Constitution and By-Laws Federation of Responsible and Competent Educators (Force) Preamble
Constitution and By-Laws Federation of Responsible and Competent Educators (Force) Preamble
Constitution and By-Laws Federation of Responsible and Competent Educators (Force) Preamble
We, the members of the Federation of Responsible and Competent Educators, imploring
the aid of the Almighty God, in order to build and bind ourselves as one association that shall
enhance and promote the welfare of everyone, develop good leadership, and uphold the prestige
and dignity of the University, foster human relation in order to attain the advancement of our goals
and aspirations based on justice, freedom, democracy, and equality, do ordain and promulgate this
Name and Office
Section 1: The organization shall be known as the Federation of Responsible and Competent
Educators (FORCE) which is likewise referred to herein as Association or
Section 2: The organization shall compose of Teacher Education (BEED and BSED) students.
Section 3: The office of the organization must be at Pangasinan State University Urdaneta
Campus -Urdaneta City, Pangasinan.
Statement of Purposes and Objectives
Section 1: The purposes of the organization are as follows:
a. To enhance and develop the communication skills and teaching competencies
of the members.
b. To establish a sense of identity, belongingness and security from the
c. To organize study groups where members can help each other in their lessons.
Section 2: The specific objectives of the organization are:
a. To foster fellowship and unity among BS Secondary and Elementary Education
students of PSU Urdaneta by instilling a spirit of cooperation and respect for
each other;
b. To serve as the mouthpiece of the Teacher Education students;
c. To develop and maintain closer relationship between and among the faculty
members and students;
d. To help Teacher Education students to be aware of their roles, responsibilities
and rights as well as their sentiments and interests as students of Pangasinan
State University.
Section 1: Members are all bona fide students of PSU Urdaneta enrolled in the Bachelor of
Elementary and Secondary Education program.
Section 2: Membership shall be terminated only when the student transfers to another
course/specialization or drops out from the Pangasinan State University – Urdaneta
City Campus.
Bill of Rights
Section 1: Religious and spiritual practices shall be respected.
Section 2: Founding and/or joining other groups unless otherwise with/purposes which are
contrary to the objectives/ideas of this organization are permitted.
Section 3: Every member shall have the right to present their own ideas, opinions and
suggestions, without fear of being reprimanded.
Section 4: All officers and members have the right to examine documents involving
transactions (financial, electoral, and/or minutes of the meeting) which they
deemed questionable.
Section 5: Every member has the right to know where funds and/or contributions will be used.
Section 6: Every member can vote for or against any proposals put forward by any members
of the organization.
Section 7: Every member has the right to use any/all of the facilities of the organization, as
long as with the consent of the Governor as well as the Adviser.
Section 8: Every member has the right to be properly informed of any decisions, minutes of
the meetings, circular orders, and revisions of CBL provisions.
Section 9: Any member/officer has the right to explain his side in any accusation labeled
against him and he shall be considered innocent until proven unwise.
Section 10: No member shall be subjected to disciplinary action without due process of law.
Duties and Responsibilities of Executive Officers
Section 1: The executive functions of the organization shall be vested upon the class
representatives and to the elected officers of the association.
Section 2: Each class level shall choose one representative to coordinate with the elected
officers of the association.
Section 3: GOVERNOR
- The executive head thereby representing the organization in all meetings where
organizational representation is needed.
a. Disseminates responsibly all relevant information to the members of the
b. Presides over the meetings of the Federation of Responsible and Competent
c. Creates different standing committees, and temporarily appoints their
d. Prepares the budget;
e. Performs such other functions as inherent in his/her position.
Section 4: VICE GOVERNOR (Internal)
- The Internal Vice Governor shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. Exercises the inherent power and performs the duties and responsibilities of the
Governor in case of absence or incapacity of the latter by whatever reason.
b. Assists the Governor in the latter’s administrative functions.
c. Performs such other duties inherent in his position and exercises other functions
as delegated and assigned by the Governor.
Section 5: VICE GOVERNOR (External)
- The External Vice Governor shall have the following duties and
a. Exercises the inherent power and performs the duties and the functions of the
Internal Vice Governor, in case of absence or incapacity of the latter by
whatever reason.
b. Performs such other duties inherent in his position and exercise other functions
as delegated and assigned by the Governor.
c. Is responsible for outside activities.
Section 6: SECRETARY
The Secretary shall have the following duties and responsibilities;
a. Has the list of all officers and members of the association and keeps all the
records as well as the proceedings/meetings of the executive council.
b. Records the minutes of the meetings and checks attendance of the members on
every meeting.
c. Handles all correspondence, notices and announcements in close coordination
with the concerned officers; and notifies all members of the organization on
pertinent matters approved by the elected officers.
The Sub- Secretary shall have the following duties and responsibilities;
a. Performs the duties and responsibilities of the Secretary in the absence, or
incapacity of the latter, by whatever reason.
b. Holds the list of all records of the organization for backup purposes.
c. Assists the Secretary whenever or wherever necessary.
The Treasurer and Sub-Treasurer shall have the following duties and
a. Assist the Governor in the preparation of the budget of the FORCE.
b. Keep the financial record of the organization.
c. Collects responsibly the fees and dues for the association.
d. Keeps and secures the money of the organization.
e. Present all financial reports for the executive officers and advisers at the end of
the school year.
Section 8: AUDITORS
The Auditors shall have the following duties and responsibilities;
a. Hold the financial records of the organization for backup purposes.
b. Audits financial reports of the treasurer of all transactions, funds, properties,
statements involving the organization.
The Public Information Officers shall have the following duties and
a. Take the initiative of protecting the good and acceptable image of the
organization in the campus.
b. Give proper and due publicity to the activities of the Federation of Responsible
and Competent Educators.
c. Release items regarding the activities of the organization to the interested
d. Promote good relationship between the organization and the media or public.
The Peace Offers shall have the following duties and responsibilities;
a. Maintain peace in all activities of the Federation of Responsible and Competent
b. Promote order and tranquility.
c. Preserve the public peace.
The Business Managers shall have the following duties and responsibilities;
a. Are responsible for all the transactions of the organization.
b. Supervise all business and fund raising activities of the organization.
c. Keep an inventory of all the properties which the organization purchased or
acquired in its name.
Section 12: SENTINELS
The Sentinels shall have the following duties and responsibilities;
a. Maintain peace and order for every activity conducted on the name of the
Organization and the Department.
Section 13: MUSE & ADONIS
The Muse and Adonis shall have the following duties and responsibilities;
a. Keep the good reputation of the organization.
The Executive Committee for Correspondents shall have the following duties and
a. Responsible in making letters for such activities.
Section 1: There shall be a faculty/staff adviser who shall be selected each year by the
Section 2: The responsibilities of the faculty adviser are the following:
a. Maintains an awareness of the activities ad programs sponsored by the
b. Meets on regular basis with the leader of the student club to discuss upcoming
meetings, long-range plans, goals and problems of the organization.
c. Attends regular meetings, executive board meetings as often as schedule allows.
d. Assists in the orientation of the new officers.
e. Explains and clarifies campus policy and procedures that apply to the
f. Maintains contact with the Student Services Office.
g. Provides direction in the area of parliamentary procedure, meeting facilitation,
team building, goal setting, and program planning.
h. Assists the organization treasurer in monitoring expenditures, fundraising
activities, and corporate sponsorship to maintain an accurate and up-to-date
account ledger.
i. Informs organization members of those factors that constitute unacceptable
behavior on the part of the members, and the possible consequence of said
Section 1: It shall be the obligation of all the members of FORCE:
a. To observe and uphold the association’s constitution and by-laws, the laws of
the Republic, the policies of CHED and the rules and regulations of the
b. To uphold the academic integrity of the University.
c. To give due respect to all the officers of the organization.
d. To support the association in its plans, programs, objectives, and concerns.
e. To exercise their rights with responsibility.
Election/Appointment of Officers, Ratification, and Recognition
Section 1: The election of the officers shall take place simultaneously with the election of the
officers of other organizations, the schedule of which depends on higher authorities.
Section 2: The election of the officers shall be conducted through secret balloting.
Section 3: All bona fide members can be elected as officers except for the Governor who must
be an old member having at least two semesters of residency at PSU Urdaneta.
Section 4: A Chairman and four members of an Investigation Committee shall be appointed
by the elected Governor. This committee shall be responsible for the investigation
of complaints and to recommend sanctions to misdemeanor or violations of
members. Chairmen of other standing committees shall also be appointed by the
Section 5: In case of vacancy of any positions, the Governor is likewise authorized to appoint
an officer-in-charge to serve only until the term of the vacant position expires.
Section 6: This constitution and by-laws should be ratified by at least two-thirds (2/3) vote of
the members.
Section 7: This constitution and by-laws should be forwarded to higher authorities for
Meetings and Quorums
Section 1: The members and officers of the Federation of Responsible and Competent
Educators will hold a regular meeting or on a special meeting at any place agreed
upon by the members and officers.
Section 2: The regular meeting of this organization shall be once in a month, any date agreed
upon the majority.
Section 3: The Governor, with the approval of the adviser, can call a special meeting of the
Section 4: At least 50% plus one of the members will constitute quorum during general
Section 5: No meeting shall be held for any purpose or whatsoever unless the adviser of the
organization approved it and was invited to join the meeting.
Section 6: Those students who belong to Bachelor of Elementary/Secondary Education who
will not attend meetings for two consecutive times will be penalized with 50 (fifty)
Funds, Dues, and Revenues
Section 1: All revenues, raised funds, collections and solicitations, donations in cash or in kind
shall be submitted to the treasurer.
Section 2: The members (BEED/BECED & BSEd), including the practice teaching student,
shall pay a membership fee of 100 pesos for the whole year and this will be
collected during the 1st semester of the school year.
Section 3: An amount of twenty pesos will serve as penalty for those who are not in proper
uniforms and for those who incurred two consecutive absences during meetings.
Our university uniform shall be worn during meetings; white blouse and slacks for
women and polo and slacks for men.
Section 4: Special project, revenues, raised funds, and collections can be used for the special
projects of the organization.
Section 5: All cash inflows and outflows shall be properly documented and audited.
Accountability of Officers
Section 1: All elected and appointed officers of the Federation of Responsible and Competent
Educators shall serve with the highest degree of responsibility, integrity, and
efficiency and shall be accountable to the members.
Section 2: Any elected and appointed officers of the organization may be removed from the
office by a vote of majority of all its officers and members on any of the following
a. Gross neglect of duty.
b. Violation of any provision of this constitution and the rules and regulation of
the school.
c. Malversation of funds
d. Immorality
Section 3: An amount of fifty pesos will serve as penalty for those who are not in proper
uniforms and for those who incurred two consecutive absences during meetings.
Our university uniform shall be worn during meetings; white blouse and slacks for
women and polo and slacks for men.
Section 4: Special project, revenues, raised funds, and collections can be used for the special
projects of the organization.
Section 5: All cash inflows and outflows shall be properly documented and audited.
Terms of Office, Affectivity, and Amendments
Section 1: This constitution and by-laws of this organization shall be permanent.
Section 2: Addition and revision of the articles should through constitutional amendments,
which shall be approved if voted by the 2/3 of all members.
Section 3: Constitutional convention shall be called upon by the Governor as the need for
some revision arises.
Section 4: The term of the newly elected officers of the association shall take effect
immediately after proclamation.
Section 5: In case of vacancy by reason of resignation, removal, personal incapacity or
inability of an official, the Governor should appoint an acting officer among from
the members, who will assume the vacant position until the term ends.
Section 6: If the Governor or any of the officers is graduating, he/she shall appoint an officer
in charge that take over until new officers shall be elected.
Section 7: All assets, records, and liabilities shall be deposited to the adviser or to the
incumbent officer-in-charge.
Section 8: This constitution and by-laws shall take effect a day its ratification by 2/3 vote by
the members.
This constitution and by-laws was ratified and approved by 2/3 votes of all members on
this 15 day of October 2018.
Approved by: