Deloitte Gic Summary
Deloitte Gic Summary
Deloitte Gic Summary
For private circulation only Risk Advisory
Global In-house Centers (GIC)
The GIC Maturity Model 4
Deloitte Modular Solution Framework for GICs 6
Brief Description of Solutions
•• Process 14
–– Process (Operations) 15
–– Process (Monitoring) 22
•• People 24
•• Technology 28
How we have helped clients (Illustrative case studies) 30
Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
Over the last few years, more than 1000 Initially, GICs were driven based on cost and
multinational corporations have established Global talent arbitrage benefits that significantly helped
In-house Centers (GICs) in India to leverage the organizations in their business functions. In today’s
Maturity Model
nation’s highly skilled, low-cost talent pool and rapidly changing business environment, GICs are
reduce cost of ownership and delivery. This helps looking for better ways to deliver value. This has led
them to serve the fast-growing global and regional to evolution of the role of GICs on the ‘Maturity curve’
markets more effectively and efficiently. from cost or resource centers to centers of excellence
delivering innovation, quality, and strategic value.
Resource Center Quality Center Global Delivery Center Innovation Center Market Expansion
The primary objective The focus broadens to The parent leverages The focus is on Center
is to reduce cost of improving quality of the captive to manage innovating for the The parent leverages the
ownership of certain modular products and end-to-end delivery of parent’s business –the captive not just for global
business functions and/ services through process global products through GIC is responsible innovation but also local
or provide resource that standardization and improved coordination for conceptualization market expansion and
helps the parent scale its optimization with the parent and design and delivery of management of strategic
operations other centers new products local market expansion
and management
of strategic local
•• Emergence of captives •• Transition of business •• Emergence of Global •• Global skills hub for •• Global
•• Emergence of Indian IT processes to captive Business Services the enterprise transformation &
outsourcing providers centers •• Increase in breadth, •• Generating revenue innovation partner
•• Lift and Drop approach •• IT vendors’ increased depth and coverage of impact •• Integrated
Key trends
focus on BPO + services governance &
standalone BPO •• Emergence of CoEs management of
providers (Center of Excellence) capability center
•• Increased focus on and early adoption of ecosystems
efficiency and quality analytics
•• Emergence of hybrid •• Platform based
sourcing models services from service
and focus on global providers
delivery model
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
Deloitte Modular
Governance & Compliance
Financial Crisis Business Risk Business Ethics
Control/SOX Management Management Framework
Solution Framework
People Technology
Benefits Benefits
•• Control framework that enables to achieve its •• Processes comply with the requirements of
operational and financial reporting objectives policies
•• Increases accountability to detect and •• Ensuring the effectiveness of controls
prevent risk supporting the exercise of authorities
•• A structured monitoring program to achieve •• Transactions are not processed without
sustained SOX / IFC compliance adequate approvals
•• Board and management’s increased •• Defined roles, responsibility and
confidence in the financial reporting process accountability
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
Crisis Management Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Business Risk Management Fraud Risk Management
Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas
•• Availability of up to date crisis management •• People Dependency rather than process •• Adequacy of framework to identify critical •• Adequacy of framework to identify critical
plan dependency risk affecting the organization fraud risk affecting the organization
•• A significant incident that could jeopardize •• Awareness of responsibilities & timelines •• Efficient risk monitoring and reporting •• Efficient risk monitoring and reporting
critical assets, reputation and/or financial •• Interface & integration between defined mechanism mechanism
standing policies & practices followed
•• Brand and reputation risk •• Standardization across processes and
business unitsç
Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution
•• Preparation of enterprise crisis programs •• Perform process walkthroughs to •• Identification of business risks •• Fraud risk assessment
•• Testing GIC’s crisis readiness using crisis understand the “as-is” processes •• Assessment of risks based on discussions •• Developing key policies
simulations •• Perform gap analysis, identify the control with key stakeholders •• Defining control system
•• Responding rapidly to a crisis using gaps, improvement opportunities and •• Review of risk management process including •• Implementing and monitoring the
experienced crisis specialists communicate automation opportunities (monitoring & reporting of risks) effectiveness of controls
effectively to stakeholders during a crisis •• Document “to be” processes in the standard
operating procedures
•• Conduct workshops for employees to familiarize
them with the “to–be” processes
•• Evaluation of effectiveness of the existing policies
and procedures
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
•• Attention to business ethics promotes
business sustainability
•• Ethics programs align employee behaviors to
the management tone to the top, inline with
management vision and mission
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
Benefits Benefits
•• Effectively identifies critical risks to the •• Ensuring appropriate policies and
organization and their potential implications procedures are in place
•• Identifies opportunities for value creation •• Claims are claimed and paid in accordance
•• Preparing for the unexpected by developing with the existing approved policies
risk programs capable of identifying,
•• Appropriate controls and adequate SoD for
tracking and management preparing to
claims authorizations
adapt or address those risksEnsuring there
are appropriate monitoring and exception •• Ensuring there are appropriate monitoring
reports in place and exception reports in place
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
Employee Reimbursement Review Real Estate and Facilities Management Review Process Transition Management Payables Process Review
Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas
•• Processing of invalid claims •• Adequacy of controls over vendor on •• Inability to Scale •• Over / Duplicate payment of invoices
•• Over / Duplicate payment of claims boarding/ selection •• Non - compliance to regulatory requirements •• Payment processing without adequate
•• Absence of Supporting Evidences •• Standardized and legally vetted terms and •• Employee / customer dis-satisfaction supporting evidences
conditions •• Non-adjustment of advances
•• Non-adjustment of advances •• Ineffective co-ordinations between functions
•• Approval of contracts in line with DoA •• Payments without approvals as per DoA
•• Payments without approvals as per DoA
•• Monitoring of contractual terms and
Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution
•• Review of accounting of claims, policies and •• Vendor Onboarding review •• Prepare transition and mitigation plan, along •• Process review of accounting of claims,
procedures •• Contracting and Compliance review with list of regulatory requirements policies and procedures
•• Review of evidences relating to the claims •• Establishing controls for Transition •• Identify document requirement, payment
•• Review of SOPs and existing documentation
•• Review of approvals in accordance with the •• Concurrent testing of controls and fixing of threshold and DOA
•• Analyzing deficiencies
DoA accountabilities •• Verification of Purchase order/agreements
•• Reporting of Gaps and providing
•• Identification of Gaps, process deficiencies •• Post transition set up with the vendor
•• Assistance in remediation of Gaps identified •• Reconciliation of asset counts •• Verify relevant supporting documents / Invoice
•• Monitoring of performance & payments
•• Ensuring continuity of operations •• In case of exceptional payments send to SOA
personnel for approval
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
Compliance Framework Contract Compliance Cost Allocation Model Review Account Reconciliations
Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas
•• Implement regulatory compliance framework •• Total amount charged to the company •• Improper/ inaccurate allocation of cost •• Standardized process for account
or plan exceeds the permissible payment amount as •• Inability to make accurate/ timely decisions reconciliations
•• Proactively prevent regulatory non compliance per work order relating to cost •• Segregation of duties (adequacy of maker
•• Assess compliance frameworks for alignment •• Incorrect rates, absence of relevant •• Unavailability of effective/ accurate data for checker controls)
with risk appetite and strategic objectives underlying documentation decision making •• Non reconciling balances in accounts
•• Incorrect mark-ups •• Aged reconciling items in accounts
Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution
•• Develop a Compliance philosophy and •• Contract management framework review •• Understand Direct / indirect costs involved in •• Define standard process for account
checklist, and document the roles and including assessing contract life cycle, providing services, project and skill set reconciliations
responsibilities Develop a compliance Identifying contractual process maturity •• Conduct analysis based on past data of •• Implementation and review of controls to
repository of applicable regulatory and level, Identify process gaps and develop employee utilization, growth trends and ensure completeness & accuracy of account
statutory laws recommendations schedule of charges for various services and reconciliations
•• Conduct compliance review by testing actual •• Identify high risk contracts, and review amenities •• Root cause analysis of non reconciling items
documents to identified non compliances operational and financial compliance at •• Prepare pricing template and take and aged items in accounts
•• Prepare report and discuss with relevant transactional level. management buy-in
stakeholders •• Develop recommendations •• Conduct workshops
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
•• Robust and scalable process documentation
•• Enhanced controls around routing and
•• Enhanced controls around payments
•• Enhanced controls over compliance
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
Process (Monitoring)
Business Dashboards Management Information System (MIS) Review Project Management Control Self Assessment (CSA)
Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas Key Challenges / Focus Areas
•• Availability of structured data for analytics •• MIS is not aligned as per book of accounts •• Adequacy of project management and •• Adequacy of internal controls policies and
•• Availability of information for decision •• Inconsistent application of policies monitoring mechanism procedures
making •• Deviation between MIS vis-à-vis business •• Project costing & monitoring of expenses •• Pre-defined accountability
plans, resulting into risk of non-achievement •• Delayed project delivery / project delivery •• Increase audit fatigue due to complete
of business goals not in line with expectations universe testing
Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution Brief Description of Solution
•• Identifies key matrices, performance •• MIS drawn in accordance with the books of •• Development of project budget and •• Develop control self assessment framework
indicators and key factors impacting accounts schedule and checklists
business performance •• MIS is in conformity with the existing •• Assistance in drafting RFP and Tender •• Review implementation and test
•• Dashboards provides critically identified practices Documents effectiveness of the framework
information on real time basis •• Evaluate consistency in application of •• Monitoring and reporting project •• Assistance in continuous auditing and
•• Provides insight and underlying for company policies execution monitoring
management forecast •• Identify gaps, develop recommendation and
take management buy-in
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
•• Contractor non-compliant with key statutes •• Significantly high training and development
cost for resource readiness
•• Bandwidth of existing staff
•• Increase in staff attrition
Benefits Benefits
•• Vendor Management and disputes •• Lower turn around time, from recruitment
resolution on billing to job allocation
•• Compliance with key statutes •• Lower / negligible training cost
•• Contractor invoices are validated before •• Across sector expertise
•• Data access and data security
•• Enhanced control over monitoring of time
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
•• Increased job satisfaction and morale
among employees. Increased employee
motivation. Increased efficiencies in
processes, resulting in financial gain.
Increased capacity to adopt new
technologies and methods
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
Benefits Benefits
•• Higher average availability than humans •• Real time dashboards and data
•• Increased Efficiency / FTE benefits visualization for reporting
•• Process Enhancement
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
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Global In-house Centers (GIC) Global In-house Centers (GIC)
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Global In-house Centers (GIC)
Anthony Crasto
Partner | Risk Advisory
[email protected]
Chandrashekhar Mantha
Partner | Risk Advisory
[email protected]
Mahesh Ramakrishnan
Partner | Risk Advisory
[email protected]
Nitin Naredi
Partner | Risk Advisory
[email protected]
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