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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846

ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10(40), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i40/101542, October 2017

India’s Big Data Landscape: Challenges and

Aman Vats* and Abdullah Khan
Amity School of Communication, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida – 201313, Uttar Pradesh, India;
[email protected], [email protected]

Objective: This study aims at mapping the big data landscape in India and scrutinizing the challenges and opportunities in
it. The blueprint of size, rate of growth of this sector and infrastructural challenges will enhance the knowledge on Indian
Big Data Landscape. Methods: This study has been carried out using issue analysis method using different points of view
on India’s big data Landscape. This method is suitable for the analysis of ongoing processes. As India’s Big data landscape is
still growing and is facing infrastructural and policy level challenges, issue analysis method is perfect for analyzing the state
of the art, challenges and opportunities. Findings: The study finds that India’s big data landscape is facing severe security
challenges. Information security in Indian cyberspace is critically low and needs to address urgently. The Information
Security Policy of India has serious limitations and it needs to be improved. Users and Usage aspect of big data is also not
clear at policy level. This study suggests for change in policy at five levels: 1. Data Management level, 2. Users’ right level,
3. Responsibility level, 4. Infrastructural level and 5. Contradiction level. By adopting these policies only Indian Big data
landscape can bring new opportunities and the cyber security will be safeguarded. Applications/Improvements: This
study has scope of advancements at micro-level, on how to safeguard cyber security using state of the art technologies in
third world countries, where technology comes first and regulation come next, may be an interesting field of study.

Keywords: Big Data, Cyber Security, Data Protection, Policy, Issue Analysis

1.  Introduction processes. “Big Data” has 4V features. The first is the large
data volume (Volume); the second is a variety of data
We have entered in the Big Data era. It is currently in a types (Variety); the third is low density value (Value); and
rapid development phase and continuously making tech- the fourth is fast processing velocity3.
nological breakthroughs. Theoretically and practically, As far as India is concerned, the number of netizens in
Big Data refers to a collection of data sets, or chunks of India has reached 300 million mark4, who are constantly
information, too large and complex to be processed using producing and consuming a vast amount of data. The mag-
traditional software tools1. According to the definition nifying effect, transmission speed, and mobilizing power
given by a research firm2 “Big Data” are information assets of the Internet are growing. In this information age, IT
that are of massive volume, have a high growth rate, are tools that we can use are omnipresent, and various kinds
diversified, and require new processing modes to have of information related to us can be found everywhere, too.
more powerful decision making capabilities, more insight Identities in cyberspace have become increasingly virtual,
and discovery capabilities, and capabilities for optimized and privacy is increasingly important. One recent study

*Author for correspondence

India’s Big Data Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

shows that, once a person’s age, sex, and postal code are highest growth for big data analytic companies – from 8%
known, 87 percent of the person’s identity can be deter- in 2012 to 11% in 20137.
mined from open-source database5. According to the National Association for Software
With rapid changes in the information technology rev- and Services Companies (NASSCOM), India’s top body
olution in the present-day world, the Internet has become representing the information technology industry, the
blended with different aspects of economic and social global analytics services outsourcing sector is expected to
development and information technology has entered reach $ 71 billion by 2016, from $ 42 billion in 2012. A
a new stage of Big Data, smart city, mobile Internet and NASSCOM report said the analytics market in India is
cloud computing. There is no doubt that India with over slated to more than double to $2.3 billion by 2018 from
300 million Internet users is already a major cyber power, about $1 billion in 2013. Most of the growth is coming
but it is also a major victim of information theft and in areas such as retail, banking, and financial services8.
cyber-attack and comes under tremendous cyber secu- According to some estimates, over 100 Indian analytics-
rity pressure. This data explosion and continuous flow of focused software companies have developed and launched
information has also confirmed the scope of the erosion products catering to niche business needs. There has been
of civil liberties and right to privacy6. a four-fold increase in Indian analytic start-ups in the
This new phase of information technology makes the past four years. The Indian provider landscape report-
issue of cyber security more and more prominent and leads edly consists of a mix of established players which have a
to the continuous extension of the connotation of cyber strong reference customer base and brand name, as well
security. In the past, people usually referred to the security as a large number of emerging providers9.
of cyber infrastructure as cyber security and referred to the India reportedly hopes to play a major role in big data
security of data and content as information security. Since analytics. The NASSCOM-Crisil report said that the Indian
2011, however, countries like the United States, England, big data industry is expected to grow from $200 million in
France, Germany, Russia, Australia, Canada, South Korea revenue in 2012 to $ 1 billion in 2015. “Big Data will help the
and New Zealand have all formulated their own cyberspace BPO [Business Process Outsourcing] industry move for-
strategy or cyber security strategy to secure and maintain ward as it will help in ‘evidence-based’ decision-making for
their strategic advantages in national security in the new clients, which in turn has a high impact on business opera-
stage of information technology. Cyberspace covers cyber tions,” NASSCOM said. Pointing to India’s strong existing
infrastructure, data and content, and control domains. In IT base, the Indian BPO industry reportedly continues to
other words, it covers the transmission level, cognitive level maintain over 37% of total global sourcing BPO revenues,
and decision making level and its scope will be extended although over the last five years rising Indian wage costs
from the present Internet to various types of networks, var- have given a competitive advantage to the Philippines,
ious types of data links and various types of equipment that Brazil, West Asia, Poland, and Romania. Apart from that,
they can link up with and control. The meaning of cyber the Indian IT landscape is divided between pure-play ana-
security covers not just traditional cyber infrastructure lytics vendors, Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)
security but also security at the information level, that is, a services provider, and BPO service providers who also
the security of data and content as well as security at the reportedly provide big data analytics services as a part of
level of execution of decisions, or the synthesis of non- their offerings. In addition, global companies also source
traditional security involving information technology. analytics services from their Indian affiliates.
The challenges from “big data” involve every level, from
information storage, processing, transmission, right to dis-
tribution and application.
3.  Top Players in India’s Big Data
Analytics Sector
2.  Prominent Players in Indian Indian analytics industry landscape consists of nearly 600
firms, out of which 500 are start-ups and over 200 are prod-
Big Data Industry
uct firms. In the absence of any standard rating, the firms
Bangalore is the hub of “big data” analytics in India, mentioned in this paper were selected as they consistently
though other cities are emerging. Hyderabad has seen the garnered media attention and were lauded as top developers.

2 Vol 10 (40) | October 2017 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Aman Vats and Abdullah Khan

“Big Data Edge” developed by IT major Infosys enables OneView by Simplify36017 offers real time monitoring
real-time discovery of data. It analyzes both structured of conversations across a range of social media platforms
and unstructured data including information contained and offers sentiment analysis, audience intelligence, and
in emails, document files, blogs, social media, call center trends monitoring.
voice records, videos. It also converts voice calls into text Trisul18 by Unleash Networks applies large scale real-
to find necessary information. It uses facial recognition time analytics on big data streams to monitor the network
to extract information from videos. It has a repository of for a variety of purposes such as network security, traffic
more than 250 pre-built algorithms and over 50 reporting monitoring, and network forensics.
options for display of data10. MECBOT by Farmcept19 stands for Management and
“TCS ACE Solution set,” developed by IT major TCS Enhancement of Content and is responsible for storing
Analytics, ITACE – a comprehensive set of analytic solu- and analyzing all the data.
tions covering project management, service management NanoBi20 has for the first time brought into the Indian
and financial analysis. TCS had collaborated with Twitter market the concept of an analytics app store.
to launch an app IELECT to observe and analyze social Persistent Systems analyzed more than 15 million user
media conversations during 2014 Indian parliamentary responses – almost one million per week for an Indian TV
elections11. show in 2012. These messages were gathered from Face
Genpact’s website claims the company has been book, Twitter, web, phone calls, and SMS, both in English
named “analytic leader worldwide” in the International and Hindi. Later in 2013, it analyzed 750K+ tweets over a
Data Corporation market space in 2012. Its expertise 90-day period to analyze sentiment around a Hindi film. Not
includes credit risk analytics, fraud analytics, and opera- much is available on the tools it uses for data analytics21.
tions risk management. Most of its clients are from the Crayon Data has built a Big Data platform called
banking and financial services sector. It has also launched White Box that can take data – be it internal or external
cloud-based order management platform12. social data – from any platform in any format and ingest
Wipro generally referred to as “Indian outsourc- it into the platform22.
ing giant” offers services in business analytics, business Gramener23 has created a technology platform which
intelligence, and information management. According reads heterogeneous data sources in practically all data
to media reports, Wipro, the third largest information formats—both structured and unstructured. During the
technology services company, has signed an agreement to 2014 elections, it analyzed over 10 million pages of elec-
acquire a minority stake in Opera Solutions, a US-based tion results in real time, which was used by prominent
data analytics firm13. English language news channel CNN-IBN.
Pin storm, a top digital marketing agency, collected “pi” is the data analytics platform which allows users to
and analyzed tens of thousands of political statements convert raw data into meaningful information in the form
from over 100 online platforms daily for nearly six months of interactive charts, tables, and various other formats24.
before the April-May 2014 Indian parliamentary elec-
tions to help political parties find supporters and tweak
their political message14.
5.  Indian Big Data Industry Faces
Security Challenges
4.  Prominent Indian Startups in The Indian Government in 2011 introduced certain
rules under the Information Technology Act outline
Big Data Analytics
the compliances required when collecting, storing or
Companies that are into Big Data Analytics are quite in otherwise dealing with SPDI (sensitive personal data
demand in India. The following companies and products or information). The 2011 rules require organizations
have featured in various industry surveys as prominent and corporations to lay out clear privacy and data
start-ups in the big data analytics sector of India. Create15 protection policies in an attempt to increase the trans-
collects and analyzes financial data for any irregularities. parency to the consumer about how their information
Veda Discovery by Veda Semantics16 allows collection will be used25.
and analyses of social media conversations in real time.

Vol 10 (40) | October 2017 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
India’s Big Data Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

Apart from that, the Indian Government is one unconventional security threats, with the needle that
of the largest stakeholders in data collection. The a government is looking for always submerged in the
Indian Parliament on 11 March 2016 has also passed gigantic ocean of data. Even the cloud also comes with
the Aadhaar Bill that aims to ensure targeted services explicit security challenges because of control issue of
to intended beneficiaries by assigning them unique datasets in cloud environment29.
identity numbers. These numbers will be given to The collection of big data inevitably increases the risk
each person who has stayed in India for 182 days in of leakage of user privacy30. Big Data concerns the protec-
the year preceding the date of application. The Unique tion of state secrets. The arrange and Snowden incidents
Identification Number (UIN) or “Aadhaar” in India that caught the whole world’s attention have vividly made
allows government to access an individual’s personal clear to all the harsh challenges presented by Big Data.
information. This is the perfect example of big data in “Wiki Leaks” has exposed several times the United States’
India. This program will collect over 1.3 billion names, military, diplomatic, and other secrets on such a huge
addresses, birth dates, gender details, and photographs. scale and with such a wide impact that stunned the whole
It will retain over two billion iris scans and 20 billion world.
fingerprints in its database. These cards will provide The “Prism gate” opened by Snowden refracted into
demographics information for 1.3 billion people. Such the entire world the mystical rays of cyberspace that exist
data can be very useful for planning social programs between state and individuals, control and counter-con-
in developing countries. Unfortunately, India doesn’t trol, and infiltration and counter-infiltration. According to
have any strong strategy to protect this large amount the data released by Snowden in March, 6.3 billion pieces
of data. of intelligence information about Indians was accessed.
However, according to experts, the IT Act does not According to another revelation by Snowden, the Indian
impose liability on the Indian Government for any embassy was one of the 38 embassies in America bugged
breach of privacy or loss of sensitive data collected by by the US National Security Agency. Criminals and
it. Two legal experts26 stressed this point in an arti- terrorist groups have also realized the potential for uti-
cle on a technical website geospatialworld.net. They lizing mass data for crimes and strikes. During the 2008
asserted that since the UIN is a government undertak- Mumbai attacks, terrorists actively mined open source
ing and since there are no laws delimiting the activity and social media data during attacks.
being undertaken by the government, the UIN project
gives the government “complete freedom with respect
to privacy laws.” A report in prominent business daily 7.  Major Challenges Confronting
The Economic Times said the government was planning Cyber Security in New Stage of
to set up a data protection authority to probe any “data
Information Technology
security breach27. After that, no progress was made in
this regard. Big data and cloud computing are new focal points for
cyber security. Big data have attracted more and more
attention with the development of mobile Internet and
6.  Major Security Challenges other services. According to statistics published by BBC,
Big Data concerns the country’s security interests. The global daily Internet traffic was 2.7 EB in 2013, with
severity and urgency of the issue of information security new data generated globally increasing by 40 percent
in cyberspace has greatly exceeded that of conventional annually and doubling every two years. The tapping of
security issues. In the highly uncertain cyberspace, the big data may be put to use in the economic, political,
types of risks have increased, and they are difficult to national defense and cultural sectors. Big Data are the
prevent in this “complex circumstances28. Looking characteristics of the new stage of information technol-
around the world, from the anti-terrorist campaign ogy as well as the new focal points for the defense of
since 9/11 and color revolutions in East Europe to cyber security. India does not pay sufficient attention to
the Jasmine Revolution in the Middle East and North the storage, protection and utilization of big data, with
Africa, sovereign countries are now always in this plight the result that information is lost or incomplete. At the
of “looking for a needle in a haystack” when faced with same time, problems of the damage, alteration and leak-

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Aman Vats and Abdullah Khan

age of information have brought hazards to country’s 8.  India Needs Information Secu-
information security and protection of public privacy.
Meanwhile, the in-depth application of broadband and
rity Policy for Fair use of Big
information technology has pushed forward the develop- Data
ment of cloud computing. Personal cloud storage, cloud Compared with conventional public policies, the informa-
manufacturing in enterprises and cloud administra- tion security policy is even more complex, comprehensive,
tion have seen rapid development in recent years. Now, and multifaceted. The more open and pervasive the
most of the world’s data centers are going to be based on Internet, the more external the nature of the information
cloud computing technology. Even, India’s cloud com- security policy will be. The greater the interconnected-
puting market has grown even faster. Many companies ness and interactivity of the Internet, the more parties of
in India are employing Microsoft’s cloud computing interests will be concerned with the information security
service. However, all those data centers are situated policy. Therefore, many more aspects and issues need to
abroad31. According to “India Cloud Computing Market be considered in formulating the information security
Forecast & Opportunities, 2020,” the market for cloud policy. In a vibrant democracy like India, policy makers
computing services in India is projected to grow at the need to consider the following four aspects:
compound annual growth rate of over 22 per cent dur-
ing 2015-202032. Every country need to understand that
distributed, virtual and service-oriented technologies in 9.  Strategic and Legal Aspect
cloud computing capability are the technical foundation
The cyberspace is a natural extension of human society.
of cloud computing, but attacks on and breakdowns of
Western powers including US, EU and England have
cloud computing platforms would cause massive server
laid down strategies, laws, and regulations to regulate the
cyberspace. Looking at their approaches it is not difficult
In addition to that the security of the Internet-of-
to see that technological development changes rapidly,
things cannot be overlooked. The Internet-of-things
making it necessary for management to advance with the
has numerous nodes, which are not easy to manage.
times. The policy’s scope of consideration and content of
Data stored at the nodes may be altered or forged, and
management must effectively accommodate advancement
this is a major hazard of the security of the Internet-
and innovation in Internet-based living and intelligence-
of-things. For example, the Internet-of-things has now
based production. However, basic legal relationships and
been put to use on medical devices, and the hacking of
legal concepts will not undergo a fundamental change
devices like pacemakers would directly affect the safety
because of the virtual nature of the Internet and the con-
of people’s life. Hackers may also launch attacks using
centration of data. In other words, India should handle
smart TVs, refrigerators and wireless loudspeakers. In
well the relationship between “change” and “no change.”
the world’s first attack against the Internet-of-things,
What should “change” is the form and way of management;
over 100,000 Internet-connected “intelligent” home
what should “not change” are security responsibilities,
appliances were connected into a vicious network
data ownership rights, jurisdiction rights, security man-
under the control of hackers, which sent out about
agement requirements, etc. These legal relationships will
750,000 phishing emails to unguarded victims within
not change because of the virtual nature of the Internet.
two weeks.
The security of industrial control systems also needs
to be strengthened. For example, hacker attacks on the
10.  Industrial and Market Aspect
smart meter systems to change the meter data have
sounded the alarm for us33. Some countries deliberately Generally speaking, India’s information industry still
prepared for cyber wars to sabotage the information needs to become more open, on the condition that
systems of other countries and destroy their energy, security must indeed be guaranteed. That is the dialec-
transport and other infrastructure facilities. A famous tical relationship between development and security.
case in point was the “Stuxnet” virus which attacked Development is the goal, while security is the prerequi-
and paralyzed Iran’s nuclear facilities in 201034–36. These site. That should be the basic objective of the information
serve as a warning to us. security policy. Therefore, the management policy related

Vol 10 (40) | October 2017 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5
India’s Big Data Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

to the opening of the market and the development of which you will not be able to intervene physically, thus
industries should provide system arrangements and tech- a user will immediately change from being a strong
nological guarantees in such areas as enterprises’ security person with the right to choose into a weak one with no
obligations, industrial social responsibilities, government power to turn around a desperate situation. That raises
procurement policies, and law-based security oversight. a requirement for the Information Security Policy.
In this policy, the users must have the right to choose
as well as the right to know. Enterprises that provide the
11.  Technology and Risks Aspect technologies, products, and services should have the
Information technology is a typical dual-use technology. responsibility and obligation to voluntarily and promptly
Technological advances in such areas as cloud computing, inform and remind their users.
Internet of Things, and mass storage are all “double-edged In a country like India, where exponential growth in
swords” with dual-use features. Only by managing the risks creation of big data is being seen, Big Data Security Policy
effectively can we draw on advantages and avoid the pitfalls. should pay attention to five major issues.
There have been quite a lot of discussions in many countries
and societies over whether technologies and products should
13.  Issue of Data Management
be indigenous or imported. The issue should be viewed dia-
lectically. Controllability is the key. Credibility exists only In the era of big data, the methods for storing and
with controllability. That should be the goal of the informa- using data have undergone new changes, with some
tion security policy from the technology perspective. being inter-regional and even cross-border. The issue
Thus, under the circumstances of “the West being of data management is extremely prominent and also
stronger and developing nations weaker” in terms of especially important. With respect to that, in formulat-
overall technological standards, India may place “control- ing the policy India should handle well three “rights
lability” above “indigenousness” as appropriate. The most and interests”:
urgent task at the moment is to strengthen country’s abili- First, India must face hegemony squarely, meaning it
ties in analyzing and discovering IT loopholes and hidden must be soberly aware that in such areas as Internet con-
dangers and in evaluating the risks of technological prod- trol power, key technologies, and high-end equipment,
ucts and system applications. India should adopt such country is still under Western control. That is the objec-
methods as “examination before application, relaxation tive circumstance and the overall backdrop.
on the condition of controllability, oversight and control Second, India must make clear its sovereign rights.
in application, and security evaluation” toward new tech- Data, being an important strategic resource -- whether
nologies and new applications and provide the support of individual-owned or state-owned, must be considered
technological standards and the guarantee of state policy within the scope of its sovereign rights. Third, it is crucial
for the security of the supply chain. to have control rights. Possession of sovereign rights does
not necessarily mean the ability to oversee and control.
For example, data stored overseas and cross-border cloud
12.  Users and Usage Aspect computing might not be within the scope of one’s sover-
As is known to all, Google made its name by deter- eign rights. How should transfer of power be carried out?
mining the connection path between a webpage and The country must treat different data differently and adopt
another webpage, while Facebook comprises inter- solid, reliable means to effectively manage those data that
related persons and organized “social graphs.” Such truly need to be protected. If India is unable to manage data
an ability to connect a circle with another circle is effectively, it is definitely risking a catastrophic loss of con-
immensely powerful. As a user, the only power is the trol over big data.
power of choosing whether to connect or not to con-
nect. Once connected, you are no longer the same self
14.  Issue of Users’ Rights
but are turned into a statistical self in the cyber data-
base. Various kinds of relevant data will be used for This issue involves the people’s welfare in cyberspace
commercial purposes or other causes, legal or illegal, and users’ data ownership, i.e., the issue of whether

6 Vol 10 (40) | October 2017 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Aman Vats and Abdullah Khan

users have control over their own data. It involves pro- chains and regular security monitoring and supervision
tection of individuals’ privacy, assurance of Internet of basic networks.
credibility, and guarantee of everybody’s ownership
rights over their personal data. It is not difficult to
imagine that if one’s information is mixed together with
17.  Issue of Managing Contradic-
the information of numerous other people in a mas- tions
sive database that is controlled by a commercial entity This issue concerns the contest of interests over Big Data
and that includes such contents as users’ intentions, on the Internet. As Big Data rises in value as a resource,
behaviors, and interests, what changes could happen the competition and confrontation over big data will
to individuals’ rights? Therefore, India needs the cor- grow in intensity. The methods of producing, process-
responding policy and measures that are compatible ing, and using Big Data will immensely change the way
with society’s capabilities and methods of analyzing contradictions of various kinds manifest themselves and
and handling big data. the severity of damage incurred. This issue includes such
contents as IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) protec-
tion, handling of Internet crimes, crackdown on online
15.  Issue of Dividing Responsibili- sabotage activities -- especially online terrorism, and
ties countering the threat of cyber warfare.
This issue concerns the spreading of security risks.
Information security risks exist throughout the entire 18.  Basic Approaches for Safe-
lifespan of data, and the security responsibilities cor-
guarding Cyber Security on
responding to each link – from technological concepts
and products’ development to usage by subscribers the Technical Level
and management of services -- must be shared. Big The capacity for independent technology innovation
data’s security issue involves governments, relevant should be increased. Today, virtually all the operating sys-
enterprises, network operators, service providers, tems used on personal computers and cell phones in India
data producers and users, etc., making it necessary for are of foreign origin and the core chips are imported. This
the policy to lay down clearly the respective security is a major hazard. As far as cyber security is concerned, it
responsibilities. is very difficult to realize safe and controllable manage-
ment without mastery of technology.
16.  Issue of Infrastructure Snowden’s disclosure of alleged massive US attacks
against Chinese servers is a case in point. The core tech-
Big data’s development is inseparable from such key infra- nologies of foreign countries cannot be bought and
structures as the telecommunications network, Internet cannot be exchanged on the market. However, Indian
data centers, and even industrial control systems, and market plays a very important role in the cultivation of
its security and reliability is dependent on these infra- technology and products through independent innova-
structures. Due to globalization of the supply chain and tion. This demands that in the cultivation of network core
privatization of industries, the security between net- technologies, India should also give play to the decisive
works and key infrastructures has become increasingly role of the market in the distribution of resources and give
complicated. A country’s big data may be stored in other better play to the role of the government.
countries’ networks, and a country’s infrastructure may The building of the contingent of cyber experts should
serve multiple countries concurrently. The high degree be accelerated. India must build a strong contingent of tal-
of global interdependence challenges the existing con- ents who are strong in politics, proficient in vocational skills
cept of sovereignty. Therefore, security monitoring and and good in work style in order to build their country into
supervision systems for key infrastructures are extremely a cyber-power and safeguard cyber security. India needs to
important. In India, it is necessary to establish as soon as cultivate and bring up scientists of world standards, net-
possible substantive state security inspections on supply work technology personnel, outstanding engineers and

Vol 10 (40) | October 2017 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 7
India’s Big Data Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

high-level innovation teams. India should play an active There are three main types of third party foreign trade
part in international Internet governance. In order to build businesses, cross-border ecommerce businesses, foreign
itself into a cyber-power, India needs to have a say in inter- trade consolidated service businesses, and supply chain
national Internet that is commensurate with our position management businesses. With market competition heat-
as a cyber-power. Indian Government’s ‘Make-in-India’ ing up, a number of countries are actively assisting the
campaign can play a vital role in this direction. big data service providers in their country’s trade fields.
In order to adapt to this new situation, Indian businesses
should also actively promote internationalization strat-
19.  Opportunities egies and extend their areas of work into the fields of
India is on the path of becoming a major global trading investment and services. This will certainly promote the
power. Building a trading power requires a higher reli- tight joining of big data services with the real economy.
ance on modern science and technology to remold a new
advantage in foreign trade competition and boosting the
21.  Conclusion
quality and results of the development of foreign trade.
The big data applications in e-commerce are becoming A smart phone today has more computing power than all
increasingly widespread, providing a rare opportunity for of NASA when it put a man on the moon in 1969. There
India’s foreign trade development. Fully utilizing modern are five billion cell phone users and 4000 tweets generated
information technologies such as big data is an important per second. There are more than 900 million facebook
measure for India to cultivate a new advantage in foreign users either sharing data or looking at other people’s data.
trade competition. The business and government sectors This unstructured data is no longer controlled by organi-
should enhance their cooperation and make the most of zations; it is in people’s hands. The issue is how to mine,
the role of big data as a “new engine” for the development store, transfer, refine, synthesize, and build secure systems
of foreign trade. that use this data.
Big data presents a beautiful yet terrifying picture
of the future for mankind. The beautiful aspect is that it
20.  Big Data Brings New Oppor- gives us a wider perspective and newer discoveries, which
tunities for Development of in turn will change our life, work, and mindset. The ter-
rifying aspect is that it creates even more risks and greater
Foreign Trade
challenges; besides security of the data itself, privacy of
The trading platforms rely on big data service functions; individuals is more of a concern. Therefore, among the
[they] consolidate foreign trade information flows, capital numerous issues surrounding big data, security risks have
flows, and material flows; reduce trading costs; and boost been the focus of attention.
trading efficiency. As far as India is concerned, many big domestic inter-
With the help of big data analysis, third party foreign net companies like Baidu, Renren, Qq, Alibaba have come
trade service businesses attract small- and mid-size busi- up in China, while in India there are no such indigenous
ness groups to conduct trading, settlement, and financing companies to challenge Face book, Google and Yahoo.
on their platforms, and the data and information on the A small number of Indian companies that do exist also
platform trading of small- and mid-size businesses provide depend on American servers or technology for at least
third party foreign trade service businesses with oppor- some of their work. Intelligence agencies are directly
tunities to expand their service functions and innovate obtaining information from American servers. As such,
their data service products. There is positive interaction how can a common online user take precautions? The talk
between big data and platform data. Third party for- comes back to the government, which has not taken any
eign trade service businesses utilize big data to expand stand on the privacy of citizens in its cyber policy. The
their platform service functions, gradually extending contracts for many sensitive services -- like ‘Adhaar,’ in
high value-added services such as online reports, credit which private data of most of the Indians has been stored
financing, cross-border settlement, and global business -- are with foreign companies. Merely being called the
consulting, for a clear rise in the level of specialization superpower of IT is not enough. The path of cyber secu-
and informatisation in foreign trade business. rity is in going domestic.

8 Vol 10 (40) | October 2017 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Aman Vats and Abdullah Khan

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