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Rosiana & Eva Falianti
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Metro, Metro Indonesia 34111

Abstract: Reading comprehension in descriptive text is the ability students of understanding and
interpreting information in a descriptive text correctly or get meaning from written descriptive
text based on some aspects. Many techniques presented as a solution in reading comprehension
they are Case Study technique and Analytical Team technique. The problem formulation in this
research are; (1) Is there any significant difference between using Case Study and Analytical
Team toward students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text instruction for the tenth
grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah (2) Which one is more effective between using Case
Study and Analytical Team toward students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text
instruction for the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. The objectives of this research
are (1) To know whether there is significant difference between using Case Study and
Analytical Team toward students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text instruction for the
tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. (2) To find out which one is more effective
between using Case Study and Analytical Team toward students’ reading comprehension in
descriptive text instruction for the tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah.
In this research, the researcher uses an experimental design. The kind of design is True
Experimental Control Group Pre-test and Post test. Experimental group is taught Case Study
and control group taught Analytical Team technique. The population in this research is 694
students. The sample in this research is class X which consists of 2 classes 44 students and each
class consist of 22 students are as experimental class and 22 as control class. The writer use
cluster stratified random sampling to takes sample. From the accounting of students score on
post test, is was gained that at the significant level of 0,01, the tratio is higher than ttable, that is
2,77 for tratio and 2,70 for ttable.
The conclusion are; (1) There is significant difference between using Case Study and
Analytical Team toward students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text instruction for the
tenth grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. (2) Case Study is more effective than Analytical
Team toward students’ reading comprehension in descriptive text instruction for the tenth
grade students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah. It means that Case Study effective to develop students’
reading comprehension

Key words : Case Study and Analytical Team Technique, Reading Comprehension

INTRODUCTION English skill. To reach the competence

A. Problem Background well in new curriculum, that is Kurikulum
Reading is one of important skills in Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP),
learning activity among the other skills. In learning from a set of rational, Theoretical
English, there are many aspects that must and practical based on decision of
be observed to mastery the English formulation standard competence, basic
language. That aspect is an interrelated, competence, and indicator in curriculum.
such as listening, speaking, reading and
writing. This competence expected afford To evaluate the pra-survey deeply, the
to prepare the student of Senior High researcher uses Dirjen Dikti regulation
School to continue for the highest (1985, 5) to support the finding, It says
education or to enter in the real work that minimum mastering the material
world especially in sector that require for sometime are made basic graduated for

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 180

the students who learn the material. But lessons in English reading comprehension
then usually up to mastery the moving in descriptive text is still low. So it is
material between 75 % and 80%. necessary for English teacher to use the
effective technique in learning reading. It
In learning, the basic competency for the will make the learning process more
tenth grade of Senior High School that interesting, so that they can make progress
should be achieved in the reading English in reading descriptive text.
subject is the students have ability to
develop and produce written simple First, Case Study (also known as a case
functional text in the descriptive text. report) is an intensive analysis of an
However, in fact, the researcher finds individual unit (e.g., a person, group, or
many students of SMA N 1 Kotagajah still event) stressing developmental factors in
do not know how to express their ideas, relation to context. The case study is
thinking and feeling in the right order. common in social sciences and life
Most of them still lack structure sciences. Case studies may be descriptive
knowledge and vocabulary. Besides that, or explanatory. The latter type is used to
there are some problems faced by the explore causation in order to find
students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah in reading underlying principles. They may be
comprehension as follows: students are prospective (in which criteria are
not active in learning process of reading established and cases fitting the criteria
subject and the techniques used by the are included as they become available) or
teacher are not interesting for the students. retrospective (in which criteria are
On the first week of June, 2012 the established for selecting cases from
researcher took the data of the students historical records for inclusion in the
reading comprehension in descriptive text study). The case study is a research
score at the tenth grade of SMA N 1 approach, situated between concrete data
Kotagajah from the teacher. taking techniques and methodology
From the data, the researcher find that
from 27 students the third grade of SMA Second, Analytical team is global learning
N 1 Kotagajah, there are 2 students who (a cognitive style) in which the learner
get score 80-100. It means that they have tries to remember something as a whole.
had good knowledge in reading For example, a learner may try to
comprehension in descriptive text. There memorize complete sentences in a foreign
are 4 students who get score about 75-79 language. When a learner remembers
and 5 students who get score about 65-74. something by separating it into parts, this
It means that they have had good enough is called an analytic style, or part learning.
knowledge of reading comprehension in For example, a learner may divide a
descriptive text. The last, there are 7 sentence into words, memorize the words,
students who get score about 55-64 and 9 and then combine them again to make
students who get score about 10-54. So, sentences. Then, global question (in
from the data just 6 students who get score language teaching) a question used in a
more then 75. It means that most of the reading comprehension exercise.
students at the tenth grade SMA N 1
Kotagajah still have lack knowledge of Considering the explanation above, the
reading comprehension in descriptive text. researcher likes to focus the research in
Based on those data, it can be concluded the comparison of students’ reading
that the quality of English language comprehension in descriptive text

181 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

instruction between using Case Study and reading comprehension in descriptive
Analytical Team at the tenth grade of text instruction for the tenth grade
SMA N 1 Kotagajah academic year students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah?
2012/2013. 2. Which one is more effective between
using Case Study and Analytical Team
B. Problem Identification toward students’ reading
According to problem background above, comprehension in descriptive text
the researcher identify the problem as instruction for the tenth grade students
follow: of SMAN 1 Kotagajah?
1) Most of the students at the tenth grade
of SMA N 1 Kotagajah still lack E. Research Objective
pronunciation and vocabulary. According to the problem formulation
2) The reading comprehension in above the researcher sets two problem
descriptive text of the students at the formulations above in objectives bellow:
tenth grade of SMA N 1 Kotagajah is 1. To know whether there is significant
still low. difference between using Case Study
3) The technique which used by the and Analytical Team toward students’
teacher is not interesting for the reading comprehension in descriptive
students. text instruction for the tenth grade
students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah.
C. Problem Limitation 2. To find out which one is more
Based on the problem background above, effective between using Case Study
especially in finding problems, description and Analytical Team toward students’
of method and technique, planning of reading comprehension in descriptive
using method and techniques and text instruction for the tenth grade
conclusion of the problem background, students of SMAN 1 Kotagajah.
the researcher need to limit the problem
namely is The Comparison of Students’ F. Research Scope
Reading Comprehension in Descriptive From the problem limitation and problem
Text Instruction between Using Case formulation above, the researcher shows
Study and Analytical Team at the Tenth that the research scope as follow:
Grade of SMA N 1 Kotagajah Academic 1) The character of this research is
Year 2012/2013. This limitation is used as quantitative research.
a guidance to guide the researcher 2) The subject of the research is the
operates among the variables. students at tenth grade.
3) The object of the research are reading
D. Problem Formulation comprehension in descriptive text,
According to the problem background of Case Study and Analytical Team.
this research, especially in finding 4) The place of the research will be
problems, description of method and conducted at SMA N 1 Kotagajah.
technique, planning of using method and 5) The time of the research will be done in
techniques and conclusion of the problem the second semester in academic year
background, the researcher devides the 2012/2013.
problem formulation be 2 formulation.
They are as follow: G. Research Benefit
1. Is there any significant difference The benefits of this research are:
between using Case Study and 1. For the school
Analytical Team toward students’

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 182

The result of this research can be as a real The last research from Sri Handayani
data and gives a real contribution to entitled The Influence of Case Study
develop English achievement in the future Technique and Students’ Intelligence in
school program. Teaching Writing (An Experimental
2. For the English Teachers Research on Descriptive Writing for the
To give information for the English Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1
teachers that selecting the technique will Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta in the
has positive effect on students’ reading Academic Year of 2011/2012).
comprehension and give the information
for the English teachers the effective B. Theoretical Review
technique should use in English teaching 2.2.1 The Instruction of Reading
especially in reading. Comprehension
3. For the Students
From this research, the students can have Instruction reading is the process by
learning experience, minimize their which individuals are taught to derive
problems in reading comprehension and meaning from text. In instruction reading,
learn reading easier, enjoyable, and the students are taught to use critical
interesting by minimize the difficulties. thinking strategies and to use context to
4. For the Researcher “guess” words that they do not know the
The researcher is interested in applying meaning of. (Pakharee, 2007, 56)
collaborative learning technique in the
research, especially using Case Study and Hedge (2003, 19) states that any reading
Analytical Team the researcher will get component of English language course
more knowledge about collaborative may include a set of learning goals, i.e.:
learning in the real class. 1. Developing the ability to read a wide
5. For the Other Researchers range of texts in English. This is the
This research is hoped can give long range goal most teachers seek to
information about application of develop through independent readers
collaborative learning technique. outside EFL/ESL classroom.
2. Building knowledge of language
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK which will facilitate reading ability.
A. Previous Research Overview 3. Building schematic knowledge.
The first, the research from Atika 4. Developing the ability to adapt the
Fitrianingrum entitled Improving reading style according to the reading
Students’ Reading Comprehension Using purpose.
Case Study (An Action Research at the 5. Developing an awareness of the
Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 1 structure of written texts in English.
Gondang in the Academic Year 6. Taking a critical stance to the contents
2010/2011). of the text.
The second, the research from Rengganis
Siwi Amumpuni entitled The The aim of reading instruction is to
Effectiveness of Analytical Team to Teach develop students’ skill that they can read
Reading Viewed from Students’ Interest English text effectively and efficiently. In
(An Experimental Research at the Second reading instruction, the teacher should
Grade Student’s of English Teaching provide technique to the students along
Department of IKIP PGRI Madiun in the with the purpose for reading. The purpose
Academic Year of 2011/2012). for reading also determines the
appropriate approach to reading

183 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

comprehension. Therefore, reading
technique should be matched to reading Based on Brown (2000, 306), most second
purpose for achieving an effective language learners who are already literate
reading. in a previous language, reading
comprehension is primarily a matter of
2.2.2 Reading Comprehension developing appropriate, efficient
comprehension strategies. Some strategies
Reading is clearly a process which is are related to bottom-up procedures, and
complete only when comprehension is others enhance the top-down processes.
attained. Dechant believes that reading be Following are ten such strategies, each of
completed when a reader attains full which can be practically applied to your
comprehension. The critical element is classroom techniques.
that the reader reconstructs the message
encoded in the written language. Micro and macro skill in
Comprehension depends as much or even Reading
more on the information stored in their 1. Discriminate among the distinctive
reader’s brain than on the information graphemes and orthographic patterns
stored in the text. (Dechant, 1991, 49) of English.
2. Retain chunks of language of different
Nauman (2000, 48) says that reading lengths in short-term memory.
comprehension, or the construction of 3. Process writing at an efficient rate of
meaning while reading, is the goal of speed to suit the purpose.
reading and is not a solitary and simple 4. Recognize a core of words, and
process. It is a complex and dynamic interpret word order patterns and their
process in which the reader decodes the significance.
writer’s words and draws on his own 5. Recognize grammatical word classes
background knowledge to construct (nouns, verbs, etc.), systems (e.g.,
understanding of the text that is similar to tense, agreement, pluralization),
the writer’s intent. Comprehension relies patterns, rules, and elliptical forms.
on the reader’s experiences, knowledge 6. Recognize that a particular meaning
about language, knowledge of the text may be expressed in different
structures and genres, meta cognitions, grammatical forms.
basic reasoning abilities and active 7. Recognize cohesive devices in written
engagement. discourse and their role in signaling
the relationship between and among
From the explanation above, the clauses.
researcher conclude that reading 8. Recognize the rhetorical forms of
comprehension is the ability of students to written discourse and their
understand and interpret information in a significance for interpretation.
descriptive text correctly or get meaning 9. Recognize the communicative
from written descriptive text, a major goal functions of written texts, according to
of reading instructions is to help students form and purpose.
develop the knowledge, skills, and 10. Infer context that is not explicit by
experiences that they must have to be using background knowledge.
competent and enthusiastic readers. 11. Infer links and connections between
events, ideas, etc., deduce causes and Strategies for Reading effects, and detect such relations as
Comprehension main idea, supporting idea, new

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 184

information, given information, also value or quality and usage or
generalization, and exemplification. function. Descriptive text has the purpose
12. Distinguish between literal and is to describe and reveal a particular
implied meanings. person, place, or thing and give detail
13. Detect culturally specific references portrays the image of certain thing from
and interpret them in a context of the which a writer wants to transfer it to the
appropriate cultural schemata. readers.
14. Develop and use a battery of reading
strategies such as scanning and Social Function of Descriptive
skimming detecting discourse Text
markers, guessing the meaning of
words from context, and activating Descriptive text function is to describe
schemata for the interpretation of and reveal a particular person, place, or
texts. thing and give detail portrays the image of
certain thing from which a writer wants to Types of Reading transfer it to the readers. (Anderson, 1998,
Reading activities can be differentiated 30)
into several kinds. This can be viewed in Based on explanation above, the social
terms of review. There are two types of function of descriptive text is to describe
review related to the kinds of reading, about everything and give detail portrays
among others (1) according to technical the image of certain thing from which a
terms, and (2) according to the structure writer wants to transfer it to the readers
terms (Suyatmi, 1997, 39). Generic Structure of Descriptive Reading Skill Text
Reading skill is defined as the level of Descriptive text has generic structure as
understanding of a text/message. This below: a) Identification; identifying the
understanding comes from the interaction phenomenon to be described. b)
between the words that are written and Description; describing the phenomenon
how they trigger knowledge outside the in parts, qualities, or/and characteristics.
text/message. (Brown, 2000, 302) Language Features of
2.2.3 Descriptive Text Descriptive Text
Anderson (1998, 26) says that descriptive
text is a text which describes particular Descriptive text has language features as
person, place or thing. Its purpose is to tell below: a) Using attributive and identifying
about the subject by describing its features process. b) Using adjective and classifiers
without including personal opinions. A in nominal group. c) Using simple present
description differs from an information tense.
report because it describes a specific
subject rather than a general group. 2.2.4 Case Study
Elizabert (2005, 275) says that case study
Based on the explanation above, is a group of student view a written study
descriptive text is text which describes of a real-life situation in which there are
about everything, for example person, problems associated with the field. "These
animal and place. Descriptive text show cases" usually contains a brief explanation
the description of the object, not only of how the situation wake up and
contain parts or physical characteristic but

185 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

addressing the dilemma face by the key The Advantages and
characters in the scenario. Disadvantages of Case Study Procedure of Case Study A learning strategy has the advantages and
disadvantages, similarly Case Study of
According to Claire (2005, 276), the collaborative learning technique. Case
procedure of Case Study consists of Study of collaborative learning technique
several steps: has several advantages. The advantages
from Case Study are: 1) Case Study is an
1) Divide the student into some groups effective approach to the mastery of basic
and distribute identical cases or facts and information. 2) Case Study has
different cases for each group also revealed very positive effects on
2) Allow time for students to ask ethnic relations and various types of
questions about the process which prosocial developments, this strategy is
they will use to clarify the issues beneficial for reviewing and integrating
presented in the case subject matter. Students with special
3) The students work in groups needs often benefit when this strategy is
(regardless of the length of time used. 3) The use of Case Study includes
ranging from one to several weeks of enduring teams and an improvement point
classroom sessions, based on the task scoring system, which provides high
complexity) to learn more in the case motivation for students across the range of
from the perspective of the ability levels.
protagonist, and that they are familiar
with issues of selection decisions Case Study of collaborative learning
4) The student sort of factual data, technique has also disadvantages, such as:
applying analytical tools, articulating 1) It is difficult to know whether students
problems, reflect on their relevant can solve the problems in intellectual or
experience, draw conclusions, and team work. 2) It takes a long time during
recommended actions to resolve the the process. 3)Each week, the teacher
dilemma or resolve issues contained in prepares a case for the students. Using
the case. Case Study requires the special skills of
5) Sometimes the students prepare oral or the teachers so that not all teachers can
written statement describing its apply collaborative learning method in the
assessment of the case, the decision class
options they see, as well as their
recommendations for decision 2.2.5 Analytical Team
6) The students discuss the cases with the Patricia (2005, 291) says that in
whole class while the teacher gives the Analytical Teams, team members assume
opportunity questioning in connection the roles and specific tasks to be executed
with their experience. If it is really the when they read the assigned reading to
case, the student would want to know them, listening to lectures, or watch the
what happened, so be prepared to video critically.
share an opinion with them after they
make a report and give them extra This technique is very useful in helping
time for a few minutes to discuss what students understand the wide array of
had happened activities created a critical analysis. This
technique will be very effective,
especially when the teacher gives the roles

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 186

norms contained in the relevant discipline. need the information that each student can
By dividing the process into several parts provide.
and divides these sections on each
individual, the students can be focus on The disadvantages of Analytical Team
learning and implementing one aspect at a are: 1) The students realize to pay careful
time so they can prepare themselves for attention during the class presentation
the completion of tasks more complex because by doing so, it will help them to
problems where they have to assume a do the test well. So, using Analytical
variety of roles. Team needs specific nature such as the
nature of love to work together.2)The Procedure of Analytical Team teacher gets hardly the class’s attention. 3)
According to Claire (2005, 292), the The noise level becomes too high. 4)
procedure of Analytical Team consists of Some of the students do not want to
several steps: 1) Divide the students into working in group
some groups consists of four or five
people, give to each individual in the 2.3 The Difference of Case Study and
group a role and "job done". 2) Give the Analytical Team through Students’
materials, publish video, or give the task Reading Comprehension in
to read the passage. 3) Give the time to the Descriptive Text
group so that its members can share their
findings and work together to prepare for Christensen (2004, 36) says that the case
the delivery of their analysis in the form study is a research approach, situated
of a written or oral presentation. 4) Try to between concrete data taking techniques
cover a strategy that emphasizes the role and methodology paradigms.
and task components. Stand up and
sharing can be a suitable option for a short Frederic Le Play (2005, 14) says that
amount of activity. While the panel or Analytical Team has been used as a
poster session will be suited for tasks that teaching method and as part of
are more complex. professional development, especially in
business and legal education.. The Advantages and
Disadvantages of Analytical Based on the theories and explanation
Team above, it is clearly that Case Study and
Analytical Team have significant
Analytical Team has some the advantages, difference toward Students’ reading
they are: 1) Analytical Team variations comprehension in descriptive text. The
relied on highly structuring the interaction differences of using Case Study and
among students, both in their teams and in Analytical Team are in the role. Case
their expert groups, to create Study will be easier received by students
interdependence and intrinsically it can make them easier to develop their
interesting learning tasks. 2) Analytical reading comprehension.
Team has a number of positive outcomes.
Because each student has a unique 2.4 Thinking Framework and Design of
contribution to make, the methods boost Comparison Theoretical
status and self-esteem-each student is an
expert in turn. 3) Teammates encourage 2.4.1 Thinking Framework
each other to do their best because they Reading is one of good way to get much
information and to improve our translation

187 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

ability, it is useless because read Analytical Team. Each of classes receives
something and do not know the meaning. pre-test, treatment and post-test in order to
find the progress of students’ reading
This research is a solution to the comprehension. There are two kinds of
problems of students’ reading tests here used by researcher, they are pre-
comprehension at the tenth grades test and post-test. The Pre-Test will be
especially in SMA N 1 Kotagajah.The distributed by the researcher before
variables in this research is supported by explaining the materials. Here,the
grand theories and explanation are in researcher wants to know how far the
formal books used in formal education students’ reading cmprehension before
such as university levels or formal school. treatment. Then, the Post-Test will be
So, this research would be a very credible distributed after explaining the materials.
in the result. This research is an The treatment will be conducted for four
experiment design and compares Case weeks.
Study and Analytical Team toward
students’ reading comprehension. In the The description as follow: 1) The
result, the researcher would like to dependent variable is students’ reading
approve that there is significant difference comprehension in descriptive text (Y). 2)
between using Case Study and Analytical The first independent variable of the
Team and Case Study is more effective research is Case Study of Collaborative
than Analytical Team toward students’ learning technique (X1). 3)The second
reading comprehension for the tenth grades independent variable of the research is
students of SMA N 1 Kotagajah. Analytical Team of Collaborative learning
technique (X2).
2.5 Hypothesis
Based on theories and frame of thinking, In concluding, there are three variables in
the researcher formulated the hypothesis this research, they are Y (students’
as follow: 1) There is significant reading cmprehension), X1 (Case Study),
difference between using Case Study and and X2 (Analytical Team).
Analytical Team in instruction toward
students’ reading comprehension in The population for this research is
descriptive text at the tenth grade students students of the Senior High School of
of SMA N 1 Kotagajah academic year State 1 Kotagajah, Central Lampung,
2012/2013. 2) Case Study is more academic year 2012/2013. There were 25
effective than Analytical Team toward classes consists of ten classes for tenth
students’ reading comprehension in grade, eight classes for eleven grade and
descriptive text instruction at the tenth seven classes for twelve grade. The total
grade students of SMA N 1 Kotagajah number of population is 694 students. In
academic year 2012/2013. this research, the researcher will take of
two classes in the tenth grade of SMA N 1
Kotagajah academic year 2012/2013 as
RESEARCH METHOD the sample. They are experiment class and
The research is quantitative research with control class.
using experimental design. It uses two
classes in the prosses of taking the data. In this research there are two instruments
They are experimental class and control to complete data, the first one is Pre-Test
class. The experimental class gets and the second is Post-test. the researcher
treatments through Case Study and the finds that the class X IPA 4 and X IPA 5
control class gets treatment through

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 188

as sample. X IPA 4 class is as an 4. Correlating Between the odd score and
experimental class and X IPA 5 class as even score by using the product
the control class. Experimental class moment.
receives treatment that reading
comprehension in descriptive text through The formula is :
Case Study and control class through rxy=  XY
Analytical Team. Next, above is the table ( x )( y
2 2
of stratification characteristic students.
The researcher takes some students by Notes:
using cluster random sampling (lottery) rxy= The coefficient correlation between
with a process of rationalization data from X variable and Y variable
the classes, each of them has been taken X= The score of odd score
22 students. So they are 44 students as Y = The score of even score
sample of this research 22 from class X = The quadrate score of the odd score
IPA 4 as experimental class and 22 = The quadrate score of the even
students from class X IPA 5 as control score
class. ∑XY = The total X * Y
(Arikunto, 2011, 70)
In this research, the researcher uses
To find reliability of the test, the
objective reading test for the Pre-test and
researcher will use the spearman brown
Post-test. Those tests are in the form of
(Split Half).
multiple choices.
For quantitative data analysis, issues of The formula as follow:
validity and reliability are important. 2rb
Here, researcher endeavours to show that rI 
1  rb
the choosen methods succeed in
measuring what purports to measure and Notes:
to make sure that the measurements are rb: correlation product moment between
stable and consistent and that there are no first half and second half.
errors or bias present, either from the ri : reliability internal for all items.
sample or from the researcher. The (Sugiyono, 2012, 185)
validity of the content reflects the extent
to which the items in the tests reflect The Criteria:
material presented in the curriculum. In According Sugiyono (2012, 257):
this research the researcher used Test-
Retest Reliability the test is administered Interval coefficient Correlation
twice at two different points in time. This 0,80 – 1,00 Very high
kind of reliability is used to assess the 0,60 – 0,79 High
consistency of a test across time. And for 0,40 – 0,59 Medium
more reliable, the researcher will do some 0,20 – 0,39 Low
step: 0,00 – 0,19 Very Low
1. Give the students’ exam to the rater.
2. Average equitable assessment result In deciding the good items, the researcher
from the Rater 1 and Rater 2. would also measure the level difficulty
3. Dividing the scores into odd score and and discrimination power. To find the
even score. difficulty level, the researcher uses the
following formula:

189 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

R Normality test using the formula Chi-
LD = N
quadrate (Sudjana, 2005, 273) as follow:
a. The hypothesis formula:
Ho: sample comes from the population
LD : Level of Difficulty
that has normal distribution.
R : Number of students who answer
H1: sample not comes from the population
that has not normal distribution
N : Total Number of student
b. The test statistic formula used is
The criteria are: count 
 Oi  Ei 

0,00 – 0,30 : difficult i 1 Ei

0,31 – 0,70 : average Notes:
0,71 – 1,00 : easy X2 = Chi-quadrate
Meanwhile, to find out the discriminating Oi = frequency observes
power, it would measure by using the Ei = frequency expectation
following formula: k = Interval class
DP = The criterion, if X 2 hitung  X 2 tabel with dk
N = k – 3, so, the data is normal
DP: Discrimination Power 3.6.2 Homogeneity test
U: The number of upper class students Homogeneity is a measurement which can
who answer correctly be used to determine data variation. After
L: The number of lower class students getting result of the variance and average
who answer correctly rate of class (Experiment class and
N: Total Number of students Control class) the writer used t-test. The
homogeneity of the sample was calculated
The criteria are: by formula as follows:
0,71-1.00: Excellent a. The hypothesis formula:
0,41-0,70: Good H0:σ12 = σ22 both sample have the
0,21-0,40: Satisfactory equality of variants
0,00-0,20: Poor H1:σ12 ≠ σ22 both sample have
different of variants

3.5 Data Collecting Technique b. The test statistic formula used is

In collecting data, the researcher used biggest variants
F = smallest variants
some steps as follows: 1) Preparing the
descriptive test to pre test. 2) Doing the c. The test criterion
validity and the reliability. 3) Choosing a Accepted H0 if Fratio ≥ F 2 α (V1-V2), with
sample. 4) Giving the reading descriptive
test as post test to the students to collect V1= n1-1 and V2 = n2-1
the data. 5)Then analyzing the data (Sudjana, 1996, 249)

3.6 Data Analysis Technique 3.6.3 Hypothesis Test

3.6.1 Normality Test
The aim of normality test is to know This test was used to know whether the
whether the distributions of the data hypothesis proposed by the writer were
follow the normal distribution or not. accepted. The formula used in this test is
t-test. The formula is:

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 190

X1 - X2 out test conducted on April 13rd, 2013.
t - test = S
1 1 The try out was conducted to get the
validity and reliability test. If the test has
been valid and reliable, the test could be
Notes: used as pre-test and post-test for the
X1= Mean score of experimental group sample. So, the total number instrument of
X2 = Mean score of control group pre test and post test is 30 items.
S = Variant
n1 = Number of students in experimental After getting the try out result, the
group researcher gave pre test in the experiment
n2 = Number of students in control group class and control class to know the
students’ reading comprehension both in
Before using the t-test formula the writer experiment class or control class (class X
would determine the average rate (X) and IPA 4 and X IPA 5). The pre-test
variant (S2) conducted on April 22 n 23, 2013. After
Notes: the researcher conducting pre test, the
Xi= the total score achieved by the researcher gave treatment to the
students experiment class by using Case Study and
Ni= the number data control class by using Analytical Team.
1. The variant (S2) is calculated by After the researcher conducting the
formula: treatment, the researcher gave post test to
(Ni - 1)S21 + (N2 - 1)S22
2 the experiment class and control class.
S = (N1 + N2) - 2 After the data was collected, the
Notes: researcher analyzed them by using t-test to
N1= Number of students in experimental know the effect of using Case Study and
class Analytical Team toward students’ reading
N2= Number of students in control class comprehension in descriptive text.
S1 = Variant of experimental class
2 The result of calculation on the value of
S2 = Variant of control class the pre test and post test score in each
S2= Variant class (experiment and control) showed
that the distribution is normal. The highest
The criteria for this test are: score pre test in experiment class is 66 and
Ho: Ho is accepted if t-ratio < t-table (The the lowest score is 42 while in control
hypothesis proposed are homogeneous) class the highest score is 64 and the lowest
Ha: Ha is accepted if t-ratio > t-table (The score is 40. The result post test in
hypothesis proposed are not experiment class, the highest score is 97
homogeneous). and the lowest score is 58 while in control
class the highest 89 and the lowest score is
50. In addition of the calculation, the
RESULT AND DISCUSSION hypothesis can be accepted because fcal is
The research was conducted at SMA N 1 2,77 and ftable 2,02 on the criterion 1 and
Kotagajah. In this research, three classes also ftable was 2,70 and fcal 2,77 on the
were choosen randomly by using lottery. criterion 2. It is shown that the hypothesis
Class X IPA 4 consists of 27 students was of Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. It
as a experiment class, class X IPA 5 means that there is any difference of using
which consists of 26 students was as Case Study and Analytical Team toward
control class, and class X IPA 6 consists reading comprehension in descriptive text
of 29 students was as try-out test. The try-

191 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

and it also concludes that there is any After the researcher finished the research
interaction of reading comprehension in and analyzed the data that got from the
descriptive text and learning technique. research, and then made the conclusion.
Calculation results provide evidence that Based on the result data of the analysis
the post test students in experiment class and computation of the data, the
are better than control class. This can be researcher made some conclusions that
seen when the post test score of students reading comprehension in descriptive text
compared with pre test score. The result use Case Study is better than Analytical
showed that there was significant Team technique in learning process. It can
difference between pre test and post test be seen from the analysis result of the
score (post test> pre test). research which was done at SMAN 1
Kotagajah academic year 2012/2013, and
In this research, to know the result of the researcher got finding as follow:
students’ reading comprehension of the
subject by using tests. The researcher 5.1.1 There is any significant difference
gives pre test, treatment and post test. of reading comprehension by using
From the result of pre test, the average collaborative learning technique type Case
score of experiment class gets 54,55and Study and Analytical Team at students of
the average score of control class gets 51. senior high school state 1 Kotagajah
After giving the treatment, the result of Academic Year 2012/2013. The
post test in experiment class gets 78,22 differences of both the techniques are
and the result of post test in control class Case Study can make students enjoy and
gets 71,68. From the previous calculation, fun in learning process. It is proven by the
the hypothesis can be accepted because thit calculation. The hypothesis can be
is 2,77 and ttable is 2,02 on the criterion 1 accepted because tratio > ttable . It shows
and also ttable is 2,70 on criterion 2. It that at the significant level of 0,05 the
show that the hypothesis of Ha is accepted value of t-ratio is higher than the value of
and Ho is rejected. Its mean that there is t-table. It means that Ho is rejected and
significant difference between using case Ha is accepted. From the result of pre test,
study and analytical team technique it knows that the highest score on
toward student reading comprehension in experiment class is 66 and the lowest is
descriptive text for the tenth grades 42. The average score in this class is
student of SMA N 1 Kotagajah. 54,55. In control class, the highest score is
From the discussion above it also 64 and the lowest score is 40. The average
concludes that the students’ reading score in control class is 51. After the
comprehension that is taught by case researcher conducts the treatment, the
study has higher score than students that average score of post test in experiment
are taught by student analytical team. class is 78,22 and the average score of
Case Study is more effective than post test in control class is 71,68. The
Analytical Team from this illustration the average score of students on experiment
teachers and students should use Case class is higher than in control class
study in the learning process especially in because the instruction of reading
develop reading comprehension in senior comprehension through Case Study is
high school. appropriate with the students’
development of reading comprehension.
SUGGESTIONS 5.1.2 The experiment class has the
5.1 Conclusion highest score in this research. Experiment

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 192

class is taught by using Case Study
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