Selling Your Product: The Importance of Personal Selling
Selling Your Product: The Importance of Personal Selling
Selling Your Product: The Importance of Personal Selling
Persistent. T h e M e c h a n i c s o f S e l l i n g
Commonly used sales forms include:
Hard Worker
Sales Call Logs
Sales Proposals
Order Forms
The Selling Process
Sales Receipts
The main steps in the selling process are:
Sales Contracts
Call Logs
Estimating Sales Salary Only. A salary is a fixed amount of money t
hat an employee is paid on a regular basis.
Sales Force Planning Commission Only. A commission is an amount paid
Your sales force planning should answer such questi based on the volume of products or services that a
ons as: salesperson sells.
What selling methods do you plan to use? Base Salary Plus Commission. Most often, salespe
ople are paid with a combination of salary and com
Who do you need in your sales force? mission.
How much and what type of training do you need fo Sales Training
r your sales force?
Most businesses that employ a sales force provide e
How large a sales budget do you need so you can xtensive training for new salespeople.Some subjects
pay your sales force? taught in company training programs are:
What estimated amount of sales can you expect the Company Information
sales force to achieve over a specific time period?
Product or Service Knowledge
Sales Force Planning
Target Market Characteristics
*External sales are obtained by hiring another comp
any to do the selling for you. Information on the Competition
*Internal sales are obtained by you or your employe General Selling Techniques and Mechanics
es who sell your products or services exclusively.
Technology Skills
*Sales force roles include:
Sales Forecasting
Order Getting
A sales forecast is a prediction of the amount of fut
Order Taking ure sales your company expects to achieve over a c
ertain period of time.
Sales Support
There are four general steps in preparing a sales for
Expenses Related to a Sales Force ecast:
After you decide what selling methods you’d like to u
1. Analyzing current conditions
se and what kind of sales force you’ll need, the next
2. Reviewing past sales
step is to estimate the costs related to your sales p
lan. 3. Making educated predications about the fut
There are three basic expenses related to a sales fo
rce 4. Estimating your future sales for a specific t
ime period
Proportional Scaling