Event Planning Kit: Schools
Event Planning Kit: Schools
Event Planning Kit: Schools
What is in this pack?
What is in this pack? ............................................................................................................2
What is International Day of People with Disability? ............................................................3
Help us to spread the word ..................................................................................................3
Event ideas ..........................................................................................................................4
Event tips .............................................................................................................................5
Event planning checklist ......................................................................................................6
On the day ...........................................................................................................................7
Banners ...............................................................................................................................8
Instagram frames .................................................................................................................9
Social media images ..........................................................................................................10
Event invitation ..................................................................................................................11
Social media ......................................................................................................................12
Shell media release ...........................................................................................................13
Tips for engaging with media .............................................................................................14
Newsletter article ...............................................................................................................15
Official invitation letter ........................................................................................................16
Key messages ...................................................................................................................17
Useful links ........................................................................................................................17
More information ................................................................................................................18
Name it
Think of a catchy name that captures the spirit of your event.
Location, location
Make sure your chosen venue has wheelchair access, accessible toilets, lifts, parking
spaces for people with disability and a hearing loop, if required. Do you need a
microphone or staging? Do you have a wet weather contingency plan if it will be held
Official invitations
Consider inviting a member of parliament to open your event and get involved in the
celebrations. Identify local community leaders and personalities—such as sporting stars or
local musicians to invite to your event. Try to find a business sponsor willing to lend a
hand and support your event. Ask invited guests to indicate any assistance they may need
(e.g. carer or interpreter, or dietary needs).
Will your event include entertainment? Think about ways to appeal to your audience e.g.
speakers, performers, musicians and/or interactive activities.
Make it official
Register your event at www.idpwd.com.au to help you spread the word about your
celebration. All events will be published on the website. You can also find out what else is
happening in and around your local area by checking out the events calendar.
How will you tell people about your event? Will you use social media and posters? What
kind of signage will you use at the event?
Make it official
Have you registered your event on the IDPwD website?
Invite guests
Have you sent out your event invitations?
Have you invited officials, community leaders, local stars or speakers?
Connecting with us
Have you connected with us on IDPwD Facebook and IDPwD Twitter?
Have you subscribed to our mailing list on the IDPwD website?
Setting up
Secure all electrical equipment, making sure areas are easily accessible without trip hazards.
Include chairs with and without arms, to allow for physical limitations.
Reserve appropriate seating for guests including hearing and vision impaired, interpreters and
carers, wheelchairs and guide dogs.
At the location
Make sure your signage is large enough and written in Plain English so it’s easy to understand.
Ensure that all your guests are settled and as comfortable as possible.
Make sure you have identified a safe place where attendees with wheelchairs can arrive.
Have people to meet and greet attendees and invited guests.
Make sure everyone knows where the amenities are and make sure helpers are available to
assist where needed.
Communication materials
Use an accessible font for name tags (as large as possible and a good contrasting colour).
Use contrasting colours if you are using a PowerPoint presentation (i.e. light coloured text on
dark background or dark font on a white background).
If you are using interpreters, provide them with documents at least one week before the event.
Hand out written copies of presentations on the day.
Consider making information available in alternate forms such as Easy English, large print,
Audiotape or Braille.
POST EXAMPLE We’re holding an event to celebrate 2018 International Day of
People with Disability! Join us for a day of fun and conversation
[link to Facebook event] #idpwd
POST EXAMPLE International Day of People with Disability is nearly here – only [x]
sleeps to go until 3 December. [Community/Organisation] can’t
wait to celebrate and recognise the wonderful contributions people
with disability make to this country. Find out more at [registered
event web link]. #idpwd
POST EXAMPLE Today marks International Day of People with Disability. Join us
for [details of the event]. The time is now to break down barriers
and help build awareness and understanding of people with
disability. Find out more at [registered event web link]. #idpwd
POST EXAMPLE Thank you to everyone who joined us on [details of the event] to
celebrate International Day of People with Disability. With your
support we are helping to make positive changes to the lives of 4.3
million Australians. [Insert event photographs]
TWEET EXAMPLE #1 We’d love you to join us for [event name] at [location] on 3
December to celebrate #idpwd. Find out more www.idpwd.com.au
TWEET EXAMPLE #2 Join us on [event date] for [event name] as we celebrate #idpwd.
Check out [registered event web link].
TWEET EXAMPLE #3 #idpwd is on 3 December. Visit [registered event web link] to find
out how you can help us celebrate.
TWEET EXAMPLE #4 Thank you to everyone who joined us on #idpwd to celebrate the
achievements of people with disability.
Things to remember:
o Quote it – Include a quote from the spokesperson or head of your organisation.
o Keep it concise – Keep the release to one page and use clear language.
o Make it stand out – Highlight why your event is newsworthy.
If you don’t host an event, but want to help promote the day, you could also think of a local
disability champion or a human interest story to share with local media.
o Find local media outlets. Start with a Google search. You should be able to find
contact details for journalists on the outlet’s website or Twitter pages.
o Where is your event? Local media are most likely to be interested in events held
where their publication is distributed.
o What type of event is it? Journalists often have particular subject matters that they
cover, for example sports, education, health, disability interest.
Print and online journalists particularly like images. You could offer photos of previous events
or you could explain why this year’s event would make a great photo opportunity.
When you call the news desk, introduce yourself and outline the key points that make your
event newsworthy.
Step 4 — Follow up
Keep in touch with media and confirm their attendance the day before your event.
Following the event, don’t forget to check media outlets publications for any coverage you
have received.
<Recipient Name>
<Company Name>
<Street Address>
<SUBURB> <STATE> <Postcode>
Useful links
Australian Network on Disability https://www.and.org.au/pages/event-checklist.html
Meetings & Events Australia
People with Disability Australia www.pwd.org.au
First Peoples Disability Network Australia http://fpdn.org.au/
National Ethnic Disability Alliance www.neda.org.au
Women with Disabilities Australia http://wwda.org.au/
Children and Young People with Disability Australia www.cyda.org.au
National Rural Health Alliance http://ruralhealth.org.au/
Carers Australia www.carersaustralia.com.au
National Disability Services www.nds.org.au
National Disability Insurance Agency www.ndis.gov.au
TTY Users: Please phone 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 672 682
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/idpwd
Twitter: www.twitter.com/idpwd