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United States Patent 19) 11 Patent Number: 4,684,750

Kessen et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 4, 1987

54) PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF 4,374.278 2/1983 Bryant et al. ....................... 568/882
2-ETHYL-HEXANOL 4,426,54 l/1984 King .................................... 568/883
4,426,542 l/1984 Barker et al. ....................... 568/883
75 Inventors: Gunther Kessen, Oberhausen; Boy
Cornils, Hofheim; Wilhelm Gick, FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
Duisburg; Ernst Wiebus; Joseph 0052999 1/1982 European Pat. Off. ............ 568/882
Hibbel, both of Oberhausen; 406823 4/1974 U.S.S.R. .............................. 568/882
Hanswilhelm Bach, Duisburg; 478830 10/1975 U.S.S.R. .............................. 568/882
Wolfgang Zgorzelski, 692824 10/1979 U.S.S.R. .............................. 568/881
Oberhausen-Buschhausen, all of Fed. Primary Examiner-J. E. Evans
Rep. of Germany
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Jordan B. Bierman
73) Assignee: Ruhrchemie Aktiengesellschaft, Fed.
Rep. of Germany (57) ABSTRACT
(21) Appl. No.: 900,389 A process for the production of 2-ethyl-hexanol com
prising reacting propene with carbon monoxide and
22 Filed: Aug. 26, 1986 hydrogen, in the presence of an aqueous catalyst con
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data taining rhodium and at least one sulfonated triarylphos
Aug. 29, 1985 DE Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 353O839 phine, to form an aqueous phase and an organic phase,
said organic phase comprising a mixture of materials
51 Int, C. ..................... C07C 29/16; CO7C 31/125 having boiling points lower than that of n-butanal and
52 U.S. Cl. ..................................... 568/883; 568/882 substances having boiling points equal to or higher than
58 Field of Search ........................ 568/883, 882, 881 that of n-butanal, said materials including i-butanal,
56) References Cited separating said material from said substances, subjecting
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS said substances to aldol condensation, in the presence of
aqueous alkali, to form 2-ethylhexenal, first hydroge
3,118,954 /1964 Robbins et al. ... ... 568/883 nating said 2-ethyl-hexenal in a gas phase in the pres
3,127,451 3/1964 Berkeley et al. . ... 568/882 ence of a first hydrogenation catalyst and thereafter
3.248,428 4/1966 Porter et al. ..... ... 568/882 hydrogenating said 2-ethyl-hexenal in a liquid phase to
3.272,873 9/1966 Porter et al. .. ... 568/881
3,288,866 11/1966 Cooper ...... ... 568/881 form 2-ethyl-hexanol in the presence of a second hydro
3,491, 158 1/1970 Reich ........ ... 568/881 genation catalyst.
3,763,247 10/1973 Lemke et al. .... ... 568/882
4,138,588 2/1979 Tummes et al. .................... 568/881 10 Claims, No Drawings
Since the ethyl-hexenal is insoluble in water, it is
PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF easily separated from the acqueous alkali. The latter is
2-ETHYL-HEXANOL recycled into the aldol condensation. The raw 2-ethyl
hexenal is then hydrogenated to the desired 2-ethyl-hex
The present invention is directed to a process for the anol and subsequently purified by distillation.
production of 2-ethyl-hexanol; more particularly, to a Such process as are known in the prior art allow for
process which results in improved efficiency, both in only slight improvements in the yields of commercially
conversion and selectivity. valuable products. Nonetheless, in view of the large
This compound is usually prepared by the hydrofor demand for pure 2-ethyl-hexanol, many attempts have
mylation of propene yielding a reaction mixture which O been made to increase the yield. The product is of such
contains n-butanal, as well as i-butanal and other reac commercial importance that even a small increase in
tion products. The pure n-butanal is separated from the yield will result in substantial savings.
reaction mixture by distillation and is subsequently sub It should be noted that there are serious disadvan
jected to aldolisation to form the corresponding buty tages to the prior art two-step distillation used to re
raldol. This product is heated, water splits off, and 2 cover pure n-butanal from the crude hydroformylation
ethyl-hexenal is formed. This compound is then hydro product. In the first place, extremely complicated distil
genated in the presence of appropriate catalysts to form lation apparatus is required. Furthermore, n-butanal is
the desired 2-ethyl-hexanol which is then purified in a quite reactive and, when heated, tends to condense to
multi-step distillation process. form unwanted higher boiling materials. The more the
A primary use of this product is in the production of 20 hydroformylation product is subjected to thermal load
dioctylphthalate, which is a preferred and commonly ing during destillative work-up, the higher the n-butanal
used plasticizer for polyvinylchloride. Such plasticizers losses are.
are required to be extremely pure and colorless in order It is, therefore, among the objects of the present in
to function properly in the polymerization process. vention to provide a process for the production of 2
Therefore, the starting material, which is the object of 25 ethyl-hexanol which will simplify the separation of
the present invention, must also meet these strict stan n-butanol from its reaction mixture. It is also among the
dards. Thus, prior belief that the n-butanal which is used objects of the present invention to provide the forego
as the starting material for the adolisation must be in ing simplification and to increase the yield of the desired
extremely pure form. 2-ethyl-hexanol. At the same time, it is a further object
When the olefin (propene) is hydroformylated, i 30 of the present invention to insure the required purity
butanal is an undesired impurity which is formed along and color of the end product.
with the n-butanal. It has been recognized by the prior To that end, the present invention is a process for the
art that the composition of the mixture resulting from production of 2-ethyl-hexanol comprising reacting pro
hydroformylation can be altered by a judicious selec pene with carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the pres
tion of reaction conditions. Thus, pressure, temperature, 35 ence of an aqueous catalyst containing rhodium and at
residence period, as well as the nature and composition least one sulfonated triaryl phosphine. In this reaction
of the catalyst, all will have an effect on the reaction an organic phase is formed in addition to the aqueous
products. However, even by adjusting parameters of phase already present.
this kind, it is not possible to prevent the formation of The organic phase comprises a mixture of materials
unwanted i-butanal. 40 having boiling points lower than that of n-butanal and
The presence of this impurity in the mixture inter substances having boiling points equal to or higher than
feres with the production of the desired end product that of n-butanal. The i-butanal impurity is found in the
(2-ethyl-hexanol) because it impairs the quality thereof, materials, while the desired n-butanal is in the sub
even if it is only present in small amounts. As a result, it Stances.
has been believed that it is necessary to remove the 45 The materials are separated from the substances, as
i-butanal (as well as the other by-products) from the by distillation, and the substances are then subjected to
hydroformylation reaction mixture so that substantially aldol condensation in the presence of aqueous alkali,
pure n-butanal is used as the starting material for the thus forming 2-ethylhexenal. It is unnecessary, in the
aldolisation. present process, to insolate pure n-butanal from the
A typical process of this type is described in Ameri 50 reaction mixture.
can Chemical Society Symp. Ser. 1981 (Monohydric The 2-ethylhexenal is first hydrogenated in the gas
Alcohols), 159, Pages 71-85. In this process, the hy phase in the presence of a first-preferably fixed
droformylation of propene takes place at low pressure bed-hydrogenation catalyst and, thereafter, further
in the presence of a rhodium catalyst which contains hydrogenated in the liquid phase in the presence of a
excess triphenylphosphine to form a reaction mixture. 55 second hydrogenation catalyst to form the desired 2
This mixture is separated into three fractions using ethyl-hexanol. The final product is then purified by
two distillation columns. In the first column, the i-buta distillation in the usual manner.
nal and lower boiling materials are distilled off. The The preparation of n-butanal in accordance with the
residue is then conveyed to the second column wherein hydroformylation step of the foregoing process is de
the pure n-butanal comes off the top, while the higher 60 scribed in, for example, DE 2627354 C3. Temperatures
boiling materials are drawn off the bottom. The n-buta of between 50 and 120' C. are used. DE 32 34701 Al
nal is then subjected to the aldol condensation in the teaches the use of a temperature range of 90 to 150° C.
presence of aqueous sodium hydroxide at temperatures for the conversion of olefins of this type.
of 110' to 120° C., with a residence period of approxi It has been found that the hydroformylation of pro
mately 60 seconds. During the reaction, water is split 65 pene takes place advantageously at temperatures of 50
off and 2-ethyl-hexenal is formed, along with small to 140 C., in particular, from 70 to 130 C., and most
amounts of n-butanal, trimeric n-butanal, and 2-ethyl preferably from 90 to 125°. Pressures may range from
hexenal. 0.1 to 30 MPa, particularly from 0.5 to 10 MPa, and
4,684,750 4.
most preferably from 1 to 6 MPa. The mole ratio of previously indicated, the pressure will vary depending
rhodium to sulfonated triaryl phosphines is from 1:3 to upon the temperature.
1:300, particularly from 1:5 to 1:250, and most desirably As carriers for the catalyst, such materials as pumice,
from 1:10 to 1:200. The volume ratio of the organic aluminum oxide, kieselguhr, alum earth, and SiO2 have
phase to the aqueous phase is 1:1 to 1:00, particularly been found satisfactory. Such materials as alkaline
1:4 to 1:40, and most preferably from 1:7 to 1:25. The earths, aluminum, zinc and/or chromium have been
preferred catalyst is sulfonated triphenylphosphine. found suitable as activators. The space velocity (the
All of the materials having a lower boiling point than ratio of liquid product volume to bulk catalyst volume
n-butanal (including i-butanal) are distilled out of the per hour) is desirably 0.2 to 0.6, more preferably 0.3 to
hydroformylation reaction mixture; as a result, the mix O 0.5, and most preferably 0.35 to 0.45 per hour. Under
ture is substantially free of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, the foregoing conditions, it has been found that the
propane and propene. Preferably, a distillation column conversion and selectivity are each more than 99%.
having 100 to 120 theoretical plates is used, and the The second hydrogenation is carried out in the liquid
foregoing impurities are removed from the top of the phase in the presence of a nickel-containing catalyst.
column. 5 The temperatures are approximately 100 to 180° C.,
The residue is a mixture consisting almost entirely of particularly 120' to 140°C., and most preferably 125° to
n-butanal, but still contains 1 to 3% by weight (based on 135° C. The pressure may be 1 to 10 MPa, more particu
n-butanal) of n-butanol, i-butanol, aldols derived from larly 1.5 to 5 MPa, and most preferably 2.0 to 3.0 MPa.
both of the foregoing, as well as high boilers in addition 20 The catalyst advantageously contains 40% to 70% by
to n-butanal. It is this product which is subjected to the weight, particularly 45% to 65% by weight, and most
aldol reaction without the need for any additional puri preferably 55% to 62% by weight of nickel, based upon
the total catalyst. As in the previously-described cata
fication. Thus, all of the high boilers (as well as the lyst, suitable carriers are pumice, aluminum oxide, kie
small amount of i-butanal) remain in the reaction mix selguhr, alum earth, and SiO2. The same activators, e.g.
ture for the aldol condensation step. 25 alkaline earth, aluminum, zinc, and/or chromium may
The condensation takes place in the presence of di be used. The space velocity is 0.5 to 1.5, preferably 0.8
lute, aqueous alkali hydroxide solutions. The first step to 1.3, and most preferably 0.8 to 1.1 per hour. It has
produces the butyraldol, with water being split off. The been found that both conversion and selectivity are
reaction may take place at 80 to 170° C., particularly virtually quantitative.
90° to 160, and most preferably at 130” to 150° C. The 30 After the hydrogenated product has been distilled,
pressure will normally depend upon the temperature the pure 2-ethyl-hexanol has excellent color and color
employed, but will usually be in the range of 0.1 to 0.7 fastness, as well as high purity. It is totally suitable and
MPa. The reaction time is from 0.2 to 5 minutes, prefer acceptable for the production of plasticizers such as
ably 0.5 to 4 minutes, and most preferably 1 to 3 min dioctylphthalate.
utes. The aqueous alkali hydroxide solution advanta 35 To illustrate the present invention more particularly,
geously has a concentration of 0.5 to 5% by weight, reference is made to the following example:
particularly 0.8 to 4% by weight, and most preferably 1
It has been found desirable that the n-butanal contain Propene and an aqueous solution containing rhodium
ing substances and the aqueous alkali solution be thor 40 and sulfonated triphenylphosphine are added together
soughly and intensively mixed with one another. A satis in the ratio of 1 part propene by volume to 8.75 parts by
factory way to insure this is, for example, by the use of volume of the aqueous solution per hour. The catalyst
an agitator equipped vessel or a mixing pump having a contains approximately 400 mg Rh/1, 300 g triphenyl
downstream mixing section. phosphine trisulfonate. After hydroformylation, the
Since the 2-ethyl-hexenal is substantially insoluble in 45 organic phase, which contains the desired product, is
water, it is easily separated from the aqueous phase after separated from the aqueous catalyst phase and removed
cooling. The latter can be recycled to the condensation from the system. The aqueous phase is recycled to the
reaction, along with fresh aqueous alkali and n-butanal. hydroformylation reaction.
As one-stage hydrogenation of the raw 2-ethyl-hexe Temperature: 115 to 125° C.
nal does not produce the end product in sufficient pu 50 Pressure: 50 bar, CO/H2= 1:1
rity as to be commercially valuable whether in the liq Residence period: approximately 30 minutes.
uid or the gas phase, hydrogenation of the raw 2-ethyl The raw product contains:
hexenal is conducted in two subsequent stages. i-C4-aldehyde: 5.0% by weight
More specifically, hydrogenation, in accordance with n-C4-aldehyde: 94.0% by weight
the present invention, is carried outfirst in the gas phase 55 Higher boilers: 1.0% by weight.
and then in the liquid phase. The hexenal resulting from DISTILLATION OF RAW
the aldol condensation is heated, passed over a suitable HYDROFORMYLATION MIXTURE
catalyst (preferably fixed bed) to effect the first hydro
genation step. Although it is not a necessary part of the Separation is carried out in a column having 100
process, solvents such as hydrocarbons, alcohols, or the 60 theoretical plates under the following conditions:
like may be used. Pressure: 50 to 80 kPa
Copper-containing catalysts have been found to be Temperature:
operable, particularly those which contain 40 to 75% head: 60 to 70° C.
copper by weight. Preferably, the catalyst should have bottom:90 to 100 C.
50% to 70% by weight, most preferably 55% to 65% by 65 The distillation products have the following composi
weight, based on the total catalyst mass. Temperatures tions:
should be approximately 110 to 180 C., more desirably (A) Overhead:
130” to 170° C., and most preferably 140 to 165° C. As i-C4-aldehyde: 99.9% by weight
n-C4-aldehyde: 0.1% by weight procedure is otherwise followed, the yield is only
(B) Bottoms (residue) 96.77% of theoretical.
i-butanal: 0.2% by weight Although only a limited number of embodiments of
n-butanal: 98.8% by weight the present invention have been expressly described, it
is, nonetheless, to be broadly construed, and not to be
limited except by the character of the claims appended
in-butanol hereto.
i-butanol What we claim is:
aldols i.0% by weight 1. A process for the production of 2-ethyl-hexanol
higher boilers 10 comprising reacting propene with carbon monoxide
and hydrogen, in the presence of an aqueous catalyst
Aldol Condensation of (B) containing rhodium and at least one sulfonated triaryl
1,000 parts (B) phosphine, to form an aqueous phase and an organic
10 parts aqueous NaOH (20% by weight). phase,
The residue mixture and sodium hydroxide are fed 15 said organic phase comprising a mixture of materials
into a mixing pump, mixed there, and then conveyed to having boiling points lower than that of n-butanal
a downstream mixing section. The temperature main and substances having boiling points equal to or
tained is 130 to 150° C. for a residence period of ap higher than that of n-butanal, said materials includ
proximately 3 minutes. The product is cooled after it ing i-butanal,
leaves the mixing section, and phase separation is car
20 separating said material from said substances, subject
ried out at about 60° C. The aqueous phase contains ing said substances to aldol condensation, in the
presence of aqueous alkali, to form 2-ethylhexenal,
about 1% to 2% by weight NaOH, and is returned to first hydrogenating said 2-ethyl-hexenal in a gas
the aldol reaction. The organic phase, which contains phase in the presence of a first hydrogenation cata
more than 93% by weight of 2-ethyl-hexenal is then 25 lyst and thereafter hydrogenating said 2-ethyl
hydrogenated. hexenal in a liquid phase to form 2-ethyl-hexanol in
HYDROGENATION OF 2-ETHYL-HEXENAL the presence of a second hydrogenation catalyst.
2. The process of claim 1 wherein said separating is
The hydrogenation of the unsaturated aldehyde is by distillation and said substances are in the residue.
carried out in two successive stages. In the first stage, 30 3. The process of claim 1 wherein said first catalyst is
the aldehyde is converted to a gas by heating, and is a fixed bed catalyst.
then hydrogenated in the presence of a fixed bed cop 4. The process of claim 1 wherein said reaction of
per-containing hydrogenation catalyst. The catalyst propene with carbon monoxide and hydrogen takes
used was Cu 60/35, a product of Hoechst AG, having place at temperatures of 50” to 140° C., pressure of 0.1
35 MPa to 30 MPa, a molar ratio of said rhodium to said
SiO2 as a carrier. The catalyst contains approximately
60% by weight copper and about 10% by weight SiO2. sulfonated triarylphosphine of from 1:3 to 1:300, and a
The reaction was carried out under the following condi volume ratio of said organic phase to said aqueous phase
tions: of from 1:1 to 1:100.
Temperature: 140 to 160° C. 5. The process of claim 2 further comprising carrying
Space velocity: 0.4 (liquid product volume/catalyst
40 out said distillation in a column having 100 to 120 theo
volume per hour) retical plates and withdrawing said substance from the
bottom of said column.
Pressure: depends on temperature. 6. The process of claim 1 wherein said aqueous alkali
The second hydrogenation step is carried out in the is taken from the class consisting of 0.5% to 5% by
liquid phase. The catalyst used is Ni 55/5, which is a 45 weight solutions of LiOH, NaOH, and KOH, said aldol
product of Hoechst AG and has about 55% to 60% by condensation is carried out at a temperature of 80 to
weight Ni, based on the total catalyst. About 30% by 170° C. with a residence period of 0.2 to 5.0 minutes for
weight SiO2 is the carrier. This hydrogenation is carried said substances.
out under the following conditions: 7. The process of claim 1 wherein said first catalyst
Temperature: 120° to 140 C. 50 contains copper and said first hydrogenation is carried
Pressure: 2 to 2.5 MPa. out at 110° C. to 180° C. under pressures of 0.05 to 0.5
Space velocity: 0.8 to 1.1. MPa.
Thereafter, the usual final distillations are carried out. 8. The process of claim 7 wherein said first catalyst
Three columns are used; in the first column, the com contains 40% to 75% by weight copper, based on the
pounds having lower boiling points than 2-ethyl-hex 55 total weight of said first catalyst.
anol are separated and, in the second column, pure 9. The process of claim 1 wherein said second hydro
2-ethyl-hexanol is recovered in the overhead. The third genation is carried out at 100° C. to 180° C. under pres
column serves to separate the reusable after-run. sure of 1 to 10 MPa, said second catalyst containing
The yield was 97.74% of theoretical, based on the 60 10. The process of claim 9 wherein said second cata
n-butanal used. However, it was noted that, if the n lyst contains 40 to 70% by weight nickel, based on the
butanal is separated from the high boilers before being total weight of said aksecond kcatalyst.
subjected to the adol condensation, and the present sk k


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