DSWD External Environment

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University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College

Division of Management
Masters of Management (Public Management)


Daisy Cera
Maria Carmela Pullantes
Melvin Malinao
Reden Sabela

September 20, 2019

1. Identify/Enumerate the organizations in your organization’s strategic environment that offers:

a. Related programs and services (enumerate, describe them)

b. Similar programs and services (enumerate, describe them)

c. Substitutable programs and services (enumerate, describe them)


A. Related Department of Education DepEd provides non-formal education
programs and through their Alternative Learning System
services (ALS) Program to our clients who are under
temporary protective custody of our residential
care facilities. This program is carried out by
ALS mobile teachers and ALS District

DSWD also partners with the Department of

Education in ensuring that children who are
Pantawid beneficiaries are in school. The
Department monitors the compliance of
children beneficiaries to the Educational
conditions set by the Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program of DSWD.
Department of Science and Provides testing of water quality services.
Technology Under the KC-NCDDP of DSWD, prior the
implementation of water system sub-projects,
samples from the source are sent to DOST for
Department of Public Works Provides guaranteed employment to
and Highways beneficiaries of the Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program through the Trabahong
Lansangan Program
Department of Health The Department monitors the compliance of
pregnant women and children who are
Pantawid beneficiaries to the health

University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College
Division of Management
Masters of Management (Public Management)


conditions set by the Program.

Office of the Civil Defense The implementing arm of the National Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Council,
shall have the primary mission of administering
a comprehensive national civil defense and
disaster risk reduction and management
program by providing leadership in the
continuous development of strategic and
systematic approaches as well as measures to
reduce the vulnerabilities and risks to hazards
and manage the consequences of disasters.
DSWD, particularly the Disaster Response
Assistance and Management Bureau
(DREAMB), coordinates with OCD for the
emergency/ disaster preparedness and
response especially in the relief operations.
Local Government Units LGUs implement all devolved basic social
welfare and development services at the
local level. DSWD provides Technical
Assistance and Resource Augmentation to
advance the level of service delivery by
LSWDOs as frontline service providers, for
them to achieve a fully-functional status, thus,
enabling them to develop and implement
appropriate interventions for social
protection risks and vulnerabilities, as well as
for emergent social welfare and development
issues or concerns affecting their locality.
Philippine Health Insurance DSWD partners with PhilHealth in ensuring
(PhilHealth) that all identified poor households are
covered by the health care insurance as
sponsored by the government.
Department of Interior and Promotes peace and order, ensure public safety,
Local Government strengthen capability of local government units
through active people participation and a
professionalized corps of civil servants. DSWD
coordinates with DILG in linking social
welfare services to the communities through
Local Government Units.
Bureau of Immigration Controls and regulates the movement of
persons to, from and within the country in
contributing to national security and
development. DSWD works hand in hand
with the Bureau to fight against Human
Department of Budget Leads public expenditure management to
Management ensure the equitable, prudent, transparent and

University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College
Division of Management
Masters of Management (Public Management)


accountable allocation and use of public funds.

DSWD coordinates with DBM to ensure that
all social welfare and development programs
and services of the agency are sufficiently
funded and are implemented efficiently.
Commission on Population Lead organization in population management
for well-planned and empowered Filipino
families and communities. DSWD partners
with the Commission to educate household
beneficiaries on family planning through the
Family Development Sessions of the
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.
National Nutrition Council NNC addresses hunger and malnutrition of
Filipinos through: policy and program
formulation and coordination; capacity
development; promotion of good nutrition;
nutrition surveillance; resource generation and
mobilization; advocacy; and partnership and
alliance building. DSWD coordinates with
NNC in implementing its Supplementary
Feeding Program and nutrition education
during Family Development Sessions of the
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program.
National Commission on The NCIP is the primary government agency
Indigenous People that formulates and implements policies, plans
and programs for the recognition, promotion
and protection of the rights and well-being of
IPs with due regard to their ancestral domains
and lands, self-governance and empowerment,
social justice and human rights and cultural
integrity. DSWD coordinates with NCIP in
providing social protection services to the
Indigenous Peoples in the country.
Technical Education and Skills TESDA sets direction, promulgates relevant
Development Authority standards, and implements programs geared
towards a quality-assured and inclusive
technical education and skills development and
certification system. DSWD partners with
TESDA in providing technical and vocational
courses to identified beneficiaries of the
Sustainable Livelihood Program of the
Landbank of the Philippines Serves as a conduit for Pantawid Conditional
(LBP) Cash Transfer

Development Bank of the DBP’s e-Donation Management System

Philippines (DBP) provides a quick, simple and convenient way

University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College
Division of Management
Masters of Management (Public Management)


for the general public to donate to and

support the department’s social protection
services and programs using Visa-accredited
debit, prepaid and credit cards.
Philippine National Police Develops and implements Police Protocol on
Handling VAWC Cases and other related
laws as well as a nationwide community-based
crime prevention program in partnership
with DSWD, that deals with the issues of
domestic/family violence, abuse of women in
intimate relations, child abuse and juvenile
delinquency, among other interrelated issues.
Department of Justice The Department of Justice develops gender-
responsive procedures in handling VAWC and
trafficking cases; institutionalizes mechanisms,
reviews and updates existing policies to ensure
the gender-sensitivity and gender-
responsiveness of the Witness Protection and
Benefit Program. It is the co-chair of DSWD in
the Regional Inter-Agency Council on
Trafficking and VAWC. Together, they review
and recommend policies and measures to
enhance protection of VAWC and
trafficking victims and survivors.
B. Similar Save The Children Protects and support children in need; save
programs and lives in emergencies; advocates for children's
services rights; and, shares a global vision and strategy
for creating better lives for children in the
Philippines and across the world. DSWD
works with Save the Children in delivering
social protection programs to children in
selected cities/ municipalities in the region.
Plan International, Inc. The Plan International is implementing the
Collaborative Action Against Trafficking
(CAAT) in selected cities and municipalities
in Leyte and Southern Leyte, a program quite
similar to the Rehabilitation and Reintegration
Program for Trafficked Persons (RRPTP) of
DSWD. Both programs use the multi-sectoral
approach/ convergence strategy and provide
total package of services to its beneficiaries.
Terre des Hommes Terre des hommes (TDH) is an international
leading Swiss organization for children’s
aid. Through their health, protection and
emergency relief programs, they provide
assistance to over three million children and
their families in more than 45 countries

University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College
Division of Management
Masters of Management (Public Management)


(including Philippines)each year. In Eastern

Visayas, they are based in Borongan,
Eastern Samar.
ECLIPSE ECLIPSE, Inc., an independent NGO based
in Ormoc City and one of the major partners
of DSWD Field Office VIII in the
implementation of SHIELD, CAAT and
RRPTP in Ormoc City and Kanangga
through their own programs and services.
C. Substitutable Philippine Charity PCSO provides financial assistance to
programs and Sweepstakes Office indigent individuals for their medical
services expenses, which is also provided by DSWD
through the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis
Situation (AICS) Program.
Department of Agriculture Provides starter kit to identified beneficiaries
similar to those being provided by the
Sustainable Livelihood Program of our
Department of Trade and The government's main economic catalyst in
Industries enabling innovative, competitive, job-
generating, inclusive business, and
empowering consumers. DTI provides seed
capital to its identified Small-Medium
enterprises and livelihood opportunities similar
to the services of the Sustainable Livelihood
Program of DSWD.
Department of Labor and Promotes gainful employment opportunities,
Employment develops the country’s human resources,
protects workers and promote their welfare,
and maintains industrial peace by protecting
and promoting the interest of every citizen
desiring to work locally or overseas by
securing for him the most equitable terms and
conditions of employment, and by providing
social and welfare services; providing for safe,
decent, humane and improved working
conditions and environment for all workers,
particularly women and young workers. The
Sustainable Livelihood Program of DSWD, on
the other hand, provides livelihood and
employment opportunities through the
Microenterprise Development and
Employment Facilitation of the Sustainable
Livelihood Program, which DOLE also

In additional, Project Angel Tree, a

University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College
Division of Management
Masters of Management (Public Management)


component of the DOLE Child Labor

Prevention and Elimination Program,
provides an array of social services that range
from food, clothing, educational assistance or
school supplies, and even work and training
opportunities made available by sponsors or
benefactors (‘angels’) to child laborers and
their families. It aims to improve the economic
and social conditions of child laborers and their
families and increase the number of allies and
advocates of child labor prevention and
elimination. DSWD, on the other hand, has
launched the pilot implementation of the
SHIELD Against Child Labor Project,
which stands for Strategic Help Desks for
Information, Education, Livelihood and other
Developmental Interventions, aims to help
eliminate child labor in the Philippines,
particularly its worst forms, by strengthening
the fight against it all the way down to the
barangay and community levels through health,
nutrition and education.

2. What are the actions of the other organizations that offer related, similar, substitutable
services and programs that affected your organization’s delivery of programs and services?

Agencies that are implementing related, similar and substitutable programs and services to DSWD’s
are all active member agencies of various inter-councils led and/ or co-chaired by the Department.
These councils serve as policy-making and monitoring bodies of all these programs and services to
ensure that the poor have access to social protection.
(1) The purpose of the inter-council membership of agencies providing programs and services related to
DSWD’s is to pool expertise and resources, and to channel efforts in pursuit of a commonly agreed
goal or objective. Poverty is a complex and multidimensional challenge. This is why we, in the
government, need a more strategic way to effectively tackle it. Convergence is one of those strategies
that we have employed in order to have a more holistic approach to improving the well-being of our
fellow Filipinos, using multi-sectoral approach, that is, mobilizing the expertise and resources of
various agencies.
(2) Agencies that are providing programs and services similar to DSWD’s are also members of the inter-
councils, providing us a venue for sharing good practices, challenges, and other similar experiences in
the implementation of programs and services. This also provides us an opportunity to identify the gaps
of the Department and to present these gaps as baseline to be addressed with the help of other
concerned agencies.

University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College
Division of Management
Masters of Management (Public Management)


(3) Lastly, agencies that are providing substitutable programs and services are also active member
agencies of the inter-councils. This helps us to complement, synchronize, harmonize and coordinate all
government interventions to ensure that reforms in terms of poverty alleviation and social protection,
among others, are achieved. This is also to avoid redundancy and duplication of efforts and services.
Rather than competing with each other, we all recognize that only in collaboration that we will be able
to address the multiple dimensions of poverty.

3. Other external environmental forces which can affect an organization’s ability to deliver its
programs and services are: political, environmental, social, technological and legal forces. Cite
one or two developments in each of the external forces and describe how they affected your
organization or made it harder for your organization to fulfill its mission, meet its mandates, or
create public value.

Political Forces

During the election campaign period last April 2019, local chief executives were strictly prohibited to
facilitate the prepositioning and distribution of relief goods from national-led relief program. The
President instructed the DSWD to handle the prepositioning and distribution of relief goods instead of
coursing it through local government officials. This directive rooted from the experience of local
officials using the national-led relief program for partisan political activity. While the intention is good,
however, it was difficult for the limited DSWD regional manpower to handle these activities. Seeking
and getting the assistance of the LGUs contributed much on the regional workforce to do the
distribution efficiently.

Moreover, there is inadequate support from LCEs for DSWD-initiated reforms, policies, programs or
services. This may be due to limited budget at the LGU Level or different priorities of the LCE.
LSWDOs may have inadequate capacity to generate support from LCEs resulting in non-
implementation of LSWDO-planned projects, programs and services.

Environmental Forces

Drive-thru Hotels in Tacloban City are increasing in number. We have 8 reported cases of child
prostitution which allegedly happened inside the premises of some of these hotels. Perpetrators
bringing minors inside are undetected since typical customers are inside private vehicles. Hotel
personnels receive check-in payments while the customers are still inside their vehicle, without even
requiring the latter to present themselves and provide their IDs. Once they have checked in, customers
(still inside their vehicle) go straight to the private garage that is adjacent to the cottage provided to
them. These drive-thru hotels provide perpetrators a perfect place where you can sexually exploit
children. Apparently, Tacloban City still lacks child protection mechanisms and ordinances.

This alarming concern was raised too many times by DSWD with the presence of “business-minded”
Tacloban City government highest officials but everyone is seemingly turning a blind eye.

While we have child protection laws, concerned agencies won’t still be able to enforce and effectively
implement them if we are not creating a safe environment for children.

University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College
Division of Management
Masters of Management (Public Management)


Social Forces

The changing opinions about the age of sexual consent and the age of criminal liability is making it
hard for DSWD to gain support from the lawmakers as well as concerned agencies who can support
our programs for these sectors.

Technological Forces

With the rise of new technologies, perpetrators of violence are now always one step ahead of us.
Online sexual exploitation of children is now prevalent in Eastern Visayas. This cybercrime is still
very challenging to detect and most of our cases filed in the court were dismissed due to lack of
supporting evidences.

Legal Forces

GAA F.Y. 2019- Budget restrictions on hiring imposed by DBM- the lack of plantilla positions has
resulted to heavy workload of DSWD staff especially those in frontline services. This may affect the
quality of services and health of personnel. On the other hand, the Republic Act 11310 Act which
Institutionalized the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program ensures the provision of conditional cash
transfer to poor households for a maximum period of seven (7 ) years to improve health, nutrition and
education aspect of their lives. Farmers, fisherfolks, homeless families, indigenous peoples, those in
informal settlers shall be automatically included in the standardized targeting system to be conducted
by the DSWD.

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