AUSTRIA: Construction-Related Laws and Regulations

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AUSTRIA: Construction-related laws

and regulations
• Construction sector laws and regulations are within
the competence of the nine provinces
• Exceptions:
• electrical installations in construction are regulated
by a federal law
• Federal laws also apply to railways, roads
Different laws and directives
• Construction law (Bauordnungsgesetz)
• Technical requirements in Construction (Bautechnikgesetz)
• Land-use law (Raumordnungsgesetz)
• Technical requirements in Energy (Energietechnikgesetz)
• Heating and combustible materials directive (Heizanlagen- und
• 6 OIB guidelines – Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering
(OIB): mechanical stability; safety in case of fire; Hygiene, health &
environment; protection against noise; energy economy
• - The energy savings and heat protection directive (OIB directive 6)
establishes the energy performance certificate in accordance with
the EU directive on EPBD (Energy performance of Buildings
AUSTRIA: Legislative procedures
• The legislative aspects of construction lies within the
competence of the nine provinces. Each province has ist own
Bauordnungsgesetz (construction law) and Construction
directives; ist own Raumplanungsgesetz (land-use law), ist
own Construction techniques law etw.
• In 2008 most provinces joint a nation-wide effort in
harmonising the regional construction laws, in particular in
the field of technical construction norms and standards.
National Energy efficieny action plan (2008)
• Basic elements
• Thermical refurbishment of all postwar buildings till 2020
• 50% of new buildings should have klima:aktiv standards
• From 2015 on housing grants only for new buildings with passive
houses standards
• Housing grants more directly linked to energy saving and other
environment friendly measures (heating, noise protection; humidity
• More use of climate protecting construction materials (wood)
• Heating and hot water systems (solar energy; bio masse heating;
heat pump..)
• National environmental and climate fund (500 mio. € 2007-2010)
• Estimated share of renewable energy in the building sector: 2005:
33%; 2020: 38%(all buildings); residential buildings: 2005 24%; 2020
26%; public buildings: 2005 1%; 2020: 2%; commercial b: 2005:8%;
2020: 10%; industrial b: 2005: 1%; 2020: 2%)
OIB Nr. 6 Energy economy and heat retention
• Building regulatory system has changed: it is based now on so
called OIB guidelines
• thanks to this directive all new buildings in AT have practically
• The amended guidelines for OIB Nr. 6 dates from October
2011: Main criteria:
annual heating demand for new residential buildings per qm max. 54,4
kWh/m2a (end 2009:78,0; from 1.1.2010 on: 66,5)
For non-residential buildings more than 400 qm: max. 18,7 kWh/m3a); from
1.1.2010: max. 22,75; prior: 27,0
Refurbishment of residential buildings: max. 87.5 kWh/m2a
Specific minimum insulation requirements for walls, windows, doors, ceilings,
Minimum insulation requirements for conductors and amartures
Avoidance of heating bridges
Energy performance certificate
Agreement on the Reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions in the buildings sector (Oct.2008)

• Background:
1) AT is committed to a reduction of ist greenhouse gases by
13% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012
• Emission trends unfavourable:1990 78,2 mio. to Co2 equiv;
2010: 84,6 mio. to; 2009: 80,1; 2005 92,9 (Kyoto aim is 68,8
to); increase since 1990: 8.2%
• 1990-2010: Transportation + 60%; Industry + 16 %; Energy
production: +3%; Agriculture: - 13%; space heating - 21%;
waste – 50%
2) 2002 Austrian strategy to reach the Kyoto targets (adopted
2002 by all provincial governors and federal government)
Reduction of greenhouse gases (II)
• Agreement of 22.1.2006 on common quality standards for
construction grants aiming at the reduction of green house
• 2007: amendments to the Strategy:creation of climate and
energy fund 500 mio.€ 2007-2010; increase of gasoline taxes
in 2007 go directly in climate protection measures
New agreement 2008:
- Substantial reduction of max. annual heating demand in relation with
public housing grants: new residential houses: till end 2009: 65 kWH/m2a);
from 1.1.2010 45 kWh ; from 1.1.2012 36 kWH
- focus on thermic-energy related measures;
- focus on buildings constructed between 1945-1980
- More grants for specific single component refurbishments (of windows,
external walls, roofs, floor) on the basis of U-values
- Reduction of minimum heating demand figures for new public buildings
and refurbishment of public buildings
Energy performance
Sustainable construction initiatives
• Austrian programme on Technologies for Sustainable
• Austrian Society for a sustainable buildings‘ economy (ÖGNI)
• Klima:aktiv
• Low energy-Building Cluster Tirol
• GrAT (Group for Adapted Technology in Construction) -
Technical University of Vienna
• Austrian Strawbale Network

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