Yay Documentation: Release 3.1.2.dev0
Yay Documentation: Release 3.1.2.dev0
Yay Documentation: Release 3.1.2.dev0
Release 3.1.2.dev0
John Carr
1 Language Tour 3
1.1 Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Variable Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Including Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Search paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.6 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.7 Ephemeral keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.8 Extending Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.9 Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.10 For Loops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.11 Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.12 Function calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.13 Class bindings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.14 Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.15 Prototypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.16 Here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 Encrypted Settings 11
4 Debugging 17
4.1 Viewing AST as a digraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5 Introduction 19
6 The Scanner 21
7 Productions 23
7.1 Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.2 Data Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
8 Resolving 27
8.1 Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
8.2 Just-in-time visiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
8.3 Expanding (aka Traversible) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
8.4 Folding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
8.5 Variable expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
8.6 Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
8.7 If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.8 For . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
8.9 Native Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
8.10 Incredibly lazy importing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
8.11 Early Error Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
8.12 Short term problems to solve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
8.13 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
8.14 Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
9 Contributing 43
yay Documentation, Release 3.1.2.dev0
We wanted a confguration language that was human readable and human editable with variable expansion. We wanted
something where we wouldn’t keep hitting things that the language couldn’t express.
Yay is both that language and a python module for parsing it.
Contents 1
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2 Contents
Language Tour
Yay is a non-strict language that supports lazy evaluation. It is a sort of mutant child of YAML and Python, with some
of the features of both.
There are some significant differences from YAML and this absolutely does not attempt to implement the more esoteric
parts of YAML.
A particularly significant restriction is that keys may not contain whitespace. keys in a configuration language are
expected to be simple bare terms. This also helpfully keeps the magic smoke firmly inside our parser.
It is important to understand that for any line of input it is imperative “pythonish” or declarative “yamlish”. It actually
works well and we find it very easy to read, for example:
a: b
if a == 'b':
c: d
It is pretty clear that some of those lines are declarative and some are imperative. When in pythonish mode it works
just as you would expect from python, when in yamlish mode it works as a declarative language for defining terms.
A mapping is a set of key value pairs. They key is a string and the value can be any type supported by Yay. All Yay
files will contain at least one mapping:
site-domain: www.yaybu.com
number-of-zopes: 12
in-production: true
You can nest them as well, as deep as you need to. Like in Python, the relationships between each item is based on the
amount of indentation:
yay Documentation, Release 3.1.2.dev0
dhcp: yes
Variable Expansion
If you were to specify the same Yaybu recipe over and over again you would be able to pull out a lot of duplication.
You can create templates with placeholders in and avoid that. Lets say you were deploying into a directory based on a
customer project id:
projectcode: MyCustomer-145
- Directory:
name: /var/local/sites/{{projectcode}}
- Checkout:
name: /var/local/sites/{{projectcode}}/src
repository: svn://mysvnserver/{{projectcode}}
If you variables are in mappings you can access them using . as seperator. You can also access specific items in lists
with []:
- name: www.foo.com
projectcode: Foo-1
repository: http://github.com/isotoma/foo
branch: master
- Checkout:
repository: /var/local/sites/{{projects[0].checkout.repository}}
Sometimes you might only want to optionally set variables in your configuration. Here we pickup project.id if
its set, but fall back to project.name:
name: www.baz.com
Including Files
You can import a recipe using the yay extends feature. If you had a template foo.yay:
- Directory:
name: /var/local/sites/{{projectcode}}
- Checkout:
name: /var/local/sites/{{projectcode}}/src
repository: svn://mysvnserver/{{projectcode}}
include "foo.yay"
include foo.bar.includes
projectcode: MyCustomer-145
Search paths
search "/var/yay/includes"
search foo.bar.searchpath
configure openers:
foo: bar baz: quux
configure basicauth: zip: zop
Ephemeral keys
for a in b
set c = d.foo.bar.baz
set d = dsds.sdsd.sewewe
set e = as.ew.qw
foo: c
Extending Lists
If you were to specify resources twice in the same file, or indeed across multiple files, the most recently specified one
would win:
- foo
- bar
- baz
If you were to do this, resources would only contain baz. Yay has a function to allow appending to predefined lists:
- foo
- bar
extend resources:
- baz
if averylongvariablename == anotherverylongvariablename and \
yetanothervariable == d and e == f:
bar: baz
- baz
For Loops
You might want to have a list of project codes and then define multiple resources for each item in that list. You would
do something like this:
extend resources:
for p in projectcodes:
- Directory:
name: /var/local/sites/{{p}}
for q in p.qcodes:
- Checkout:
name: /var/local/sites/{{p}}/src
repository: svn://mysvnserver/{{q}}
for f in fruit if f.price < 10:
- {{f}}
- name: John
- air
- iphone
for s in staff:
for d in s.devices:
You can use a for against a mapping too - you will iterate over its keys. A for over a mapping with a condition might
look like this:
# recognised as decimal integers since they look a bit like them
apple: 5
lime: 10
strawberry: 1
for f in fruit:
if fruit[f] < 10:
That would return a list with apple and strawberry in it. The list will be sorted alphabetically: mappings are generally
unordered but we want the iteration order to be stable.
select distro:
- python-setuptools
- python-distribute
- python-zc.buildout
Function calls
Any sandboxed python function can be called where an expression would exist in a yay statement:
Class bindings
new Compute:
foo: bar
% for x in range(4)
baz: x
Macros provided parameterised blocks that can be reused, rather like a function.
you can define a macro with:
macro mymacro:
foo: bar
baz: {{thing}}
for q in x:
call mymacro:
thing: {{q}}
Prototypes contain a default mapping which you can then override. You can think of a prototype as a class that you
can then extend.
In their final form, they behave exactly like mappings:
prototype DjangoSite:
set self = here
name: www.example.com
- Directory:
name: {{ self.tmpdir }}
- Checkout:
name: {{ self.sitedir}}
source: git://github.com/
new DjangoSite:
name: www.mysite.com
Here is a reserved word that expands to the nearest parent node that is a mapping.
You can use it to refer to siblings:
sitename: www.example.com
sitedir: /var/www/{{ here.sitename }}
You can use it with set to refer to specific points of the graph:
set self = here
something: goodbye
mapping: {{ self.something }} # Should be 'hello'
other_mapping: {{ here.something }} # Should be 'goodbye'
1.15. Prototypes 9
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something: hello
Encrypted Settings
If your yay config has a .gpg extension, Yay will attempt to decrypt it with GPG.
You would generate the .gpg version of a yay file using the GPG command line tools.
$ gpg -e s00persekrit.yay
This will encrypt with public key / private key encryption. It will prompt you for recipients. These are the GPG keys
that can decrypt your secrets.
Your encrypted s00persekrit.yay.gpg might contain:
username: admin
password: password55
- s00persekrit.yay.gpg
yay Documentation, Release 3.1.2.dev0
Basic use
There are 2 ways to work with the Yay configuration language. The primary method is one that embraces the lazy
nature of the configuration language but is still pythonic.
Consider the following configuration:
type: socks
port: 8000
yay Documentation, Release 3.1.2.dev0
It will throw a NoMatching exception if the list isn’t defined. If a list is optional you can catch the exception:
for allowed_ip in config.network.allowed:
except errors.NoMatching:
All node access is lazy. When you look up a key the object that is returned is a proxy. A promise that when the graph
is result the key that you have requested will be returned. You should use this to do strict type checking coercion:
However one advantage of the node.as_ form is that you can express defaults in your python code:
print "address:", config.network.proxy.host.as_string(default='localhost')
print "port:", config.network.proxy.port.as_int(default=8000)
If your code detects an error in the configuration it can use the anchor property of the node to raise a useful error
proxy_type = config.network.proxy.type
if not str(proxy_type) in ("socks", "http"):
print "Incorrect proxy type!"
print "file:", proxy_type.anchor.source
print "line:", proxy_type.anchor.lineno
print "col:", proxy_type.anchor.col
Finally, if you just want to examine your configuration via python simple types you can use the yay.load_uri and
yay.load API’s:
config = yay.load_uri("example.yay")
assert isinstance(config, dict)
The disadvantage of this approach is you lose access to line/column metadata for error reporting.
You can factor your application as a series of graph objects that are plumbed together using the Yay language.
For example, in example_module/weather.py:
from yay.ast import PythonClass
from weather import Api
class Weather(PythonClass):
def apply(self):
api = Api(
token = str(self.params.token),
secret = str(self.params.secret),
create "example_module.weather:Weather":
token: mytoken
secret: mysecret
- york
You can dump a yay graph using the yay-dump console script:
On a Mac, if you have GraphViz installed you can open this in a viewer with the open command:
open foo.dot
yay Documentation, Release 3.1.2.dev0
18 Chapter 4. Debugging
The YAY grammar is based on Python, with additional productions to provide for the data language stanzas that
surround and enclose the pythonic terms. The data language resembles YAML, but it does not implement much of the
complexity of YAML, which we consider unnecessary for this use case.
The lexer and parser are implemented using PLY.
yay Documentation, Release 3.1.2.dev0
20 Chapter 5. Introduction
The Scanner
Input text is tokenised by a stateful lexer. It is a relatively traditional sort of scanner, except for the interpretation
of leading whitespace. Leading whitespace is processed and consumed using a generator chain, to yield INDENT
and DEDENT symbols as necessary. Other whitespace outside string literals is eliminated entirely from the output
The scanner has six states that drastically change how input text is interpreted.
INITIAL In this state the scanner is looking for keys in the YAML-like data language, or for reserved
words that indicate the line is pythonic.
VALUE A key has been emitted and the scanner is now looking for a value.
LISTVALUE We are parsing a list of values, each introduced with a ‘-‘
TEMPLATE We are within a template (i.e. {{ }}) and so should emit everything read as-is
COMMAND We are within a “command”, i.e. a line of something pythonic
BLOCK We are within a multiline literal block
yay Documentation, Release 3.1.2.dev0
The docstrings in parser.py provide the productions themselves, in the syntax required by PLY. Here we summarise
the productions in a slightly more typical syntax, and without the NEWLINE, INDENT and DEDENT symbols that
are vital for parsing but only get in the way when trying to understand the grammar.
The parser implements virtually all of the Expressions defined for Python:
As well as many of the compound statements:
Data Language
The root of a document consists of zero or more stanzas. Each stanza is one of:
yay Documentation, Release 3.1.2.dev0
A scalar is basically a VALUE read from the data language, or more than one value. It also handles literal empty
dictionaries and merges multiline symbols from the scanner.
scalar ::= “{}”
“{{” expression_List “}}”
The last three productions above handle the complex case of a dictionary as a list item.
Python’s compound statements are called “Directives” within YAY. In addition to the standard python compound
statements, YAY introduces a number of it’s own directives:
directive ::= include_directive
| search_directive
| new_directive
| prototype_directive
| for_directive
24 Chapter 7. Productions
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| set_directive
| if_directive
| select_directive
| macro_directive
| call_directive
The include directive includes another file at this point in the input text:
Set allows temporary local variables to be used, without them appearing in the output graph as data symbols.
set_directive ::= “set” target_list “=” expression_list
Select implements the select statement familiar from many other languages, but not present in Python. This is not
required in Python, but is a common requirement in Yay:
Macros are similar to prototypes, in that they allow for simple reuse. See the language documentation to understand
how to use them:
26 Chapter 7. Productions
The language is parsed into a directed acyclic graph, with each node representing some data or an expression that must
be evaluated in order to produce some data. This sections describes in detail the properties of members of this graph
Every node should have one and only one parent. Detached nodes are not valid. It is the responsibility of the parent to
adopt its child nodes and let them know who there parents are.
Parents will hold a strong ref to their children. Therfore the ref back to the parent can be a weakref.
When a node is inserted into a Mapping it might supercede an existing key. The graph will keep track of this, which
allows mappings to perform operations that involve previous versions of themselves. For example:
- 1
- 2
extend foo:
- 3
yay Documentation, Release 3.1.2.dev0
predecessor inner
Sequence Sequence
1 2 3
With this structure it is then easy to combine the original list with the 2nd list.
Any node is able to find the root of the graph by following the parent edges to a leaf node.
a: {{ here.b }}
b: 1
Because of the inherent locality of graph scoping, the here variable is unable to find b.
Because the second foo block has a predecessor relationship with the first foo, we implicitly track the inverse
successor relationship. here can therefore follow the successor chain to its tip (the head) and use that to
lookup b.
28 Chapter 8. Resolving
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Just-in-time visiting
In order to transform the graph into it’s final form we need to perform a series of transformations on the graph.
The standard approach would be a series of transformations performed via the visitor pattern. Each visitor would know
one transformation and they would be performed in order. This does approach to graph rewriting does not suit a graph
that is as dynamic as ours:
1. We can’t have a list of transformations to apply in order. For example, to simplify an If node one might need
to have first simplified a For node. But also vice-versa.
2. You must resolve parts of the graph to even type check other parts of it. For example:
foo: {{ 1 + 2 }}
bar: {{ baz[foo] }}
In order to even begin to speculate about some parts of the graph, other parts must be completely resolved. In
order to build a standard dependency graph, some parts of the graph must be fully solved.
The conclusion here is that any graph transformation needs to happen just-in-time. Another way of thinking about this
is that while a traditional visitor might visit the graph in the order it is parsed, we need to apply the transformations as
a depth first exploration of its dependencies.
(FIXME: There are some really icky and hard to qualify things here, really hard to qualify, come back and fix this!)
The main problem with even a depth first visitor is one of context. It becomes harder to know what is appropriate to
resolve and how far.
There are essentially 3 target states:
• Fully resolved - a python simple type like str, list or dict
• Folded - a graph safe simple type like Boxed, Sequence or Mapping
• Traversible - a graph safe type that is solved enough to allow it to be traversed
These states are more fully explored in the following sections. For now it is enough to know that they are target states.
Some graph nodes will be in a ‘folded’ state from day 1 (like Boxed) and some will be ‘traversible’ without any
transformations (like Mapping). ‘Fully resolved’ objects will never exist in the graph.
Given these rules what does a visitor look like when it has to make some nodes folded to make them traversible and
resolve others to make their dependants foldable?
The simplest solution is that you don’t use a visitor at all. Actually for our situation, each node just needs to know how
to simplify itself into the various target states and it needs to know what state its dependents need to be in in order to
reach its target state.
For example, consider a node that sums 2 dependent graph members:
class Addition(object):
def __init__(self, dependentA, dependentB):
self.a = dependentA
self.b = dependentB
def traversible(self):
def folded(self):
# We explicitly fold our dependencies and rely on exceptions to bail out when
˓→something is unfoldable
def resolve(self):
return self.a.resolve() + self.b.resolve()
The power of Yay is its lazyness. In order to make the language sufficiently lazy the graph has to avoid resolving any
data structues it can until the last moment.
A simple example is a nested mapping:
bar: {{ some_other_section }}
qux: 1
quix: 2
You shouldn’t need to resolve bar (and hence the whole of some_other_section) to get to baz. That would
rather limit the flexibility of lazy evaluation.
So mapping nodes can be traversed without needing to resolve the entire graph. We do this with the get function:
graph.get("foo").get("baz").get("quix").resolve() == 2
Things get a bit more complicated when command expressions are involved. Let’s consider the if operation:
cond: hello
default: happy
if cond == "hello"
default: really happy
dont_resolve_me: {{ some.datastructure[0].somewhere.else }}
The parser will return an If node that has a predecessor. The If node needs to be traversal friendly. There is no need to
resolve the dont_resolve_me variable when attempting to access default.
This is where the expand API comes in. In order to resolve default we need to resolve the guard expression. But
there is no need to resolve the other child nodes of If.
In this case, calling expand() will return the predecessor mapping if the condition is false and the child mapping if it
is true. In otherwords, the condition is resolved but the mapping that is guarded by the condition is not. We can then
access default without triggering dont_resolve_me.
It is important that when a node is expanded the node that it returns is indeed expanded. To clarify, consider this
var: 1
% if 0:
var: 2
% if 0:
var: 3
foo: {{ var }}
If this was parsed and you attempted to expand foo we’d expect it to return a Boxed(1)
30 Chapter 8. Resolving
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When the first If node is expanded it will realise that the condition is false and attempt to return its predecessor.
However it’s predecessor is a If node as well. So if when a node is expanded it returns another existing node it
should take care to call expand upon it. In this case, the 2nd If will expand to a Mapping and when a Mapping
is expanded it will just return itself. This is the correct behaviour.
Of course there are some nodes that cannot be simplified. A completely pure graph can be entirely solved to a single
value. However (as discussed later in “Native Classes”) not all graph members are pure. An extra stage is required to
fully support these non-pure elements. We call this the folding step.
When the graph is folded we are essentially doing a traditional constant folding step that a compiler might do to try
and generate better code. The graph is resolved to “simple types” like:
• Boxed
• Mapping
• Sequence
I.e. the goal is to remove any of the ‘command mode’ structures like If and For. The results are still in graph form -
we haven’t simplified them to python simple types.
However, non-pure graph members cannot be folded as we cannot know their value without causing side effects. Let’s
consider a variable boxcat that will be True or False. Our input is this:
foo: True
foo bar
8.4. Folding 31
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foo bar
Boxed(True) Boxed('baz')
The first Access (to foo) has been simplified away, as has the And expression. The If node is still present because
it depends on an unknown external value - boxcat. This graph is now as simple as it can be without suffering any
side effects.
The implementation might look something like this:
class And(object):
def folded(self):
uleft, uright = True, True
left = self.left.folded()
except CantFold:
left = self.left
uleft = True
right = self.right.folded()
except CantFold:
right = self.right
uright = True
32 Chapter 8. Resolving
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return Boxed(False)
return Boxed(left.resolve() and right.resolve())
Variable expansion
Expressions can reference variables. These might be keys in the global document or they might be temporary variables
in the local scope. An example of this might be:
somevar: 123
% let temp1 = 123
bar: {{ somevar }} {{ temp1 }}
In order to resolve bar the graph needs to be able to resolve temp1 and somevar.
When a variable is referenced from an expression it is not immediately ‘bound’. This is not the point at which we
traverse the graph and find these variables. Instead we place an Access node in the graph.
Primarily an Access node needs to know the key or index to traverse to. This is an expression that will be resolved
when any attempt to expand the node is actioned. This expression could be as simple as a literal, or as complicated as
something like this:
{{ foo.bar[1].baz[someothervar[0].bar] else foo.bar[0] }}
When no additional parameters are passed to an Access node it will look up the key in the current scope (see the
Context section).
However you can specify an expression on which to act. This is useful because you can chain several Access nodes
together. For the example above, the expression {{foo.bar}} would be parsed to:
Access(Access(None, "foo"), "bar")
The language has some variables that are scoped. For example:
i: 5
% for i in baz
- {{ i }}
i has different values depending on whether you are inside the for loop or not.
In early versions of yay context was handled by passing around a context object. Anytime a node contributed to the
context it would push to this context object. This was problematic:
i: 5
b: {{i+1}}
% for i in baz
- i: {{ i }}
b: {{ b }}
Is b always 6, or does its value change with the for loop? The correct behaviour is that it is always 6 but a context
object approach did not allow this.
Another disadvantage of this approach is that a node doesn’t resolve to one state - it resolves to many states as it could
be passed many different contexts. This makes memoization uglier and it caused suspicion that variables might change
as the graph was resolved - this is not supposed to be possible.
The current approach is to treat context as a member of the graph. When an object wants to look up a name and
consider scope it asks its parent for the nearest context node. This just traverses its parents until it reaches a context
node or reaches the root of the graph. If a context node cannot answer it’s query then traversal continues. When the
root of the graph is reached if no match has been found the get method is called on the root. This may raise an
exception if there is no such node.
An If node will resolve a guard condition and if it is True then the contents of the node apply, otherwise attempts to
use it will be proxied to its predecessor.
In order to be traversed the guard condition has to be resolved.
When folded the node will try to fold the guard condition and if it cannot be folded then the if statement itself will not
be factored away. However the guard condition may still be partially simplified, as may the contents of the child node.
The expansion of a for loop requires its children to be cloned and parented to a context node for each iteration of the
loop. For example:
- 1
- 2
% for i in baz
- {{ i }}
34 Chapter 8. Resolving
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sequence inner
Function(range, 2) Sequence
8.8. For 35
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0 1
Context(i=0) Context(i=1)
Sequence Sequence
Access(key=i) Access(key=i)
Native Classes
You can bind custom code to the yay graph that interfaces with code outside the graph. Code wrapped for consumption
by our non-strict graph is called an ‘Actor’. (FIXME: This is subject to change, but Actor is better than further
complicating terms like ‘Node’).
By allowing an engineer to bind their side-effect causing code directly to the graph we gain quite a few powerful
• Implicit dependency graph of relationships between actors
• Implicit ability to parallelize actor side effects (e.g. load balancer with 20 backends - we can deploy those
backends in parallel)
However there are consequences:
• It is impossible to completely validate the graph ahead of time (doing so would require us to actually cause our
side effects)
Actor nodes must follow certain rules so that we can maximise the safety of any operations.
It is clear that in order to avoid activating the native code too soon they need to be the laziest kind of graph member.
This is the main reason for the folding step.
36 Chapter 8. Resolving
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One feature of yay1 was that imports were immediate but could consume lazy variables. For example:
.include: cookbook/entrypoints/${foo}.yay
The consequence of this is that foo was consumed mid-way through loading the config. But it could be overloaded
later in the config. So while foo might have been apache when the include was processed, it might be gunicorn
by the time the config is fully parsed. The crude work around was that any variable used to satisfy an include would
be ‘locked’. Any further attempts to modify that variable should be met with horror.
In yay3 we defer parsing until required.
Imagine 2 simple yay documents. The first is fr.yay:
hello_world: Bonjour!
predecessor language
Import Boxed('fr')
Access('language') Boxed('.yay')
predecessor language
Mapping Boxed('fr')
Because we have removed the need to process the import immediately we no longer have complex document locking
When not using the class feature of yay then early error detection is not useful. Detecting all errors will cause the
graph to be resolved any way, so might as well be done JIT.
However the current approach for ‘nodes with side effects’ means that you might not have even finished syntax check-
ing before you have started mutating an external system. In this case, any additional checking you can do is worth
The topics discussed in this section are currently in the idea stage. Navigating the graph without triggering premature
expansion is tricky.
Type fixing
One type of analysis that we can perform on the graph is to look at the predecessors of each node and make sure that
the types of fields don’t change. Once a number, always a number.
For these purposes the only types that matter are:
* Number
* String
* List
* Dict
38 Chapter 8. Resolving
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foo: bar
qux: quux
if somexpr:
foo: []
qux: fozzle
The only way to be certain if the final config is correct is to resolve somexpr. This could in the worst case actually
cause a side effect.
Another possibility is to have speculative type inference: The if knows it might return a list for foo or it might have
to defer to its predecessor. However actually implementing that might be difficult...
Part of the problem with external sources of information is we don’t know what outputs they have. If we require nodes
to declare their inputs and outputs then we can do additional checking. This is actually what we do with Resources
in yaybu atm - there is a schema system in yaybu.
• Need to consider .get() - in particular how it interacts with traversible. My worry is things that need to
be resolved to traverse an If node might be dynamic and side effect causing. The rules there need qualifying
here, I think.
Future Work
The goal here would be to maximise the amount of work that is done in parallel. One way to achieve that is to make it
OK for a resolve to end prematurely with a ResultNotReady exception. When that happens the exception would
generally be bubbled up to the root node. However containers could try and resolve their other children at this time. A
mapping could resolve its other keys. A sequence could resolve siblings of the node that isn’t ready. The result of this
would be that ‘Actor’ nodes could perform side effects in parallel.
This probably shouldn’t be tied to twisted - we don’t want to complicate supporting gevent or blocking use cases.
Online graphs
The key problem with a live graph is that data flows are push rather than pull based, and this inverts some of the
approaches we’d normally take.
In particular, our approach to {{ binding.a.variable }} needs rethinking. At the very least we need to have
bound variables be notified which part of the graph is trying to .get() them. That way, if and when they change we
can notify any neighbouring regions to readjust.
Allowing the graph to ‘settle’ when dealing with events its also an interesting challenge. Several event sources satu-
rating the graph with information will fail in much the way a human mind would - too much information, too many
plates spinning. One event could impact multiple ‘Actor’ nodes. Those actor nodes might depend on each other, and
some of the cloud services have slllloooow API’s. So an event/second could quickly be too much.
If an online graph is what is most desirable that it is worth considering ways to remove the k/v underpinnings. Maybe
the k/v rooted approach is actually just scaffolding to wire a big pipeline. What if our airship didn’t need that scaf-
folding when we had done the initial parse. The notion of outputting a YAML like document of this monster could
actually limit how we build some of the interfaces...
Event to scalar
Typical simple graphs are run once and then discarded. However with a robust graph API in place we can use yay as
a live decision system. Consider an external data source that subscribes to events from ZeroMQ:
% ZeroMQ
connect: mq.example.com
subscribe: {{ cluster.name }}_load_web
% LoadBalancer
listen: http
% for i in range(load_to_boxen_needed(metrics.web_load))
% Compute
name: web{{i}}
cookbook: entrypoints/web.yay
The relationship between a metric and the number of compute nodes isn’t interesting so i’ve just black-boxed it with
a function. This graph is interesting because metrics.web_load is sourced from ZeroMQ. It can and will change
over time and we can potentially have a graph that responds to external changes...
Events to lists
Imagine a database that holds information about services in a cluster. If we represented it with YAML we might see:
• name: 1.example.com type: node.js
• name: 2.example.com type: php
Imagine this data can optionally be fed from ZeroMQ or a Websocket so it is always up to date. We can actually feed
those events in to the initial list state to keep it up to date, those nodes then in turn notify other nodes.
In other words, as soon as you add a new site to your configuration management system several nodes would be
notified that their configuration was out of date and that they needed to redeploy. But because of the magic of the
graph, it would be only the nodes that needed to be updated!
40 Chapter 8. Resolving
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Gotchas / Headscratching
Think about:
• It’s easy enough to have a graph node that listens for changes, but what does that actually do? The graph API is
pull based. Right now we can’t push a new value down the chain.
• I think changes that are detected notify the root node.
• That node will then resolve itself.
• The number of compute nodes then may or may not be changed based up the external event.
The following terms are used in the section, at times without proper thought as to terminology clashes with other yay
modules and often with a complete lack of regard for any traditional use of the term.
Node An element or member of the solver graph
Predecessor An edge (or arc) to an ancestor. Consider key foo. Regardless of how many times you assign a value
to it, all of those values are still accessible from the graph by walking the predecessor edges. Thus a node
that has a predecessor of None is the oldest version of a key.
Parent All but the root node of the graph are contained within a parent node.
Actor Node A member of the graph that causes external code to be executed - potentially causing side effects.
Expression Node A member of the graph that is resolved by performing an expression against other members of the
graph. For example, 1 + 1 or 1 + foo.
Data Node Mapping, sequence or literal
Command Node A statement block such as if or for
8.14. Terminology 41
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42 Chapter 8. Resolving