Antibiogram Toolkit 1
Antibiogram Toolkit 1
Antibiogram Toolkit 1
Antibiogram Toolkit
Arizona Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Program
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Their work was guided by the best available evidence at the time although the
subject matter encompassed over one hundred references. Accordingly, the
Subcommittee selectively used examples from the published literature to provide
guidance and evidenced-based criteria regarding optimizing use of the annual
cumulative antibiogram and applications for antimicrobial stewardship programs.
The Antibiogram Toolkit reflects consensus on criteria which the Healthcare-
Associated Infections (HAI) Advisory Committee deems to represent best
practices in the interpretation and utilization of antibiogram data.
The Antibiogram Toolkit was developed by the ASP Subcommittee of the HAI
Advisory Committee in 2012-2013. This toolkit should be used in conjunction
with the guidance provided by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
(CLSI) M39-A3 consensus document entitled “Analysis and Presentation of
Cumulative Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Data.”
The “Antibiogram Toolkit” is supported by the Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAI) Advisory Committee
to provide additional direction for clinicians involved in constructing the cumulative antibiogram report and
educating clinicians on it. This toolkit should be used in conjunction with approved CLSI documents and
additional literature regarding microbial resistance. The toolkit hopefully enriches discussions on the challenges
and opportunities with susceptibility data reporting. While the specific scenarios are detailed a multidisciplinary
antibiotic stewardship team should find ways to implement some of these projects and further analyze their own
antibiogram data to produce more accurate and fruitful educational activities.
The Antibiogram Toolkit contains two major components: antibiogram templates (Part I) and a set of suggestions
for constructing antibiograms, such as CLSI-defined rules, including antibiogram concepts, opportunities for
education, and antibiogram projects (Part II). Part II includes several topics which should enhance the accuracy
and utility of the cumulative susceptibility report. These were selected by the authors from professional
experience while involved with antibiotic stewardship programs during their careers. However, many more
examples can be identified from the literature. A short list of references is supplied at the end but falls short of the
dozens of examples published in the peer-reviewed literature. It is hoped that additional examples can be added in
the future.
The first three topics are followed by a series of scenarios and examples which build on solutions and
further enhance the utility of antibiograms, education of prescribers, and identification of projects.
• Contributions to antibiotic resistance may be out of your control: the importance of patient
location on susceptibilities..............................................................................................................................5
• When antibiogram data fails to provide direction to narrowing the antibiotic spectrum in
select patient circumstances..........................................................................................................................12
• Presenting multi-institutional cumulative antibiogram data: local, regional, and national results...............14
• Assessing resistance trends: utilizing statistical analysis to evaluate changes in susceptibility rates..........18
A short but essential reading list is provided specifically aimed at antibiograms and their use as part
of an antibiotic stewardship program.........................................................................................................................21
• Eliminate duplicates by including only the first isolate of a species/patient/analysis period, irrespective of
body site or antimicrobial profile.
• Include only antimicrobial agents routinely tested; do not report supplemental agents selectively tested on
resistant isolates only.
• Report percent susceptible (%S) and do not include percent intermediate (%I) in the statistic.
• Staphylococcus aureus: list %S for all and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) subset.
• Co-present the antibiogram at Medical Grand Rounds, P&T Committees, and other institutional meetings
• Mail copies of antibiograms to prescribers as the only mechanism of dissemination and education
• Educate clinicians on the antibiogram only once each year when a new edition is ready
• Forget the opportunity to use additional tools to educate clinicians throughout the year on appropriate
empiric antibiotic therapy, such as newsletters, surveys, physician newsletters, and P&T agenda items
• Hide from clinicians the contact information of the ID Pharmacist, Microbiology, or Infection Prevention
when there are questions regarding the antibiogram
• Use first isolate per patient in reporting period and include the method for eliminating duplicate isolates
(manually, or by altering an automated default exclusivity date, such as 7-day or 1-month or 1-year).
• Try to separate isolates of a bacterial species by differentiating patient location, source, and age. For
• Develop a subset analysis for combination drugs against select species, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa
and Acinetobacter baumanii
• Exclude from the cumulative antibiogram results obtained during surveillance studies (e.g.,
nasopharyngeal colonization studies for MRSA, VRE obtained from rectal swabbing, etc).
• Since antibiograms provide data for a single reporting period, it may be helpful to provide trending of
resistance (e.g., % of S,aureus isolates which are MRSA), %S results for medically important pathogens
in the institution (e.g., trends of ceftazidime resistance in P.aeruginosa), and the appearance of new
pathogens (e.g., KPCs as %K.pneumoniae or number of isolates overall). Pathogens not normally
included in the antibiogram but are medically important, such as Clostridium difficile, should be
communicated as part of an antibiogram in a separate section for educational value (see Template
• Regional or national cumulative antibiogram reports should carefully consider the demographics of
hospitals within the study, representation of data in quartiles of the mean, pooled median, ranges, and/
or the ability to compare institutions through risk stratification. Automated susceptibility testing methods
should be noted if differences exist.
• Institutional antibiograms do not provide information on how antibiotic use is epidemiologically linked to
resistance rates.
During a pilot project, it is noted that E. coli isolates in patients from 3 local long-term care facilities exhibited
high resistance rates to Drug B. This came up during ICU rounds where 3 patients from LTCF B had been
admitted for urosepsis and each grew out E. coli from the blood and urine resistant to Drub B. All three patients
had been started by the ICU fellow on Drug B plus a single dose aminoglycoside (not Drug B).
The Antibiotic Stewardship Team (AST) approached the Microbiology laboratory to retrieve all test results from
the current antibiogram year for patients admitted from these LTC facilities and who showed positive cultures
for E. coli. The laboratory confirmed that all 225 isolates had contributed to the antibiogram. As a matter of
expediency, the Pharmacist selected 50 patient isolates at random. The antibiotic susceptibilities were calculated
and extrapolated according to the left-hand boxes above for LTCF B, C, and D.
It became immediately apparent that the high resistance rate of E. coli to Drug B was largely determined by
patient isolates from long-term care facilities but not from other inpatients within the hospital except for the adult
ICU (62% S). LTCF B appeared to be the “worst offender”.
As a quality improvement project, the AST approached the Medical Directors of all 3 LTCFs and asked if they
could assist the hospital in determining why resistance to Drug B was high. The Medical Directors and the
hospital AST assisted in developing appropriate recommendations for use of Drug B for the attending physicians,
infection prevention, and nursing at all 3 LTC facilities. The AST tracked E.coli susceptibillties to Drug B and 3
other agents over the following year.
A word of caution: since many patients in long-term care transition back-and-forth between hospital and nursing
home it may be difficult to determine the precise moment or location of acquisition of resistant pathogens. Not all
resistance is “imported”, but can be “exported” as well. A study such as that above should note this caveat.
A common pathogen in which this frequently occurs is hospital-acquired infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
especially bloodstream infection, pneumonia, and skin and soft tissue infection. In the antibiogram below, only
the susceptibility of amikacin exceeds 90%. While aminoglycosides are not thought of as monotherapeutic agents
for serious infections, the beta-lactams and ciprofloxacin would generally not be thought of as reliably active as
single agents. In such cases, the literature suggests that combination therapy may provide the best chances that
one of the two agents might be susceptible if the patient’s isolate in question is typical of the pseudomonads at this
One calculation and valuable piece of information for clinicians would be the construction of a cross-
susceptibility table. It is generally agreed that beta-lactams in combination with tobramycin or amikacin or
ciprofloxacin may satisfy the condition that one agent would demonstrate susceptibility. Arguments regarding
penetration of drugs into the pulmonary tissue is beyond the scope of this report.
% Susceptible
(2012 Antibiogram, respiratory tract, ICU adults)
Pathogen # Isolates
Ciprofloxacin Amikacin Ceftazidime
aeruginosa 100 84 70 92 78
In the table above, the susceptibilities of 100 isolates of P.aeruginosa are provided to four commonly used agents.
This data is also reflected in the cross-susceptibility table below. Cross-susceptibility tables are not included
in antibiograms, but the data can be valuable. To construct such a table isolates which are susceptible to both
agents must be determined (manually or with a program). The piperacillin-tazobactam/amikacin combination
provides a higher chance that the P.aeruginosa isolate is susceptible to both agents (S-S, 76%) compared to the
piperacillin-tazobactam/ciprofloxacin combination (S-S, 60%). Another view of this table is to determine the
chance that AT LEAST one agent of the 2-drug combination will demonstrate susceptibility. This is calculated by
adding the values for S-S, R-S, and S-R. For example, 100% of the isolates would be predicted to be susceptible
to either piperacillin-tazobactam or amikacin if these agents are combined. This is obvious because R-R for the
combination is zero (R-R = 0%). The chances that at least one of the agents of the beta-lactam plus ciprofloxacin
combination is susceptible to a group of 100 isolates is 94%.
Piperacillin-tazobactam S/R
(in combination with either Drug #1 or Drug #2)
Drug #1 S R Drug #2 S R
S 76 16 S 60 10
R 8 0 R 24 6
Susceptibilities may be biased if more than one isolate is collected from a patient. Culturing practices become
important in this case. Some clinicians may empirically select an antimicrobial agent against a likely pathogen
without culturing the patient, such as with UTIs in healthy young females. Unfortunately, in the institutionalized
patient, repeated culturing of the same site is common practice. Also, patients are more likely to have a therapeutic
failure related to either the patient’s inability to clear the infection (despite having selected an active antimicrobial
agent) or bacterial resistance. Therefore, a cumulative antibiogram report with many repeat isolates will generally
bias the results towards greater % resistance.
Note that there may be instances in which the resistance phenotype may differ; for example, E.coli #1 from blood
has a different phenotypic resistance pattern than E.coli #2 from urine. These may be counted as a single E.coli
isolate as long as the more resistant strain is counted (the antibiotic chosen should be directed at the bacteremic
isolate, and even if the urinary isolate is more resistant the drug concentrations achieved may overcome the MICs
of this strain).
One mechanism to calculate the potential influence of repeat isolates is to divide the # isolates of a particular
species by the number of unique patients during the antibiogram reporting period. Obviously, the ratio should be
1.00. However, it is not uncommon to find ratios of 2 to 3.
As the ratio increases there is a more likely chance that the cumulative antibiogram report will have greater %
resistance than first isolates only would. If the ratio is high work with the microbiology laboratory to eliminate
repeat isolates from the calculation prior to publishing the antibiogram. Also, the software program (Vitek,
Microscan, etc) can be reset to a longer period for eliminating duplicate isolates, such as 3 months or longer. It
might be interesting to compare susceptibilities and #isolates-to-patient ratio.
An example is provided below to demonstrate the potential influence of duplicate isolates on the %R of an
SCENARIO: You are examining the %R of E.coli from urinary sources in both inpatients and patients
living in an attached spinal cord injury (SCI) unit. Ceftriaxone resistance is studied.
Ratio: %R, ceftriaxone
Institutionalized # Urinary E.coli # Unique
Isolate-to- ceftriaxone (elimination
Population Isolates Patients
Patient (raw data) of duplicate
Hospital (400
2,000 1,500 1.3 4% 3%
adult beds)
SCI unit (100
1,000 200 5.0 27% 9%
adult beds)
EXPLANATION: Ceftriaxone may be an option more frequently, even in the SCI, once the isolate-
to-patient ratio is corrected. This may allow sparing of carbapenems in patients not felt to be
bacteremic. ESBLs may be more prevalent in populations with chronic indwelling Foley catheters
and frequent antibiotic exposures.
Cascade testing and reporting is different from selective reporting, a commonly used strategy to report only
selected agents while suppressing the results of restricted antimicrobials.
In the example below, susceptibility results are provided for 4 drugs tested against Streptococcus pneumoniae.
However, the levofloxacin susceptibility result is determined (and reported) only for isolates resistant to
ceftriaxone. However, if susceptibility results are provided for all isolates of S.pneumoniae against all 4 drugs
the results are notably different. The second table provides a solution for reporting susceptibilities against key
% Susceptible
Pathogen # Isolates
Penicillin Azithromycin Ceftriaxone Levofloxacin
pneumonia 100 87 63 91 90
A 10% non-susceptibility rate for levofloxacin would be very unexpected in the U.S. and should alert clinicians to
an error in reporting. However, the 10% non-susceptibility rate (above) is derived from a single isolate tested only
when 10 MDR-SP isolates are tested against levofloxacin. Therefore, the true rate for susceptibility, ensuring that
no other isolates were levofloxacin-NS unless they were MDR, is 99% (below).
% Susceptible
Pathogen # Isolates
Penicillin Azithromycin Ceftriaxone Levofloxacin
pneumonia 100 87 63 90 99
# Isolates which were MDR and Resistant to Levofloxacin
MDR-SP* 10 -- -- -- 1
*MDR = non-susceptible to all three agents: penicillin, azithromycin, and ceftriaxone
A brief study by Gaynes et al. (see figure below) demonstrated that in the majority of situations it might not
be possible to target antimicrobial therapy based on culture results. Even in 135 cases in which initial empiric
piperacillin-tazobactam therapy was judged appropriate therapy could not be altered in the majority of patients.
The inability or failure to de-escalate after 72 hours of use arose from “indeterminate culture” results in 65% of
cases. Of these indeterminate cultures, 56% represented cultures obtained without growth or ‘normal flora’, 11%
of patients had no cultures obtained, and 33% of cultures were obtained after antibiotics were given. Suggestions
are provided in this study which can be employed selectively to narrow the spectrum of therapy.
Solutions may provide educational opportunities in the emergency department and admitting clinicians:
• Obtain cultures prior to antibiotic administration. When possible, note on the microbiology lab slip
any antibiotics given prior to admission and their timing, both oral and intravenous. In the ED, recent
antibiotic administration generally applies to intravenous agents given as soon as IV access is achieved.
Unfortunately, communication between healthcare workers does not consistently avoid this error.
Patients who cannot produce a high-quality sputum sample should be induced as soon as possible using
respiratory therapists and protocols for sputum induction prior to administration of antibiotics. While
antibiotic distribution into tissues is time-dependent even orally administered antibiotics can be absorbed
fairly rapidly in some individuals.
• The lack of culture results within 24 hours of admission may largely represent cultures “lost” or not
processed. Everyone has seen cultures in the ED which were not sent to the laboratory, not placed on ice,
or not otherwise drawn into the appropriate tubes. A process and time-labor analysis may provide ideas
for process improvement.
• Blood culture contamination is not infrequent albeit low (2-4% is commonly cited, but rates may be
significantly higher). Along with the practice of ‘swabbing non-sterile wounds or tissue’ there is little
wonder why coagulase-negative staphylococci represent large numbers of isolates on many antibiograms.
Appropriate site cleansing prior to drawing blood cultures has reduced contamination rates significantly
and should be studied as a process improvement project. Blood draws from an existing IV line may also
increase blood contamination rates. Again, wounds cultures should be taken from deep tissues and not just
• When bacteremia due to a vascular source is suspected, submit blood cultures with instructions to plate
on nutritionally-supplemented media (viridians streptococci) and hold such cultures for a longer period of
time (according to the laboratory’s protocol). Rapid identification of slow-growing gram-positive or gram-
negative pathogens can reduce hospitalization days and possibly complication from persistent bacteremia
which has not been documented by culture results.
There have been many difficulties associated with compiling such antibiograms, including quality assurance and
data verification of results prior to calculating average percent susceptibilities. The most difficult challenge has
been to risk stratify reporting institutions because multi-institutional antibiograms may represent a large array
of hospitals and long-term care facilities. For example, antibiogram data from a large academic hospital which
performs organ and hematopoietic transplants might be expected to have more resistance compared to a small
community non-teaching hospital with less association with long-term care facilities.
While many examples are provided in the literature, a multi-institutional antibiogram should contain the following
elements, and efforts should ensure that certain data can be acquired from all participants:
• Laboratory testing methodology
• Representation of the key pathogens, such as E.coli, K.pneumoniae, Enterobacter spp., P.aeruginosa, S.
aureus (including MRSA), S.pneumoniae, and Enterococcus spp.
• Risk score for each institution, such as case-mix index; or, demographic categorization of each hospital
• Percentiles at 10%, 25%, 50% (median), 75%, and 90% are useful to identify outliers. In the table
below, percentiles are most useful for large numbers of institutions, such as state and national data.
This methodology is used by the CDC’s NHSN program. For example, at the 25th percentile, 25% of
the hospitals had lower %S rates and 75% of the hospitals had higher %S rates. If the %S rate is below
the 25th percentile, determine whether it is below the 10th percentile. If the %S rate is, then it is a low
outlier which may be due to resistance issues within the institution or feeding of high numbers of patients
from SNFs where resistance may be a greater problem. Regardless, the institutions with more resistance
deserve attention. Of course, there may also be reporting inaccuracies and these should be ruled out first.
On the other side of this is the institution included in the 90 percentile for %S (i.e., 90% of the hospitals
in the data set have %S rates which are lower than the 90 percentile performers. For top performing
institutions, these should be analyzed for efficiency of the antibiotic stewardship program. These best
practice centers can be targeted for duplicating antibiotic prescribing which might reduce resistance in
other institutions.
An appropriate perspective reflecting such trends can be reserved for a section of the antibiogram which is not
commonly used for educational purposes – the margin.
• Due to space limitations, the number of graphs and tables should be minimized.
• Alternatively, these may be presented as part of an extended and ongoing educational program which aim
is to provide perspective in resistance through trending over 5-year (or greater) periods.
• Also, the rise of medically important pathogens which have not been observed in past years is very
valuable for both close observation and as a patient safety issue as frequently such organisms present few
options for selection of antimicrobials.
• Pathogens of epidemiologic importance should also be presented, such as Clostridium difficile and
isoniazid-R and rifampin-R strains of Mycrobacterium tuberculosis.
• Changes must be studied over a period of several years; a change in resistance in the recent antibiogram
should not be assumed to result from changes in antibiotic pressures. More sophisticated methods should
be employed, such as interrupted time-series analyses.
• Antibiograms do not assess the changes in MICs since S, I, an R are determined by breakpoints.
Migration of MICs towards the breakpoint is a harbinger towards resistance.
• Hospital-wide antibiograms do not provide detailed analysis of specialized areas of the hospital or
patient subpopulations. Therefore, emerging pockets of resistance may be missed. The overall bug-drug
susceptibility values dilutes out the effect of an emerging resistance problem.
• Antibiograms constructed using a first-isolate method underestimates true resistance since susceptible
isolates may be replaced by resistant ones during therapy.
• Antibiograms do not capture multidrug resistant organisms; only single bug-drug combinations are
• Resistance may be curtailed through other measures, such as infection prevention measures, and includes
improvements in hand hygiene, patient isolation and patient movement protocols, improved technology
for insertion and maintenance of entry sites for central lines, and updated room cleaning procedures.
• Changes in antibiotic policies frequently result in “squeezing the balloon” whereby restriction of one
antibiotic class results in over-utilization of another.
The deficiencies of an antibiogram based on its static nature of analysis should not discourage clinicians involved
with ASP activities from creating a more innovative and useful tool.
A confidence interval is used to provide an estimate of how precise the observed %S is when used to guide
clinical decision making. The sample size (number of isolates tested) influences the precision of the estimate
and the subsequent confidence interval. The larger the sample size, the more precise the resulting observed %S;
the smaller the sample size, the less precise. This serves to validate the %S value and allows the data analyst to
determine with what confidence the observed %S represents the broader population.
One common statistical test utilized to determine statistically significant differences in resistance rates is the Chi-
squared test. Generally, a P value of < 0.05 is accepted to indicate that the observed differences are not likely due
to chance. Information about Chi-squared calculations can be found in biostatistics textbooks, however, the CLSI
M39-A3 consensus document has appendices that may be used as a guide to determine statistical significance.
Keep in mind, the tables provided in this document can only be used if the two populations being compared are of
similar sample size.
While analysis of resistance trends as described above can identify “statistically significant” differences, this
should not be confused with or imply a “clinically or epidemiologically important” difference. In the case of a
large number of isolates (sample size), small changes in %S such as a decrease from 63.2% to 61.9% may be
statistically significant, but deemed unimportant when evaluating in regards to clinical application. Conversely,
in the case of a small number of isolates, a change in %S from 80% to 55% may not be statistically significant
but clinically may alert the institution to
a potential emergence of resistance. In
both of these cases, the institution(s)
must determine whether the results are
due to true changes in susceptibility or
confounded by other factors including
changes in the patient population, sample
collection practices, laboratory testing or
data reporting.
Formulary Considerations:
• In response to increasing resistance trends, institutions may consider formulary changes using
antibiogram data as a guide. Often these involve changing agents within the same class.
Antibiotic restriction:
• Based on antibiogram susceptibility trends, use of specific agents or classes of agents may be restricted or
controlled. Traditionally this has applied to broad-spectrum agents but could be individualized based on
local antibiogram data. Prescribers must obtain prior approval in order to use the restricted agent.
Prospective review:
• Similar to antibiotic restriction, this intervention identifies targeted agents based on resistance trends and
aims to decrease use. However, the method employed here utilizes a back end approach which requires an
infectious diseases expert to review all uses of the prescribed agent and make recommendations in order
to decrease inappropriate use and impact resistance rates.
• An example of this would be developing empiric antibiotic selections as part of a severe sepsis admission
order set. Based on the hospital antibiogram, cefepime, piperacilllin/tazobactam, and tobramycin have
consistently high susceptibilities to most gram-negative organisms, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Comparatively, fluoroquinolones may demonstrate lower gram-negative susceptibilities and these
susceptibilities have continually trended downward over the past several years. Using this information,
the order set could be built to include only cefepime and piperacillin/tazobactam as primary first line
agents for gram-negatives. While fluoroquinolones may be excluded from the selection list, tobramycin
can be included as an adjunct agent. Again, empiric first-choice antibiotics will be based upon the
antibiogram, but a more focused examination of previous cultures obtained from septic patients may be
warranted since this is the target population.
• A study by Pestotnik et al found that a computer-assisted decision support program resulted in an overall
reduction antibiotic use, of 22.8% over the study period. The institution’s antibiogram remained stable
over the 7-year period.
It should be noted that often these stewardship initiatives are established with the two-pronged goal of improving
patient outcomes and improving resistance rates. While specific patient outcomes can be measured, it is more
difficult to assess the true impact of a specific stewardship initiative on changes in rates of resistance, as these
often appear months or years after an intervention and can be influenced by a number of factors. Additionally,
decreasing the use of one or more antibiotics will invariably cause an increase in use of another agent or class of
agents. It is important to take the susceptibility changes for these other agents into account when assessing impact.
Christoff J, Tolentino J, Mawdsley E, et al. Optimizing empirical antimicrobial therapy for infection due to
gram-negative pathogens in the intensive care unit: utility of a combination antibiogram. Infect Control Hosp
Epidemiol. 2010;31(3):256-61.
CLSI. Analysis and Presentation of Cumulative Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test Data; Approved Guideline-
Third Edition. CLSI document M39-A3. Wayne, PA: Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute; 2009.
D’Agata E, Cataldo M, Cauda R, Tacconelli E. The importance of addressing multidrug resistance and not
assuming single-drug resistance in case-control studies. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2006;27(7):670-4.
Dellit TH, et al. Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
Guidelines for Developing an Institutional Program to Enhance Antimicrobial Stewardship Clin Infect Dis.
Empey K, Rapp R, Evans M. The effect of an antimicrobial formulary change on hospital resistance patterns.
Pharmacotherapy. 2002;22(1):81-7.
Gaynes R, Gould C, Edwards J, et al. A multicenter study on optimizing piperacillin-tazobactam use: lessons on
why interventions fail. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2009;30(8):794-6.
Hindler J, Stelling J. Analysis and presentation of cumulative antibiograms: a new consensus guideline from the
Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute. Clin Infect Dis. 2007;44:867-73.
Kuper KM, et al. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing: a primer for clinicians. Pharmacotherapy 2009;29:1326–
McGregor J, Bearden D, Townes J, et al. Comparison of antibiograms developed for inpatients and primary care
outpatients. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2013;76:73-9.
Pakyz A. The utility of hospital antibiograms as tools for guiding empiric therapy and tracking resistance.
Pharmacotherapy. 2007;27(9):1306-12.
Pestotnik SL, et al. Implementing antibiotic practice guidelines through computer-assisted decision support:
clinical and financial outcomes. Ann Intern Med 1996;124:884-890.
Schulz L, Fox B, Polk R. Can the antibiogram be used to assess microbiologic outcomes after antimicrobial
stewardship interventions? A critical review of the literature. Pharmacotherapy. 2012;32(8):668-76.
Slain D, Sarwari A, Petros K, et al. Impact of a multimodal antimicrobial stewardship program on Pseudomonas
aeruginosa susceptibility and antimicrobial use in the intensive care unit setting. Crit Care Res Pract. 2011;
Article ID 416426:1-5; doi:10.1155/2011/416426.
recommendations for interpreting Strains
susceptibilities with new agents or testing Escherichia coli
systems. New dosing recommendations may Klebsiella
be suggested, such as for colistin, pneumoniae
aminoglycosides, or vancomycin] Enterobacter
Proteus mirabilis
Salmonella spp
[Appropriate footnotes may be included in this box with reference to either antimicrobials or pathogens. For example, it should be noted that
nitrofurantoin is prescribed for urinary tract infections only. Also, dosing of piperacillin-tazobactam for treatment of serious pseudomonal infections
should consider higher dosages and/or extended infusions, if applicable]
Key Notes on Gram-Positive % Susceptible for Gram-Positive Isolates
Gentamicin (SYN)
Streptomycin (SYN)
Amoxicillin (PO)
Penicillin (IV)
Penicillin (PO)
pneumococcal pneumonia with bacteremia. Note that the Strains
number of strains is 100 but the same for non-meningitis and S. pneumoniae
100 --a --a --a 64§ 100
meningitis. Thus, this presentation expresses all isolates in terms (ALL)
† † †
of %susceptible applied to both breakpoints. It is important to Non-meninigitis 100 -- 94 95 -- -- -- -- 84 -- -- --
note in this box the number of pneumococcal isolates from CSF Meningitis 100 -- 85‡ 84‡ -- -- -- -- 64‡ -- -- --
and non-CSF specimens. Also, the antibiogram template may be Examples of footnotes for Streptococcus pneumonia include the following examples:
expanded to additional rows to include adult and pediatric data
separately] Breakpoints differ for cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, and penicillin based on diagnosis
Susceptible breakpoint for S.pneumoniae in patients with meningitis is ≤ 0.5 mg/L for cefotaxime and ceftriaxone and
[Dosing recommendations may be suggested in this box, especially ≤ 0.06 mg/L for penicillin
Susceptible breakpoint for S.pneumoniae in patients with nonmeningitis infections is ≤ 1 mg/L for cefotaxime and
when dealing with the beta-lactam agents and vancomycin for the ceftriaxone and ≤ 2 mg/L for penicillin
treatment of meningitis] §
Susceptible breakpoint for S.pneumoniae is ≤ 0.06 mg/L for penicillin when penicillin V is administered by the oral route