Long-Term Project Ideas

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Standard 1: Curriculum and Instruction School: Hiram High School_________________

Component 5: Long-Term Team Application Project Teacher(s): Michelle Stubbs________________

Long-Term Team Application Project (LTP)

LTP Ideas

Pathway: Financial Services______________________________________________________________

Course: Financial Literacy________________________________________________________________

LTP Idea/Title How to Create a Digital Career Portfolio

Brief Description of LTP Ideas Students will demonstrate and create a digital career
portfolio to showcase their accomplishments,
extracurricular activities, and career-related coursework.

Resources, Materials, Handouts

Students will provide an overview of what a professional
 LTP Descriptions/Explanation and effective digital career portfolio should present.
Sheet(include GPS)
 LTP timeline of activities Students will be provided 4 weeks to collaborate and
 LTP rubric/assessment instrument design a guide.
 LTP student instruction handout
 Resources/materials/handouts Students will design a rubric to describe portfolio

Students will provide instructions both as a handout and

electronically as a website.

**Reminder: For the LTP, students must work in a team of at least 3 students.

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