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Winter Internship 2018: Personal Details

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Name: Dudharejiya Krutika
Course: BA LLB (hons)
College: Faculty of law, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baorda
Contact No: +91 8855874400
Email ID: [email protected]
Address: B-215, Siddharth Bungalows, Vadodara- 390002

NGO: People’s Union for Civil Liberties, Jaipur
Periods of Internship: 1st December 2018 to 31st December 2018 (30 days)
Contact No: +91 9351562965
Email ID: [email protected]
Address: 48, Van Vihar, Tonk Phatak, Jaipur- 302018
Monitored by: Kavita Shrivastava

1st December 2018

The day started with registering ourselves at the PUCL office and introducing our self to
everyone present in the office. After completing the formalities to mark the beginning of our
internship, we went to an event named ‘World Aids Day’ organized by Positive Women
Network of Rajasthan and WISH Foundation which was coordinated with us by Ms Sushila.
After the event ended we went back to the office for the PUCL weekly meeting. At 8 PM we
attended the Jan Manch event at Albert Hall where a debate was held between representatives of
various political parties along with PUCL Jaipur president Ms Kavita.

2nd December 2018

On this day we had a discussion with Mr Satish who enlightened us about the plight of Dalits and
Muslims in India. To acquaint us with the atrocities faced by them, he also gave us many real life
examples. Mr Idrish, who is a Muslim shared his experiences with us where he was subjected to
bias of the people on the basis of religion and caste. Later we made phone calls to various NGOs,
political parties and various social activists to invite them for the Jan Manch event organized in

3rd December 2018

We started our day with Jan Manch held at Vinobha Gyan Mandir. Before starting with the main
event Mr. Kamal gave us a brief of the 12 day long journey of the Rajasthan election watch.
Then a dance followed by a puppet show was performed by artist showing the reality of the
political parties during the elections. Then the representatives of major political parties came and
the show started. They answered many questions of people regarding unemployment,
development of people, their election manifestos etc. After the end of the program Ms. Shubha,
Ms. Shubhangi and Mr Nisar divided us into various groups for further election watch's to be
held from 5-7 December 2018. In the evening I went with Mr. Bhanwar Kumawat and Mr
Hemant for street medicine distribution programme.

4th December 2018

We went to the session’s court, interacted with different litigants, senior lawyers and got to know
a lot about the working of the session’s court. Then we saw the proceedings of the lower
judiciary and also saw the cross examination of a bomb blast alleged people and then we visited
video conferencing room, the library, DLSA, mediation centre and met the chairperson. At last
we went to Vinoba Gyan Mandir where Mr. Prem Kishan was awaiting us, he took our feedback
and told us what he feels about the current status of the judiciary.

5th December 2018

This day was dedicated for a High Court visit. We reached there at 10:40 am and first we visited
was mediation center and legal aid office of the High Court and there we met some person who
explained us all the functioning of the legal aid and as well as the procedure of mediation. After
all this, we went to the museum where we saw a lot of archives and documents which were really
interesting to see. After this, we received our passes for entering the court proceedings, all the
people were divided into a group of two. The scene in the High Court was much better than a
district Court and a Sessions Court. We then went to the E-library and then to the Juvenile
Justice Board.

6th December 2018

We went to the Family court and saw the proceedings in the family court; we also interacted
with the litigants. Then we went to MSSK (Mahila Salah Suraksha Kendra) where we met an
appointed inspector who briefed us about the working of the organisation. We also met a
District Judge who was appointed to the organisation.

7th December 2018

We went to Jhunjhunu to observe the functioning of election polling and to check if any
malpractices were there. With my group I monitored 35 different booths to check the facilities
available for disabled people and on finding any problem or anything suspicious I complained
regarding the same on cVigil app.

8th December 2018

This day was the first day of the three day event, Yuva Samta Shivir organized by Samajwadi
Jan Parishad. This event was an interactive session entirely focused on the youth of India. After
we registered ourselves for the event, the first session by Mr Arfatun started. He talked about
Baleshwar Dayal, meaning of the word ‘Yuva’ and destruction of forests by MNCs. Second
session was conducted by Ms Swati. She enlightened us on the need for free and quality
education. She also talked about Kothari Commission and ended her lecture by dividing us in
groups who had to discuss five questions given by her. This was followed by a speech of Ms
Rajni Bakshi, who discussed about non-violence and evolution of mankind. Later Mr Ajendra
talked to us on topics like entrepreneurship, socialism, capitalism and asked our opinions on
these. At the end we were divided into five groups and each group had to present one idea of
social entrepreneurship in front of the judges.

9th December 2018

The second day of Yuva Samta Shivir began with a song written by Mr Ashok Bhargav in 1974.
Mr Aflatun talked about the life of Mr Kishan Pattnaik and his contribution to Hindi, English and
Oriya literature. Later he talked about unemployment and Karl Marx’s theory. The second talk
was conducted by Mr Mahmood, where he divided us in groups and each group was given a
problem and was supposed to come up with a solution. Third session was taken by Mr Dilip
Khan, who talked about homogeneous identity, mob-lynching and consumption of beef. The last
session was conducted by Mr Iqbal. He talked about importance of student politics and the power
of youth. At the end of the session everyone was asked to share their opinions on the same.

10th December 2018

The last day of Yuva Samta Shivir at Vinobha Gyan Mandir began with a song written by
Ramgopal Dixit. The first session was conducted by Mr Omprakash, wherein he talked about his
politically active student life and meaning of Yuva, Rajneeti and Samata. He enlightened us how
dharma is misunderstood with religion. Lastly he talked about socialist and capitalist system. The
second speaker was Ms Nidhi, who gave us exercises and talked about gender discrimination.
Speaker of the third session was Mr Upendra, he talked about scientific approaches to solve the
problems of society. The last session was conducted by Mr Chintan Bakshi who spoke about the
importance of technology in the world.

11th December 2018

On this day all the interns gathered at the office and prepared a report of the three day event,
Yuva Samta Shivir organized by Samajwadi Jan Parishad, Rajasthan at Vinobha Gyan Mandir.
Later we were divided in groups to prepare for the street medicine program scheduled for the
next day at a basti in Vidyanagar.

12th December 2018

The mobilizing team went to Vidyanagar to acknowledge people of basti about the medicine
program. Although the program started at 3:30 pm, before that, we had a lecture by Mr. Ashok.
He talked about scheme of shelter for urban homeless (SUH), 2013. He also enlightened us about
various court orders related to the welfare of homeless people. The program started in the basti
with an activity wherein the kids were given colors and drawing sheets. This painting activity
was followed by dancing and singing. At the end a street play was conducted witnessed by adults
and children of basti. The play focused on domestic violence, child marriage, child labor and

13th December 2018

The day began with an interactive session with Ms. Abha Menon and Ms. Dagmar Deberlies.
Ms. Dagmar hailing from Germany and working as a criminologist, talked about the education
system in Germany especially law education. She enlightened us about ascription and
prescription psychology and talked about status quo. After this we left for the basti in C-Scheme,
where we organized fun activities, medicine distribution, street play and dance for the people
living in the basti.

14th December 2018

On this day a session by Mr. Karan Khetani, was held in the PUCL office. The session revolved
around the topic of communalism and identity politics in India. He explained us the two kind of
lenses, one sees human as an identity of a particular religion and other lens, being a rational one
looks for justification. He talked about CBFC and the issues related to the movies Kedarnath and
Padmavat. The second session was taken by Ms. Anita and her team from Sakha Foundation.
They talked about their organization, aim and how they work. They also talked about their
WOW initiative. After this we went to two bastis located in Mansarovar to carry forward the
human rights week initiative.
15th December 2018
The day began at Mahila Thana, Gandhinagar. There we had a session with Ms. Renuka
Pamecha, she told us that Mahila Thana is the first women prison of Rajasthan. She then
discussed about the Indian Constitution in detail. She also talked about universal declaration of
human rights and CEDAW. After, a group of interns proceeded towards Sadar Thana. We
studied the recent complaints of violence against women.

16th December 2018

The day began at the Rajasthan chambers of commerce where we attended a lecture on the
situation of human rights and our Judiciary. The session began with Mr Saadat Ali’s speech.
Then the chief guest of the event Mr. M.N. Bhandari spoke on importance of duties of citizens.
After this Mr. Jain talked about upholding of human rights and then Mr. Gupta spoke on the
types of rights. In the evening we went on a march starting from Shahid Samarak to Statue Circle
for the purpose of remembrance of Nirbhaya. We shouted slogans and performed a nukkad natak
to create awareness among people about women rights.

17th December 2018

We went to the office at 1 pm and there we divided ourselves in two groups for the purpose of
police station visit. My group got the chance of visiting Jyoti Nagar police station, near Vidhan
Sabha. Firstly, we interacted with the I/O of the station. He made us aware about the functioning
of the police station and the hierarchy. He also told us about the procedure of arrest and at the
same time, applicable provisions of Cr.PC and CPC and the powers of the police during the time
of arrest. He also told us about the Jurisdiction of the police station and then we were guided
through all the sections of the police station where we saw maalkhana, the lockup, ammunition
department, study room, the records room and we also got to know about roznamcha. The
schedule for the day was restricted to visiting police station only.

18th December 2018

I gathered at Rajasthan state Bharat Scouts and Guides State Headquarters. I reached there at
around 8:20 to make arrangements for the meeting. The basic purpose of this event was to
deliberate on the issue of homeless people and find ways for the upliftment of these people.
There was a presentation by Ms. Komal where she told us about the journey of the fight for the
homeless people. At 4:30, there was another meeting for Karwaan-e-Mohabbat, a 15 month old
program that is organized in response to rising hate crimes and mob lynching wherein all the
guests shared their views with us. Every guest supported the need for another Karwaan-e-
mohabbat and the event ended with finalization of the schedule for Karwaan-e-mohabbat to take

19th December 2018

This day was consumed in taking a survey, went to Sanganer area for taking a survey of all the
shelters provided by the Nagar Nigam. First, we went to the stadium road, sanganer nagar nigam
(old). Where we found the situation was very bad. Since there were no women taking shelters
there, the officials there started converting women’s room into electricity room and there is no
proper toilets for women inspite of a structure being present. The building boasts of a CCTV
surveillance system but actually there are no CCTVs and there is no regular cleaning. No proper
mattresses with pillows. The second location was near the sanganer airport gate no. 1, the good
thing about this shelter was that the surroundings were clean and the caretakers were responsive.
But the shelter lacked basic facilities like toilets, less matresses than the capacity of the shelter.
Less registration by the people because of the shelter being new.one thing good was that this
shelter had an arrangement for keeping the body warm at night by using some wood. The next
location was,near Bambala police, sanganer. This shelter was the worst as there was no one to
attend us and even it lacked the basic facilities. No electricity, no water facilities, nothing. After
surveying the shelters, we went to the office, where we discussed everything we observed at the
shelter and we were told to submit a report on the same.

20th December 2018

It was time to submit the report which we were working on the previous day on the shelter
homes we examined. At 11:30 we submitted our report and then we went home. At 7:30 pm we
met at the shelter homes we visited the previous day. We went there for a night examination and
meet the homeless people out there because these come only at night, otherwise they are busy at
their work throughout the day. We talked to them and what they feel about the shelters provided
by the Nagar Nigam.

21st December 2018

We were given the task to complete our reports on the survey conducted of the shelter homes on
the night of December 20th,’18. The report was divided into three parts. In the first part we had
to include the profile of the residents that is their profession, caste religion, sex. Also the reason
for their homelessness. In the second part of the report we had to mention the problems
articulated. Those ranged from entry barriers, lack of awareness, design of the shelter, lack of
basic facilities, behavior of the guards, grievances redressal, regular monitoring by the
government. The third and the final part of the report included the suggestion put forth by the
residents, guards or the managers present there. We were helped by Mr. Ashok in drafting our
reports. After submitting our report and completing the general feedback in the questionnaire we
called it a day.
22nd December 2018
This day was given a holiday to us by Ms. Kavita Shrivastva.

23rd December 2018

We first reached at PUCL office at 11am to plan Christmas celebration for kids at Aashraya Care
Home, Nevta managed by Positive women network. We first divided our teams for specific tasks
and then managed other things. After this we reached Aashraya Home at 1pm and where first we
decorated the activity hall with balloons and Christmas tree. Then one of our fellow intern
dressed up in Santa Costume entered in the hall and danced with kids and distributed candies
among them and after this we organized a small drawing competition among the students and
asked them to draw whatever they wanted to. After the drawing competition we gave gifts to
children then there was a small session with Ms. Sushila where we were told us about the about
functioning of this home which takes care of the children who don't have their parents and out of
which most are HIV positive. After this Ms. Sushila gave us a complete tour of this home and
also showed us all the classrooms, dormitories of the home.
24th December 2018
We met Mr. Suresh Deman Sir who is a professor and PhD in economics and has a great interest
in discrimination laws he also fought many cases to abolish discrimination in England. He talked
about concept of capitalism in the country and he stated many facts related to above topic. He
explained his point of view by giving examples of names of movies then he talked about
environment, its care and precautions which should be taken to save it. Post lunch, there was a
session by Kamal sir he talked about Right to Information Act, 2005.Firstly he asked that how an
act comes to its existence. why is having information of a Govt. body is important then he
explained what is the role of this act, for whom it is made and what is the use of this he also told
that this is the first act which is made for the benefit of the people by the people, further he told
us how does it works and the importance of this act. He also talked few sentences about history.
Then it was an interactive session in which in which he asked something like "what do you think
is the information" and meaning of sample of information needed from a particular dept. He
ended the session by asking for our feedbacks and any queries regarding the session.
25th December 2018
It was a holiday for the celebration of Christmas.

26th December 2018

We left for Ahimsa Park from the PUCL office to practice for a play coordinated by Mr. Avi.
The play focused on the wrongs which are suffered by women every day. It depicted the story of
two girls from Uttarakhand and Agra who were burnt alive for saying no for marriage to a man.

27th December 2018

The PUCL team had organised a meeting to counter the threat of witch hunting at the Institute of
Development Studies .The speakers included people who have conducted studies on this problem
on a ground level. We discussed the strategies that could be employed to deal with problem. The
studies made the revelations about the numbers of cases reported in Rajasthan with Bhilwara
observing maximum. The speakers made us look into the problem at glance by telling us about
the impact of such labeling. These discussions gave us a reality check showing how the legal
system works .The meeting concluded with an idea of creating a website to create a sense of
awareness and eliminate the problem at a ground level. After the meeting we rehearsed for the
play directed by Mr. Avi.

28th December 2018

We gathered at the PUCL office and started preparing for the play which was going to be held
today. I started rehearsing my scenes and dialogues meanwhile my fellow interns made posters
and slogans to create awareness among the people. At 4:00 pm we reached Albert Hall and
began our play which was watched by a lot of people. In this event we were also joined by Azad
Foundation for the welfare of women.

29th December 2018

The day started with all the interns attending Mrs. Aruna Roy's book launch on RTI. The meet
was graced by the presence of other activists who were largely responsible for the success of the
movement. The book deals with the struggle and the hard work of the activists involved to get
the RTI Act passed. Ms. Aruna Roy shared with us her experience throughout the movement and
how fun fillingly they installed dharnas. The movement started in Beawar and eventually became
a success in the form of RTI Act 2005. Ma'am made us aware about our responsibility regarding
RTI .Then we were required to assemble at Jaipur Junction to perform the nukkad natak based on
the Agra and Uttrakhand incidents. The play proved to be a success when people missed their
trains to audience the play. Thus the day ended on a happy note that we were able to make
people realize about their duties and responsibilities to recognize and the freedom of females .

30th December 2018

On this day we had a session on Sexual Harassment at Workplace by Ms. Kavita Shrivastava.
She told us about the struggles of Bhanwari Devi. The way she stood against the wrong and
raised her voice against it, and the way different organizations have supported her is really
commendable. There were many opposing forces but the organizations stood by her side and the
result of their struggle is the Vishaka Judgment. At 3:30 we gathered in the Central Park to enact
our play based on "Consent". In order to grab the attention of the crowd our creative team
members invited them through raising posters and slogans. This grew attention of the crowd and
gradually they ended up getting aware of the *subject matter*.After performing, all of us
marched towards the Statue Circle shouting the Aazadi anthem.

31st December 2018

We all gathered at PUCL office to attend a lecture by Mr. Suresh. He introduced us with
Marxism and leftist ideology. He also talked about mixed economy and orthodox model of
economy. He enlightened us on the labor riots that take place around the world. Later in the
evening we went to Jal Mahal to perform our play which showed the the kinds of atrocities
performed on women by men to create awareness among people about their rights.

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