫ ∫
Convolution integral: x(t ) = F (t − λ ) g (λ ) d λ = F (λ ) g (t − λ ) d λ
0 0
e (a sin bx − b cos bx) eax ⎛ 1⎞
Standard integrals: ∫ eax sin bx dx =
a 2 + b2
; ∫ x eax dx =
a ⎝
⎜x− ⎟

MECH 315: Mechanics 3  Page 9 
Formula Sheet 2
x + c x + k x = F0 cos ω t
ƒ m 
⎡F ⎤ F
Harmonic response: x(t ) = Re ⎢ 0 H (iω ) eiω t ⎥ = 0 H (iω ) cos(ω t − φ )
⎣k ⎦ k
1 1 ⎛ 2ζ R ⎞
H (iω ) = = H (iω ) e−iφ ; H (iω ) = ; φ = tan −1 ⎜ ⎟
1 − R + i 2ζ R
( ) ⎝ 1 − R2 ⎠
2 2
1 − R2 + ( 2 ζ R )

H (iω )

Rayleigh’s method for bending vibrations of beams:

⎛ d 2W ( x) ⎞
Tmax = ∫ ωn2 ρ A( x) W 2 ( x) dx; Vmax = ∫ E I ( x) ⎜ 2 ⎟ dx; Tmax = Vmax
20 20 ⎝ dx ⎠
∂ 2 u ( x, t ) E ∂ 2 u ( x, t )
Equation of motion for longitudinal vibrations: =
∂t2 ρ ∂ x2
∂ 2θ ( x, t ) G ∂ 2θ ( x, t )
Equation of motion for torsional vibrations: =
∂ t2 ρ ∂ x2
To solve + α 2 X = 0 , start with the trial function: X ( x) = A1 sin (α x ) + A2 cos (α x )
d x2

MECH 315: Mechanics 3  Page 10 

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