Utilization of Some Fruits and Vegetables Waste As A Source of Dietary Fiber and Its Effect On The Cake Making and Its Quality Attributes
Utilization of Some Fruits and Vegetables Waste As A Source of Dietary Fiber and Its Effect On The Cake Making and Its Quality Attributes
Utilization of Some Fruits and Vegetables Waste As A Source of Dietary Fiber and Its Effect On The Cake Making and Its Quality Attributes
Utilization of some fruits and vegetables waste as a source of dietary fiber and its
effect on the cake making and its quality attributes
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All content following this page was uploaded by Prof. Ashraf Mahdy Sharoba on 12 June 2014.
Depatment Food Sci. Dept., Moshtohor Faculty of Agric. Banha Univ., Egypt.
Food Technology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt.
In this study, feasibility of using orange waste (OW), carrot pomace (CP), potato peels (PP) and green pea peels
(GPP) by-products from food industry, as a starting raw material to produce dietary fiber powders and the feasibility
of producing cakes intended for people suffering from obesity or over weight and diabetes. The physicochemical
properties of dietary fiber powder were first evaluated. The results showed that the fiber contents, compositions and
hydration properties (water and oil holding capacity and swelling capacity) of the fiber powder. Some food
processing by-products {(OW), (CP), (PP) and (GPP)}, is a rich sources of fibres. The OW, CP, PP and GPP by-
products were replaced with wheat flour (72%) at 5, 10, 15 and 20% levels and studied for rheological characteristics.
Water absorption increased significantly with increasing by-products from 0 to 20%. Dough stability and dough
development were increased. Resistance to extension values significantly increased, whereas extensibility values
decreased. The produced fiber substituted cakes achieved a reduction in calories. Cakes were prepared from blends of
wheat flour (72%) with 5, 10, 15 and 20% fruits and vegetables by-products. The volume of cakes decreased with
increase in fruits and vegetables by-products content from 0 to 20%. Cakes prepared from 20% of by-products OW,
CP, PP and GPP had a higher ratio of dietary fibres. Sensory evaluation showed that all high fiber substituted cake
samples were significantly lower than control cake sample in all sensory characteristics, except cake samples
prepared with 5 and 10% of orange waste and carrot pomace had no significant differences (P>0.05) with control
cake. However, there were significant differences between cake samples containing the same type of fiber source at
5, 10, 15 and 20% replacement levels. The highest and lowest scores in the same type of fiber source for all attributes
were that achieved by cake samples with fiber source at 5 and 20% replacement levels, respectively. Texture
properties of cake were affected by replacement levels of fiber source. The results indicated that OW, CP, PP and
GPP by-products can serve as a good source of dietary fibres..
Keywords: food processing by-products; dietary fibers; orange waste, carrot pomace, potato peels, green pea peels;
cakes; rheological, sensory and texture characteristics
important source of vegetable fibre [12,14]. Cell restrictive factor in the commercialization of these
walls of fruits, vegetables, pulses and cereals make products if it is not usefully recovered, because it
up most of the dietary fibre intake [31]. represents significant losses with respect to the raw
material, which considerably increases the price of
Dietary fibre plays an important role in human
the processed products [50].
health, they acts as a protective agent against
cardiovascular diseases, diverticulosis, Potato peel consider as a rich source of fibers, since it
constipation, irritable colon, colon cancer and contains about 9.7 to 68% from its total weight,
diabetes [25,45]. DF content has become a key Mullin et al. (1993) [39]. The potatoes are the most
component in promoting the belief that diets based commonly consumed vegetables worldwide, whereas
on a significant intake of fruit and vegetables has the potatoes production stands at 293 million metric
long term benefits [42]. Fibre derived from fruits tons. The annual production of Egypt is 2.2 million
and vegetables have a considerably higher tons. As results, a large quantity of potato peel waste
proportion of soluble dietary fibre, whereas cereal is generated.
fibres contain more insoluble cellulose and
Green peas (Pisum Sativum) which is one of the most
hemicellulose [29].
important vegetable processing crop in Egypt and it’s
The physiological effects are related to the by product (peels) resembles about 50%. Dietary
physicochemical and functional properties of fibres from different sources have been used to
dietary fibre. It is widely known that dietary fibres replace wheat flour in the preparation of bakery
obtained by different methods and from different products. Potato peel, a by-product from potato
sources, behave differently during their transit industry, rich in dietary fibre, was used as a source of
through the gastrointestinal tract, depending on dietary fibre in bread making [57].
their chemical composition and physicochemical
Plant fibres show some functional properties, such us
characteristics and on the processing that food
water-holding capacity (WHC) and swelling capacity
undergo [10,29,31]. While a few years ago the sub
(SWC) which have been more useful for
products generated during the processing of plant
understanding the physiological effect of dietary
food constituted an economic and environmental
fibre, than the chemical composition alone [18,22].
problem, today they are considered a promising
These properties are related to the porous matrix
source of functional compounds [7].
structure formed by polysaccharide chains which can
They are many fruits, for example orange, apple hold large amounts of water through hydrogen bonds
and peach, which are used for the extraction of [11,32]. Functional properties of plant fibre depend
their juices. They all contain a by-product from on the IDF/SDF ratio, particle size, extraction
which can be recovered different high-added value condition and, vegetable source [30]. Currently, there
compounds; among those, it is remarkable the fibre is a great variety of raw materials, mainly processing
fraction that has a great potential in the preparation by-products, from which dietary fibre powders are
of functional foods. There are also several obtained [18]. The main characteristics of the
vegetables, such as carrot, potato, green pea, commercialized fibre product are: total dietary fibre
pepper, artichoke, onion and asparagus that content above 50%, moisture lower than 9%, low
originate a waste during their processing [44,45] content of lipids, a low caloric value and neutral
and it contains both soluble and insoluble fibre flavour and taste [36,37]. In order to take advantage
compounds that can be used for designing new of the dietary and functional properties of fibre, some
‘functional foods’. Orange and lemon sub- high dietary fibre formulated foods are currently
products, which are abundant and cheap, also being developed [27,29,58]. To be acceptable, a
constitute an important source of fibre since they dietary fibre added to a food product must perform in
are very rich in pectins [4]. Other fruits such as a satisfactory manner as a food ingredient [30].
grapes, apples, bananas, mango, guava, etc. which According to Larrauri (1999) [37], the ‘‘ideal dietary
are mainly commercialized in processed form fibre’’ should meet, among others, the following
originate great amounts of sub-products consisting requirements; have no nutritionally objectionable
of peels, bones and seeds. This material could be a components, be as concentrated as possible, be bland
Sharoba, A.M. et. al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2013, 19(4)
in taste, colour and odour; have a balanced However, their high amount of dietary fibre could
composition and adequate amount of associated permit the use of them in developing new natural
bioactive compounds; have a good shelf life; be ingredients for the food industry. According to Sloan
compatible with food processing; have the (2001) [52], the demand for a unique fibre ingredient
expected physiological effects. It must be kept in will continue. With a well established market for
mind that fibre enrichment not only influences the dietary fibre it is quite clear that a new ingredient,
overall quality of food by changing its particularly one that could be linked to the possibility
physiological properties, but also significantly of obtaining nutritional requirements through normal
affects the sensorial properties of a product. When dietary practices, would be very well received.
plant fibres are added to a food product, they
According to the Statistical Database of the Food and
contribute to water holding properties and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
viscosity of the product [32]. Dietary fibres from
(FAOSTAT), world orange production in 2007 was
cereals are more frequently used than those from
estimated to be 63,906,094 tons. A high percentage
fruits; however, fruit fibre have better quality due
of this production (70%) is used to manufacture
to higher total and soluble fibre content, water and
products such as juice or marmalade. Moreover,
oil holding capacity and colonic fermentability, as
approximately 50–60% of the processed fruit is
well as lower phytic acid content and caloric value.
transformed into citrus peel waste, which is
Therefore, it becomes necessary to develop
composed of the peel, seeds and membrane residues
processes for the preparation of fruit fibres that
[60]. In order to prevent problems related to the
minimize the losses of associated bioactive
disposal of this product and environmental concerns,
compounds which may exert higher health-
this waste must be properly processed. Under current
promoting effects than dietary fibre itself [37].
environmental legislation, all waste must be
Dietary fibre can be used in various application in
considered raw material if a valorization procedure is
the food industry with excellent results. Fibers
to be developed.
with 15% of SDF are able to bind and retain
several times their weight of water [29]. Residues Accordingly, the purpose of this work was carried
from orange juice extraction are potentially an out to evaluate some functional properties of fibre
excellent source of DF because this material is rich obtained from orange waste, carrot pomace, potato
in pectin and may be available in large quantities peels and green pea peels by-products, in order to use
[26]. Citrus and apple fibres have better quality them as a dietary fibres source in the enrichment of
than other dietary fibres due to the presence of cakes. The obtained cakes were evaluated
associated bioactive compounds, such as mechanically, physically and organoliptically.
flavonoids, polyphenols and carotenes [19,61]. An
2. Materials and Methods
increase in the level of dietary fibre in the daily
diet has been recommended (25–30 g/day). Materials:
Because of this, it is interesting to increase the Wheat flour: Wheat flour (soft) (72%), were obtained
consumption of all foods that can supply fibre to from the South Cairo Mills Company, Cairo, Egypt.
daily food intake. Fiber incorporation, in Baking Ingredients: skim dry milk, sugar, margarine,
frequently consumed food, could help to overcome corn oil, eggs, vanilla and baking powder were
the fibre deficit [19]. obtained from local market Kaha city, Kaliobia,
Dietary fibres are not only desirable for their Egypt.
nutritional properties, but also for their functional Orange waste (Citrus sinensis) Balady orange
and technological properties and because of those variety: were obtained from Kaha company for
they can also be used to upgrade agricultural canned food, Kaha city, Kaliobia, Egypt.
products and by products for use as food
ingredients [50,56]. The industry of fruit juice Carrot pomace (Daucus carota L.): was obtained
produces significant amounts of by-products which from Kaha company for canned food, Kaha city,
could cause problems in their disposal. Usually, Kaliobia, Egypt.
these products are used in animal feeding.
Sharoba, A.M. et. al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2013, 19(4)
Potato peels (Solanum tuberosum L.): were Green pea peels fibre (GPPF), then packaged in
obtained as a waste from Egypt Foods factory for polythene bags protected from light and moisture and
chipsy products, Industrial zone, Minufiya, Egypt. stored at refrigerator temperature until further
Green pea peels (Pisum Sativum): were obtained
from Kaha Company for canned food, Kaha city, Processing:
Kaliobia, Egypt.
Preparation of cakes: The corn oil was beaten
Preparation dietary fibre powders thoroughly, the sugar was added to butter and mixed
until got smooth like cream, and then a well blended
- Orange waste fibres: the by-products obtained
egg with vanillia were added and mixed together.
from orange peel and the remaining pulp after
The blends soft wheat flour (72%) with dietary fibre
juice extraction could be suitable sources of DF
sources (orange waste fibre (OWF), Carrot pomace
by cutting, extraction of juice, peel residue
fibre (CPF), Potato peels fibre (PPF) and Green pea
chopping, the material was washed under mild
peels fibre (GPPF) these by-products were replaced
conditions to avoid or minimize losses of some
with wheat flour at 5, 10, 15 and 20% levels, baking
soluble fibre components (such as pectins and
powder were stirred together and added alternately to
pentosans) as well as bioactive components
the egg mixture. The mixture was whipped until got
(such as flavonoids, polyphenols and carotenes)
smooth. The dough transferred to a greased pan and
[36], then dried at temperatures below 65 ºC
was baked for 25 min. at 200±5ºC then was cooled at
avoids changes in the functional properties and
room temperature [1]. Cakes were prepared
in the content of polyphenols, tannins,
according to the formula is shown in Table (I).
anthocyanidins and proteins for 12 hrs. in an
electric oven drier, and grinding to a particle Table (I): Cake formula
size of 500–600 µm, according to [32]. Weight (g) Ingredients
- Carrot pomace fibre: Carrot pomace was 150 Soft wheat flour (72% extraction)
washed twice with warm water (30 ºC); then it 6.81 Baking powder
was dried at 60 ºC for 12 hrs. in an electric 3.4 Salt
oven drier and ground to a particle size of 500– 75 Sugar
31.83 Corn oil
600 µm. to pass through 20 mesh sieve packed 39.75 Fresh whole egg
in polyethylene bags and stored in refrigerator 14.76 Skim dry milk
until use. 1.5 Vanilla
Sharoba, A.M. et. al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2013, 19(4)
measured according the methods reported by Texture characteristics: The texture of the cakes was
Femenia et al. (1997) and Robertson et al. (2000) measured objectively using food texturometer
[18,43]. (TAHDi, Stable Micro System, UK) as per the
standard AACC methods (2000) [1]. A test speed of
Swelling capacity (SWC): was measured using the
2.0 mm s-1 were used. A 35 mm diameter cylinder
bed volume technique described by Kuniak and
aluminum probe (P-35), was used to measure the
Marchessault (1972) [33]. Approximately 0.2 g of
required compression force. Force required to
the sample material was weighed into a 50 mL
compress 25% of the cake slice (2.54 cm) was
graduated glass cylinder. After making up the
recorded. All measurements were performed at
volume to 50 mL with de-ionized water and the
mixtures were then vigorously stirred, the material ambient temperature 25±2°C according to Gomez et
was left overnight at room temperature for al. (2007) [23].
equilibration. The volume of the swollen sample Mechanical properties measurements: All
was noted. Results of SWC were expressed as the mechanical properties were made using the Instron
ratio of volume (mL) of swollen sample to the Universal Testing Machine (Model 4401) equipped
weight (g) of dry initial sample. with: 5-mm diameter tip probe for penetration test
Triplicate measurements were taken for all WHC, (with 100, 500, 1000 and 5000 N load cell). All
OHC and SWC. testing was performed at room temperature (25±2°C).
Rheological characteristics: Fruits and vegetables Penetration test (PT): Each piece of tested cakes was
waste blends at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% levels were placed in a hole of the bevelled ring. The pin
prepared by replacing wheat flour. The effect of penetrated with a constant speed 10 mm.min-1 into
fruits and vegetables fibre on the mixing profile of each piece of cakes tested. Three penetration points
the dough was studied using farinograph at different parts for each piece of cakes and 5 piece
(Brabender, Duisburg, Germany) according to the for each sample were taken for each test condition,
standard AACC methods (2000) [1]. Farinograph recording the force profile at 1 cm of probe
test was carried out to determine the water penetration [18]. Force – deformation curves were
absorption, arrival time, dough development time, recorded and hardness was derived as indicators of
dough stability and degree of weakening. textural properties. Each sample was used for only
one measurement.
The elastic properties of the dough were studied
using extensograph (Brabender, Duisburg, Mechanical measurements analysis:
Germany) according to the standard AACC 1- The force corresponding to the maximum
methods (2000) [1]. Extensograph test was carried puncture is defined as the maximum force (Fmax).
out to determine resistance to extension (B.U.), The maximum puncture force (Fmax) was
extensibility (mm), proportional number and measured in Newtons (N), as mentioned by
energy (cm2). Sharoba et al. (2012) and Saleh et al. (2012)
Physical characteristics for cakes: The weight (g) [47,51].
for cake was determined individually within one 2- Maximum deformation: the distance from
hour after baking the average was recorded. beginning to distance at maximum force.
3- Hardness = Maximum force (N) / Maximum
The volume (cm3) of different types of produced deformation (mm), as mentioned by Sharoba et al.
cakes was determined by rape seeds displacement (2012) and Saleh et al. (2012) [47,51].
method according to (AACC, 2000) [1].
Sensory analysis: Sensory evaluation of cakes were
Specific volume was calculated according to the carried out in a standardized test room in morning
method of (AACC, 2000) [1], using the following sessions (11:00-13:00 h) by a 12 trained sensory
equation panel, and were carried out by a properly well trained
Specific volume = Volume (cm3)/Weight (g). panel of 12 panelists.
Sharoba, A.M. et. al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2013, 19(4)
They were selected if their individual scores in 10 Chemical composition, fibre content and
different tests showed a reproducibility of 90%. functional properties of used fruits and vegetables
The 12 member internal panel evaluated on a five by-products: Although interest in fibre as a food
point hedonic scale, scoring was based on a 100 ingredient has waned in recent years, the importance
point scale (10-100) where (90-100) = excellent, of fibre cannot be overlooked. The health benefits
(70-80) = very good, (50-60) = good, (30-40) = coupled with functional properties such as water and
fair and (10-20) = poor. Mineral water was used by fat holding capacity properties have created a
the panelists to rinse the mouth between samples, renewed interest in fiber, particularly in the
according to the method described by (AACC, nutraceutical industry. Many of the fiber supplements
2000) [1], cake samples were left to cool at room which have been researched are obtained from by-
temperature for 1 hr. after baking. Then cake was products resulting from the processing of fruits and
cut with a sharp knife and subjected to panel test. vegetables. Increased use of fiber supplementation
Cells 30 (uniformity 10, size of cells 10, and would therefore not only improve the health benefits
thickness of walls 10), grain 20, texture 30 and functional properties of many foods. Data in
(moistness 10, tenderness 10, and softness 10), Table (2) represent the proximate chemical
crumb color 10, flavor 10 and overall acceptability composition of fruits and vegetables wastes, the
100 degrees. results are in agreement with results were obtained by
Sosulski and Wu (1988); Camire and Flint (1991);
Statistical analysis: Each sample was prepared in
Ralet et al. (1993); Camire et al., (1997) and
triplicate and analysed twice. Data are presented as
Chantaro et al. (2008) [5,6,9,41,53].
the average of three analyses and data was
analysed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) Functional properties: It is well known that the
p < 0.05 was considered to be statistically functional properties of dietary fibers have the
significant, followed by multiple comparisons greatest effect on their functions in foods El-Refai et
using least significant difference, (L.S.D.0.05) [23]. al., 2006 [16]. The results of the functional properties
of fruits and vegetables wastes are given in Table (3).
3.Results and Discussion The functional properties of plant fibre depend on the
Nowadays, there is a considerable interest in IDF/SDF ratio, particle size, extraction condition,
studying the feasibility of using by-products from structure of the plant polysaccharides and vegetable
food processing plants as raw materials for source. The water holding capacity (WHC) is the
production of dietary fibre powder since these quantity of water that remains bound to the hydrated
wastes are inexpensive and highly abundant. Fruits fiber following the application of an external force
and vegetables wastes or residues are among the (pressure or centrifugation), also WHC is the ability
most promising by-products with high dietary fiber of a moist material to retain water when subjected to
content, and possess a good balance between SDF an external centrifugal gravity force or compression.
and IDF It consists of the sum of bound water, hydrodynamic
water and, mainly, physically trapped water [40,59].
Proximate chemical composition of wheat flour
It is an important property of DF from both a
(72 %): Data in Table (1) represent the proximate
physiological and technological point of view.
chemical composition of wheat flour (72 %) of
protein, fat, ash, crude fiber, total carbohydrates Dietary fibre holds water by adsorption and
contents on (dry weight basis) and moisture absorption phenomena and some water is also
contents. From these results the wheat flour was retained outside the fibre matrix (free water). WHC
suitable for used to make cake. depends on (i) fibre processing: washing increases
Table 1. Chemical composition of wheat flour (72 %).
WHC probably due to the removal of sugars, (ii)
Components %
particle size and (iii) the chemical and physical
structure: the water-holding capacity is related to the
Moisture 11.99 ± 0.292
Protein* 11.85 ± 0.401
SDF content, and high levels of SDF produce a high
Fat* 1.06 ± 0.068 WHC because soluble fibres, such as pectin and
Ash* 0.52 ± 0.018
Crude fiber* 0.54 ± 0.034
gums, possess a higher WHC than cellulosic fibres.
Available carbohydrates** 86.04 WHC of different dietary fiber sources; orange waste,
Sharoba, A.M. et. al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2013, 19(4)
carrot pomace, potato peels and green pea peels compositions, some physical properties, such as
are presented in Table 3. Relatively high values of structure, particle size, porosity, pH, temperature,
WHC were obtained compared with the values ionic strength, types of ions in solutions and density
obtained with other agricultural by-products are important to the understanding of the deferent
including apple pomace and pear pomace [27]. The behaviors of samples during hydration.
high WHC values were related to the soluble
The two hydration properties, SWC and WHC, which
dietary fiber fraction and pectic substances
are mainly determined by the food content (like
contained in the peels might account for their high
dietary fiber) have been shown to be closely related,
WHC in orange waste. High WHC was also
oil-holding capacity OHC is another important
previously reported for orange waste and carrot
property of food ingredients used in formulated food.
pomace. The water holding capacity of carrot
The (OHC) is also a technological property related to
pomace was higher than that of orange waste. The
the chemical structure of the plant polysaccharides
higher WHC for the samples under study because
and depends on surface properties, overall charge
we used suitable drying temperature to prepare
density, thickness, and hydrophobic nature of the
dietary fiber sources. The WHC was lower at a
fibre particle [8,20,21]; it is also related with the (i)
higher drying temperature; this might be due to the
IDF content, (ii) particle size and (iii) drying.,
degradation of some soluble dietary fiber
dehydration promotes a general decrease in fibre
components, leading to the loss of ability to retain
OHC compared with the fresh fibre. The fibre
water in the sample. The values of WHC are 16.39,
sources show an OHC of 1.27, 3.95, 8.63 and 6.89 g
19.72, 15.62 and13.48 for orange waste, carrot
oil/g dry fibre respectively. This is similar the OHC
pomace, potato peels and green pea peels,
of orange by-products ( 1.81 g oil/g fibre), lemon by-
respectively which are higher than those reported
products (6.60 g oil/g fibre) and tiger nut by-product
for others fibrous residues such as grape, mango,
(6.90 g oil/g fibre) [35,49]. For this reason, foods
peach and tomato (7.8-9.4 g water/g product) [16],
added with potato peels or green pea peels will not
bambangans peel (11.6 g water/g product), apple
retain high amounts of oil, both in the case that it will
pomace (8.4 g water/g product) [28,55], and other
be added as ingredient in the food product, or in the
dietary fibre products such as date paste (1.3 g
case that it will be used for frying processes.
water/g product) [48] and similar with other
dietary fibre products such as carrot peel (21.89 g This suggested that the all fiber sources in this study
water/g product [9]. The high WHC values could would be able to stabilize food emulsions with a high
indicate a lightness improve of food products percentage of fat. Basically, the mechanism of OHC
where they were added. is mainly due to the physical entrapment of oil by
capillary attraction. Moreover, the hydrophobicity of
The SWC of carrot pomace are presented in Table
proteins also plays a major role in fat absorption.
(3). The results showed that DF powder from
Therefore, among the fiber sources samples, the
carrot pomace possessed high SWC. These values
variations in OHC may be partially due to the
are of similar order with those of cauliflower fiber
deferent proportions of polar side chains of the amino
[18], coconut fiber [40] and carrot fiber [9] but
acids on the surfaces of their protein molecules.
higher than those reported for citrus residues [21].
Furthermore, the OHC of fiber sources samples are
Blanching had a significant effect on the SWC.
also related to the particle size, overall charge density
During blanching carrot, some components might
and hydrophilicnature of the individual particles.
be lost with water and the change of structural
tissues might enhance the water uptake. However, Similarly, the correlation between OHC and total
the other fiber sources blanching step don’t amount of protein and TDF was very high. This
occurred. Furthermore, a very high correlation implied that the OHC of the fiber sources samples
between the SWC and WHC was obtained at each might also depend on the total content of protein and
dietary fibre sources. In addition to chemical TDF present.
Sharoba, A.M. et. al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2013, 19(4)
Table 3. Functional properties of fruits and vegetables by-products which used as dietary fiber source
dietary fibers source
Orange waste Carrot pomace Potato peels Green pea peels
Water holding capacity (WHC)
16.39±0.47 19.72±0.38 15.62±0.67 13.48±0.14
(g water/g dry fibre source)
Swelling capacity (SWC) 20.74±0.62 23.96±0.58 16.27±0.38 14.93±0.41
Table 4. Effect of dietary fibers sources addition at different levels to wheat flour on farinograph parameters of dough.
Farinograph parameters
Dietary fiber source Dough Degree of
Water absorption Arrival time Dough stability
(%) development weakening
(%) (min) (min)
(min) (B.U.)
Control 0 61.5 1.5 2.75 6 95.25
5 67.4 1.75 3.3 6.4 80.25
Orange waste 10 68.1 2.3 4.25 6.85 75.25
15 70.9 3 5.5 7.25 69.75
20 72.45 4.1 6 7.7 54
5 63.3 1.9 3.2 6.4 83.8
10 65.15 2.3 3.9 6.9 77.5
Carrot pomace
15 68.95 2.9 4.3 7.3 69.9
20 71.95 3.8 5.1 7.95 57.8
5 63.5 1.85 3.1 6.8 83.4
10 65.95 2.25 3.75 7.45 69
Potato peels
15 67.55 2.55 4.25 8.25 57.2
20 69.85 2.9 4.6 9.1 47.95
5 62.75 1.7 3 6.75 77.1
10 63.45 2.1 3.45 7.85 60.2
Green pea peels
15 64.75 2.25 3.8 9.4 48.65
20 65.9 2.45 4.05 10.8 35.6
Sharoba, A.M. et. al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2013, 19(4)
Table 5. Effect of dietary fibers sources addition at different levels to wheat flour on extensograms parameters of dough
Replacement levels Extensograph parameters
Table 7. Effect of addition dietary fiber sources on hardness measurement (mechanical properties) of cakes
Replacement Dietary fiber sources
levels (%) Orange waste Carrot pomace Potato peels Green pea peels
0 (Control) 8.905 8.905 8.905 8.905
5 9.736 10.331 9.792 10.277
Firmness 10 11.629 12.035 10.72 13.056
15 13.681 14.168 12.297 15.641
20 16.751 16.738 14.638 17.356
0 (Control) 0.683 0.683 0.683 0.683
5 0.602 0.581 0.521 0.624
Cohesiveness 10 0.492 0.346 0.453 0.537
15 0.308 0.292 0.258 0.395
20 0.239 0.207 0.171 0.311
0 (Control) 2.894 2.894 2.894 2.894
5 3.132 3.028 2.947 3.354
Gumminess 10 3.538 3.387 3.205 3.725
15 3.892 3.897 3.439 3.962
20 3.984 3.972 3.62 4.108
0 (Control) 2.963 2.963 2.963 2.963
5 2.985 3.025 2.974 3.342
Chewiness 10 3.129 3.195 3.047 3.649
15 3.367 3.408 3.115 3.803
20 3.658 3.827 3.248 3.958
0 (Control) 0.742 0.742 0.742 0.742
5 0.692 0.655 0.673 0.718
Springiness 10 0.583 0.525 0.534 0.634
15 0.49 0.497 0.468 0.587
20 0.405 0.378 0.361 0.435
0 (Control) 0.697 0.697 0.697 0.697
5 0.612 0.607 0.53 0.581
Resillience 10 0.542 0.51 0.401 0.421
15 0.421 0.383 0.252 0.382
20 0.31 0.306 0.197 0.285
Sharoba, A.M. et. al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2013, 19(4)
Table 8. Effect of addition dietary fiber sources on sensory evaluation of produced cakes (mean±SD).
Sensory attributes
Dietary fiber
uted Unifor Thickne Moistne Tender Softn Crumb Overall
sources Siz of cells Grain Flavor
levels mity ss ss ness ess color acceptability
-10 -20 -10
-10 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 (100)
9.65 a 9.10 a 9.75 a 19.60 a 9.45 a 9.60 a 9.70 a 9.30 a 9.75 a 97.65 a
Control 0
±0.19 ±0.10 ±0.47 ±0.29 ±0.13 ±0.11 ±0.30 ±0.18 ±0.16 ±1.95
9.60 a 9.00 a 9.50 a 19.10 a 9.10 a 9.20 a 9.70 a 9.40 a 9.30 a 97.20 a
±0.28 ±0.14 ±0.14 ±0.26 ±0.15 ±0.18 ±0.20 ±0.16 ±0.18 ±1.55
9.05 a 8.90 ab 9.10 ab 18.80 ab 8.95 ab 8.95 ab 9.35 a 9.15 a 8.95 ab 96.40 ba
Orange ±0.21 ±0.20 ±0.36 ±0.28 ±0.21 ±0.18 ±0.21 ±0.25 ±0.27 ±1.88
waste 8.75 a 8.75 ab 8.85 ab 18.40 ab 8.60 ab 8.70 ab 8.90 a 8.85 a 8.80 ab 93.60 ba
±0.09 ±0.24 ±0.17 ±0.48 ±0.27 ±0.15 ±0.32 ±0.35 ±0.13 ±1.92
7.80 ab 7.85b 7.95ab 17.60 ab 7.80b 7.70b 7.70 a 7.60b 7.80b 88.90 b
±0.44 ±0.32 ±0.21 ±0.27 ±0.22 ±0.41 ±0.21 ±0.26 ±0.21 ±2.02
9.50 a 9.30 a 9.45 a 19.20 a 9.70 a 9.40 a 9.45 a 9.65 a 9.65 a 97.95 a
±0.41 ±0.71 ±0.40 ±0.20 ±0.84 ±0.32 ±0.52 ±0.42 ±0.33 ±2.42
9.05 a 9.00 a 9.10 a 18.80 a 9.15 a 9.00 a 9.05 a 9.05 a 8.75 a 93.35 a
Carrot 10
±0.37 ±0.47 ±0.38 ±0.39 ±0.72 ±0.36 ±0.79 ±0.62 ±0.31 ±2.27
pomace 8.15 a 8.20 ab 8.15 ab 18.00 ab 8.20 ab 8.10 ab 8.40 a 8.55 a 8.60 ab 90.30 ba
±0.28 ±0.41 ±0.34 ±0.40 ±0.37 ±0.32 ±0.32 ±0.91 ±0.34 ±2.35
7.10 ab 7.60 ab 7.45 ab 17.10 ab 7.55 ab 7.40b 7.50 a 7.45 ab 7.25 ab 86.35 ba
±0.38 ±0.65 ±0.57 ±0.41 ±0.32 ±0.39 ±0.67 ±0.29 ±0.47 ±2.13
9.05 a 8.65 a 9.05 a 18.10 a 9.00 a 9.10 a 8.75 a 8.40 a 9.10 a 95.15 a
±0.27 ±0.38 ±0.42 ±0.22 ±0.51 ±0.48 ±0.37 ±0.58 ±0.34 ±2.55
8.50 a 8.00 a 8.40 a 17.60 a 8.10 a 8.20 a 8.10 a 8.10 a 8.30 a 88.90 a
±0.24 ±0.38 ±0.44 ±0.21 ±0.19 ±0.12 ±0.50 ±0.10 ±0.64 ±2.02
Potato peels
7.45 ab 7.60b 7.55ab 16.40 ab 7.50b 7.40b 7.20 a 7.40b 7.20b 81.80 b
±0.45 ±0.34 ±0.29 ±0.28 ±0.31 ±0.54 ±0.37 ±0.38 ±0.67 ±2.46
6.30b 6.20 b 6.60 b 15.70b 6.40 b 6.80 b 6.40 a 6.60b 6.45b 79.50 b
±0.63 ±0.34 ±0.43 ±0.53 ±0.53 ±0.64 ±0.52 ±0.59 ±0.56 ±2.76
9.10 a 9.00 a 9.70 a 19.10 a 9.25 a 9.00 a 9.25 a 9.10 a 9.15 a 94.10 a
±0.24 ±0.48 ±0.22 ±0.28 ±0.32 ±0.41 ±0.35 ±0.58 ±0.29 ±1.99
8.25 a 8.40 ab 8.10 ab 17.40 ab 8.10 ab 8.20 ab 8.40 a 8.50 a 8.40 ab 89.45 ba
Green pea ±0.55 ±0.62 ±0.45 ±0.51 ±0.28 ±0.39 ±0.17 ±0.28 ±0.24 ±2.88
peels 7.00b 7.20 b 7.60 b 16.30b 7.30 b 7.50 b 7.50 a 7.45b 7.45b 84.75 b
±0.61 ±0.33 ±0.40 ±0.63 ±0.51 ±0.60 ±0.58 ±0.51 ±0.71 ±2.85
6.85 ab 7.00b 7.10ab 15.20 ab 6.90b 6.95b 7.00 a 6.95b 7.05b 81.90 b
±0.68 ±0.61 ±0.24 ±0.24 ±0.32 ±0.34 ±0.40 ±0.39 ±0.30 ±2.46
L.S.D at P<0.05 0.79 0.91 0.84 1.43 0.86 0.89 1.02 1.07 1.14 3.72
There is no significant different ( P > 0.05) between any two means, within the same attribute have the same lette
Table 9. Effect of addition dietary fiber sources on physical properties of produced cake
Dietary fiber sources Specific volume Volume Weight
levels (%)
3 3
(cm )/g (cm ) (g)
Control 2.385 1084.93 454.95 0
Orange waste 2.578 1174.52 455.68 5
2.745 1254.37 456.91 10
2.931 1343.85 458.49 15
3.212 1481.28 461.12 20
Carrot pomace 2.481 1127.58 454.47 5
2.728 1245.91 456.69 10
2.816 1289.07 457.82 15
2.961 1357.19 458.37 20
Potato peels 2.397 1097.57 457.88 5
2.545 1174.32 461.45 10
2.591 1203.85 464.58 15
2.741 1286.59 469.37 20
Green pea peels 2.615 1182.63 452.18 5
2.772 1257.37 453.64 10
2.933 1328.06 452.87 15
3.065 1391.24 453.93 20
Sharoba, A.M. et. al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2013, 19(4)
chemical interactions between oil, protein starch levels comparing with control sample. The results in
and fibre that affect its retrogradation, the the same table showed that, the addition fiber sources
interactions between the swollen starch granules, to produced cakes improved the hardness due to the
fibre and the protein network actively contribute to effect of fibers, the fibers’ function had high
crumb firming, the results showed increased of adsorption capacity of oil and water and therefore the
cake firmness, with the exception of control cake hardness increased with adding fibers. These results
sample. Cake contained the different levels of the agree with Sowmya et al. (2009) [54]. The hardness
dietary fiber sources led to the hardest with a of the cake ranged from 0.524 to 0.820 for control
firmness higher than that of the control cake sample and the addition of 20% green pea peels
sample. Fiber can provoke a crumb firmness sample, respectively. The above results indicated that
increase probably due to the thickening of the the addition of types of fiber sources is beneficial in
crumb cells surrounding the air spaces. Also improving the maximum force and texture.
firmness was increase may be a result of molecular
Sensory evaluation of fiber substituted cakes at 5,
entanglements between fiber and gluten proteins
10, 15 and 20% replacement levels: The sensory
evaluation of produced high fiber cake samples were
An increase in chewiness and gumminess values evaluated. Twelve trained sensory panelists evaluated
with ageing was observed in all recipes. Chewiness the products under investigation for their uniformity,
is one of the texture parameters easily correlated size of cells, thickness, grain, moistness, tenderness,
with sensory evaluation through trained panels softness, crumb color, flavor and overall
[17]. Both, gumminess and chewiness, are acceptability. The mean values were statistically
parameters dependant on firmness. Therefore, their analyzed using analysis of variance and least
values followed a similar trend than that of significant difference (LSD). In general, cake
firmness. Cohesiveness quantifies the internal samples were significantly different from control
resistance of food structure. As happened with sample for all sensory properties. The results
firmness, cake cohesiveness depended on the indicated that, the replacement of wheat flour caused
addition of fiber. A similar result was also a significant decrease in cake properties scores. The
obtained in other baked goods [17]. A subjective results in Table (8) showed that all high fiber
evaluation of springiness is normally made by substituted cake samples were significantly lower
consumers and consists of slightly pressing the than control cake sample in all sensory
piece of food, by hand or with the mouth, and characteristics. significant differences (P>0.05) in
verifying how easily it returns to the original size. uniformity, size of cells, thickness, grain, moistness,
Finally, the addition of dietary fibre sources to tenderness, softness, crumb color, flavor and overall
wheat flour to produced cake improved the texture acceptability characteristics with control cake
properties of cake due to high water holding sample. The results indicated that replacement of
capacity of fibre, these results are in agree with fiber with wheat flour substitutes caused a significant
many researchers which have shown in their decrease in cake properties. However, there were
studies that remarkable the lack of any clear significant differences between cake samples
relationship between cake water contents and its containing the same type of fiber source at 5, 10, 15
firmness. Decreased crumb firmness did not and 20% replacement levels. The highest score in the
improve crumb texture, which showed increased same type of fiber source for all attributes were that
crumbliness. achieved by cake samples with fiber source at 5%
replacement level. On the other hand, the lowest
Effect of addition types of dietary fiber source
scores in the same type of fiber source for all
on hardness measurement (mechanical
attributes were that achieved by cake samples with
properties) of cake: Data listed in Table (7) show
fiber source at 20% replacement level. For overall
the effect of addition different types of fiber
acceptability. Also for the all sensory attributes the
sources with wheat flour (72%) to produced cake
cake samples at 0% substitution level (cake control)
on compression properties (hardness
had the highest score, followed by 5% substitution
measurement). The results show that, all additions
level of all treatments for all attributes, then 10%
were increase hardness by increasing addition
Sharoba, A.M. et. al. / Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies 2013, 19(4)
substitution level for every type of fiber sources in the parameters involved in this process (mainly in the
all sensory characteristics. The cake samples at washing and drying steps) could also be taken into
20% substitution level had the lowest score. account in order to minimize losses in the soluble
Samples prepared by using orange waste and dietary fibre components and in the biological
carrot pomace had a slight higher score, but the activity of the associated compounds.
lowest score were for samples prepared by potato Compliance with Ethics Requirements:
and green pea peels. The above results are in
agreement with those obtained by Doweidar Authors declare that they respect the journal’s ethics
(2001); El-Hadidi (2006) and Saeed (2010) requirements. Authors declare that they have no conflict of
interest and all procedures involving human and/or animal
[13,15,46] who reported that statistical analysis of
subjects (if exists) respect the specific regulations and
sensory evaluation of the control cakes versus standards.
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