Distinctive to the Foxtrot, dancers take long steps during the slower counts, and short
steps during the faster counts. In order to maintain the "trot" of this dance, dancers should
shorten their steps as the tempo of the music increases. Some of the steps create
attractive zig-zag patterns on the dance floor. A couple of steps distinctive to the Foxtrot
are the Weave and the Feather Step:
Weave: Consists of 6 quick steps in a row, all on the toes. (Quick steps are usually
performed on the toes, with slow steps taken on the heels.)
Feather Step: The man steps outside of the woman. This step earned its name because
of the action of the step: it resembles the "feathering the oar" action in rowing.
Basic Figures:
Three Step - is the Foxtrot version of a Left Foot Forward Change, consisting of
three progressive forward steps danced to the counts "Slow, quick quick".
Feather Step - is the Foxtrot version of a Right Foot Forward Change, consisting of three
progressive forward steps danced to the counts "Slow, quick quick".
Natural Turn - notable for its elongated, passing steps and its distinct two halves. The
first half contains a lady's heel turn, and is taken with the normal rise and fall and
"Slow, quick quick" timing. The second half contains a man's heel pull action, having
no rise and fall, and is counted "Slow, slow, slow".
Reverse Turn - notable for its elongated, passing steps and its distinct two halves.
The first half contains a lady's heel turn, while the second half, known as a Feather
Finish, ends with man stepping outside partner.
Closed Impetus - the lady swings naturally around the man as he dances a heel
Feather Finish - begins with man stepping back on his right foot, side and slightly
forward on his left, and finally forward with his right foot in CBMP, outside partner.
Standard Figures
Natural Weave - is the more progressive of the two, beginning like a Natural Turn
and moving in a sort of zig zag direction down the line of dance.
Basic Weave - is a simple left-turning pattern of 6 steps, similar in foot placements
to the Open Reverse Turns of Tango or American style Waltz or Foxtrot, but taken
mostly on toes.
Closed Telemark - is one of two ways to produce a Feather Step commenced
Outside Partner.
Open Telemark - is a Silver Level figure.
Hover Feather - can be used any time there is a Heel Pull for the man,
including after 1-3 Natural Turn, 1-5 Natural Twist Turn, 1-8 Reverse Wave,
1-2 Hover Telemark and 1-14 Extended Reverse Wave
Hover Telemark -
Hover Cross - is one of two figures that include a Feather Finish commenced
Outside Partner on the Left Side – the other is the Natural Zig Zag from PP.
Open Impetus - can be used any time there is a Heel Pull for the man, including
after 1-3 Natural Turn, 1-5 Natural Twist Turn, 1-6 Reverse Wave, and 1-12
Extended Reverse Wave.
Reverse Wave - In essence, it adds the Back Feather and another Back Three
Step to the existing Reverse Wave.
The Foxtrot is typically danced to big band Swing-style music, but may be danced
to most music types.
In the Foxtrot, the first and third beats are accented more strongly than the second
and fourth beats. The foxtrot is typically danced to big band Swing-style music
written in 4/4 time, with tempo around 112 to 120 beats per minute (varies).
Across - Movement across the direction of dance.
Action - A movement that does not involve a step or a change of weight, such as a
bow, kick, or hip twist.
Adjust - Modifying the size of the step, the amount of turn, or any other feature in
order to achieve grace and comfort.
Arch - A hand movement in which the man's and woman's designated hands are joined
higher than the head in preparation for one or both partners to pass under the joined