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Education & Training Pillar

Table of Contents
Section 1: Education and Training Pillar Overview .................................................................. 4

E&T Pillar Vision & Culture .......................................................................................................... 5

Education & Training Basics ........................................................................................................ 7

E&T Pillar Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 7

E&T Pillar Capability Delivers ...................................................................................................... 8

Work Processes Provided by the E&T Pillar ................................................................................ 9

E&T Pillar Work Processes are Dynamic ................................................................................... 10

Section 2: Pillar Path to Success ........................................................................................... 11
Section 3: Skill Needs Assessment & Prioritization SWP ........................................................ 12

Identify Skills Needed for the CBN and Future ......................................................................... 12

Skill Needs Assessment & Prioritization SWP ........................................................................... 13

Skill Needs Assessment ............................................................................................................. 14

Skill Needs Prioritization ........................................................................................................... 14

Section 4: Training Plan Development & Management SWP ................................................. 16

Overview of the Training Plan Development & Management SWP ......................................... 16

Training Calendar ...................................................................................................................... 16

Section 5: Training, Curriculum and Trainer Development SWP ............................................ 18

SWP Objective, Summary & Overview ...................................................................................... 18

Training Development Overview .............................................................................................. 19

Training Curriculum Development ............................................................................................ 19

Trainer Development ................................................................................................................ 20

Section 6: Training Delivery Method & Strategy Selection SWP............................................. 21

Training Delivery Method and Strategy Selection .................................................................... 21

Section 7: Training Facilities & Materials Management SWP ................................................. 23

Identify training facility and materials requirements ............................................................... 23

Section 8: Qualification Process SWP ................................................................................... 26
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Education & Training Pillar

Qualification Process SWP Overview ........................................................................................ 26

Qualification Flowchart ............................................................................................................. 27

Section 9: Manage the Pillar ................................................................................................ 29

E&T Relationship to Other Pillars (Gives & Gets) ...................................................................... 29

Pillar Organization, Roles and Responsibilities ......................................................................... 32

Pillar Systems, Measures and Behaviors ................................................................................... 33

Systems, Measures and Behaviors ............................................................................................ 34

Phase Journey Intent (E&T Key Impacts) .................................................................................. 36

Pillar Board ................................................................................................................................ 38

Section 10: Qualification ...................................................................................................... 38
Acronyms ............................................................................................................................ 40

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Education & Training Pillar

Section 1: Education and Training Pillar

Vision: Organizational capabilities as needed, enabled by effective, just-in-time learning
processes with total employee involvement.


Zero Defects or Losses 100% Employee

Due to Lack of Skill Involvement

Losses due to lack Teaching and

of skill are learning are an
eliminated integral part of
everyone’s work
Everyone has the
knowledge and Training is Just In
skills needed to be Time, delivered
successful in their efficiently in “the
roles teachable moment”
and resulting in
The energy and
morale in the
behavior changes
organization are
high because Everyone is
people feel motivated to
confident about develop him/herself
their capability and and actively seeks
are excited about challenging
their contributions opportunities to

The best Corporate E&T systems and practices are standardized through the implementation of the
E&T Work Processes and Tools
• All training is performance based
• Leaders are dedicated to developing the capabilities of all people assigned
• Training is rolled down, creating leadership and teachers in the process
• Learning organizations are the norm, with knowledge shared proactively and efficiently

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Education & Training Pillar

E&T Pillar Vision & Culture

The E&T vision in IWS is one of a total learning environment where there are no losses caused by
lack of skill or by poor training systems. Teaching and learning are an exciting part of everyone’s
daily work. We are all teachers and we are all students. The atmosphere is filled with energy,
excitement, and high morale because people feel confident about their capabilities and excited
about their contributions. Waiting for training is a thing of the past. “Teachable moments” are
responded to immediately using One Point Lessons (OPL’s) and other performance based
methods to teach and to learn. Learning by doing is the norm; everyone is motivated to develop
themselves. People actively seek challenging opportunities to learn.

As capability grows, curiosity and the desire to learn more also grows, leading to individual
ownership for self-development. The IWS environment is one where the opportunities for self-
development are encouraged and supported. Our workplaces are virtual universities.
Opportunities include participation in complex projects, company supported outside education
and self-teaching methods.

Zero losses due to lack of skill through

effective, just-in-time learning
processes involving everyone



The vision is supported by a sound platform of standardized P&G E&T systems and best practices.
Training is performance based, hands-on, and experiential, resulting in measurable behavior
changes. Leaders are dedicated to educating people. Training is rolled down, creating leaders
and teachers in the process.

Culture of Education & Training in IWS

Any organization can have great training and development of its people -- and yet there can be losses due
to lack of skill or inadequate training systems that are commonplace, resulting in higher costs and
de-motivated people. Significant savings can be realized by improving the effectiveness and
efficiency of training systems.

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Education & Training Pillar

Since training departments and training systems are usually already established in many sites and
organizations, it might be easy to think that these departments and systems should continue to
operate just as they always did. But in fact, a major cultural change is needed, moving away from
traditional classroom methods and increasingly adding other training delivery methods. The
purpose of this shift is to encourage a culture of learning, where peers teach peers, bosses are
both learners and teachers, and skills are taught at the place and time where they are needed,
rather than waiting for a scheduled class, taught outside the workplace.

Education & Training is focused on eliminating selected losses (past, current, and future) which
occur because people do not have the needed skills. It is a “laser focus” approach. It is quite
compatible with the existing training that already goes on in the organization, but it has a
different purpose and different methods from traditional training.

Traditional education and training systems and practices are also used by E&T, but are
standardized in a logical step process, and in general are focused on the development of actual
skills. The E&T vision encourages a balance of methods to include more on-job, more hands-on
learning and less classroom presentation of concepts.

Education & Training Approach Classroom Training - Typical

Basic knowledge and skills are taught at the moment Training is done off-line using complex materials. There
of need, using simple methods such as One-Point is often a significant time delay between the time of
Lessons (OPLs), or On-Job Training (OJT). need and the delivery of the training
Learning is connected to action. New knowledge and Theory and concepts are communicated through
skills are immediately applied to the task being done. lectures, with little or no direct application.
Training is performance based with hands-on practice Demonstrations show people how to perform a task, but
designed in. hands-on practice by students is often lacking or
We are all students. We are all teachers. Leaders Training is instructor dependent. Frequently, the
learn by doing and then teach by showing. instructor is not available until long after the training
need has been identified.
Systems necessary to support training are robust and Systems are lacking or weak. There is little or no
maintained. Processes and tools are standardized. standardization between training programs.
After training, there are zero losses due to lack of After training, there are still frequent losses due to lack
skills. The training has eliminated the loss. of skill. The training has not eliminated the loss.

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Education & Training Pillar

Education & Training Basics

Breakthrough Approaches to Increase Organization Capability
E&T uses multiple approaches designed to increase speed, retention and effectiveness of
learning. Training is a wide range of learning activities carried on outside a classroom.
Principles of the E&T approach:
Just-In-Time Individuals learn at the moment they need it, rather than waiting for a scheduled
Learning training program.
Everyone Based on the IWS principle of 100% employee involvement, E&T expects everyone
Teaches and to be able to teach what they know. Simple tools, such as One Point Lessons
Learns (OPL) and Job Aids enable individuals to teach one element of a subject or skill
without expecting them to be a high-level expert on all elements of that subject.
This moves the entire organization to a “learning organization.”
Performance- People learn skills through actual “hands-on” practice rather than by passively
Based Training listening to a presentation. On-the-Job Training is one of the approaches owned
by the E&T Pillar. The principle of Learning by Doing means that real equipment,
tools and machinery are used in off-the-job and on-the-job learning activities to
ensure that the capability which is developed matches the actual business needs.
Roll-Down Organization members at all levels learn skills and knowledge and then teach what
Training they have learned. It is very important for everybody in the organization to use
this Learn-Do-Teach approach to build a culture which demonstrates that learning
is valued and teaching is shared by everyone.
Self-Development Individuals seek the learning that is most important for them, based on their
individual job, existing skills, development plan and the business needs. The
process of Self Development can take many forms. The individual is responsible for
what they need, the proposal and the implementation of their self-directed training
plan. E&T provides the methods, materials, facilities and resources to help
individuals pursue their self-directed development.
Classroom Theory, concepts and demonstrations are communicated through lectures off-line
Training in a formal setting at designated times and locations.

In implementing E&T, we see the following:

• Leaders first learn by doing, then teach by showing.
• Operating teams and individuals understand the basic functions of their equipment and
can quickly make repairs. Work teams and individuals understand their business
processes and can quickly solve emerging problems.
• Individual skills increase so that problem solving skills are widespread and readily
available. New equipment and processes have defect free designs.
• As everyone becomes a teacher, individual leadership skills, confidence, and credibility

E&T Pillar Purpose

The primary purpose of the E&T Pillar is to develop the organizational capability required to
deliver the Compelling Business Need (CBN) and eliminate losses due to lack of skill or
knowledge or due to ineffective or inefficient training systems.

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Education & Training Pillar

E&T provides the systems and methodologies to enable business owners to deliver the CBN.
Through E&T’s leadership and processes, everyone in the organization develops and provides the
training needed to meet organizational goals.
• The contribution of E&T in IWS is to eliminate losses by enabling people to learn what
they need to know, at the moment they need to know it, using simple and effective
learning methods.
• By applying E&T processes, IWS creates a culture where learning is part of everyone’s
everyday work.
• E&T processes emphasize just-in-time training with the right balance of hands-on,
classroom, and digital, etc.
• E&T helps everyone become both a learner and a teacher. Subject-matter experts (SMEs)
are the cornerstones of a knowledge organization, sharing their expertise, but everyone
shares knowledge through E&T’s learn-do-teach process.

E&T is a set of processes and systems to deliver knowledge (education) and skills (training) to
people. E&T designs and delivers learning experiences to capitalize on the capability individuals already
possess, and then to continue to develop new or improved capabilities to meet the business goals. The
E&T Pillar activities should always anticipate and prepare for the capability needs of the future
organization (i.e., movement to the next IWS phase).

• Standardize best-in-class education and training systems and practices.
• Emphasize “Performance-Based” Just in Time (JIT) training methods.
• Create processes and delivery methods which enable self-development.
• Develop leaders as trainers, using roll-down training methods.
• Maintain a standard of performance based training for all training.
• Use the E&T phase implementation to build systems in a logical order.

E&T Pillar Capability Delivers

Results: Business results are improved through the elimination of losses due to lack of skill. All
SQPCDM (Safety, Quality, Production, Cost, Delivery, and Morale) results and other targeted
business result areas are improved as the capability of all employees’ increases.
Individual and team E&T goals are linked to business results. All training is driven by an identified
business need.
Systems: The systems necessary to improve E&T organization capability are developed,
improved and maintained through the pillar Standard Work Processes (SWP) and Tools. E&T
Phase Activities are used to establish SWP’s in the logical order.
Behaviors: New behaviors emerge as everyone becomes a student and a teacher as part of their
every-day work. E&T implementation brings about a cultural shift in the way we think about and
implement training. The focus is on Just-In-Time and learning by doing, using simple, efficient
tools and training delivery methods. The Learn-Do-Teach principle is a cornerstone of IWS.

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Education & Training Pillar

E&T is designed to build on the current capability in our organizations. Organizations assess their
current capabilities and analyze the losses due to lack of skill and identify gaps that must be
closed by education and training. IWS tools are provided to do this assessment, including Loss
Analysis and E&T Needs Assessment. Through E&T activities, learning systems are improved and
maintained. Learning and teaching occur as needed with total employee participation as both
students and teachers.

Work Processes Provided by the E&T Pillar

1. Skill Needs Assessment & Prioritization SWP: A list or a means to identify and prioritize
all skill and knowledge training needs, both current and future. A list of highest priority
training needs the site will take action on during the next planning period, based on
analysis of Losses Due to Lack of Skill.
2. Site Training Plan Development & Management SWP: A plan to close capability gaps is
developed for each site including the development of a training catalog and calendar. The
catalog should include curriculum, pre-requisites, result, content, method, target
audience, instructor, program dates, cost, and relationship to other training.
3. Training, Curriculum and Trainer Development SWP: To develop and qualify training
materials based on E&T methodologies. Trainers are selected, trained and qualified to be
effective trainers. Only Subject Matter Experts should give training and qualify others.
Training builds on itself as outlined in the curriculum. Training packages and materials are
in place and up to date.
4. Training Delivery Method & Strategy Selection SWP: The Training Delivery Method (OPL
on- or off-job, roll-down, etc.) is determined for each training program in the site training
plan. A process exists that ensures that all (internal and external) training within the site
meets the E&T criteria.
5. Training Facilities & Materials Management SWP: Facilities and materials are available
to deliver the site training plan.
6. Qualification Process SWP: Process and criteria to identify, develop and qualify
individuals on the subject material. All should be qualified through demonstration of the
actual skill.
Skill Needs Assessment &

Site Training Plan Training Facilities &

Development Materials Management

Training, Curriculum & Trainer


Training Delivery Method &

Strategy Selection

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Education & Training Pillar

E&T Pillar Work Processes are Dynamic

After all 6 E&T SWP’s are implemented, the E&T Pillar methodologies and tools are designed to
be used continually to eliminate identified skill and lack of knowledge losses, both current and
future. The yearly training plan is renewed annually as part of the site SDDS process in the
sequence represented below.
Training, Curriculum &
Trainer Development Training Delivery and
Training Facilities &
Qualification Process

Training Plan Development 5- Facilities,

& Management methods,
trainer 6-
to close the
4- Training
Plan E&T Annual Work
(performed in each
Business) 1- CBN, losses,
3- needs are
Determine clear
skill gap
against CBN
2- CBN
Skill Needs connection
& Prioritization

The annual Training Plan Development is triggered off the Compelling Business Need (CBN) and
SDDS process. The flow of this circle can be triggered any time there is a business need or
change requiring another look at what the business is asking us to do. An obvious example is
whenever an OPM is executed it is a clear indicator that skills and knowledge need to be re-
investigated. The dark blue boxes indicate the SWP’s that are used in the E&T annual work

It should be clear from the above graphic that the E&T processes and tools are not time
dependent. They can be used, and are expected to be used, at any point in time that the
business needs change or losses are identified that our tools can eliminate. Just a few examples
of the change triggers could be the following:
• A new initiative that will bring in new equipment
• Future staffing requirements to expand the organization
• A new CBN that has been deployed
• New losses that have been identified by the business, etc.

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Education & Training Pillar

Section 2: Pillar Path to Success

The E&T Pillar will be building capability in the organization to eliminate all losses due to lack of
skill and knowledge and training systems. Beginning in Phase 0, it is the responsibility of the
leaders to first Learn the capability of the phase for each pillar then demonstrate proficiency by
Do’ing and then leaders Teach and coach the organization in the capability, leveraging to
achieve the site’s Compelling Business Need. This is a critical part of Servant Leadership,
leader’s Learn-Do-Teach, and Coaching on the Floor (COF). Below are the E&T Pillar’s Path to
Success. More details can be found in the Phases and Pillar Assessment section of this
Guidebook and the E&T Pillar’s Path to Success Guide.

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Education & Training Pillar

After successfully meeting the requirements of the Phase 0 Audit, the site is ready to start the
journey into Phase 1 of IWS, building capability across the site.

Section 3: Skill Needs Assessment &

Prioritization SWP
Identify Skills Needed for the CBN and Future
The Organizational Performance Model defines the skill required to create the desired zero loss
culture. Yearly renewal will define the required skills for all individuals. Additionally, new
production technology will add additional skill requirements. All of these sources need to be
evaluated and compared to the current skill set of the organization.

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Education & Training Pillar

What is Skill?
• Skill is the ability to do one’s job, to apply knowledge and experience correctly and
reflexively in all kinds of events for an extended period of time.
• The more swiftly a person can deal with an abnormality, the higher the skill level.
• Skill is the product of personal motivation, training and the opportunity to demonstrate
the skill on the job.

A work process, a sub-work process, a skill, a task, and knowledge need to be defined and
understood for a common language across all sites. Each of these terms has their own unique
definition. Depending on your language and your culture, they can mean very different things.
Also even in the same culture or location, but in different major work designs, they can mean
different things.

E&T has aligned to a term called “proficiency” for assessing the level of skill. A way to think
about Proficiencies is with the word commonly called “knowledge level”. It is important to
understand the proficiency levels (knowledge) for each task that an employee is expected to
perform. A group of tasks make up a “skill set”.
1 Cannot do
2 Knows in theory, can do with help
Proficiency Level 3 Has theoretical knowledge and practical experience; can do independently
4 Has substantial experience, can teach others
5 Can teach, assess, design and implement new systems and technologies

Competence today includes the ability to continuously learn, work across demographic and
geographic boundaries, and create meaning along the way. Instead of passive receptacles for
information, learners are active participants - learning by solving real world problems.

The Education and Training pillar provides the guidance and facilitates the process of identifying
the gaps. They then have the tools to guide the development of the appropriate training
materials and the development of trainers.

Skill Needs Assessment & Prioritization SWP

Objective of the SWP

The objective of this Standard Work Process is to:
• Clarify the importance of performing a Skill Needs
• Provide guidance on how to conduct a Skill Needs
• Provide guidance on how to prioritize the identified

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Education & Training Pillar

• Clarify the link between prioritization and effective execution of a training plan

Provide data, plans and systems to ensure that skill needs are met in an efficient and timely

Linkage to Loss Elimination

The output for this process is a list that includes what (Priority skills), whom (audience) and
which losses the targeted trainings are going to eliminate.

Link to Organization’s Critical Measures:

Identify Key Prioritize key skill Eliminate skill Eliminate As measured by

skill gaps gaps gaps Losses PQCDSM or Key
Performance Indices

Skill Needs Assessment

E&T is a foundation pillar that should be implemented regardless of where your site is. The site
skill profile will be facilitated by the Organization Pillar. The skill profile will define what skills
and proficiencies the site, departments, lines and teams need to achieve the IWS Vision and
Site CBN. Operations will also assess their organization by individual on skill capability against
the profile using the E&T Pillar’s defined Site Skill Matrix Tracking System.

Skill Needs Prioritization

Skill Needs Prioritization is a tool within E&T that is triggered off of losses to drive the
importance of specific skill gaps (needs) to deliver the Site CBN. 30% of sites losses can be
attributed to skill. This tool helps define where to focus first.

The Skill Prioritization Process should be activated and used during E&T Phase 1, recognizing
that in this step there may not be detailed skill matrices yet in place. A simpler process is often
used in Phase 1 to define the main skill needs using the best information available. By E&T
Phase 2, it is mandatory skill matrices are used as the basis for assessment.

Having completed the skill needs assessment you will have a list of the gaps you will need to
close. The next step is to focus your efforts on the most relevant items which have the highest
impact on your business results. The prioritization matrix is one means of evaluating each
opportunity and putting the opportunities into a priority Pareto. This can easily be created in

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Education & Training Pillar

Potential losses addressed by skill capability improvement:

Stops Overtime Quality Losses (Scrap Product)
Breakdowns M&R MTBF
Process Failure Demurrage MOE

Skill gaps used in the vertical axis should be specific and qualify-able:
Is Qualify-able Is Not Qualify-able
Root cause analysis Troubleshooting
How to find parts in the storeroom using SAP SAP training
How to run a trend report in Proficiency Proficiency Training
Line wrapper sealing section set up How to changeover line 3

• The process may be an inductive session to collect all current and future training needs
• Use the Why-why tool to specify the training needs for the identified losses
• Describe skills using performance based concept

Executing this SWP is the first step in reducing losses in the business due to lack of skill and
knowledge. It provides a business:

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Education & Training Pillar

• A means to assess current skills

• A standard approach to identify tasks and skills necessary to achieve business results
• Guidance on how to prioritize the identified needs
• Enables the development of the Site Training Plan

Section 4: Training Plan Development &

Management SWP
Overview of the Training Plan Development & Management SWP
Objective of the SWP:
There is a common way for the organization to establish the training plan for a period of time.
The plan includes the priority skills, the calendar, the audience, the resources needed (facilities
& trainers), and the training methods to be applied in each case.

Training activities are part of the business plan, and resources are committed to support them.
Each training uses the most appropriate delivery methods. There is a “tool-box” of training
methods available and there is an identified owner in each site who supports every trainer or
training designer to recommend the best training delivery method.

Key Concepts:
• The list of prioritized training is the input to the process
• Training Calendar is consistent with the business plan and supports it
• No inefficiencies are in the training delivery due to bad planning
• Trainer development plans and facilities & material procurement are part of the Training
• Established E&T principles and methods are used to select the training methodology for
each training topic.
• Budget money is allocated by leadership for the training that is selected as critical for
loss elimination.
Linkage to Loss Elimination:
• Site Training Plan helps the organization to recover agreed loss amount.
• Training Calendar is visible in the organization
• Training Plan follow up is part of the business plan follow up

Training Calendar
The E&T Pillar maintains a training calendar that is accessible by all. The training calendar is
about providing the schedule of when a training is to occur. The training calendar for the
upcoming year should be renewed as part of the site SDDS process so major training events are

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Education & Training Pillar

scheduled, planned and supported by the organization. The training calendar is also dynamic
and updated as new training needs are identified by operations throughout the year.

Process Flow Chart: Annual E&T Pillar Training Plan Development &
E&T Pillar reps develop initial Skill Needs List based on site skill profile gaps
and Work & Development Plan skill gaps by person and by team.

Site Loss Analysis

E&T Pillar reps work with Dept and Team leaders to identify additional skill
gaps by person by team for IWS skills to achieve the CBN.

Prioritize final Skill Needs List

Leadership Pillar Team

review & approval

E&T Pillar Team develops final Annual Master Training


E&T Pillar Team coordinates resources for

developing the training materials, training
facilities, and qualified trainers
Leadership Pillar Team aligns the
support needed for Site Annual
Training Program
E&T Pillar develops Annual Training Plan
and Training Calendar

E&T Pillar manages the Training Scheduling

System. E&T Pillar reps schedule their
people for training and review new training

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Education & Training Pillar

Section 5: Training, Curriculum and

Trainer Development SWP
SWP Objective, Summary & Overview
A. SWP Objective:
The objective of this Standard Work Process is threefold:
• Provide guidelines for developing high quality
training that any subject matter expert or trainer in
the organization can use;
• Clarify when to design and use a curriculum, and
provide a guideline for how to do so; and
• Provide guidelines and tools for developing internal
trainers, with the expectation that all P&G sites have
consistent approaches and trainers are of high
…all of which serve to eliminate losses due to inefficient or ineffective training.
B. SWP Summary:
Who should use this SWP: Site E&T pillar owner, pillar team members, and team/department training leaders
When: Foundation phase Prerequisites:
1. Site E&T pillar owner, pillar team members, and key team/department
training leaders are qualified on the use of this SWP
2. Site E&T Pillar leader, pillar team members, and key team/department training
leaders have implemented Expert-On-The-Job Training tools

Resources: IWS Leaders, Global E&T Pillar Leader, GBU E&T pillar leaders, Plant Managers, E&T
Pillar Team members

C. SWP Overview:
Developing training content is an important step in the overall process to minimize skill-
related losses. This SWP provides guidelines to ensure training content has all important
elements and effectively meets the learning need for which it is designed.
A curriculum is a valuable ‘road-map’ that indicates what courses of study are required for
an individual to meet the expectations of a skill or role. Curricula are defined according to
skill or role, and are delivered according to the most urgent priorities as defined in the Skill
Needs Assessment SWP and linked to the Site/Organization Training Plan SWP.
All teaching, whether classroom or ‘on-the-job’ must be done by qualified trainers. Proper
qualification of trainers ensures a high quality, consistent learning experience for the
trainee. Following a basic set of procedures for qualification, an individual can enhance his
or her own knowledge and competency by becoming a trainer, and can serve as a role
model to others in the organization.

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Education & Training Pillar

Training Development Overview

Developing Training
A person who is an expert in the subject matter that is to be taught (often referred to as
“Subject Matter Expert” or “SME”) is the primary resource for developing the training content.
The SME is expected to draw upon the E&T resources at the site or department level for
coaching and review of training content, to ensure it meets expectations of E&T Pillar tools.
The SME should have attended and qualified via the Expert On-The-Job training program. If the
SME will conduct the training as well, the SME should meet all qualification criteria to become a
Each training should have the following components:
a. Learning Objective(s)
b. Tasks or knowledge to be taught with timings
c. Resources (e.g. job aids) to be used or referenced
d. Course summary and a review of the material presented
e. Verification step – demonstration or knowledge check (refer to E&T Qualification
Process SWP)

Training Curriculum Development

Developing Training Curricula
1. Role: ‘function’ a person performs in their job that is expected to encompass a set of
skills. A role could be as broad as a Job Title (e.g. XYZ Process Mechanic), or more
specific, referring to smaller functions that are assigned to individuals (e.g. E&T Pillar
Owner, Department Safety Coordinator). It is common for a given individual to have
more than one role at a time.
2. Curriculum: A series of training subjects, linked to needed skills and knowledge that is
arranged in a logical sequence in order to build the capability for a role over time.

Reasons for Using a Curriculum:

The purpose of a curriculum is to outline the key learning topics that are required for an
individual to develop in their role(s), according to the needs of the business that reduce
organizational losses, or meet career goals.
A good curriculum:
1. Provides a clear road map to improve individual capability and contribution.
2. Eliminates the losses due to lack of direction on how to acquire needed skill and
3. Recognizes that different people/roles may need different types of training
4. Aligned with development plans as outlined in each individual’s Work &
Development Plan.

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Tools for Standardizing and managing curricula:

Curricula may vary in format or type. In some cases, curricula are closely tied to skill,
where training is defined by the skill. In addition, the curriculum details the order in
which the skills are to be obtained, and the training methods required, and in some
cases the trainer(s) is identified. In other cases, as is often the case for a managerial role
or even a new hire, a curriculum is a more general guide to training requirements, also
indicating requirements, order of learning etc., but the link to skill may not be as formal.
Because of the different types of curricula, there are several tools that can be used to
record and manage a curriculum. These can include: digital training databases, digital
skill tracking systems and templates built using Microsoft Excel. There are examples of
each of these tools in the Tools portion of the website.

Curriculum is a set courses and skills needed for a specific role; do not mix up with training

Trainer Development
Trainer Qualification Requirements
Every trainer of a skill must be considered a Subject Matter Expert in the skill being trained and
also qualified to train. No one knows the subject nor is better equipped to train in a skill than
the people that are site experts in that skill.

Types of Training for the Trainer:

1. If the trainer is expected to be primarily a classroom trainer (vs. on-the-job) he or she
should have training and skills in effectively running a classroom training program (e.g.
High Impact Training Deliver (HIT-D) or an equivalent program)
2. If the trainer is expected be primarily an On-The-Job trainer, he/she should complete
eOJT training or the equivalent.

Trainer Development Key Concepts:

1. To be an expert in a subject does not mean one is naturally a good trainer of the subject.
2. Training skills can be learned.
3. The trainer should be considered a Subject Matter Expert in the skill being trained.
4. The trainer must be qualified as a trainer of the specific course he or she plans to teach.
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5. The Trainer should meet the qualifications at the target levels.

a. Classroom Trainer
b. On-the-Job Trainer
6. Observation of Training Sessions
When doing his or her first training, the new trainer should be rated on the Trainer Skills
Evaluation through observation by a Qualified Trainer.

• The organization will have to initially define who the subject matter experts are in the site
• E&T trains and qualifies on the training skills
• People qualified as experts and trainers are recognized as such

Section 6: Training Delivery Method &

Strategy Selection SWP
Training Delivery Method and Strategy
Objective of the SWP:
The process defined by this SWP is intended to maximize the
benefits of site training session(s) by ensuring that content is
conveyed through the best possible deployment strategy and
design method given the subject matter complexity, the
availability of internal/external resources, the number of
participants, and the urgency of the training.


Who Should Use this: SMEs and Trainers

When: Activate in Foundation Phase and consult whenever preparing a training plan
Prerequisites: 1. Site E&T pillar owner, pillar team members, and key team / department training
leaders are qualified on the use of this SWP
2. Site / organizations training needs are identified and prioritized
Resources Business Leaders, Business Process Owners, Site E&T Pillar, L&D
Resources, External SMEs

Selection of a deployment strategy and the assignment of a training design method that will maximize
effectiveness of delivery.

In-process Measures:
• System is in place to consistently measure effectiveness of the training against identified loss
• Training delivery across the organization is primarily Learn/Do/Teach with hands on verification

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Output Measure:
• Identified losses are appropriately reduced

Linkage to Critical Measures is as follows:

Select Appropriate To Deliver To Eliminate or To Improve Results in

Strategy and Method Effective Training Prevent Loss SQPCDM Measures

Training Delivery Method

Training delivery method is the medium used for the training itself. There are 5 typical methods of
training delivery.
Training Self-Study • Training material in binders or in electronic files
Delivery • Qualification checks (tests and or step-up cards)
Methods OJT • OPLs, job aids
Course • As above plus room, projecting facilities, flip charts, pens…
Workshop • As above plus materials to practice “hands on” activities
One on one • One on one session between a SME and trainee.

Training Delivery Strategy

Training delivery strategy is the “how” of the training session; describes the knowledge transfer process
from trainer to trainee.
Training Roll Down An initial group of trainees are qualified by a subject matter expert on a task or
Delivery set of tasks. This group of trainees then become the trainers and transfer skills
Strategies to a secondary group of trainees.
One Shot Knowledge or skills are transmitted in a single learning event.
Individual Subject Matter Expert provides direct training to a single individual based on their skills.
Self-Training Trainee leads knowledge/skill acquisition process; consults outside support as needed

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Section 7: Training Facilities & Materials

Management SWP
Identify training facility and materials requirements
Site training facilities and materials exist to support the organization’s capability development
needs as determined by the Training Plan Development and Management SWP and Skill Needs
Assessment & Prioritization SWP.
The objective of this SWP is to provide guidance on the current
best approach to develop and maintain training facilities and
training materials. Training facilities and materials are
available when and where needed! Training facilities and
materials should be incorporated into the site budget to
ensure they are in place.

Who shall use this CBA • Business Leaders
• Training facilities and material management process
owner (s)
• Electronic systems owner
• Subject Matter Experts
Who are the customers of the work process • Site population
• Business Leaders
When • From the Foundation phase onwards
Pre Requisites • SWP users are trained in this SWP
• Training Plan Development & Management is in
• Site training /strategy and delivery methods have
been defined
Resources • IWS Leaders / Global E&T Pillar Leader / GBU E&T
pillar leaders, Plant Managers, E&T Pillar Team

Training facility: Location(s) that can contain computers, hands-on models, projectors,
libraries and other materials that trainers and trainees use to conduct training and / or
workshop activities
Training material management: The process by which site training materials are created
and maintained for easy retrieval and use.

Key Concepts:
• Facilities and materials availability is not a barrier for training plan execution.

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• Facilities allow performance based training delivery.

• As a site progresses through the phases of IWS, training will be delivered 24/7 and be
self-directed; facilities and materials will need to accommodate and enable.

Critical Measures:

Facilities and To support selected To Execute To Increase To eliminate / prevent

Materials Training Delivery Training Plan person’s skills losses and improve
available Strategies selected SQPCDM results

Facility Management
When improvement or a facility for training is needed, the site must build this into their budget.
The losses due to lack of skill are 25-30% of the overall losses at a site. Training facilities and
equipment are a critical part of the continuous improvement journey.
Plan and do it.

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Materials Management
It is likely you have today some methodology to manage materials associated with curricula,
training, trainers, certifications, etc. Many systems today manage those materials within an
information technology platform. The Materials Management work process is to ensure that all
of the education and training information and content is captured, controlled, maintained and
easily accessible for use in training. In addition, the Materials Management of E&T focuses on
“one truth”. There should be one set of materials for each training subject/skill.

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Section 8: Qualification Process SWP

Qualification Process SWP Overview
The objective of this SWP is to:
- Clarify the Qualification Process using the Globally
Standardized Step Up Card 1 – 5 levels.
- Provide a guideline to promote standard application of
trainee qualification approach.
- Ensure that trainees will sufficiently acquire and retain
trained skills so that the person(s) may employ those
skills at the needed time/place to eliminate losses due to lack of skill or knowledge.

Who Should Use this CBA: Business Leader, Business Process Owner, SMEs and Training Leaders
When: Activate in Phase 1. On-going and deeper into the organization Phase 2-4.
Prerequisites: 1. Site E&T pillar owner, pillar team members, and key team/department training
leaders are qualified to use this SWP
2. Site/organization training needs are identified and prioritized
3. A prioritized site training plan exists
4. Training Facilities are established and relevant training materials are available
5. An appropriate delivery method and strategy selection have been identified
Resources: E&T Pillar Team

The process defined by this SWP is intended to promote the effectiveness of site training
through the establishment of a standardized qualification process.

Key Concepts:
• Qualification is focused upon performance
• Training and qualification should be designed to avoid periodic “re-qualification”
• For skill qualification, a written test or class attendance is generally not sufficient to
quality the person; the skill must be demonstrated and agreed to be the subject matter
• The trainer, as subject matter expert, should also be the qualifier.

The output of the process is qualified personnel able to apply their skill and knowledge at any
time or place needed and, in so doing, eliminate loss.

Linkage to Critical Measures

Deliver Priority Training Using Qualify Trainee Uses Skill To Eliminate or

Appropriate Method Trainees on the Floor Prevent Loss
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Qualification Flowchart
Qualification Process
Qualifications of all skills at the site use the same qualification process:

Identify Target Level for

Specific Role

Identify Gap

Identify Development Needs

Develop Plan to Eliminate Gap

and Review with Qualifier

Include Plan as Part of the

Individual’s W&DP

Execute Plan

Self-Assessment and
Review with Qualifier

No Target Level



Each individual is responsible for his or her own development. A Step-Up Card facilitates the
self-assessment process. Individuals should review their evaluation and development plan
with their identified Qualifier.

Qualifiers: The Subject Matter Experts are the trainers and qualifiers of the skill that they
have expertise in. The Qualifiers of each skill should be documented at the site level and
shared broadly with the organization. If there is an electronic system used to track
qualification, the qualifiers should have access to the system to enter qualification level

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Qualification Levels
The qualification level system is used for all skills and is based on the proficiency of the trainee
in the skill being assessed.
1 Cannot do
2 Knows in theory, can do with help
Proficiency Level 3 Has theoretical knowledge and practical experience; can do independently
4 Has substantial experience, can teach others
5 Can teach, assess, design and implement new systems and technologies

Pillar Specific Qualification

Qualification of Pillar Leaders, Pillar Team Members, and Leaders in the organization follows
the same concepts as any other skill attainment, Learn-Do-Teach performance based
demonstration. The pillar specific step up cards are all available in the Qualification section in
each Pillar web site area.
Autonomous Maintenance
Education and Training
Focused Improvement
Health Safety & Environment
Initiative Management
Progressive Maintenance
Supply Network
Work Process Improvement

Proficiency Levels for Pillars

1. Cannot do. No capability.
2. Knows in theory, can do with help. Understands the “why,” “what,” and
methodologies of the Pillar, the business results and in-process measures, integration
potential, key behavior changes required, etc. These people can provide directional
guidance, but normally do not have the capability to implement.
3. Has theoretical knowledge and practical experience; can do independently. Has had
practical, hands-on learning experience in the subject matter. These people can run
projects and administer programs effectively, usually with supervision. Can assess
progress/content of the Pillar and do gap analysis.
4. Has substantial experience, can teach others. Has completed a substantial
implementation process, applying the tools and methodologies. These people are very
experienced and work with minimal supervision. They make key decisions using their
own judgment, with input from others. Can coach, consult, diagnose to root cause, and
create countermeasures for the Pillar. Is able to train others in a roll-down manner, and
has demonstrated the ability to coach and consult with others on a given subject

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Education & Training Pillar

5. Can teach, assess, design and implement new systems and technologies. Has had
experience developing Pillar content and then guiding and/or influencing the application
within a site, region or globe. These experts develop the new or continually improving
standards for this Pillar. They are recognized as experts and are called upon by others to
solve the most complex problems associated with this Pillar. These people are strategic
decision makers who work with virtually no supervision. They break new ground and
coach and evaluate others. They have demonstrated the ability to train other Trainers
in a roll-down manner, plus the ability to coach and consult with others on a given Pillar.

Site Qualification Tracking

The E&T pillar will monitor and track the qualification of all pillar members. This approach
integrates and facilitates the health of all pillars. Each pillar will also track their team
qualification. Attaining the skills to be fully qualified is an integral part of each pillar’s Master
Plan and PDCA process.

Section 9: Manage the Pillar

E&T Relationship to Other Pillars (Gives & Gets)
The E&T Pillar is an enabling pillar, responsible for the development and management of the
systems necessary to support the elimination of losses due to lack of skill in the organization.
Other Pillar owners and Pillar teams are responsible for developing the training content, and for
providing the resources, to deliver the training needed within their specific Pillars. The
organization itself is responsible for using these resources to develop and deliver the training it
needs to eliminate losses and develop
Methods for Effective Learning
requisite capabilities.
In simplest terms, E&T receives or “gets” Methodologies

requests for help from other Pillars on how to

Process to Assess
develop effective training, and E&T provides Training Skill Needs
or “gives” the training methods and processes
to the other Pillars. E&T must ensure that its OTHER
systems are designed to support the skill PILLARS
needs of the work system design and career How to Address
Lack of Skills?
development effectively and efficiently.
Individual W&DP’s are a key linkage between How to address
Training System Gaps?
skill gaps and training needs.
Requests for How-To’s

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Education & Training Pillar

During Phase 0, E&T leaders must work with the other site Pillar Leaders to define how the
Pillars should work together, and then must build these “Gives & Gets” into all the Pillar
Charters and Master Plans. Leadership should ensure that a Give-Get discussion is held among
all the Pillar Leaders. The outcome of this discussion should be a very specific and clear
agreement on the Gives and Gets for that site.

The table below is an example that provides a good starting point for the Gives/Gets discussion
which should be held in each organization during pillar activation. Each site will develop its own
unique Give/Get list. The Give/Get process is owned by the Leadership Pillar.

E&T Pillar Gives/Gets

Gives to all Pillars: The E&T Pillar is Responsible for giving the Gets from all Pillars: Request(s) on how to prepare
following tools and the related CBA’s to the organization. effective training and develop a robust training system,
using the E&T Work Processes.
GIVES to Leadership Pillar GETS from Leadership Pillar
* System for on-boarding, initial assignment and after- • Quantifiable Data to measure Losses Due to Lack of
transfer training Skills
* Training feedback and result tracking • SDDS
* Process to measure Losses Due to Lack of Skills • CBN- Business Need
* EOJT and OPL type of standard training material • OGSM Targets
• Site IWS Master plan
GIVES to Organization Pillar GETS from Organization Pillar
* System to extract training needs from W&DP • Facilitation of definition of skill requirements
* Skill matrix format and process • Technician rotation system
* Training records storage • Reward and selection process for trainers
* Maintaining the IWS Qualification chart • DMS for W&DP linkage to skill development needs
* Facilitation of skill block definition based on skills needed • Organization reporting structure (Team/Dept/Plant)
• Work System Design, Role descriptions and Task lists
GIVES to AM Pillar GETS from AM Pillar
* OPL Tracking & Filing system * Loss data due to lack of skill
* Training request system • CIL Standard and program
* Site training records • Abnormality handling
* How to design training, when to give it • SMEs for AM Step 4 Training
* Coordination of AM training
GIVES to PM Pillar GETS from PM Pillar
* How to design training * Inputs to training needs assessment
* Training processes & systems * Resources to conduct technical training
* Systems to select trainees to ensure success * Assistance in course design for tech. training
* Facilities and materials f or training * Selection criteria for trainee selection
* Qualification process for PM member • Visual controls and lubrication activities
GIVES to FI Pillar GETS from FI Pillar
* Support FI members training/education needs * Loss analysis data
* Develop FI trainer training skills * Trainer resources for FI Teams
* Input to new training needs
GIVES to IM Pillar GETS from IM Pillar
• TT&T in Standard Training system * TT&T execution and completion plan
• Training requirements for new initiatives

GIVES to Quality Pillar GETS from Quality Pillar

* Incorporate Key Elements training into site system * Trainers for quality systems
* Key Element #2 training for E&T pillar members

GIVES to WPI Pillar GETS from WPI Pillar

* Train-the-Trainer training * Filing and records storage system
* 5-S standards, training and audit systems

GIVES to HS&E Pillar GETS from HS&E Pillar

• Train-the-Trainer training (TT & T) • Trainers and training materials for HS&E

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Education & Training Pillar

GIVES TO SN Pillar GETS from SN Pillar

*Support and help design Phase 3 lead flow model training * flow model content, expected results, & targets
• Skill matrix for team and individual associated with SN supply network training content and requirements
• Support Pillar team integration with SN content and • Skill requirements and step up card content
context (particularly phase III)
• Training facilities, step up card formats, LMS Qualification
process for PM member
• Provide train-the-trainer training

Pillar Interrelationships (Integration):

Education and Training is linked to every pillar. In fact, E&T is the “enabling” pillar that
supports all the work we do in an organization whether they have developed pillars or not. The
following are very basic descriptions of how the different pillars might integrate or interact with
the E&T Pillar in a very practical way. It is not meant to be a formal Gives / Gets description.

Education & Training and Leadership:

This is arguably most important integration point of this or any other pillar. Leadership’s
support to develop a learning environment is critical. In fact, the concept of everybody is a
teacher and a learner is uniquely an E&T concept, but the expectation to develop a culture that
believes this point and models the concept is clearly driven by leadership. We also know from
the “Circular Journey” that the “what and when” of the pillar capability is driven from
Leadership in the form of the CBN. We must remember that everything we do is based on the
Business need and that comes from Leadership.

Education & Training and Every Other Pillar:

As an enabling pillar, E&T touches every work process, new tool, initiative, organization design,
safety, Unified Problem Solving (UPS) process, loss analysis, quality point education, standard
work roll out, CIL implementation, SME development, etc. As a leader in IWS, P&G enables the
development of what they consider their greatest asset: their employees. Their employees do
this through utilization of all the CBA’s and assure capability is maintained through their SWP’s.
They own tools such as OPL’s, Job Aids, eLearning, Skill Matrices, and Step-up Cards. They
develop trainers in how to train in the form of Expert On-the Job Training (EOJT). They do NOT
perform the training, rather they supply tools and capabilities such that the SME’s can provide
the training efficiently and effectively.

• E&T is integrated into everything the organization does. You touch every work
process and every pillar every day.
• E&T is not a journey of new tools as you develop our capability. Rather it is a
journey of developing the capability to use those tools farther and farther into
the organization as the site matures toward SST’s.
• E&T is a Foundation Pillar.
• The E&T processes start with the Business Need by understanding the losses
associated with lack of Skill and Knowledge as it relates to the CBN.

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Education & Training Pillar

• The Training Plan renewal initiates every time there is a change in the business
that will necessitate looking at skills and where they reside.
• E&T is an enabler to execute a very core value: the fact that people are your
greatest asset.
• The “How to” and training to execute the E&T concepts are located on the
web site.

Pillar Organization, Roles and Responsibilities

The E&T Pillar is organized and led by four groups.
1. Global Steering Team
The Global Steering Team includes representatives from each of the GBU’s as well as Regional
representatives. The Regional representatives have responsibility for regional deployment of
the E&T Pillar in the form of training events.
The Global Steering Team is led by the Global E&T Pillar Leader. The Global Pillar Leader reports
to the Global IWS Director in this capacity, and participates in establishing overall direction via
the team with representatives from each of the Pillars, called the Global Pillar Leaders.
2. GBU Steering Team
E&T Pillar capability and application priorities that support delivering the Compelling Business
Need. The GBU team is led by a member of the Global Steering Team.
3. Regional Steering Team
Each of the four geographic regions, Asia, Europe, Latin America and North America will
maintain regional E&T Pillar networks. The regional network deploys training events and
benchmarks their improvement activities. The regional networks are led by a member of the
Global Steering Team.
4. Site E&T Pillar Team
Sites that have activated IWS will have an E&T Pillar Team in place. The E&T Pillar Team will be
organized as a horizontal process team. A representative from each department/area at the
site should be on the team. One person will be assigned to lead the E&T Pillar Team, and be
accountable to Site Leadership for the development, design, deployment, and execution of the
E&T Pillar. Site Leadership will provide adequate resources to the E&T Pillar Leader to develop
and deploy capability to the site in order to achieve skill loss goals and to maintain E&T
systems. Site Leadership will also ensure E&T Pillar responsibilities are reflected in individual
Work and Development Plans (W&DP’s).
Pillar Roles & Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities associated with the E&T Pillar are described below.
Global E&T Pillar Leader
* Responsible for Global Pillar Guidebook and Company Intranet site.
* Responsible for updating the Guidebook and Company Intranet site.
* Responsible for ensuring the Pillar content remains consistent with the Company’s
electronic training and skill tracking program.

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Education & Training Pillar

* Responsible for maintaining interface with the Global Integrated Work Systems (IWS)
structure for the Pillar.
GBU/Regional E&T Pillar Leader
* Responsible for deploying the Global Pillar Guidebook to the GBU/Region.
* Responsible for maintaining the E&T Pillar network with the GBU/Region to provide
pillar support, drive continual improvement, capture learning, and facilitate
* Is a member of the Global E&T Pillar Team and provides GBU/Regional feedback and
learning on ways to improve the Global E&T Pillar.
* Responsible to network with IWS Managers and Internal Consultants to ensure
integration of pillar activities is occurring appropriately.
Site E&T Pillar Leader
• Leads the E&T Pillar effort in the development of capability within a site to meet the
needs of the Compelling Business Need.
• Owns and maintains E&T Pillar Master Plan and reviews it with the Plant Leadership
team and other pillar leaders.

Pillar Systems, Measures and Behaviors

Objectives, & Measures
Required Measures
Outcome Measure: Elimination of Losses due to Lack of Skill
((Reference: Supply Chain Loss Analysis (SCLA) CBA))
Pillar In-Process measures:
1. E&T portion of annual Phase Assessment shows continuous improvement of training
system capability
2. E&T Steps completed
3. Percent of team members qualified at target level
4. Refer to the IWS E&T Implementation Overview of phase intents, measures and
cultural elements

E&T capability growth over time:

At what level in the organization should we expect the pillar capabilities to reside? The answer
to that question actually defines the E&T Pillar capability journey over time.
To begin our understanding of this concept, we should look at a typical plant or site
organizational design. Let’s assume that the design lays out the levels in the site as follows:
• Plant
• Value Stream (VS)
• Department
• Team (Self Sufficient SCT’s)
Understanding what capability and when it should reside at each level of the organization is all
part of the Zero Loss Journey (ZLJ) design that organizations create as they enter into the IWS
journey. Ultimately, we realize that Self Sufficient Teams (SST’s) are where we will have a

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Education & Training Pillar

competitive advantage over any competition. E&T is designed around the following very
important pillar concept:

The E&T Pillar journey is NOT about frequently introducing new tools into the
organization. Rather it is about continually moving the capability and the execution of our
tools deeper and deeper into the organization. Ultimately that means they all reside in the

Therefore, it holds true that early in a plant or organization’s development, the E&T tools and
capabilities will reside mainly at the plant level. As the organization progresses through their
IWS journey, the E&T capability to execute those tools will move to the Value Stream level,
then Department and eventually the ultimate design level at the team.

This simple concept of driving tools and execution deeper into the organization means that the
E&T pillar is considered to be a Foundation Pillar. You will learn more about the difference
between Pillars as you study the IWS Journey and all eleven (11) pillars. For now, remember
that if the tools the Pillar utilizes do not change over time (versus items that do change such as
AM 1 – 6, or PM 1 - 6, or the SN journey), the Pillar is “Foundation” and critical to the
implementation of all the other Pillars.

Pillar Operation: Definition of Terms

There are some terms used in this Education & Training Guidebook which require definition in
order to understand how the pillar functions. The processes for activating and managing a
Pillar are owned and provided by the Leadership Pillar and can be found in the Leadership Pillar

Systems, Measures and Behaviors

There are four Phases to the implementation of IWS, plus a preparation phase (“Phase 0”).
Each Phase describes the purpose of all activated pillars during a defined period of time. (See
diagram next page).

The E&T Pillar has an annual pillar assessment that is completed as part of the SDDS process.
The E&T Pillar Annual Assessment is the tool the pillar uses to assess if they have developed the
capability and results needed for the phase the site is in currently. For areas that are not fully
deployed, these become part of the E&T Pillar’s Master Plan for the coming year. Each site will
be calibrated by their Regional Pillar Leader on assessing the site to ensure all sites have a
standard approach and expectations for the phase.

Standard E&T Work Processes

The Standard E&T Work Processes are the processes and systems which E&T is responsible for
creating in a plant or site in order to increase capability and eliminate losses due to skill lack or
inefficient learning processes.

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All Standard Work Processes and tools are activated in Phase 0 as part of the lead line work.
The capability goes down further in the organization as the site advances through the phases.
Training systems become more efficient, moving to electronic and digital, that enables 24/7
capability building and a Self-Directed Learning Culture that fully supports the Self-Sufficient
Supply Chain Teams.

E&T Pillar Standard Work Processes through the Phases

Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase

0 1 2 3 4

Skill needs assessment & prioritization

Site training plan development & implementation

Training facilities & material management

Training delivery method & strategy selection

Training, curriculum & trainer development

Qualification process

Outcome-Self-directed learning

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Phase Journey Intent (E&T Key Impacts)

The IWS journey is not solely about the implementation of work processes and tools. An
integral part of IWS is to ensure that the results are achieved not only through the standard
methodologies but also through changes in behavior and culture throughout the organization.

Below are pieces of the journey that E&T Pillar impacts. The pillar team should also assess if
these elements are in place for the site’s current phase.
Leadership Achieve and Extend Time Deliver Stable, Capable Deliver Customer, Shopper and
Preparation Maintain Base Between Failures and Productive Supply Consumer Preferred Products
and Learning Conditions and Increase Skills Chains through Predictive, Flexible,
Responsive and Cost Efficient
Supply Chains
• Prepare • 100% of the • Increased • Increased technical • Maintaining discipline & rigor
Leadership to organization technical and and organization to sustain Phase I, II & III
effectively and uses the IWS organization capability to identify results, capabilities & systems
efficiently methodology to capability to and eliminate the • Engage internal & external
leverage IWS build capability identify and root cause of losses partners to influence broad
to meet and deliver eliminate the root beyond the plant business decisions, products,
business sustainable cause of losses walls (external focus) formulas & equipment choices
needs. results. • Proactive • Achieve Phase 3 to improve supply chain
• Begin the • Stabilize ownership and business and effectiveness & efficiency.
total equipment and decision making cultural objectives as • Zero unplanned & minimal
organizationa material/ • Achieve 100% defined in the non-value added touches,
l change product flows System or Process organization’s Zero Short cycles, Continuous flow
effort to Zero through ownership Loss Journey & Constant material, formula
Loss and restoration • Increase • Achieve the & package variation
Total • Improve work equipment capability to • Optimize & maintain dynamic
Employee processes component life accomplish the next supply chain solutions that
Involvement through through generation work, are productive, predictive,
culture. restoration or restoration utilizing Self- synchronized, flexible &
• Ensure redesign and/or design sufficient teams responsive,
Leadership including improvement that • Information, • Using total supply network
understands Supply Network eliminates weak material, finished loss reduction to improve
the Supply work processes points product and cash consumer use & shelf results
Network • Losses and • Increase Work flows are connected, • Improve effectiveness &
strategies future Phase Process optimized and focus efficiency through prediction
and business needs drive Performance on customer technologies.
objectives Pillar capability through broader satisfaction, shelf • Optimize information flow &
and the development deployment of performance and visibility.
linkage with • Standards are improvement consumer demand. • Provide flexibility to deliver
the established to activities • Streamline the work strategic differentiation.
organization’ prevent • Improve of the organization • Continue to grow & reward a
s Compelling recurrence of information, with a focus on constant learning organization
Business losses material, product efficiency and with: Deep functional &
Need with a eliminated and cash flows to productivity technical mastery, Multi-
focus on the eliminate Supply • Quality Losses are skilled individuals with depth
consumer. Network losses reduced to near zero & breadth, Flexible &
(from suppliers to • Models of responsive organizational
customers). unattended design, Capability to use highly
• Improve operation sophisticated problem solving
relationships • Achieve System tools
outside the plant Sustainability (DMS
walls with critical & Process
suppliers & MDO Ownership) across
business leaders the organization

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Education & Training Pillar


Leadership Achieve and Extend Time Deliver Stable, Capable Deliver Customer, Shopper and
Preparation Maintain Base Between Failures and Productive Supply Consumer Preferred Products
and Learning Conditions and Dramatically Chains through Predictive, Flexible,
Increase Skill Responsive and Cost Efficient
Supply Chains
Leaders • Leaders coach • Leaders spend a • Leaders visioning the • Organization understands
establish teams broadly significant amount next generation of measures and improves
clear • Everyone of on-the-floor improvement, supply chain response time
stretching eliminates loss time across • Teams know and joint value creation.
objectives to deliver organization competitor best in • Strong DMS manage/renew,
and business results coaching and class key measures. recognized and rewarded to
standards for • Defects and teaching technical • Everyone owns a system ensure DMS health.
the Losses are & leadership/ or process which • Everyone involved to
organization made visible organizational continues to grow in eliminate loss and make
based on and individuals skills breadth and depth to improvements in work every
business and teams are • Leaders influence reflect an increase in day.
needs recognized and external both technical and • Teams develop capabilities
Leaders role rewarded for organizations on leadership/organizatio and expand boundaries to fuel
model IWS finding and prevention and n capability continuous improvement
behaviors, eliminating elimination of • Strong progression & needed by the business.
e.g., finding & them losses transition plan for all • People making improvements
eliminating • Team members • Everyone skills & DMS adding value to supply chain.
defects, root- are continuously constantly • Everyone searches for • Every one improves supply
cause improving their searches for improvement and chain results by eliminating
problem skills and using improvement and pursues zero loss non-value added activities
solving, the new pursues zero loss beyond the plant walls and touches to the equipment,
broad capability aimed • Everyone owns a • Teams run day to day: material and work processes.
involvement at root-cause system/process Shared leadership, • First and second moment of
of the elimination of with work focused Individual & mutual truth measures are evaluated
organization, problem. on eliminating accountability, People to predict and eliminate
etc. • Teams & losses flow to work, losses and improve results
Leaders Individuals • Teams develop and Standards, Value time • Collaboration with internal
Learn-Do- establish utilize higher & effort, SOPs to and external partners leads to
Teach standards, technical and sustain performance, product design and supply
through provide leadership or Manage Q factors chain improvements.
participation feedback to organization skills eliminate product • Simple, low cost automation
in Leadership design and to identify, prevent defect eliminates manual tasks.
Models on- maintain and eliminate • Organization • Predictive technologies used
the - conditions to problems streamline results in to eliminate over
floor/work prevent • Recognition fewer, more maintenance, manage Q
area recurrence of systems highlight enthusiastic & factors, operate and optimize
activities, losses increased empowered the supply chain.
roll-down eliminated technical mastery individuals who run • Constant initiative streams &
training and • Teams and of individuals & the business differentiated sku’s are
day-to-day individuals are teams • Priority operations run delivered with ease.
coaching. restoring work • Standards are unattended for periods • Technology & information
processes back updated, fed back of time flow & visibility enable work
to base to future designs • Product Quality processes to improve results.
conditions and and followed to through rigorous • Reward and recognition
are developing maintain management of systems encourage leaders,
a DMS culture improvements equipment, materials & teams, team members and the
• Systems and methods organization to; continually
processes are • Learning culture and develop skills, grow
operating and self-paced development. capabilities, flow to the work,
sustaining ERP • Training is available expand boundaries and
Class A levels when & how it is needed maintain flexibility.

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Education & Training Pillar

Pillar Board
Track Phase Progress
One of the key responsibilities for every pillar is to track the progress of the pillars capability
delivery and results from that capability to the organization.

Section 10: Qualification

Qualification can be done by phases covering current Plant phase required capability and next
phase theoretical knowledge. Each pillar team member needs a basic understanding of all work
processes and tools for all phases. Full qualification requires hands on demonstration of the
successful use of the work processes and tools to improve results through building of capability
in the organization. Every IWS phase change at the site will require an update of the
qualification status of E&T Pillar members, ensuring all people involved in the work are
qualified for the Phase the site is in.
• Global Pillar Leader is responsible for qualifying Business Unit Pillar Leader.
• The Business Unit Pillar Leader is responsible for qualifying Site Pillar Leaders and MCLs.
• The Site Pillar Leader is responsible for qualifying Site Pillar Members.

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Education & Training Pillar

Qualification Criteria for the E&T Pillar:

Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Level Understands the “why”, Has had practical, Has completed a Has had experience
Description: “what”, and methodologies of hands-on learning substantial developing Pillar content
the Pillar, the business results experience in the implementation and then guiding and/or
and in-process measures, subject matter process, applying the influencing the application
integration potential, key tools and within a site, region or
behavior changes required, methodologies globe
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Capability: Can provide Can run projects Very experienced and works Develops new or continually
directional and administer with minimal supervision. improving standards for this Pillar.
guidance, but programs Makes key decisions using Recognized as experts and are called
normally do effectively, own judgment, with input upon by others to solve the most
not have the usually with from others. Can coach, complex problems associated with
capability to supervision. Can consult, diagnose to root this Pillar. Strategic decision makers
implement assess cause, and create counter- who work with virtually no
progress/content measures for the Pillar. Is supervision. Breaks new ground and
of the Pillar and able to train others in a roll- coaches and evaluates others. Has
do gap analysis down manner, and has demonstrated ability to train other
demonstrated the ability to trainers in a roll-down manner, plus
coach and consult with others the ability to coach and consult with
on a given subject matter others on a given Pillar
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Be • engage in conversation • identify Pillar steps and • lead the improvement of the Pillar Teach/coach
Able regarding the Pillar where they fall management process others and
to: • identify key resources • charter a Pillar team • lead the chartering process for the help develop
• participate in an assessment
• understand the Pillar team all the items
• participate in the
terminology development of the Pillar • write a charter for the Pillar team within level
associated with the master plan development • lead the alignment of the Pillar team 4
Pillar • participate in the pillar work charter with the site Leadership
• understand how the process • lead a pillar assessment process in a
Pillar fits • document pillar learning plant, sector or region
• identify applicable • participate in the • incorporate assessment findings into
Standards/SOP’s/CBA’s implementation of design/ the design/ redesign at a plant,
redesign sector or region
• participate in the tracking
• lead the master planning process for
and monitoring of the IWS
implementation success a site
measures/criteria/goals • lead the discussion with IWS
• participate in an IWS gap Leadership Team improvement
analysis elements
• participate in a pillar activity • lead the tracking and monitoring of
and help with documenting the IWS implementation success
the learning measures/criteria/goals
• understand Standards/SOP’s/
• lead the IWS gap analysis
CBA’s/tools and how to use
them • apply the Standards/SOP’s/
CBA’s/tools and how to use them at
a site
• use the loss analysis tool at least
once at a site
Understand the following: Apply all the items of level 3 Lead/coach
• Pillar Guidebook others and
• Pillar Step Audit help
• P&G Corporate Principles develop all
• Work & Development Plan the items in
• All Tools level 4

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Education & Training Pillar

CIL- Clean Inspect and Lubricate
EOJT- Expert On the Job Training
GBU- Global Business Unit
GIWS- Global IWS
GMLT- Global Manufacturing Leadership Team
HIT-D- High Impact Training Deliver
JIT- Just in Time
MDO-Market Development Organization
M & R- Maintenance and Repair
MTBF-Mean Time Between Failure
NAVAA- Not Added Value Activities/Actions
OGSM-Objectives Goals Strategies Measures
OPL- One Point Lessons
OJT- On the Job Training
PDP-Personal Development Plan
PQCDSM- Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety and Morale
PtD-Produce to Demand
SCLA-Supply Chain Loss Analysis
SCT-Supply Chain Time/Team
SDDS- Strategy Development and Deployment System
SME- Subject Matter Expert
SST-Self-Sufficient Teams
SWP- Standard Work Process
TT&T- Technology Transfer and Training - Train the Trainer Training
UPS Process- Unified Problem Solving Process
VS- Value Stream

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Education & Training Pillar

Pillar Guidebook

Training, Curriculum &

Trainer Development
Training Delivery and
Training Facilities &
Qualification Process

Training Plan Development 5- Facilities,

& Management methods,
trainer 6-
to close the

4- Training
Plan E&T Annual Work
(performed in each
Business) 1- CBN, losses,
3- needs are
Determine clear
skill gap
against CBN
2- CBN
Skill Needs connection
& Prioritization

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