691 1596 1 SM PDF
691 1596 1 SM PDF
691 1596 1 SM PDF
Abstract: Reading comprehension in descriptive text is the ability students of understanding and
interpreting information in a descriptive text correctly or get meaning from written descriptive
text based on some aspects. Many techniques presented as a solution in reading comprehension
they are Case Study technique and Analytical Team technique. The problem formulation in this
research are; (1) Is there any significant difference between using Case Study and Analytical
Team toward students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text instruction for the tenth
grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah (2) Which one is more effective between using Case
Study and Analytical Team toward students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text
instruction for the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. The objectives of this research
are (1) To know whether there is significant difference between using Case Study and
Analytical Team toward students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text instruction for the
tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. (2) To find out which one is more effective
between using Case Study and Analytical Team toward students’ reading comprehension in
descriptive text instruction for the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah.
In this research, the researcher uses an experimental design. The kind of design is True
Experimental Control Group Pre-test and Post test. Experimental group is taught Case Study
and control group taught Analytical Team technique. The population in this research is 694
students. The sample in this research is class X which consists of 2 classes 44 students and each
class consist of 22 students are as experimental class and 22 as control class. The writer use
cluster stratified random sampling to takes sample. From the accounting of students score on
post test, is was gained that at the significant level of 0,01, the tratio is higher than ttable, that is
2,77 for tratio and 2,70 for ttable.
The conclusion are; (1) There is significant difference between using Case Study and
Analytical Team toward students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text instruction for the
tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. (2) Case Study is more effective than Analytical
Team toward students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text instruction for the tenth
grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. It means that Case Study effective to develop students’
reading comprehension
Key words : Case Study and Analytical Team Technique, Reading Comprehension Procedure of Case Study A learning strategy has the advantages and
disadvantages, similarly Case Study of
According to Claire (2005, 276), the collaborative learning technique. Case
procedure of Case Study consists of Study of collaborative learning technique
several steps: has several advantages. The advantages
from Case Study are: 1) Case Study is an
1) Divide the student into some groups effective approach to the mastery of basic
and distribute identical cases or facts and information. 2) Case Study has
different cases for each group also revealed very positive effects on
2) Allow time for students to ask ethnic relations and various types of
questions about the process which prosocial developments, this strategy is
they will use to clarify the issues beneficial for reviewing and integrating
presented in the case subject matter. Students with special
3) The students work in groups needs often benefit when this strategy is
(regardless of the length of time used. 3) The use of Case Study includes
ranging from one to several weeks of enduring teams and an improvement point
classroom sessions, based on the task scoring system, which provides high
complexity) to learn more in the case motivation for students across the range of
from the perspective of the ability levels.
protagonist, and that they are familiar
with issues of selection decisions Case Study of collaborative learning
4) The student sort of factual data, technique has also disadvantages, such as:
applying analytical tools, articulating 1) It is difficult to know whether students
problems, reflect on their relevant can solve the problems in intellectual or
experience, draw conclusions, and team work. 2) It takes a long time during
recommended actions to resolve the the process. 3)Each week, the teacher
dilemma or resolve issues contained in prepares a case for the students. Using
the case. Case Study requires the special skills of
5) Sometimes the students prepare oral or the teachers so that not all teachers can
written statement describing its apply collaborative learning method in the
assessment of the case, the decision class
options they see, as well as their
recommendations for decision 2.2.5 Analytical Team
6) The students discuss the cases with the Patricia (2005, 291) says that in
whole class while the teacher gives the Analytical Teams, team members assume
opportunity questioning in connection the roles and specific tasks to be executed
with their experience. If it is really the when they read the assigned reading to
case, the student would want to know them, listening to lectures, or watch the
what happened, so be prepared to video critically.
share an opinion with them after they
make a report and give them extra This technique is very useful in helping
time for a few minutes to discuss what students understand the wide array of
had happened activities created a critical analysis. This
technique will be very effective,
especially when the teacher gives the roles
Looking at the conclusion above, it means Bambang. 2007. A Hand Book of English
that Case Study technique is more Grammar. Yogyakarta: Pustaka
effective to develop students’ reading Pelajar.
comprehension in descriptive text at the
tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Barkley, E., Patricia, K.,Major. 2005.
Kotagajah academic year 2012/2013. Collaborative Learning
Techniques. San Francisco:
5.2 Suggestion Jossey-Bass.
Based on the conclusion above the
researcher gives some suggestion which Brown H. Douglas. 2000. Teaching by
can be helpful to encourage the the quality Principles An Interactive
of English instructional at the tenth grade Approach to Language Pedagogy.
SMA N 1 Kotagajah, they are: California: San Francisco State
5.2.1 By applying and analyzing those
technique, the researcher experts that
Carver, R. P. 1990. Reading rate: A
students reading comprehension can be
review of research and theory. San
raised by Case Study technique. After the
Diego, CA: Academic
researcher finishing this research. The
researcher finds out many of data about
Reading process. Accessed on
interaction between case study.
Monday, October 8th , 2012 at
02.00 p.m.
5.2.2 The researcher also experts that
uses technique in instructional English
Dallman, R. I. 1982. Teaching of Reading.
must be careful in selecting technique for
New York. CBS College
instruction especially in reading. It means
that the technique must be interest and
appropriate with the curriculum and also
Dirjen Dikti. 1984. Efektivitas Pemberian
can encourage the students’
Rangkuman dan Advance
Organizer dalam Remedial
5.2.3 The teacher should make sure that
the students would not forget the
vocabulary of the text in reading
comprehension. To anticipate this, the
teacher can give more exercise, both in
reading, written and oral forms. After that
the teacher asks to use the vocabulary in
daily activity. So, they do not feel difficult
Accessed on Thurday, March 15th,
to read because they have enough some
2012 at 03.00 p.m.
vocabulary, and then they can practice it.
Accessed on Friday, November 5th,
2012 at 04.25 p.m.