Gear Safety, Service and Application Factors
Gear Safety, Service and Application Factors
Gear Safety, Service and Application Factors
William. A. Bradlev
lOon McV,ittie
Question: I have beard the terms buyer, and user must all have a clear
"saf;ety faeter," "service factor;' and understanding of the meaning and im-
"application fador" used in discuss- plications of'these terms when compar-
ing gear design. Wbat .are these fac- ing gear capacity using different stan-
torsand how dn they di:fter dards. The following definitions are
another? Why are they important? given to explain the difference between
Bil! Bradley & Don McVittie reply: the e terms as applied to gearing.
In any gear design, it is critical to Factor of Sa~ety
make allowances for unknown vari- The term" factor of safety" or "safety
able in materi als, rnachinmg tolerances. factor" has historically been used by
loading, etc. Various terms (factor of designers and engineers to describe a
afety, ervice factor, and application genera] derating factor for limiting
factor) are used In the gear industry to the design stress in proportion to the
describe thi important concept. These material strength. A factor of safety Addressyolur ge'alri:ng ques-
terms are among the many formula vari- accounts for uncertainties ill de ign tions to our panel Df experts.
ables (influence factors) which are used analysis accuracy. material character- 'Writ,e to. them care of ShDP
for determining the calculated load ca- istics, and manufacturing quality. F;IDDr. Gear Tecihnology,. P..0 ..
pacity of gears produced for various When using a factor of safety, one Box 11426, Elk Grov,eVilla,gle,
designs. manufacturing method. and must also consider the risk to human
IL 60009" Dr caU our le,d'ito,r,ia!1
uses. Many of these factors have been safety and the economic consequences
staff at (108) 431~6604.
empirically developed from accumu- of failure or machine "down-time."
latedexperience. Therefore, it iscriti- The greater the uncertainties or conse-
cal that they be used inthe manner quences of these considerations. the
originally intended. The influence fac- higher the factor of safety hould be.
'tors are normally used as modifiers to As these items become known with
either a calculated stress from part con- more certainty. the value of the influ- Wililiiam A.IBr,adl,ev
figuration and applied load, or to an ence factors can be more accurately is the Manager, Technical
Di vision, of A GMA and the
allowable stress number based on ma- determined, For example, an automo- technical editor of the
terial properties. The gear designer can bile transmission which is subjected AGMA Nt'n's Dire,I'l,
then compare the modifiedcalculated to full-size. full-load prototype re t-
D'on IMIcVittiie
stress to the modified allowable stress illgand rigorous quality control of is the principal of Gear
number for a specific design deter- dimensions, materials, and proce ses Engineers, lnc., Seattle,
WA. and one of.fJ.£JH
mine suirabilityfor a given application. durrng manufacture, could have a Technolofr·,I' tcchnicot
The gear designer, manufacturer. more precise factor of safety than a editors,
service factors, and apphcation factors. CIRCLE A·09 on RE,4:0ER: REPLY CARD