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KNX Solutions

LED Control

Task Implementation • The system (installed in a verti- architecture and especially for
Modern LED technology allows The presentation will be rea- cal board) is accessed and con- residential and non-residential
for attractive lighting effects lized with the following KNX trolled either via a pushbutton buildings. One example is the
that can be used in shops, shop components: (Gira) or via a Comfort-Panel changing of color temperatures
windows, lobbies, bars or in the • The universal dimming and (Busch-Jaeger). using simple LED strips. Users
home. This is a new task for KNX sequencing actuator for KNX will feel comfortable in this en-
Functions vironment, because the lighting
and system integrators. Color (Bilton) is used as a direct inter-
temperatures can be changed to face to the LEDs for switching Users can switch and dim the system provides optimum color
create different kinds of mood and dimming. lighting via the touch panel of this temperature, intensity and
lighting. The application de- • A universal dimming and comfortable device and select effects.
monstrates how LED lamps can sequencing actuator for po- colors. Depending on the time
be activated and controlled via wer LEDs in the range of of day, they can pre-set different
special lighting control devices. 350/500/700mA (Bilton) is colours and color temperatures
used as a second actuator. This for the Nexus spotlight. A
Solution: device can activate individual presence detector is used to
Riwitec, an electrical installation colors as well as built-in RGB trigger different logic operations
company from Innsbruck, uses spots with LEDs. in order to change the colors
the new LED lighting technology • Also, we will show how the when a person appears. Daylight
for KNX by Bilton. KNX sensors Nexus spot light for rails with brightness is also measured in
and controlling devices, as well an integrated KNX interface order to achieve an optimum
as LED strips, LED spots and can be used to create mood light intensity in interior rooms.
spot lights for rails are used to lighting. Color temperatures
demonstrate how easy it is to in the range between 2800 K
create lighting scenarios with and 7000 K can be switched or KNX allows integration of LED
LED lighting technology. dimmed with this device. lighting in a simple and intelligent Rene Rieck
• A KNX presence detector way. There are solutions for Dorfstrasse 40
6122 Fritzens, Austria
(BEG) and a light sensor are numerous applications such as Mail: [email protected]
used for automation purposes. art galleries, museums, shops,

Solutions 17

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